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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180601 08:00:00

walter shaw said this, imagine nixon waiting for a stack of pardons after the watergate break-in. he has the power to put his henchmen above the law. that is what trump is telling manafort and others with the pardon of d'souza. for more, we have jim acosta an at t -- acosta at the white house. >> reporter: the president is not only considering granting pardons with celebrities, but he granted a pardon for dinesh d'souza and considering martha stewart and blagojevich. d'souza has made offensive and racially loaded comments over the years about former president obama. the president is considering each case on merits. here is what deputy raj shah corruption charges. and the u.s. is hitting tariffs and they are hitting back. the u.s. slapped tariffs on the eu, mexico and canada. the three had temporary exemptio exemptions, but the white house let those expired after it did not get what it wanted in negotiations. the goal is to help u.s. steel workers. metal tariffs could raise prices. think cars, appliances and food cans. it puts the u.s. in another trade dispute as it is targeting $50 million in chinese goods. these three struck back. eu and mexico with tariffs on u.s. goods. canada will tariff on equal amounts. justin trudeau says this just won't hurt canada. this risks 2.6 million american jobs. especially if it causes nafta to fall apart. president trump responded saying he wants a fair deal on nafta or nothing at all. the needless trade war will hurt the u.s. economy and foreign policy and perhaps republicans in november. republicans are fuming. senator ben sasse says it is dumb to treat allies the way you treat opponents. you should work with them instead of targeting them. watch this space. more to come. imagine this, the former spy chief and top aide to a dictator of a country that threatened to nuke the united states sitting face-to-face with the commander in chief. that will play out in washington today. secretary of state mike pompeo confirming the top north korean official met with kim yong chol will hand deliver a letter to the united states. we have nic robertson in seoul, south korea. it appears the summit is still on track in singapore. good morning, nic. >> reporter: good morning, david. president trump thought progress was made in the talks with mike pompeo and kim yong chol. for his part, pompeo said progress had been made in the last 72 hours. that was a positive sign. he still said it is not clear whether the summit will actually go ahead. he believes that the korean leadership is contemplating a fundamental shift. a strategic change that would be something different than the path taken in the past. it will require a bold move by kim jong-un. he describes this as historic movement and pivotal time. emphasis now is very much on the north korean side. in the letter, maybe kim yong thing with trump and russia is a made up story. it's an excuse by the democrats for having lost an election that they should have won. >> hard to forget that one. new information this morning on the cost of the mueller probe. the spend aing report shows the justice department spent $17 million since last may. ten minutes past the hour. steve bannon speaking out on the russia probe in the exclusive cnn interview. bannon saying he was against firing james comey and is a supporter of special counsel robert mueller. bannon had harsh words for former trump lawyer ty cobb. >> if you fire him, get a special prosecutor. i have been part of that as a witness of fact. i always said he is a combat marine. great individual. it should play out. where i have a problem and huge problem, i was a guy that said publicly that ty cobb should be fired. he gave the president, i thought, terrible advice. i think actually lied to the president consistently about the nature of the investigation and timing of it. >> bannon also says that deputy attorney general rod rosenstein should be fired. if he refuses to turnover all documents with the fbi source whom president trump accused of spying on his campaign. you can see the full interview tonight at 9:00 and during fareed zakaria on sunday. washington post reporting that fbi director james comey was interviewed by the u.s. d.c. attorney's office to see if his deputy andrew mccabe broke the law. claiming he misled investigators about disclosure to the media. this is a sign that the office is considering whether mccabe should be charged with a crime, but not definitive indication. ahead, you can hear the fans in cleveland screaming. shoot the ball, j.r. smith. check the clock. historic blunder that sent the nba finals in overtime. we will tell you how it turned out next. but there's one... that blows them all out of the water. hydro boost water gel from neutrogena®. with hyaluronic acid it goes beneath the surface to plump skin cells from within and lock in hydration leaving skin so supple, it actually bounces back. the results will blow you away! hydro boost and our gentle exfoliating cleanser from neutrogena® ukrainian security services, a makeup artist came to his house and made him look dead. he said he was covered in real pig's blood and given a shirt with bullet holes in it. they faked his death outside his home with shorts ts allegedly b fired. he was put in an ambulance with a doictor and brought to the morgue. he said only after the doors of the morgue were closed were what he calls resurrected and brought to a different location and came out that the whole thing had been staged. allegedly to uncover a plot the ukrainians say came from russia. he has been under criticism for faking his death. someone could undermine the credibility of journalists worldwi worldwide. he is unapologetic about it. he felt the plot was real. he said for him it was a choice of saving his life and upholding journalist standards. in the end, it was about saving his life. >> thank you, fred. fascinating. ahead, this baby has quite a story to tell. read the shirt. why her father is her hero and why she is surrounded by all these soldiers. next. from the first moment you met, it was love at first touch. and all you wanted to do was surround them in comfort and protection. that's why only pampers swaddlers is the number one choice of hospitals to wrap your baby in blanket-like softness and premium protection. so that all they feel is love. pampers the number one choice of hospitals, nurses and parents i saw my leg did not look right. i landed. i was just finishing a ride. i felt this awful pain in my chest. i had a pe blood clot in my lung. i was scared. i had a dvt blood clot. having one really puts you in danger of having another. my doctor and i chose xarelto®. xarelto®. to help keep me protected. xarelto® is a latest-generation blood thinner that's... proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt or pe blood clots from happening again. in clinical studies, almost 98% of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. xarelto® works differently. warfarin 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that annoying lactose. mmm, that's good. lactaid. the real milk that doesn't mess with you. and try calcium enriched lactaid. 