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Transcripts For WPVI Action News Weekend 9AM 20151213

helps to get temperatures back up toer 60s. low 7 0s. record today, 65, forecasting 72. that's unheard of for middle of december. and actually the all time record high any day during the month of december, 736789 we're not far off that. 67 by lunchtime and by 2:00 70 and 4:00, 68 no signs pattern rereceipting any time this afternoon. it could last through the end of the 7 day forecast. i'll have that for you coming up if a few minutes. nydia. >> chris, thank you. all new at 9 a woman hospitalized in critical condition at this hour after being stabbed by another woman. it happened two hours ago 00 block of west leave ear street west oak lane section. she was rushed to einstein in critical condition. so far police have no suspects or motives in the stabbing. >> really scary moments inside a walmart in poconos. police in east stroudsburg pennsylvania shot and killed a gunman threatening shoppers inside. investigators say about 100 customers were in the store 1 10:10 last night when the 20-year-old man fwhawkd with two hand guns and machete and police arrived and confronted the man in an i'll. an aisle. >> we asked him to drop his weapons. >> the suspect was pronounced dead at the hospital. a witness says at one point he saw the man hold a gun his own head. there are no reports of any other injuries. police have not relooseed the man's name. >> frightening moment for two young children in south jersey overnight after the suv they were in was stolen and involved in a crash during the get away. cheverolet traverse landed upside down in front lawn of a home merchant street audobon camden county and collided with another suv intersection of merchant and hampshire street. children and both drivers suffered minor injuries. police say it began when a woman stoptd at liquor store white house pike magnolia and left car running with kids inside the alleged thief jumped in and took off and he face as i number of channels. >> fire fighters are hurt when their fire truck went up in flames and caught fire sprin springville road bryn mawr, montgomery countych the two firefighters suffered smoke inhalation and taken to bryn mawr and released and an investigation underway to determine what caused that fire snrt family of a man shot by wilmington police continue to call for some local official to resign. jeremy mc dole's family held a rally outside police headquarters. they want dennis williams and matt den to step down. mc cole confined to a while chair at the time was shot and killed by four police officers. they found a gun near mc dole's side. an investigation by city authorities still ongoing. >> a show of solid darty for a members of a local mosque targeted last yeek. jeff chirico has that store by dr. >> unltsed we stand [ applause ]. >> that was the message at the picnic for solidarity. hundreds of people of all faiths gathered for food, sfel oweship and understanding. >> hatred and bigotry that was against you has brought all this love here today. >> vandals threw a pig's head from pickup truck that very mosque, pot luck gathering in attempts to counter the negative. he is not muslim but helped organize the event. >> it hit home with me. i felt we needed to do something as the community to show the city and to show the nation that we stand together as one. >> there's a huge amount of support happening. it's great. it's refreshing to see. >> w islam mic and christians and jewish prayed and shared a meal and they hope keech teaching about islam can counter misconceptions. >> scared of and we should be afraid of and we -- it's being perpetrated by our own politicians. >> i think some people express their fear in really unfortunate ways and it's important to be reminded by those moments that come out and express our support. >> fb next philadelphia police are investigating. there's a 4,000 reward for information leading to arrest in the case. in kensington, jeff chirico, "channel 6 action news." >> the return controlled pennsylvania house is planning to meet tonight to start grappling over the senat senate-passed budget bills while cash-strapped school districts are talking about skosing schools after new year's day until state budge's proved. house and republican majority has not shown willingness to accept the senate pack am. house republicans don't like the tax increases in the bill and the way the senate wants to create private liquor sales in the state and they have problems with the senate's pension reform measures. the budget is five months overdue and has caused social service layoffs and now threats of school shut downs. >> philadelphia based pep boys agreed to be acquired for bridgephone for $863 million. bridgestone out bid carl icon to takeover the service. it amounts to $15.15 for each pep boy's share. the board of directors is recommending it. pep boys, m any, moe and jack. bridgestone is now based in tokyo. >> open rolement for health insurance exchange is looming and delaware officials are encouraging to enroll now. 8,000 delaware residents have already chosen a plan during open rolementment when you sign up be prepared for rate increase by as much as 22.4% and also remember there is a penalty for not having coverag coverage. >> celebrity chefs and host michael simon is coming to atlantic city. simon has said he will on italian restaurant at the borgata next fall. it will feature food he grew up eating authentic italian. simon has award winning snrawnts cleveland and detroit and other cities than will be the first in the delaware valley. he has not decided on a name for that restaurant. >> and the eagles have their it eye on first place in the nfc east an a win at the linc today could put them in a good spot pour for the playoff. the birds are 5-7 and hope to keep it going after the big win in new england. they face buffalo bills in afternoon match at home. sam bradford will have to go for a win without top receiver jordan matthews. he's out with a back injury. kickoff at 1:00 this afternoon and 11:30 tune in for "action news" sports sunday jeff and the "action news" sports team breakdown all the big plays and brandon graham provides expert analysis tonight. >> for the 14 plg straight year navy takes home the win over army on the football feel. fans flocked to the link to represent and and it was the turnovers that allowed mid shipmen to hang around 2-17 wi win. next year's game 117 match-up will be held in baltimore. the game returns to philadelphia in 2017. >> it's a good thing for our city brings in a lot of money. >> more to come on this sunday morning edition of "action news" and warning about a dangerous respiratory illness that can affect the very young. how you can limit sxeesh you're to the virus. >> folks in texas will spends sunday picking up after mother nature you're's fury. sky6hd into center city there. it's going to be very spring like today. meteorologist chris sowers has your exclusive accuweather meteorologist chris sowers has your exclusive accuweather 7-day when we come i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at >> national weather service is trying to determine if tornadoes touched down in it texas. in the town of lynndale. no injuries but 50 homes in that area sustained some damage. >> here in our area we're dealing with sunshine and record breaking temperatures. >> a lot of you out there are very happy. this pattern live on sky6 the last el nino we had that was as strong as the one we see now is back in '97, '98 and everything happening the last few weeks is similar to what was going on the same time in '97, '98 we're in that strong el nino pattern and wild weather stays weing and we enjoy combination of sun and clouds the next few days with chance of showers monday and then again thursday. double scan crystal clear. high temperatures yesterday in a lot of these were new records. atlantic city, 71. philadelphia, 69. wilmington new record high 68. trenton 68. doylestown 66. not bad for middle of december. today we should easily eclipse marks. 57 now in philadelphia, dew point 5. winds are calm and pressure ratings starting to rise. 54 millville. sea isle city 57. atlantic city at the airport 5 58. dover pair of fives and wilmington 54 and poconos at this hour closing in on 60. so it's nearly impossible to make snow with temperatures that warm. slopes are bear and it doesn't look like we'll get help from mother nature in the foreseeable future. there's a cool shot coming in next weekend but not too terribly cold that is for sure. across the region lancaster socked in good right now. not reporting any visibility. but a lot of this is in process of lifting and from that point on it's a combination of sun and clouds. very similar to weather we saw yesterday. these are high, thin clouds, thicker out here. but for the most part it should be a nice looking day and huge storm stays out to the west and it actually cuts north up to the great lake states with warm front traveling to new england. up through here, vernon odom, new hampshire, maine, massachusetts, shows states typically very cold this time of year will be enjoying 50s and 6 0s as well and once this front pushes through note i still have the world mild. we're still talking about temperatures well above seasonal averages as the cold front slides through tuesday and wednesday. future tracker 6, 1:00 this afternoon heading to lincoln financial field. you'll need a tee shirt that is it. by 4:00 game letting out. 67. clouds begin to lower and thickening overnight tonight we'll go mostly cloudy skies, patchy fog redeveloping very, very mild temperatures in mid 50s tomorrow morning there could be a little patchy fog develop around the region agai again. tomorrow most of the time it's cloudy and maybe somewhat fwloomy looking and most rain holds off until late in the day between the hours of 4 and 7 that's when you start to pickp a few drops. note the heaviest is offshore here. 54 philadelphia, allentown 6. couple showers late. for philadelphia, today, here's day planner, 6 by 10:00. by noon, 6p and by:00, 70. forecastsing that high of 7. even even the northwestern suburbs highs close to 7 0. reading 69. allentown 6. these are all records. wilmington 70. trenton 69. millville 7 0. atlantic city 69. clouds, sun, warm, and the only way we don't reach 70s if is clouds become thicker than anticipated and that prevent the raise of the sun from warming up. mostly cloudy and warm overnight, patchy fog redeveloping lows in the 50s sdlusive accuweather 7-day forecast shows the warm weather continuing through thursday. it's significantly cooler thursday. but still lovely for this time of year. 68 monday. are ur 63 tuesday. monday could be rain late in the day. tuesday nice, wednesday nice, thursday showers or a period of rain 60 and then friday and saturday 49 and 47, there's cool shots. sunday looks chilly as well and we warm back up next week. that's christmas week. >> pretty nuts. >> it is. >> thank you, chris. >> parishioners gathered outside st. peter roman catholic church in merchan merchantville for lighting of christmas trees. there's monday more than 160 trees de played and heech has a personalizeed note dedicated in someone that passed in honor of someone with us or message of peace and joy. someone with us or message of peace and joy. we'll be back i'm chris bosh. when i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung, it was serious. fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. treatment with xarelto®. hey guys! hey, finally, somebody i can look up to... ...besides arnie. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto® is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there's limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, i tried warfarin, but the blood testing and dietary restrictions... don't get me started on that. i didn't have to. we started on xarelto®. nice pass. safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you know xarelto® is the #1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. that's a big win. it is for me. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto®... ...was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. >> "healthcheck" this morning a certain kind of school cafeteria setup can get kids to eat more veges. arizona university research and half had salad bars in the line and one had had elsewhere in the area. 98% of kids with salad bars in the linep chose fruits and vegetables. and they also looked at the waste found those at the salad bars notice line were more likely to eat frunts and vegetables. >> disturbing trend among american children 25% of kids have high cholesterol. among kids and adolescents 7.4% have high cholesterol. researchers also found obese children were most likely toy have problems with chest roll levels. academy of pediatrics recommend they get screening at age 9. >> winter viruses have arrived in the area. and for young children, rsv or respiratory virus can be serious. in problems with the heart and lung kunz can lead to pneumonia. cases rise and fall and weren'ter and recent studies show link between low winter humidity and the disease. >> and humidity/temperature the voir ral particles live in larger particles that get into the airway easier. >> rsd spreads through air and droplets when a child coughs or sneezes and by touching infected surface and those germs can live several hours. once again, hand washing is germs can live several hours. once again, hand washing is your best defense >> welcome back, everyone, 9:22 sunday morning november ended up warmest for philadelphia and december extremely mild through the first twelve days of month every single day has been above average and we've been well above seasonal averages there. when you take all the days and add them up it comes to 9 degrees above normal. it's incredible to see this kind of weather ands with we look at the week ahead the temperature sea saw slides to the west. colder out here. west of the continental divide and east of there willen mild against. how mild you ask. record highs today and tomorrow not only for us here but this entire area. this whole area here there could be 20, 30, 40, records highs over the next few days in this one area alone and 30 or 40 record highs yesterday across the missouri valley. this pattern will continue to next week. next weekend we cool down to see this pat erin riff again the fol week christmas week. >> are you saying it will be warm. >> yes. >> goodness gracious. while you finish or just start holiday shopping be mindful of fake online retailers. mindy hayes thought she found this great deal on bought for her daughter and when the shipment never arrived, she realized there was a problem. >> when i got my confirmation email it didn't look legitimat legitimate. >> experts wanted to look for warning signs of scama. safe sites have a letter s with flock url and also read online businesses have extensive privacy policies. as you head out to knock a few items off the holiday list this weekend you will undoubtedly be struggling with finding a parking space. when you may park your car you you may be doing it all wrong. david curly explains. >> 'tis the season of packed malls and mall parking lots which can be dangerous, cars backing out [ horn ]. >> aaa says this morning most of us are parking the wrong way. 75% of us pulling into a spot. problem we have to back out and that can be dangerous for pe pedestrians. every year drivers backing out of parking space or drive way kill more than 200 people and injury 15,000. >> i'll try toy back into this space and this you're telling me is the right way. >> this is the right way to park. >> backup cameras and sensors can help drivers but aaa says its test showed the technology doesn't always work and in its tests systems failed to detect pass being vehicles 30% of time and passing by cycles 40%. >> understand your car and never let the technology replace you being a safe driver. >> i see somebody right here backing in like you wanted them to do. it's great. >> see we can do that. >> that was marie buyard backing in. >> you do this all the time. >> i do it most of the time i would say you know it's just a good idea. >> of course, this time of year finding a parking spot can be the challengement experts say the best tip is to takeit first on spot you see. and look near less popular stores or use this mathticians theory pick an aisle with ten cars on each side and wait. within nine minutes he says someone will come out and leave. >> this model works like sure fire. >> david curly, "abc news" washington. >> displays are the newest holiday decorating fad, laser displays. they're posing a danger for pilots. red, blue and green lasers projected on homes and it's less expensive way to make it look festive and commercial airlines have been filing complaints with faa. american airlines on approach to dallas for the wirj airlines reported seeing a laser at 15,000 feet and law enforcement was able to track don't source of the light to a residential laser holiday display. >> if the box is aimed a little high some of the laser lights will not hit the roof of the house for example it will just keep going off into space. >> and the faa says the green colors lasers are what pilots report seeing and when andy reid an air kraft struck by laser the entire window light up green which makes for dangerous situation. he doesn't believe the laser could reach far enough to make a difference says the maker. >> when you deck the halls this holiday season the consumer is product safety commission warns of potential dangers around the home. during the year the agency also warned two holiday staples candles and trees pose fire hazards and candles too close to drapes or other fabrics can ignite and keep your chris 345s tree watered. a dry bitle tree can go up in flames quickly. place smaller decorations out of reach of children. >> no more spoiled wine. we have the trick that ends days of wasted wine. >> back to former glory. how century hold bible was made toy look nearly new. how long twhil warm weather last. we'll tell you when "action last. we'll tell you when "action news" continues. it's the holidays. which means a house full of people -- who all want to get online. so it's the perfect time for verizon fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. get out of the past. get fios. >> new front runner ted cruz sales past donald trump in at least one poll. >> two men remembering a friend become victims after robbery and shooting in camden. >> and new record high the delaware valley is warming up to a possible new high for today's date. >> meteorologist chris sowers joins us outside with a look at the accuweather forecast no jacket chris. >> i'm about the roll the sleeves up too, it's really, really mild. we set new records yesterday and we're approaching record territory at hour. 9:30 in the morning nearly 60 in coatsville. warrington 58. cents are city 56. martins creek 57. tannersville 58. up in the poconos as well you talk about temperatures near 06 degrees at this hour. unbelievable for middle of december. glassboro 5 hbuno 54. gandy beach 53 and dover 56. satellite 6 and action radar we continue to see the south, southwesterly flow and what that does is prevents the temperatures from dropping off that airport cloud cover from last night acts as insulation. the numbers don't got a chance to drop. if you start out mild obviously you'll finish mild once we get the sun and that's pretty much what we're expecting today. we'll go combination of sun and clouds early and mostly cloudy later on. by noon 67 by 2:00 70 and by 4:00 68. we're expecting high of 72. all time record warmest temperature every for any day during the month of december is 736789 we're getting close to that it. and we've got a couple records in jeopardy today. the record high 65. we're forecasting 72. tomorrow record high is 69. we're forecasting 68 and really that temperature all depends on cloud cover f we get any sunshine during the morning we'll break a record tomorrow as well probably. it feels like we're getting ready for easter not christmas. cooler numbers in the 7 day forecast. we'll look at them in a bit. >> 7 weeks before iowa caucuses and this morning donald trum surprise not front runner not according to one new poll. the poll has ted cruz leading by 10 percentage points and a closer look at the shift in the race. >> this morning, donald trump is in unfamiliar place. second place. ted cruz plowing past trump in the new des moines register poll and now with a ten point lead in iowa. it's a jaw dropping record breaking rise for texas senator a 21% leap since october and cruz tweeting overnight thank you to supporters asking them for help to deep the momentum going. trump was quick to blast new numbers saying don't trust des moines register poll saying it's biased. trump been clear he's not a fan of the paper. >> the des moines register is the worse. they are the worst. the worst. no they're very dishonest. >> despite falling to second trump hain maintains strong support in the key state. cruz and trump were friendly rivals but now on shaky grounds. trump has been taking aim at cruz. >> there is advantage in temperament and i give myself the advantage. >> cruz was question what it takes for him to be commander-in-chief. >> it's a question of strength and judgment. >> hillary clinton getting a big boost from president. president fitzgerald grant. scandal actor tony goldwin campaigning for the front runner in iowa. >> she's the most qualified and experienced and has the right ideas to take the country to where i believe it needs to go. >> that was abc mary bruce reporter meanwhile senator and former republican presidential mitt romney was at a rally in arizona yesterday to support mccain reelection bid for senate and while talking to supporters mccain chanted, run, mit, run, romney was taken to surprise and the focus shift todd him. he stated in the past he has no intentions on another run for president. nearly 200 nation as greed on a new climate agreement that the whitehouse is saying is most ambitious is history dubbed the paris agreement to keep the temperature from rising 1.8 degrees and limited green house gasses emitted to the sale levels the environment could absorb. it would need a direct overhaul of how energy is emitted. >> while our generation will see some of the benefits of building clean energy economy, jobs created, money saved, we may not leave to see the full realization of our achievement and that's okay. the deal still needs to be ratified by each individual nation's government before taking effect. >> a man stopped at memorial for a friend was shot and robbed in camden overnight and the memorial sits near intersection 31 and la mule seats for a man that died in a motorcycle crash. two men were at the memorial late last night approached by two other men dressed in dark clothing and wearing ski masks and men ordered to the ground and told to give up money and squulry and one man was shot and is in stable condition. police are looking for alleged rob he's. a csh involving a pedestrian interrupted a parade in cape may county. a person was hit by car on 3400 block bay shore road:00 last night. that's a starting point of the lower trp rotary 45 app you'll christmas parade. the victim was flown to at laptic county medical care center for treatment. >> 2 a blaze ripped through a facility 350 miles south of moscow. no word on conditions of injured. four medical personnel working at the home were unhurt. investigators are writing to figure oar out what caused the fire. florida based weapons seller says it can not confirm that i gun sold is linked to paris attacks. the company century arms in dell ray beach made comment after a serbian avrmz factory tracked the serial number of the pistol used in attack. the factory says the serial number matches number on gun deliver todd century arms in 2013 and atf spokes woman says serial numbers on other firearms in other countries are not unique. so far they have not traced any weapons used in paris. funerals held this weekend for several victims of that mass shooting in san bernardin bernardino. three of the victims were lied to rest yesterday. one of the services was held in georgia for shannon johnson. the 45-year-old was remembered as a hero for using his own body as a shield to protect a co-worker from the gunfire. funerals were also held yesterday for 31-year-old tim win and 60-year-old isaac amneos. >> the search in a lake for items the sheertz may have thrown away ended. specialized fbi drivers skourd the lake for three days. some items have been retrieved but officials have not said what they are. investigators believe say ed farook even tashfeen malik tried to cover their tracks by di troing cell phones and computers and other items in their home. >> a man is behind bars for allegedly starting a fire after a mosque. carl james madio is karmd with felonies including hate crime. they were able to contain the flames to the lobby. no one was hurt. the mosque is located 75 miles from san bernardino the site of the mass shooting where 14 people were killed. >> a georgia cool is apologizing to a family after a teacher asked their muslim daughter if she had a bomb in her backpack. officials state teacher at shiloh middle school in mil millville asked the question while the girl was in class monday. parents of other students could not believe a teacher would say such a thing. >> i don't think they should have asked her that because of her religion. i don't think that was fair. >> the principal apologized to the parents. school officials have talked to the teacher about what was apparently a very bad joke and so far the district has not said ft. teacher has been disciplined. >> tennessee police shot and killed a man they say was threatening a child and an officer. officers wept to a house in chattanooga yesterday afternoon after getting calls a man was making unusual demand and police say when they arrived they found a man armed with a gun and holding a smul child. child managed to get out of his grasp and move to an officer and then he moved aggressively towards the officer and child. eagle died at the hospital. >> hundreds of newborns and mothers and employees may have been exposed to tuberculosis at northern california hospital. officials in santa clara country are trying to track down 350 baby anticipates parent after exposed to a nurse with tb. they say the infants will neat antibiotic treatment for the next six months as precaution. >> happening today, boxing great larry holmes will be honored in a big way in his hometown of north am top county. he'll be on hand when they dedicate a 9 foot bronze statue of the east don't assassin. they show him throwing his classic left jab. the statue stands riverfront parka long larry homes triv. from 197 to 1995 depending version of title 0 times second only to joe lewis. one of the biggest names in' stone holmes never lost easton and still lives in easton with his wife of 36 years. >> while we're enjoying record warmth, some folks out west are pulling out the snow gear. you're looking live through sky6hd, meteorologist chris sowers has your forecast and if you like it warm like this you'll like it. you like it warm like this you'll like it. we'll be right back. >> more than 3" of snow fell on pike's peak region of colorado yesterday and snow fell if colorado springs, denver and el paso county. the white stuff is fairly common event in colorado this time of year and the snow is expected to contain to fall on and off throughout today. and it's our weather unusual right. >> it's a farley common event here too. you look around and have daffodils growing up and trees building and grass is green and dandy lions in the front yard. >> people golfing. >> i'm getting a lot of people commenting about that how much they have been enjoying this because they've been working on their golf game. and then we have folks here on the beach in cape may and they're doing a little pushing and actually some of the folks playing in the sand having a good time. it's that kind of day. and temperatures already getting off to a very mild start and when all is said and done wheeling in the 70s more than likely throughout the are area. get out and enjoy. it no worries over precipitation today. tomorrow a few showers pushing through and we'll keep it dry this afternoon. temperature later on started out at 5 which is actually warmer than the normal high this time of year which is now down to 45 degrees. 5 allentown and nearly 60 in moun tons and millville 54 and dover 55 and sea ale city a5p. records in yep di today atlantic city the record high this afternoon at 69. that's what we're forecasting for you guys philadelphia we should shatter the record and have no problems, 65 is the record we're forecasting, 62. and allentown and reading both could more than likely smash records as well 68 and 69. we should i have alarge number of records today around the delaware and lehigh valley. satellite 6 and action radar showing thin clouds southeast. thicker cloud cover off to west. all associated with big area of low pressure starting to develop here. just norm west of dallas. snow is flying on the back edge flooding rain along the cold front on the eastern edge of the storm that will cut north to great lakes and provide this area here. high plains and great lakes with rain and snow and strong gusty winds and for us that storm system weakens by the time it gets to our region and looking for more than a couple showers by the time we get to tomorrow afternoon. if you travel this part of country missouri valley and up and down the mississippi river and heartland of nation expect to see 1 to" of rain and strong gusty winds in this area as well. could be flight delays. 