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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220824

monks his independence day with defiance and a pledge to fight l. ah, i'm ne parker. this is al, jazeera ly, from london, also coming up. speaking at the un, ukraine's president accuses moscow of nucular blackmail and its occupation of the zap, morisha power plant. inching closer to reviving the iran nuclear deal to ron considers a response from the u. s. as israel warms western nations to block it calls to south africa government to slow rising prices. thousands march in pretoria ah, it's 6 months since russia invaded ukraine, which marks the milestone on its independence day. towns and cities have been flattened. thousands of people have been killed and millions floss forced to flee. president volota me as a lensky has told the united nations the world depends on ukrainian sovereignty. to raise a po, reports from key if where residents are remembering the human cost of the war and ordering the lives lost. but am i speaking with father and son walking to pay tribute to those killed in the war? both of them were injured in the fight against russia. master tenant, entangle, says he is getting ready to go back to the front. once he has recovered, i thought so far, this is not a celebration with this is memory. celebration will be after the victory. when every one returns home alive and fallen, we have many losses. now. it's independence day ukraine. but there are no celebrations this year because of the war. it may have been 31 years of independence from soviet rule, but the fight for freedom people say, is more alive than ever. in this past 6 months, thousands of people have been killed and injured. millions have been displaced. this is a memorial slide to remember those who have been killed in this conflict. there's also this book that you can see here where people can come and write their own personal story. they have been coming here steadily all day, remembering those they have lost. this is, it's a big concern because i see the play says the war has cost extensive damage, especially in southern and eastern ukraine, where the fighting is ongoing. risk of seen all around ukraine as a result of this conflict. a tremendous amount of suffering of physical suffering, of also mental suffering. a population that is traumatized. we see, you know, critical infrastructure damaged or destroyed, including water infrastructure, also health facilities, also educational facilities. some really basic goods are very hard to come by, including food, including water, presidency, land can re, affirmed his call to recover the territories occupied by russia. he walked through the centre of kia, accompanied by british prime minister, maurice johnson, 100 of destroyed russian tanks were put on display on the street, an open act of defiance to russia. zelinski had sat moscow was planning a series of cruel attacks on independence day. they were up on my board if the enemy thought we would greet them with flowers and champagne, received reeves molotov cocktails instead of them. they waited for innovation, got explosions. the occupy believed you could parade through the centre of our capital. i'm not. you could witnesses parade to day on crusher. cheek street, you'll get me approved that enemy equipment can only appear the center of key f like this, but, and destroyed dorcas ah! on wednesday, air raid sirens sounded all day across the country. i remind her of the imminent threat by people in keith remain on the streets. many say they've been afraid for too long this year, the marking of independence has a different meaning. people say they are still fighting for it. and the only option they have against russian aggression right now is to win the war. it is, i will, i just see that you while european leaders have sent messages of solidarity to the ukranian, people by any pledge, more military support for ukraine's army as russian troops continue to launch attacks. the dean barbara has more singing the national anthem in belgium. but this of course, is ukraine's unfair parts of a coordinated effort by europe to send a renewed message of solidarity. and sheila, on the lion was wearing the colors of ukraine's flag as she joined other leaders in addressing the ukrainian population. we can never match the sacrifices you are making every day that we can. and we will stand by your side the formula when data and the finding the sovereignty and independence of ukraine is defending the stability of our world. we have invited from the time we will continue delivering weapons from all that. how it says to antea craft systems, month after month. the britain's prime minister, who is in cave on wednesday, promised ukraine every possible military economic and humanitarian support, including new drones or us v's. today, i can tell you that more artillery artillery a more ammunition is on its way and a 2000 you avi's. johnson's not being seen at 10 downing street for a while. he's been holiday before leaving office next month, but there's no missing the symbolism of the flowers outside across europe than we've seen. austin taishan displays of support for ukraine. but as the war drags on the international communities, appetite for continuing its military support to the key of government could be severely tested since february, many european nations including the u. k. france and germany had provided weapons and training directly to the ukrainian army. but last month, europe 6 lodges, countries offered ukraine, no new bilateral, military commitment. for the 1st time since russia invaded the struggle to cushion the public from soaring energy, price rises and knock on from the conflict. could make it harder for political leaders to justify more spending on ukraine. now as we see gas prices rise even further, likely to push your up into a recession. this winter we have elections coming up in particular in italy that are going to be quite significant. and we're some of the right, but not all of them are, are more friendly towards the regime. and i think the real focus needs to be understanding that there is the economic war going on simultaneously for now. the words and gestures of support showed no sign of drawing up the ukrainians might be tempted to wonder is how long will be outside world, make sure their country can resist on the battlefield the deem bought the al jazeera london, least, 22 people have been killed and dozens wounded in a russian rocket strike on the ukrainian train station in chaplin in the east and done yet screeching. president vladimir zalinski had warned, of increased the tax 6 months into russia's invasion. rescue workers are searching for more victims under the rubble will half a world away in new york city. the united nations has been weighing in the security council held in open session to discuss the war, both the ukrainian president and russia's ambassador to the un had a chance to address the meeting. so lensky use the moment to call attention to a possible nuclear catastrophe of the russian held zap parisha power plant. what's happening right now is that russia has put the world on the brink of a radiation catastrophe. its effect that the russian military has turned the territory of the largest nuclear power plant in europe. does a parisian nuclear power plant into a war zone on us a will through zillow, burglary bought new, our former western partners instead of condemning their ukrainian mentees are supplying them with more and more new types of weapons. which reach areas which give good not previously reach them and doing this there are becoming accomplishes in crimes against a civilian population. was when you are chris and to lou me has more from the you and the new york as ukraine and russia continued to blame each other for escalating the conflict un officials or warning of deepening global divisions. what some members of the security council have described as a return to the cold war. those divisions were on display in a meeting called by ukraine's backers, marking 6 months of conflict ukraine's president. for a lot of years, the lensky took part, virtually warning that the world's future would be decided on ukraine's territory. russia accused the un secretary general antonio the terrace, of taking sides for calling out its invasion of ukraine as a legal. but the secretary general's remarks focused on de escalation and the humanitarian impact of the conflict, whether it's thousands of civilians who have been killed. the 13000000 ukrainians who've been displaced or the 84 countries now facing food and security as a result of rising prices linked to the conflicts. the secretary general called on all countries to put people 1st as happened in the black sea green initiative when ukraine and russia work together to increase food exports. but he warned that insecurity would only get worse and much more rush and fertilizer currently impeded by western sanctions. can come to market overall, it was a grim assessment with un officials warning that 6 months into the conflict. there's still no end in sight saying with the ukraine us present. joe biden has announced the nearly $3000000000.00 military, a package for the country. kimberly how kit has more from the white house. not only is this the largest single package of security assistance, but it really signals a shift in terms of how the united states is supplying ukraine moving forward. because initially, the security package is, has been really short term supplies in the united states was utilizing what they had on have the pentagon was really giving to ukraine. what could we should quickly and what was in stock? in other words, it was for the immediate needs weapons led ammunition that the pentagon have on hand for the short term, but now the focus is on the medium and the long term. so the supplies will be utilized through the department of defense, long term contracts. so what we can expect that much of this will be air defense systems, our systems and munitions radar that will really allow for ukraine to really combat rushes tags. it is helicopters and really what this also signals is a shift in terms of us support. and the fact that this means that not only will the united states be supplying these weapons, but also that the united states will have a presence. this is really something that the u. s. president has said all along with the united states as it is for the long haul. what this means is that really the united states will have a true presence in europe for the foreseeable future. ah, israel says it comes accept a revival of the 2015 nuclear deal with iran warning it will be used to, to stabilize the world. it follows accusations from iran nuclear chief, that israel has been waging what he calls psychological warfare to sabotage. return to the agreement, iran has denied us media reports that it's dropped, some of it's key to moms. under the table, iran agreed to limited sneak of the program in return for the easing of international sanctions. till such a power is following developments from to run. as iran get closer to as reaching some kind of an agreement with the united states and the european powers, israel opposition becomes louder and louder according to the foreign ministry spokesperson here in terra that the united states government has officially responded to the suggestions that the iranians had around that final text put forth by the p 5 plus one. a few days ago, the united states government has passed on what they believe to be their answers to the u coordinator. that is joseph brown. and joseph ro hasn't turn, given that response from the american government to the reigning officials, who are now studying what the americans have come back with and will respond in due time. this is what we've been waiting for over the past few days since the rain is also responded to a text that was according to officials in vienna. a final text about iran coming back into full compliance along with the united states under the 2015 nuclear deal. i think you'll be very, very telling in the next few hours and days what the united states come back with and what the iranians will respond as far as we understand. one of the main sticking points about coming back to that nuclear deal for iran has been some kind of a guarantee that we're looking for in terms of if, when there was a new administration in washington. if the next president decides to do the same thing that donald trump it, then they will have to pay some kind of a penalty to the iranians still to come allow to 0 among the song, sees far disrupted as fighting rooms between ethiopian government policies and troops from to cry and thailand's prime minister, suspended from duty while the cool considers the length of his tenure. ah right off the bat, we got to give you an update on that tropical storm. hi there, thank you for joining in. so its ringing out its moisture over a hi. none in southern sections of china as well. we've got weather alerts in play for just how much rain we're going to see. and also some fierce winds, as all of that rain starts to pour into northern sections of vietnam on thursday and then toward the south. we've got this batch of what weather as well. what showers and storms are slumping south from the yellow river valley right into the yang cbre valley. this is finally going to provide some relief from that heat. so for example, in shanghai, you're down to 29 degrees on saturday. that is below average. and the 1st time in a long time you're temperatures are dipping below that 30 degree mark typhoon racing, just to the east of japan. no major impact here, but still some showers to go for that western side of japan's main island of han ship down under right now it's still legacy of showers. what that southeast corner . you know the other day we had some snow flurries flying around sydney registered . it's cold is stay in one year, you've bounced back to 20 degrees by thursday, and off to new zealand. we go, we've got a plume of moisture. this is going to impact flood hit areas. but unlike the last time this system is moving through much quicker. that's it, we'll see you soon. ah! for science this the evidence is irrefutable. with america's climate change deniers stubbornly mistrust of the fact. despite soaring temperatures, raging wild fires and shrinking water reserves, the world's largest economy still split along ideological lines. so can it ever reach consensus to avoid catastrophe climate wars on a just 0? ah ah, a reminder of the top stories here when i was here. at 6 months, it's russia invaded ukraine, which marks the milestone on its independence day. president vladimir lensky has told the united nations the world depends on ukrainian sovereignty. u. s. president joe biden has announced a new $3000000000.00 military 8 package by tim praised ukrainians for inspiring the world. us officials a warning of fresh attacks and the coming days. as being renewed fighting between ethiopian government forces and troops from the northern region of to crime and being amongst long ceasefire, heathen government says its army shot down a plane, carrying weapons to cry, which entered ethiopian as space from neighboring sudan. the exact location where the plane was shot down is unknown. rebel forces into cray say the government statement is a blatant line. and sedans military has not responded to the claim. un sexy general and tenure gets harris has urged government and rebel forces in ethiopia to cease hostilities. i am deeply shocked and saddened by the news of the resumption of all. still it is in a joke. a chopin's t graham's mottos, or almost our fathers have already suffered too much. my stronger fuel is for an immediate cessation of hostilities and for the resumption of peace talks between the government and the t p l f. the, with at the same time, the full guarantee of a meditating success to people in needs and the establishment of public services. thousands of south africans have marched in the nation's political capital, petroleum on a one day trying to protest against the rising cost of living. they want the government to intervene as the price of fuel electricity, and food keeps rising from me to mila was the much the runaway inflation. hundreds of thousands of jobs last and a sharp increase in the cost of living have bought thousands of south africans onto the street. they want the government to address a number of issues from pay rises to a stable electricity supply. i think that was fairly easy. yeah, cry yeah. what could i please be able to do? but you're not teaching things. i know they're not, they're not fully performing economy work and by the knock on effects of a cobra. 1900 pandemic and inflation. is that a 13 year high for the waco and tapping in for the anger that definitely developing over prices over pay and the poor people over food. i work with a group, put the community organizing working group which operates many over settlement. and the demand that they've come with here is sent me to say food for all. can you imagine that how desperate that things are getting in south africa just yesterday we i'm about to unemployment rate in africa, which mainly i think the you so hence, we are here today. want to call it to the government and they can, they can see that looking into to do things about their issue of implement while the government is implemented in unemployment grant, a $20.00 a month, it's simply not enough. and more than a 3rd of the population is unemployed, organizes at home, and wide shut down to bring the economy to a home. while a few thousands have come out to the street. many others haven't o 2. however, it would be difficult for the government to disregard union demands. the governing african national congress is part of an alliance with the congress of south african trade unions. one of the biggest workers federations, given the recent waning of support for the party can't afford to ignore workers calls the meet amola al jazeera pretoria. bullets are being candid and go live most closely for presidential election since the countries independence in 1975. the m p l a party has ruled the or rich southern african nation for nearly 50 years, but it's facing its strongest ever challenge fuel by growing discontent at high levels of poverty and unemployment. the results not expected for several days. stephanie tucker has more. this could be the 1st step towards major change. for the 1st time in 47 years, opposition party nita, stanza, strong chance to contest the ruling and pill. a party as governed angola since its independence in portugal. in 1975 spread amazon, grannie. we expect a big day and i believe, and golden people will look at it as a celebration because it is a democracy. many people say democracy does not exist in angola, but the effects of democracy will be seen as all and garlands head to the polls organized. president john maria, so cost his vote early on wednesday, surrounded by tight security. as did opposition leader, i go back to clusters. union voters are electing a new parliament and president the titus races the 1st multi party elections in 1992. and why is that an increasingly disillusioned youth fed up by not seeing angola, petro dollars improve their lives, is why youngest people, we need more jays when in old bridge, that we need more g albert douglas jonah to be president of angola, i believe, got through it really changed this country. the country is africa, 2nd largest oil producer, but levels of poverty remain high. the employer lays been accused by human rights groups of corruption and clamping down on dissent. rights groups have also expressed concern about the transparency of these elections. the votes will all be counted through a new centralized system in the capitol due to a recent change in the electoral law, pushed through by the ruling and palais results are not expected for a few days. stephanie decker, or j 0 o. first day ringo refugees will now the 5th anniversary of their mass exodus from myanmar fleeing violent persecution in their homeland. hundreds of thousands of people from the countries muslim minority crossed the border into bangladesh to escape a violent military crank town in 2017. now, nearly a 1000000 ringer living, one of the world's largest refugee camps in cox's bazaar, bangladesh, is pushing for their repair creation. but the united nation says it's still too dangerous time via challenge. he has more from one of the main rang a comes in cox's bazaar, 5 years on a 1000000 representatives living in the largest refugee camp in cox as bizarre. when you walk in the straits and talk to the rowing, as you can send the frustration and sense of hopelessness most know they are going back to me on my anytime soon, many of the rowing refugees we spoke to said that there was increase restriction in the can those barbara all around the need permission to move around? there's also gang violence within the time between growing our gangs. there's also killing of many of the camp leaders in recent months, as well as in the last couple of years. there's also period incidence of fire across the come, many joining us tried to flee the camp and had taught se asia for better life on the process, hundreds of died. more than 50 percent of the total don't hang out, refugees are children. when he walked across the camps, you see children everywhere. this is one of the major concern for their families. they want education for their children. there is no formal education school, there's only informed school run by the unicef and other agencies. all the home based schools are shut down by the government. this is one of their main concern right now. nearly $1200000.00 homes come in a year on the refugee camps. now they're also frustrated. bunger, there's government, it's also finding, it's difficult to manage the camp. 5 years on there is no tangible movement. there's been a lot of visit by diplomats un representative, but nothing concrete or tangible has happened so far. there has been 2 fail repair creation process. many bilateral talks between me on my mind, bangladesh, the banner, the government blames man man for rigging on its promises not making any effort to take back the rowing out to their homeland indirect kind. despite all the diplomatic effort, bangers, government says that while community has not putting enough pressure on man to take back their residence to their homeland, thailand's constitutional court is suspended, tie, prime minister, prime channel char from official duty. general proof has led the country since 2014, when he sees power in the military coup. the court, his weighing up if he has reached the maximum limits of 8 years in office, is decision could emboldened the country's anti government protest. movement that's been calling proved to step dam. toni chang reports from bangkok, if a week is a long time in politics than 8, he is his m lifetime. as journalists gathered outside, that was the verdict of time and constitutional court on wednesday, as it suspended prime minister pay attention. pending a review of his term, general prayer came to power after leading a military coup in 2014 o'clock, wiped the peace and order maintenance command, which includes drawer, ty, army road, high air forces, royalty, navy, and national police. here by analysis that it is necessary to take control of the governing of the country. he's been in charge ever since. a new constitution promoted by the army and passed in 2017 limits prime ministerial terms to 8 years. appeared that expired at midnight on tuesday. support is, however, argued private term only began after general elections in 2019. the constitutional court is expected to make a final decision within a month. the intern prime ministers pro with one to one who previously been 2nd in command. he's also a former general and is considered by many to have been one of the main architects of the 2014 q. general private remains in the cabinet because he holds another position minister of defense. the suspension will relieve concerns, the banker could once again be disrupted by anti government protests. since the decision was handed down the situation, the government house is calm. considerably an hour ago, these ra police were wearing full body armor and carrying shot guns. now they're just in soft caps, but no one is stepping down. the protest as may have won this battle, but they haven't won the war. this, i let him alone. the court only suspended general private, but he has to get out. it's the same with the deputy prime minister in charge. they're all the same good my hand and i live at mann law yamil. i am not okay with your birthday because i want price to leave the parties altogether. i don't want him to come back to office with an election shed yield to take place within the next 12 months. the opposition has drawn 1st blood. but in taking on a government that by generals it faces a formidable foe, toni chang, l. t 0, bangkok, cutter is to invest $3000000000.00 into pakistan to help the struggling economy. the announcement is met, be made on a 2 day visit to the park by the pakistani prime minister to cattle, where he had talked with the amir, the pakistani government is looking for long term investment as the country struggles for the severe economic crisis. now severe drought in the us state of texas as uncovered the discovery, tens of millions of years old dinosaur tracks, are being seen in a dried up river bed, giving scientists and insight into the habits of these long extinct creatures. adam fisher reports. this is a look back in time to a moment before men existed. and dinosaurs room the f footprints from the actual camphor sought as have been found because of the drought hitting texas. the policy river near glen rose has almost dried up. imprints left tens of millions of years ago, of suddenly become visible or gen 230 years ago when this was a shallow inland sea. and so they were just walking through very stick, sticky mud and it did a really good job offers or in their tracks. tracks have been found in this area before. that's why it's called dinosaur state park. but this is the longest continuous set discovered that are 60 footprints each. the size of a dinner plate left by a dinosaur that it was about 4 and a half meters high. weighs about the same as the hippopotamus. and was a carnival. and the detail is astonishing. limestone such fine grain, gladstone, that it left a lot of detail from the feet of the acro, the walk through there. and so you can see things like, you know, the pads on their feet. things that you don't expect to see in a nasir trackers that old 113 years because with water in the river, the tracks would normally be covered by sediment. the job has dried that out, revealing the historic find. volunteers have been working to document and preserve this little snapshot of history. but with when predicted this look into the past me soon disappear. alan fisher, i'll just either. or don't forget that you can find much more on that story and all of the days news on our website. how does it come.