100% real milk with 20% more calcium. still no lactose. i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. new mandatory evacuation orders in hawaii in leilani estates as the threat from kilauea grows. look at the pictures. residents have until noon local time to leave. anybody who stays, could be arrested and at their own risk. the fissures could flow into the area. resulting in fast moving lava flow. the u.s. geological survey says temperatures now reach above 2,000 degrees. >> unbelievable. today is the official start of the 2018 atlantic hurricane season. there is concern that puerto rico may not be able to weather another storm. nine months after maria hit, 20,000 homes are still without power. according to a study this week, 4,645 people have died as a results of hurricane maria. more than twice as katrina. do you know how to spell? new national champion did. >> k-o-i-n-o nits-n-i-a. >> the new national champion. he edged out in the final that went 18 rounds. the greek word is an intimate spiritual communion and sharing in a common religious commitment. he wins more than $40,000 in cash and prizing. good job. >> well done. missing in the nba finals. golden state taking game one of the finals. a brutal mistake at the end of regulation may have cost cleveland the win. george hill missed a free throw. j.r. smith gets the rebound and instead of shooting, he dribbles out the clock. appearing not to know the game was tied or the time on the clock or any situational awareness. he said he thought they were going to call a time-out. warriors put the game away in overtime. 124-114. lebron james had 51 points for the cavs. not enough. game two in oakland. this is a photo shoot you will never forget. 2 month old christian harris met special people. soldiers who met alongside her late father, christopher harris was killed in afghanistan in august. one week after his wife told him she was pregnant. britt harris was pregnant, she got support from the men of his division. she gathered the soldiers and some who survived the very explosion that killed her husband. in the photos, christian, that baby, wears her father's dogtags along with the onesie that reads my daddy is my hero. >> quite a shot. quite a story. ahead, president trump and rod blagojevich have met before. >> you're fired. >> you're fired. now he might pardon him. why is the president only helping people with connections to his adversaradversaries? guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. conservative fire brand. could this be a signal for aides caught up in the russia investigation? fierce pull back from allies and the president's party over new tariffs from the trump administration. perhaps as many as 2.5 million american jobs could be on the line. do something about your dad's immigration practices you feckless [ bleep ]. >> still shocking. samantha bee apologizing for the vulgar crack about ivanka trump, but she gets to keep her job. is there a double standard? welcome to "early start." i'm dave briggs. >> i'm christine romans. did you know today is friday? >> yeah. i have been waiting on it all week. >> that's the breaking news i can get behind. 4:31 in the east. welcome to "early start." dinesh d'souza, rod blagojevich and martha stewart. what do these names have in common? all prosecuted by trump adversaries and now on the list for pardons. it started when president trump announced a full pardon to d'souza. he pleaded guilty in 2014 for violating campaign finance laws. d'souza has a history of ra racially charged against about obama. now d'souza says obama and his stooges tried to extinguish my american dream and destroy my faith in america. thank you, donald trump. >> the president's move raising eyebrows of many. including the former director of the office of government ethics who tweeted quote imagine if nixon was waiting with a stack of pardons for plumbers to return from the watergate break in. the president has the power to put his henchmen above the law. that is what he is telling us. for more, here is jim ancosta. >> reporter: the president is not only considering granting pardons with celebrities, but he granted a pardon for dinesh d'souza and considering martha stewart and blagojevich. both martha stewart and blagojevich made an here answpp "the apprentice." d'souza has made offensive and racially loaded comments over the years about former president obama. the president is considering each case on merits. here is what deputy raj shah told reporters. >> is he sending a message to his allys? -- allies? >> each of the president's actions on pardons or other things should be judged on the merits and circumstances surrounding that case. >> reporter: the president has shown a willingness of pardons for controversial figures. including sheriff arpaio. he was convicted in court of ignoring a judge's order of stopping racially profiling latinos. dave and christine. >> thank you. the white house admitted to jim that you can't ignore trump's considerations. consider this, former u.s. attorney preet bharara prosecuted dinesh d'souza and james comey and martha stewart. as well as patrick fitzgerald. and the u.s. is hitting tariffs and they are hitting back. the u.s. slapped tariffs on the eu, mexico and canada. 25% on steel. 