i carry a spoon attached to the microphone. soso they discredit me and i hae my beard and kind of look like a hipster. theym think i m on their side ad ask basic questions what are you doing here? who did you vote for and what does your sign say. and let them speak for themselves. i m a free market person, tucker. i want to hear people beliefs and thoughts all the way through. then it is for everyone else to decide whether or not they make censor deseveral credible. tucker: i know that well. so, bel. honest of the people yu interview, what percentage have a kind of thoughtful explanation for why they re there and what they believe? um, i would say 5% to 10%. tucker: it s that low? it is not good. they really don t understand. they re fighting an emotional war. they re t acting based on a feeling. they kim outth and they think they re they come out and they