Transcripts For RT News 20220823

suspecting them of conducting illegal monta politic business practices. and pakistan's ruling, at least, appears to take a page out of the us, play a book on how to peter political opponent as ousted premier iran con, faces arrest censorship and criminal charges. much like the former us president donald trump. the headlines from all corners of the globe. welcome to the program. it's on the international now the car bombing death of journalist diarrhea do going to in moscow shows the criminal character of the ukrainian state. now that is according to russia's envoy to the united nations who plans to raise the you see what choose days security council meeting is remarks came off, the russian federal investigators linked to the killing the key of special forces and released the video footage of the main saucepan ukrainian woman who came to russia a month ago and left to estonia right after the killing. moscow says the suspect natalia wolf was spotted near duke and his home. and as the event where the victim's car was wide, with up to $400.00 grimes of explosives. now the un has also called for an urgent investigation, and the u. s. has issued a statement saying they quote, unequivocal condemn. the targeting of civilians is all correspond ne donald quarter with this report. well, the f s. b's official investigation has concluded that the assassination of journalists and political analysts, daria do gonna was carried out by the ukrainian secret services. the official statement has identified the terrorist says, a 43 year old woman who's a ukranian citizen named natalia, evolved and her 12 year old daughter who was brought along named sophia siobhan. now according to the f s. b, they were following around. daria do gonna, in a mini cooper, this mini cooper entered russia, entered the country with done yet, people's republic license plates. and then it was traveling around moscow with catholic stan license plates and then left the country to estonia with ukrainian license plates. the country where the assailants made their getaway to the same mini cooper were talking about here was also seen on ukrainian websites for sale earlier before this attack took place. but that, but that listing has been actually taken down. the lot of people on the internet are saying that by putting up a listing to sell the car, the assailants were trying to have an alibi before they committed the act. as for where the assailants carried out this attack, it likely took place at a literature, music festival that both the assailants were at. and daria do gonna and her father alexander doogan before she was killed shortly before she was killed before a bomb was planted under the drivers side of the vehicle. russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman murray is a har of a, has called this a terrorist attack on her telegram channel, and that's exactly what it is. there's no grey area for interpretation. this was an act of state sponsored terror against unarmed civilians. and just to give you some background on the victim of this attack, doria do gonna she was the daughter of the anti western author and political commentator, alexander doogan. and she's also actually a personal friend of mine. her father, who has been targeted by the western media as a sort of advisor to vladimir putin on foreign policy issues for the longest time they've in the western media, he's been really made out to be the really important person. while actually in russia, the kremlin has not officially recognized any time with him, and many consider him to be quite a marginal figure. and it's also important to note that many are saying there's a lot of speculation and reports that i would send to do was actually the true target of this attack. considering the fact that this bomb was actually planted under the drivers side of alexander, duke and par, and it was only after a last minute decision for him to take a separate vehicle to another place. and for daria to take his car that we unfortunately saw that dory do can do gonna was killed in this attack. ukrainian officials have denied any involvement into his killing, saying the accusations are quote, fiction created by russia. so we discussed the issue with a former ukrainian security service officer. a he crane is behind this terrorist attack was facing a system this focused on terrorist operations. this system did not appear today. it began to be built immediately after my done. it was formalized in 2015 when an amazing of the intelligence committee under president par shanker. the course was clearly taken to carry out sabotaged terrorist attacks on the territory of the dpi, l, p, r, crimea, and the russian federation. and then the ukrainian security service, the main intelligence directorate, were instructed to prepare special sabotaged groups that would operate in these territories. it also means using, trained to foreign specialist. so in 2015, all such activities received official status said there's nothing surprising given that things are going badly for them at the fronts. it's necessary to show some successes for their target audience and for western curators. that is, acts of direct terrorist attack. cuz then you put yourself in the place of the board of services. you see a young woman with a child. naturally, there'll be less attention to such person. therefore, there is nothing surprising as there is nothing surprising in the fact that ukrainian special services use children to disguise or carry out terrorist attacks . i want to remind you that in 2016 a terrorist group was revealed in the dpr which included minus the group was liquidated. there was allow process. that is, there is nothing sacred for them. there are no red lines. they need to achieve that goal. and the goal is the same to defeat russia, the suggestion of terror, the infliction of maximum losses also. so what's not being discussed publicly is western intelligence has potential involvement in the assassination. that's according to both georgia moly of the global policy institute of london and stefan gadgets, from the institute of european studies in belgrade. it was absolutely a tag, and there's no doubt about that. but i don't think that this was done by a ukraine, particularly there are states that are and then the structures such as needle which are leading the proxy. or let me just remind that recently maurice johnson visited a military camp in england, where they claim 10000 grains orders are being trained to fight against russia. when this makes a sign in a conflict in the west, he wasn't very well known figure that well, you have to wonder who came up with the idea that he was a legitimate target for assassination. and that's why i think they think that has to point to the western intelligence services because they were much more preoccupied with. and then i suspect the ukrainian, i think that the same goes for a it's very unlikely she will ever come to trial. i mean, obviously, is, sonia isn't going to extra die if she's still in the studio, she may well, me back and you brain by now obviously your brain isn't going to extra either. on the other hand, that doesn't mean that she said, i mean russia now this in those who she is, what she looks like. she has a daughter. so she's very easy to decline. so i don't think, you know, today's, almost like it to be very long the you is entering towards even more direct involvement in the ukrainian conflict. and now the block is planning to host large scale military training of ukrainian armed forces. let's get the opinion now of oxy contributor rachel marston. the rhetoric from some leadership figures in europe is growing increasingly militaristic and seems to be laying the groundwork for greater aggression and involvement in the ukraine conflict. the european union's chief diplomat, joseph burrell said on monday that the blocks defense ministers will be considering a proposal at their meeting in prague next monday, and tuesday to get involved in training ukrainian troops on e u territory. last one elderly. it seems reasonable that a war that his lasting and looks set to last requires an effort not only in terms of supplies of material nikki, but also in training and assistance to the organization of the army and, and i hope it will be approved. they will not be in ukraine, it will be in neighboring countries, which already have training missions, britain and canada are already train ukrainian fighters and britain may be canada, will actually vet them this time to avoid the embarrassment of being outed by the canadian mainstream media. again for training fighters who flagrantly supported neo nazi symbols and speaking at the use land warfare conference in london, britain's army chief general sir patrick sanders. a vote to ramping up called operation. mobilize to prepare british troops for urban combat and to fight alongside nato allies in a high intensity conflict in europe. the british armies top ranked warn officer paul carney, also just wrote in soldier magazine, which is the official monthly published by the case ministry of defense. that british troops should get ready for the possibility of deployment, amid the ukraine conflict, for which they should prepare their families. i want us all to check, we are physically fit for operations, and it is also important. we prepare loved ones and families who often have the hardest role in our absence. now french president, a mentor in mac hall, also raised eyebrows here in france a few days ago when he framed the energy crisis and economic hardship caused by the use own sanctions. as the price of freedom in a quote, war economy should also not look through. i am thinking of all people who will need the strength of mind to face the times ahead to resist uncertainties sometimes to ease adversity and united agree to pay the price of our freedom and our values. france isn't at war with russia, but it seems like an attempt to blame russia for french citizens suffering under the ease on sanctions. it also makes you wonder why he knows about how bad things are about to get here in europe. as the energy and inflation crises start to really bite, all of this militaristic rhetoric seems all the more risky in light of some ukranian officials growing increasingly bold in their violent remarks. graham, for more, we tried to kill as many russians as possible, where the more we kill russians now, the less our children will have to kill them. that's it. and european and western officials, if they truly want peace, they certainly seem to be headed in precisely the opposite direction, with their recent comments. all throughout the whole are going ask republic. there have been around 50 civilian casualties from internationally by the land mines that kia forces have dispersed, particularly in residential areas. of course, the victims include children. some of the band weapons found right around the schools. and former friends yourself was one antrim bouquet, who has gained recognition for independently reporting on key ebs actions in the dawn. boss describes the problem of land mines in the area. ah, here you can see a recognizable element of the cluster munitions that scatters anti personnel mines when they are released in the air. these are the so called butterfly minds. they fallen in the center of done at city on household plots of civilians in another places around. this is obvious proof that every one is demanding to present. moreover, they have a serial number for those who want to get additional information about the use of anti personnel mines and done ask. and i want to underline that these are completely prohibited arms. i mean if this vehicle is butterfly mines are highly explosive objects invented by engineers in order to cripple human being, they have a push action mechanism that he's at the moment of contact with this object. a traumatic separation of the leaps happens. ah, ukrainians tried to had several ammonia holding tanks. this was done intentionally . the goal was to create a huge cloud of ammonia, which would then spread to the population for its destruction by the neighbors. fortunately they didn't succeed ah m via here we have found a huge fragment of a projectile. i can show you what is written on the ammunition. ah, and yes, you are not dreaming. the french word de montage, which means remove is on it. this is the biggest fragment of the and shell among those we found on the spot. it's an element of the french projectile duties markings, professionals will be able to identify and track this mission. the numbers listed here. ah, let me know. we're at the interest to the room where the prisoners were held. now we see where they lived. so here was the entrance. ah, here they lived in a there sleeping quarters were located right here. and as you can see, the shelf fell and came to the roof. and as it seems to me, it was an incendiary projectile. as everything caught fire, all the prisoners immediately were burned. some of them were asleep at the time. you can see the condition of the beds which are completely burnt out from the bottom to the top. ah, and we've discussed the conflict ukraine with a russian writer in public figures. i caught a cri lap and a back in 2014. when the conflict in the east of ukraine began, he went to the front lines in the region to report on the fighting, shared his thoughts on how patriotism has been embraced in russia since the military operation began. so some way did the lawyer are the most modern and entertaining things used to be hostile to the kind of patriotism we are broadcasting now since the beginning of the russian military operation. how many examples can we recall a volunteers or military personnel been in the mainstream? culture in theater and cinema and literature, there's been nothing like this for a long time. previously, everyone wanted to remove military people further away from the agenda. the kings of discourse were completely different people, and they became hostile to our country on february 24th. but i said this earlier, these people will betray you because they are on the opposite side as they support key of your door to door for her. let's get some other stories here when you're truth. a program on our to international pakistan's ruling elite as a peer to take a page out of the us playbook on how to beat a political opponent as alto, premier emron con faces arrest censorship. criminal charges, much like former us president donald trump is artesia rachel blevins. the crackdown on the former prime minister of pakistan continues, months after he was removed from office, and it's drawn comparison to the vine and ministrations treatment of former president trump. in a world where both former officials have seen their supporters compared to domestic terrorist m round con is now reportedly facing terrorism charges. following a speech, he gave to a crowd of supporters in which he vowed a lawsuit against police, alleging that they tortured his close aid. this comes as regulators have also banned the live broadcast of his speeches. drawing sharp criticism from con in response, the fascist imported government sung to a new, lo today by banning life coverage of my speeches on tv and then blocking you to temporarily during my speech at least get bog. all this, after continuous intimidation of media persons and taking channels off air earlier, con continues to address anti government protest after he was removed and a vote of no confidence back in april. while the government attempts to limit who can listen to his speeches that has only led to more attention and more support, so of con is facing terrorism charges. then what does that mean for his supporters? and could they face action themselves? notably, hundreds of individuals gathered outside of conn's home after the police investigation into his speech was announced and they've out to take over the capitol if he was arrested. so far that hasn't happened as a court issued a protective order that prevents his arrest for at least 3 days. ah, i comparisons to the politics in the u. s. have come about as trumps. reach was also limited after he was banned by all major social media platforms. however, or his supporters did for case of 8 and protest that turned into riots at the u. s . capital, back in january 2021. their faces were placed on f. b. i wanted posters, and so far, the longest sentence stands at more than 7 years. and while trump himself has hinted at running for office again in 2020 for the current administration, appears to be doing everything in its power to keep him out of the white house. earlier this month, trump's home was rated by the f b i with a search warrant revealing and investigation under the espionage act. similar scrutiny has been applied to con. as pakistan's media watchdog argue that the prime minister's speeches amount to threats against state institution and government officials, and therefore it cannot be broadcast live. it has been observed that mr. iran con chairman pakistan. terry key in soft in his speeches and statements is continuously alleging state institutions by leveling baseless allegations and spreading hate speech through his provocative statements against state institutions and officers which is prejudicial to the maintenance of law and order, and is likely to asterisk, disturb public peace and tranquillity, at the tale of cheer populous politicians, who continued to influence the public despite the fact that they are no longer in office, raising questions at how far the government will go to st. silence their voices, and how their supporters will respond. it's good to have you with us for this program on the tuesday. so recent video shows police officers and the u. s. date of all console, beating a suspect they were detaining of the footage has sent shock waves throughout the country. i should warn you, you may find the following image is disturbing. hither come where you can see the pictures pretty much speak for themselves. the officers involved copying, suspended, and a use of force investigation has been launched. a randall worcester was taken to a local hospital and treated for injuries before he was booked into jail, and a list of charges including terrorists, threats, and 2nd degrees sold. apparently stepping from an incident with a local gas station, cluck before his running with police. now the local sheriff on government officials have condemned the incident. but so far, washington has been commented on the case despite the graphic nature of the beating . or this, despite other cases of police brutality against black men, like george floyd, for example, which prompted outcry from top us an un officials immediately. you and human rights chief condemns george floyds killing and urges serious action to stop you as police killing some unarmed african americans. this is the latest in a long line. so all kinds of expressions of concern, but not just expressions of concern plans to take action. so that this stops will, there appears to be a growing epidemic of police brutality assault and violence directed an african american men systemic cycle of injustice. so exist in this country, cuts at the very heart, a more sacred belief that all americans are equal rights and dignity. and who sends a very clear message to the black community black lives that are under threat every single day. according to investigative journalist, edward zeile, he says that officials and police officers are more interested in skin color rather than justice. i think it's attaching arkansas wall not only ignite, they're ready, a ruptured frustrations of the public, but i think it hits to the core of the issue. americans, how for their government right now we don't trust the government. we don't expect the government too much in our favor. no major pulse is a common source and it might be because the man who was beaten so ferociously by those police officers. well, he was white. he wasn't blacklight. george ford, something to consider is the george ford. so killing occurred under a publican administration. the beating of this man was under a democratic administration. ultimately, if you actually look at how this parse is out, it reflects on the biden administration, the democrats, the people that would be most likely to erupt in, in defense of the victim. they were very quick to come out and attack of the police when it came to george ford and they could care less about the details of incident . they cared more about the skin color of this man. now when this man went to meet his maker, the lord didn't care about the skin color he had, but the truth of the matter was the democratic party hillard clinton and the rest of their their apparatus. jo bind's handlers definitely cared about it. and they did use this to a road, the base of the republicans. they painted the republicans as racist anti competitive practices by big tech companies. that is an allegation by indian authorities as they someone representatives of us firms, apple, google, and amazon for questioning. let's get details now without the correspond. don't, don't join sharma. do went monopolistic back to says the indian government has come down hard on big tech companies. the parliamentary standing committee on finance in india has been looking to witness aspects of competition in the market space, especially concerning technology science, senior official and legal counsels, old company such as google, apple, amazon ober, and netflix will appear before the committee on tuesday. representatives of apple, microsoft, amazon, google, netflix from their indian arms and a few others will appear before the parliamentary panel on the issue of competitive behavior in the digital market. over the past few months to parliamentary committee of finance has been looking into the subject. they've been calling different companies and service providers. in fact, last month about them g committee had thought fuel from the likes of btn all r. oh, you'll see diesel motto to understand how some of the back this is all big tech companies. google, for example, can distort the market for them, act as a barrier to market and see what their pockets and also restrict their functioning . so around 10 questions have been sent by the parliamentary committee of finance to the likes of apple, google, amazon, and netflix, which they will have to answer in film till the panel to d. while the competition commission of india dens to deek on a big dex exports believe that shop on laws really other needed are the competition act. 2002 follows the philosophy of modern competition laws and aims at fostering competition in protecting indian markets against anti competitive practices by enterprises. the act prohibits anti competitive agreements, abuse of dominant position by enterprises and regulates combinations with a view to ensure that there is no adverse effect on competition. in india, a recent dimes big dec forms have come under government scan it after receiving several complaints about elijah an antique on but it to weighs off technology platforms and forms the c. c. i or at the competition commission of india has already been being some of these cases, especially in the digital space following campaign. so on fe business practices over to south korea now where cooperation with the u. s. takes the form of the largest joint military drills in years. however, thousands of people are annoyed and voicing that discontent. in fact, there have been protests over the past 10 days with people speaking out against the military exercises with america. demonstrate as holding up signs to show that disagreement with the government's actions and demand that a revision of the country's policy towards north korea and china. they called full cooperation with young yang to establish peace in the region. and here is what some of them had to say. what did you say? it took me to join the military exercise between south korea and the united states is a very reckless war rehearsal, but not only threatens the peace of the korean peninsula, but also the peace of the northeast asia region. so we oppose the military exercise . since the beginning of this administration, south korea is taking a hard line policy towards north korea and china. we are here today to call for peace on the korean peninsula and inter korean reconciliation and cooperation. south koreans, concerns of being involved in an a military conflict is difficult to ignore. the region has become a hot spot of training and what some of called provocative moves. this of course, as the us house speaker nancy pelosi is visitor taiwan provoked. massive drills from china and more exercises ought to be held in india alongside us forces within a 100 kilometers of the chinese border. now, south korea is hosting its own joined military exercises with washington who has its largest overseas base in that country. when i spoke with a former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter, who starts the korean peninsula, is facing dangerous times, with saber rattling by washington and its allies sole, only exacerbating already existing tensions in that part of the world. i think the fact that these military drills are, are back means that every everything donald trump accomplished in terms of opening the door for diplomacy has been swept off the table. so it's a very dangerous situation. again, this is ill advised policy on the part of south korea in bad advice to protect if it's been given by the united states. these demonstrations are, are reflect with the fact that there's a significant percentage of the south korean population that was looking forward to reconciliation. there were many south koreans that were hopeful that there could be no termination of conflict. them better in relationship with potential reunification down the road. and what they're seeing right now is just, you know, a giant step backwards. this is not good for patients to bill are dropping out the program at 29 minutes past the hour here on auto international. appreciate your joining us. have full a set of tuesday headlines. we were ton with more of your wealth news at the top of the blue what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race is on often very dramatic. that development only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time to sit down and talk with me. hello, welcome to was a part of the idea of creating a cologne of me there. around the pacific ocean has been tantalizing the minds of western strategist ever since washington announce its intention to give it to asia . but it never quite came to fruition in part because of india has a tense, isn't going to be more likely now after the conflict in the ukraine. well, to discuss it are now joined by.


Transcripts For RT News 20220823

pakistan's ruling, at least, appears to take a page out of the us, play a book on how to pete a political opponent as ousted premier iran con, faces arrest censorship and criminal charges. much like the former us president donald trump. the headlines from all corners of the globe. welcome to the program. it's asi international. now the car bombing death of journalist diarrhea do going to in moscow shows the criminal character of the ukrainian state. now that is according to russia's envoy to the united nations who plans to raise the you see, what tuesdays security council meeting is remarks came off the russian federal investigators linked to the killing the key of special forces and relates to video footage of the main suspect and ukrainian woman who came to russia a month ago and left to estonia right after the killing. moscow says the spect natalia wolf was spotted near duke and his home. and as the event where the victim's car was wide, with up to $400.00 grimes of explosions. now the un has also called for an urgent investigation, and the u. s. has issued a statement saying they quote, unequivocal condemn. the targeting of civilians is all correspond nazis, donald quarter with this report. well, the f, as these official investigation has concluded that the assassination of journalists and political analysts, daria, do gonna was carried out by the ukrainian secret services. the official statement has identified the terrorists as a 43 year old woman who's a ukranian citizen named natalia evolve. and her 12 year old daughter who was brought along named sophia siobhan now according to the f s. b. they were following around. daria do gonna, in a mini cooper, this mini cooper entered russia, entered the country with danielle people's republic license plates, and then it was traveling around moscow with catholic stan license plates and then left the country to estonia with ukrainian license plates. the country where the assailants made their getaway to the same many cooper we're talking about here was also seen on ukrainian websites for sale earlier before this attack took place. but that but, but that listing has been actually taken down. the lot of people on the internet are saying that by putting up a listing to sell the car, the assailants were trying to have an alibi before they committed the act. as for where the assailants carried out this attack, it likely took place at a literature, music festival that both the assailants were at. and daria do gonna and her father alexander doogan before she was killed shortly before she was killed before a bomb was planted under the drivers side of the vehicle. rushes foreign ministry spokeswoman murray is a har of a, has called this a terrorist attack on her telegram channel. and that's exactly what it is. there's no grey area for interpretation. this was an act of state sponsored terror against unarmed civilians. and just to give you some background on the victim of this attack, doria do gonna she was the daughter of the anti western author and political commentator, alexander doogan. and she's also actually a personal friend of mine. her father, who has been targeted by the western media as a sort of advisor to vladimir putin on foreign policy issues for the longest time they've in the western media, he's been really made out to be the really important person. while actually in russia, the kremlin has not officially recognized any time with him, and many consider him to be quite a marginal figure. and it's also important to note that many are saying that there's a lot of speculation and reports that alexander duke was actually the true target of this attack. considering the fact that this bomb was actually planted under the drivers side of alexander, duke and car. and it was only after a last minute decision for him to take a separate vehicle to another place. and for daria to take his car that we unfortunately saw that dory do can do gonna was killed in this attack. ukrainian officials have denied any involvement in talking is killing, saying the accusations are quote, fiction created by russia. so we discussed the issue with a former ukranian security service officer. a he crane is behind this terrorist attack was facing a system this focused on terrorist operations. this system did not appear today. it began to be built immediately after my done. it was formalized in 2015. when an amazing of the intelligence committee under president par shanker, the course was clearly taken to carry out sabotaged terrorist attacks on the territory of the dpi lp, our crimea, and the russian federation. and then the ukranian security service. the main intelligence directorate were instructed to prepare special sabotaged groups that would operate in these territories. it also means using, trained to foreign specialist. so in 2015, all such activities received official status said there's nothing surprising, given that things are going badly for them at the fronts. it's necessary to show some successes for their target audience and for western curators. that is, acts of direct terrorist attack. cuz then you put yourself in the place of the board of services. you see a young woman with a child. naturally, there'll be less attention to such person. therefore, there is nothing surprising as there is nothing surprising in the fact that ukrainian special services use children to disguise or carry out terrorist attacks . i want to remind you that in 2016 a terrorist group was revealed in the dpr which included minus the group was liquidated. there was allow process. that is, there is nothing sacred for them. there are no red lines. they need to achieve that goal. and the goal is the same to defeat russia, the suggestion of terror, the infliction of maximum losses also. so what's not being discussed publicly is western intelligence has potential involvement in the assassination. that's according to both george the movie of the global policy institute of london. and stefan gadgets, from the institute of european studies in belgrade. it was absolutely a tag, and there's no doubt about that. but i don't think that this was done by a ukraine. particularly, there are states that are and structures such as names which are leading the proxy or let me just remind that recently maurice johnson visited a military camp in england, where they claim $10000.00 grains orders are being trained to fight against russia . when this makes a conflict in the west, he wasn't very well known figure that, well, you have to wonder who came up with the idea that he was a legitimate target for assassination. and that's why i think they think that has to point to the western intelligence services because they were much more preoccupied with. and then i suspect the ukrainian, i think that the same goes for a it's very unlikely she will ever come to trial. i mean, obviously, is sonia isn't going to extra or if she's still in miss so many or she may well be back and you grade by now obviously your brain isn't going to extra either. on the other hand, that doesn't mean that she said, i mean russia now this in those who she is, what she looks like. she has a daughter. so she's very easy to find. so i don't think, you know, today's on us, i like it to be very long the you is i doing to walk even more direct involvement in the ukrainian conflict. and now the block is planning to host large scale military training of ukrainian armed forces. let's get the opinion now of oxy contributor rachel marston. the rhetoric from some leadership figures in europe is growing increasingly militaristic and seems to be laying the groundwork for greater aggression and involvement in the ukraine conflict. the european union's chief diplomat, joseph burrell said on monday that the blocks defense ministers will be considering a proposal at their meeting in prague next monday, and tuesday to get involved in training ukrainian troops on e u. territory. one, i believe it seems reasonable that a war that is lasting and looks set to last requires an effort. not only in terms of supplies of material nicky, but also in training and assistance to the organization of the army and, and i hope it will be approved that will not be in ukraine. it will be in neighboring countries which already have training missions, britain and canada are already train ukrainian fighters and britain may be canada will actually vet them this time to avoid the embarrassment of being outed by the canadian mainstream media again for training fighters who flagrantly supported neo nazi symbols and speaking at the use land warfare conference in london, britain's army chief general sir patrick sanders evoke to ramping up called operation. mobilize to prepare british troops for urban combat and to fight alongside nato allies in a high intensity conflict in europe. the british armies top ranked, warn officer paul carney, also just wrote in soldier magazine, which is the official monthly published by the case ministry of defense that british troops should get ready for the possibility of deployment. amid the ukraine conflict for which they should prepare their families, i want us all to check. we are physically fit for operations, and it is also important. we prepare loved ones and families who often have the hardest role in our absence. now, french president, a mentor in mac hall, also raised eyebrows here in france a few days ago when he framed the energy crisis and economic hardship caused by the use own sanctions. as the price of freedom in a quote, war economy should also not look through. i am thinking of all people who will need the strength of mind to face the times ahead to resist uncertainties sometimes to ease adversity and united agree to pay the price of our freedom and our values. france isn't at war with russia, but it seems like an attempt to blame russia for french citizens suffering under the ease on sanctions. it also makes you wonder why he knows about how bad things are about to get here in europe. as the energy and inflation crises start to really bite, all of this militaristic rhetoric seems all the more risky in light of some ukranian officials growing increasingly bold in their violent remarks. graham, sir, richard, more we tried to kill as many russians as possible, where the more we kill russians now, the less our children will have to kill them. that's it. and european and western officials, if they truly want peace, they certainly seem to be had in precisely the opposite direction, with their recent comments. all throughout the whole, i don't ask republic, there have been around 50 civilian casualties from internationally band land mines that kia forces have dispersed, particularly in residential areas. of course the victims include children, some of the band weapons found right around the schools and former french service when antrim bouquet, who has gained recognition for independently reporting on key ebs auctions in the don boss. describe the problem of land mines in the area. ah, here you can see a recognizable element of the cluster munitions that scatters anti person um a beer ukrainians. tried to hit several ammonia holding tanks. this was done intentionally. the goal was to create a huge cloud of ammonia, which would then spread to the population for its destruction by the vapors. fortunately, they didn't succeed ah m via here we have found a huge fragment of a projectile. i can show you what is written on the ammunition. ah, and yes, you are not dreaming. the french word de, montage, which means remove is on it. this is the biggest fragment of the french shell among those we found on the spot. it's an element of the french projectile duties. markins professionals will be able to identify and track this munition. the numbers listed here. ah, let me look here. we are at the entrance to the room where the prisoners were held . now we see where they lived. only so here is the entrance. ah, here they lived in a there sleeping quarters were located right here. and as you can see, the shelf fell and came to the roof. and as it seems to me, it was an incendiary projectile. as everything caught fire, all the prisoners immediately were burned. some of them were asleep at the time. you can see the canoe, some of the beds, which are completely burnt out in the bottom to the top. and we've discussed the conflict ukraine with a russian writer in public figures, a category lesson a back in 2014. when the conflict in the east of ukraine began, he went to the front lines in the region to report on the fighting. he shared his thoughts on how patriotism has been embraced in russia since the military operation began shore some way they did the oil of the most modern and entertaining things used to be hostile to the kind of patriotism we are broadcasting. now since the beginning of the russian military operation, how many examples can we recall a volunteers or military personnel been in the mainstream culture in theater, and cinema and literature? there's been nothing like this for a long time. previously, every one wanted to remove military people further away from the agenda. the kings of discourse were completely different people and it became hostile to our country on february 24th. but i said this earlier, these people will betray you because they are on the opposite side as they support key. if you do out such a door for her, let's get to mother stories. hearing a truth program on our t international pakistan's ruling elite has appeared to take a page out of the u. s. playbook on how to beat a political opponent. as owls to premier imran con faces arrest censorship. criminal charges much like former us president donald trump. his art is rachel blevins. the crackdown on the former prime minister of pakistan continues, months after he was removed from office, and it's drawn comparisons to the vine and ministrations treatment of former president trump. in a world where both former officials have seen their supporters compared to domestic terrorist in round con is now reportedly facing terrorism charges. following a speech, he gave to a crowd of supporters in which he vowed a lawsuit against police, alleging that they tortured his close aid. this comes as regulators have also banned the live broadcast of his speeches, drawing sharp criticism from con and response, the fascist imported government sung to a new, lo today by banning life coverage of my speeches on tv and then blocking youtube temporarily during my speech at least get bog, all this after continuous intimidation of media persons and taking channels off air earlier, con continues to address anti government protest after he was removed and a vote of no confidence back in april, but on the government attempts to limit who can listen to his speeches that has only led to more attention and more support, so of kindness facing terrorism charges. then what does that mean for his supporters? and could they face action themselves? notably, hundreds of individuals gathered outside of conn's home after the police investigation into his speech was announced. and they've out to take over the capitol if he was arrested. so far that hasn't happened as a court issued a protective order that prevents his arrest for at least 3 days. ah, i comparisons to the politics in the u. s. have come about as trumps. reach was also limited after he was banned by all major social media platforms. however, his supporters did participate and protest that turned into riots at the u. s. capital back in january 2021. their faces were placed on f. b. i wanted posters, and so far the longest sentence stands at more than 7 years. and while trump himself has hinted at running for off as again in 2024, the current administration appears to be doing everything in its power to keep him out of the white house. earlier this month, trump's home was rated by the f b. i with a search warrant revealing an investigation under the espionage act. similar scrutiny has been applied to con. as pakistan's media watchdog argue that the prime minister's speeches and not to threats against state institution and government officials, and therefore it cannot be broadcast live. it has been observed that mr. iran con chairman pakistan. terry key in soft in his speeches and statements is continuously alleging state institutions by leveling baseless allegations and spreading hate speech through his provocative statements against state institutions and officers which is prejudicial to the maintenance of law and order, and is likely to asterisk, disturb public peace and tranquillity at the tail of 2 populous politicians who continued to influence the public despite the fact that they are no longer in office, raising questions of how far the government's will go to st. silence their voices, and how their supporters will respond. it's good to have you with us for this program on the tuesday. so recent video shows police officers in the u. s. state of all can saw beating a suspect they were detaining of the footage has sent shock waves throughout the country. i should warn you, you may find the following images disturbing hither come where you can see the pictures pretty much speak for themselves. the officers involved copying, suspended, and a use of force investigation has been launched. a randall worcester was taken to a local hospital and treated for injuries before he was booked into jail and a list of charges including terrorists, threat, sudden 2nd degree sol. apparently stepping from an incident with a local gas station clock before his running with police. now the local sheriff on government officials have condemned the incident. but so far, washington has been commented on the case despite the graphic nature of the beating . or this, despite other cases of police brutality against black men, like george floyd, for example, which prompted outcry from top us an un officials immediately. you and human rights chief condemns george floyds killing an urgent, serious action to stop us police killings of unarmed african americans. this is the latest in a long line. so there all kinds of expressions of concern, but not just expressions of concern plans to take action. so that this stops will, that appears to be a growing epidemic of police brutality assault and violence directed an african american men systemic cycle of justice. so existence, country cuts at the very heart, a more sacred belief that all americans are equal rights and dignity. who sends a very clear message to the black community black lives that are under threat every single day. according to investigative journalist, edward zeile, he says that officials and police officers are more interested in skin color rather than justice. i think it's attaching arkansas wall not only ignite, they're ready, a ruptured frustrations of the public, but i think it hits to the core of the issue. americans have for their government right now. we don't trust the government. we don't expect the government too much in our favor. no major pulse is a common sort of and it might be because the man who was beaten so ferociously by those police officers. well, he was white. he wasn't a black light. george, for something to consider is the george ford. so i killing occurred under republican administration. the beating of this man was under a democrat administration. ultimately, if you actually look at how this parse is out, it reflects on the biden administration, the democrats, the people that would be most likely to erupt in, in defense of the victim. they were very quick to come out and attack of the police when it came to george ford and they could care less about the details of incident . they cared more about the skin color of this men. now when this man went to meet his maker, the lord didn't care about the skin color he had, but the truth of the matter was the democratic party hillary clinton and the rest of their their apparatus. jo, binds handlers definitely cared about it. and the did use this to a rode the base of the republicans. they painted the republicans as racist anti competitive practices by big tech companies. that is an allegation by indian authorities as they someone representatives of us firms, apple, google, and amazon for questioning. let's get details now without the correspondent, don't join sharma to whence. monopolistic got to says the indian government has come down hard on big debt companies. the parliamentary standing committee on finance in india has been looking to where is aspects of competition in the market space, especially concerning technology science, senior official and legal counsel's old company such as google, apple, amazon ober, and netflix will appear before the committee on tuesday. representatives of apple, microsoft, amazon, google, netflix from their indian arms and a few others will appear before the parliamentary panel on the issue of competitive behavior in the digital market. all the past few months to parliamentary committee of finance has been looking into the subject. they've been calling different companies and service providers. in fact, last month about them g committee had thought few was from the likes of btn all r. oh, you'll see diesel mattel. do understand how some of the back this is all big tech companies. google, for example, can distort the market for them, act as a barrier to market and see what their pockets and also restrict their functioning . so around 10 questions have been sent by the parliamentary committee of finance to the likes of apple, google, amazon, and netflix, which they will have to answer in front of the panel to de while the competition commission of india dempster deek on that big dex. x thoughts, believe that shop on laws really are the needed are the competition act. 2002 follows the philosophy of modern competition laws and aims at fostering competition and at protecting indian markets against anti competitive practices. by enterprises, the act prohibits anti competitive agreements, abuse of dominant position by enterprises and regulates combinations with a view to ensure that there is no adverse effect on competition in india, a recent dimes big dec farms have come under government scan it after receiving several complaints about elijah, an antique on but it to we're off technology platforms and forms the c. c. i or at the competition commission of india has already been being some of these cases, especially in the digital space following campaigns off on fe, business statuses over to south korea. now where cooperation with the u. s. takes the form of the largest joint military drills in years. however, thousands of people are annoyed and voicing that discontent. in fact, there have been protests over the past 10 days with people speaking out against the military exercises with america. demonstrate as holding up signs to show that disagreement with the government's actions and demand that a revision of the country's policy towards north korea and china. they called for cooperation with young yang to establish peace in the region. and here is what some of them had to say. what do you guys they took came the joint military exercise between south korea and the united states is a very reckless war rehearsal that not only threatens the peace of the korean peninsula, but also the peace of the northeast asia region. so we oppose the military exercise . since the beginning of this administration, south korea is taking a hard line policy towards north korea and china. we are here today to call for peace on the korean peninsula and inter korean reconciliation and cooperation. south koreans concerns of being involved in an military conflict. it's difficult to ignore. the region has become a hot spot of training and what some of called provocative moves. this of course, as the us house speaker nancy pelosi is visit a taiwan provoked massive drills from china and more exercises are going to be held in india alongside us forces within a 100 kilometers of the chinese border. now, south korea is hosting its own joint military exercises with washington who has his largest overseas base in that country. well, i spoke with a former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter, who starts the korean peninsula is facing dangerous times, with saber rattling by washington and its allies sole, only exacerbating already existing tensions in that part of the world. i think the fact that these military drills are, are back means that every everything donald trump accomplished in terms of opening the door for diplomacy has been swept off the table. so it's a very dangerous situation. again, this is ill advise policy on the part of south korea in bad advice if it, if it's, it being given by the united states. these demonstrations are, are reflect with the fact that there's a significant percentage of the south korean population that was looking forward to reconciliation. there were many south koreans that were hopeful that there could be a, you know, a termination of conflict, the better in relations, a potential reunification down the road. and of what they're seeing right now is just, you know, a giant step backwards. this is not good for patients to bill. are dropping out the program at 29 minutes past the hour here on auto international. appreciate your joining us. have full this set of tuesday headlines. we were ton with more of your wealth news at the top of the ah no nation. no nation has ever done anything like it in all the history with sh. ringback oh, because she changed dancing with forced to marceau quito. it was almost like you to to room and you have unlimited lights from when to do i know, but could a positive and it said all some dancing dollars a met with.


