$10,500 for a long-term financial and sewer rate study from Ehlers & Associates.
2% cost-of-living increase for employees based off a poll of surrounding communities.
.6% increase for the Pine River Area Sanitary District (sewer).
2.4% increase for the audit.
$4,500 for liability insurance.
3%-5% increase for most and 10% increase for police in workers compensation insurance.
$4,000 increase for the fire contract.
$5,000 increase for road maintenance.
$130,000 for bond payments, which will increase to $165,000 in 2022.
$7,000 for council and committee member pay increases. Monthly increases are: mayor, $350 to $400; council members, $250 to $300; planning commission members, $35 to $125; and other committee members, $20 to $50.
No one from the public asked questions about the budget or levy. City Administrator Teri Hastings was at city hall while council members participated online via Zoom.