takes a drop and causing concern and giving the media a chance to play the blame game. who caused the pain. and a reporter gets arrested for doing his job. when it comes to cameras and the cops. who calls the shots. a new spiderman makes the debut and spends a web of media controversy. judy miller and national editor rich lowery . jim with the american conservative mag wreen . host of the upon combs show. fox news watch is on right now. despite the bipartisan support for the deal, it is a deal no
why? because now a logical argument can be made that the far left encouraged an unbalanced guy, fuller, to do bad things. fuller may be all talk, but do we want to take the chance? of course, there is a chance he would have taken this path without any media controversy but his threats are so specific that strains credulity. you the american people know v. a right to know the complete stories like the arizona murders. now thanks to the new york post and the factor you have another piece of the big picture. that s the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction and forced treatment for the mentally ill. joining us from washington dr. sally sitel a psychiatrist and dr. brian russell forensic psychologist. now, let s deal with fuller first. arizona has a pretty good law that allows police to take a guy and put him into custody; is that correct? dr. russell? yes. most states in the united states