Transcripts For RT News 20220823

at least, appears to take a page out of the us. play a book on how to peter political opponent, as ousted premier iran con, faces arrest censorship and criminal charges. much like the former us president donald trump. the headlines from all corners of the globe. welcome to the program. it's awesome. now the car bombing death of journalist diarrhea do going to in moscow shows the criminal character of the ukrainian state. now that is according to russia's envoy to the united nations who plans to raise you see, what tuesdays security council meeting is remarks came off the russian federal investigators linked to the killing the key of special forces and released the video footage of the main suspect ukrainian woman who came to russia a month ago and left to estonia right after the killing. moscow says the suspect natalia wolf was spotted near duke and his home and as the event where the victim's car was wide with up to 400 grimes of explosions. now the un has also called for an urgent investigation, and the u. s. has issued a statement saying they quote, unequivocal condemn. the targeting of civilians is all correspond nazis, donald quarter with this report. well, the f, as these official investigation has concluded that the assassination of journalists and political analysts, daria, do gonna was carried out by the ukrainian secret services. the official statement has identified the terrorist says, a 43 year old woman who's a ukranian citizen named natalia evolve. and her 12 year old daughter who was brought along named sophia siobhan now according to the f s. b. they were following around. daria do gonna, in a mini cooper, this mini cooper entered russia, entered the country with done yet, people's republic license plates. and then it was traveling around moscow with catholic stan license plates and then left the country to estonia with ukrainian license plates. the country where the assailants made their getaway to the same many cooper we're talking about here was also seen on ukrainian websites for sale earlier before this attack took place. but that but, but that listing has been actually taken down. the lot of people on the internet are saying that by putting up a listing to sell the car, the assailants were trying to have an alibi before they committed the act. as for where the assailants carried out this attack, it likely took place at a literature, music festival that both the assailants were at. and daria do gonna and her father alexander doogan before she was killed shortly before she was killed before a bomb was planted under the drivers side of the vehicle. rushes foreign ministry spokeswoman murray is a horror of a has called this a terrorist attack on her telegram channel. and that's exactly what it is. there's no grey area for interpretation. this was an act of state sponsored terror against unarmed civilians. and just to give you some background on the victim of this attack, doria do gonna she was the daughter of the anti western author and political commentator, alexander doogan. and she's also actually a personal friend of mine. her father, who has been targeted by the western media as a sort of advisor to vladimir putin on foreign policy issues for the longest time they've in the western media, he's been really made out to be the really important person. while actually in russia, the kremlin has not officially recognized any time with him, and many consider him to be quite a marginal figure. and it's also important to note that many are saying that there's a lot of speculation and reports that alexander duke was actually the true target of this attack. considering the fact that this bomb was actually planted under the drivers side of alexander, duke and car. and it was only after a last minute decision for him to take a separate vehicle to another place. and for daria to take his car that we unfortunately saw that dory do can do gonna was killed in this attack. ukrainian officials have denied any involvement and talking is killing, saying the accusations are quote, fiction created by russia. so we discussed the issue with a former ukranian security service officer. time ukraine is behind this terrorist attack was facing a system this focused on terrorist operations. this system did not appear to day. it began to be built immediately after my done. it was formalized in 2015 when an amazing of the intelligence committee under president par shanker. the course was clearly taken to carry out sabotaged terrorist attacks on the territory of the dpi, l p. r, crimea, and the russian federation. and then the ukrainian security service. the main intelligence directorate were instructed to prepare special sabotaged groups that would operate in these territories. it also means using, trained to foreign specialist. so in 2015, all such activities received official status said there's nothing surprising given that things are going badly for them at the fronts. it's necessary to show some successes for their target audience and for western curators. that is acts of direct terrorist attack, cuz then you put yourself in the place of the board of services. you see a young woman with a child. naturally, there'll be less attention to such person. therefore, there is nothing surprising as there is nothing surprising in the fact that ukrainian special services use children to disguise or carry out terrorist attacks . i want to remind you that in 2016 a terrorist group was revealed in the dpr which included minus the group was liquidated. there was allow process. that is, there is nothing sacred for them. there are no red lines. they need to achieve that goal. and the goal is the same to defeat russia, the suggestion of terror, the infliction of maximum losses also. so what's not being discussed publicly is western intelligence has potential involvement in the assassination. that's according to both georgia moly of the global policy institute of london and stefan gadgets, from the institute of european studies in belgrade. it is absolutely, and there's no doubt about that, but i don't think that this was done by a ukraine, particularly there are states that are and structures such as need are leading the proxy or let me just remind that recently maurice johnson visited a military camp in england, where they claim time, colonies orders are being trained to fight against russia. when this makes a sign in a conflict in the west. he wasn't very well known figure that, well, you have to wonder who came up with the idea that he was a legitimate target for assassination. and that's why i think they think that has to point to the western intelligence services because they were much more preoccupied with. and then i suspect the ukrainian, i think that the same goes for a it's very unlikely she will ever come to trial. i mean, obviously, is, sonia isn't going to extra die if she still is so here she may well, me back and you brain by now obviously your brain isn't going to extra either. on the other hand, that doesn't mean that she said, i mean russia now this in those who she is, what she looks like. she has a daughter. so she's very easy to decline. so i don't think, you know, today's on us, i like it to be very long the you is edging towards even more direct involvement in the ukrainian conflict. and now the block is planning to host large scale military training of ukrainian armed forces. let's get the opinion now of oxy contributor rachel marston. the rhetoric from some leadership figures in europe is growing increasingly militaristic and seems to be laying the groundwork for greater aggression and involvement in the ukraine conflict. the european union's chief diplomat, joseph burrell said on monday that the blocks defense ministers will be considering a proposal at their meeting in prague next monday, and tuesday to get involved in training ukrainian troops on you territory. one. i believe it seems reasonable that a war that is lasting and looks set to last requires an effort. not only in terms of supplies of material nikki, but also in training and assistance to the organization of the army and, and i hope it will be approved. they will not be in ukraine, it will be in neighboring countries, which already have training missions. britain and tannen are already train ukrainian fighters and britain may be canada will actually vet them this time to avoid the embarrassment of being outed by the canadian mainstream media. again for training fighters who flagrantly supported neo nazi symbols and speaking at the use land warfare conference in london, britain's army chief general sir patrick sanders. a vote to ramping up called operation. mobilize to prepare british troops for urban combat and to fight alongside nato allies in a high intensity conflict in europe. the british armies top ranked warn officer paul carney, also just wrote in soldier magazine, which is the official monthly published by the case ministry of defense. that british troops should get ready for the possibility of deployment, amid the ukraine conflict, for which they should prepare their families. i want us all to check, we are physically fit for operations, and it is also important. we prepare loved ones and families who often have the hardest role in our absence. now french president, a mentor in mac hall, also raised eyebrows here in france a few days ago when he framed the energy crisis and economic hardship caused by the use own sanctions. as the price of freedom in a quote war economy to a 1000 who took the through, i am thinking of all people who will need the strength of mind to face the times ahead to resist uncertainties sometimes to ease adversity and united agree to pay the price of our freedom and our values. france isn't at war with russia, but it seems like an attempt to blame russia for french citizens suffering under the ease on sanctions. it also makes you wonder why he knows about how bad things are about to get here in europe. as the energy and inflation crises start to really bite. all of this militaristic rhetoric seems all the more risky in light of some ukranian officials, growing increasingly bold in their violent remarks. ram for more, we tried to kill as many russians as possible, were the more we kill russians. now, the less our children will have to kill them. that's it. and european and western officials, if they truly want peace, they certainly seem to be headed in precisely the opposite direction with their recent comments. throughout the whole, i don't ask republic, there have been around 50 civilian casualties from internationally by the land mines that kia forces have dispersed, particularly in residential areas. of course the victims include children, some of the band weapons found right around the schools. and former friends yourself was one antrim bouquet who has gained recognition for independently reporting on key ebs actions in the dawn. boss describes the problem of land mines in the area. ah, here you can see a recognizable element of the cluster munitions that scatters anti personnel mines when they are released in the air. these are the so called butterfly minds. they fallen in the center of done at city on household plots of civilians in another places around. this is obvious proof that every one is demanding to present. moreover, they have a serial number for those who want to get additional information about the use of anti personnel mines and done ask. and i want to underline that these are completely prohibited arms. i mean if this vehicle is butterfly mines are highly explosive objects invented by engineers in order to cripple human being, they have a push action mechanism that he's at the moment of contact with this object. a traumatic separation of the leaps happens. ah, ukrainians tried to hit several ammonia holding tanks. this was done intentionally . the goal was to create a huge cloud of ammonia, which would then spread to the population for its destruction by the neighbors. fortunately, they didn't succeed. ah, via here we have found a huge fragment of a projectile. i can show you what is written on the ammunition. ah, and yes, you are not dreaming. the french word de montage, which means remove is on it. this is the biggest fragment of the and shell among those we found on the spot. it's an element of the french projectile duties markings, professionals will be able to identify and track this mission. the numbers listed here. ah, let me know. we're at the interest to the room where the prisoners were held. now we see where they lived. so here is the entrance. ah, here they lived in a there sleeping quarters were located right here. and as you can see, the shell fell and came to the roof, and as it seems to me, it was an incendiary projectile. as everything caught fire, all the prisoners immediately were burned. some of them were asleep at the time. you can see the condition of the beds which are completely burnt out from the bottom to the top. ah, and we've discussed the conflict and ukraine with a russian writer in public figures. i caught a pre lemon a back in 2014 when the conflict in the east of ukraine began. he went to the front lines in the region to report on the fighting, shared his thoughts on how patriotism has been embraced in russia since the military operation began. so some way updated the we're all the most modern and entertaining things used to be hostile to the kind of patriotism we are broadcasting now since the beginning of the russian military operation. how many examples can we recall a volunteers or military personnel been in the mainstream? culture in theater and cinema and literature, there's been nothing like this for a long time. previously, everyone wanted to remove military people further away from the agenda. the kings of discourse were completely different people, and they became hostile to our country on february 24th. but i said this earlier, these people will betray you because they are on the opposite side as they support key. if you do, let's get some other stories here. when you choose their program without international pakistan's ruling elite as a peer to take a page out of the u. s. playbook on how to beat a political opponent. as alger premier emron con, faces arrest censorship, criminal charges much like former us president donald trump is our teach. rachel blevins. the crackdown on the former prime minister of pakistan continues, months after he was removed from office, and it's drawn comparisons to the vine and ministrations treatment of former president trump. in a world where both former officials have seen their supporters compared to domestic terrorist m round con is now reportedly facing terrorism charges. following a speech, he gave to a crowd of supporters in which he vowed a lawsuit against police, alleging that they tortured his close aid. this comes as regulators have also banned the live broadcast of his speeches, drawing sharp criticism from con and response, the fascist imported government sung to a new, lo today by banning life coverage of my speeches on tv and then blocking you to temporarily during my speech at least get bog, all this after continuous intimidation of media persons and taking channels off the air earlier, con continues to address anti government protest after he was removed and a vote of no confidence back in april the law, the government attempts to limit who can listen to his speeches that has only led to more attention and more support, so of kindness facing terrorism charges. then what does that mean for his supporters? and could they face action themselves? notably, hundreds of individuals gathered outside of conn's home after the police investigation into his speech was announced and they've out to take over the capitol if he was arrested. so far that hasn't happened as a court issued a protective order that prevents his arrest for at least 3 days. i comparisons to the politics in the us have come about as trumps. reach was also limited after he was banned by all major social media platforms. however, or his supporters did participate and protest that turned into riots at the u. s. capital, back in january 2021. their faces were placed on f. b. i wanted posters, and so far, the longest sentence stands at more than 7 years. and while trump himself has hinted at running for office again in 2020 for the current administration, appears to be doing everything in its power to keep him out of the white house. earlier this month, trump's home was rated by the f b i with a search warrant revealing and investigation under the espionage act. similar scrutiny has been applied to con. as pakistan's media watchdog argue that the prime minister's speeches amount to threats against state institution and government officials, and therefore it cannot be broadcast live. it has been observed that mr. iran con chairman pakistan. terry key in soft in his speeches and statements is continuously alleging state institutions by leveling baseless allegations and spreading hate speech through his provocative statements against state institutions and officers which is prejudicial to the maintenance of law and order, and is likely to asterisk, disturb public peace and tranquillity at the tail of 2 populous politicians who continued to influence the public despite the fact that they are no longer in office, raising questions at how far the government will go to st. silence their voices, and how their supporters will respond. it's good to have you with us for this program on the tuesday. so recent video shows police officers in the u. s. state of all can saw beating a suspect they were detaining of the footage has sent shock waves throughout the country. i should warn you, you may find the following image is disturbing. here they come. where you can see the pictures pretty much speak for themselves. now the officers involved copying, suspended, and a use of force investigation has been launched. a randall worcester was taken to a local hospital and treated for injuries before he was booked into jail and a list of charges including terrorists, threats, and 2nd degree sol. apparently stepping from an incident with a local gas station clerk before his running with police. now the local sheriff on government officials have condemned the incident. but so far, washington has been commented on the case despite the graphic nature of the beating . or this, despite other cases of police brutality against black men, like george floyd, for example, which prompted outcry from top us an un officials immediately. you and human rights chief condemns george floyds killing and urges serious action to stop you as police killing some unarmed african americans. this is the latest in a long line to the all kinds of expressions of concern, but not just expressions of concern plans to take action so that this stops will, there appears to be a growing epidemic of police brutality assault and violence directed an african american men systemic cycle of injustice, so existence, country cuts at the very heart, a more sacred belief that all americans are equal rights and dignity. who sends a very clear message to the black community, black lives that are under threat every single day. according to investigative journalist, edward zeile, he says that officials and police officers are more interested in skin color rather than justice. i think it's attaching arkansas wall not only ignite, they're ready, a ruptured frustrations of the public, but i think it hits to the core of the issue. americans, how for their government right now we don't trust the government. we don't expect the government too much in our favor. no major pulse is a common sort of and it might be because the man who was beaten so ferociously by those police officers. well, he was white. he wasn't blacklight. george ford, something to consider is the george ford. so killing occurred under a publican administration. the beating of this man was under a democratic administration. ultimately, if you actually look at how this parse is out, it reflects on the biden administration, the democrats, the people that would be most likely to erupt in, in defense of the victim. they were very quick to come out and attack of the police when it came to george ford and they could care less about the details of the incident. they cared more about the skin color of this man. now when this man went to meet his maker, the lord didn't care about the skin color he had, but the truth of the matter was the democratic party hillard clinton and the rest of their their apparatus. jo bind's handlers definitely cared about it. and they did use this to a rode the base of the republicans. they painted the republicans as racist anti competitive practices by big type companies. that is an allegation by indian authorities as they someone representatives of us firms, apple, google, amazon for questioning. let's get details now without the correspond. don't, don't join sharma to went monopolistic back to says the indian government has come down hard on big tech companies. the parliamentary standing committee on finance in india has been looking to witness aspects of competition in the market space, especially concerning technology science, senior official and legal counsels, old company such as google, apple, amazon ober, and netflix will appear before the committee on tuesday. representatives of apple, microsoft, amazon, google, netflix from their indian arms and a few others will appear before the parliamentary panel on the issue of competitive behavior in the digital market. all of the past few months to parliamentary committee of finance has been looking into the subject. they've been calling different companies and service providers. in fact, last month, the bottom g committee had sort views from the likes of bt em all our oil squeezer mattel, to understand how some of the back this is all big tech companies. google, for example, can distort the market for them, act as a barrier to market and see what their pockets and also restrict their functioning . so around 10 questions have been sent by the parliamentary committee of finance to the likes of apple, google, amazon, and netflix, which they will have to answer in front of the panel to de while the competition commission of india tends to dig on a big dex x thoughts believe that shop on laws really are the needed are the competition act. 2002 follows the philosophy of modern competition laws and aims at fostering competition and protecting indian markets against anti competitive practices. by enterprises, the act prohibits anti competitive agreements. abuse of dominant position by enterprises and regulates combinations with a view to ensure that there is no adverse effect on competition in india, a recent dimes big dec forms have come under government scanning. after receiving several complaints about, elijah an antique competed to with all technology platforms and forms the c, c. i or, and the competition commission of india has already been being some of these cases, especially in the digital space following campaign. so on fe, business statuses ah, over to south korea now where cooperation with the u. s. takes the form of the largest joint military drills in years. however, thousands of people are annoyed and voicing that discontent. in fact, there have been protests over the past 10 days. with people speaking out against the military exercises, with america demonstrate as holding up signs to show that disagreement with the government's actions and demand that a revision of the country's policy towards north korea and china. they called for cooperation with young yang to establish peace in the region. and here is what some of them had to say. why didn't you go to the joint military exercise between south korea and the united states is a very reckless war rehearsal. but not only threatens the peace of the korean peninsula, but also the peace of the northeast asia region. so we oppose the military exercise . since the beginning of this administration, south korea is taking a hard line policy towards north korea and china. we are here today to call for peace on the korean peninsula and inter korean reconciliation and cooperation. south koreans concerns of being involved in an, a military conflict. it's difficult to ignore as the region has become a hot spot of training and what some of called provocative moves. this of course, as the us house speaker nancy pelosi is visitor taiwan provoked. massive drills from china and more exercises ought to be held in india alongside us forces within a 100 kilometers of the chinese border. now, south korea is hosting its own joined military exercises with washington who has his largest overseas base in that country. well, i spoke with a former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter, who states the korean peninsula is facing dangerous times, with saber rattling by washington and its allies sole, only exacerbating already existing tensions in that part of the world. i think the fact that these are military drills are, are, are back means that um every everything donald trump accomplished in terms of opening the door for clumsy has been swept off the table. so it's a very dangerous situation. again, this is ill advised policy on the part of south korea in bad advice if it, if it's, it being given by the united states. these demonstrations are, are, reflect the fact that there's a significant percentage of the south korean population that was looking forward to reconciliation. there were many south koreans that were hopeful um, that there could be a, you know, a termination of conflict um, better in relation some potential reunification down the road and of what they're seeing right now is just, you know, a giant step backwards. this is not good for patients to bill. are dropping out the program a 29 minutes. pause the our hero. naughty international. appreciate your joining us . have fullest set of tuesday headlines. we were ton with more of your wealth news at the top of the blue. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race group is on often very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time time to sit down and talk with you to look up for a muscle around noon. she kitty doesn't being in the green shield on a nice to me as a super mom with his ashley of, of the see wanted to work with you but not with the right something. yeah. that we got that with them with .