10% on aluminum. the three had temporary exemptions, but the white house let those expired after it did not get what it wanted in negotiations. the president calls this fair trade. the goal is to help u.s. steel workers. metal tariffs could raise prices. raise prices on cars and appliances and food cans. it puts the u.s. in another trade dispute as it is targeting $50 million in chinese goods. these three struck back. eu and mexico with tariffs on u.s. goods. canada will tariff on equal amtd ever amount -- amounts of tariffs for the u.s. justin trudeau says this just won't hurt canada. >> unfortunately, we know this will lead to harm for the american industries. our economies are too inter linked to not have significant disruption in american families and american communities south of the border. >> the chamber of commerce says this move risks 2.6 million u.s. jobs. especially if it causes nafta to fall apart. nafta is 1.5 million jobs tied if the u.s. leaves nafta. president trump responded to trudeau saying he wants a fair deal or none at all. "wall street" editorial board slamming trump. hurting his foreign policy and perhaps republicans in november. republicans are fuming. ben sasse says this is dumb. speaker paul ryan says the u.s. should work with allies instead of targeting them. "the wall street journal" editorial. i encourage you to read it. it says the president thinks he is being ronald reagan. >> but terrifying echos of herbert hoover. the sunset clause in particular is one that is baffling. certainty is what is needed with markets. >> a non-starter. the white house wanted a fi five-year sunset clause on nafta. justin trudeau did not come to the meeting in washington after that. >> g-7 is a week away. samantha bee apologizing for an ugly crack about ivanka trump. bee's insult on her show "full frontal" came after she posted a picture of ivanka trump and her son with the immigration issue at the border. >> ivanka trump who works at the white house chose to post the second most oblivious tweet we have seen this week. you know, ivanka, that's a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me say one mother to another. do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless [ bleep ]. he listens to you. put on something tight and low cut and tell your father to [ bleep ] stop it. tell him it was an obama thing and see how it goes. okay? >> bee's slam comes the same week roseanne was fired for a racist tweet and some yelling of a double standard. it is not smart or funny. samantha bee tweeted i would like to apologize to ivanka trump and viewers. i crossed a line and i deeply regret it. >> tbs is owned by the time warner. joined bee seeking forgiveness. samantha bee has apologizing and those words should not have aired. auto trader and state farm are pulling ads from bee's show. sarah sanders called the language vile and vicious. this is further than the white house or president went denouncing roseanne's comments following the president's demand for apology for his treatment by abc. imagine this. the former spy chief and top aide to a dictator of a country that threatened to nuke the united states face-to-face with the commander in chief. that will actually play out in washington today. secretary of state mike pompeo confirming the top north korean official he met kim yong chol will hand deliver a letter from kim jong-un. we have nic robertson live with the latest from seoul. good morning, nic. >> reporter: good morning, dave. north korea's former spy chief, a man under sanctions, given dispensation to travel to the new york area and has now a waiver to go to d.c. and hand the letter to president trump. what is inside it? we don't know. president trump listened to what mike pompeo told him about the talks. pompeo and chol made clear that pompeo believes progress has been made in the past 72 hours. he also made it very clear the moment they don't seem to have anything completely concrete and that the north koreans are ready to get to the summit in singapore. he still is not sure if it will go on. it is a historic moment and pivotal moment. it depends on the analysis he has and president trump seems to have that the north korean leadership is contemplating, these are his words, contemplating a change of path. a strategic shift away from the way they acted before. when the letter is delivered to president trump, will it unlock the doors to the summit in singapore? unclear. pompeo not willing to make that commitment we he spoke yesterday. dave. >> a rapidly evolving story. nic robertson in seoul. thank you. "the washington post" reporting former james comfbi d james comey was interviewed by the department over andrew mccabe after mccabe misled investigators. this is a sign the office is considering if mccabe should be charged with the crime but is not a definitive indication. the pressure on jeff sessions to un-recuse himself on the russia investigation was not limited to one conversation. cnn confirmed the president tried four times in the last 14 months to get his attorney general to change his mind. sessions recused himself after conversations with the ag and russian ambassador during the campaign. the frustration from the president has grown which left trump without a loyalist overseeing the russia investigation. for the first time, we hear from michael cohen on tape making threats against a reporter. the reporter now works for npr. he was with "the daily beast" in 2015. he reached out to cohen on a rape accusation ivanhis former made against donald trump before their divorce. here is what took place. >> talking about the frontrunner for the gop. as well as private individual who never raped anybody and of course i understand that the very definition you can't rape your spouse. if you write a story that has mr. trump's name in it with the word rape and i'll mess your live up for the rest. for as long as your on this planet, you will worry about what i'm going to [ bleep ] do to you. >> michael cohen was wrong. spousal rape is a crime. he apologized for the remark. in the comment following the release, cohen said as i said in a previous statement. i made an inn -- inarticulate statement after the horrific question posed by the reporter. the massive blunder that sent the nba finals in overtime. how it turned out next. and pampers gives all of them our driest best fitting diaper. pampers cruisers with three-way fit. they adapt at the waist, legs and