9 at 1:00. sun and clouds if you head to lincoln financial field all you'll need is a tee shirt and maybe a bottle of water. it will be rather warm. we're got acclimated to this it will be warm. maybe we're getting used to this. by 4:00, 68. mostly cloudy conditions. cloudy overnight tonight and maybe patchy fog redeveloping by 8:00 in the morning there could be a sprits or sprinkle around thick overcast conditions and that translates to a couple showers later in the day. most of the day is dry. you get past 4:00 in the afternoon and you see raindrops out. there willle ming ton 64. philadelphia same number. wildwood 64 as well and the system again is very, very wea weak. rainfall totals range anywhere from let's say a tenth to as much as three tenths of inch depending on juror location and i wouldn't bank on this this will be more a chance to maybe as much as quarter inch of rain. very, very light stuff. mostly cloud didn't, mile, 68 allentown and bethlehem and most of that region. poconos probably get close to 70, too. for the jersey shore clouds and sun. nice, 69 the forecasted high this afternoon and can be a nice beach day to walk along the sand and that's look a land breeze you don't feel the coo cooling effect for philadelphia. 7 de fwreez. that's forecasted high. the exclusive accuweather 7 day forecast, 68 rs, showers developing late monday and that could be a record high temperature. tuesday, breezy and mild, 63. wednesday and thursday 60 both dies and friday and saturday we begin to cool it down with highs in the 40s. that school shot does into the last long and more snis stuff the week after. >> no complaints here. >> chris thank you. >> you can find the 7 day forecast in a live look stormtracker 6 double scan radar any time of day on our web site. head to >> it was a bits of a fire and ice theme at the bipter wondrerland in fair mopt park over an on fire smith memorial playground and then enjoyed the ice sculpting it was founded in 189 welcoming more than a quarter million visitors 189 welcoming more than a quarter million visitors annually what if the holidays were about people again? and the four-letter word that defined the season was l-o-v-e, and not s-a-l-e. that's the world t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods stores live in. where there's no need for sales because we offer amazing prices on thoughtful gifts everyday. let's put more value on what really matters. this season, bring back the holidays. with t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods. hey mom, i could use some basil. oh, sure thing, sweetie. life is eating out of a flower pot. wait where's the? right. it's being a food paparazzi. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet. as it should. and a takeout romantic. dessert! happy anniversary. life is mucho, and grande. life is eating, laughing, loving and a place to enjoy it together. >> a book findner oklahoma has breathed new life in a bible. a father son duo restored a bible nearly 100 years old from 1640. it looked like this after the repair it looks almost grand must. the father and son are in the book business rest tore nation 40 years. huge book binding machines can be found throughout the house they enjoy breathing new life into treasures from the past. here at the "action news" big board muppets don't drum up a lot of trauma or debate but there's a controversy offer a puppets book for every child a better world. it features raw talk from the muppets about topics like homelessness and poverty. one school board member is fighting to get it taken out of the school saying it's inappropriate for a 5-year-old. >> i'm more protective i feel like i like to maintain his innocence for as long as possible i red reviews there's some said it was read to them as a child and traumatized them. others say it tackles real life issues in their community and teaches compassion and caring. after a vote the book is staying in the classroom for now. well this will have wine lovers saying cheers you know i love chemistry and when chemistry is easy and useful and wineos will love me for this one you on a bottle of whine don't finish it oxygen spoils it and what remains is undrinkable. you can save that leftover wine with a penny why. american chemical sew tiety says drop a clean penny wash first into mravs old whine and stir around the copper reacts with sulfur in the wine create sulfur solefied and it means your veno restored to drinkable self. a couple things a 1982 or older penny made with more copper than ones today and doesn't work with wine actually spoiled. if it's just gone a little stinky on you this will fix. it scientists say try it trick with real silver spoon. crisis averdict. waste no more. you're welcome. waste no more. you're welcome. we'll be back with sports. we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. >> turning to sports eagles face off with the bills and sam bradford will have to do it without a key receiver. here's jeff skversky with the details. >> reporter: eagles quarterback sam bradford may not be thro throwing to his top receiver jordan matthews today against the buffalo bills. matthews suddenly thrown on the injury report yesterday with a back injury. and look who is back in town. lesean mccoy the eagles all time leading rusher returns to philadelphia with the buffalo bills. mccoy wants a fan favorite says he doesn't know what kind of response he'll get later today at 1 at the linc from eagles' fans. >> it's going to be a tough environment for sure and i know how philly fans can get. it's a game they want to win also. they want to keep their playoff hopes alive. >> we will have to be on top of our game. and run the ball and play sound football to stop them. >> everybody that plays with shady loved playing with shady. i'm sure their offense will be trying to make sure he has a good day here, too. >> we'll see if he shakes chip kelly's hand. ken giles lowest era in baseball history with a pitcher for 100 innings and phillies use that promising close tors close a deal for five pitchers yesterday who can hopefully speed up this rebuilding process and giles trade became official last night and among the players phils getting returned from houston number one overall pick in 2013 draft mark lapel a 6' 5" righty and who could use a change of scenery he has era over 5 in minor league seasons. the stud in return could be vincent valesquez a former second around pick that started as rookie last year. and then brett oberholzer, giles in feemder to the astros and whopping 7 players in the trade. phils not done. matt clintack adds more pitc pitching help they trade for charlie more non return for a single a player yesterday. moreston 2-year-old righty that led the pirates in wins over the last years. moreton has 4.54 career era. and sixers start up a three game road trip in toronto later tonight and they're looking for their second w. that's sports. their second w. that's sports. i'm jeff skversky have a great college football honored best athlete of the year at last night's heisman trophy award. >> the win every of this year's heisman trophy is derrek henry. the second time in the last ten years the trophy went to somebody other than a quarterback. derng henry won college football most prestige it us award. the 6' 3" 240 henry junior led the country in rushing yards and touchdowns. he's second alabama player to win the heisman joining running back mark ingram. >> much more to come on sunday morning "action news." darren sproles and his wife are helping young people. we'll have their story. >> check out the giant gingerbread house i don't want to call it a house but a mansion. edible detective holiday center pieces. those story why and more and chris sowers will have the accuweather 7-day when "action chris sowers will have the accuweather 7-day when "action news" continues >> in the news philadelphia police are searching for a woman that stabbed another leaving a victim in critical condition. >> police in the poconos are forced to shoot and kill a man after he walks in a walmart armed with a gun. and the eagles hope to repeat last week's performance non new england after they face the bills at the linc this afternoon. meteorologist chris sowers is here with a look at accuweathe accuweather. no need to bundle up. >> i mentioned this earlier they'll probably be using coo cooling fans on the sidelines they used them yesterday during the army-navy game and temperatures will be warmer today than yesterday. so, very uncommon. very rare to see this kind of warmth. look at coatsville already 10:00 in the morning, 6 1 middle of december. warrington 61. chester 65. kennett square 56 and other side of the delaware we go seeing mid 50s as well. gandy's beach and glassboro a5 a56. cinnaminson 59. and on the board in atlantic city 63. satellite 6 along with action radar we have a warm front all the way up here. so even new england it's not just us. winds out of the south. southwest here. this is all warm air. flooding the region. we don't have a snow pack up here the southern provinces of canada and grounds bear and great lakes ground bare you have to go to planes to get snow on the ground and rockies and couldn't nental divide west temperatures cold. we've been enjoying mild weather. if you head to lincoln financial field you'll enjoy mild weather again. kickoff temperature 67. high clouds, light breeze by 4th quarter 68 wow guys. >> all right. the big story on "action news" sunday morning is our weather. we're enjoying highest temperatures ever for mid december. great for eagles game. >> tailgaters don't have to pupdle up when they heed to the linc. rare treat for mid december. fans will be comfortablely war warm. a whip could put the pirdz in place place and they're hoping to keep momentum forward from last week's big win with the pate sgleets outside the linc in south philadelphia. >> eva and nydia this is not your kip call december eagles tailgate the parking lot is packed and grilling, eating, drinking, game mraiping you might think it's september or october jming by how people are tresed this morning. some are in shorts and some are in tee shirts and many said they came out here extra early today knowing how mild it would be. some throw jackets on and they won't need them long. temps 6 0s. low 7 0s. fans are excited about two things, gorgeous weather and being tied for first in nfc east. >> it's beautiful. we're so excited. nice day. our season is back. we can make the playoffs. we win we're in first place. >> it's awesome my wave said you can believe you're wearing shorts middle of december eagles game it's great. >> first place got everything in front of them they come out and play hard and take on the crowd and we have home playoff game. >> back here liver the birds are playing bills at 1 p.m. fans here also sanction ious to see is the eagles take on lesean is mccoy especially as he voiced his hanger over chip mccoy. while they miss him he's not an eagle any more. short sleeves, chris hartman. "channel 6 action news." >> got to love the enthusiasm of the eagles fans. >> tonight at 11:30 "action news" sports sunday. breaking down all the big plays. eagles brandon graham provides extra analysis. >> for the 14 straight year navy takes home win over army on the football field. fans flock to the linc. army held the lead over the heavily favored navy for much of the game and it was not meant to be for them. turnovers in the black knight louing mid shipmen to hang around and thl they rallied for 1-17 win and next year's game 117 match-up will be held in baltimore. game returns to philadelphia in 017. >> breaking news, delaware state police are investigating the deadly stabbing of two people in smyrna. it happened before 8:00 this morning on 300 block hockey branch road. when police arrived on the scene they fond a woman dead in the drive way. and another woman was found dead inside a detached garage. both were stabbed. a suspect ran and was arrested a short time later. police are trying to sort out the details on what led to the stabbing. >> in philadelphia police are investigating a stabbing that left a woman in critical condition and it happened two hours ago in the 00 block of west leave ear street in philadelphia west oak lane section and police received a 911 call after the woman was dead and she was in critical condition. so far no police have no suspects for note everyive in the shooting. >> inside a walmart in poconos police in east stroudsburg, pennsylvania, say they shot and killed a gunman threatening shoppersed in. and investigators say about 100 customers were in the store 10:00 last night when the 20-year-old man walked in with two handguns and machete and police quickly rivd and confronted the man in an aisle. >> we encountered that male and asked him to drop his weapon and he continued to refuse those commands and pointed the weapon at the officers and they then fired striking the individual. >> suspect was pronounced dead at the hospital. a witness says at one point he saw the man hold a gun his own head. and there are no reports of any other injuries. police have not replaced the man's name. >> freightening moments for two young children in south jersey tonight after the suv they were in was stolen and involved in a crash during the get away the cheverolet traverse landed up side down in the home merchant street. it collided with another suv intersection of merchant and hampshire street. the children and both drivers suffered minor injuries. it began when a woman stopped at liquor store white horse pike in magnolia and left her suv running with the kids inside. the alleged thief jumpedpied in and took off he face as i number of charges. >> fire fight he's were hurt when their fire truck wept up in flames and it caught fire. the firefighters from the glad win fire company suffered smoke inhalation and were taken to bryn mawr and released and an investigation will be do to see what caused the fire. >> a teenager shot to deathed in a car on friday night. 15-year-old xavier stern found inside a car on 2400 block of north park in philadelphia. he's been shot in the head. as investigators continues to look for clues in his death he say stern reported missing from the home in upper darby on wednesday. >> and the family of a man shot by wilmington police continue to call for some local officials to resign. jeremy mc dole family held a rally outside police headquarters yesterday and they want general attorney general and williams to step down. mc dole confined to a while chair at the time was shot and killed by police officers. they found a gun at machine dole's side. app investigation into the shooting by state authorities is still ongoing. unhundreds of people gathered at a soiled arty picnic in kensington to show support for the islamic mosque vandalized last week. it was to counter anti islamic sentiments seen since terror attacks in paris and california. >> it hit home with he i thought we needed to dos is the community to show city and nation that we stand together as one. >> islamic, christian and jewish leaders led the group in prayer. organizer hope teaching about islam can counter misconceptions. and the republican controlled pennsylvania house is planning to meet tonight to starts grappling over the senate passed budget bills. this while cash-strapped school district are talking about closing schools after new year's day until a state budget is approved. the house republican majority is not showing willingness to help and they don't like the dax increases in the bill or the way senate wants to create liquor sales in the state and with the pension reform measur measure. budget is five months overdue and has caused social service layoffs and now threats of school shut downs. >> philadelphia based temple agreed to be acquired by bridg bridgestone for 863 million after bridgestone tweeted offer the offer ams to $15.50 for each pep boy share. the board of directors unanimously is recommending the company shareholders accept the officer and pep boys many, moe and jack has 800 locations around the country and sells auto parts and repaired vehicles. >> enrollment date is looming. delaware state officials are encouraging president kents to sign up now that the deadline for open rolement for coverage ends tuesday. federal officials say 8,000 delaware residents have already taken a plan and when you sign up be prepared for rate increase as much as 235% and remember there is a penalty for not having health coverage. >> celebrity shops and abc chew co-host michael simon is m coulding to atlantic city. simon announced he will on eye tall yn restaurant next fall featuring food he grew up eating authentic italian. he has restaurants in cleveland, detroit and other still theyes and first in the delaware valley. simon has not decided owe a name for the restaurant. >> i'm sure it will be delicious. >> still ahead "action news" sunday morning one man in florida serenaded way out of traffic ticket. >> and part of theme yacht club in maryland goes up in flames and now you're looking live through sky6hd meteorologist chris sowers has your exclusive accuweather meteorologist chris sowers has your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast when we come >> national weather service is trying to determine whether a tornado touched down in texas. there were no injuries and officials say at least 50 homes in the area sustained some sort of damage. and smoke billowed out from historic annapolis yacht club after it caught fire this weekend more than 90 fire fighter battled plays at main club house and two firefighter suffered minor injuries and annapolis yacht club hoted several international and national racing events each year. here's something to rejoice today is national cocoa day. ard coming to the national day calendar the first chocolate beverage created by mayas nothing beats hot cocoa an a cold day you may want to celebrate national cocoa day a bottle of water may be more suitable for day. >> cold nass of chocolate milk. >> my flat screen is on eye cart with wheels ail we'll it out to the balcony and watch the eagles game outside. >> it's unbelievablely warm. let's go outside and show what you is going on here as you overlook the ben fwrank lynn bridge. beautiful morning. cloud cover out there and still a few areas of fog. it's nice and mild. it's very tranquil and skill. double scan live crystal clear no precipitation today. tomorrow light rain developments late anywhere the afternoon. i stress the word light. it shouldn't amount to much. the next chance should be thursday. that's heavier. for few enjoying the quiteet weather and warm temperatures. 60 already at this 10:00 hour. dew point 5 2. winds out of southwest at 5 and a lot of 60s showing up now atlantic city 6 1 and millville same number 60 and poconos not making snow like that. 62 right now. you're the shoeing for a high around 70. so even in the higher elevations enjoying a lot of warm weather. getting flooded here out of the south, southwest and warm weather continues to barrel into this part of country and even new england enjoying warm temperatures and i'm saying enjoying they like a lot of skiing up there and the weather is not cooperating in terms of that. it looks like the pattern changes a little bit as we get closer and closer to the holidays. and satellite 6 along with action radar wider showing a big storm ra cross the central part of the united states. heavy rains from dallas to chicago and then a little swaj of snow will develop on the backside. and that's where all the cold air is as well. temperatures in the 20s and 30s and right there on the front range of the colorado rockies and omaha 39, business marked 28, colder. these temperatures are not bad this time year. normal high in bismarck is right around 23, 24 they're at 28 already. they're above average. omaha is above normal high 40. note the lack of snow cover here off rutgers snow lab you can see the area here sees the snow there's philadelphia. look at the lack of snow for everybody east of mississippi river. and why is this important? because if the pattern suddenly starts to change and arctic attacks it willen counter this bare ground which is warm which will help to moderate air masses we have quite a way to go even ft. pattern changes we have quite a ways to go before we see sustainable cold in this part of the country and snow. if you enjoy the mild weather we continue to see it over the next couple weeks. 1:00 this afternoon. 69 in philadelphia. 70 popping up in ed raking and allentown 68 trenton 69 millville 69. had:00 head tomorrow from eagles game upper 60s throughout the area. combination of sun and clouds and tomorrow morning very, very mild, maybe a little bit of patchy fog and sprits or sprinkle. and by afternoon, high temperatures, once again,et getting up to mid to upper 60s and maybe a few showers around and spring like showers tomorrow afternoon. here's your day planner. by lunchtime 67. by:00, 70. shooting for high of 72. western suburbs and upper 60s, low 7 0s same with 30ebg knows and allentown 68. reading 69. lancaster 68. 70 millville and wilmington and atlantic city 69 as well. the exclusive accuweather day forecast keeping it nice and toasty tomorrow showers developing late and normal 45 well above average and breezy and mild tuesday 63. sunny and mild wednesday 60ment periods of rain thursday 60 and friday and saturday start to cool it down a little bit, 49 and 47. we've been talking about this all morning. even those temperatures are above average this time of yea year. the heat goes on. >> 47 will feel cold. >> and windy it will feel like the 0s probably. >> thank you, chris, this afternoon eagles number 43 will be on the field hoping to lead his team to a win at the linc. off sproles is a family man. sitting down with spolz about the charity. >> we come from humble beginnings we wanted to do something to give back. >> michelle sproles is making it her mission to help those around her she's wife of eagles running back darren sproles and together they want to make a positive difference rite here in philadelphia where they work and live. she and darren created sprols empower youth foundation in 012 in three short years they've helped young people and famil families across the country from san diego to new orleans and in darin's home state of kansas the foundation has football camps for boys and fitness classes for girls but their work goes beyond that. and teaching the kids important life skills rick prepare foring college and how to build a resume and applying for a job and managing money. >> i think giving back is extremely important though to be able to give back and speak to kids and goat know them and really try to encourage them it's just really important to darren and i. >> dar sent known for speedy explosive moves on the field. but now the couple twoonts the delaware valley to know there's more to them. they're kicking off their efforts with a benefit called drinks and dialogue the event is this monday at fine pallet a gourmet restaurant center city. >> we want people to come out and network and have a good time and goat know the guys in a intimate set sdmring sharee williams "channel 6 action a intimate set sdmring sharee williams "channel 6 action news." >> welcome back this surprised we're taking a live look now from sky6hd cape may, new jersey it will feel look a beach day today. high of 72. can you believe it? if you like the warm weather you'll like the workweek ahead. we're at the "action news" big board now with a look at odd, up usual pictures of the week and we begin with this nice picture here. this is annual holiday tradition in wisconsin the creation of giant gingerbread house. check out this year's creation stands 6 feet tall replica of old building in downtown stevens points better known to locals as castle this gingerbread house is biggest one in the four year history of making these took 130 pounds of flour and five gallons of corn syrup top create and put together in a week which i think is amazing. now you noel of on the shelf right. check out this man's sized version it all began as joke to amuse friend and now this guy has become internet sensation he poses in all sorts of popular elf positions duck taping himself in the wall and inspiring other elves to kick it up a notch. >> you're every i hoped for. >> is that the tv bristol using a selfie stick as he sings his way out of traffic ticket in orlando. he was pulled over for a traffic stop and decided to impro advise. he asked the female officer if he could get out of the car with license and registration she said yes and he used his selfie stick and said yes you are so beautiful to me. if it's way a male officer that pulled him over he probably would have sang it's raining men the officer as maudeed and let him go without a ticket. >> that is a look at our odd unusual pictures of the week, eva if hi sang i would have probably received two tickets. >> i was thinking not about your singing but about mine the same thing. i don't know that works for all of us right. pizza delivery woman in washington received a tip that topped her regular paycheck. pastor from a church wanted to surprise someone with a big team up tip. he isn't a single mom and student to the church with a pepperoni pie for the pastor. >> i have 100 do you have change. >> i do. >> do you? >> i do. >> and i hear people in the background saying let her keep the change let her keep the change. >> that's a huge tip or $14 pizza. >> it's a huge tip. >> surprise didn't stop there the whole congregation tookp a collection giving carol biggest tip of her life more than $180 $1800. carol says she plans to pay it forward. >> meteorologist chris sowers takes a look at your exclusive accuweather forecast in a moment. accuweather forecast in a moment. we'll be back. we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. it's the holidays. and of course, everyone wants to get online at once. to watch things. buy things. but slow internet makes it hard. that's why it's time to get fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. get out of the past. get fios. >> inside story is later this morning on 6abc. here's monica malpass with a preview. hi, gaze, later this morning on inside story war of words over how to handle muz up lumps in america is of discussion and state senators decide have a hearing and attorney general kathleen kane have her day in court. can she survive you after january 1 2. those stoy why and more i'm monica malpass hope to see you then. >> you have 45 seconds. >> just for you guys i'm going to throw out the beach forecast today. >> nice. >> lock it's actually a nice day to take a walk along the sand. temperatures upper 60s. combination of sun and clouds it's a land breeze. you don't have to worry about cooling breeze off the water. nicetown there. 7 philadelphia. unbelievable record 65. we'll shatter that when said and done. tomorrow close to a record as well. 69 forecasting 68 could be wet weather late. 63 for tuesday and wednesday and thursday 60 and then friday and saturday we begin to cool it down a little with highs back to 40s and when we look at long range at least what i saw this morning showed sunday was fairly chilly 45 and you went right back up again the following week. christmas week. >> yes. >> looking good. >> thank you, chris. >> this week with george stephanopoulos is next on 6abc. >> he has the latest on changing poll numbers on the race for president here's george with a preview. >> 50 days from iowa caucuses major shakeup ted cruz serming by trump in a poll and ben carson falls fast he joins us live and kerry and round table weighing in on the politics. that's coming up on this week. >> "action news" continues at noon. we're continuing to follow a developing story in delaware delve a stabbing of two people in smyrna. >> and record temperatures providing a rare, warm mid december tailgate for eagles fans we'll take you there. for chris sowers, eva pilgrim and entire "action news" team i'm nydia han have a great morning. i'm nydia han have a great morning. we'll see you at noon >> announcer: starting right now on abc's "this week" -- gop scramble. the brand-new poll out this morning, showing national front-runner donald trump falling to second in iowa. is his controversial proposal to ban muslims helping or hurting the brash billionaire and is the gop establishment starting to panic. will trump go rogue if he's not treated well. plus, ben carson threatingening to leave the party, he speaks out live this morning only on "this week." and with the iowa caucuses 50 days away and two days to the final gop debate of 2015, this morning on "this week," so many questions about the race, answers, insights, analysis. >> announcer: from abc news, "this week" with george stephanopoulos begins now. and w


Transcripts For KCSM RT News 20130919