Transcripts For RT News 20220822

ruling expiring on thursday. the phil faces are with europe, faces more blow back from a sweeping anti russia function for the 1st time and 50 years the u. k. could be facing control block. i see this winter that says electricity costs continue to store a 15 injured on. can you printing an army shelter, a bridge in the her song region, according to local authorities, with a nearby village applied to print with her message to the world. this is our t pleasure to have your company today. my name's unit only. we begin with breaking news. the russian security service is blamed for the killing of daria do. gonna the daughter of russian philosopher, alexander, duke, and according to the f speak, ukrainian secret services carried out the car bama attack. on the 29 year old journalist while i'm joined live now by our teeth. dawn caught her for more on saturday nights. deadly instant hide on. yeah. and pick us through up the f. s. b. how to say there and do they have any leads on who actually carried out the attack? well, you know, there's a lot of information going out there officially confirmed an unconfirmed, but basically the f. s b's investigation has officially concluded that this was a terrorist attack. the assassination of daria do, going to was a journalist and a political analyst this, this terrorist attack that, that was carried out by ukrainian secret services. the official statement actually calls out the actual people who carried out this attack labels 43 year old ukranian cities citizen, natalia volk volk. and actually her 12 year old daughter that she brought along, whose name is sophia, siobhan, and there are pictures going around the internet that are alleging to be volts documents that if they are confirmed she, this would mean that she was a member of the neo nazi as all battalion and also an active member of the ukrainian secret services. according to the f s. b, the assailants were following the victim around in a mini cooper car around moscow. this car entered russia with done yet people's republics license plates. it actually was traveling around moscow with catholic stand license plates and, and exited the country into a stony when the 2 assailants made their escape with ukrainian license plates. and this same many cooper is actually was listed for sale on ukrainian sites with you with the ukrainian license number. but that listing has since been taken down. but again, screenshots are circulating around the internet and we have confirmed that that they are legitimate. and as for the salience where they were, when they carried out this terrible attack, when they, when they rigged the bomb to explode on the car in which daria duke was driving it's, it's assumed that it happened when they were all at the same literature and music festival that daria do going to was an attendance. these 2 assailants were there, as well as well as daria took in his father, alexander, duke. and now we have to understand that this state sponsor terrorist attack. and that's exactly what we have to call it. i mean, there's no sort of gray area here. these are on, on the unarmed people that were killed in an assassination attack. this took place at the same time. the key of propaganda is trying to say that russian troops are callously killing ukrainian civilians. and then we see something like this. and what's more is that we're seeing ukrainian officials openly call for the genocide of the russian people. let's take a listen to what the envoy, ukraine's envoy because extent had to say, friends, we'll try to kill as many of them as possible. the more russians we kill now, the less our children will have to kill. now just to give you some background of the people in this attack, who were the victims of this attack? she was a diary duke was the daughter of the anti western author and political commentator, alexander duke. and then she was actually a personal friend of mine as well. the western media has long tried to make out her father to be a sort of advisor to vladimir putin on foreign policy. but this is actually something that in russia is seen as quite strange because the kremlin has not actually officially identified any ties to him. and many consider him to be actually a marginal figure. it's widely believed that he was actually the target since the car. the diary was sitting in was his car that he usually drives around and then he had made a last minute decision to take a different one. kiev denied any involvement in the aftermath of the attack on sunday. have we heard anything new from ukrainian authorities? well, this is really a common tactic by key to neither confirm nor deny attacks that we see on russian territory even when they're happening really in the border regions near the dunbar . people's republics and ukraine, where the fighting is going on. and we see these are these shelling of civilian areas, even then ukrainian authorities don't take responsibility for that when it's glaringly obvious that they are the ones who are carrying these out. but this time we've seen ilia putnam putnam are of come forward. and this guy is a former russian politician. he's, he's now ukranian citizen and an opponent of the russian government on the special military operation. and he's claiming that this attack was carried out by a group that i'm sure most russians have never even heard of this. it's called the national republican army, and it's looking like he's trying to show that this attack was somehow carried out by some sort of internal opposition that's going on in russia. but let's take a look at what he said. you would, you know, move for the major event took place in your moscow last night. russian partisans blew up the car of the ideology of no rosier, the leader of the russian fascists. alexander doogan. this action, like many other direct partisan actions carried out on the territory of russia in recent months, was carried out by the national republican army. so there you go, when the ukranian government doesn't confirm nor deny these kinds of attacks, it basically leaves the open the door open for people like this to say that it's carried out by some sort of partisan organization that really there's no evidence even exists on quarter with the 3rd breakdown dawn, thank you for that. let's brick into some of those points that don was talking about with dr. stephan guy in political scientists and professor the institute of european studies in bel agreed you're most welcome, sir. what reaction do you expect from the russian authorities as this looks to be a terror attack against a russian citizen unrest, for there was absolutely attack, and there's no doubt about that. but i do believe that russia will hands down all the perpetrators and also those who are responding are responsible for ordering of this correct terrorist attack. i think that they have a president of the state that already has done so in the past. it was israel, famous seamen of isn't all wanting down denazi's all over latin america and all over the world. and i think this is exactly what will happen to all the carriers who have committed this and other similar crimes. but this was a particularly her one. i must say that i cannot be unbiased because i also personally knew and i can only say that she was the most intelligent and kind of person. so this is really hurtful for everybody who knew her and especially for her family. and i would say for all russia and all the free world, which is witnessing this, i would say new round of anti colonial struggle because this naples proxy war that is happening on the russian. lance is nothing of the new circle of anti colonial struggle. so worse for the parents are always the site that is losing a conflict. so that's why they use this a particularly painful method. so we can only assume that actually angel is losing this proxy war, which is why this there is the attack was from dr. young, the attribute you just paid to. daria. very similar ones coming in yesterday on the program. other people who are friends with her, just devastated by the news you as you can imagine, your family is. can i just touch steph and on the claims by the fugitive russian lawmaker ilia polymer of he said, the russian republican army is behind the attack. some kind of resistance movement inside russia. how plausible does that sound to you? is this? i think it was a, jason was not so tragic that the claim is probably lawful because russian society is pretty much united when it comes to the struggle in which are russia is right now. i don't think there are some sleeper cells for indigenous sleeper cells that are not connected either to need the structures or to the brain and secret service. so i think that this is only for letting me use this word, barking of a person who is resentful again his own country. and we can only call a traitor because you such a tragic event in order to become popular in the world or to i tried to push it is a is really mean and really not at all. so i don't think that these claims are technically correct, but i do believe that that she and people who are like in are happy that russia is in pain and that particular families are hurt by this, this tragic events. and the reason that the reason i bring it up in the 1st place though, if ukraine was behind this, it would be a very daring attack deep in russian territory. what did i needed help? here? it is a bearing of that. and i don't think that this was done by a ukraine, particularly there are states that are and structures such as need are leading the proxy war. let me just remind them that recently maurice johnson visited a military camp in england where they claim time, collins, the brain is orders are being trained to fight against russia with an aside in a conflict. so course, we will find out eventually who was behind the attack apart from the direct perpetrators, it seems that they are already that their names are already known. and i do believe that this had some kind of a broader support since union and body also are people who really annoy and challenge the unilateral political order, the order of vehicle loaning structure that was billed after the end of the cold war. so of course, this act was designed to her and her, but of course i believe that russia will not say i will and will response 7 as always. thank you for your time and your thoughts as you say, you were a friend of hers as well. so it's a very sad day, the aftermath of this talk, of course, for people in your family. first and foremost dr. stephan guy, it's a professor at the institute of european studies in belgrade. well, some western media outlets have responded to the assassination with cynicism, describing the as her father, the russian philosopher as a mastermind alex under duke and at behind rushes foreign policy. that reactions, in stock contrast to other assassination attempts against other pro western figures are to reach a blevins, can break down that for us. the tragic killing of daria do. going to attracted headlines for media across the west, but their focus seemed to be on her father alexander again or more specifically his political views and his supposed ties to the russian government. sienna referred to him as potent spiritual guide, while the u. s. government funded radio free europe called him brain. the daily mail took a different approach focusing instead on duke and appearance, which was shown on videos taken at the scene. they described his reaction to seeing the car. his daughter was driving fully engulfed in fire as if it was the plot of some hollywood movie. but whether the attack was aimed at doogan or his daughter were both, didn't seem to matter to the individuals on social media who looked to justify the apparent assassination. simply because they disagree with the views of the duke and family, and speaking of justifying it, here's what some and ukraine had to say. doogan. what's wrong with the face? prudence propaganda, consultant alexander duke himself was also supposed to be driving in the blown up car. his daughter was killed in the explosion. the apple fell not far from the tree . she continued her father's work promoting the ideology of the russian world and justifying the war against ukraine. in general, the earth is vitreous to this russian, and we hope very soon dad will join her in hell. if it seems like the means you're in response to doris killing is different. that's because it is. in fact, earlier this month to dozens gathered in new york to show their support after a controversial indian british author was stabbed an apparent assassination attempt at an art festival in new york, while he had made his share of enemies due to his religious writings, world leaders quickly came to his defense insisting that he was fully entitled to share his beliefs. salman rushdie with his insight into humanity with his unmatched sense for story with his refusal to be intimidated or silenced, stands for essential universal ideals. truth, courage, resilience, the ability to share ideas without fear. these are the building blocks of any free and open society. and he is not alone, long time u. s. government official and accused war criminal. john bolton also made headlines this month after the department of justice revealed that he was the target of an alleged assassination plot by an iranian national. but despite the deadly attacks, bolton himself has supported western media responded with nothing but concern. today, the department of justice unsealed charging documents, revealing in a rainy murder plot against john bolton. this was a serious plot and the threat extends to other former government officials. officials say the man was a member of iran, revolutionary guard, cor, suspect. put a $300000.00 price drag on your head. what goes through your mind? a bachelor? well, i've, he bearish that the low price i would have thought would have been higher, while both individuals were controversial in their own ways. they didn't do the one thing the alexander to can has been doing for years. he has been an outspoken critic of the west and its foreign policy. he is also condemned ukraine's attacks on russian speaking people and supported rushes. defense of the people in the don bass and, and crimea as a result of their willingness to publicly share their beliefs. both doogan and his leg daughter were the subject of sanctions from the west. but it's the media's response, which serves as a reminder that tragic killings and attempted killings are only condemned when the target has a history of selling the approved narrative. if this were this we're killing did happen again. someone in the u. s. for example. ready this would be treated much differently. i do think the western media is showing a double standard here. there's no question that if this is been the daughter of an important american intellectual, that the u. s. media would be ringing its hands would be calling for justice. would be calling for reprisals against those that did this. instead they seem to be taking some glee in what has happened. and yes, i mean again, clearly this is the result of a very strong anti, a russian sentiment in this country, which frankly is cross the line into pure racism. and it's not acceptable. and i think the journalist, in particular, in the western media should take a good hard look at themselves and do some self reflection. ok to another headline story today via lum about high court house, granted, former pakistan prime minister, him run, can protective bail until thursday. after police lodged a terror case against him, ah yes, in the latest pictures published by his p t i a party mister can can be seen reaching his followers. i'd scientists, resident. now he's facing actually to be empty terrorism for allegedly threatening in much a straight on senior police officers out of raleigh. he organized to protest against the arrest of a senior member of his party, who he also sees was tortured by before the protective fail was awarded thousands of supporters gathered in front of the home of the former pm to try and block his arrest. a local reporter job and run it to list what's been happening near him run the counselor. right. no, i mean, friend of the residents of the former prime minister on hon. and behind me is a long you off the people he spoke to. is supporters, is linus who are here and they asked the, i've seen that be able for tech, the former 5, mr. at the cost of their lives. as we speak of people i was told by the party a party, she really does the odd marching words islam bought. and those people are going to get deployed on the residence of the former families to let me just give you a little bit small geography of the residence of the former prime minister. it is located in plenty go out. this is a very fairly, it bought office lombard, you say, look at it on a mountain. and on that, on the, on the inside, the mon things that the former understood has has deployed his supporters. this means in case there is any possible police action a bit is exhibit to possibility of a war link to the option from his supporters. and that does not aboard well for the future of focus on the glass. this is the time and focus on is already physically because i'm sick entity, and if is any police action against him, this is a liking to backlash as a matter of fact because only the backlash last night there wasn't at them by the police who are just the former prime stood up on morning this, his sport does gathered, i don't his residence and because of which i think the police failed to take action, not there are still apprehension. apprehensions about the possibilities offers arrest. but going by what i have seen on the ground, it seems not that the arresting the former understood is something easier said than done. given the fact that they, there is a long queue of the hist for those who will not let loose to dick any action against him. and also there have been a loss good for us across, focused on and, but that probably gives a signal that get on to government that it will be difficult for it. and then it will be difficulties with the government in case it go for any police actually use the formula for mr. java. donna, arte slot. i'm federal, doctor john got to thinking we will protest and will block roads. if collin is arrested, i pass this message for your channel. people will come on roads and sit in protests will happen on roads until this imported government quite open at s. got nicky, do any attempt to arrest him? will be a cowardly act. when the arguments had done, then he's the palace with power at the present, he could crush him. that oppression can't stay long. that b r u b. c o, a senior member of enron counts part. he said the size of the rallies testifies to the continued level of support, the politician and former cricket star enjoys in the citation country. public has been somewhat charge. if you see, says the 9th of free for the public is behind it behind him. wrong and last night was me. one of us that on we would when toward that it is an i out. it is a case again, it's been registered against him on a 3rd of them charges. so the public reactive. so the entire country is if you see in the hall county log everyone in focused on, you can see the large amount of people coming out on the street in progress being used to kind of which we believe it's an important game which has been, has been imposed on focused on through a jeep ginger exercise, rushes federal security surveys said it has detained a supporter of the eyes. as tara grip, the mon claims he planned to travel to india and carry out an atrocity against officials, they're in 2022. i was undergoing special training the book i flew to russia from where i was supposed to go to in the means that they were supposed to meet me and give me everything necessary to commit a terrorist attack. as instructed by these lum exceed for insults on the prophet mohammed less cross to r t correspondent peter a scotch tie. peter, can you tell us what's known so far by the case? is there any information about the alleged target maybe well hi union. yes. so the f s b so far said that the money they've detained is a national from a central asian country. now as we heard in that clip that he did say that he did plan to travel to india, to commit a terrorist attack against the ruling authorities, the government for insults against islamic profits. mohammed now the f. s. b, they did say that he was detained. some time between april and june, this year they went to specific, but when exactly they caught him. but he was detained in turkey, where he is apparently been trained as a suicide bomber by an ice to lead to the now motive or target specific target. behind this plot, it's just speculation at this point. but in the end of may, this year in the beginning of june, there was widespread unrest among the muslim community. and that was following some remarks by the b. j. p. 's former spokeswoman per sharma. she made a very controversial report remarks, excuse me, against the muslim of profits mohammed and his wife on a tv show, the announce surprising that spot widespread protest among indian muslims and the wider community as a whole around 20 countries though, so also called in indian diplomats for an explanation as to those comments and over in bangladesh and in pakistan, there were also demonstrations calling for indian products to be boycotted around sea people actually killed the results of this on rest. now saw her, so she received death threats and raped threats. after her comments on this widespread unrest, the b j. p, the india ruling party, they sought to distance themselves from her and they denounce the comments, saying that they did not reflect the stance of the government. she was that she sites as a role as a spokesman for the party. as a result of this, she unconditionally withdrew the comments that she made against the prophet mohammed. but she did seem to somewhat defend them, saying that she made them in response to insults against the hindu god. she yvonne . no, that's not to say that she didn't have her supporters. while all this unrest was taking place, tens of thousands of people talk to with the hash tag. take the push on the back and i support no push. alma was, was, was trending the. however fast forward to july in india, the top court, the supreme court, they did rule that sama must apologize for the comments that she made, saying that she quotes, at least tongue set the country on fire on ignited emotions across the country. trauma herself has not been seen since sometime in june, presumably in hiding almost just at this point that neither the states nor russia's federal security service have specifically named the push on the as the targets of this plots. but given the widespread unrest that she caused, i'm sure it will be in most of the, of the investigating taken us through that to our team. peter scott the united kingdom could face electricity black to this winter for the 1st time in 50 years bounce on the worst case scenario plans reportedly being drawn up by the government if gas shortage is combined with a quarter seas now. the warning comes as average electricity costs shoot up to $4.00 times higher than last year, reaching more than $4000.00 pounds per household. annually. predictions suggest a power shortage. lossing, up to a week in january and total around $6000000.00 britons of 10 percent of the country population would be impacted authority. some suggested that people turn off appliances between peak evening damage to save power. and as the gas price across the us had a new record, 2 officials, they're voice concerned that citizens will have to choose between buying food or heating their homes. here's our t contribute. our rachel morrison's take on the situation. anyone who just a few months ago would amused about a potential humanitarian crisis in the u. k. or d, industrialization of germany or blackouts in wealthy switzerland would have probably been left out of the room and into an insane asylum. we're talking here about the most developed nations on earth, and yet that's exactly where things are at to day. it's still summer time here in europe with the winter's pea heating seasons still always off. and yet, every day now official across the continent are making increasingly dire. predictions about the impact of the energy crisis caused by europe sanctioning of its own gas supply from russia. the latest to sound the alarm is the mayor of london city khan, who called attention on twitter to britain's national hall system leaders saying that the u. k. could be facing a humanitarian crisis as people have to make a choice between feeding themselves and paying for heating. as we near the winter months, choosing between heating and eating is a fair and reality. for many, the impact on people's health will increase the pressure on our, in a chess off to, to pandemic years. the government must act now to protect people in the an a chest british industry. leaders are also warning of potential closures of shops, restaurants, cafes, and nightclubs. as they get hit with impossibly high energy bills, perhaps even to the point of bankruptcy, according to media reports and representatives of german industry fear an exodus of manufacturers of car parts, chemicals and steel, all to, to record high costs of power, currently reaching a price that's $11.00 times higher than typical analysts are also fearing resulting on rust. if the industry has to go to shortened work, weeks and reduced pay thanks to the energy crunch. this is where i get nervous. the ingredients for social unrest are there and the risk of that is under appreciated. meanwhile, swiss officials are drawing up doomsday style scenarios amid a fear of potential blackouts or even a shut down of the power grid. all these nations officials are going to great lengths to comment on how they're handling this slow motion train wreck screening about the potential fall out. while ignoring the fact that halting the crash is entirely within the power and control of their own governments. they're not is, and bystanders. they're architects of this crisis. and it's just a matter of stepping back from the ledge, taking a deep breath and ending their self harming sanctions. but instead, as the e, you constantly points out. they're all united this time in their folly and it seems increasingly like their intent on pulling.


Transcripts For ALJAZ People Power The Femicide Detectives 20220729

ah, this is al jazeera, these other top stories, the u. s. and chinese presidents have held more than 2 hours of talks and what's being described as a tens phone call. she's in pings one, joe biden over taiwan saying he shouldn't, as he put it, play with fire. the u. s. economies contracted for the 2nd quarter in a row, but the by the administration insists is not in recession. g d p fell 0.9 percent in the 3 months from april to june. but job growth is still strong, which hasn't been the case in previous downturns. ukraine says russian voices of launched a missile attack near keith. for the 1st time in weeks, the russian troops withdrew from the area, months ago, after failing to capture it, nor the region of shannon. he was also targeted on thursday. the family lodge. is it a journalist? should he now block that? i have made an impassioned plea for you as politicians to support an independent investigation into killing me how the support of 80 members of congress sharon was shot dead by his really forces while on assignment in the occupied west bank. and may any family of a u. s. citizen who is skilled abroad, expects their government to put its resources behind an investigation? this is the very least, the biden administration must do. they cannot rely on israel's word. war criminals cannot investigate their own crimes. to many palestinian families suffer every day as our family is suffering now. they all deserve to live in safety with their families. they all deserve justice. they all deserve freedom. protests against guineas, military gender brought the capital colloquy to a standstill organizer say one demonstrator was killed in confrontations with security forces. he unrest began just before the head of the regional block. eco was said. military rulers had revised their time table for transition to civilian rule from 3 to 2 years. but this would be no confirmation from the center. opposition and piece of heckled peruse, president calling him corrupt as he delivered a speech mockingly end of his 1st year in office. pedo castillo survived to impeachment votes, and his being investigated for allegations of corruption. protesters had been calling for the left wing leader to resign. those of the headlines, thieves continues and alta, 0 after people and power see in about 25 minutes. good bye. a weekly look at the world's talk business stories from global markets to economies and small businesses to understand how it affects our daily lives. on examining 50, counting the cost on of the around $10.00 women murdered in mexico every day, almost always by men. horrific gender based violence that threatens to spiral control, specialized police quotes. and i'm trying to reverse the trend and bring the perpetrators to justice. but can they become years a matter of culture and societal indifference? ah ah, police unit is assembling at a quiet residential compound in mexico city. these are detectives from one of mexico's new fem aside units formed only 2 years ago to investigate violent crimes against women. that only 60 and then over recovered in vehicles. i got up in dallas and what i thought of but as an estimated 10 women a murdered every day, the amount of block visible here in the hallway tells a powerful story. not just of the violence and rage that was here, but the vulnerability of mexican women in the supposed safety of their own homes. why is there so much violence against women in mexico? as the screaming us young? it's all of you. as jak in his son is whole, now a pretense young dame get better man is camels in iraqi in iraq is the element in those plastic now last year, thousands of women from all over the country fed up at the torrent of violence against them came to protest in mexico city. the suppressed rage of these women boiled over in the capital. when a joke look at them d. n a at unprovoked thought. they felt our basil and out of love em bonded us. we're specific us and thought, i'm not gasoline. our gas was gotten, austrians was well built gasoline. gainey. see, i don't see him though. is we see the us us with don't for many serious he navina axiom gone. then when they list either a rabby for fresh young in know yeah. any more or kill us, coff has come been the head of the 1st film aside unit in mexico city. so your re herrera, directs investigations of violent deaths involving women. she's also reopened hundreds of cases previously ignored by police. a song lost normally as they latin wireless, gay, and part of the law. so either the former, your length i, liz, is yakima, and said the santas with the in mexico cities sprawling police headquarters, known as the bunker detectives, from the famous side unit, called out to a crime scene. norma beltran and her colleagues are on their way to a downtown hotel, romeo, where they know most of those that are homeless. if he's going to have a few minutes, he views, he suddenly does more. marie delton bechtel good big i'm with for availability of him. many of their investigations, a crimes of domestic violence, murder, or attempted murder of a partner or spouse, the soccer, okay. in all of your disposal and either mechanical with either the need to go into the they love their summer north in process or not, they're not on their 3rd grade. if we order up there on us from all angles, they asked me for my smoking as me must have been o'connell, daniel not expecting to be believed by old school homicide detectives. perpetrators often alleged their victim committed suicide. is any man he naturally no k a is when this heat e s f. but a sally's had one last with a use last and as his he now was gas us electrons have been balance was gas ass, edith boise so ban. you lack. i bought bank, i'm all this apparatus eat us. this is on. we could add the loss more. you could have feels bad at the senior is same as this with west as we see the all bad aqua battery less a yes. yep. oil than i cave vamos ah, a could a at least for colossal see that there were models emberly's aloe lara's on room 7 on the 3rd floor, a young woman was found dead in the bathroom. police won't give us details except to say, it was reported as a suicide. unlike in the past all violent deaths involving women and now investigated by the famous side unit as potential crimes. ah, one of salaries 1st actions was to re examine hundreds of cases where violent deaths were classified as suicide. st. misty gala company whistles yesterday at the pals, a hand had also re look as significant said em hair. some was more, you must annihilate william. we'll see you ask his there, but he asked, no folk rationale, ask is what i meant that the mighty anxieties and that, that must be them through unless he dress young a. the fishy larry, sort of where at the hotel crime scene, luminous spray reveals evidence hidden to the naked eye. back in the office, detective norma beltran files her report. after 16 months in the unit, she has a sense of mission. is when we bought them there, a common policy. i'm had lower leviticus, he bought a gay was among credit 9 was when i was on the webinar speaking, must elaine aiming and up with sadness was familiarity with my company. and also jasmine for every country has homicide units. why do you need a separate institution dedicated to women? him if you got to find me feel is the freight and they, they receive, i don't know he's i haven't heard s a or will are meant then of course i get then most citizens he not for us on as a handle and let me hear her press well, maybe or less. yes, 6, what i said, as are the french i last saw you re herrera, was a remarkable choice to run this unit. she was a human rights lawyer and an activist. laugh mad at us too. and this can connect to you any after a handle on a medicare case, some b, n c handle the c k k. if that era, myself is caliah, k a, the amazon will start 40 stuff is kelly k, the amazon who played out moist dressing speed, socio need to tackle the 700 open investigations in mexico city. there are 18 lawyers in her team, 42 detectives, doctors, and an intelligence unit. you understand why there are so many murders of women in mexico, coker and much more love. i use the one that goes on a long list. so i spent the last not hit by them. okay. cameras more. who's on with the residential compound on the outskirts of mexico city, famous, i detectives and forensic technicians piecing together the story of what happened in the blood spattered apartment. a detective, jorge pamlico, is in charge of causal to wonder among those long. mm hm. are there some minor, there's a lunch or those who are there a causal about bill? is that the for the miter? is the president going throwing up our mind. jermanti go e n star. okay. job said, well my chevy won't go to your love. he would. are they uncle to you? okay. well, dante officer, la garza, wonderland victims, brother. what she's on my sister. she was facing a monster. she was facing a real monster. the guy that did this to her, it's an atrocity. what he he took me by my arms i he pony or away from the bedroom. and then he was with the knife donna was stabbed multiple times by her ex partner. it's a miracle she survived. can't believe it. i don't believe that. he or he did it this to me. i mean, choke, after her attacker was her ex partner, marco. they were together for 8 years, but had separated not long before the attack. i didn't see it coming. never. we have not the perfect relationship, but it was not that bad. my mom, i mainly noticed this guy was a ne and she didn't want to relate the warehouse with my sister's conduct. he was controlling my sister. that's what, what happened on the day of the attack in early january, a few days after new year marco came to see her at the apartment. he started to say that he is going to kill himself. he go to the kitchen she. he took a knife and you are like, i am going to kill myself because you don't love me anymore. donna thinks he saw messages on her phone from her new boyfriend. after that m. he was another person. a. he was like there are tang isadore. ah, and they was like, oh, she tried to struggle my sister twice. he hit her in the face. he punched her in the face and then he took the knife there 1st. god, he was in gwinnett that is all over my neck. and instantly i started the room to screen for shop and then hip started to stop her. she got my hands on my arms. she perforate my, my love a dull him mark. you're going to kill me. and she serve me. yes. oh wow. donna's neighbor heard her screams and called the police folks her mom and dad was very good us. let us all school, those old school, those. his meds were longer, you know, personal normal course of him. remember mile blanca from children, something to you or settlement? those almost one 3rd bush include your, your economy. surely. i was at the floor. he was over me. so i can't move donna's life was probably saved because marco slipped in a pool of her blood. i find the keys i took there and i opened the door. how did you get to the door? oh, i don't know. i don't know. i remember i wake up i'm and i said, oh thank god for these body for this to embody take you goes far by chance because the setback that i have here i i put my my, my left can i am great, but i put my left hand and i can i can defend myself. my hand is good and no, i can't more of my my 3 fingers work. ah, i don't. it's okay, it's okay for me because i my life. we are a society that cannot tolerate these anymore. we breathed the violence every day in this country, or maybe you read it. maybe you see it on to on tibby bart, you'll never imagine this can happen to your sister. for me is very important that he pay for these. ah, extend. luca is only 35 kilometers from mexico city. with the progress we saw in mexico city feels remote. here in mexico state. more women are killed than anywhere else in the country. and the age of the victims is getting younger. a pink cross marks the spot where a famous side has taken place. this is the latest murder to have happened here. and it's left the mother of the victim. isolated and terrified in this harsh landscape . no land boiler done. what happened to your family in december? me half way, viola. he has his he nother in the c. m. well look. no love. we know we went my mother in may. he got are you not barnett? he said, he said, who had a sting gun. it is worth it. you're a journalist who joyce. verily that get the and this isn't in your mood, chin gordon. so so, so more just cause of the year it will not exceed lynn fe, excuse me, and the me lemonade. other may yell amanela the combat. lift mcdavia live the life or no rocha. yeah. necessity. but k yet i'm here will you know? so the melody was only 13 years old. her pink school bag still hangs on the wall. a guy that an umbrella she had 2 little sisters, fatima and julia. one morning in december, and helen asked melanie to help her. you may send the a mile in thorns, this is the land lease. they are fatima. is emily not the war glasses? eli believe, if our gala yoletta no, no, i see i forget them in the well as well. they do a say the i live be the if i was can let you. i and i generally wrestle with the exam in the library. maria points for my study. fatima miracle griff at the mercy of our gala. melanie lobby leather heart give me one last hello. i saw shortly after melanie's body was dumped a few yards from the primaries school gate. i went out. are you another theodora garcia? that's good. for go more t we and you. oh yeah, that'll anonymous to cut it dumb. odella a lawyer. not a big seattle to us overall by stella. just gather the killer him the love they thought until until noon for then you get that again now a simple pink cross marched the spot where melanie's body was left connecting her death to the thousands of all the women and girls killed in mexico in recent decades. me like see the feel only got quite a ball on laughing. i mean i have a level that they'll buy low, get anyone i'm they get out of that is when me yes. him all week. the 40 so 50 then in this was in, this is luasa. come why sorta love us what he says he, on the left every country has manifestation of violence against women. but in mexico, why is the violence so extreme and most the needle a when they can come in important they, they a will not have a clara on the expertise in contra and go traffic most of us and will be still framing the cdn in los k a model and it get somebody out of the lobby that way this is happening. but act because given and they can, as for my partner, the group was 11 when children is look at a my a lower to key until it has received welfare visit from the local police. but she hasn't heard anything from the team. investigating the murder, the galleria wellness does in the field, so i think enabling it. can i get in on that? i local bubbly. con though, is where we became the state has a firm aside unit, but it's got little funding. the police response here seems totally inadequate. was your loaning, could kill if all the list here to get them was in mexico. can we tell him paulina and don says, nice palsy legal and that up in monsieur input then see what gay in mr. by ease, see 9, you know, not m. women masked the causes cultural, but all saw are impunity. ingrid serrato bar is the minister for women in mexico city. family side is a crime that we have in 2007. just to put it under law. you understand women who say the police don't come see, see a secret i or if he was on the saw process, doubles that our handle of that got them. the income be a little cheap. i lap alysia. i will now as it was john, dan berkeley, gal dan masculine duncan was lab only see at ambien quest that was that, that our hope donna is home from the hospital tending to her wounds and in the care of her family . my family is my entire work without my family. i don't on the way that i can survive till these a cause it's versus there. i was. her dealings with the famous side unit have been positive. her attacker is in jail awaiting trial. in mexico, not all the cases have just i went to leave that most of the cases cost just the support. we know that these doesn't happen like this. so i, i hope this, this case is fine with just, ah, last you left a message go most when neither here nor good alice transform us young us in a saw the us in the lily drive from you see the off, we must, the los book you cmos, as 1000 level only got got i will, he must not thought as less you that is not those must estella has been in me. is money will they're in for as little dude out? look around was thomas conformist? lagossi ma says don't look at him. was gone federal credit in mexico state, and halley's passes the place every day where melanie was abandoned me as this in that but sun again yummy. they fairly but a normal you said thank you luck. all she has left is a grave to visit and no one to stand with her. ah oh, good analogies, era? kenya, braces for a title contested votes. as the country goes to the poles and elections that will shape its future. the listening post examines and dissects the wealth media, how they operate, the stories they cover up to 5 years on the since me, on mars, muslim minority were forced from the country. we look at the plight of the rocking . i'll just say we're well showcase is the best documentary from across the network, including a new 3 part series, the sixty's in the arab world. as protests continue following the swearing in the new president could sri lanka, economic and political crisis lead to humanitarian 1 august, which is the era none of buys of defiance. it really touched my heart deeply when she started to see ya, a. ready see out, is there a well remembers analysis financing, who reached audiences beyond the middle east or into a creative family in nazareth? she sang out a powerful and emotional message, the personal story of rain, banana, the voice of palestine on al jazeera. what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they're going through here al jazeera, we believe everyone has a story. worth hearing. witness. the ancient witness plane is witnessed. difference is witness. change. witnesses, happiness, witness. blood, witness. sunlight, witness de la. witness. last witness. charity, witness, confusion, witness clarity, witness, family and witness. friends. witness the beginning. witness. the end witness life witness and algebra. ah.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220728