bottom with up to twelve hours of protection for all the freedom to move their way in pampers cruisers only pampers diapers are the number one choice of hospitals, nurses and parents. they have businesses to run they have passions to pursue how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters ship packages all the amazing services of the post office right on your computer get a 4 week trial plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again and gave him a shirt already with bullet holes in it. he was staged outside the apartment block and the ambulance was called and on the way to the hospital, they called and said he already died. they then went to the morgue where a real mortici arkmortici him dead. only after the doors were closed, he be was able to get u and left. he said this was all staged to save his life. there was a real plot to assassinate his life. he has come under criticism. this undermines the credibility of journalists if you stage your death to do this. he said he is absolutely unapologetic. he was presented with evidence he would be killed. he said it was a decision about staying alive or upholding journalistic values. >> i think we would make that decision. thank you, fred. house speaker bemoaning the party he once led. john boehner said this. >> there is no republican party. there's a trump party. a republican party is taking a nap somewhere. >> boehner said american voters were not the only ones surprised by the election results. >> the two most surprised people in the entire world that night were hillary clinton and donald trump. i think donald trump promised melania he would not win. he promised her she would never live in the white house. that's probably why she doesn't look real happy. >> is that a bloody mary? >> very perceptive. every interview should be done with a bloody mary. can i institute that here? >> i would love it. you mix them. 49 minutes past the hour. this baby -- this story is so amazing. quite a story to tell. read the shirt. why her father is her hero and why she is surrounded by all these soldiers. that's next. you don't want to live with mom and dad forever, do you? i'm making smoothies! so, how can i check my credit score? credit karma. don't worry, it's free. hmmmmm. credit karma. give yourself some credit. parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. the first survivor of ais out there.sease and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight. visit to join the fight. i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. new mandatory evacuation orders in hawaii's leilani estates as the threat from kilauea grows. residents have until noon local time to leave. anybody who refuses could be arrested. fissure number eight is at concern of overflowing. breaches can happen without notice. the u.s. geological survey says lava temperatures reaching above 2,000 degrees. today is the official start of the 2018 atlantic hurricane season. there is concern that puerto rico may not weather another storm. nine months after the hurricane hit, 20,000 homes on the island are still without power. officials fear a small storm could plunge them back into darkness and start the crisis all over again. according to the harvard study released this week, 4,600 people died as a result of hurricane maria. a number that dwarfed the original estimate. the national champion speller. >> k-o-i-n-o-n-i-a. >> that is correct. s>> karthik from texas is the national champion. the final went 18 rounds. the greek word is an intimate spiritual communion. of he wins more than $40,000 -- he wins more than $40,000 in cash and prizes. poise under pressure there, but not in the nba finals. lebron james with 51 points in game one. lebron was left ex-as pasperate here. j.r. smith grabs the rebound and dribbles out the clock. he said he thought they were going to call a time-out. warriors put the game away in overtime. 124-114. despite one of the best performances of the nba history finals, game two is in oakland sunday night. this is a photo shoot you will never forget. 2 month old christian harris got to meet special people. the soldiers who served alongside her late father. her father killed in afghanistan in august. just one week after his wife told him she was pregnant. brit harris was pregnant and she got the support from the men and women of the 42nd airborne division that served with her husband. she gathered the soldiers and some who survived the explosion that killed her husband. in the photos, she wears her father's dogtags and the onesie that reads my daddy is my hero. >> a beautiful girl. 57 minutes past the hour. rain continues in the east with the severe storm threat developing on the plains. meteorologist derek van dam has the look at friday weather. >> good morning, dave and christine. keep an eye to the sky if you are across the plains today. we have the potential for severe weather. in fact, the storm prediction center with an enhanced risk of the storms in dakotas with damaging winds and large hail and isolated tornadoes. it is thanks to a low pressure system moving east across the region. other headlines we are following. fire risks continues across the four corners. hot temperatures across the dew point -- across the deep south. we have a series of thunderstorm active ctivity with up to 4 to inches over the weekend. wi we have a storm system to settle in across the northeast. you will see that in the next four days with the temperature outlook. check out new york city. 82 degrees today. we start off next week in the upper 50s. back to you. >> derek, thank you. "early start" continues right now with the fascinating day in the white house with who the president is pardoning. the president's controversial pardon of a fire brand. why are celebrities getting a priority and could this be a signal for aides caught up why the russia investigation? fierce pull back from allies and the president's party over new tariffs from the trump administration. perhaps as many as 2.5 million american jobs could be on the line. do something about your dad's immigration practices you feckless [ bleep ]. >> samantha bee apologizing for the vulgar crack about ivanka trump, but she gets to keep her job. is there a double standard? we will discuss this in a moment. good morning. welcome to "early start."