zay harding then crossed the pacific from santiago to new caledonia. megan mccormick began our silk road journey in xi'an in china. now, join holly morris as she continues from the mountains of kyrgyzstan, central asia. [captioning made possible by friends of nci] >> in this episode of "globe trekker around the world," i'm traveling one of the most exotic highways in the world, the ancient silk road, all the way from china behind me, thousands of miles through central asia to the edge of europe. this is gointo bone unbeliable journey. ntral asia is a vast region of mountains, deserts, and plains, stretching from china all the way to the edge of europe. starting my journey in kyrgyzstan near osh, i travel to tashkent, in uzbekistan, and then by train to samarkand and bukhara. moving on to merv in turkmenistan, i fly to baku, in azerbaijan, before heading on to tbilisi, in georgia. flying to konya in turkey, i travel by camel caravan like the old silk road traders, before finally ending my trip in istanbul. hi. yeah, you guys ready for the festival? i'm holly, nice to meet you. hi. since time immemorial, kyrgyz nomads have headed up to the high mountain pastures every summer to graze their herds on horseback. traditionally, once each summer they hold a festival to celebrate their remarkable horse-riding skills. many people going up to the festival, huh? >> [foreign language] >> yeah. so, are you going to ride? [imitates horse sound] come on. it's a horse festival, right? oh, no. [local music] as we finally arrive at the grazing grounds, just a few miles from the chinese border, i'm given a rousing musical welcome. nice to meet you, salam, salam. salam. oh, what? [all laugh] thank you, that is one warm welcome. the cavalry is here. a unique breed, kyrgyz horses are famed as the best in the region, and historically played a crucial role in the opening up of the silk road. salam. [horse neighs] this is amazing, hours of driving up in the mountains and we come to this spectacular scene. horses, music, unbelievable. salam. it's now time for the games to start. the first competition involves trying to pick up a handkerchief off the ground at full gallop. the skills on a horse, i mean, that's what it's been all about in this culture from the beginning of time, so... showing what you got, still goes on today. whoa, he touched it. i'm going to give it a try. [cheering] they've been very nice and put the handkerchief on top of a small stick to make it easier for me to pick up. ok, hang on. oh! [cheering] success of a sort, though it was hardly at full gallop. it's much harder than the kyrgyz make it look. it wasn't graceful, but... there you go. thank you. that's impossible. thank you. next up is the contest known as "kyz kuumai," or "kiss the girl." a man gets to chase a woman, who's given a head start, and if he catches her, he gets a kiss. oh, my goodness. if she doesn't get caught, she gets to come back and whip him. go, go, go, oh! the "kyz kuumai" contest symbolizes how, in the old days, bride stealing was actually the way kyrgyz nomads took a wife. these days, the old custom of bride stealing is forbidden and gradually dying out, but lives on as festival fun. yeah! now she wants me to give it a go. >> [foreign language] all right, if you give me a really fast horse, the fastest horse. [foreign language] 'cause i'm all about the whipping. i don't kiss. i'll kiss you. [both laugh] feeling confident. 'cause if i can outrun him, i get to circle back around, use this baby. [whistle sounds] despite my best efforts to outrun my suitor, i'm caught and grabbed off my horse, just like an old-time nomad bride. [laughs] okay, off to the church. i didn't even get to invite my mother. after the "kiss the girl" races are over, the final contest of the festival is "udarysh," or horse-wrestling. [whistle sounds] this is an ancient tradition. it's about games today, but, historically, it's about practicing for warfare. in fact, kyrgyz horses, bigger, stronger and more agile than any other breed in the region, made great warhorses. the ancient chinese had nothing like them, and 2,000 years ago, it was the emperors' urgent desire to get their hands on these horses that opened up the silk road. [whistle sounds] [local music] have i won your respect? in order to capture the so-called "celestial" horses of the kyrgyz mountains, the ancient chinese first had to conquer the cities in the plains below, which controlled the market in them. from the festival above gulcha, near the chinese border, i head down from the high mountains to the market town of osh in the valley below. today, 2,000 years after the chinese first came to this region, the animal market in osh is still the best place around to find a good kyrgyz horse. just before the birth of christ, the then chinese emperor said "i want some "celestial" horses for breeding," so, he sent an army of 60,000 men here to claim them. they showed up at the ancient city of ershi, said "give us 3,000 horses and we'll spare your lives." the people gave up the horses. it took them two years to get those horses back to the chinese capital. two thirds of them died, but of the thousand that remained, they provided stud for generations to come. selling a horse? at bazar? how much? you got to check the teeth, right? woo! it's young, good. can i see him ride? >> [foreign language] >> yeah, very nice, beautiful, strong, responsive. until the chinese first came to this region to capture these "celestial" horses in around 100 bc, they'd known almost nothing of the outside world. all the fabulous goods they made in china, like silk, porcelain, lacquer, paper and tea, were only bought in china. suddenly, they'd discovered a huge new market to sell to--the rest of the world. [car honks] from 100 bc on, vast quantities of chinese goods began to be traded westwards through central asia along the newly-opened silk road, which led eventually all the way to europe. over 2,000 years later, the trade is still going strong, but these days, long distance trucks have replaced camel caravans. and the chinese tend to be selling tvs and electronic goods rather than silk and porcelain. this is kara-suu market, it's a major trading post of the region. people come from turkmenistan, uzbekistan. they buy their goods here cheap and sell them for a profit further along the silk road. i'm now wanting to head further west along the silk road myself. from osh, the border with uzbekistan is less than 10 miles away, so, i'm catching a local bus to get there. i'm looking for a 116, 137 or 138. we'll see when it comes. hello, to the border? uzbekistan, yeah? hello, hello, hello. hello, thank you. [speaking in a foreign language] this is the bus to the border, right? uzbekistan? >> [foreign language] >> yeah, perfect. >> is the bus always this crowded? >> [foreign language] >> yeah, yeah, da. is this the border? oh, okay, all right. pretty relaxed all things considered. sometimes you can get stuck for hours. how many days? three. yeah. [foreign language] from the border outside osh it's just a few miles to the city of andijan, where i catch a short domestic flight to the capital of uzbekistan, tashkent. tashkent is a large modern city of over 2 million people. uzbekistan, like many of the countries i'm traveling through in central asia, was once part of the soviet union before it gained independence a few decades ago, and the legacy of the soviet era is still prominent here. tashkent was almost completely rebuilt after a massive earthquake in 1966, and today there's not a huge amount for visitors to see here. but it is a big transport hub for onward travel along the old silk road. the old soviet train station is one of the city's grandest buildings, and surprisingly it's where i've been staying overnight, in some luxury. just had a great night's sleep in the train station itself. the soviets first introduced this idea of providing rooms to travelers before they catch a train out in the morning, and it stuck even after independence. incredibly convenient. today, traveling by train is by far the most comfortable and fastest way to travel along the silk road. super fancy train. from tashkent you can even catch a brand new bullet train. excuse me. can i get an espresso? you have espresso? make it a double. >> want the menu? >> oh fancy menu. oh, fantastic, they're--oh! two drinks, i'll just mix it for a double espresso. uzbeki version of a double espresso, two of them. this man has some moves. nice. now, can you do it with the double espresso? this is definitely not what i was expecting. a super posh train going to one of the most ancient cities on the silk road. it's over 200 miles, and only 30 bucks. can't beat that. from tashkent, it takes just a couple of hours or so for the train to speed to my next destination: the legendary ancient silk road city of samarkand. made it to samarkand. even the name is evocative. no other city conjures up such romantic, exotic images of the old silk road. samarkand's history goes back over 2,000 years, but its heyday was in the 14th and 15th centuries, when it was the supremely powerful and highly cultured capital of a vast empire carved out in central asia by timur the great, known in europe as the "fearsome tamerlane." the best preserved and most spectacular buildings that have survived from those days surround the ancient square, known as the "registan." in its heyday, the main square here was teeming with traders from all over the region, as well as scholars, because all three of these buildings were madrassas, or religious schools. it must have been a thrilling mix of cultures and intelligentsia. the exquisite ulugbek madrassa dates back to 1420, and was once home to scores of scholars studying islamic theology and philosophy. these days, the ground floor rooms have mostly been turned into tourist shops, but even so, the place has somehow managed to retain its scholarly atmosphere. it's indicative of how cultured samarkand was back in the 15th century that the curriculum taught here was a lot broader than you might expect for a religious institution, and included scientific subjects such as mathematics and astronomy. each of the religious scholars got their own apartment in this beautiful setting. it definitely lends itself to a life of spiritual contemplation. the most senior students got rooms on the upper floors. and what a view they had. the crowded ancient bazaar that once occupied the registan square is long gone today. but in the nearby modern food market, much of what's sold is the same silk road produce that would have been on sale in the bazaar centuries ago. ah, very heavy. this is the famous samarkand bread, which is known for its great taste, but also for the fact that it lasts three weeks. very useful for a silk road traveler. so, anyone heading out on the desert could just take a few hunks of this and get by for a while. thank you. apart from its famous bread, samarkand's delicious fruit and vegetables, grown in the lush oasis surrounding the city, have been renowned along the silk road for well over a thousand years. ah, these are the famous "golden peaches of samarkand," yeah? chinese emperors were obsessed with these and they'd send men all the way here to grab a load and go back to china. can i try one? they knew what they were talking about, these are excellent. >> [foreign language] >> of course, foreign merchants traveled the silk road to samarkand to buy many other local specialties apart from its food, often trading foreign luxuries such as spices in return. among the most popular luxury items for foreign traders to buy in samarkand were locally-produced metalwork and glass. but curiously the city's most famous specialty wasn't originally from here at all. the secret of how to make it was stolen from abroad. during the muslim conquest of central asia, there was a huge battle, not far from here. in 751 a.d., a number of chinese soldiers were taken captive and imprisoned in samarkand, and they were forced under pain of death to reveal one of their culture's biggest secrets: how to make paper. hi zarif, i'm holly. >> [foreign language] >> salam alaikam. your place is lovely. in the centuries after the mysterious technique for making paper was forced out of the chinese, hundreds of paper factories were set up in samarkand. today, this is the only old-style paper factory that remains in samarkand, recently recreated along traditional lines by local craftsman zarif mukhtarov. yes, mm-hmm. you can see the threads. mm-hmm, to make it strong? [foreign language] in the first part of the paper-making process, the key ingredient, mulberry bark, is boiled for 4 hours or so until it gets really soft. whoa, look at that. next, the boiled mulberry bark is pulped into a mush for as much as 8 to 10 hours using water power. it's quite a simple but powerful thing, yeah. then, the mush is added to water that's often colored with a natural dye, and then strained in a sieve to create each sheet of paper. this is definitely not mass production. he's just scooping up a layer of the pulp. and sheet by sheet draining it and then posting it over there for drying. it's a beautiful color. the ingredients that create each color are unchanged from centuries ago, such as nut bark to make brown, onion skins for gold, and pink from boiled pomegranate. for centuries, samarkand's paper-makers managed to keep their highly profitable stolen chinese recipe secret, but gradually, the know-how spread west along the silk road, and by 1200 europe too had learned the secret. so, three dollars? okay, fair enough. cheap paper revolutionized europe, and was just one of many ideas that traveled along the silk road over the centuries which helped change the world. >> goodbye. >> goodbye, nice to meet you. >> here you go. it's time for me to move on from samarkand, so i head back to the train station. the bullet train goes no further than here, so i'm catching a more old-fashioned, but still luxurious train. fantastic, deluxe indeed. check this out, a gold-embroidered couch, original artwork, white table cloth, i think this is in fact how the czars must have traveled. from samarkand, heading west along the route of the old silk road, it's 200 miles or so across the desert to my next destination, the historic city of bukhara. bukhara in its heyday rivaled samarkand as the most civilized city in central asia. and today, it's one of the best preserved ancient cities anywhere along the silk road. >> i came to uzbekistan to see these amazing buildings, and that's far exceeded my expectations, they're stunning, overwhelming, just really inspiring. >> bukhara, for example, has a heart that is just ever present. everywhere that you turn you can feel the history, see the history, interact with the people. >> in the old days, when traders first arrived in bukhara by camel caravan, the first thing they would have done is find themselves a decent hotel, or "caravanserai." there were caravanserai like this all along the silk road, respite for weary travelers coming in off the desert. each got their own individual bedrooms there. it's kind of like a modern day motel. we may park our cars out front, they put their camels out back. just like samarkand, bukhara's wealth depended almost entirely on the profits of silk road trade. back in the day, there were lively bazaars all over this area. this was jewelry; over there was spices, metalworking bazaar, moneylending, you name it, they had it. these days, most of it's been turned over to tourist shops. but, can you imagine what it was like in the silk road days? must have been amazing. today, many of the craftsmen and traders in bukhara's bazaars are still carrying on the ancient silk road traditions. >> sixth generation. >> sixth generation metalworker right here, making a gorgeous knife. check these out, wrong time of year i think, but he's pushing these fur hats. >> it turkmen hat. >> turkmen hat, you must not sell many of these in july. oh, it is nice, i can see, very flattering. >> cat. >> cat? >> cat, cat, meow. >> all right. it's a little julie christie in dr. zhivago, i think. >> ten dollars. >> too much. >> too much? ok, 100 dollars, good? 100 dollars cheap, 10 dollars too much, madame. it's normal. >> how does it look? good? >> very good. >> five bucks. a lot of things have been traded here throughout the centuries, but it's the bukhara carpets that are world-renowned. and i've heard about a great place to check some out. the owner of bukhara's best carpet shop is sabina burkhanosa. >> welcome. >> hi, so what sets apart bukhara's carpets, why are they so coveted? >> because bukhara has been known by the carpets since more than 5,000 years. you know, those caravans from, you know, from all over the world, they would come for the great silk road, yeah? and they stop to bukhara to buy bukhara carpets, yes? when they say bukhara carpets, it would be geometrical and red. bukhara was a trading place, not weaving place. the best quality of sheep wool carpets always made in turkmenistan, sold in bukhara saying it's bukhara carpet, yeah? the best quality of camel wool carpets always made in afghanistan, again, sold them in bukhara saying its bukhara carpets. now, i can show you some silk carpets, which are made here by our girls. silk on silk. [sound of machinery] >> the carpet weavers in sabine's shop are all young, since they've still got agile fingers and good eyesight. by the age of 25 they retire from weaving, and take up easier embroidery. with hundreds of tiny knots to be made on each line, it can take a year or even two to make just one carpet. >> it changes color as you see. it's 100% silk on silk. one of the old designs of bukhara from the 8th century design, yeah? >> i'm scared to ask, but... >> the price you mean? oh, two girls-- >> because i always fall in love with the most expensive ones. >> two girls worked on it about 17 months, it's one of the complicated designs. so, the price would be around 6,500 only u.s. dollars. >> you know, i think that's a little rich for my blood. i don't think i can do it, i've got about 100 bucks in my pocket. >> only?! what about cards? i think you need to find a rich husband. >> the cards melted in this heat. a rich husband now that's an idea. i don't have one of those either. >> yeah i think you need to get a rich husband, so that he can buy, whenever he says you diamond ring, no, you go "no i've seen a bukhara carpet, so i need to buy." >> that's right, forget the diamonds, get me a carpet. bukhara was always a bustling center of trade, but it was also a very holy city. there were over 250 madrassas, religious schools, like the one behind me, and minarets everywhere singing out the call to prayer, and there were so many mosques that you could go to a different one every day of the year. the most sacred of all bukhara's holy places is the 14th century shrine of naqshbandi, founder of central asia's most influential muslim sufi sect, and bukhara's unofficial patron saint. he was absolutely revered, and over time, all of the leaders, the khans, the emirs, they wanted to be buried here, near him. and today, his teachings are still very influential, and they're embodied in his philosophy, "heart to god, hands to work." apart from at daily prayers, the only other time you're likely to see crowds in bukhara in summertime is in the cool of the evening, when people come out to socialize. towards sunset, i run into sabina the carpet shop owner and have a chat. do you come to this spot often, it's beautiful. >> every night. everyone comes out and walks as you see. even though it's not really a rich country, not really rich city, but still people are happy, we're happy of our life. i just love my bukhara. [laughs] it is good, isn't it? didn't you like it? >> yes, it's been great. i've seen the sights, i've tried to buy a carpet. >> you see but you didn't. >> i watched the sunset behind the minaret. it's been amazing. the next morning is my last in uzbekistan. hello, salam alaikum. >> salam alaikam. >> can you take me to the turkmenistan border? yeah, okay, great. i'm heading to the highly dictatorial country of turkmenistan, to see the ancient archaeological ruins of merv. to get to the border is just over half an hour's drive. filming in uzbekistan has been no picnic, lots of restrictions on what we can do, but turkmenistan should be even worse. it's been difficult to get permission to go in, and i've been told in no uncertain terms that we cannot film until we get


Transcripts For CNNW At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20200306

on. cnn's john harwood sat the white house. let's start right there. >> reporter: yesterday, vice president pence said the president was going to be signing the $8 billion emergency supplemental spending bill for coronavirus that was passed by congress yesterday at the cdc in atlanta t was on the president's schedule. then this morning we learned it was off the schedule, the white house put out a statement saying the president did not want to interfere with the work of the cdc, that they have been proactive, that they were on top of it, he was going to stay away, and then we had a photo opportunity with the president when he signed that legislation that in the white house that he was supposed to sign in atlanta and i asked him why he wasn't going to the cdc, here's what he had to say. >> there was -- they thought there was a problem at cdc, somebody that had the virus, it turned out negative, so we're seeing if we can do it, but yesterday afternoon we were informed that there may have been a person with the virus and they now find out that that was negative test, they have tested the person very fully and it was a negative test. so i may be going, we're going to see if they can turn it around. >> reporter: and now as the president suggested, that trip to the cdc is back on the president's schedule. he will be there midafternoon. >> all right, john. let's see what happens e ing bi been and still is that there aren't enough testing kits, aren't enough tests to meet the demand in the united states. during a cnn town hall, one of the top medical experts responding to this crisis, dr. anthony fauci. he talked about that, listen to this. >> we heard from the vice president recently that we want to make sure people who want to get tested can get tested. people who have concerns, can get tested. at the same time we hear that there are not enough tests to go around. what are we supposed to take away from that? >> you're right. it is unfortunate it got off to a slow start. there was some missteps with regard to the cdc's test. they had a problem, they fixed the problem. now by the end of the week they should be able to get out about 75,000 tests. they have now partnered with the private sector, so that everything doesn't have to come from the cdc. which generally makes tests for the public health segment. when you get the commercial segment that can then make millions and millions of tests, what you're going to see in the reasonable future is the dramatic escalation in the number of tests that will be available. but you're absolutely right. up to this point, there has been a lag in the ability to get tested. >> can we follow up on that, in terms of the -- you said by the end of the week, do you mean like tomorrow or sunday and how many tests you say will be out there, available by then? >> well, what they are telling us, what the cdc and the fda is saying, that by the end of the week the beginning of next week they should be able to get 75,000 tests out there and by the following week they can get up to a million tests out there. that's the plan. that's what we're hearing. >> i don't want to belabor this, you answered this a lot, but how many tests are we going to need? you heard from south korea, over 100,000 tests have been performed. how do we really get an idea of what has happened here in the states, how widespread this is? >> you know, sanjay, we discussed that in the past and i've been an advocate of much more proactive testing. not only testing with physicians asking for a test, but testing to determine where we are and what level is under the radar. and for that reason we're going to need millions and millions and millions of tests. that's what i feel and that's what many of my colleagues feel. >> quick turn around, dr. sanjay gupta is here with me now. so a fascinating and important and informative town hall last night. but then just this morning, now we have more to discuss. the president speaking in just the last hour, what is your sense what the administration's response take on this whole situation is at this point? >> it is interesting because dr. fauci clearly is saying, he has said this before, that there was a little bit of a split between what he was recommending and what was done. since the beginning, he wanted more widespread testing. that was not done. there was focus on the president and what he did with regard to -- trying to stop this outbreak by quarantines and things like that. >> i heard about it. we made a good move. we closed it down. we stopped it. otherwise the head of cdc said last night you would have had thousands of more problems if we didn't shut it down -- that was a very early shutdown, which is something we got right. we have very low numbers compared to major countries throughout the world. our numbers are lower than just about anybody. and in terms of deaths, i don't know what the count is, 11, 11 people. and in terpms of cases, it is very, very few. when you look at countries, it is a tiny fraction. we have been very strong at the borders. >> kate, you know, he says he stopped it. the actions they took stopped it. sadly that's not true. the day we sat down, the numbers continue to grow. the other thing is he says we have really low numbers compared to the rest of the world. we don't know that because we haven't tested and just, you know, i no he we taknow we talk a lot, in the united states we tested close to 1500 bit cdc. it is a magnitude of order difference. >> i've been getting this a lot, why is there such a difference that south korea seems more prepared than the united states? >> i don't know. and there is some -- i heard everything from the initial tests were flawed, therefore they couldn't scale those tests up, to the testing criteria were too narrow, also i heard some suggestions that, look, it would be better not to test so much because it would lead to this inflation of numbers, which would cause panic, unfortunately we need to know the numbers it a basic pillar of public health. i don't know. but the fact of the matter is we -- our public health system is great in so many ways, with regard to the primary pillar of public health, surveillance, we're in the bottom tier of the world now with this. and that's too bad because we just don't simply know what we're dealing with now. >> we're seeing the real fallout of it and result of this right now. you also heard as john harwood was record iporting, the presid explaining his reasoning for why they had canceled his trip to the cdc over a concern of a potential positive test of coronavirus, at the cdc. you think that beyond the fact that the white house's statement was different from one hour to the next, you think that acknowledgement and admission is significant why? >> i think this is a -- this is one of the most remarkable things i've heard. i'll tell you why. look, they made a decision, sounds like it, what we're hearing now is true, that because someone at the cdc had potentially tested positive for the coronavirus, they were no longer going to allow the president of the united states into the cdc. we have a virus that is circulating around the country. for example, we know he's going to florida next. we know there are cases down in florida. are we now in this era of time where because he's the president, they're going to -- they're going to require testing around him? maybe even testing of the president to determine if this virus is actually circulating somewhere close to him or infected him. i don't know. i never heard of something quite like that before. having covered h1n1 and sars and ebola and all that. this might be a new era. this is something very hard to detect, obviously. it lies in your body, you can be asymptomatic and still transmit it, how are they going to handle this? it sounds like they made a decision, according to what the president said, and the consultation with the secret service, if someone had been positive in the cdc building, that the president of the united states would not allow him to go there? is that going to be something going forward now for all of his visits? what is it going to mean for how he's going to conduct his affairs and his business. >> how do they apply that standard if it is applied equally and have him -- and have him do his job. you know what you need more of? testing. >> all comes back to testing. >> thank you. good to see you. thank you very much. so off the coast of california, passengers and crew are still stuck on a cruise ship, waiting to hear what happens next for them. they're also waiting for test results to see if there are any positive cases of coronavirus on board, leaving hundreds and hundreds of passenger and crew in limbo. cnn's dan simon is in san francisco, he's been following this, he's here with us now. dan, what is the latest there? >> reporter: hi, kate. the ship remains parked off the coast of san francisco. we don't know when it might move, we're waiting for clarity in terms of the tests. will anything come back, is there coronavirus on the ship or not? perhaps we'll get an answer to that in the next couple of hours. i've been communicating with passengers, with text messages, talking to them as well, and obviously a whole range of emotions, but the atmosphere is pretty tense. and that really happened when the captain made an announcement, unexpectedly, yesterday afternoon, came over the loudspeaker and said that everybody had to go to their state rooms and can't leave. this is part of what the captain said over the speaker. >> we're in discussions with the cdc regarding allowing guests to access the deck for fresh air and exercise. we're working to have more details to share with you tomorrow. as you are now aware, we did not offer dining service this evening. >> with those passengers isolated in their rooms, they can't even leave to go get something to eat, everything now is being handled by room service. the problem, kate, i got a text message from a passenger last night said she couldn't reach room service. nobody was picking up. which goes to show you how overwhelmed the staff might be. and at this point, you know, people are just really anxious, they want to know when they'll be able to leave the ship, when the ship might come to the terminal, and right now those questions just remain unanswered. >> just continue to mount. thank you, dan. appreciate it. coming up for us, the families of patients at the washington state nursing home that has been at the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak out west, they say they have been left in the dark and they want answers. details on that next. also later, bernie sanders, he shifts his focus from the south to further north, canceling a trip to mississippi to rally in michigan. how critical is a win there for sanders at this point. cardiovascular disease. cay millions of patients are treated with statins-but up to 75% persistent cardiovascular risk still remains. many have turned to fish oil supplements. others, fenofibrates or niacin. but here's a number you should take to heart: zero-the number of fda approvals these products have, when added to statins, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. ask your doctor about an advancement in prescription therapies with proven protection. visit ♪ ♪ everything your trip needs, for everyone you love. expedia. just a blur when they. jumped the median. the corner of my eye. there was nothing i could do. 