great x falls from ukraine's pools are expected to resume for the 1st time since rushes invasion. ah, clubs, the harmony watching all their life, my headquarters here and are coming up in the next 30 minutes. the u. s. economy contracts for a 2nd strike quarter raising recession phase, just months before key mid term elections. you as president joe biden and chinese, he to she jing pinhole talks on the phone is economic and geo political tensions mount until the rain triggers. flash floods, the united arab emirates, and cat gets rain in july for the 1st time on record. ah, hello, welcome to the very great exports ukrainian pulled through the black sea are expected to begin in the next 24 hours. 25000000 tons of waiting in ukrainian ports where they've been stuck since russia invaded. that's cause food shortages and price rises around the world. john henry is in the port city of a desa. he says ukrainian farmers are reluctant to send their grain. there is one of 3 ports where those grain shipments will be leaving from and they are where that grain is being stored right now. this is odessa, the 1st shipments are expected to go from turner mores. and then there would be shipping from pick danny, as well. now there's been an inspection site where presumably the russian officials who can control some of those areas will, will be inspecting those ships. but there's also been a corridor mapped out south down the coast on the black sea. that is theoretically a safe corridor by the region of odessa has been struck a couple of times. and that leaves some of the farmers who are shipping this grain uncomfortable. we talked to one yesterday in northern ukraine who said that they were going to store their grain on site in containers at their farm because they just don't feel it safe yet. so those 1st shipments will really be a test as to whether other farmers are going to follow suit out there is to me some day is up the port of shorter, more square. the 1st of the ships carrying grain is expected to leave. non bill for i love to watch it. we are the hearts of the ports of tour, no more square. all eyes are set on the area behind me. the ukrainian minister of infrastructure said he expect the 1st ship's carrying grains to set out into the turkish territory waters. then the international waters at any point of time to put you in the picture. those are the shores of touring, more square mines are everywhere. so you can see this warning sign placed by the green and authorities. at the backdrop, you can see parts of the port of torn morris where authorities had denied turn this access into the 3 ports turn the more so the desa and usually citing security reasons that ukraine and authorities are conducting the process. an absolute confidentiality for fear of imminent russian attacks on the ports and their infrastructure that can sub i had this morning, the ukrainian south operations command. i made the statement saying all the logistics within the 3 c port and have been concluded. meanwhile, the crane and forces have been working diligently over the past 2 days. removing mines from the water passages through which the grain carrying ships will pass. ukrainian navy spoke this morning about the number of turkish military vessels that had entered through the safe water passages. this morning we also witnessed the korean air defenses of sending off russian rocket attacks, launched and reconnaissance drone, as they say from the black sea targeting the southern province of ukraine, and they joined coordination center to monitor great exports from ukraine. open to this tumble on wednesday. it's part of the de la keith and moscow signed last week, which was broken by turkey and the un turkeys defense minister says it's an example of the international corporation needed to tackle global food shortages. abraham collin is a spokesman and special adviser to the turkish president. he says ukraine is preparing grain shipments. there are a number of ships loaded already. they are getting ready to sail, and of course you bring inside will provide safety and security and guidance for those ships in and around this ports. and once they reach international waters, we will take over and be we'll monitor it from the joint cooperation coordination center here in this some book. so it's really up to both your brain and russia to get their ships ready to sail if they get ready. logistically speaking, you know, everything you know, can start flowing in the coming days by the way, this, this operation will bring not on the cranium grain, but also the russian rate to the international market. and all together, when you put them together, you're talking about close to $50000000.00 tons of agricultural products and fertilizers, which of course is very key for global food security. the agreement that was fun last friday or any stumbling fact lists a number of articles and actions when the faith association like this, we will of course, implement or you know, those conditions are the provisions require that both sides to stick only to this agreement on the cultural products are carried, no other weapons of any kind will be carried and therefore there will be a mechanism to inspect them. so there will be an inspection team here and that team will include representatives from your brain, russia, un turkey. and therefore, we will have a mechanism here, the logistic side over the fact will work as it were before the war. how you ship, you know, leave, say, will the support or another port from russia and beaches. international waters in the black sea reaches the boss for us and then from here it goes, it's final destination. russia says there is no deal yet for a prisoner swap with the us, not following reports. the bible administration is offering to free russian arms dealer. victor bounce, who serving a 25 year sentence in the u. s. prison, basketball star, brittany greiner and former marine poll whelan, would be re released as part of the deal. are you a secretary of state antony blink and says he'll be speaking to russian foreign minister, sir, elaborate for the 1st time this week since the kremlin decided to invade ukraine. reason issue, that's a top priority for us. the release of americans are willing and really grier long we retain and must be allowed to come all substantial proposal on the table weeks ago, facilitate the release. our governments are communicated repeatedly and directly on that proposal. and i use the conversation to follow up personally, and i hope movers are at a resolution north korean leader kim jong and has warned he is ready to use nuclear weapons in the event of a conflict with united states and south korea came, was speaking to war, veterans on the 69th anniversary of the end of the korean war, military jets painted the country's flag across the sky, as crowds below waved flags and cheered the anniversary is known as the day of victory in north korea. south korea expressed a deep regret over kim's threat, so loud it, it's ready to cope with any provocation by north korea in a powerful affective manner. and listening to what he had to say. what do you have to be our armed forces are 30 prepared to respond to any crisis. and our nation's needs award to turn is also fully prepared to mobilize, absolute strength faithfully accurately, and prom plains. i assure you that the safety of this land and the system and sovereignty of this country, which are military comrades shed blood for thoroughly guaranteed. the economy has contracted for a 2nd straight quarter feeling fears of slow down and comes just months before crucial mid term elections. gross domestic product, which is one measure of economic activity, followed by 0.9 percent in the 3 months from april to june of wednesday. the federal reserve chose to increase its key interest rate for the 4th time this year, as part of aggressive plan to curb inflation must him on the bus from mike, can you join us now? live from washington, d. c. i've mixed mix tail. really good. not a good gdp, but good on the job. job market figures. well, it's a very complicated situation at the moment. the one thing that only economists agree is that the economic picture is very confusing. indeed. on the one hand, you have a negative growth reported for 2 consecutive quarters. this in the past has been an indication of a looming recession. however, on the other hand, you have a job market that is increasing by some $375000.00 jobs per month, and never before has a recession being preceded by such an increase in job creation. so it's a very complicated and confuse picture, but to speak about those jobs as well. one of the reasons why the federal reserve increased the interest rate yesterday is because it wants to cool. among other things, the job market down. it believes that just too many jobs are being created, the growth is just to foss overheated. it needs to slow it down, coming out of the period of post time demick recovery. so it's confusing picture. but those g d p is very disturbing on one level, but at the same time you've got the chairman of the federal reserve board saying that you've got to read those g d p figures very carefully because it's actually what the fed is wanting to do. is to slow growth down that it says is the key issue in combating inflation, which is the crime aim at the moment. and nobody wants to confirm that the recession going on it being banded around politically. isn't it like a political football? indeed yes, it says much a political issue as it is an economic one. president biden's opponents insist that this is a consequence of his administration's failures, their mid terms coming up, the bite and administration for itself is resistant to any claim that there is the recession for that very reason. but what you have knew decides what a recession is, or when there's a recession that's done by a body independent till the political world. it's a independent economists, the national economic research board who sit down, review the data and decide whether or not to declare that there's a recession. the reason for this declaring a recession has a major political impact which could well impact on the midterm elections in november. so very unclear situation. you have the economic ramifications of what's happening at the moment, but also very strongly you have the political ramifications, which are also have their own impact on the country as a whole. like kind of thanks very much my kind of a 4th in washington dc. but the u. k is engulfed in a cost of living crisis, brought home by post pandemic price rises and the war ukraine. and one of the world's richest economies, one in 5 families that now live in food and fuel. poverty general has more from penrith in the county of cumbria, a hard working mom and her 6 children. they were just about coping before the gas spill doubled. and the cost of living crisis hit, it can talk to them about why we can't fought and fancy forms and flashy holidays and things like that vo. when you running out of the basics to get you through the way that you feel like you failed when you feel a favor and the family reluctantly sought help. sir dawson is a volunteer family support worker ferrying supplies to 90 families in the cumberland town of penrith. many as i was homeless and mainly reluctant to come forward because they feel like they should be able to provide for the children and provide for themselves on the edge of the lake district. this picturesque facade hides a seam of poverty that runs deep. and these growing with inflation set to pass 10 percent, one in 5 households across the u. k. he's failing to meet its weekly bills and things are likely to get worse. we're in the height of summer now and. and over alterman winter, there's going to be real worry about whether families can they may have to choose between fade in the family or, and keeping the family will at the salvation army food bank in town. there's been a bumper supply of donations from a major supermarket, volunteers, date and stack the products ready for collection by a fast increasing number of visitors. we're getting people that are working. and so they're on income, but they're still needed help because the they can't budget the money out to cover everything. government assistance with energy bills hasn't done enough for the poorest, while a universal credit uplift during the pandemic has since been withdrawn. all of which leaves an enormous number of families up and down the country in food and fuel poverty, with nowhere to turn, but charity for help. the government, meanwhile, is otherwise occupied the candidates in a lengthy contest to succeed. maurice johnson have promised further help. but after a summer of holiday gridlock and public sector strikes, it will be the autumn before the new prime minister can get to grips with an economy on the verge of recession. i don't expect to have a lot. i just expect to be able to pay my bills and the fade and not have to be constantly worrying over every single penny that goes out of this house. for the worst, often the prospect of a winter, a head with yet higher prices. and the dreadful choice of whether to heat or eat. jonah how al jazeera penrith, cumbria, well still had hail and al jazeera, more than 300 people dead, and a 100 kilometer roads washed away by heavy flooding in pakistan over the past months. and penalize ation in through support is that opponents of the president step up the pressure a year after he came to power. ah, the who's here we go with her, a world whether update have, or one thanks for joining in. so the flooding has been bad in southern areas of buckets done, but i think on friday that risk, that threats will extend toward the north stretching from is warmer bod, right through to the horn. now in terms of those monsoon rains for india mostly relegate it toward northern areas of the country. but we're also seeing that rain pick up once again for my for roster. go karnataka right through into care. lot se, asia right now. we've got a disturbing spinning away, but meantime we're going to get down with the frame for southern sumatra by enlarge into an easy as main island of java, looking mostly fine and dry. so it's been about 7 weeks of unrelenting heat across southern sections of china. there are signs the heat is starting to be flushed out and because we've got some showers and thunderstorms in the forecast here. so hong kong at $34.00, that's just a few degrees above where he should be for this year funder down port extending from harbin. right through to the yellow river valley and against the river valley shanghai just 34 degrees a few days ago. you were pretty close to about 40 and for japan, stilson pesky showers on horseshoe. not too far away from tokyo, but tokyo itself will be sunny with a height of 33 degrees on friday. ah, with light and robust debate, a lot of folks when they hear the word refugee think stranger, they think other la nate trees stuck in these camps. it's regardless of your range of where you're coming from and you should give everybody safety from global issues to those that need to be high, human rights and land defenders. in brazil, they live in a circumstance of permanent violence and intimidation. the st. claire, a global audience becomes a global community on al jazeera. ah ah, welcome back here watching old is that are with me to hell, robin. a reminder of all the top stories, brain exports from ukrainian ports through the black sea are expected to begin in the next 24 hours. $25000000.00 tons awaiting in the polls while they've been stuck since rusher invaded, announced caused food shortages and price rises around the world. russia says no deal get for a prisoner swap with the u. s. starts following reports. the bite administration is offering 2 free arms delivered to bow and exchange for moscow's release of basketball stall. brittany greiner and former marine pole wheeler. the u. s. economy has contracted for a 2nd strike quarter, adding to recession fears, gross domestic product, which is one measure of economic activity fell by 0.9 percent to the 3 months from april to choose. u. s. president joe biden is speaking to his chinese candidates reaching pinged by phone. a bit rising tensions pledging has rolled article, take what it calls, forceful ashes. if the speaker of the us house of representatives visits taiwan next month, and if the trip goes head, nancy pelosi will be the highest ranking american to visit the islands in 1997 china considered tie one part of its territory. whitehouse correspond, kimberly helped get josephina from washington. d. c is not just nancy pelosi that will be top of the agenda, but i assume russia's was in ukraine as well. that is another issue that is to be discussed specifically the fact that china has not condemned russia's invasion of ukraine. that is of concern of the united states. also shun is the backdoor espionage that is sometimes embedded in electronics sold in the united states. intellectual property, theft, climate change, and whether or not there will be a lifting of some of the tariffs that have been put in place on chinese goods. and also u. s. good says that are sold potentially in china. so a lot of thorny issues to be worked out, but the one that's prompted this particular call the 5th call between the leaders of the world's largest economies. a is this visit the potentially could take place by the house speaker, nancy pelosi to tie wine. she is scheduled to visit a congressional tour a into august of indonesia of japan of singapore. but there are rumors that she could visit taiwan as well, given the fact that she was scheduled to do so in the spring was canceled as a result of co bid. and there are questions about whether that will be resumed, its not officially scheduled. as of yet, but the concern being that if she were to go given the fact that the united states does not have diplomatic ties with taiwan, in fact, to really stick to the one china policy, it has different magic ties with beijing. c it does under us law ascribed to the defense of ty, wine, and the fear being that if nancy pelosi were to visit taiwan, there is this potential for an unintended confrontation militarily. 2 potentially, if she were to visit and that is what is so concerning to both sides. and so as a result, that is what is being discussed as well. there are these other issues that are being discussed, but it really, it is this issue of trying to de escalate some of the tensions surrounding this potential visit. that is really the focus of this call and i should point out, it started about 2 hours ago. and as we understand, it is still ongoing. so we're watching carefully to hear what the president might say about this. we have had an updated schedule. the president is scheduled to speak in the next hour on other issues related to the economy. he may also speak about the issue of the phone call. he's had with chinese president she as well. of course, we'll come back to you through the day. once we get more information on, but kimberly hell carol white house correspondent in iraq, the main pray raining, parliamentary blog says that it'll go ahead with the nomination of mohammed al, said ali for prime minister and us despite the storming of parliament by opponents on wednesday night they protested, was supporters of the influential shia cleric went to the al serra, his cast himself as a critic of both rainy and, and american influence in iraq. laura, but monday has more a show of descent in the heart of political decision making in baghdad. brutus is taken of the speakers plain and m p 's benches. their support is the influential shia cleric booked out of thunder . he says he does not want mohammed also done to be the next prime minister was, was over the phone by that is bring your supporters from other provinces, stormed the green zone. parliament are in good numbers. it seems to me that there is no escalating this protesting movement, so to speak. he basically wants to the swatch of the candidate for the cream, your shirt. this is how they got into the heavily fortified green zone. undeterred by water cannon protesters tore down the cement bloss, who's surrounding a 10 kilometer stretch of the city, 100 pounds, with apparent ease, forcing their way down the main thoroughfare towards parliament. there they remained until sunday, instructed them to withdraw in a tweet, he described it as a revolution of reform and rejection of corruption saying the message had been delivered and the protesters have terrified the corrupt. empower. sada is one of the most popular politicians in iraq. his party was the biggest winner in october's election, but he failed to form a majority coalition. last month, more than 70 m. p 's, along with the shia cleric, was signed from parliament calling it corrupt. now the per wrong code nation framework is trying to fill that void by nominating su donny as prime minister. for now, this is a victory for scientists and the threat to the political decision makers. unless they protest is unlikely to maintain the pressure from the st. norbert manley out there, a heavy rain has triggered slash floods. the united arab emirates. nope. some houses are damaged and calls are swept away. and it's also been heavy. rain here and cat on. that's unprecedented. as our weather presenter, rob mccully explains they were thunderstorms in dough heine cutter this morning. and so what you might think is to say what it is never rained in july in recorded history or any body's living memory . it just doesn't happen. reliable forecasts. arabia is hot, dry, and dusty throughout the summer, 4 months of the summer. now the monsoon does affect some pat sarabia when it burst out of in here it catches southern amal is salon, or it's drizzling, overcast on their occasional thunderstorms, in a mom and yemen. but this year, when the monsoon burst into pakistanis cause substantial damage, loss of life, it cause a similar amount of flooding. you know, mom, this is a couple of weeks ago and we so okay, so it's come a long way beyond where it shouldn't been stronger. the sister, occasional variation to say never rained in july in katara recorded history or any body's memory. the same is true in kuwait. it iran, very similar walla to shower may be, well there's been flooding in the west coast of iran, the reins moving north in the next 3 days of a forecast of significant rain causing flooding. maybe again, here in bahrain as well, western iran, and even in q, wait on saturday. is this a one year? and normally i have to say, i don't know, it seems to be an extension of the monsoon drive. willoughby rip future years with yet to see. well, as rob just mentioned, has been spent flooding in pakistan's, more than 300 people are confirmed to have died in floods in several provinces, across the country since june anymore have been injured. in the extreme weather which has triggered monsoon range, several roads and dozens of bridges are being washed away, while thousands of buildings are heavily damaged, while hider has more from some of the bugger thought, a major roger going to department that issued a warning of fall landslide and flash large and high buckled booked, and while province part of the upon job got boldest on, but the biggest and the boards affected so far. as the province of ballou, just on this is the largest province of the country, area wise, with the least population with just got dared over a large area. and therefore the relief and rescue efforts that being hampered because of the logistical regions. the men link road from karachi to the provincial capital of quite i been blocked because some of the bridges have been washed away. sections of the highway have been washed away and the military gotcha. now, using helicopters to raise doors remote regions and to try to ahead to evacuate the people the government of value just on that also promised to give cash compensation to for the family of large family members. as well as getting relieved like essential food items to godaddy. and now, the warnings are in place regard demi geological department, they also said that this is going to last in the middle of september, and that the country will receive or what 30 percent of which normally a monsoon grains police improve, find target of hundreds of protest marching and support of president andrew castillo, the demonstration call congress, a nest of rants, and demanded its pleasure. trade unionists on condition as peruvians came from cities in the andes and amazon to rally a day before casias 1st anniversary, empower and casea is you to deliver a speech to bruce congress to make his 1st year in office. but protests against him are expected to meet those new allegations of corruption. he's already survived to impeachment attempts, but new scandals are emerging amongst us in a circle of the recalls to him to resign. marina sanchez proposal from the capital lima. when pedro castillo won the presidency, one year ago, he promised peruvians, he would stamp out corruption in government and end poverty in the country. the farmer and rural teacher also candidly said he was learning the job on the go, but one year round castillo struggling. he has sworn in for cabinets with more than 50, mr. dismissed and made political infighting. no thought, almost almost up on us. i don't see the go. we're not here to be a circus, or a country has put us here to work for peru, for development, and a fight against corruption. settlement bully castillo himself stands accused of corruption. the attorney general is investigating castillo for peddling graft and obstruction of justice for allegedly orchestrating the escape of kia lice, who prosecutor, seek me, hold evidence of the precedence involvement in crimes. john roy says he already, he is not the honest man. we thought he was, he is suspected of corruption and he's awarding of public contracts. perhaps the most solid accusation against him is silencing people who could accuse him of being a criminal dignity. when garcia won the presidency, he raced. the hopes of corporal wheels will sign him, a man hoard better understand their grievances. but the pandemic a rice in fuel prices caused by the war in ukraine have made conditions worse. and allegations of corruption by the president hath turned the hopes of millions of peruvians into anger. his presidency has been marked by constant protest, gleaming, gusty use incompetent and corrupt opinion. polls show his approval rating is at a low of just lengthy percent. with most former precedence, either under investigation or convicted of corruption, peruvian say, think want him out. m. okay. now that we want the treat to be known because we deserve a president who is not involved in corruption, but the president says he's innocent and still some supporters give him the benefit of the doubt. both ways that he received any one can be investigated. but until there's a sentence, there is no guilt to see you. hassan success.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220728

