Karnataka Minister MB Patil on Friday said there are demands to rename Vijayapura district after 12th-century social reformer Basaveshwara (Basavanna), and added that there is nothing wrong in renaming the entire state of Karnataka as 'Basava Nadu'.
Jointly addressing a press conference regarding the outcome of the visit by a business promotion delegation headed by them to the US, Large and Medium Industries Minister M B Patil and Electronics & IT/BT Minister Priyank Kharge said some of the companies are already in the process of investing around USD one billion in the state. During the visit that spanned from the east coast to the west coast of the US, a total of 36 interactive meetings were held.
Bengaluru, Oct 12 (PTI) The Karnataka government on Thursday said several American companies have evinced interest to invest around Rs 25,000 crore in the state.