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(avo) welcome to the all-new subaru outback. an iihs top safety pick plus. the highest level of safety you can earn. introducing tide power pods with cat & nat. i love how much i can stuff into these machines. but that is such a large load, don't the stains sneak through? please. new tide power pods can clean that... whole situation. you just toss it in before the clothes. it's like two regular tide pods and then some power and then even more power. with 50% more cleaning power, even your large load got clean. how many kids do you have? girl i lost track. there's a lot of kids. and then there's a husband, and then there's me. that's a lot of clothes. a more secure diaper closure. there were babies involved... and they weren't saying much. that's what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who don't have a voice. we are people helping people. even those who don't have a voice. i can't believe it. that chad really was raised by wolves? which one is your mother? that's her right there. oh, gosh. no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. it's really great. well, i'm just so glad to have met your beautiful family. and we better be sitting down now. believe it! geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. there are cases of coronavirus now in 20 states. and washington state has the most. and also the largest number of deaths related it the coronavirus. now standing at 13. more than half of those deaths are connected to one nursing home in suburban seattle that we have talked so much about. and family members there are now demanding answers, saying that the facility is not giving them enough information about their loved ones. cnn's stephanie elam is live outside and she's joining us now. what are you hearing from the families of people with loved ones in the facility? >> reporter: kate, overall, people here feel like the system is just overwhelmed. they feel like the workers at life care center of kirkland, where their family members are, and some of them have lost family members already, they're overwhelmed with what they need to do and the task at hand in getting the testing done. it is still not clear if everyone has been tested that the point. there seems to be not enough tests here in the state overall. we checked in with the health department of seattle, king county, all this frustrating people. take a listen to pat harrick whose mother passed away early thursday morning and she got a call midthursday morning telling her her mom was stable. she's frustrated and kevin connolly whose father-in-law is here and he's frustrated with the overall process of getting answers. take a listen to both of them. >> i want her body tested. and i've been told, well, we don't do that. we just have to assume it is natural causes. and so i'm saying, it is not okay. i need to have her tested. for the larger picture. >> if they have time to call press conferences, if these people have time to answer your questions, why don't they have time to answer our questions? and i -- it is too late for a lot of families here. >> reporter: the other issue that is weighing on these families, keep in mind, a lot of these people that are staying here, who are residents of this facility have dementia, and so they don't really know what's going on and don't understand why their family members have stopped visiting them. i talked to another woman whose mother is here in this facility, and she is now concerned about both of her parents, her mom seems to be fine, but her dad who would visit her often now seems to have symptoms. her brother has also contracted the coronavirus. so they are very concerned about their loved ones being in this situation, and then not having their family members by them while they may be at the end of their life. that's upsetting for so many of these families right now as you can understand, kate. >> that is tragic. stephanie, thank you for being there. let me talk more about the outbreak, the government's response, and also the role of congress. here now and going forward. joining me is raja krishnamoorthi of illinois, thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> i want to ask you first about the white house, the white house response. other than it seems that the white house was lying, it seems about why they first announced it, why they first canceled the president's trip to the cdc, we now know that is now back on, have you heard anything about what the president was talking about this morning when he said that there is a possible positive case of coronavirus at the cdc? >> no. we don't have any further information, and i have to say that one of the reasons why my subcommittee and our oversight committee is convening a hearing into this very issue of covid-19 next tuesday is because of the lack of transparency of information with this administration. i'll give you one example, you know, on the cdc website, they were listing the number of tests that were being conducted nationwide for covid-19. but then suddenly those numbers were removed from the website. and it appears that the white house is trying to prevent the public from knowing the full scale of the outbreak, perhaps for political reasons and others, but that's exactly the wrong response. >> well, it seems they were saying it was hard to keep up and keep it accurate with -- but i gather they -- you don't find that an acceptable answer. >> no. absolutely not. you know, another thing that they refused to do is to explain exactly where the cases are, this is extremely important for public and state health authorities. because they need to know as they get prepared to be able to test and treat people, they don't want to tell where the -- tell us where the confirmed cases are, they don't want to tell us the number of tests that have been conducted, they don't want to tell us how many people are presumptively positive for covid-19, and this is deeply disturbing. >> as you mentioned, your committee, your committee will be holding a hearing. you have a lot of questions. as this crisis is literally still unfolding, and there is clearly a lack of information and a need for more testing and more data, that is paramount. what can you say to folks that will give them any confidence that congress holding another hearing about it is going to get them a tangible answer come next week? >> that's a good question that they should be asking and the reason why we're having this hearing is to bring some sunshine as to the answers to some critical questions. i think that when the cdc, the hhs, and fda have officials there, and they're having to testify under oath as to what the answers are, at the least it gives state and local authorities more information than they had before, and it obviously sends a signal to the administration and others that the public is going to continue to demand answers through congress. there are a couple of other subjects, however, that we are also going to be grilling these folks about, one is we're learning that uninsured and underinsured patients may be discouraged from being tested and treated. just the other day, someone in florida went to get tested, thankfully he came back negative for covid-19. but he was handed a bill for $3,270. this type of bill is going to discourage others from getting tested. and then they'll get sicker and the rest of us are at risk. >> isn't that something that could have been inserted into the $8 billion of emergency funding the president just signed? >> yes. and i'm hopeful that state and local health authorities will use a portion of their funding for those purposes. and then the last piece of this that people also need to be aware of is that, you know, this whole testing issue is so -- has been so botched, that we're really concerned that folks are in the going to be tested in the numbers that we need. in china, they're testing people at the rate of 10,000 a day. and here there are reports we conducted no more than 500 tests total across the country. >> so the -- the hhs secretary said this morning they are ramping up sending out the test kits. there is going to be -- he says as many as 4 million tests available next week. do you trust the number? do you applaud that they have ramped up where there clearly was a deficiency in getting tests out originally? >> i'm glad they're ramping up the number of testing kits that are being sent out. but making clie ining claims thn tests are going to be able to conducted when the numbers just aren't adding up and we don't have information that would otherwise justify those numbers, i think it is yet another of the types of irresponsible claims and statements that do two things, one, they undermine public confidence, which could lead to panic, we see the stock market gyrating up and down in part because of statements like that, and then, two, some people might actually believe the administration when they make certain statements that are just plainly incorrect, like the president saying that it is okay to go to work with coronavirus. that type of statement would really cause the acceleration and the spread of the virus, not stopping it, which is what we need right now. >> yeah, well, more information regardless if it scares people, it doesn't matter, more information is required in order to stop what is a public health crisis that the country and the world is currently facing. congressman, thank you for coming in. looking forward to seeing what happens next week. coming up, michigan is the next big battleground for bernie sanders and joe biden and the race for 2020. could that state be do or die for both campaigns? never run dry of killer attitude. good moves. or hydration. neutrogena® hydro boost. the #1 hyaluronic acid moisturizer delivers 2x the hydration for supple, bouncy skin. neutrogena®. a new kind of investor is changing things up. f[ indistinct talking ]. with an app that's changing the way we do money. download robinhood now. where you can find games, news and highlights. all in one place, right on your tv. the new xfinity sports zone. use your voice to search every stat and score. follow the teams you love. and get notifications when the game's about to start, with the xfinity sports zone, everybody wins. now that's simple, easy, awesome. say "xfinity sports zone" into your voice remote today. forget super tuesday, friends. we're on to super tuesday 2 or first one was just so super, we had to have another. it is just four days -- just four days now for the next major primary contest to take place. six states voting and michigan is the day's biggest prize. up for grabs, with 125 delegates. it was a critical state that really helped jolt sanders' campaign back to life in 2016, when he edged out hillary clinton by 1.5 percentage points then. four years later, what does michigan mean for sanders this time? look no further than his schedule. sanders announcing just yesterday that he's skipping a trip to mississippi today and instead spending more time in michigan. joining me now is sanders supporter, former candidate for michigan governor, dr. abdul el el saed. do you think he's going to win? >> i do. i'll tell you why, michigan is a uniquely important state on our electoral map. we know how important it is in the general election, lost michigan by 10,700 votes. it is also a microcosm of america. we have got majority black communities like detroit and flint and saginaw and benton harbor on the west side of the state, we have got a broad swath of rural area across the state, and we have got strong suburbs in places like oakland county. it does look like america. the other part of this, though, michigan has been uniquely hit by a set of challenges that we saw during the great recession. the fact that we had these awful trade deals that decimated manufacturing, the fact that the current trade war has really hurt a lot of our agricultural industry, the second biggest industry in the state. and lastly, because we he sit on the great lakes, it is going to become increasingly important with what is happening with climate change, how we -- >> you lay out all of the elements of why it is an important state, in primary and in general. with all of that in mind and after winning the state and the primary in 2016, how much of a gut punch would it be if sanders would lose it then this time around? >> let me tell you, you know, i think senator sanders is speaking specifically to a set of challenges that are uniquely raw in our state. the fact that a number of people lost their healthcare during the great recession, he's talking about medicare for all, the fact that disastrous trade deals took away jobs, he's talking about standing up for unions and standing up for our workers, i think it would be a challenge if you were to lose michigan, but i also feel like this is one of those states that is uniquely poised for that message. i can't, you know, say it enough, after super tuesday, i think michigan tells us a lot about the kind of strength and the kind of bounceback that can come back from a campaign like this. i know that he is focusing here on michigan, he's had grassroots movement ever since 2015 and they have never gone away. and so i feel like the campaign has got some real momentum coming into tuesday. >> and we will soon find out. that's why the primary schedule is so packed. we'll find out soon. elizabeth warren, she is still considering who she will endorse if she will. how much does sanders need warren's endorsement to help expand his base of support? >> let me just say this, as a father of a little girl, i'm deeply saddened to see somebody like elizabeth warren dropping out of this race. she's brilliant. she's got such great ideas. she's one of the most articulate politicians we have seen in this time. but she's also been carrying the flag on really critical important progressive ideals. medicare for all, a green new deal, standing up to corporate power. i think it would be really important to earn her endorsement. at the same time, you know, elizabeth warren is sort of split between her allegiance to her values and her allegiance to some of the party insiders that have already gone for biden. >> you talk about how her endorsement would be important, she spoke on msnbc and was asked one thing, nasty online attacks that she received that were come to her from sanders supporters, especially online. >> we are responsible for the people who claim to be our supporters. and do really threatening, ugly, dangerous things for others -- to others. >> and it is a particular problem with sanders supporters. >> it is. it just is. it is just a factual question. and it is. and that's something i think that -- >> have you ever talked with senator sanders about that? >> i have. >> what was that conversation? >> it was short. but we have talked about it. but i think it is a real problem. >> what do you say to that? >> i agree with her. i think it is a real problem. i ran for governor as a muslim guy named abdul. i got my fair share of that. it is terrible, it is awful, it is scary. nobody should have to go through that. i am sorry that that happened to elizabeth warren and her supporters. but i do think that there is an opportunity right now to come together around a set of values, a belief that healthcare should be a human right, a belief that we have to stand up to corporations and their power over workers and our politics. and i think there is an opportunity to right now really consolidate around the progressive movement and progressive ideals. >> thanks for coming in. >> thank you for having me. >> talk to you soon. >> coming up, the travel industry taking a major hit from the coronavirus outbreak. how bad could it get and what does that then mean for your travel plans? we'll be right back. hey there! kelly clarkson! what're you doing on our sofa? what're you doing on your sofa? try wayfair. you got this! woah. yeah! let me try! all alright, get it! blow it up! that's what i'm talking about. except that's my seat, so. all right, so maybe after the movie let's talk about that bedroom of yours! when was she in our bedroom? than rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis. when considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz xr, a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or active psoriatic arthritis for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. it can reduce pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; don't start xeljanz if you have an infection. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. as have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, and changes in lab results. tell your doctor if you've been somewhere fungal infections are common, or if you've had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. don't let another morning go by without asking your doctor about xeljanz xr. canceled flights, quarantined cruises, fearful passengers, the coronavirus crisis is definitely having an impact far and wide on the travel industry. potentially billions of dollars in losses as the outbreak stretches on. the crisis is also continuing to shake the markets. wall street rounding out a turbulent week, the dow is down over 400 points right now. so what is the long-term impact of all of this global -- on the global travel industry? cnn's business editor at large, richard quest, he joins me now. so, richard, every time i open my email, i see another airline announcing more canceled flights and routes because of dropping demand. what is the real impact of this on the industry? >> well, let me tell you this morning, lufthansa group, which is lufthansa german airlines, austrian and swiss announced it was reducing capacity by up to 50% and may park its jumbos temporarily. this is a crisis for the airline industry. some says it goes back to not just the financial crisis, but arguably back to 9/11 for the extent, the depth, the range and the long-term effects. and it is not going away anytime soon. airlines like united, which are put in place major changes, they had changes coming in april. the soonest they could reverse them would be in may. >> fascinating. what is then the eventual impact on air passengers if the airlines going to continue to take a hit financially, cutting routes, what is the fallout then, i wonder, for people who want to get on the plane. >> look at this, short-term, you got a problem, do you take the trip, don't you take the trip? do you risk having to go to quarantine afterwards. the chances of you getting the virus is very remote, but getting caught up in the hoopla of the virus is a little bit longer. medium term, not much longer term, none. airlines will return, there will be a sort of v-shaped recovery as people take trips that they put off, but a lot of people won't. a lot of travel will have gone and the airlines will take a really significant hit in their bottom line in their quarter, probably q2. >> and almost scared to ask what this means for the cruise industry. >> it is just dreadful. royal caribbean is down 54% share price. the perception, it is about perception now, because the perception is no matter how many times they clean the ships, no matter what they do, the perception going forward is that you're worse off on a cruise ship than as a holiday than elsewhere. that's going to take a lot of time for the cruise industry to put right. they have done it before, they can do it again. >> yeah. no kidding. good to see you. thank you. >> thank you. coming up, why former president bill clinton suggests that the affair that led to his impeachment was a way to, quote/unquote manage his anxieties. part of a new documentary series about the life and rise of hillary clinton. that's next. let's get down to business. the business of road trips... ...adventure... ...and reconnecting. modernized comfort inn's and suites have been refreshed because our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels when you book direct at a new kind of investor with an app that's changing the way we do money. download robinhood now. in america, the zip code you're born in can determine your future. the y helps fill the opportunity gap with education programs for all. for a better us, donate to your local y today. for a better us, i need all the breaks as athat i can get.or, at liberty butchemel... cut. liberty mu... line? 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>> it is funny you said that, that's exactly what i just texted somebody. i'm not sure what to say about this or what to make of it. because obviously he's being very raw, he's much older now, he's got more time on his hands our culture now when we look at what happened then through such a different lens, rightly so, just on that particular notion that he was trying to manage his anxieties, what does that mean? i mean, those of us who cover him and who have read many, many books on him like we both have, he obviously had issues with not having a father around, his father dying before he got to meet him. there are so many of those issues. is that what he's talking about? and then, of course, when it comes to monica lewinsky and how she still feels, is that even relevant? >> and he spoke again about monica lewinsky and his regret. >> i feel terrible that monica's life was defined by it, unfairly, i think. you know, over the years i've watched her try to get a normal life back again. but you got to decide how to define normal. >> so lewinsky hasn't responded directly, as far as i've seen, but i wonder this morning if we're getting a window into how she feels about this once again being thrown into the spotlight and bill clinton speaking about it. a former obama aide tweeted out this morning, when bill clinton responds how terrible he felt, will anyone ask, what did you do about it? did you ever try to fix what you broke? lewinsky responded to that tweet saying, thank you, this morning. >> because there is a feeling among people who were kind of in and around monica lewinsky after this happened and many years after this happened that being ostracized continues. obviously she didn't expect to have a role in government, but she did want to have a role in society and have a normal life. there was a feeling that the clintons, you know, made it hard to happen. people change drastically in society, and monica lewinsky is finally benefiting from people seeing the real deal about what happened, including the women who were around bill clinton in senior level positions at the time who, you know, believed -- once they found out what happened, they said, well, you know, it's her fault even if it is consensual, which we all understand the power dynamic between any boss and any intern, it's all about the older person. never mind the president of the united states in the oval office. >> that's exactly right. it's so important to say as we talk about this, this is one part of a multi-part series, documentary series about hillary clinton that is fascinating. the "new york times" review this morning had a great way of describe wheighing what it migh all mean, the warrior clinton bowing down her armor. i'm fascinated what this series means for the hillary clinton legacy. >> they did a really good job marketing it. i was going to watch it, anyway. i'm definitely going to watch it now. and looking at this anything like the howard stern interview, which was remarkable, you're going to see the unvarnished hillary clinton for the first time ever. >> ever. good to see you, dana. coming up, president trump on the ground looking at the result of the devastating tornadoes there. you see the president getting off the plane as we speak. she dove in to rescue seals after funding vanished and local conservation groups closed up shop. watch. >> rescuing the seals is really bittersweet. as much as i'm excited to see that animal released, it's also hard in the sense of seeing that animal gone. so any seal that we rescue, the ultimate goal is for that animal to be released back into the ocean. i feel this intense responsibility to help these animals, and really, this is what i was put on this earth to do. yay! >> to learn more, you can go to i can't believe it. that chad really was raised by wolves? 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>> people are chipping in, including this crew that have a local connection. they call this the volunteer state for a reason, and you're showing us why. >> absolutely. we're just happy to get people out of bad, bad luck. >> you know a lot of residents in the community? >> yes. we all grew up here all our lives. all connected in one way or another. it's just so sad. >> reporter: we don't know exactly if the president is coming here specifically, but w we've seen a large oversized american flag over here. they're certainly ready for him. we've seen campaigns that have mixed reactions about the president's visit. this is part of his base. i think it serves him well to come here, kate. >> thank you, nick. thank you for joining me. "inside politics" with john king starts right now. welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. thank you for starting your day with us. the market was gangbusters, but march is telling us a different story. the coronavirus is raising a global mission. bernie sanders won the michigan primary four years ago. joe biden is hoping his work on that big


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Sandra Smith 20190902

