First time that the house has passed xl legislation. The question is whether it can be any further. Days into the lame duck session, it gives special exemptions to all of the other type lines and all the oil and bass activity. That makes very little sense. Is the real Battle Ground on capitol hill, the senate, where the democratic leadership is letting the vote go forward since tuesday. Mary landrieu faces a tough runoff to keep her seat in the pro oil state of indiana. Even if it does pass, president obamas signature is in doubt. He weighed in 8,000 miles away during a press conference in myanmar. I have been declared. My position hasnt changed. And this is a process that has to be followed. The state Department Said that the review plays out. Once in nebraska, the possible route. And then headline supporters on its benefits. I have to constantly push back against this idea that somehow the keystone pine line is a massive job bill, or lowering gas prices. Upwards what it is. Its provi