the u. s. and chinese presidents talk for more than 2 hours this tensions grow over taiwan. beijing says she gave biden a fiery warning. ah, or the bulk of this is al jazeera life from london. also coming up. u. s. economy shrinks for a 2nd quarter in a row fueling fees and may already be in recession. rush launch is major missile strikes and the key ensure that he regents as ukraine steps up its drive to retake her song and leverage usa, overwhelmed after a flood of migrants. refugees land on the tiny italian highland ah you as president joe biden. this held a long phone call with chinese leda. she g, paying a mid rising tensions over taiwan. according to chinese state media, she warned bite and against playing with fire over a possible trip to the self governing island by the u. s. how speak next month. china considers taiwan part of its territory and has called on washington to abide by the warm china principal, nancy pelosi as yet to confirm the trip. but if it does go ahead, she'll be the highest ranking american politician to visit the island since 1997. our white house correspondent, kimbry alcott, house ball. i hope. well, what we know is that there is right now no change to u. s. policy. the united states is sticking firmly to is one china policy. in other words, that taiwan is a part of china. but where things get murky is that under us law, there is also an obligation of the united states to defend taiwan a if it is attacked in any way that is something that it would be obliged to help support. and so that is why there is a bit of a diplomatic problem for the united states if nancy pelosi were to is it the island and the potential that there could be some sort of military confrontation given the fact that right now in the sea surrounding the island are not only the taiwanese military, but also the united states military and also the chinese military. now, in terms of the phone call, there was a very strong word of caution by the u. s. president to chinese president. she's paying that any sort of effort by china to try to absorb taiwan our, to in any way, try and obtain the island by force would be strongly discouraged. in fact, the u. s. strongly opposes any unilateral efforts to change what the united states calls the status quo or undermine peace and stability across the top. the taiwan strait is the message that was conveyed by the u. s. president. so both of these leaders really sending a very strong message. i know tongue dan is a senior fellow at the time he institute. he says china isn't bluffing when it comes to tie when the red line is taiwan itself. if the u. s. somehow encourages i want to believe that they are can be independent and the u. s will protect them, aside from the fact that it's not possible even by the u. s. best case scenario. yes, taiwan. i mean, china would go to war. i'm certain of that. the sentiment here is this is part of their land. it's written to their constitution. no leader of china could walk away from taiwan and survive and there. and since this is a one party system, it could very well be the end of that. latest figures in the us indicate the gross domestic product, g. d, p has shrunk for the 2nd quarter in a rope, is one of the signs of a recession, but at the same time, the employment rate continues to saw, which hasn't been the case in previous downturns. it's led to political wrangling over the state of the economy. as mike had a report from washington, it's a crippling time for american consumers. the inflation rate hovering around for decade, high of 9 percent. the base interest at which money is lent increased $4.00 times this year already. and now the news that the g d p has shrunk for the 2nd quarter. another blow to national confidence, although president biden insist the economy will recover and there is no recession . both chairman power and many of the significant banking personnel and economists say we're not recession the bite and administration points to the fact that employment is rising at an unprecedented rate with over 2 and a half 1000000. new jobs created this year alone, as clear evidence that it's doing a good job and opinion echoed by the treasury secretary, most communist and most americans have a similar definition of recession. substantial drop losses in mass where your business is shutting down. private sector activity slowing considerably, family budgets under the main stream in some, a broad based weakening of our economy. that is not what we're seeing right now. that many republicans in a divided congress us seeing a political opportunity. well aware that should the november elections take place in the shadow of a recession, it would be devastating for the administration in power. this economy is not working well in our economists are going to argue about whether we're in recession or not. but those are academic debate in order to be politicize the term. it's an independent body which decides whether or not a recession is under way. the national bureau of economic research consists of 8 economists who gather and examine all relevant data and then make an independent determination. polls indicate that some 50 percent of the us population believes the recession has already begun. despite what the president says are going to be a lot of chatter today on wall street among finance, about whether we are in a recession and in a meeting with president biden. a number of chief executive officers agree there is no recession pointing to the notable absence of the most historically reliable sign of a downturn. a half point rise in the unemployment rate averaged over several months . by kinda august 0, washington. or christine de, rita, this is deputy chief economist at moody's analytics, explains why the contraction isn't yet considered a recession. so technical recession, but it really, that's just a rule of thumb that economists use to determine if we are in recession and it usually does work. it usually is correct, but it's not perfect. and at the moment we have a number of other indicators of the official arbiters of our recession use to determine recession that are, that are still are quite favorable. so the jobs market, for example, is still growing. we're still adding about where 50000 jobs are months to this a u. s. economy. it'd be very strange if we were in a, in a recession and still adding to job growth. a. com. you slowing that. there's no dispute about that. and whether or not we are in recession now currently or approaching recession, i think it is clear that the odds of recession have risen considerably. there is still a chance given a very favorable consumer conditions that the u. s. could avoid recession. it's not quite as dire as the data might suggest at this point, but, but certainly there are reasons to be concerned that the economy is slowing and could slow and actually turn into a recession. ah, ukraine officials say russia as low as massive attacks across the country, killing 5 people in the central city of group, up in ski, and 3 in buck moose in the done yes creature and the key key of an jenny region. so also targeted for the 1st time in to weeks with the vicious girl district about 20 kilometers from the capitol center hit. early on thursday, russian troops withdrew from the key of region, months ago, off to failing to capture it. ukrainian forces say they're stepping up a counter offensive and close on the southern region fell to russia in the early days of the war, but ukraine wants to recapture it. he if says it struck 5 russian strongholds around the city of his own on thursday. the key bridge into the city is now out of action of creating a forces it with western supplied long range rockets. 3 bridges across that in the pro river, have been damaged to recent weeks, making it harder for russia to supply its forces on the western bank. the seni ukrainian officials rule that russia is now shifting its forces to defend the southern area. the mayor of the occupied ukrainian city of melita poll says, russian military convoys have been moving through the region towards hassan, or someone was supposed to hire more every day. we observed 2 or 3 convoys of military equipment total more than $100.00 units. these are tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and now the armored vehicles that pass through city of molly toppa or along the streets of medical homes and moving direction of crimea and kent, san crated, and ukraine's grain exports through the black sea. you're expected to regime in the next 24 hours. 25000000 tons has been stuck in ukrainian port since russia invaded, causing global food shortages un humanitarian chief martin griffith says the shipment plans are encouraging. we are hopeful, of course, planning but hopeful for the 1st ship movements to take boats within days, hopefully tomorrow out of those bullets there are vessels, of course, in those ports with the grain on board ready to move. they will be the 1st to move, and then we will start having ships going in, inspected and going in. don't henry has more from the port city of a desa. already the careful choreography of the shipping lanes, those ships will travel through their so called safe passage corridor is already been mapped out. there is an inspection area, and then there is a specific shipping lane carved out. and there is supposed to be no military activity in that area. and as you just heard, this is expected to happen within days. it was possible we were told earlier that it could have happened today. that's not going to be the case. but as everybody prepares to get that more than 20000000 tons of grain out of those ports, the attacks in ukraine and the war and ukraine continue. this was supposed to be statehood day. but thursday morning began with 26 rockets, fired out of bella, ruse into territory in northern ukraine. it struck around keith, it, structure goya, of. and there were also strikes and crap and ski and central ukraine. we're not sure if those were this. we're from the same source, but we're told 5 were killed and 25 people were wounded in those attacks. we've also been told that russian troops have taken over a nuclear plant in dumbass, the val harris plant. so that danger continues and that's why those ships haven't left the port so far as because farmers have been afraid. i talked to a farmer yesterday, northern ukraine, who said for now they're going to keep their grain on the farm in storage bags waiting until they feel it's safe to leave. but of course, there are millions of tons already of the sports, and the world is waiting for that to avert a global food crisis. ukraine's president has vowed to keep fighting for his country as he congratulated citizens of national statehood day, followed me as a lensky address parliament in the capital kiev, as air raid sirens rang out. while in the western city of louise, people commemorated the ukrainian soldiers who died in the war state had de marks 30 years of ukrainian independence. still to come this half hour, crippling poverty and one of the world's richest economies, u. k. food banks, the bike in demand, and make no bones about it. $6000000.00. this is one expensive dining. ah, it's been about 7 weeks of unrelenting heat across southern china. have one thanks for joining in, but there are signs this heat is now being wiped out. and here's why we've got some showers and thunderstorms in the forecast. so, hong kong at $34.00, that's just a few degrees above where you should be for this year. as we hop toward the north, we've got a line of sundry down port stretching from harbor across the yellow river valley into the gang sewer valley that's closing in on shanghai at 34 degrees. i mean, it was just a few days ago. you're pretty close to about 40 now for japan. stilson pesky showers on han shoe pretty close to tokyo, but tokyo itself will be dry with the high $33.00 degrees on friday, southeast asia. we've got this disturbing spin in away. meantime, we're going to get down with rain for southern sumatra, but by enlarge into dc as main island of java, fine and dry for se, australia, the rain has pushed away, but it's left. a legacy of temperature is below average here in some another wave of rain and when for a w a. so that's going to play perth on friday with the height of 90 degrees. when so shift it for the north island of new zealand. so look at this, it's bumped up temperatures, but by saturday we've got this incoming weather maker cutting across pretty much for both islands, meet white and windy conditions. the from the world's most populated region. in den and untold stories across asia and the pacific. to discover the current events with diverse cultures and conflicting politics. one 0, one east. on al jazeera. ah ah. reminder of the top stories here when our g m. u. s. and chinese presidents have spoken for more than 2 hours on the phone as tensions rise over taiwan, chinese state media, so she t ping warn joe biden, against playing with fire over a possible trip to the self governing island by u. s. how speak and nancy pelosi next month. u. s. economy has contracted for a 2nd straight quarter, but by the administration insists it's not recession gross domestic product, which is one measure of economic activity, fell 0.9 percent between april and june. and ukrainian officials say russia has launched massive missile attacks on the regions of key chain eve that hadn't been targeted in weeks. while in the southern coast on region. ukraine says it's stepping up, it's counter offensive against russia. a large file on the job and check border is threatening to destroy a forest and the national park was popular with tourists. the fire started last week in the park known as the bohemian, switzerland, and chet republic and the saxons, switzerland national park in germany. hundreds of fire fighters on both sides of the border still battling the flames, helped by cruise from neighboring countries. the local authorities are wanting tourists and hikers to stay away from the area. the tiny italian island of lem producer is being overwhelmed by a flood of refugees and migrants landing there. this week. its reception center, which has space for 350 people, a shelter, more than 2000 arrivals we bought arriving every day in the past 10 days. at least 5 people have died trying to get to the island which lies midway between italy and north africa. natasha could name reports from land producer. these survived the perils of the mediterranean, but once they reached the shores of lamp, i do so many migrants. refugees, that asylum seekers see a europe that isn't quite what they'd imagined. oh, this is the welcome center. in recent days, its reach more than 6 times its capacity. people sleep on the ground surrounded by human waste and garbage. there are no showers. the stench is overpowering. never any there too. and very, very, very sober. it's taken this syrian refugee 3 years to reach europe. he paid a smuggler $3500.00 for a boat ride to lap a do so one of the closest european destinations on the route from north africa. i want to leave you but for my birth broken, i have to go to bill. before the recent wave of arrivals, the government says more than $34000.00 asylum seekers had reached italy this year . in the last 10 days, hundreds of migrants have been arriving daily. the authorities can't keep pace. any dining room town him at denton mega down? this is not a migrant emergency. usually welcomed a 100000 ukrainians and we didn't have an emergency. why don't we treating these people in a humane way? save the children says there are 300 minors in the center. many are low. he said conquered, if i do not believe that c o we are trying to ensure they know they rights offered of them psychological support for they trauma and the create a space for them to play. the children express their feelings by painting and they homes and crowded the bought people drowning and sharks. this voyage is often one of loss, violence and pain. having made it this far, these people are hoping their journey is almost over and they'll soon be able to start the lives they've long envisioned in europe. natasha, her name, l. jazeera, lampa, dosa, italy. the family of ours they were jealous. sharina black la has made an impassioned play for us to support an independent investigation into her killing. they have the support of 80 members of congress as she have returns. he reports from washington, d. c. my name is lena clare and shooting was my aunt. capitol hill was the latest stop for the brother, niece and nephew of slain al jazeera report, sharina bleckley. as i keep up the pressure on the bike, the administration to open an independent investigation into a killing. this is the very least the by the administration must do. they cannot rely on israel's word. war criminals cannot investigate their own crimes. she was my little sister. the family members also renewed the call for a meeting with president biden after he refused. during his recent trip to the occupied territories, a us citizen, a prominent journalist, beloved by millions of people, was killed by a highly trained israeli soldier. president biden was 10 minutes away. he never came to see us an asian members of congress and joined the family and cooling for an independent investigation. she was trying to tell us through her journalism what was happening now. we owe her for memory and her family. an outcome of what happened to her. i'm sorry, co family and i'm embarrassed or when the murders where is really uniforms, there is complete silence. this is bigger than one person or one country. this is about our values as americans. on tuesday the family met with us secretary of state and we blink him. afterwards he tweeted that he expressed his deepest condolences and a commitment to pursue accountability for streams quite tragic killing. but the family said he made no commitment to an independent investigation. the next stop for the act as will be the department of justice. the family says it's not naive and so aware of the u. s. history of shielding israel from accountability for its killing of palestinians or us citizens. but it says it has to try and stop the cycle that leads israeli soldiers to feel that they can kill at will. she ever time? see al jazeera washington. perry's president has been interrupted by the opposition calling him corrupt as he delivered a speech to mark the end of his 1st year in office is be the k through 12 months we're castillo, a left wing outsider. he's been finding off nonstop attacks from the political right in his speech to congress. he said he will extend his hand to opponents. it's a pretty man. i know, unless he be the 1st year i have received a slap on the cheek from those who did not accept losing legitimately in the presidential election with the conscious folks at the peruvian pico rivera. but in this 2nd year, i will not turn the other cheek, but extend my hand to work together for the benefit of the people or not. but up l'oreal, the sunshine has more from perused capital lima precedent on casea reaches his 1st year enough. is that a really bad time for him. 6 when he general has launched my in guest investigations against the president are also his eyes. oh, he's political. i lies have turned against him some art collaborating with justice . he wasn't expelled from his own political party. ah, the political crisis continues to deepen in this year. there's been 4 cabinets more than 50 ministers, dismissed his speech today after you said, you will just this. he preferred to talk about a hell, the economy and social programs. while some congressmen left the chambers and others stood giving him his back. hundreds of police prevented protesters from reaching congress and many here say they don't care anymore. what president castillo has to say. they only want his resignation. oh jan tina again has another new economy minister blow a house leader sergio masa, replacing solvina baton has just weeks after she was appointed thousands of people protested in boy the sarah's on thursday and good by the government's economic policies that demanding better working conditions. local media reports, the baton is offered her resignation to president alberto fernandez, often less than a month from the job martha will head was being described as a new economy, super ministry. every rains in iran has triggered a landslide, killing 6 people. stayed tv says the rain caused flash floods and then lance lives in north western terran and other 14 people still believe missing. rescue workers have been trying to find survivors. the state run news agency says 18 of around 31 provinces have been affected by floods. lightning strikes of killed 49 people in india's, northern, or to pradesh state this week, 7 people were killed early after taking shelter and trees during monsoon reigns. most of those killed were farmers who were working in fields. the indian meteorological departments as deaths by lightning strikes have doubled since the 1960 s with the climate crisis, partly to blame. though the u. k is engulfed in cost of living christ is brought on by post. pandemic price rises and the war new crane inflation is predicted to pass the 10 percent mark and one of the world's richest economies. one in 5 families now lives in food and fuel poverty from pen writhing cumbria. jones haul reports for hardworking mum and her 6 children. they were just about coping before the gas bill doubled. and the cost of living crisis hit can talk to them about why we can't afford and fancy fords in ends, fussy holidays, and things like that. bo, when he were only now off the bay. 60 k 3. the way that you feel a failed, lynn. you feel a favor in the family. reluctantly sought help. sir. a dawson is a volunteer family support worker varying supplies to 90 families in the cumberland town of penrith. many of our families, mainly reluctant to come forward because they feel like you know it's, it's, they should be able to provide for the children and provide for themselves on the edge of the lake district. this picturesque facade hides a seam of poverty that runs deep, and these growing with inflation set to pass 10 percent, one in 5, households across the u. k. he's failing to meet its weekly bills, and things are likely to get worse. we're in the height. some are now and, and over alterman winter, there's going to be real worry about with the families can and they may have to choose between fade in the family or, and keeping the family will at the salvation army food bank in town. there's been a bumper supply of donations from a major supermarket, volunteers, date and stack the products ready for collection by a fast increasing number of visitors. we're getting people that are working. and so they're on income, but they're still needed help because the they can't budget the money out to cover everything. government assistance with energy bills hasn't done enough for the poorest, while a universal credit uplift during the pandemic has since been withdrawn. all of which leaves an enormous number of families up and down the country in food and fuel poverty, with nowhere to turn, but charity for help. the government, meanwhile, is otherwise occupied the candidates in a lengthy contest to succeed. maurice johnson have promised further help. but after a summer of holiday gridlock and public sector strikes, it will be the autumn before the new prime minister can get to grips with an economy on the verge of recession. i don't expect to have a lot. i just expect to be able to pay my bills and my fade and not have to be constantly worrying over every single penny that goes out of this house. for the worst off than the prospect of a winter, a head with yet higher prices. and the dreadful choice of whether to heat or eat jona whole al jazeera penrith cumbria. well, i read dinah saw skeleton has sold at an auction in new york for golden. $6000000.00 is not yet known, whose bolt the perfectly preserved bones of the gold kazora's. a cousin of the most famous t rex, april elizondo. i was more. it's a dinosaur called gore casarez and it roamed earth more than 79000000 years ago. the dinosaur founded 2018 is a particularly rare find. it's made up of $79.00 bones, perfectly preserved from the giant school to the details and the vertebrae and the tail. not one bone is out of place. there are only 20 known fragments of this animal that exist anywhere in the world. almost all of them were found in canada, where it is believed the giant predator lived. but this one was unnerved on private land in the state of montana in the united states. but the fact it was found in the u. s. and not canada makes it even more rare. and why it sold for $6100000.00 to an anonymous buyer at an auction in new york on thursday, canada, and like many other countries as a strict restriction on fossils being exported from the country to a dinosaur like this would not be allowed out of canada because it was found in the us, that means we can actually sell it. and that is part of what makes this dinosaur so rare. while the sale of this dinosaur was for over $6000000.00, it's not the most expensive dinosaur ever sold. that title will go to a tyrant, soros rex. it's over over $31000000.00 in 2020 another dinosaur sold for more than $12000000.00. and well, that might be a good thing for the buyers and even the auction houses. it's not necessarily a good thing for science. there's worry about the ethics of all of this. many. when college is sick, they're concerned that dinosaurs specimens in private hands means that they potentially are no longer available for research. there are not very many specimens of gorgeous source. all the others are in museums. and one more being sold you might say, oh, well, it's only one. but if there's only a few, right, that's a lot of information that we lose and you say, well, why are you losing it? well, for one, you have no guarantee that whoever buys it is going to allow access to scientists. the new owner will not only.


Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20220728

this is al jazeera ah, hello, i'm defalco. this is the out here and use our live from london coming up. the u. s . and chinese presidents talk for more than 2 hours, a big growing tension over taiwan. beijing says she gave biden a fiery warning. the u. s. economy shrinks for a 2nd quarter in a row. fueling fee is a may already be in recession. prussia launch is major missile strikes on the key. if in china, he regents as ukraine steps up its drive to retake her song from moscow. and lamb producer, overwhelmed after a flood of migrants and refugees, land the tiny italian islands and on he to simmons in dough with your sport, full time for me, one will champion sebastian vessel, announces these with diamonds as donald trump praises the controversial lives golf series back by saudi arabia. later we'll hear from the former us president. ah, you as president joe politan as hell to lo, phone call with chinese leadership. g ping, a bit rising tensions over taiwan. according to the chinese state media, she warned by didn't against playing with fire over a possible trip to the self governing island by the u. s. how speaker, next month, china considers taiwan part of its territory and has called on washington to abide by the one china principal. nancy pelosi has yet to confirm the trip. but if it does go ahead, should be the highest ranking american politician to visit the island since 1997. our white house correspondent can be how could, how small and, and well, what we know is that there is right now no change to u. s. policy, the united states is sticking firmly to is one china policy. in other words, that taiwan is a part of china. but where things get murky is that under us law, there is also an obligation of the united states to defend taiwan. a, if it is attacked in any way that is something that it would be obliged to help support. and so that is why there is a bit of a diplomatic problem for the united states. if nancy pelosi were to visit the island and the potential that there could be some sort of military confrontation, given the fact that right now in the c surrounding the island are not only the taiwanese military, but also the united states military. and also the chinese military. now in terms of the phone call, there was a very strong word of caution by the u. s. president to chinese president chic paying that any sort of effort by chinese to try to absorb taiwan our, to in any way. try and obtain the island by force would be strongly discouraged. in fact, the u. s. strongly opposes any unilateral efforts to change what the united states calls the status quo or undermine peace and stability across the top. the taiwan strait is the message that was conveyed by the u. s. president. so both of these leaders really sending a very strong message again is a senior fellow, the tie. he institute, he says china isn't bluffing when it comes to tie one. the red line is taiwan itself. it's the if the us somehow encourages i want to believe that they are, can be independent and the u. s. will protect the aside from the fact that it's not possible even by the u. s. best case scenario. yes, taiwan. i mean, china would go to war. i'm certain of that. the sentiment here is this is part of their land. it's written to their constitution. no leader of china could walk away from taiwan and survive. and there. and since this is a one party system, it could very well be the end of that. the u. s. economy has contract it for a 2nd straight quarter, but the by didn't administration insists it's not in recession, gross domestic product, which is one measure of economic activity fall 0.9 percent in the 3 months from april to june. on wednesday, the u. s. federal reserve decided to increase its key interest rate for the 4th time this year. as part of an aggressive plan to curb inflation. biden's urging congress to pass the inflation reduction act. he says it will lower inflation by reducing health care costs, investing in renewable energy and taxing the rich. this bill requires the largest corporations to begin to begin to pay toward their fair share and taxes. i put in place a 15 percent corporate minimum tax. now i know you've never heard me say this before . oh, come as a shock to you, but $55.00 for the fortune $500.00 companies paid no federal income tax in 2020. and i only heard me say that about 10000 times. but the fact is they paid no taxes on an income corrected income over $40000000000.00. well guess what? this bill ends there are. i was staying with a story. kristin doritos, his deputy chief economist at moody's analytics. he joins us from west chester, pennsylvania. welcome to the news hour. i'm how we to understand this. i mean, so the u. s. economy has contracts it over 2 straight quarters. isn't that the textbook definition of a recession? yes, it is the textbook definition for technical recession, but it really, that's just a rule of thumb that economists use to determine if we are in recession and it usually does work. it usually is correct, but it's not perfect. and at the moment, we have a number of other indicators that the official arbiters of recession use to determine recession that are, that are still quite favorable. so the job market, for example, is still growing. we're still adding about $250000.00 jobs per month to this u. s. economy. it be very strange if we were in a, in a recession and still adding to job growth. so an economic downturn then is unfair to call it that but, but not a recession, but once the longer term economic outlook, looking like for the u. s. now clearly the con you slowing that there is no dispute about that. and whether or not we are in recession now currently or of approaching recession, i think it is clear that the odds of recession have risen are considerably there is still a, a chance given a very favourable consumer conditions that the u. s. could avoid recession. so it's not quite as dire as the data might suggest at this point, but, but certainly there are reasons to be concerned that the economy is slowing. i could slow and actually turn into a recession. so the best case scenario is if this could be a mild dirt down term, but then are there any other things that we need to be cautious about in terms of consequences are certainly. so inflation remains up front and center as our, our main preoccupation, both in the united states and really globally, and include the federal reserve is all in, in terms of addressing that in inflation. we need to get inflation down in order to help businesses and consumers feel a bit more competent. are in this economy, continue to spend and investing coaching to grow the economy. so that of foreign away is the, is the number one concern that we need to address beyond that, of course, there are issues in terms of the pandemic, the ongoing pandemic. and how that might flare up once again, and lead to some slower girls. and of course, we can't ignore the young russian invasion of ukraine. that is also going to a drag on the u. s. economy, european economy, you k economy. until there is some type of over of a resolution there as well. would you believe of the, the sectors, sophia, is economy that are most fragile to these ebbs and flows. and in the way in which the country weather's these economic crises. yup. so we, we are, so we are in a transition here from a consumer standpoint, moving away from a demand for goods towards more demand for services. and so we have seen in recent weeks, a number of retailers, for example, i reporting week results as they're trying to figure out where the demand is, right. we are coming out of lockdown out of a pandemic economy. back towards more of a normal i service oriented economy. and so there is, there is that type of transition and any goods produce or any retailers certainly feeling that the effect in the united states. ah, beyond that there are certainly still supply chain issues related to ra semiconductors. so our auto manufacturers in the u. s. continue to struggle and will do so until there's a better supply of, of, of chips and the other inputs that they need to, to produce automobiles. or i christine to re, to stephanie chief economist moody's analytics. thank you very much for joining us . thank you. are coming up on this news hour from london, poverty in one of the world's richest economies, food bank, c. a spike in demand is one and 5 u. k. families struggle to make ends meet plus they cannot rely on israel's word. war criminals cannot investigate their own crimes, family and friends of murdered al jazeera journalist, sharina molecular urge the u. s. to demand accountability for her death. later in sport, a massive pile up during stage 5, the women's tour to france. ah, ukrainian officials say russia has launched missile attacks across ukraine. 5 people were killed in the central city of cripple vince ski. and 3 in back boots in the eastern done yet screeching the key evan churn. he regions were also targeted for the 1st time in a weeks with a vicious gold god district, about 20 kilometers from the capitol center. it early on thursday, russian troops withdrew from the key of region. months ago, after failing to capture it, ukrainian forces say they're stepping up a counter offensive in her song. the southern region fell to russia in the early days of the war, but ukraine wants to recapture it. give says it struck 5 russian strongholds around the city, of course, on, on thursday, a key bridge into the city is now out of action after ukrainian forces hit it with western supplied long range rockets, free bridges across the denise. pro river have been damaged in recent weeks, making it harder for russia to supply its forces on the western bank, but see near ukrainian. officials warned that russia is now shifting its forces to defend the southern region. the mayor of the occupied ukrainian city of melita, paul says, russian military con, voice have been moving through the region towards curse on numbers. frustrating more every day we observe 2 or 3 convoys of military equipment, socially more than 100 units. these are tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and now the armored vehicles that pass through city o'malley top all along the streets or mental health and moving direction of creamy and care. sorry, we couldn't with where you cranes, grain exports through the black sea are expected to resume in the next 24 hours. 25000000 tons has been stuck in ukrainian ports. and russia invaded, causing global food shortages, un humanitarian chief martin griffith says the shipment plans are encouraging. we are hopeful, of course, planning but hopeful for the 1st ship movements to take notes within days hopefully morrow out of those votes. there are vessels, of course, in those ports, with the grain on board ready, and they will be the 1st to move, and then we will start having ships going in, inspected and going in. john hendrick has more from the port city of a desa. already the careful choreography of the shipping lanes, those ships will travel through the so called safe passage corridor is already been mapped out. there is an inspection area and then there is a specific shipping lane carved out and they're supposed to be no military activity in that area. and as you just heard, this is expected to happen within days. it was possible. we were told earlier that it could have happened today. that's not going to be the case, but as everybody prepares to get that more than $20000000.00 tons of grain out of those ports, the attacks in ukraine and the war and ukraine continue. this was supposed to be statehood day, but thursday morning began with 26 rockets, fired out of bella, ruse into territory in northern ukraine. it struck around keep its structure goya of and there were also strikes and crept beneath sky in central ukraine. we're not sure if those were this, we're from the same source, but we're told 5 were killed and 25 people were wounded in those attacks. we've also been told that russian troops have taken over a nuclear plant in dumbass, the val harris plant. so that danger continues and that's why those ships haven't left the port so far as because farmers have been afraid. i talked to a farmer yesterday, northern ukraine, who said for now they're gonna keep their grain on the farm in storage bags waiting until they feel it's safe to leave. but of course, there are millions of tons already in the sports, and the world is waiting for that to avert a global food crisis. ukraine presidents has failed to keep fighting for his country as he congratulated citizens on national statehood day. followed me as lensky address parliaments in the capital. as air raid sirens rang out while in the western city of the big people commemorated the ukrainian soldiers who died in the war stated daymark, 30 years of ukrainian independence. cathy edmonds is a senior atlas focusing on russian military policy at c and a, a non profit research and analysis organization. he joins us now live from washington, d. c. welcome to the news hour. so in the past 24 hours, a senior adviser to president vladimir zalinski has said, quote, a massive deployment of troops from russia have been, has been made in 3 southern regions. would she want to stand to be russia's strategy at the moment? i think right now we're here, a very interesting part of this conflict where an ukranian forces might be in a position to actually retake territory that they lost in the south. i think the russians are worried about that and the russians have a difficult operational decision ahead of them, how much they pulled from the east, where they're truly trying to make more progress. so, you know, reinforce a south, so they don't lose territory. and you don't boss, i think still remains the russian priority, whereas the south remains ukraine's priority. so both sides have, have rather challenging operational decision is to make as to where they deploy their forces. and how optimistic is ukraine about being able to recoup a regain lost ground for russia? i think they're very optimistic and i would say aimless in the west are also not dismissive of the fact that that you might be able to do this. it really depends on to weaknesses in the russian military, one of logistics, the russians have been horrible. logistics since the beginning. and these new long range artillery systems are only exacerbating that problem. and 2nd, as the russians have a severe man, parent equipment problem, that's not easy to fix. right? yeah. all, not particular, no to. there are 2 pieces of intelligence from the u. s. and from britain's m, i 6 say the u. s. said at least 75000 russian troops have been killed. britons m, i sick saying that they believe the russian invasion will quote, run out of steam in the coming weeks. is russia running out of options? i think they are. i think gifts, i wouldn't, misty idea that the russian military is getting to a point where it's exhausted. that's us. i mean, most of those categories were actually lost in the 1st several weeks. and that staggering. and it's not something you quickly recover from, even if russia were to declare some penn national mobilization or something like that. this isn't something you fix quickly, that in the ukrainians are going to be in a position before the russians can fix the problem. they'll actually be in a position to take some territory back. of course we're waiting for this are all important to blockade on the grain ships to be lifted some time very soon. we believe it's hard to imagine that there is a degree of good will between russia and ukraine and ukraine's western partners on the one hand. but on the other, russia and ukraine very much locked in a bloody ongoing conflict. right, and i know i'm not actually very optimistic about the agreement. i don't think the russians are going to give us something for free. i mean, they stand again some measure only stealing brain from ukraine and so on and abroad . but you know, there are rocket launches against a desa immediately following the announcement of the agreement. so i'd, i'd wait to see what this actually pan subsidy. and once you mentioned that to russia's longer term plan saw, we know what it's done in the past. the, the tail end of the russia, georgia war when it comes to helping break away regions. stage referenda is a precursor for declaring independence to imagine russia to employ something similar in the territories that it's gained in ukraine. so i think it's actually shifted from, you know, helping these quote unquote areas gain independence, you actually annex in them as part of the russian federation. i think that your geographically what their goals are, is to control all don't boss. and then to maintain that, that what we like to call the lam brittany south. i'm curious on all the way over and that's why they read a point where sir is to maintain that. and then once they declared that these are cornered russia, then you'll hear the rhetoric around where you can attack russian territory or this is going to escalate into something more. so i think that there they are long term with their mid to long term goal. all right, jeffrey edmonds. great to have you on the show, jeffrey edmonds seen alice from c and a ok rushes media regulator has filed a lawsuit to revoke the registration of independent newspaper nova gazette, the paper suspended operations inside the country in march after it was forced to remove material on the ukraine war from its website. meanwhile, former russian broadcast journalist, marina of sienna cova, as been, find a 2nd time of being found guilty of discrediting russia's military and social media . post of static of a gained international attention in mont shopped, a crashing alive bulletin of russia. state television, but she works at the time to denounce the invasion of ukraine, but also and her fine flouting protest lose. russia says there's no deal yet with united states on a possible prism, a prisoner swap. that could include jailed us basketball, a brittany greiner? the 2 time olympic medalist as being held in russia since february u. s. secretary of state anthony blinkin says, a substantial offer has been made to moscow is believed to be an exchange for russian arms de la vick to boot who serving a 25 year sentence in the us. the kremlin says, negotiations must proceed in private and without fanfare. the germans city of hanover plans to turn off the hot water in a bid to reduce energy use. all public buildings, including gyms and swimming pools will provide only cold water for hand washing, and showers is the latest german city to introduce measures to help build up its reserves. before winter, after russia dramatically reduced the country's gas supply. many cities, including berlin of turned off light sin city buildings and shut off fountains. the use of portable air conditioner, heaters and radiators is also being banned. in some areas. a large fire on the german cheque border is threatening to destroy a forest and a national park that's popular with tourists. the fire started last week in the part known as the bohemian, switzerland in the czech republic and the saxons, switzerland national park in germany. under the fire fighters on both sides of the border, so battling the flames. built by cruise from neighboring countries, the local authorities, a warning tourism hikers to stay away from the area. now the tiny italian island of lamb producer is being overwhelmed by a flood of refugees of migrants landing there. this week, its reception center, which has space for 350 people, has sheltered more than 2000 arrivals. when more arriving every day in the past 10 days, at least 5 people have died, trying to get to the island which lies midway between italy in north africa. natasha a name reports from lamb producer. they survived the perils of the mediterranean . but once they reached the shores of lamp, i do so many migrants refugees at asylum seekers. see a europe that isn't quite what they'd imagined. oh, this is the welcome center. in recent days it's reached more than 6 times its capacity. people sleep on the ground surrounded by human waste and garbage. there are no showers. the stench is overpowering. it's not very dirty. and very very, very silva. it's taken this syrian refugee 3 years to reach europe. he paid a smuggler $3500.00 for a boat ride to lampa, do so. one of the closest european destinations on the route from north africa. i was leaving but my back broke him. i have to go to milam. before the recent wave of arrivals, the government says more than $34000.00 asylum seekers had reached italy this year . in the last 10 days, hundreds of migrants have been arriving daily. the authorities can't keep pace. any diane runs out in a dense and may go down. this is not a migrant emergency. usually welcome to 100000 ukrainians and we didn't have an emergency. why don't we treating these people in a humane way? saved the children says there are 300 miners in the center. many are alone. he said conquered if i don't not. but with that, sir, we are trying to ensure they know they rights offered them psychological support for they trauma and the create a space for them to play. the children express their feelings by painting they homes and crowded the bought people drowning and sharks had receded. this voyage is often one of los violets and pain. having made it this far, these people are hoping their journey is almost over and they'll soon be able to start the lies. they've long envisioned in europe. natasha. good name, l 0. lampa. do so, italy, the family of al jazeera journalist, sharina blackledge, has made an impassioned plea for the u. s. to support an independent investigation into her killing. they have the support of 80 members of congress as she have returns. he reports from washington dc. my name is lina wagner, and shitting was my aunt. capitol hill was the latest stop for the brother, niece and nephew of slain al jazeera reporter, sharina worker. as i keep up the pressure on the bike, good ministration to open an independent investigation into a killing. this is the very least the by then administration must do. they cannot rely on israel's word. war criminals cannot investigate their own crimes. julian was my little sister, the family members also renewed the call for a meeting with president biden after he refused. during his recent trip to the occupied territories. a u. s. citizen, a permanent journalist, beloved by millions of people, was killed by a highly trained disraeli soldier. president biden was 10 minutes away. he never came to see us over an age, members of congress who joined the family and cooling for an independent investigation. she was trying to tell us through her journalism what was happening now. we owe her for memory in her family, an outcome of what happened to her. i'm so sorry, co family and i'm embarrassed or when the murders where is really uniforms, there is complete silence. this is bigger than one person or one country. this is about our values as americans. on tuesday, the family met with us secretary of state and we blink him. afterwards he tweeted that he expressed his deepest condolences and a commitment to pursue accountability for sharina. quite tragic killing, but the family said he made no commitment to an independent investigation. the next stop for the blocked as will be the department of justice. the family says it's not naive and aware of the u. s. history of shielding israel from accountability for it's killing of palestinians or us citizens. but it says it has to try and stop the cycle that leads israeli soldiers to feel that they can kill at will she ever time? see al jazeera washington of careers leader came young and has warranties ready to use nuclear weapons. in any conflict with united states and south korea, he was speaking to veterans on the 69th anniversary of the end of the korean war. is the day of victory and north korea and features military parades and file. it displays 3 ever express deep regress over the threat, saying it would respond to any provocation in a powerful, effective manner. woody moody incentives are armed forces are 30 prepared to respond to any crisis and our nation's nucular war deterrent is also fully prepared to mobilize absolute strength faithfully, accurately and promptly. i assure you that the safety of this land and the system and sovereignty of this country, which our military comrades have shed blood for it is thoroughly guaranteed always . i'm generally protested if disrupted a mass held by pope frances in quebec indigenous campaign as a calling for the so called doctrine of discovery to be rescinded. they want the head of the roman catholic church to renounce a papal decree from the 15th century that encouraged europe in countries to colonize the america's po, process is on a week long tour of canada to apologize for the role of the church, of running abusive residential schools, the toy indigenous children away from their families. okay, well there's a lot more still to come. this hour will be live in haiti a day off to gang violence spread to downtown porter prince, by the city's main cathedral, was set on fire. and despite a year of non stop attacks from a political right peruse, left wing president says he'll extend the hand to his opponents and french well come when a pull poke bow, could miss this year's tournament and consol because of potential knee surgery. ah, let's go with your weather update across europe in africa for friday. have her one . so right off the bat, weather heller, it's in play for the wind and thunderstorms across northern sections of italy on friday, that energy spilling into austria and where the sun's out. we've got high temperature, so belgrade, sorry evo, skokie and tater on. i'd say around at $36.00 degrees, it's fall above average. and oh, there is an extreme forest fire. danger for western areas of slovenia. the rain will do little to call that still breezy through the boss for assist stumble. looking at wind gusts of about 50 kilometers per hour on friday, and the forecasts still calling for rounds of rain for the northeast of spain that will include barcelona, as well. with the high 30 degrees a mile my, those temperatures coming up once again for london on friday at 26 degrees. gloomy conditions. and we'll get into the odd burst of rain off to africa, we go and a breeze off the atlantic means the temperature has come down in new ox shut to 29 degrees. we've got our browns of rain and storm stretching from nigeria rate through to sierra leone. as we dip toward the south, i think we may see some disruptive rain for the western cape a. but the bigger story won't really be. those winds for cape town. gust of about 60 kilometers per hour on friday, and now you're in the know soon. ah, the 19th sixty's was a period of change around the world, including the middle east and north africa. and we dreamed of the fair and democratic society. which means if of evolution, the 1st of a 3 part series out to say we're world explodes, the regional events, people and forces that shake the decade. i don't, one of our dreams were many. we started with great dreams, but ended up with sad set time. the sixty's in the world politics on al jazeera, it's time for a memorable holiday with pegasus. it's time for turkey. set sail for new discoveries, enjoy. have new experiences. hit the shops, make wonderful memories. travel to turkey with pegasus and with direct whites to istanbul, and tried to book your ticket now for a memorable holiday. c y p g. yes, for our best prices. ah ah, mind of the top stories here on out or 0. ukrainian officials say russia has launch massive missile attacks across the country, including all the key if and churn a regions which hadn't been targeted and weeks. while in the southern course, all region ukraine says it's stepping up, it's counter offensive against russia. the u. s. and chinese presidents of spoken for more than 2 hours on the phone as tensions rise over taiwan. chinese state media says she g ping warn joe biden, against playing with fire over a possible trip to the self governing island by us. how speak and nancy pelosi next month of the u. s. economy has contracted 1st, 2nd strike quarter, but the biden administration insists it's not a procession most domestic product, which is one measure of economic activity fell 0.9 percent between april and g for the u. k is also engulfed in a cost of living. crisis brought home by post, pandemic price rises, and the war in ukraine inflation is predicted to pass the 10 percent mark and in one of the world's richest economies. one him, 5 families now lives in food and fuel poverty from pen riff in cumbria. jonah holl reports hard working mom and her 6 children. they were just about coping before the gas bill doubled. and the cost of living crisis hit can talk to them about why we can't afford and fancy fornes in ends. first, she holidays names. i about bo, when you've only now off the basics to get you through the way that you feel like you failed when you feel a favor and the family reluctantly sought help. sarah dawson is a volunteer family support work at varying supplies to 90 families in the cumberland town of penrith, many of our families and really reluctant to come forward because they feel like it's they should be able to provide for the children and provide for themselves on the edge of the lake district, this picturesque facade hides a seam of poverty that runs deep. and these growing with inflation set to pass 10 percent, one in 5, households across the u. k. he's failing to meet its weekly bills and things are likely to get worse. we're in the height, some are now and, and over alterman winter, there's going to be real worry about with the families can. they may have to choose between said in the family or, and keeping the family will at the salvation army food bank in town. there's been a bumper supply of donations from a major supermarket, volunteers, date and stack the product ready for collection by a fast increasing number of visitors. we're getting people that are working. and so they're on income, but they're still needing help because the, they can't budget the money out to cover everything. government assistance with energy bills hasn't done enough for the poorest, while a universal credit uplift during the pandemic has since been withdrawn. all of which leaves an enormous number of families up and down the country in food and fuel poverty, with nowhere to turn, but charity for help. the government, meanwhile, is otherwise occupied the candidates in a lengthy contest to succeed. maurice johnson have promised further help. but after a summer of holiday gridlock and public sector strikes, it will be the altar before the new prime minister can get to grips with an economy on the verge of recession. i don't expect to have a lot. i'd just expect to be able to pin the bells and the fade and not have to be constantly worrying or for every single penny that goes out of this. for the worst, often the prospect of a winter ahead with yet higher prices. and the dreadful choice of whether to heat or eat. joe, the whole al jazeera penrith, cumbria gun battles between rival arm gangs of intensified spreading to the center in haiti's capital. wednesdays of violence was thought to be a fight for territory in the heart of porter prince. a church was set on fire just blocked from the government's national palace. there's been a steady rise in gang violence since president juvenile. my ease was assassinated last year. eighty's gang war has been largely centered around the capital's impoverished neighbourhood city sleigh. $400.00 people have been killed and hundreds of homes destroy their this month alone. but on wednesday, the turf war spread down town to port a prince near the city's main cathedral, which caught fire intense gun battles for streets and markets to close in the centre, which has become increasingly dangerous and deserted. okay, well harold isaac is an independent journalist in haiti. he joins us live from puerto prince by skype. these are incredibly disturbing development in recent days . can you tell us what the situation is like there has been like there in the past 2448 hours? well, in the last 24 hours or we got back to somewhat of a normal, we are used to what, what could be considered relatively normal of a day to day. now the violence had been concentrated as, as i said, to that one neighbourhood city to lay. what do you understand is the reason for it now spreading to downtown po, to prince. ah, well, in the last month there's been no intense turf war waging between our rival gangs in the metropolitan area. and essentially that our war has led to $471.00 accounted deaths ah, in the commune of cities of a, ah, which is one of the poorest ha neighborhood of hating in one of the most populous as well. ah, in that lead, also to thousands of displaced ah, people in our metropolitan area for the prince. of course, her haiti has been hit by a perfect storm of multiple issues, political, economic, and of course, the devastating impact of the earthquake there as well. but how do you explain the situation? the haiti is in now with these horrendous gun battles between rival gangs well, we are is effectively a cross road where we have several crises that were facing all at once. and initially started out with the assassination of president marie's a year ago. and ever since we've been in institutional void that only aggravated the, the capacity of the states to answer to those descent into our gang wars, which there are dates. the state is seemingly in heavy, heavily challenged in order to address the ongoing issues that is most certainly ordinary civilians that have very much quarterly in the crossfire of these, these tough was we're talking about hundreds of children the other day having to take shelter in a school, how all civilians being affected by all of this. ah, well, of course the, the civilians, the women and children are the, the one that seems to be pain. the highest i tall of this are ongoing violence in a controlled territory. the gain control territories. where for the most part, their houses are destroyed, many of them are killed and thousands are displaced in half to seek shelter, in improvised art camps and improvised shelters. and it's a serious, a very serious situation that we're facing here in haiti today. and all of his fathers, of course, is affecting supplies of food, of water, and other essentials. is much needed aid actually managing now to get to those who need it most. well, there are many angie owes, and also the un stepping up to address on the needs. but it's nowhere near what will be needed. a see delays estimated to have about 300000 people living in it. and now with thousands of people displace and some of them still trapped by divine, it's hard to evaluate and assess what can be done and needs to be done for to come to to, to the aid of these people. however, that being said, ah, it is a situation that is a deteriorating by the day overall, in the challenges so far seems to be coming. i had how it was a very good to have yolanda many thanks. you're welcome. now peruse, president has been interrupted by the opposition calling him corrupt as he delivered a speech to mark the end of his 1st year in office. it's been a chaotic 12 months for castillo, a left wing outsider who's been fending off nonstop attacks from the political right in his speech to congress. he said he will extend his hand to opponents is to be met. i know, unless he be the 1st year i have received a slap on the cheek from those who did not accept losing legitimately in the presidential election with the conscious vote at the peruvian pico rivera. but in this 2nd year, i will not turn the other cheek, but extend my hand to work together for the benefit of the people. i know what a. okay, well let's look what a why has been such a turbulent 1st year for castillo? the left wing leader came to power with a surprise election victory defeating his right wing rival by just 44000 votes. the son of peasant farmers castillo, was the 1st person from outside perused political elite to ever win the presidency . he arrived in government on the back foot without the support of congress, the military media, all political insiders opposition parties began trying to remove him almost immediately. his already survived to impeachment boats and in may peruse, attorney general started investigating him over allegations of influence peddling collusion and being part of a criminal organization. his credibility has been further damaged by people around him. as former transport minister and former senior advisor, his nephew and sister in law, all under police investigation, marianna sanchez house more from peruse capital lima. a president better a feel reaches his 1st year enough. is that a really bad time for him? 6 that's where he general has launched my investigations against the president are also his eyes. oh, political, i like have turned against him some art collaborating with justice. he was expelled from his own political party. ah, the political crisis continues to deepen. in this year. there's been 4 cabinets more than 50 ministers, dismiss beats today after you head, you will just this. he preferred to talk about a hell the economy and social programs. well, some clue chrisman left that chambers another's stood giving him his back. hundreds of police prevented protesters from reaching congress and many here. see, they don't care anymore. what president as the to say, they only want his resignation. the main pro iran parliamentary block in iraq says it will go ahead with the nomination of mohammed al, said dani for prime minister last, despite the storming of parliament by opponents on wednesday night. professors were supporters of the influential shia cleric of todd, how santa was cast himself as a critic of both iranian and american influence in iran. parliament has been deadlock since elections in october with politicians unable to establish a new government lease to members of one of hong kong. most popular boy bands who have been injured after a giant overhead screen fell on to the stage. the band mirror was performing the home of the hong kong coliseum on thursday night when the monitor dropped landing on one of the dances totaled on to a 2nd dancer. one of the injured was described as being in a serious condition. the constant series has been plagued by technical faults with people questioning the safety of the show. 49 people have been killed by lightning strikes this week in india's, northern auto pradesh state and other 7 people were killed early after taking shelter under trees. during monsoon reigns, most of those killed were farmers who were working in fields. the indian meteorological departments as deaths by lightning strikes have doubled since the 1960 s with the climate crisis, partly to blame. while the $300.00 people are now known to have died in floods and several provinces of pakistan since june, many more were injured in the extreme weather event which was triggered by monsoon rains. eskew teams have been deployed to help hundreds of people forced to leave the affected areas. several roads and dozens of bridges were washed away, while thousands of homes were heavily damage. couple hider in islamabad has more heavy rains, have left a trail of destruction across august on from give, by this don province down to the southwestern province of baluchistan in the countries that are more dish to province with the least population key bridges. and george have been swept away by doing raging gardens. many people have been cut off the military now using helicopters to reach those areas to provide rescue and relief, and also to ferry and supplies such as fraud and edible oil. and a censure is also important to note that the province of fun job has been badly, particularly the southern regions which are famous for sugar. again, rice paddy as well as a cotton crop as a major logical department i wanted the country could see 30 percent above average range this year. and i didn't spend is going to continue till the middle of september. people have been told not to travel in the mountainous region because of land like a government of god has provided relief and effort in the form of compensation. for those who have large family members, it is going to be a difficult task if not impossible, because this is a large country already hit by an economic crisis. and reports coming in indicate that that they did not yet, oh, well, well, heavy rain has caused flash floods in the united arab emirates. also some houses with damaged and cause was swept away in the flood. many people found themselves frenzied or trapped in their own homes. in the regions of sean, john gyro, the government of deployed the military to help with rescue operations and heavy rain too in castle the 1st time rain has been recorded that during july our weather present a rob mckelly has bull. who's they were thunderstorms in dough high in qatar this morning. and so what you might think is to say what it is never rained in july in recorded history or in anybody's living memory. it just doesn't happen. the reliable forecasts are arabia is hot, dry, and dusty throughout the summer. 4 months of the summer. now the monsoon does affect some pow sarabia when it boosts out of india catches southern amal is salon or its drizzling overcast, and there are occasional thunderstorms in a mom and yemen. but this year when la monsoon burst into pakistanis, call substantial damage and loss of life, it costs a similar amount of flooding. you know, mom, this is a couple of weeks ago and we so okay, so how come a long way beyond where it shouldn't been stronger? the switch to occasional variation. so say it's never rained in july in cats are in recorded history or any body's memory. the same is true in q, wait it iran, very similar, one a to shower may be, well, has been flooding in the west coast of iran, the reins moving north and for the next 3 days of a forecast of significant rain causing flooding. maybe again, here in bahrain as well, western iran, and even in q, wait on saturday. is this a one year? and normally i have to say, i don't know, it seems to be an extension of the mazar drove. will it be repeats in future years with yet to see? thursday is earth overshoot day of the day when humans start using more resources than the planet can regenerate within the year. the day is announced every year by environmental research group, the global footprint network. it measures how much the earth can sustainably produce in forest land and seas and the 12 month period and compares it to the demand from the global population. in 2021. earth overshoot day fell 2 days later on july. the 30th it hasn't fallen on a date in december since 1975. so i had this news, our mystery boss been $6000000000.00 of the skeleton of t. rex is less than own cousin. the gold source and in sport will hear from sebastian vessel follow his decision to retire for formula one ah cats, away. official ally of the join. me with with full an issue and line of the gen lou. ah, i welcome back to repeat it out with the sport. me. thank you. we'll start with gall fan. donald trump has praised saudi arabia on the controversial lives series, offering players an alternative to the established tours. the 3rd tournament of the newly created competition takes place on crumbs bread minced the course in new jersey. some families of $911.00 victims have urged trump not to host the event because they believe saudi arabia aided the terrorists who carried out the attacks in 2001. in thursday's pro m. trump played alongside from a major champions, dustin johnson and bryson december. another of trump's courses in florida will host the season ending live tournament in october. will nobody's gotten to the bottom of $911.00. unfortunately, they should have, as to the many extent did that horrible thing to our city, to our country, to the world. so nobody's really been there, but i can tell you that i've known these people for a long time and saudi arabia. they've been friends of mine for a long time. they've invested in many american companies. they own big percentages of many, many american companies. and frankly, what they're doing for golf is so great. what they're doing for the players is so great. the salaries are going to go way up. the pga was not love to buy a lot of the players as you know for a long time. now they have an alternative and nobody would have ever known there was going to be a gold rush like this. and yet really the best players in the world, many of the best players in the world, and soon you probably have all of them because remember, this is a merger the people that didn't come, they will never get anything except a thank you from people that took advantage of them, one of the latest players to join live is henrich stinson and that move cost in the european ryder cup captain seep. the former major champion has spoken publicly for the 1st time since losing the prestigious job. and the swede says he made every possible arrangement to fulfill his duties as captain. at thursday's news conference, stanson did not rule out legal action over the sacking. i just expect to be to be treated fairly going forward depending on what, what the outcomes are and, and this whole case and, and that is yet to be yet to be seen what, what decisions ought to be made. and when will, when we will be notified of anything like the boys the saying hey, qualification and vice captain season and all the rest. so up until that point we would just wait for for your bins or and, and write a cup europe to make those those announcements full time for me. one will check in sebastian vessel says he will mostly miss the frenzy of made him the sport when he retires at the end of this season, the 35 year old german one only titled back to back with the red bull between 20102013 that helped make the vessel the youngest full time f one will champion. he went on to spend 6 seasons at ferrari. and now dr for aston martin. yeah, i think that's one of the great things. there's a lot of things, there was a, i mean, a lot of things i will turn literally turn down. i will not be having the buzzle driving the cars anymore and racing. but the people say, you know, the friendships, i made the people i got to know the memories i made as lot to, to take away. and yeah, generally i'm looking forward. so looking forward to said, let's say, okay, let's take a look now at how better compared to the all time greats of the sport. he has a list of the men who have won the f one. dr. is title the most number of times at the top. lewis hamilton and michael schumacher 7 titles each. you got 5 title for the origin time. great one, manuel, fen, geo. and with 4 titles, each battle is tied with the french great driver. alan prost, the speaking of france, french woke up when a poor pug could miss the tournament later this year because of injury. the midfielder hurt his knee in pre season. training with you venice. it appears it may be worse than 1st thought with cotton. 2022 less than 4 months away. earlier we spoke to italian football broadcast, attend, katie palmera. he explained why pug and you they have a difficult decision to make. at 1st, they fought, they were sure about going with surgery. that would a keep him out until at, i would say beginning of october, but now they realized that the call waiting time that will take until i will stay on the la, late november, which means losing the walk up because you will lose all for the preparation the option is going with sad about the set up be that for the to reach the pot in steve. then do a surgery and take away the part of the disc. is that obviously if the, the competing as not happen properly? well, you just bring an injury to be a long time one, and that's with the fact that that's the carrier. so it is a very, very sensitive decision clamp. i'll go over every other county in the war. that is somebody that one is producing most stolid a little, but still having fun back. is that different thing? so yeah, it would be a huge blow at the women's tour de france. numerous writers received medical treatment doing stage 5 of a huge pile up in the pellets on about 45 kilometers from the finish. plenty of biker pays. we're also needed. and the crash forced denmark's emma knows god to retire from the race because of her injuries. the stage was taken out. so by lorena v bas. the dutch rider also took victory on the opening day competitors, mary, on force, extended her overall lead to 20 seconds and south africa level, the 3 match the 20 cricket series against england, the south africans bath. first and post the 273 riley recess, 96 from 55, all helping the coach just one day earlier. the english posted an intimidating total puts of africa under pressure, but on this occasion, it was the other way around in the eventually all. now for just 14958 run when for the protein is for 11 for him. so he's enjoying a good series in south africa of one that will leave it there for now. and it's back to you in london. many thanks. pizza, all right, one more story before we go. a read donna. so skeleton has salt been sold at auction in new york for more than $6000000.00 is not yet known. who's bought the perfectly preserved bones of the gold authoress? a cousin of the most famous t rex cable i was on day as mall. it's a dinosaur called gore casarez and it roamed earth more than 79000000 years ago. the dinosaur founded 2018 is a particularly rare find. it's made up of $79.00 bones, perfectly preserved from the giant school to the details and the vertebrae and the tail, not one bone is out of place. there are only 20 known fragments of this animal that exist anywhere in the world. almost all of them were found in canada, where it is believed the giant predator lived. but this one was unnerved on private land in the state of montana in the united states. but the fact it was found in the us and not canada makes it even more rare. and why it sold for $6100000.00 to an anonymous buyer at an auction in new york on thursday, canada. and like many other countries, has a strict restriction on fossils being exported from the country to a dinosaur like this would not be allowed out of canada because it was found in the us. that means we can actually sell it. and that is part of what makes this dinosaur so rare. while the sale of this dinosaur was for over $6000000.00, it's not the most expensive dinosaur ever sold. that title will go to a tyrant, a sorest rex. it's over over $31000000.00 in 2020 another dinosaur sold for more than $12000000.00. and well, that might be a good thing for the buyers and even the auction houses. it's not necessarily a good thing for science. there's worry about the ethics of all of this, many paleontologist say they're concerned that dinosaurs specimens in private hands means that they potentially are no longer available for research. there are not very many specimens of gorgeous or as all the others are in museums. and one more being sold, you might say, oh, well it's only one, but if there's only a few, right, that's a lot of information that we lose and you say, well, why are you losing it? well, for one you have no guarantee that whoever buys it is going to allow access to scientists. the new owner will not only get the dinosaur, but now be able to give it a name. gabriel is on do, i'll just either do your okay, let's it from any bug for this news. i'll be back in a moment though with both of the days news. you're without a 0. ah i la la la la la. national. why is one on the, how do you to visit what i will cancel the philistine with the, from the special area to let and about the fisa that can a little sob isn't done well, i can get this out in the cod. there's topics here. how that if awesome, thought, not only vocal of coffee and like in the past on my gun a on, in that a fee. alida is like a month to help out. yeah. i mean for the shuttle in the garage. i feel you wanted to either before fucking the book ah how and why did it become so obsessed? with this law, we were giving them a tool to hold the corrupt individuals in human rights abusers accountable. they're gonna rip this deal apart if they take the white house of 2025. what is the world hearing what we're talking about by american today? your weekly take on us politics and society. that's the bottom line boats janice and the police violently discussing protest this. these are some of good tens of thousands of people try to play global inspire to 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Transcripts For WRC News4 At 11 20130926