in our last advisory west at 1 in saying the talks with beijing mile an hour so for all later in the month still on after another round of tariffs purposes, it is basically stationary at this time. took effect on billions of dollars of chinese goods. if still 160-mile-an-hour winds and to get some distances here, 120 miles or so east to tell us what we need to know west palm beach, just to give here in what's happening, who is you an idea of some of these affected and who is paying for distances so some things to this? >> let's be very clear about note, stationary, that means all something, a tariff is the rain and the storm surge for equivalent to a sales tax so the bahamas continue to get ultimately, the end-user is going to pay that tax. pounded with these unrelenting conditions over the bahamas so but the president is making with time, we still expected to reference to you as to why it's move north bullock was already not impacting u.s. consumers is happening, you are seeing these bands in florida, and that can because china is manipulating their currency, they are devaluing it which makes their cause 40 to 50-mile-an-hour winds and heavy rainfall as wel money cheap, which offsets any well. let's get down to business. increase in the cost of product. the other thing is you get these the business of atlanta on monday... that's why he is saying china is rain bands further out from the paying for it but it's still center and of course these ... cincinnati on tuesday. individual cells move very fast getting passed through and still but if you notice they don't being collected like any other ...philly on wednesday. stray from that line very well tax. so some of those tariffs or that means is not moving in terms of the locations you get a ...and thursday back to cincinnati . products affected by these and lot of rain really quick as we modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed move north mother could stretch includes has referred before into portions of south florida. because when your business keeps going, footwear, tools and hardware, so let's look at the latest our business is you. apparel, electronics and you forecast updated, look at the get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels heard the white house come out without delay of tariffs that size of a tropical storm force when you book direct at winds stretching at 120 miles or so from the centers are never were set for mid-december. talked about a center point they said it was a christmas present to the nation. because the hurricane force went some saw that as an to 30 or 40 miles from the acknowledgment that the u.s. consumer is getting hit by this center of time, it's been a but what we have heard from these corporations, wall street, battle of and that's the reason it's been pushing for and earnings reports that come out, some say that using it as an excuse but not a lot of collapse, now we are waiting for companies and said we are m...before she puts them in the dishwasher. passing along the cost of this this to fall into the north. to the consumer. so what does the dishwasher do? >> right now, they seem to want cascade platinum does the work for you, it where these two points are in to hold that in terms of not prewashing and removing stuck-on foods, wanting to increase the price of the first time. wow, that's clean! the product. but like i said, it is being cascade platinum. offset by the manipulation of the forecast, notice we don't even put lines on there anymore the currency of china. so we have to talk about impact. so that's why we are not seeing in talking about the spread of a big hit. what we are seeing is those hurricane force winds, that's why it's a warning for wall street reacting to every the coastline because you can see some of those with time little bit of news that comes drawing the same circle anywhere out related to the tariffs. and look how far inland some of those stretch. that certainly has an impact on you're going to get the wins the u.s. economy. >> sandra: caused uncertainty with time and the timing, looks and it rattles market so we've like it is tuesday at 2:00 p.m., seen these wild ups and downs on wednesday and thursday 2:00 p.m. wall street. and then friday. so going to be dealing with a meanwhile, the talks are expected to continue. hurricane in the entire week. read a very optimistic president trump and his team at some of them associated with forecast storms i would've those the latest summit saying we are big ones 47 feet in these areas. talking, we are at the highest but the warning out when you can see the water out 36 hours and level talking with china, what sort of optimism is out there that a deal is and will get don this is a big reminder with thi done? >> a deal is going to be difficult to ultimately happen this, well before the storm, you can get it we had so you have to for the reason for that is basically two points. get ready for it not just in first, there is the theft of florida but even up the coast. intellectual property which china isn't even acknowledging as we are keeping an eye at all the latest and we will keep you and how are they going to put posted as new information comes together a mechanism that in. this is ken graham at the national hurricane center. ultimately ensures compliance? >> sandra: that's the latest from the national hurricane center, describing china is known for getting into 165-mile-per-hour sustained deals and then they simply don't winds as hurricane dorian spends comply with them. we see that going on right now >> sandra: fox news alert, in hong kong so there is a category five hurricane dorian over the bahamas describing battering the bahamas and bearing down on florida as matter of trusting with the other side is going to do, but unrelenting conditions there as coastal cities prepare for a it's more than that. those rain bands move further from the eye of the storm, an catastrophic mix of torrential you need some type of way to important update as we await wind, rain, and life threatening ensure they are going to comply storm surging if an there are hurricane dorian which will with whatever the agreement ultimately says. slowly make its way to the reports dorian has already claimed at least one life. southeast united states. >> sandra: 's of the talks good morning everyone on this good morning, everyone. labor day monday come alive from i am sandra smith. will continue and still a lot of uncertainty as far as getting >> blake: busy news morning further detail on what the "america's newsroom," i am sandra smith. here, awaiting a live update administration is able to >> sandra: a busy news day as accomplish. we just heard from the head of great to see you, thank you very from the florida governor ron desantis as this the national hurricane center, this is a storm we're going to monster storm stalls above the much. have to be watching for the rest >> blake: fox news alert now bahamas, local media reporting a as the georgia governor is of the week. southeastern florida expected to 7-year-old boy has drowned of speaking on preparations in his the floodwaters. state ahead of hurricane dorian. here in the u.s., officials are let's listen. start to feel the impact of a urging everyone in dorian's >> immensely powerful with catastrophic category five storm here later today. potential path to listen to strong winds 40 to 60 miles an their warnings and take all a slow-moving hurricane is hour here on the coast. precautions. projected to take days to moving >> be prepared for any scenario. it also threatens to bring a to georgia, north carolina and we will see red heads north from very dangerous storm surge of when it stalls, the there as well, mandatory evacuations have been ordered in predictability, the forecast three to 6 feet along the becomes much harder, they can immediate coast with heavy nine florida counties, floridians and tourist taking really do anything until it heed of that warning and heading stops moving again. rainfall of four to 6 inches out of that area by car or if you look at what happened to the bahamas and overnight, you which may cause flash flooding. plane. based on the recommendations of >> sandra: let's go live from have to embrace that because it federal, state, and local doesn't have to make landfall in partners last thursday, i issued the ground in juno beach the u.s. to have those florida. devastating impacts. an executive order declaring a good morning and thank you for your reporting on the ground. as you just heard from the state of emergency and 12 national hurricane center describing those hurricane force >> sandra: fox team coverage coastal counties for hurricane come of the we go to winds, that can reach 30 to griff jenkins live in palm beac dorian's preparation response and recovery. 40 miles per hour outside of the eye of the storm, he was palm beach. >> good morning. to ensure an uninterrupted describing the reins and what we are right here facing about supply of petroleum products, emergency supplies, and food and conditions you can expect along the coastline before we really know the trajectory of the stor 110, 115 miles directly to our east is the idea of that cat to temporarily waive specific weight, height, and length storm. five monster, people waking up restrictions for vehicles traveling through georgia for >> we are already starting to here seeing this devastation of the bahamas and when you walk disaster response. see some of that here. we have seen some rain on and i've also suspended regulations off all morning as those outer down and show you really the with the limited hours of surface already coming up along bands get a little more this operations for commercial way, just let you have a look at the seawall, this is palm beach. vehicle drivers. i believe all of these measures what is happening behind me. the island that was evacuated will greatly assist with ongoing if that i have hurricane dorian storm preparation and disaster is at least 100 miles away from under mandatory evacuation, we here, but we are seeing the wind understand from officials in response efforts. but we still have much work to palm beach county there is about started to pick up some of the waves are crashing a little do. throughout this process, and by 1800 people in those shelters. harder against the pier, it is many have left but many have not, one of those who did not has remained as i said earlier under a tropical storm warnings, in close contact with the mandatory evacuations and parts leave, talking about a storm of the county from a more vulnerable housing structure that may park itself right off white house, with florida governor ron desantis, like mobile homes and also for of the coast and batter with devastating winds and storm south carolina governor henry mcmaster, and low-lying areas that are prone surge, a resident named brett holmes has been here his whole also governor cooper of to water intrusion as well as areas like the barrier islands life, works on the water and he north carolina. in all agencies at all different which are considered surge are is worried about the surge. take a listen to this. levels of government, we are vulnerable, people have been boarding up their homes and committed to the safety of our we met the storm surge for sure. the high water. citizens and those that are here businesses, many putting the visiting. as a result, yesterday evening, final screws and late yesterday. i issued an executive order gas cans or so that in most every ounce of the storm is places, flashlights are running concerning to a boater like requiring a mandatory evacuation low. a lot of people we have spoken to said it's difficult to figure myself. it is not something to take of individuals east of i-95 in out an evacuation plan because lightly. six counties. it is a catastrophic storm and it has been so unpredictable. people should take this very, some days it's hard to know if there moving to a safe place and very seriously. camden, glenn, liberty, and >> if he remember three years mcintosh county starting at noon others say that is a constant today. challenge with hurricanes. to aid in the traffic flow for ago, matthew brought this evacuation, fema and >> i evacuated for her mouth and catastrophic flooding and if the georgia d.o.t. will also start it was supposed to hit the coast storm parks itself offer just and went through central florida 24 hours, beach erosion again contra flow starting at as well. again as you look, mar-a-lago a 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. so it is a crapshoot and you mile and a half to the south all the way for several miles up to all i 16 lanes will allow only just never know. the thing about hurricanes. the north is some of america's westbound traffic from savannah most expensive real estate, to u.s. 441 and in addition, the >> got a category for, so as it beach erosion on this coming at a time when you have high tide. goes to a category five as it very bad. if the people here are hopeful state operations center is working with the red cross to moves through here. that this will turn and go nort open shelters for evacuees pat north. we talked to sheriff rick mcduffie, lawrence, dave, and >> evacuation orders are bradshaw has been in law enforcement here for almost mandatory for all of the juno where counties today. 50 years and the worst would beach community. if those orders came down really like this place out. information on shelter locations yesterday afternoon and were effective immediately. we have seen quite a few people >> i've been through straws but and available hotel accommodations can all be found. out this morning, people going not something like this. if this is coming in at 185, out for a job, those borders were not issued because this there's going to be some damage. through daily briefings, state if not talking about repairing area is guaranteed a direct hit stuff, talking about rebuilding from the storm. officials said they were issuing it. partners have been an ongoing those because of the uncertainty >> that's why the officials here communication with local county of close proximity of that like sheriff bradshaw and others emergency management agencies massive hurricane. have said do not come out here, and fema officials. they have deployed all staff to they have stopped surfers, seen >> sandra: stay safe, thank you, joining us now on the at least three surfers stopped phone for more on all of this is from going out because of the all the coastal counties to support local operations and tides that are coming in and we rick bradshaw, palm beach county are really at the beginning of sheriff. maintain communication between local and state officials. thank you for your time this morning, what preparations are this. because of heavy rainfall this already, we have worked hard to you making as we continue to watch the storm's path? morning out here since 4:00 a.m. identify input on standby any >> we continue to ramp up our assets based on the information and all resources necessary for response and recovery. we are getting. it is going to get unpleasant these efforts include having a one thing we know is that we here. don't know anything about this only mother nature will tell. storm, we are preparing for the law enforcement and transportation agencies on alert worst and hoping for the best for evacuation and post storm but we are going to have our >> sandra: reporting on the assets where they need to be. ground in palm beach. facilitating people getting to we will have that for you when it begins. response. stockpiling fuel for the shelters with the mandatory first responders and emergency evacuations are taking place, >> blake: mandatory evacuations ordered in several the mobile homes, low-lying operations. >> blake: you been listening florida counties including india to the georgia governor, good areas. regardless of whether we get the full brunt of it for just reminder this morning as river, she has live in the city. hurricane dorian is that tropical storms, going to have to deal with some flooding, gillian. we met good morning to you. 110 miles east of palm beach, possible some traffic problems florida, officials all up and there is a mandatory evacuation down the east coast keeping their eyes on dorian from with outage of traffic lights so under way right now as you we are prepared to make sure we mention, that went into effect florida into georgia as you just get people safe everywhere. 8:00 this morning. >> sandra: the national a lot of people left but there heard there, south carolina and north carolina, a weeklong event hurricane center update just are still a lot of people here said that i have the storm is right now and take a look behind potentially along the east coast me, you can see the water is and we will continue to keep an eye throughout the morning. about 127 miles eased to turning right now. it is getting angry. west palm beach, although to your point, we still do not know this has been a much different scene that when we first got here this morning. >> yes, this is belief up and if we don't call it out for what it the exact task that hurricane off they are in the distance if dorian will take. what would you say is -- how you can see, there is an american there in the water, is come up we are not able to that is actually on a shipwreck act decisively, we will continue to have this kind of bloodshed much of your population is and a lot of people said i hope actually evacuated at this in america and i cannot accept point, would you say? that that makes it through the that. >> blake: that was 2020 >> that's hard to tell. storm, that's something that's the last time, we have in the been here in this community. presidential hopeful beto over work not mincing words as you talk to a gentleman earlier this heard there as he reiterates his neighborhood of similar between morning has lived here for 30 years and that's part of the 20 and 25,000 but then again, we landscapes of people were call for congress to act on gun keeping an eye on that hoping that survives the storm along control legislation which comes had a larger area to evacuate. at the wake of the shooting in with all of these businesses, the homes along the waterfront. so we see some of the shelters west texas in which several starting to fill up, especially a ton of people out here right now. people were killed. democratic strategist and former people in mobile homes taking if you see people just watching this seriously and they very out here taking pictures. well should because 100 miles is nevada state g.o.p. chairwoman, a blink of an eye if this thing good morning to you both, happy decides to go straight across, labor day, thanks for coming on. we are already at that point so people need to have because all the businesses are everything that they need to so you heard the comments they prepare for, they need to have boarded up. it done now. are from baidoa work, the >> sandra: what kind of phone the time is running out right response from his presidential calls have you been fielding so campaign, one of them they tooko far >> sandra: obviously now, people should be making plans they haven't already come twitter and they said the residence on the ground very concerned about the situation that could be and as far as if they're going to stay for following. if you are angrier about a swear need to hunker down but at this word that a baby being shot in evacuations are concerned, a lot of folks don't always have the the face, consider your choices. means to do just that. point, it is a high tide coming referencing a 17-year-old little up around 1050 this morning, so >> we tell people if you can girl who was raised by a bullet that also plays into it. in the face. i want to move past the comments evacuate an area yet stay in the if you can see the conditions that were made by beto o'rourke county, that the optimum way to out here only getting worse and do it. the way things are going, north we will keep you updated. and move on potentially to the is not a good idea. if one back that american flag potential solutions as to how to in the water and incredible sigo prevent all of these mass west in the state is a better shootings that we have seen a idea at this point in time. see. stay safe. but we really encourage people rash of in the recent years. if you don't have to get on the >> sandra: farther north, congress comes back next week, roads, don't do that because officials in st. john's county any sort of optimism that they it's going to cause a serious which includes st. augustine a can get anything done? warning residence there plan for traffic jam. the worst. the shelters are open. a county administrator joins us if you have somewhere else you >> i really hope so. can go that's close to the county or west in the state, we have worked on bipartisan that's a better idea. now by phone. legislation to address this, it good morning, and thank you for being here. >> sandra: the update we just is commonly misconstrued as the can you just give us an update got from the national hurricane on the ground there with background check loophole, that center describing those rain preparations underway? bands that reached so much is incorrect. it's the person to person and further out from the eye of the storm that could easily affect the strawman loophole that they are working on right now, and >> we have issued a mandatory florida sooner rather than later evacuation for our coastal areas most of the warning was don't that has a bipartisan appetite just watch the trajectory on the for that. so we just need for eye of the storm, those rain on low-lying areas throughout bands that go more than the county. mitch mcconnell to pick that it's a large coastal county with up. i am hopeful and optimistic. 100 miles outside of the eye of 44 miles to the coastline. the storm is crucial to the it is terrible that there's coast of florida. another mass shooting, these how are you watching that and how do you prepare for that? about 150,000 people. happen all too regularly and i >> that's a good point because don't have a problem with him >> sandra: it started this addressing it with harsh regardless, we are going to get language at all. morning, how are you going so flooding. >> blake: you hear democrats far and do you see people heat say mitch mcconnell bring a lot of canals, so what people those mornings? don't understand is they can't legislation to the floor, tell see where the road starts in the >> he does have those mornings, canal starts and they end up us what you do or do not support having people driving to the so that congress can take action on what you might support it. canals or their cars stall in he would say what to that? the middle of puddles and we have to come and rescue them so hurricane irma and hurricane we tell people when it starts matthew, one was a coastal storm >> i think that most americans that did tremendous damage to getting dicey, getting your are actually wondering the same house, stay where you're at if her coastline, the other one came from the west and did a you're in the shelters, don't thing. what exactly are in the details of this possible background tremendous amount of inland come out during the storm or flooding along the western check proposal? after the storm, let us do our border of the county. jobs out here but don't become part of the problem. this storm has potential to be a the other question that was combination of both those storms asked of beto o'rourke that was >> sandra: sheriff rick very concerning was his answer bradshaw, important warning to the residence there and when the reporter asked him how surrounding areas, we appreciate your time this morning, and no one is taking the storm lightly. >> sandra: how are you doing do you plan on addressing the thank you. a big storm, but it is hovering in terms of resources, shelters, over the bahamas right now and confiscation of guns and the additional food and water for people's fear without possibly those that are going to need a? happening? has happens a lot of times, we >> we are very fortunate we have he basically said that's exactly what i intend on doing. just don't know what path what a well-equipped and well-trained the next turn will be. that right there is going to cause a big headache and any when that one little wobble is experienced staff, done very solid relationships with the the big fear for florida if it moves in one direction slightly to the west, like forecasters m. possibility of moving forward on state as well as the federal background checks. government, so we feel like we are vertically integrated and >> blake: what about that worry? you hear some supporters of the horizontally integrated from top that's what brings it so stationary with the where the second amendment say i don't national hurricane center used at this point. to bottom and we are well want my guns taken away. prepared for what may come, >> sandra: talking to more officials on the ground. although what may come up with >> you bet, and that's a huge >> blake: coming up here, the worst-case scenario will be issue for democrats. fox news alert, reports of a very devastating. deadly boat fire in california in >> sandra: in addition to we cannot have that message. those who have waterfront homes i am a red state democrat, i by the ventura county sheriff's office reporting 34 people are they are or who live along the dead this morning, an have a conceal and carry permit, coast, you are also evacuating i'm a veteran, that is a no-go. investigation is now underway. those that live on boats, i know the coast guard also on that for him to say that an scene, will bring you the latest you are evacuating those that as soon as it comes in. kamala harris is really not good objects for their campaign and have been in rvs and mobile it won't poll well at all with our voters. >> sandra: and i ran threatening to take a stronger homes, much broader than those step in reducing its commitments under the nuclear deal as >> blake: have a newsday of course as we keep our eyes on two zones. are you you doing with negotiations continue on with evacuations yet? what's going on out there in the caribbean sea, thank you both europe. if so what does this mean for for coming in on this labor day >> one of the advantages is it the future of talks with the slow. and because we have experienced residents that have dealt with monday. united states? we will have for you next. >> sandra: we continue to follow the path of hurricane storms in recent years, they dorian as it turns closer to the you s. understand the danger these east coast of florida as it is but if you saw me before cosentyx... storms represent. they are taking it seriously and moving out and the lead time is now a category four hurricane. ♪ plus, more fallout from the justice department ig report on i was covered. to everyone's benefit. former fbi director james comey. it was awful. >> sandra: if you could come but i didn't give up. up for those of us who may be south carolina i kept fighting. listening now or will hear your senator lindsey graham is here and he will discuss that and how i got clear skin with cosentyx. warnings for st. johns county is his state is preparing for 3 years and counting. your message to them as we await clear skin can last. dorian. hurricane dorian to make see if cosentyx could make a difference for you. landfall along the coast? >> i think mr. comey basically cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate >> i would say to stay vigilant. is just dodging and weaving and to severe plaque psoriasis i don't think he understands the storm is going to become find clear skin that can last. fully what he did was even wrong uncomfortably close to our don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. and that's a real problem. county, a small change in its before starting cosentyx, you should be checked direction and we've seen those kind of events in the past could for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and produce significantly more lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. damage in this country that we've seen in the prior two or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, storms, and more damage than we have seen in recent years. tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. to map it will let you get back see me now. i'm still clear. to work, thank you for what you're doing there. how sexy are these elbows? appreciate your time this get clear skin that can last. morning, thank you. >> blake: meantime this morning, i knew details on the ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. gunman in saturday's shooting rampage in west texas is that community mourns the seven people killed. a migfrom aimovig. details straight ahead. to be there for the good... >> sandra: plus presidential hopeful bernie sanders making a and not so good. big campaign promise with plans for the mundane. to cancel billions of dollars in unpaid medical bills. the awe-inspiring. we will size of the whopping the heart-racing. price tag on his plan with former new hampshire the heartbreaking. that's what life is all about... governor next. showing up. >> another piece of legislation we are going to be doing is unless migraine steals your chance to say... "i am here." eliminating medical debt in this we aim to change that. country. with aimovig. - [narrator] do you have less energy than you used to? a preventive treatment for migraine in adults. one dose, once a month. aimovig is proven to reduce the number of monthly migraine days. for some, that number can be cut in half or more. don't take aimovig if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or swelling can happen hours to days after use. common side effects include injection site reactions and constipation. it doesn't matter what each day brings. so long as you can say... "i am here." aim to be there more. talk to your doctor about aimovig. after we reach age 40, since you're heading off to dad... i just got a zerowater. there's a big drop in our energy level but we've always used brita. it's two stage-filter... and now you can get it back. doesn't compare to zerowater's 5-stage. jumpstart your heart-healthy energy this meter shows how much stuff, with the circulation superfood of superbeets by humann. or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. one teaspoon of superbeets every day supports healthy circulation and promotes improved energy. brita? 