Transcripts for CNN CNN This Morning Weekend 20240604 11:27:00

talking about the lead to its purchase. the state of mine with respect to its purchase, what you were thinking at the time, what faculties you will control of it? the time did you have a grip on your life at the time? so someone who is sympathetic and empathetic to that i think to me what outweigh someone who says all they can be dangerous and therefore, he's guilty again, that's where i fall. and if i was on that defense team, that's what i'd be speaking to. and certainly there'll be divergent opinions, but i want someone who understands my plight to judge hi to me, and that's why i think to your question, it's important to have people who understand the significance of the addiction joey jackson always good to have your inside perspective. enjoy this sunday. thank you. >> the border will be a crucial issue heading into the november election. now, president biden is taking executive action. what could be the plan also a store for me sunday is on tap for millions from texas to minnesota meteorologist derek van dam is tracking it all next and caitlin clark and her indiana fever getting their


Transcripts for CNN CNN This Morning Weekend 20240604 11:01:00

welcome back everyone to cnn this morning, it is almost 7:00 a.m. here in our atlanta studios in amara walker with blackwell coy wire, derek van dam, amara walker flanked by some really dapper looking then this morning you go clean up pretty well sometime it sometime sometimes a little hagari here are there for you a state of emergency is in effect in atlanta after water main breaks said, guys there's a water gushing into the streets, cutting off water for homes and businesses, even forcing some hospitals to evacuate patients. >> what the mayor is saying about the problem in california, a fast moving fired doubled in size yesterday and is now forcing some people out of their homes more on what we're learning about injuries and what's fueling the fire can't stop, won't stop another round of severe weather possible today across the central and northern plains. >> i'll highlight exactly what


Transcripts for CNN CNN Newsroom 20240604 22:56:00

effective with 2024 is active tornado season. >> there has been plenty for this scientists and storm chasers sir, to team up on i'm cnn meteorologist derek van dam and be sure to tune in for the cnn original series violent earth with liev schreiber, its premiers tonight at 9:00 p.m. former president donald trump says he's okay with possible jail time or house arrest after a jury found and guilty, 34 felonies. up. next, i'll speak with congressman jamie raskin, who was on the january 6 house select committee here on cnn newsroom russia is, we're trying. to spy on us we were spying on them i'm sorry, frank this is a war the secret was secrets and spies, a nuclear game, premieres tonight at ten on cnn. >> one of my favorite supplements is kunal turmeric turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support and cute all has the number one


