For the past five years, Seven Days has been printed northwest of Montréal at Québecor Media Printing. For our first-ever Québec Issue, senior multimedia producer.
to the public, the media is free to publish it without civil or criminal consequences. judge, you know presumably the logical conclusion is it was north korea, they didn t like this movie so they stole it. they hacked in. by media printing it essentially we re helping the bad guys achieve their goal. in the case of the kim jong un movie that mocks him, yes. the bad guy wins and we re helping them. you could make that argument. we in the media are in the business of providing information that we believe our viewers or our readers, as the case may be, are interested in hearing about, even if it s lurid or lascivious. what s the difference between this and say hacked e-mail photos of jennifer lawrence and others? there they are, inappropriate pictures. they were gotten illegally as well and some published them on-line? there is a difference in this respect. if the information to be