110... seriously? - as we age, as we get older, we all need help, but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. and so superbeets provides that in one small scoop. - [narrator] the power of nutrient-rich beets i need to find the receipt for that. found in superbeets helps unlock the key oh yeah, you do. to better cardiovascular health, supports healthy blood pressure levels and helps give you more heart-healthy energy. >> blake: fox news alert, across the globe to iran, warning this morning it will - there is no doubt in my mind take a strong step away from the that superbeets has changed my life. - [narrator] fuel your body and rediscover 2015 iran nuclear deal. that is if i ran says, europe heart-healthy energy with superbeets by humann. fails to honor terms by the end for a free 30-day supply of superbeets of this week, top iranian with your first order, call the number on your screen. officials travel to france and russia for last-minute talks. that's the number on your screen joining us now, national security and military analyst and international relations now. expert. happy labor day, thanks for joining us. the number on your screen - in the last year, of cybercrime every second. what you make of this? when a criminal has your personal information, >> iran has threatened this they can do all sorts of things in your name. before but my take is they are criminals can use ransomware, spyware, or malware really feeling the pressure and >> you can rebuild your house, you cannot rebuild a life. to gain access to information like your name, threatening to go beyond the we don't want any more stories ideal, got a couple of choices, of a 7-year-old dying because your birthday, and even your social security number. they can get out of the big somebody didn't evacuate. - [announcer] that's why norton and lifelock nonproliferation treaty that much worse, they are now >> blake: part of the message are now part of one company, threatening to restart their big providing an all in one membership for your cyber safety from officials, they are from plutonium processing reactor in senator rick scott as dorian that gives you identify theft protection, takes aim at the east coast of this reactor was really at the center of the iran deal, getting device security, a vpn for online privacy, and more. florida after the category four storm pummeled the bahamas as a it shut down. iran said they had poured cement and if you have an identity theft problem, category five with heavy winds and rain reportedly leading to into the key part of the we'll work to fix it with our million dollar protection package. the drowning death of a reactor. this a couple of months ago the 7-year-old child. - there are new cyber threats out there everyday, head of iran's nuclear energy agency said that they had so protecting yourself isn't a one time job, ellison barber is live now in juno beach florida with the very sneaked in a second set of it's an ongoing need. latest, you can see the waves now is the time to make sure whipping up there behind you. reactor parts and could restart that you have the right plan in place. don't wait. plutonium processing. - [announcer] norton 360 with lifelock. >>hurricane this morning but noa >> blake: what is the short term goal? is at that or is it that the use promo code get25 to save 25% off your first year u.s. has applied so much pressure on iran that it needs and get a free shredder with annual membership. whole lot of what we are seeing to get its oil out onto the open is the waves picking up, market for the rest of the world call now to start your membership starting to get a little bit to find that? or visit bigger. is that that are oil at this right now, it's about 100 miles point? away from where we are now. >> exactly, month five of the crisis, they are trying to split this is all we've seen this the u.s. from britain, france, morning, some sporadic rain, a lot of people are out on the and germany but now they are so beach right now, police officers >> blake: new details about desperate due to the sanctions pressure that they need a the gunmen that killed seven mechanism to sell oil and the people in a drive-by shooting rampage on saturday. were here earlier this morning trying to get people to get off of the beach, frustrated that so question is, is this the quid "the new york times" reporting the suspect was fired from his pro quo for coming to the table trucking job just hours before many people were down here. for talks? some people we've spoken to said thing with the u.s. and other going on a killing spree which it was their last chance to come down and see things before the countries be willing to give them a short-term letter of also wounded more than 20. storm rose in. the vigil held last night in for now, a lot of people are odessa for the seven victims, coming out and taking photos and credit backed up by the oil to carry them through and get them police have been trying to get to the table? the mayor praising the officers who jumped into action. them to stop doing that but as soon as they clear out one area, >> iranian officials want to >> yesterday was a horrible day people seem to come back. export a minimum all the way up if hurricanes are not abnormal that shook us to our very for floridians, for better or to 1.5 million barrels a day, is foundation. but this will not break us. worse, they are experienced in that what it would take to most know how to prepare. in west texas, you have to be essentially get iran back to the negotiating table talking to the tough. our weather is tough, the whole few windows are without boards or some sort of shutters over their windows but some people u.s.? headed to florida for labor day >> they would love to get that economy with its ups and downs. we have been through a lot and weekend trying to get in a final summer trip. export going and they set up a we get through this. i spoke to one mom and daughter little trade mechanism to use for food and medicine. a little further south that came to visit friends and celebrate a iran now wants to use that birthday at the beach. mechanism to sell oil as well. >> pulled him over for failing but instead, they hurried to the store to buy supplies in cases to use a signal that's when he of water. i think they might agree to a began shooting then randomly had other motorists as he drove off. small sale if there is an >> my birthday was two days ago. just turned 16. investigators are trying to ironclad guarantee that you will determine a motive. come and talk. >> blake: because the president and his team would >> palm beach county is under have to agree to that, right? >> the bottom line is, it is an tropical storm warning, mandatory evacuation orders for >> trump coming out of the g7 insane and cruel system, go parts of the county, evacuations said he might agree to a very ordered for the town of juno narrow short-term letter of credit done by multiple nations, beach are mandatory. deeply into debt or go bankrupt this morning, mandatory but only if it's going to bring because they came down with cancer or with heart disease or evacuation orders went into an to the table and get him what he effect for a number of counties as we have seen the cone of wants. came down with alzheimer's or no new missile agreements at a uncertainty, some people have much longer timeline. whatever. backed off a little bit on their >> what with getting to the preparations but officials table look like? morning to take the storm to my presidential candidate previewing a plan to wipe out seriously. listen to local officials and all past medical debt. heed any evacuation orders. you have other iranian officials the proposal would counsel traveling when you talk about getting to the table, is it a >> blake: 110 i also the east $81 billion in unpaid medical expenses and ensure the debt of you there, thank you. would not factor into >> sandra: for more on how determining a person's credit zarif-pompeo meeting? everyone is preparing for this >> it could be all of the above score. a former new hampshire massive storm, spring in and the travel is key because governor joins us now, also south carolina senator lindsey graham, they are talking to moscow and thank you for being here this served as white house chief of staff under morning. president george h.w. bush. what preparations are being made china in this deal. if good morning to you. in your state at this point? they are really egging iran onto it would be a talk probably thank you for being here and if >> i talked to the governor ultimately at that level to say that they are willing to we could look at this proposal yesterday, we are evacuating by bernie sanders offering to consider what the other european eight coastal counties, reversing the flow of traffic wipe out all of this medical allies and one which is no forcing people to get off the nuclear weapons for iran, no coast of the interior of the state, removing people off the debt, $81 billion -- $88 billion coast and moving assets down to flareups macron's terms and then take people come hoping this is getting a treaty limit on the was borrowed last year to cover ballistic missiles like the one medical expenses. if that was 12 months leading up a glancing blow, we will know in they tried and failed to test last week. a couple of days, hope is not a that's what it's going to look to april when gallup took that like. pole. a lot of debt out there, could direct hit, it's a major storm >> blake: i'm glad you bring this message work for him? and hopefully will stay out in up the french president, when he the ocean and not come on the shore. suddenly invited the iranian foreign minister to france for >> it sounds like bernie sanders it's been downgraded to a category four storm but is the g7, he has hinted in the is having his policies and statements written by the anticipated to take a term. past that trying to be a >> not much of a downgrade. venezuelan dictator power broker here, the president before the g7 warned macron nicolas maduro. this is socialism to the >> sandra: is expected to turn extreme. i think it indicates that bernie to the carolina coast, georgia has decided he is down to a affected as well. how much of a threat as this to don't speak on behalf of the u.s., what you make of what he's the people of your state? doing? two-person race with elizabeth warren and what he has >> it just depends on what >> macron is really trying it, to do in order to win is to out pander her. happens. wind and water for sure if it's he was skeptical about parts of the iran deal so i think he is a direct hit can be really bad and so you're going to see a but hopefully it will be a letting him try it but it comes continuing series of all of glancing blow, we are ready with down to whether he is willing to these but the other thing that the mandatory evacuation talk or not, whether he comes comes out of the statement and republicans ought to take situations in south carolina for advantage of it is that the coastal counties and the himself or sends an emissary. governors on top of it. if iran has got to agree and bernie sanders is doing an unfortunately, we are pretty it's all about keeping the extremely good job of telling us prepared for these things because they come very often and economic pressure tight enough what a disaster obamacare is. the governor and his team and to make iran agree to come to the table. >> blake: is the president the emergency response team, the says, he believes sanctions are national guard are already in working, got to leave it there, and let obamacare really has to thank you so much, enjoy your be replaced so i think those two the federal delegation, our goal, our goal is to help after points are part of what we are labor day. going to be seeing emphasized in >> sandra: more on that the fact getting some money into breaking news on the story we've the debate when he shows up with been watching this morning, repair the damage and we work the other nine democrats and i pretty well together. reports of a devastating >> sandra: we will be watching accident in southern california. that in the effort to make sure the coast guard they are saying it had launched several bugs to think he has a strategy of everyone stays safe there. help than 30 people in distress or to this that you have now to trying to pound on issues to near santa cruz island. outdo elizabeth warren on attorney general william barr, i've got it in my hands here and there are reports of fatalities everything for everybody friend but so far the actual number is it is specifically addressing unclear. also hearing five people were this point and based on what inspector general's we've seen on the debate stage investigation into fisa abuse. either rescued or have escaped. so far with these democratic contenders that health care is what are you asking the attorney way to have more on this becoming a big test for these general for in this? developing story as we have it. candidates. >> it is becoming a big test and >> as much declassification as meantime, keeping an eye on her possible. ricky and dorian churning in the they are all pounding obamacare i want the public to see the process in real time, i want the atlantic where the storm is in ways that republicans weren't warrant applications to be heading next and how the coast as effective as these democrats is preparing. revealed to the public is much we will have that for you. as possible. seem to be. what do we know from the >> blake: plus, bernie sanders the only one defending obamacare and is beginning to split even horowitz report regarding comey? there is joe biden. telling voters what he'll use he basically was accused of the money for now. so this really is for everyone manipulating the system, >> we are talking about the ignoring rules and procedures that are in place regarding but biden, this has become an memos by the government to get an outcome. establishment said to far-reaching into radical, that effort to be attractive to the millennials who have absolutely comey wanted special counsel is exactly what this country no idea what things cost and who appointed, he manipulated the system to get the outcome. needs. have absolutely no idea that the question for me is that they what's up with your... partner? eventually, as margaret thatcher manipulate the warrant system to said in socialism you begin to get a warrant against not again. limu that's your reflection. run out of other people's money. only pay for what you need. carter page, did they manipulate we heard from joe biden he wants the counterintelligence ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ investigation against to expand the aca and include a papadopoulos, did they manipulate the outcome of the public option. clinton investigation because meanwhile, bernie sanders taking they wanted her to win and trump on the corporate elite who benefited from president trump's to lose? tax cuts. he was more from bernie sanders. i'm looking for a pattern of manipulation and bias in the >> the first thing we are going question does that pattern rise to tell them is trump and his to the level of criminality we will soon hear from the friends may have given over a inspector general about the warrant application. there are three words when you live with migraine... trillion dollars in tax breaks, >> sandra: andy biggs is "i am here." but they'd better spend their warning that this next report aim to say that more money quick because we are going could be even more devastating with aimovig. a preventive treatment for migraine in adults to rescind those tax breaks as suggesting indictments could be that reduces the number of monthly migraine days. soon as we get into office. coming. he was andy biggs over the for some, that number can be cut in half or more. >> sandra: that was another weekend. promise made by bernie sanders, >> we anticipate that is going a big warning to what he labeled don't take aimovig if you're allergic to it. to come mid-september and i allergic reactions like rash or swelling the corrupt greedy corporate anticipate we are going to see can happen hours to days after use. elite. some very stark revelations of common side effects include injection site reactions and constipation. >> what bernie sanders is just manipulation of the whole system for political purposes. i think you're going to see some aim to be there more. underscoring there is his confiscation mentality, and this indictments, i hope you do talk to your doctor about aimovig. is a very dangerous thing i because this is trying to take down a sitting president. think for anybody to be >> sandra: do you see more indictments coming? espousing in a campaign because >> possibly. it's easy to start pointing out what we learned from the first to the productive workers of america that once you have report about comey as he did not somebody with a confiscation care about the rules in place, mentality, you are next and he wanted to make sure they they're going to come down and would be a special counsel take it away from you after they did you know you can save money take it away the millionaires. appointed, he leaked information by using dish soap to clean grease on more than dishes? inappropriately even though it >> sandra: he has long been wasn't classified. the question for me is that they try dawn ultra. manipulate the court to get a dawn is for more than just dishes. critical of president trump's with 3x more grease cleaning power per drop, tax cuts, basically labeled them as a giveaway to wall street and warrant illegally against it tackles tough grease wealthy republican campaign carter page, they spent almost on a variety of surfaces. no time verifying the dossier contributors in large profitable that was used to get the try dawn ultra. corporations. warrant, the dossier is let's broaden this out to 2020, unverified to this day so what talking about joe biden with his i'm looking for is health care message, looking more broadly at the policies accountability and that are being put forth, what responsibility. what should the price be for somebody who lies to the fisa do you see happening in the coming days and weeks with these court get a warrant against candidates? american citizens? we need to hold those accountable who watch us when it >> again, it's becoming apparent to a lot of folks that in comes to getting warrants against anybody regardless of sanders versus elizabeth warren the political party in question. and they both have the same i am looking at a pattern here, did they manipulate the fisa policies, bernie is willing to admit he's a socialist. court, did they manipulate the counterintelligence rules elizabeth warren is trying to pretend with words that she is a against papadopoulos, did they let clinton go because i had a political bias? time will tell. capitalist. i suspect she's going to go to the primary chasing a socialist >> sandra: james comey was suggested by andy biggs in that same interview, doesn't agenda with a phony label and if understand the extent of what he did or whether it was wrong she wins the nomination, she even. that he was dodging and weaving. will think a dna test that proves she's at least one part do you agree with that? in a thousand capitals. >> horowitz is a pretty neutral >> sandra: it is an interesting debate and one guy. he was appointed by obama and he that's going to continue as we inched closer to 2020. slammed comey because he ignored it's great to have you here this all of the rules and procedures morning, we appreciate having in place to get an outcome he you. enjoy the rest of your weekend. desired. he wanted president trump to be investigated by a special >> blake: the news across the counsel, he took the rules and globe on this fox news alert, procedures in his own hands to get an outcome and rules be. the month-long protest in hong kong now spreading to schools with thousands of the question is, did he say the students skipping the first day same thing to the fisa court, of class to call for democratic did they take them onto their reforms democratic reforms own hands and give the court a predictable the government scrapped that controversial document that was unverified, extradition bill that sparked that they swear under oath all these protests? falsely that this was an >> sandra: plus, awaiting an accurate document justifying a update from the florida governor warrant? i am dying to hear about that ron desantis as his state prepares for hurricane dorian. because the rules and procedures regarding the leaked information it is now a monster category five storm slamming the bahamas. is damning, but the manipulating we are going to take you to that news conference as soon as it of a court process is illegal. let's just put it this way. begins. if they manipulated the fisa a migfrom aimovig. court system and nobody gets to be there for the good... prosecuted, what would deter and not so good. people from doing the same thing in the future? my goal is to make sure people for the mundane. >> blake: supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg never do this again, declassify discussing her health over the the awe-inspiring. weekend at the annual library of as much as possible so the public can see what horwitz was congress national book festival. the heart-racing. the heartbreaking. looking at and this is not >> first, this audience can see that's what life is all about... revenge, it is just that i am alive. accountability. showing up. you might have to leave it there unless migraine steals your chance to say... but have you gotten a response to this letter yet? "i am here." >> not yet, but i'm very hopeful [cheers and applause] we aim to change that. and i am on my way to being very with aimovig. that we are going to let the a preventive treatment for migraine in adults. whole story be told, accountability and transparency well. one dose, is my goal and i am sure once a month. criminality is going to be we have more than a month you aimovig is proven to reduce the number of monthly migraine days. have to go. looked at very hard by this district and others. for some, that number can be cut in half or more. i'll be prepared in the time hope you come back soon, our comes. >> blake: alive and with a don't take aimovig if you're allergic to it. sense of humor, the 86-year-old best to the people of your state allergic reactions like rash or swelling as they await dorian. justice completed treatment for can happen hours to days after use. a tumor on her pancreas and also thank you. undergone treatment for and common side effects include >> blake: as we continue to pancreatic cancer as well as injection site reactions and constipation. keep our eyes on the waters off it doesn't matter what each day brings. the east coast, a desperate cancerous growths that were search underway in the waters found on her lungs. off the west coast for more than so long as you can say... the justice has repeatedly said "i am here." that she will stay on the bench 30 people who are still missing aim to be there more. as long as she remains fit. this morning and a california talk to your doctor about aimovig. we wish her well and something boat fire. the latest in that search and else that is alive and well as her sense of humor. how that fire might have started coming up. made us all laugh. and on the 2020 campaign, bernie sanders offering more freebies if elected as he >> sandra: giving an update on hurricane dorian, let's listen to the governor. announces plan to wipe out >> people need to remain billions of dollars of medical vigilant. if your order to evacuate, you debt. the vermont senator following up need to do that. on issuing a warning to the from palm beach county all the way up to now sell, all those corrupt, greedy corporate elite coastal counties have issued evacuation orders. elites. >> trump and his friends, given and it's important that them over a trillion dollars in tax breaks but they better spend residents heed those calls. get out now while you have time, that money quick because we are while there is fuel available going to rescind those tax and you will be safe on the roads. breaks as soon as we get into of course, you can go to office. for >> sandra: peter doocy is live in new hampshire with the latest all evacuation updates. on all of that. i just spoke this morning with good morning. president trump, he is fully >> good morning. engaged in this and just bernie sanders is now promising if he is elected president, reiterated that he is going to anybody that has a past due provide whatever resources we need to be able to weather medical bill that has been reported to a credit agency will have the federal government dorian, fema is fully engaged, negotiate the terms of that bill obviously this is a storm that on their behalf and then pay it can impact multiple states at off because he believes that too this point. but fema is fully engaged and we many americans are going appreciate that. bankrupt and that's not all. we are of course concerned about part of the negotiation is about their credit score to guarantee power restoration once the storm passes, florida power & light nobody will go down for missing a medical bill. has most of these counties in promising to do this with every terms of the power and they assembled approximately 17,000 person's past due medical debt regardless of income or insurance coverage without personnel that are prestagehand actually explaining how it gets ready to respond and as soon the paid for, but he does explain himself like this. in the united states of america, first bands of severe weather your financial life and future hit, they will come in after should not be destroyed because that to restore power you are a family member gets around-the-clock because they understand how important that sick. and sanders is well aware of the is. if we will be assisting with our assets whether it is clearing criticism of how plans like this are going to get paid for. roads, vegetation, whatever we can do to help that happen. not only this plan, but a plan to forgive all student loan debt there have been 72 nursing homes which he was pitching again here in new hampshire. and assisted living facilities along the coast that have been we met my critics say that's a evacuated. some florida hospitals have fine idea, how are you going to begun evacuating or making plans pay for it? let me tell you exactly how we to evacuate. will pay for it. please include advent health and all of you remember that 11 cape canaveral, cleveland clinic years ago, the congress bailed south and martin county, good out the crooks on wall street who destroyed our economy. remember that? samaritan medical center in if we can bail out the crooks on palm beach, stewart sebastian river medical center and halifax psychiatric center north, wall street for trillions of dollars, we certainly can cancel cleveland clinic north is a all student debt in this countr partial evacuation. country. >> right now, sanders sits in if if you are involved with a second place in the real clear politics pulls with 17.1% of health care facility, continue inputting your emergency updates democrats nationally supporting into our emergency status system that includes generator, utility him solidly behind joe biden which is barely ahead of information, evacuation status, elizabeth warren and they are emergency contact. both going to be in if there's a need for something new hampshire this week which could be critical for both and you're updating us, we have because they are both from the people monitoring that all the neighborhood. time, people in a variety of warren from massachusetts which borders new hampshire and sanders from vermont which also agencies responding accordingly and obviously we want to do tha borders new hampshire. that. we have the gas stations along >> sandra: peter doocy, the evacuation routes, we have thank you. confirmed they are going to remain open. anticake: fox news alert some of the gas stations in the evacuation zones he might see some of them start to close soon with her ricky and dorian but the ones on the routes are devastating the bahamas is expected to impact southeast going to remain open. florida in some form or another, i've suspended the suspension of which is a big question this morning. tolls around jacksonville at the when and how hard you met the >> blake: fox news alert now as we continue to keep our eye latest forecast coming up next. on hurricane dorian, look at first coast expressway and the i-295 express lane and of this very slow-moving, as slow >> 's water comes and it even if as you can get. course, we suspended tolls on a it doesn't hit land, 7 feet the storm is right now, number of roads in florida authorities preparing every way yesterday. also, the central florida they can, the red cross coming into your house. expressway authority has suspended tolls on a number of spokesman is here now, how roads in and around central you cannot survive that. though. for joining us. where are you? you think there's any chance florida. the following five ports have you're going to have to get out, leave now. been closed, miami, everglades, >> i am in melbourne florida right now, an hour and a half palm beach, and canaveral. >> teacher: let's turn in your science papers. >> tech vo: this teacher always puts her students first. jacksonville and fernandina are south of orlando. >> student: i did mine on volcanoes. in condition yankee, obviously >> teacher: you did?! oh, i can't wait to read it. as the storm moves north, their >> blake: are you there because that is where the >> tech vo: so when she had auto glass damage... status could change. organization is targeting or she chose safelite. as the storm moves north, we where you moving the most amount of supplies at this point? with safelite, she could see exactly when we'd be there. anticipate some of the seven ports reopening. >> teacher: you must be pascal. we are still monitoring traffic >> the great thing is we are >> tech: yes ma'am. >> tech vo: saving her time... [honk, honk] >> kids: bye! and have not seen anything out driven by volunteers of right >> tech vo: she can save the science project. of the ordinary in terms of now we have the red cross >> kids: whoa! shelters or community shelters >> kids vo: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ evacuations traffic, pretty much set up throughout florida and what we expected. actually last night alone, had so this has been frustrating for more than 2,000, 2500 people a lot of people because this seems like we've been talking spending nights in those about this for a long time, but shelters. we are in a situation where the we are across the state of florida and georgia, we are storm is stalling very close to prepared and we are ready to our coast, it is going to make a help as the storm unfolds. movement in the movement it makes it's going to have a lot if you know as well as anyone it's been a slow moving storm, a of impacts on floridians so little bit unpredictable but we please listen to the will adapt and be prepared to instructions, heed the instructions, do what you need support those. to do to keep you and your family safe. >> blake: slow-moving over the bahamas, 185-mile-an-hour winds >> at this point, are you confident that all of these maximum sustained that are nursing homes that you didn't moving and still are at 1 mile know whether they had updated per hour. it is stalling as a national that those facilities are now hurricane center said it is basically a category five, safe, gotten the patient's out? category for just sitting over the bahamas. any plans for the american red cross to head there once it moves through? >> as i said yesterday in the i had a few good tricks to help hide my bladder leak pad. coastal counties, the facilities >> right now, some volunteers like the old "tunic tug". either have confirmed generator but always discreet is less bulky. and team members along with emergency relief supplies, and and it really protects. availability and they plan to 'cause it turns liquid to gel. members of the local government so i have nothing to hide. evacuate. now since that has happened, not putting shelters in place. offenses moves moves through the always discreet. american red cross, going to the every one of them has continued to give us updates so if you have a generator and something bahamas and also to the after we reach age 40, there's a big drop in our energy level was wrong with a generator, you carolinas as well as george as to wherever health is needed, we need to tell us that. and now you can get it back. will be there. we have an amazing base of volunteers who are ready. jumpstart your heart-healthy energy with the circulation superfood of superbeets by humann. they all indicated a generator >> blake: when you see what's had a plan to evacuate. happening in the bahamas, i'm they're constantly being sure you've seen the video's one teaspoon of superbeets every day right side of the screen right supports healthy circulation and promotes improved energy. now whether you pull on twitter, monitored by other state instagram, they are there and officials. what the bahamas is going - as we age, as we get