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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News With David Muir 20121210

afghanistan. it was a daring operation by a team of special forces who freed him. but a short time ago, defense secretary pennetta with a statement saying the team put the safety of another american ahead of their own. abc's muhammad lila with the story of the rescue in eastern afghanistan. >> reporter: it happened under the cover of darkness. a joint american and afghan special forces raid to rescue this man. dilip joseph, an american doctor working for a colorado-based charity, morningstar development. >> this is a team that has lots of training on hostage rescues. but until you get in there and actually do it, you never know what you are actually going to find. >> reporter: here's how it all went down. on wednesday, joseph and two afghan colleagues were returning from a medical clinic in a remote province when they were kidnapped at a check point along a highway by armed militants. they were then taken to a mountainous region along the pakistan border. the afghan captives were eventually released but joseph wasn't. spending three terrifying days in captivity. when u.s. intelligence showed joseph's life was in imminent danger, the military made its move. >> a hostage rescue mission is really, really dangerous and carries a high risk that the hostage him or herself could be injured or killed. you need someone at very high level to authorize the mission. >> reporter: the mission was authorized by general john allen. he sent in the elite navy s.e.a.l. team six. they rescued him and air lifted him to bagram air base but the victory came at a price. this morning a u.s. service member injured died of his wounds. the ultimate sacrifice to save an american doctor who would have been killed. >> muhammad lila with us. you were telling me you, not surprised that the kidnapping and the rescue effort was kept a secret the whole time. >> that's right, david, in any kidnapping, the first 72 hours are critical. this is a civilian hostage. he doesn't have the survival training that a soldier does. so in this case, a decision was knead publicizing his case could further endanger his life. >> our thoughts are the service member's family, thank you. we turn to the other breaking news. mexican american singing icon jenni rivera. she was flying from a concert when her plane disappeared. officials saying they are found the plane and no survivors. >> reporter: mexican authorities say the small plane carrying mexican-american super star jenni rivera went missing this morning. it was carrying her and six others leaving monterey after a concert and losing contact with radar ten minutes later. the 43-year-old's last known tweet her 1.4 million followers was this morning. this picture, believed to be here with her traveling companions surfaced on a mexican website. it has not yet been confirmed by authorities. ♪ born to mexican immigrants in long beach, california, she is best known for her music in the mexican regional banda style. she has sold more than 20 million albums worldwide. comparable to taylor swift. but she is also a reality show star with the show "i love jenni" on cable and soon to be an even bigger cross over success. recently signed with abc to headline a comedy series titled jenni. rivera often sings about social issues and relationships. her own color ffl personal life avidly followed by her fans. she sang farewell to another huge hispanic singer. now many consider rivera to be a bigger star. a mexican official says the wreckage of the plane has been found and there are no survivors. it is believed to be jenni rivera's private plane. a leer jet 25. believed be on board, our pub list, makeup artist and lawyer and two pilots. many will be playing tonight for the diva of la banda. the. >> the very sad ending. thank you. we turn to overseas and the backlash of the royal frank. the phone call made by australian deejays to the hospital where kate middleton was staying and the nurse who fell for the prank and later took her life. cecilia vega reports. >> reporter: the station has pulled all their advertising, and they yanked the deejays off the air indefinitely. and today, they are in hiding. it was a bad joke that turn a tragic turn and now the two die jays at the center of that infamous phone call -- >> hello, can i speak to kate please, my granddaughter. >> reporter: -- may soon have to face questioning from british police. did they break the law by recording the private conversation when they got through to the hospital room where kate middleton was treated for severe morning sickness. >> i wanted to see how her little tummy bug is going. >> she is sleeping at the moment. >> reporter: the station boss has come to their defense. >> we are confident we haven't done anything illegal. >> reporter: since the nurse was found dead friday in an apparent suicide, the backlash goes on. threats and calls for their arrest have pushed deejays mel greig and michael christian into hiding. their twitter and facebook pages dark. station executives saying the pair is such fragile emotional state, they are seeing counsellors. here in the streets of sydney -- >> it didn't sound like her. >> it wasn't an accent. >> she didn't sound like the queen? >> no. >> reporter: there is still support for the duo. >> we are praying for each other. >> reporter: so many others have been caught in shock jock pranks and embarrassed. without the sad ending. >> this is nicolas sarkozy speaking. >> so good to hear you. >> reporter: then vice presidential candidate sarah palin punked when they pretended to be the president of france. >> you have been pranked. >> have we been pranked? >> reporter: in london, prince william spoke of the news over the weekend. not making a reference to the juth of the nurse but making a joke at a charity event about how morning sickness should be called all day and all night sickness. we have heard from the nurse's daughter who says she misses and loves her mother. the bosses from the station held an emergency meeting overnight and tell us the deejays could make a first public statement this week. >> a lot of people waiting to flare them. thank you. back in this country tonight and a giant winter storm this evening. a foot and half of snow in places. and the snow is moving east. here is ginger zee tonight. >> reporter: more than 150 flights canceled. 