Transcripts for CNN CNN This Morning 20240604 12:12:00

broader storm that just ravaged the southeast with nearly 300 severe wind gusts, hurricane force across some portionses of north carolina, and then not to mention the destruction from the tornados. right now we have over a half a million people that are without power as we speak across the entire eastern seaboard. that's customers. that's not necessarily people. there could be several people to a household. winds will be concerning across the eastern seaboard where we could see gusts over 50 miles per hour. that is a major factor with this storm because there's so much pent up energy mixed down to the surface. the good news, the flooding rains we had overnight moving offshore, but we still have our flood concerns along the coastline and we want to give you a head's up on this, poppy and phil. we have another severe weather potential outbreak for friday and saturday across this same area in the southeastern u.s. yeah, very, very difficult next couple days ahead of us again. >> all right. derek van dam, thank you. so donald trump's legal team


Transcripts for CNN CNN This Morning 20240604 12:11:00

meteorologist derek van dam joins us live from panama city, florida. what happened there is just stunning. >> reporter: yeah. 12 in the panhandle, but nearly two dozen tornados overall. look what happened to this truck as a water spout turned tornado moved onshore here in panama city beach. it looks like there was a can opener taking the metal and peeling it back. the pressure of the wind blowing out the driver's side window of this particular truck as well, and then, of course, this home behind me that's a living room or what used to be a living room. you can see the people's couch, even the staircase leading up to the second floor of this home, just left in shambles. unfortunately we are in this very hyperactive weather pattern across the united states and mother nature just throwing everything she has at us and the results have been unfortunately horrendous, which you can see behind us. you know, this is part of a


Transcripts for CNN CNN This Morning 20240604 10:18:00

automatically responds to snoring. so, no more hiding under your pillow. because this system actually detects snoring then adjusts to help reduce it. for a limited time, save up to $700 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. news coverage of hurricane idalia, now a major hurricane, a category 4 storm, winds at 130 miles per hour, it has been a rapid intensification over the course of the last several hours and it is now nearing landfall in florida's big bend region. and i want to start right now with meteorologist derek van dam. he's been tracking the storm live from tampa. we have meteorologist allison


Transcripts for CNN CNN This Morning 20240604 10:04:00

that is going to be doubled at this point in time. i'm not sure where we are going next, because i can barely hear myself talk and think. can you give me some sense of where we are going next? i think we're going to be going to derek van dam, derek van dam and bill weir, one of the two, i'm going to let you take it back, because at this point i can hear nothing but wind and rain. >> toss it over to derek van dam. derek, we've been talking the you throughout the course of the morning, we've seen the intensification of the flooding, of the rain and of the wind and in the last two hours, the scale of the flooding in terms of where it is on your legs is undeniable. tell people what you're seeing, and why that's happening so far away from the center of the storm. >> reporter: yeah, you put it so well there, phil, we are 125 miles southeast of the most powerful part of the storm.


Transcripts for CNN CNN This Morning 20240604 10:08:00

weir right now, live in steenhatchie, florida, where derek is 130 miles away from landfall is expected, we're much closer to where the center is. bill, what are you seeing on the ground right now? >> reporter: phil, it's really starting to kick up. this will be our last water line check here. we're down on the actual river here, the steenhatchie river flows threw this really beautiful charming town of about a thousand people at height of season. this is supposed to be the height of scallop season, so we'd have boats and anglers out here. there's a couple of pontoons that were left but most of the boats pulled out of the harbors here, out of the marinas, put up as high as possible. we're staying at about sort of 28 # feet above sea level, which is considered alpine altitudes in this region, but the worry is, is that storm as it comes in here from the west is going to shove that wall of water up into


Transcripts for CNN CNN This Morning 20240604 10:19:00

chinchar with us. but derek, first to you. i cannot stress how different and how rapid the intensification has been where you are in just the three hours we've been on television this morning. >> reporter: it has been absolutely incredible to see how this has unfolded in tampa bay, the four to six feet of storm surge, definitely being realized. that is an angry tampa bay. what we're getting here is storm surge, but this is a combination of several factors, remember, we've got inland flooding, we have a full moon which is actually exacerbated by -- wow, incredible. made worse by the super moon. that gives a greater tug on these tie dal swings that we ha. greater highs and greater lows in terms of the tidal strength. in combination with the amount of water that's just being pushed up by a major hurricane in a very shallow, shallow


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