older, we all need help, through. what do you think is going to be a number of hospitals obviously and so superbeets provides that in one small scoop. needed there whether it's for your organization or another one on the east coast of florida. obviously concerned about all of when this is all said and done? - [narrator] the power of nutrient-rich beets them because it's a sensitive >> when it's all said and done, found in superbeets helps unlock the key thing, but some of the bigger to better cardiovascular health, corporate hospitals probably every storm is very different have more resources to handle and very unpredictable. supports healthy blood pressure levels this. our first and foremost as we and helps give you more heart-healthy energy. they are focusing on getting want to worry about -- not thinking about the people that - there is no doubt in my mind updates from offering assistance to the independent hospitals are in the bahamas being that superbeets has changed my life. which might not have as many affected right now but as that storm moves forward, we want to - [narrator] fuel your body and rediscover resources. make sure they know they're not heart-healthy energy with superbeets by humann. they've been very proactive on going to begin this alone and that and appreciate what he's not only will they have a number for a free 30-day supply of superbeets doing. >> are you hearing completely of agencies but support from with your first order, call the number on your screen. evacuating into the interior bahamas red cross and those that that's move forward. the number on your screen counties? let's hope this store moves >> sandra: it's a mix, they now. know more than, do you want to faster than not. speak on that? there are some storms there that leave an impression. >> each hospital doing different a look at katrina and sandy and things depending upon where very impactful and right now shaping up to be one and this is they're located, the type of building and what sort of level search they might be expecting, why we are super excited to be home and talk to the people so some are obviously moving out across the state of florida and the carolinas and have everybody their most critical patients, a lot of times they have sister be safe. >> blake: have to leave it facilities or they have mou in there, best of luck, thank you very much. place for other facilities. >> sandra: a new threat from iran, what it is threatening to >> how has the storm impacted tourism numbers over the do now if there are no new terms labor day weekend? for a deal by friday. >> it's too soon to know exact and how the u.s. on the rest of the world should respond. numbers but obviously, we started to see possibilities of this earlier in the week last week. i remember initially it's >> sandra: back to our top story this morning, hurricane probably going to run over that dorian moving to the east coast of florida, right now the he mountains and break up and it didn't happen, so i think you category five hurricane is are honestly going to see some pounding the bahamas with heavy effect of that. winds and rain. but at the same time, i think reportedly leading to the the fact that it's taken drowning death of a 7-year-old eastward track, people that had boy. janice is in the fox weather planned on being some place in northwest florida or whatever center with the latest on the b, probably weren't affected at all so we will figure all that out but at the end of the day, i this is still hovering over the want as robust tourism as bahamas. possible but the most important priority is that floridians are >> worst-case scenario for the northwestern bahamas and the safe and that we are doing what storm hasn't moved much, moving we need to do to be able to west at one mile-per-hour. assist after the fact and this it has stayed stationary for at is a storm that his record in with tough food, your dentures may slip and fall. least the last nine hours fixodent ultra-max hold gives you the strongest hold ever terms of the 185-mile-per-hour impact of the bahamas and it's to lock your dentures. battling the grand bahama island here with the worst of the storm so now you can eat tough food without worry. very, very close to our shores. surge, the worst of the heavy i appreciate the track to keep rain, worst of the category five it off the shore but we are fixodent and forget it. going to have some impact one winds and it looks like the way or another and that is storm is weakening a little bit. we are anticipating the storm to week into a category for but as really the main concern. it weakens, the winds expand the we will be able to the people mess we are going to see a want to come to florida, all the time to do all that stuff and a bigger storm system on the lot of great things coming out of the economy but safety really satellite presentation and possibly affecting even more land along the east coast of is number one. 90 miles from west palm beach to so we are obviously going to be the center of the storm, monitoring this the rest of the day, a lot of resources ready to tropical storm force winds that go, the feds have been great, a extend 140 miles away from the center and hurricane force winds lot of resources ready to go and 40 miles away from the center of hopefully by tonight, having a the storm. it is going to remain stationary for the next 12 hours and then sense of the movement and the we are going to see that weather where experts have said northward move but it is still which path they are wrong, going going to be moving so this is to allow us to be more concisely tuesday morning, this is wednesday still category four, very close to the shoreline, concrete, identify the places bringing all of that storm surge along the florida coast that are most at risk so stay tuned for and the rain and the wind and then as we get into thursday and that. friday, this is the closest we get to a landfall with this >> sandra: that was florida governor ron desantis providing an update on what he track and i do believe there is a pretty good chance that we was describing as life-threatening conditions could see that impacts for parts including storm surge hurricane force winds that are expected of the north and south carolina area. so you need to pay close along the florida east coast at attention to your local forecasts in your local this point, portions of the officials and we finally see east coast of florida. this thing accelerate. the storm has stalled close to but the problem is, the slow the coast hovering over the movement from the fact that bahamas right now, talking about we're dealing with a very that turn that the hurricane dangerous deadly storm system. will make and could make in the here's the latest in the next 24 hours and that will be tropical models, we go through crucial in determining the past. the next 12 to 24 hours and then things get a little bit too >> blake: the storm is moving at 1 mile per our. close for comfort here. so central florida, north florida do not keep your eye on it is stalled, so in a way, it the ball here. gives emergency planners in the coast is not clear by any florida this kind of a platform to say listen to us, take means. precautions, do what you need to we could be dealing with a do and as you just heard from landfall in category three major hurricane as we get into friday. the governor, all of the reliable forecast model, again governmental things i need to happen in the state of florida. if you've been ordered to pretty good agreements but evacuate, do so immediately. coming so close that when you we will have more on the have winds that are 140 miles from the center of the storm, a development of hurricane dorian when we return. job to the west is going to mean u to sell your c. the difference between a tropical storm force winds and hurricane force wind so that is whether it's a year old or a few years old, he really cautious two days out, a we want to buy your car. discrepancy in terms of ever of so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car's value 70 miles, that is not great. that's why we have all of the and gives you a real offer in seconds. watches and warnings that are posted. when you're ready, we'll come to you, hurricane warnings are up for parts of central florida meaning pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that's it. >> blake: new reaction this morning to iran's warning that we are going to see hurricane so ditch the old way of selling your car, it will take a strong step away conditions within the next 12 to and say hello to the new way-- 36 hours. from the 2015 iran nuclear deal at carvana. even if the storm is offshore, if you are up doesn't come up with new terms before the and now for their service to the community, even if the core of the strongest winds are offshore, we we present limu emu & doug deadline tehran has set for the could see the potential for to with this key to the city. end of this week. seven-point storm surge. joining us now is the retired [ applause ] a wobble to the west could mean lieutenant colonel, senior fellow and military expert at more problems, more storm surge, it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance defense priorities. more heavy rain, more damaging a hello to you, happy labor day. winds. so you only pay for what you need. additional rainfall is the gss and now we need to get back to work. model and even if it stays what do you make of what iran is offshore, we are still dealing [ applause and band playing ] with over a foot of rain here. saying now? >> the two most important and then as we go further up, objectives for the united states only pay for what you need. with middle east policy is to going to be very concerned about ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ minimize any anti-american terrorism and to minimize the the vulnerable beach areas of chance of any war and so far, i north carolina and south carolina. bottom line is, still so much think president trump is getting some bad advice from his uncertainty because the storm is advisors because his so maximum moving very slowly and we are pressure campaign is moving us not quite sure of the steering on the opposite direction. current for five days out from >> blake: you can make the us at the bottom line is the argument that it's working because the sanctions have been coast is not clear for florida so hard-hitting against iran or georgia or the carolinas and that it's gotten to this point we will certainly do our best to give you the best information where they are kind of asking that we have and local officials europe let's do something for we are breaking. have to tell you guys if there's going to be evacuation plans. >> i would say the opposite of >> sandra: we will hear from true because it's pushing them florida governor ron desantis at the top of this next hour into provocative actions outwardly and moving them with an update. towards a nuclear breakout which janice dean, thank you. hi. is what we want to avoid. they have opened up diplomatic >> blake: as janice outlined maria ramirez! opportunity with iran to be able there, florida not the only to talk about some of these state with evacuation orders, things and i think georgia and south carolina also president trump has a very good mom! telling people they are to maria! opening to make good on his evacuate if they are in the storm's projected path. promise to renegotiate a new deal but to talk about that, you maria ramirez... north carolina has declared a state of emergency as well. mcdonald's is committing 150 million dollars first have to lift sanctions to in tuition assistance, even allow i ran back into the education, and career advising programs... >> hurricane dorian is fierce, negotiating table, not the least prof: maria ramirez of which is the foreign minister forecasts show that mom and dad: maria ramirez!!! right now so we have to lift north carolina will likely see to help more employees achieve their dreams. that before we could even get heavy rain, winds, and flooding. into negotiations. i urge everyone to take it >> blake: it seems like they've been shut out. seriously. the time to prepare is now. they make of our maximum pressure is pushing them in the direction we want to avoid that >> blake: joining us now is we need to have new tactics and chris murray, the director of right now, that's what we are the emergency management that is accomplishing. >> blake: what new tactics? in north carolina on the eastern >> our pressure is pushing them shore is there, you just heard janice dean say that she is in the direction of expanding the nuclear program. we want to curtail that and move worried about the vulnerable beach areas and i take it that that back so we have to do would include you. something different because right now it's only causing them >> yes, sir, it would. to do more for provocative we are actually across the panel things and that is not in our interest. >> blake: do you think the chance of war is raised at this from the area affected this for point? >> we have seen these tinkerers most of the hurricane coming up get hit in the golf, had these the coast. >> blake: 14,000 residents in the county as you are tasked drones shot down, anyone of with emergency management they are, what is your biggest these good spark an unintentional series of events concern this morning? which could lead to war and none >> right now, that's still fresh of these need to happen because we could tamp this down and that's what our allies want and on our mind, still recovering that's what we want. from that and still a lot of folks trying to pull their life >> blake: will quickly, do you in their living back together. so our goal is to make sure think they will speak? >> he said he has that but i'm these folks are out of harm's certainly hoping he takes that because as necessary to get to a way and inform exactly what's happening with this system. resolution. >> blake: have to leave it there, thank you for coming in structures and just getting back to normal life, we are almost a >> sandra: the category five storm pummeling the bahamas at on this monday labor day, appreciate it. this hour. year to the day giving us a florida governor bryant santa's book moments ago urging people >> sandra: more on that deadly direct hit and pretty to be prepared. boat fire off the coast of devastating and all of these california, more than 30 people were north carolina. heed any evacuation order. missing and the coast guard is >> we are talking potentially live at the scene. going to have an update on that about a category three in a few senior meteorologist life in our fox news center, you have the next. days here, writing up the coast ♪ limu emu and doug. there, south carolina and latest on its path and the north carolina, even into potential turn. they could make soon. virginia. he would tell your residents what this morning? still moving at 1 mile per our. we did forecast to slow down. >> be prepared, make sure your plans are in place. i will tell you they can come down a little bit, hurricane hunters flying in and out of -- check on your friends and neighbors and we've got plenty of warning and we are pushing the information out and when the time comes, just listen to your with they have lowered the winds, at 160 miles per hour so local and state officials on category five. what to do. >> blake: we saw in florida a about 84 miles from west palm beach when we talk handful of days ago that there about the center of the storm of were lines for gas. once it became a reality this the eye. could be a major hurricane bearing down on florida, the the highest you can go, lines stretched on the need for gas obviously became front and 157 miles per hour plus sustained winds at 160. center, what is it like where you are with folks trying to get an elite group of -- strongest desperately needed emergency supplies? >> we saw a rash yesterday when by winds, 180 miles per hour. the weather reports in the hurricane centers started showing those models and getting things they need and we will continue to see that. what do all these people have in common, limu? the same areas for 12 hours, i don't quite know how people can hopefully everybody has their preparations and plans, heed [ guttural grunt ] survive something like that with exactly. nothing! a storm surge of over 30 feet. what you're officials say. they're completely different people. we could see the potential for >> blake: have you made a call that's why they make customized on evacuations yet, mandatory or 30 inches of rainfall and car insurance from liberty mutual. they'll only pay for what they need. otherwise and if not, what would you make that decision? hopefully it's going to start to >> we have not and we are move north later on today and yes, and they could save a ton. looking at a 24-hour window that then we can start to see a cone you've done it again, limu. [ limu grunts ] we will be meeting about today, of uncertainty and how well the only pay for what you need. a lot of other things to take ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ into effect. forecast happens in the next our surrounding neighbors also, five days. so we have a very well-planned here's what we know right now, process for doing that to not we do expect it to begin a little bit, keep your eye on the cause problems in other ball here. jurisdictions. >> blake: if there was an it's not clear across florida evacuation order because it's and i don't want you to pay supposed to go for many days attention to the center here, some of the directions would be get to a shelter or go west, the whole cone, that's why the call of cone of uncertainty. right? >> absolutely, yes, sir. tropical storm force winds 140 miles away from the center. >> blake: best of luck to you, sir. on the outer banks, we will be so a dog to the left by 30 or 4n keeping an eye on that, good a tropical storm force wind and luck. >> sandra: back to another top hurricane force wind so that's story this morning, reports of a why you have to see if it makes that northern turn and then we potentially devastating accident in southern california, about will see what happens over the catching fire near santa cruz island with more than 30 people next couple of days, the slow movement of the storm is what is on board. we are still learning the concerning because we're still dealing with a major hurricane on wednesday morning, still details of this. christina coleman live in our dealing with a major hurricane los angeles borough with what we are learning now. on thursday morning, and that's >> the sun is just now coming up when you come very close to land. here over the pacific which will that's where we have the highest probability of a potential absolutely help in this rescue operation. landfall as it gets closer to we can report that rescue boats from the coast guard and local south carolina. not to mention the storm surge. agencies are responding to what if you are vulnerable and prone appears to be a very urgent situation. to storm surge, you need to know whether or not you're going to it we just spoke to the commander of the u.s. evacuate because we can coast guard who tells us that certainly see upwards of seven to 12-foot storm surge on the there are 34 people unaccounted for right now in the florida coastline. we can see how close it hugs the pacific ocean some 70 miles norh of los angeles. coastline has picketed georgia and the carolinas. the commander said a commercial they are the tropical models we look at in terms of that cone of diving ship was operating in the waters near santa cruz island. uncertainty, good agreement over one of several islands called the next ten to 12 hours it has the channel islands off of the not budged from the big island ventura county coastline. here in the bahamas and still the 75 or 80-foot ship caught fire. going to do with seven hours of four people were off-loaded, no the relentless storm surge and the winds and heavy rain for conditions on them. >> we are awaiting a news the fifth, the captain has remained on location to help friends of the northwestern conference after a massive bahamas and then on wednesday with rescue efforts. so they were 39 people in total rescue operation is underway again, these are all the center involving a deadly boat fire on the ship. we have early reports that the of circulation for many of the off the coast of california. ships fires have already been reliable forecast models and officials saying there are some still very close for comfort put out of the ship which has been stuck in rocks was towed fatalities and more than 30 here. as we get through the next others are still missing. from the immediate scene but couple of days and eventually, the coast guard now has with daylight now approaching, helicopters and boats at the should be able to get some scene as part of a search and clarity very soon we will very close to north carolina and continue to monitor this and south carolina, and we know what rescue operation. christina coleman is live in keep you updated on the very los angeles with more on this. happened with matthew. had a devastating blow from latest. >> sandra: there's been a five christina. matthew and that was along the rescue so far and 34 unaccounted >> sandra, that word about some for, 39 total on the vessel? same cone that we are seeing dead coming from a fire unfold over the next couple of >> that's right. official as reported by other days. media outlets. the euro model are reliable that official could not say how forecast models that we look to many have died. >> sandra: i know the details and again, still very close to we do know that a group of crew are just coming in, we will continue to update our viewers members have been rescued after as we get more information. this boat went up in flames christina coleman, thank you. the shoreline. as we go to the next couple of early this morning. about five hours ago. days, listen to your local >> blake: pro-democracy weather forecasters in your 39 people were on the ship. protesters taking to the streets local officials, they're going of hong kong this week and yet to be the ones to tell you what that leaves many unaccounted again barricading roads, to do, but ultimately you have to be in charge of your own for. the coast guard, harbor patrol blocking traffic and stranding safety and your family safety. hundreds of tourists. some dramatic scenes there, you are saying just part of the officers helicopters, and boats so obviously, hurricane warnings aiding in the effort. images. a live report coming up. here where we think those hurricane conditions are going texas once again in morning as to continue for the next 24 to crews responded at 3:30 this 36 hours and as we go throughou morning. it could make the search gun violence strikes midland and odessa, now the gun debate over difficult in the dark and on throughout, we have to really gun control once again is focus on getting that cone a heating up. the water. little bit more narrow. the 75-foot commercial diving boat conception was based in for now, the northwestern bahamas have never seen damage otezla is not a cream. like this in their lifetime. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. the santa barbara harbor. it was adrift after the fire with otezla, >> sandra: horrible, and moving so slowly. 75% clearer skin is achievable. you heard from the governor there in florida the concern don't use if you're allergic to otezla. right now the hospitals, nursing but sunk close to santa cruz it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. island, the channel islands off homes, the loss of power evacuating a lot of those the ventura county coastline in otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. facilities, so we're only at the the pacific ocean 70 miles north of los angeles. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression beginning stages as far as worth a coast guard officer says four or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. going to hit the u.s. at the southeast coast there but people were offloaded. no conditions on them. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. bahamas having an unbelievable we saw video of a rescued man your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. time. janice dean, thank you, we will brought ashore alert and upper respiratory tract infection see you again soon. talking to first responders. and headache may occur. it is not clear if the man is tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. >> i anticipate we are going to part of the group of four and otezla. we're told the captain remains show more of you. see some very stark revelations on location to help are rescue of manipulation of the whole efforts. a man who used to work on the system for political purposes and i think you're going to see some indictments. i hope you do because this is ship said it was professionally run and never felt trying to take down a sitting uncomfortable and no trouble. again, a press conference scheduled on this soon. >> search and rescue operation president is absolutely outrageous, essentially a coup attempt and that's what we saw is underway. christina, thank you. we'll keep watching that as happening here. >> blake: strong words from the congressman from arizona well as the hurricane, the path of hurricane dorian making its way up the east coast now. morning that the worst may you have to become more james comey. still hovering over the bahamas. this is the former fbi director what a storm this is. thank you for joining us in "america's newsroom." should not feel vindicated just thanks for watching on this because the department declined labor day. to prosecute him over the >> a busy news day. inspector general's report about we'll continue to watch his conduct. joining me now is a former hurricane dorian. senior investigative counsel in the house oversight committee from a former new york assistant >> we begin with a fox news attorney general as well. so jim comey, he was rebuked by alert. multiple deaths reported and dozens missing on the california coast. the inspector general at the department of justice, was not reprimanded. crews frantically searching for why should we believe when the survivors. welcome to america's news headquarters. >> there are three or four fisa inspector general report comes down that they are going to be some serious consequences major stories we're watching today. we'll get to a live report on m...before she puts them in the dishwasher. because some are saying just the deadly boat fire in a so what does the dishwasher do? that about the comey ig report minute. first the latest on hurricane nothing happened there? cascade platinum does the work for you, dorian. the monster storm downgraded an prewashing and removing stuck-on foods, hour ago to a still very >> all-american should be the first time. wow, that's clean! powerful category 4 hurricane cascade platinum. trouble, republican or democrat, sitting over the bahamas and unleashing what is described as what james comey did was abuse red lobster's endless shrimp is back for just $15.99. his power as the director of the fbi and this was the historic devastation on the get all the shrimp you want, any way you want 'em. island. inspector general for the it is now quite literally like new sriracha-honey shrimp, savory grilled teriyaki shrimp, department of justice actually crawling toward the united states. there are reports of at least classic shrimp scampi and more! an obama appointee, one person killed. red lobster's endless shrimp is $15.99. a young boy swept away in well-respected floodwaters in the bahamas. hurry in. inspector general, and he in the united states determined that james comey's behavior was dangerous, evacua dangerous example for other fbi agents to whether or not he's going to be prosecuted as a a separate issue from his judgment when it does raise legitimate questions. correct, no prosecution with respect to him leaking those documents for that is separate from what his judgment is and if someone's willing to do what he said and returns to the law professor, than it does raise legitimate questions with respect to the fisa warrants. >> blake: i want you to give part of his defense, he said doj found no evidence that comey or his attorneys release any of the classified information contained in any of the memos to members of the media. if i don't need a public apology from those who defame me but a quick message with sorry we lied about you would be nice. one macbook that holiday travel yet? coming up on the end of a year the inspector general's report at this labor day monday might be a bit harder to book flights says the following. comey set a dangerous example over concerns at the boeing 737 for the over 35,000 fbi employees on the many thousands max eight planes coming out extending cancellations of more former fbi employees who flights on those planes through similarly have access to or december 3rd. this coming days after united knowledge of nonpublic announced cancellation through information. december 18th. so comey says he did nothing the 737 max 8 has been grounded wrong, didn't leak to the media. since march following two deadly crashes in less than six months. but the issue is that he gave it we met we are averaging 300 mass to a friend who leaked to the media. they met the more important clip shootings a year, no other country comes close. you just played is the one from so yes, this is [bleep] up and the inspector general because if we don't call it out for what again, he is widely respected. it is, if we are not able to he is a disinterested party trying to get to the facts and speak clearly, if we are not able to act decisively, we will what he found this troubling. continue to have this kind of bloodshed in america and i cannot accept that. >> sandra: democratic presidential candidate using some blunt language to call out it