ability to meet its contractual obligations and serve hp as a subcontractor. last week, the experts said alexis passed two background checks done by the firm usis. that firm is under investigation for fast tracking paperwork on some background checks. tonight a spokesman for the experts says they're -- hp had its own site manager who supervised alexis. that manager reportedly was with alexis during an incident up in rhode island when he thought voices were coming through the walls of his hotel room. from the live desk, i'm jim handly. thanks, jim. tonight in northwest d.c. there was a focus on healing in the aftermath of the navy yard shooting. mayor vincent gray was among those who spoke at a prayer service tonight at mt. caramel baptist church. darcy spencer has more on that and new information released by the fbi. >> reporter: jim the fbi released chilling photos of that gunman. you can see one of them right here. he's standing here in a hallway holding a shotgun. one man told me it was these images that brought him to the prayer service tonight. >> it was a service that drew people from different faiths coming together to remember the lives lost in the navy yard mass shooting. >> washington, d.c., although we're strong, we too grieve needless violence. >> the vigil comes on the same day that disturbing images of shooter aaron alexis were released showing him walking the halls of building 197 with shotgun in hand and close-up images of the gun he used to kill so many innocent people. >> it's frightful. once again, your heart goes out to the people who were -- who became sacrificed as a result of this. >> federal investigators say alexis was driven to kill by delusions that he was under the control of electromagnetic waves. the shooting that claimed 12 lives has renewed calls for more gun control. >> i'm embarrassed as a citizen of this country that we cannot do more. >> at the vigil held at mt. carmel baptist church in northwest washington, there was hope for healing. maurice johnson says it was these haunting pictures of the gunman that inspired him to a ten. >> it's really sad. in my hearty had to do something. i was sitting home. i decided to put my jacket on and be a part of the service. >> reporter: mayor vincent gray also talked about the need for additional gun control. he said how long are we as a civilized nation going to continue to put up with this before action is taken? >> reporting live from northwest washington, darcy spencer, news 4. we're watching a developing story near chicago tonight. one person killed, one severely burned after a small plane crashed in the suburb of bolingbrook. police say the plane was on its way to a small airport when it went into a tree and hit a light pole, then crashed into several vehicles and a bank parking lot. both of the victims were on that plane. nobody on the ground was injured. tonight federal investigators are headed to that scene. a lot on the line in a very -- for virginia governor. the candidates, terry mcauliffe and cuccinelli went head to head on nbc4 tonight. the candidates criticized each other for personal attacks in campaign ads. cuccinelli touted his experience in state government and mcauliffe called himself a consensus builder. as david culver reports, both candidates talked a lot about their -- >> the debate tone, like most of the ads you've heard. hard hitting and at times accusatory. >> i'm the only candidate in this race who won't need on-the-job training. >> my opponent has spent most of his career in a social ideological agenda. >> bob mcdonnell -- attorney general ken cuccinelli explained his position to johnny williams. >> why were you willing to accept the gifts? >> ironically, i met mr. williams through the governor. i did give the $18,000 to a charity. >> democrat terry mcauliffe faced questions over releasing his tax returns. >> i've gone beyond what the last governors have done when governor kaine, governor warner and governor mcdonnell ran. >> i released eight years of my tax returns to the media. he won't release any. >> then the issue of gun control. the first, have you changed your mind about an assault weapons ban and secondly, how big a priority would you make it as governor to change virginia's gun laws? >> i haven't changed my mind. i have called for universal background checks. >> i'm running against the only f-rated candidate from the nra. cuccinelli's gun control, focused on treating mental illness. >> then gay rights. >> he has referred to them as soulless and self-destructive human beings. >> he would sign a bill supporting equality. >> that's it's not in the form of a bill, it never comes to the governor. i do believe that the institution of marriage should remain between one man and one woman. >> now, these two candidates will square off one more time before virginians go to the polls to make their choice for governor. that will happen november 5th. election day. reporting from virginia, david culver, news 4. we spoke to libertarian candidate robert sahr advice after the debate. he said all the opponents did was recite talking points. a recent marist poll shows him with 8% of support among likely voters in the commonwealth. we have a full transcript posted on some video just in to news 4. a diplomat in the hospital after getting hit by a car in northwest d.c. it happened about 9:30 tonight at 36th and garfield streets. secret service police are investigating. they say the diplomat was on a bicycle at the time. the driver of the car that hit him stayed on the scene. we don't know yet how badly that man was injured. >> a new design proposal on the table for a casino and hotel at national harbor. mgm revealed the $800 million design today. in creating the one million square foot casino and hotel. >> mgm is competing with other hotels to build. the state hopes to choose a winning design by the end of the year. tonight, a lesbian couple in maine, has a former president's signature on their marriage license. the "washington post" reports that former president george h.w. bush and his wife barbara served as witnesses for the couple on saturday. one of the brides posted this photo on facebook of mr. bush signing the license. newlyweds, bonnie and helen are co-owners of the general store in ken boek, maine. we're long time friends of the bush family. the u.s. state department renewed a worldwide travel alert after the mass shooting at a shopping mall in kenya. the state department says there's no specific threat but there is mounting intelligence that terrorist groups may be planning attacks against western targets. americans are warned to remain vigilant in public places both here and abroad. sources tell news 4 that mayor vincent gray has chosen april new chief financial officer for the district. tom shell road was first to report the selection of jeff dewitt, now the cfo of phoenix, arizona. dewitt, if confirmed by the council would replace the person serving there for 13 years now. the independent cfo plays a critical role in city affairs. the office oversees the spending of the $11 billion budget in d.c. inside an underground operation run by a registered sex offender. >> parents contacted us looking for help while the city says it can't do anything. the iteam investigation coming up next. what's ahead in weather, veronica? >> since late evening, clouds have been moving in. in a couple of minutes, i'll tell you what impact this cloud an undercover investigation exposing safety and health risks for teenagers in the d.c. area. worried parents called the iteam about what's happening in the basement of a house and the man behind it. >> the city says it can't do anything about it right now but as we report, what we exposed has one councilman calling for immediate action. >> day after day, the news 4 iteam watches as teenagers make their way to warner street in northwest headed in and out of this house with the red door. mounted security cameras see who is knocking but our undercover cameras are rolling too, to find out why parents are so upset about what's happening in this basement. >> right way we meet kenneth rucker. a registered sex offender convicted of child sexual abuse involving a 15-year-old stranger. >> i want that one and i want that one. we find a room full of young women lined up in a hallway waiting to get piercings from rucker. he advertises on instagram even though he doesn't have a business license. one gets her tongue pierced. >> another the cartilage of her ear. this girl gets a smiley piercing the skin between her upper lip and gum. >> and this girl, her bellybutton. at bargain basement prices. $10 to $15. there's no sink in sight for washing hands. he does change gloves in between piercings and wipes the equipment with a liquid. >> i wouldn't want to take the chance, the risk of going to someone like that. >> it's a far cry from what you'll see at painful pleasures in hanover, maryland. a piercer is expected to work in a sterile environment. >> a piercing shop with certified artists that looks more like a doctor's office. >> washing your hands and putting gloves on, using sterile needles. one-time use only and disposing of them properly. >> they also have an autoclave machine to sterilize instruments and jewelry. >> it's absolutely important to make sure they're of legal age. >> back inside the house on this street, rucker never asks anyone their age. >> how old are you? >> 17. >> as part of his release, he's not to be around minors. one parent said her 14-year-old daughter got her nipple pierced in this house. by the same guy who had sex with a 15-year-old girl after getting her intoxicated. >> in d.c., it is illegal to perform any body art on a person under 18. except for ear piercings under new legislation passed in 2012. almost a year later, the news 4 iteam found no one is checking. the city is still months away from issuing body artist licenses and after we started asking questions, the department of health finally announced proposed rules and regulations for shops. >> obviously have a problem here. serious problem that cries out for action. >> we showed councilman jim graham what we uncovered at this house. >> the agency should examine the rules and determine what is it that can be put into effect immediately that would be directly relevant to a situation such as this. >> the health department would not go on camera but told us in an e-mail, underground tattoo and body piercings pose a variety of health risks, including hepatitis b and c and hiv/aids and in extreme cases death. while the department works to comprehend hence hen civilly regulate, they urge people to get them from shops operating with a district business license. rucker didn't answer the door. but we did get him on the phone where he first denied operating any kind of business. >> if you're not operating a business, i'm trying to figure out how we have video of you doing piercings. >> that's when he admitted he's not supposed to be around minors. hours later, this picture popped up on his instagram account reading closed for renovations. must be 18 with i.d. in northwest, tisch a thompson, news 4 iteam. a spokesperson for the d.c. police says the agency is investigating any possible parole violation regarding rucker. the story came to us because of a tip. if you have something for the iteam to investigate, call 202-885-4444. or you can e-mail tips@news 4 i veronica has a look at the weather forecast. boy, we've been on a roll lately, haven't we? >> just keeps going, right? tomorrow morning, it's not going to be as pretty our sunrise. we've got some clouds across the area. in fact, there could be a little bit of fog in some neighborhoods early tomorrow morning. i'll show you where in a couple of minutes. let's take a look outside. we again have a mostly overcast sky right now. temperatures not too bad. on saturday light and radar, i've been watching this cloud cover move in. it's not producing any rain here but off to the west and down to the south it is. the other thing i'm seeing from the cloud cover is a little bit in the way of some breaks from loudoun county to northern fauquier county. this is the area that could see even more breaks by early tomorrow morning. into prince william county and to areas around stafford county. those are the locations that favor the fog for early tomorrow morning. so areas like marshall, remington and toward heart wood, as well as stafford, you could see fog early tomorrow morning. we're at 65 degrees under a mostly cloudy sky. by 7:00 a.m., mostly cloudy and again fog mainly south and west of d.c. 58 degrees is where we're going to be at 7:00 a.m. that puts us about 4 to 6 degrees higher than this morning. we should hit the mid-60s by 9:00 a.m. the radar is scanning the area, not picking up any rain whatsoever. throughout the day tomorrow, we'll see the clouds erode, make their way out of here. we're back to sunshine. in fact, we'll see sunshine by early afternoon tomorrow. we'll be another warm day for us. the upper 70s today. tomorrow the same. by late tomorrow night, mostly clear and then friday, yet another gorgeous day across the area. partly sunny with highs in the mid-70s. good weather next two here for the high school football games taking place. temperatures early tomorrow morning, 48 in damascus, wheaton, springfield, ashburn. you'll be starting out at 46 degrees tomorrow morning. anacostia at 58. riverside, up to the south and east, you'll be starting out in the low 50s tomorrow. 69 degrees, close to 70 by late morning. again, lots of sunshine on tap for us again tomorrow. so hitting 77. bethesda, alexandria, burke to right in d.c. another pleasant day for us. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast for tomorrow. again, another mild day for us. seasonably mild. a high on friday 75 degrees. so just a little cooler. then warmth for the weekend. and quiet weather for the weekend. much better than this past weekend. it just rained and poured last saturday. it was ugly. >> this one sounds pretty good. >> it is. >> thanks, veronica. why rg3 may be calling bryce harper for advice. also, we're going to tell also, we're going to tell you i was honored to serve as governor of virginia. we brought folks together in richmond to focus on creating jobs and getting results. that's the virginia way. and that's why i'm backing terry mcauliffe for governor. terry won't let ideological battles get in the way of making progress. terry will work with democrats, republicans, and independents to create jobs and move virginia forward. it's important for virginia that we elect terry mcauliffe as our governor. i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. this is the xfinity sports desk. your home for the most live sports. so i just asked jason what's he leading the sports report with. he as much as said, duh! >> what else? >> we haven't met our rg3 quota for the week. so robert griffin iii again. >> let's run it. >> robert griffin iii does a lot of things very well on the football field. but sliding isn't one of them. on sunday, griffin fumbled the ball on a very important drive after diving headfirst against the lions. sliding, it sounds simple. but it's something griffin knows he can work on. >> i'm not a great slider. should i say? i know how to slide. i don't know how to baseball slide. i think that's what they're talking about. this is more of an emphasis on sliding feetfirst. >> would you ask one of the nationals to help you baseball slide? would you consider that or is that a wacky idea? >> if bryce wants to do that, i'm up for that. bryce, yeah, we can do that if you want to, buddy. >> now, on sunday, the baseball season is over for the nationals. they're not making the playoffs. >> he's got some time on his hands. >> let's stick with baseball. the nats are eliminated from the post-season. they're doing great things. the organization, away from the diamond. the team is auctioning autographed game used jerseys to raise money for the families of the navy yard victims. the auction closes tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. head over to to place your bid. bryce harper and the boys trying to avoid being swept by the cardinals this afternoon. the nats were almost no hit last night. harper made sure that wasn't the case today. with two on, he drives in a run. denard span, he comes in. the nats lead 1-0. on the mound, jordan zimmerman going for 20 wins on the season but he falls a little short. bottom of the fourth, yadier molina breaks a 1-1 tie. a two-run single for the cards catcher. nats fall 4-1. also in baltimore, the orioles pick up one over toronto, 9-5. in atlanta, braves and brewers. this is carlos gomez at the plate. he admires his home run a little bit too much. we've seen this before with the braves. they take issue with this. it happened against the nationals and against the marlins. now it's again tonight. gomez comes home, catcher brian mccann won't let him touch the plate. gets in his face. the benches clear. you know what's next. freddie freeman and gerald laird of the braves were ejected. they win 4-0. finally tonight, guys, check it out. members of the men's swimming and diving team from the naval academy taking this picture in the pool replicating the famous raising the flag in iwo jima, world war i. their season begins thursday. this photo making the rounds all over twitter and social media. >> pretty cool. >> took them two takes to get that done. >> that's a lot of holding your breath. >> only two. >> divers. >> i hope it's not like the directors around here. that was great guys. that up in canada, they have a new invention patrolling a park up there. it looks like a cross between a remote controlled toy and a monster from where the wild things are or something like that. these birds are about to find out, this is not fun and games. it's called the goose-nator. it's used to shoe away geese. they can be awfully nasty and messy. the inventor says it's good on grass, water, ice and snow. he also claims it's a lot better than a dog for chasing geese away because you don't have to feed it. and dogs can be messy too, by the way. >> can they ever. >> just keep the battery charged and then you want to work on your steering shields. that's cool. >> i need one for the deer that eat all my plants. >> maybe it would scare the deer. >> a large version of it. >> in the rut. >> going to attack it. >> tell us again how nice it's going to be. >> nice by the afternoon. we'll start with a few clouds, maybe fog. the high tomorrow 77. then nothing but a quiet stretch there coming up. >> all right. good news. >> thanks. >> thanks. that's our i was honored to serve as governor of virginia. we brought folks together in richmond to focus on creating jobs and getting results. that's the virginia way. and that's why i'm backing terry mcauliffe for governor. terry won't let ideological battles get in the way of making progress. terry will work with democrats, republicans, and independents to create jobs and move virginia forward. it's important for virginia that we elect terry mcauliffe as our governor. i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. >> announcer: it's "the tonight show with jay leno," featuring rickey minor and "the tonight show" band. tonight, jay welcomes -- dana carvey, from "the voice," cee lo green, the music of goodie mob, and "fun with fake surveys." and now, jay leno! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: hi, everybody! welcome to "the tonight show." nice to have you all. any -- [ cheers and applause ] any nfl fans here tonight? yeah, yeah. well, listen to this. quarterback eli manning of the new york giants got some great news today. the nfl announced that during


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