help at a picnic area. the taliban planning responsibility for a pair of deadly attacks on afghan national army soldiers. four soldiers and five police officers killed during the attack at an army recruiting center. that is in the northwestern part of afghanistan. in the capital city kabul police shot two suicide bombers as they attempted to reach army vehicles. one of the bombs did go off killing five soldiers there. a deal may be close on the 9/11 workers bill been stalled in congress. we expect an announcement that an agreement has been reached to bring the measure up for a vote in the senate possibly tuesday. the bill would provide for medical care payments to 9/11 first responders. president obama expected to sign the repeal of don t ask, don t tell this week. the senate voted by a wide margin yesterday to repeal the military policy that was prohibiting openly gay men and women from serving.
greta: whoopie goldberg and her fight with bill o reilly of the let s go to our new york news room with the other headlines. ainsley. thank you. the pentagon policy preventing openly gay men and women from serving in the military is back in place. a federal appeals court has lifted a temporary freeze on the least for now. president obama supports permanent repeal of the policy, but only through an act of congress. and new york now the first state to require lawyers to insure four closures are done properly. a new rule said lawyers handling foreclosures must sign forms verifying all paperwork is accurate. attorneys general in all 50 states are investigating mortgage companies to see if state laws were violated. now checking the markets in asia, nikei up.
and we re getting in from adam lavine. he s one of the pentagon correspondents. the pentagon has advised recruiting commands that they can accept this is just in can accept openly gay and lesbian recruit candidates. that s the development. they can accept new recruits here given the decision that bars the military from expelling openly gay men and women from serving and also we heard from former army national guardsman dan choi who s en route to reenlist. we re all over the election. it s 14 days now until the midterms. and, of course, cnn has all of your latest political news with the best political team on television. cnn equals politics. leading the pack, mr. wolf blitzer at the desk. wolf, sharron angle seems to be going after harry reid s wealth again. what are with hearing from her today.
men endure 17 days of no contact. a federal judge ordered the u.s. military to stop enforcing the don t ask don t tell law that bars openly gay men and women from serving in the armed forces. in his injunction of the 17-year-old policy, the judge said it, quote, infor instance the fundamental rights of service members and violates their rights of due process and freedom of speech. u.s. department of justice attorneys have 60 days now to repeal the ruling. the white house lifted its ban on deep water drilling for oil and gas saying it s confident new rules will prevent another disaster like the bp rig explosion. companies will have to show they re prepared for catastrophic oil spills and also have to have their rigs inspected. up next, mr. donny deutsch is in the building, and chuck todd will join us as well. don t forget to sign up for the new morning minutes news letter. niz tease. it includes a daily recap of
u.s. chamber of commerce is running political ads bought with foreign money, money from overseas. the chamber is now saying that is flat-out false and challenging the vice president to admit he is wrong. we re waiting to see how the vice president respond to that. also today, the white house lifted a drilling moratorium in the gulf for the first time here since bp s catastrophic spill. that was back in april of this year. but there is some new reason here still to worry about the safety of these massive oil rigs. up next, an eye-opening report about some of the questionable inspections that have been going on for way too long. also, you ve got to see this. look at this beautiful sky. while many of us were sleeping, the sky was putting on quite a show. could this be real? no way! or is it? also, we re going to get back to that breaking news. a federal judge has ordered the military to stop enforcing don t ask, don t tell. basically, the policy that bans openly gay men and women