should not be about what someone wants or not wants in lawmakers over america's gun terms of who's going to get laws in the wake of saturday's elected. shooting spree in west texas that left seven people dead. if this is democratic leaders urged senate majority leader following rules when they think it's okay, that's not how it mitch mcconnell to take up gun control legislation. alex vogel is the former works in law enforcement and federal law enforcement in general counsel for the america. republican senatorial committee >> blake: we await the fisa ig and former deputy counsel to the republican national committee. report potentially here a few weeks away, maybe sometime worked in the obama later, separate issue but state department and was a something a lot are looking senior aid. good morning to both of you and toward and that eventually comes thank you for being here. down. got to leave it there, happy labor day. i'll start with you first, what >> sandra: fox news alert now, sort of appetite is there within the republican party for some i ran morning of the european countries still in nuclear agreement, come up with new sort of change to our terms for the deal within days. gun-control laws? >> both president trump and if not, i ran issuing a new leader mcconnell have made threat. we will have more on that next. clear this is a conversation that's going to come up in the senate as soon as they come bac are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. back. the question as to appetite think is not one eye whether or in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults not they are willing to have lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c that conversation. to me, in order for that to be a of less than 7 and maintained it. oh! under 7? productive conversation, the (announcer) and you may lose weight. question is whether that will be a political conversation or in the same one-year study, whether that will be a policy adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. oh! up to 12 pounds? conversation. you can limit this debate, that (announcer) a two-year study showed that ozempic® does not can be productive. >> sandra: how do you do that? increase the risk of major cardiovascular events how do you have a productive like heart attack, stroke, or death. debate? where you willing to come to the oh! no increased risk? table with republicans and what (announcer) ozempic® should not be the first medicine is it your party is asking for? for treating diabetes, or for people >> first, we have to have a with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. debate and leader mcconnell blew it when he didn't bring the senate back in a month ago after do not share needles or pens. don't reuse needles. the shootings in el paso and do not take ozempic® if you have a personal dayton, so now here we are or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, again. this repetitive cycle in this country, we have seen mass multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, shootings in gun violence not or if you are allergic to ozempic®. stop taking ozempic® and get medical help right away stop under mitch mcconnell's leadership, nor under if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, president trump. democrats have passed bills in severe stomach pain, itching, rash, or trouble breathing. the house, republicans have supported them, there is serious side effects may happen, bipartisan legislation in the including pancreatitis. senate, mitch mcconnell has to tell your doctor if you have diabetic retinopathy actually take them up and get a or vision changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin debate going so we can have floor action in the senate but may increase the risk for low blood sugar. he's not willing to do it and so we are stuck in this nightmare common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, scenario. >> sandra: september 9th stomach pain, and constipation. some side effects can lead to dehydration, critically approaching seeing lawmakers return back back to s point, we heard from which may worsen kidney problems. senator mitch mcconnell and he did promise a senate debate. i discovered the potential with ozempic®. and everybody went home to their ♪ oh! oh! oh! ozempic®! ♪ home district and this debate seemed to fade away. (announcer) if eligible, you may pay as that we have seven people dead little as $25 per prescription. after another shooting. ask your health care provider today so when lawmakers return, what about once-weekly ozempic®. sort of action do you see taking place >> sandra: he was the latest from president trump. we heard him talk about there was an appetite for background checks, he said common sense, sensible important background checks for gun buyers and that did seem to please some democrats who were soft and willing to come to the table on this issue that we heard the president say this. >> if you look at the last four or five going back even five or six or seven years for the most part, they would not have stopped any of them. it's a big problem, it's a mental problem, a big problem. >> sandra: so we are left wondering where he stands on background checks because it seems to be a couple of different stories happening there. >> the president has made clear that the conversation he wants to have, also made the point which i think is accurate that this is a multifaceted problem and no one of these is going to be solved by any one solution. that being said, leader mcconnell has said he's prepared to have that conversation in that debate. whether it ultimately leads to legislation that changes policy is an open question. i would argue the less political this can be, the more focused around a narrow set of policy ideas and conversations, the more likely that will be to produce an outcome. if this is a bunch of yelling about who is responsible for what a madman does in texas or elsewhere, it's not going to get anywhere and that would be unfortunate. >> sandra: this is from august on gun reform proposals, when we do talk about the appetite, here is how those responded when that news alert as we keep our eye on developing a story in background checks 93% of them support that, gun purchase price california, a desperate rescue of 82%, red flag laws which off the coast of referred republicans talk about, southern california after a diving boat catches fire. assault weapons ban 60% of how officials say 34 people are optimistic are you when unaccounted for when there were lawmakers return that something reports that a vetting area that can and will get done? several may be dead. if the u.s. coast guard says 39 >> you are porting out some people were on board that really great numbers there, it scuba diving boat earlier this is not radical to have gun morning, five crewmembers legislation move in a congress. the problem is mitch mcconnell sleeping were rescued. doesn't want to debate, he is not leaving any room for discussion in the senate and a 75-foot vessel now sunk near forcing all of us to argue with each other when we see the north strong santa cruz overwhelming american support island. if you can see the flames coming for gun control legislation, gun from it. violence prevention, background checks, he needs to move. the helicopters, no word on what >> sandra: i'll let alex have caused that fire but we will the last word there. >> leader mcconnell said keep you updated throughout the morning on this news. they're going to have this debate, we should take them at his word and see how that debate >> sandra: the usa it is the goes on as long as it's an actual debate about those issues and not beta will work talking threshold with taliban for a withdrawal from afghanistan and about taking everyone's got away, then that will be productive. america's longest war. right now, sharing deep details >> sandra: this is happening across the country, we will see where it goes when lawmakers return, thank you to both of you for coming on the program this of the conversations there on mo it. the next steps towards a settlement for the 18 year long >> blake: it is marketed as a conflict. joining us now is director of safer alternative to smoking but the heritage foundation now a mysterious illness linked margaret thatcher center for freedom. to vaping is putting the if you have good morning to you industry on edge and leaving and thank you for being here. some with many questions like is if at the threshold of a deal this the beginning of a new health epidemic? with the taliban, when you take >> sandra: plus, new round of away from this development? tariffs on china now in effect so what is next in the trade war >> it is highly risky actually. with china and how could impact the idea of withdrawing forces your wallet? we will have that for you just ahead. from afghanistan and its allies, wow! that's ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. it's a sit-up, banana! in terms of dealing with the bend at the waist! i'm tryin'! keep it up. you'll get there. taliban, dealing with an whoa-hoa-hoa! extremely dangerous organization. he provided safe haven from the 30 grams of protein, al qaeda tax. and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein. what might seem like a small cough can be a big bad problem for your grandchildren. i think any kind of deal with babies too young to be vaccinated against whooping cough are the most at risk for severe illness. help prevent this! the taliban is extremely risky talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about getting vaccinated against whooping cough. for the u.s. in the future of talk to your doctor or pharmacist today afghanistan. it is vitally important, we have with tough food, your dentures may slip and fall. fixodent ultra-max hold gives you the strongest hold ever continually operations along as to lock your dentures. tariff tariff organizations so now you can eat tough food without worry. including al qaeda and isis, it is vital that we do not allow fixodent and forget it. afghanistan to become another iraq, providing a further safe haven for islamist terror organization so i do think we have to be extremely careful for any kind of deal with the taliban and it's important to note at this stage in this agreement that is being worked out with the taliban at the moment does not involve the afghan government itself. in the taliban will have to have direct talks with the afghan government later this year in norway and it remains to be seen what comes out of those negotiations. they are not directly involved in these talks. >> sandra: the u.s. special rep for afghanistan says having consultations, they're going to continue ahead of that. he said this via twitter. we are at the threshold of the agreement that will open the door for afghans as it together and negotiate an honorable and sustainable peace and unified sovereign afghanistan that does not threaten the u.s., its allies, or any other country. broadly speaking, what does this mean or tell you as far as a war on terror? >> the war on terror continues for and it has to continue in afghanistan itself. i since it is extremely active inside afghanistan, and we see continuing high levels of violence in the country. it is imperative that you maintain a u.s. military presence inside afghanistan and it's just part of the broader global war against islamic terrorism that continues despite the fact that isis has lost almost all of its foot in the middle east. isis continues to be a major threat to the united states and its allies stretching from iraq to northwest and east africa and the straits of western european studies as well. as the global conflict that's going to continue. >> sandra: when we will be watching closely, thank you. >> blake: the cdc is now investigating a rise in mysterious lung disease related cases linked to vaping. at least 215 cases now nationwide and at least one death reported, so many are asking are we looking at a new epidemic? a way to create energy from household trash. it not only saves about 80% in carbon emissions... >> we are talking to china, the meeting is still on. it helps reduce landfill waste. that hasn't changed, we will see that's why bp is partnering with a california company: fulcrum bioenergy. to turn garbage into jet fuel. because we can't let any good ideas go to waste. what happens. but we can't allow china to rip us off anymore as a country. we can't allow china to take at bp, we see possibilities everywhere. $500 billion a year out of our to help the world keep advancing. country. >> blake: new round of tariffs now in effect as president trump ramps up the trade war with china slapping a 15% tax on roughly $112 billion worth of chinese imports. kevin corke life at the white house with the very lates latest. >> always good to be with you, a lot of people saying this will impact consumers but there's a few ways you can look at that. if you could say if you buy goods made in china and import those goods, you're probably going to end up paying more but the other view from the white house is simply this, if you don't want to pay the additional tariffs, buy your goods elsewhere but we are talking about more tariffs. this time the u.s. upping the ante on tools, apparel, footwear, and electronics all made in china and that's not all. keep in mind, additional tariffs of 15% on another $156 billion in smartphones, laptops, toys, et cetera set to hit the chinese. that is of course after the holiday goods purchasing season for american importers. all that said, the president is convinced despite the back and forth the chinese will keep talking because they want to make a deal. we met claire paying for all of the tariffs. in addition to that as you know, pouring money into their economy. so those two things, they are paying for their tariffs. as you know, new tariffs taking in tens of billions of dollars. >> a lot of critics of the presidents planning including the chamber of commerce and the leaders in labor said the fights good, but they are patting the tactics, listen. >> it's a good thing taking on china. unfortunately, he is it the wrong way. it has to be a multilateral approach. trying to dry up its overcapacity, so if you're going to take on china, has to be multilateral. >> two sides meeting later in washington. >> blake: we will see when that happens in d.c. later this month, kevin corke at the hurris >> blake: the cdc investigating the rise of a mysterious illness that officials believe is linked to vaping. if there is at least reports of 215 cases nationwide including at least one death which has many wondering whether this is becoming a new epidemic. let's bring in the medical director at citi md here in new york, happy labor day to yo you. important issue here, what is going on with all of these cases believed to be due to vaping? >> they are inhaling these chemicals, these toxins, thc which bootleg marijuana is contaminated off the streets and mixing it into their juice and inhaling it and that's causing inflammation in their lungs so the surgeon general, department of hhs says vaping, no smoking, it's putting kids in the icu on ventilators and in respiratory distress so is not a matter of don't smoke marijuana, these young kids shouldn't be vaping or smoking anything let's be fair, this has been used for smoking for adults, able to successfully quit smoking. >> blake: here is what the cdc says, they say a cigarette aerosol generally contains fewer toxic chemicals in the deadly mix of 7,000 chemicals from regular cigarettes, however e-cigarettes aerosol is not harmless. they say it is not harmless. and we know how harmful it is? >> we are seeing what's called acute respiratory distress. people are on his belt to leaders in the icu and we had two people die from inhalation of these chemicals, so we know that short-term, it can be deadly. we don't know the long-term effects that we have to take precaution again, it can help with smoking cessation but they need to stay away from the vaping on the smoking especially potentially contaminated black-market products. >> blake: an epidemic on the rise? >> it is declared an epidemic now, millions of teenagers who are vaping and the key is education for prevention. it we have the twins in georgia, john paul national, young youth advocates to help teach their fellow classmates that vaping is harmful to your lungs and just say no, don't do it. >> blake: nice to have you win, good to see you and happy labor day. >> sandra: we are tracking hurricane dorian as the storm threatens the florida coast, the national weather service expected to give us a new update top of the hour has officials in florida urged residents to get out while they can. >> if you decide you're going to sit through this, no one can come and save you. they can save you when 7 feet of water come in. if they cannot save you. - [narrator] do you have less energy than you used to? after we reach age 40, there's a big drop in our energy level and now you can get it back. jumpstart your heart-healthy energy with the circulation superfood of superbeets by humann. one teaspoon of superbeets every day supports healthy circulation and promotes improved energy. - as we age, as we get older, we all need help, and so 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the category has been downgraded to a category four hurricane, bow to get an update from the national weather center, let's listen in. >> will come back to the national hurricane center, right here in the operations area, as is 11:00 as we have brand-new information to give you. looking at the stats, the winds are 150 miles an hour so still the powerful hurricane and still stationary moving west at 1 mile an hour, and the current location about 110 miles east of west palm beach, florida, you can see the very pronounced eye over the same area for a prolonged period of time right there if i draw a circle around it. it is not really moving at all. it wobbles around a little bit but not moving so that means continued rainfall, 30 inches of rain throughout the bahamas and listen to this, the search could be 18 to 23 feet and just battering winds, rain, and the storm surge, devastating situation throughout the bahamas but in the florida, you can start seeing these start to impact portions of florida and have a tropical rains you can also see 40 or 50-mile-an-hour wind gusts, see have to watch that to be real dangerous and look at how far away, it's a running theme talking about these impacts well away from the center and you can see them pretty far away so you have to watch that as it moves to the north. not much changed in that forecast of a couple of things to look at here. if the extent as a hurricane warning along the coast of florida. that means conditions could get hurricane force here, so let's look at the forecast, first let's start with the size of the wind. if we talk about the size of the winds being 120 to 130 miles away from the center, tropical storm force winds, hurricane force winds stretching out 30 or 40 miles so we can concentrate on this track and notice our official forecast doesn't even have that center line because we want everyone to focus on the actual impacts outside of that cone. so we have it still over portions of florida, so you still could see small changes in focusorecast and you were in exactly where that is because the reality is still going to get impacts in the rain and the wind with time and look at how long we are dealing with this. eddie on wednesday, 8:00 a.m. thursday, 8:00 a.m. friday, so the hurricane the rest of the weekend, so let's look at some of those impacts, one is storm surge, have of the fatalities comes from the storm surge so dangerous situation for to 7 feet possible in some areas, not every area but independent of that track, you can get those high levels and a lot of that can come well before the wind, so be careful of the local officials tell you to leave, make sure you leave in the rainfall, little change in the track, you can get a much more higher level and watch for these small changes. this has been ken graham right here at the national hurricane center. >> sandra: sustained winds over the bahamas, they continue to get pummeled, 110 miles east of west palm beach for the eye of the storm currently is. about florida, said they're not even drawing a line from where the track of the eye of the storm is because there is great concern over the rainfall and edges of the storm affecting the close already and they also expanded a portion of the florida coast that is affected in a hurricane watch has been extended into georgia as well. local officials say listen to all your warnings, heat evacuation orders where and when you have them. >> blake: when we came on air this morning on the east coast, we were told it was 120 miles to the east of west palm, now it is 110 miles to the east of west palm, it is barely moving at this point. they are saying 1 mile per our. that gives local officials from the national hurricane center the ability to go out and say if this is what's happening, this is what we believe is going to happen, listen to all of the warnings but as you heard ken graham say, it is life-threatening right now because the storm has barely moving. rick leventhal live on jacksonville beach and as you just heard there, hurricane morning now where you are. >> and jacksonville beach officially closed today but we still have dozens of people out here mostly taking pictures and checking out the surf which is pretty violent today, much more so than yesterday, you see surfers out there whom the only ones that we can see in the water but just check out the waves smashing up against the post here which is also close today. if not your typical labor day here on the beach in jacksonville and many of the stores and bars and restaurants are shuttered today and will be because there was a mandatory evacuation in place, not just here in duval county but from deerfield beach north to the georgia state line. also some major airports that have been affected by this including palm beach international were 84 flights were canceled today, seizing commercial operations and fort lauderdale international seizing commercial operations today. publix a big grocery chain closed its areas in palm beach. that includes hundreds of utilities trucks, staging with partners from as far as illinois, they are ready to repair the power grid if dorian damages lines hand transformers fan despite the ferocity of the storm over the bahamas, there were folks here who does seem that concerned since forecast will come up the coast, skirt the coast and not make a direct hit so they are preparing but not necessarily leaving. >> we've gone through this for the last two hurricanes back in '16 '17 for men. it doesn't look right now, but just a little wobble down in south florida could be bad appear. >> florida governor ron desantis said they're trying to make sure if you will is available for motorists in the traffic is flowing right now and is encouraging people to listen to the warnings. they make people should heed the call and take steps necessary to protect themselves and their family. i hope it wobbles further north and ends up going on that east side of the cone, but that is not something you can assume and you need to prepare for a major impact. >> again, mandatory evacuations are in effect for the low lying areas. shelters are now open up and down the coast and the bridges will close if the winds stopped 40 miles per hour. >> blake: might take two full days to get where you are there in the northeastern part of florida. rick leventhal live on jacksonville beach, stay safe. to back for more on all of this, let's bring in the coast guard vice admiral in charge of the east coast and gulf coast regions all in dorian's projected path. good morning to you. how big of a threat is this now? >> good morning, thank you very much for having me. it is certainly a big threat, just downgraded to category four storm, that is still a catastrophic storm, our thoughts and prayers are with the folks in the bahamas that have been in catastrophic hurricane conditions since yesterday and he approaches the east coast of florida, certainly still in the cone and up the east coast of the united states, certainly a big threat here. >> sandra: how was the coast guard preparing for what may be coming? >> the coast guard is preparing the storm for well over a week now. we are doing many different things. they've been working with the maritime partners keep ports open as long as possible, keep commerce and commodities flowing into the ports as long as possible. our planes, hardships, we are moving them out of harm's way, keeping them close enough to be able to respond as quickly as possible. also looking at the east coast united states and bahamas positioning some assets there to provide urgent search and rescue as soon as we possibly can. >> sandra: as far as watching the storm's path as the coast guard has been watching this from the very beginning, what assets do you have at your disposal to then react once we start to see the storm surge and the rainwater's come down especially along our florida, georgia, and carolina coast? >> we have a lot of different assets that include the boats that can operate in a flooded environment, that includes helicopters, that includes aircraft that can surveilled things and that includes some assets to come in to our waterways to assess them and assess the damage afterwards and get those sports open as soon as possible and we are working very closely in support of fema and the impact of the states. it's a closely coordinated preparation and it will be a closely correlated response. >> sandra: we just heard from governor desantis in florida at the top of the last hour talking about the coordinated effort going on. here is the governor. >> i just spoke this morning with president trump, fully engaged in this and just reiterating that he is going to provide whatever resources we need to be able to weather dorian, fema is fully engaged. obviously this is a storm that can impact multiple states at this point, but fully engaged here in florida. >> sandra: finally, what is your message to those folks who might be watching the trajectory unsure of whether or not or how it's going to affect them, what is your message to them as far as evacuation orders and those who will choose to hunker down? >> my message is clear. dorian remains an extremely powerful and catastrophic storm. if you haven't finalized your plans, or in the path of the storm or might be, now is a time to finalize your plans. and listen to your state emergency management officials, issued evacuation orders in any other direction they give you and if you need assistance at some point, he was emergency management channel such as 911. >> sandra: from the u.s. coast guard come appreciate your time this morning, thank you. >> blake: fox news alert now, routine traffic stop turns deadly in texas. police say a gunman stopped for failing to use his turn signal then went on a shooting rampage after being pulled over. killing seven and injuring at least 22 others. this morning, now learning more about the moments leading up to that shooting from over the weekend and has been following this one from odessa, texas, . >> "the new york times" is reporting that just hours before the shooting began, the gunman in this case was fired from his trucking job, but the police are quick to point out that right now they officially do not have a motive for this. last night, 1,000 people gathered at the university of texas at the permian basin for a vigil. the focus was on the healing of the communities of midland and odessa. prayers went up for the victims of the tragedy in the first responders who came to the rescue as it drove into odessa continuing to shoot with his ar style rifle after shooting a state trooper in midland. >> the person was stopped because of midland police officer and an odessa police officer stopped him and when he got out, they shot him dead and i think them for their service. >> seven people died of pages ranging from 1557 and one man died in his front yard shot after seeing what all the commotion was about, the youngest a teenage girl outside of a car dealership. among the dead, 29-year-old u.s. postal worker who was driving the mail truck odessa police say the gunman stole as part of his rampage in a process killing he her. injured 17-month-old anderson davis whose parents told a local tv station that she was sitting next to her twin brother and the families suv at a stoplight when she was struck on the face. if she is reportedly now home after undergoing surgery to remove shrapnel from her face and chest. >> blake: thank you. >> sandra: hurricane dorian now a category four hurricane storm, turning in the atlantic still dangerous and expected to hit florida and the carolina coast. we will talk alive to senator lindsey graham in just moments about the preparation going on in his state. >> blake: plus, who is really paying for the trade war? president trump says of china and other u.s. but there is more tariffs. >> we can't allow china to rip us off anymore as a country. we can't allow china to take $500 billion a year out of our $500 billion a year out of our country . daughter ok?" $500 billion a year out of our country that's where i felt relief. we're the rivera family and we plan to be with usaa for life. see how much you can save with usaa insurance. see how much you can save my digestive system used to make me feel sluggish. but those days are over. now i take metamucil every day. it naturally traps and removes the waste that weighs me down. so i feel... lighter. try metamucil and begin to feel what lighter feels like.. introducing new metamucil premium blend, sweetened with stevia and made with all-natural flavors and colors. it's a delicious way to get your daily dose of fiber. try it today.


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