Last word. The gentleman is recognized. I yield to the Ranking Member. The gentle lady from california misstieated somethin that i addressed head on last night. Undersecretary stated this was perspective money, it was not interfering and dealing with this issue. For those of us who have been in a war, people die in a war zone. This money did not cause that. Thank you, reclaiming my time. Mr. Chairman, the biggest difference in the clinton impeachment and this one is that president clinton committed a crime, perjury. This president isnt even accused of committing a crime. The constitution is pretty clear on what constitutes an impeachable defense, treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors. Its not, or whatever else nancy pelosi and adam schiff deem impeachable. I think we can all agree that no president should abuse the powers of his or her office, just like the chairman of the House Committee shouldnt abuse
the powers of his office to obtain and publish the Phone Records
the powers of his office to obtain and publish the phone records of the president s personal attorney, a member of the media and the ranking member of that same committee. but that doesn t make alleged abuse of power a high crime or misdemeanor. in their newly authored memo on constitutional grounds for impeachment, the majority of this committee goes to great lengths to explain why abuse of power is an impeachable offense, mentioning it was one of the charges against richard nixon and bill clinton. what they don t mention is that the house of representatives has never adopted alleged abuse of power as a presidential im impeachment. abuse of power is a vague, ambiguous term open to the interpretation of every individual. because abuse of power lacks a concise legal definition, there s a higher burden of proof on those pursuing such a charge to show the actions that the