in j just one dodose. don t geget prevnar r 20® if youou ve had a a severe in j just one dodose. allergic r reaction toto the vaccinine or its ingngredients.. adulults with weweakened immunene systems vaccinine or its ingngredients.. may have a a lower resespe to the vacaccine. vaccinine or its ingngredients.. the most c common sidede efs werere pain a and swellining at the injnjection sitite, muscscle pain, f fatigue, pain a and swellining at the injnjection sitite, headache, , and joint t p. pain a and swellining at the injnjection sitite, i want t to be ablee toto keep my p plans. pain a and swellining at the injnjection sitite, that s why i c chose to geget vaccinateded with prevevnar. becacause just o one dose cacanp protecect me frfrom pneumocococcal pneueum. becacause just o one dose cacanp protecect me ask yoyour doctor r or pharmact abouout getting g vaccinated with p prevnar 200® todayay. you ok, maman? ththe internetet is tellinine a million n different t ways i shouldld b