With Menlo Park’s new community campus opening in Belle Haven in mid-2024, the City Council is aiming to hold down staffing expenses due to the city s $1 million budget deficit.
After an outpouring of support for naming the new Menlo Park Community Campus after Onetta Harris, city commissioners agreed to recommend honoring the late Belle Haven resident and community activist to the City Council.
Judging by the more than 100 comments at a recent meeting, there appears to be overwhelming support for naming the new Menlo Park Community Campus after Belle Haven resident Onetta Harris.
After reconsidering its new contract with Team Sheeper to operate swimming pools at both Burgess Park and the Menlo Park Community Campus, the Menlo Park City Council decided against making changes at a Sept. 26 meeting.
In an unusual move, Mayor Jen Wolosin is bringing Team Sheeper’s new contract to operate public swimming pools at Burgess Park and the Menlo Park Community Campus is coming back before the Menlo Park City Council on Tuesday, Sept. 26.