300 crashes on minnesota roads, and roads across minnesota are shutting down due to blowing snow. the biggest snowstorm in two years around the twin cities is dropping more than a foot and a half of snow in the northern plains and the west great lakes. look at the images from fargo, north dakota. the snow there, an inch an hour. frozen in duluth, minnesota, too. into in iowa, these time-lapsed videos. blustery, super cold. much of the state now enveloped in a fresh coat of white. >> sky cam getting covered there. and goinger zee at the desk, the numbers are impressive. >> it's still knowing out there, and it's not done. sacred heart, minnesota, 17.3 inches. south dakota in the foot range. and 9 to 11 inches. >> and the snow, cold, more to come? >> there is. and i want to show you exactly what to expect. the picture you are about to see goes from noon on. it includes minneapolis. they still have an inch or two. that going to be hard on roadways and airports. something you want to look for in the future. not only tonight but tomorrow morning. there will likely be a ripple effect from this, the blizzard warnings, gusts up to 45 miles an hour. going to be very tough and blustery and the white-out conditions. >> ginger, thanks to you. to the fiscal storm in washington now. and what might be a slight thaw in that story. and tonight we are learning of a meeting in the white house tonight between john boehner and the president. with just 23 days to go, are they any closer? david kerley at the white house tonight. >> reporter: for the first time in more than three weeks a face to face meeting at the white house. today no cameras as the president sat down with john daner. boehner. no details are announced tonight. some see as good news. the co-creator of a debt reduces plan sees progress. >> any time you two guys in that tangoing, you have a change to get done. >> reporter: before the talk, some republicans were admitting the president will get a lot of what he wants. >> let's face it, he has the upper hand on taxes. you have to pass something to keep that from happening. >> reporter: why the compromising words? the white house moderated some demands. the president say s tax rates fr the wealthy have to rise but now word that the actual rate could be negotiable. maybe not all the way back to 39.6%. >> will i accept a tax increase as a deal to solve problems? yes. >> reporter: those problem, according to republican, entitlement. and today, a leading democrat embraced the way to cut medicare cuts. means testing. those who make more would have to pay more for medicare. >> those of us with higher income in retirement should pay more. that could be part of a solution. >> reporter: the speaker feeling the heat from his right. "saturday light live" suggested that republicans are bullying boehner in the cafeteria. >> not a single member of his party is willing to share -- he didn't have any milk to drink because -- well, tell them why, john. >> they had taken my milk and thrown it in the garbage. >> reporter: comedy but was there progress today? the first report, some slight encouragement. both the white house and the speaker's office put out the exact word for word statement. being as tight lipped as possible. david? >> thank you. wall street also watching as both sides inch to the fiscal cliff. not only are your taxes in the balance, so are americans' 401(k)s. and today, a holiday bonus, gas prices. we bring in bianna golodryga. the anchor of weekend "gma." you look at gas prices. on a pace to set a record. >> the average american household is expected to spend $4,000 a year on gasoline alone. remember, earlier this year, we saw gas prices at 3.92 a gallon back in april in the summertime. some places in the country, $5 a gallon. today, take a look at this, $3.35 and by christmas time, estimates say we will see $3.20 a gal don. a lot has to do with post sandy. the supply is back up and the hope is that consumers will take the money and spend it shopping. >> that is the hope. and jobs number, better than expected. unemployment now to 7.7%. and bianna, people watching tonight, where are the jobs? >> that is the question. we did some digging and here is what we found. not a surprise. retail up, 53,000 up in, and professional, hospitality and restaurants. hotels and 23,000 and health care up 20,000. these are good numbers. and will it continue? they are not so sure given what is going on in washington. >> that is the big question, bianna, thanks for being here. in the nfl today, they were mourning their tragic loss. the dallas cowboys bowing their heads in a moment of silence to remember their teammate jerry brown who died in a car accident. it was another team member, josh brent, who was driving. he is charged with driving drunk and manslaughter. today in court, he was unable to make dale. he issued a statement saying i will live with this horrific and tragic loss every day for the rest of my life. there is more ahead. a medical break through when it comes to helping your memory. a pacemaker for the drain? what it could mean in the fight against alzheimer's. and johnny football becomes johnny heisman. tonight, we take to you his hometown. 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[ male announcer ] yep, there's 8 layers of whole grain fiber in those mini-wheats® biscuits... to help keep you full... ♪ 45 bushels of wheat on the farm. 45 bushels of wheat! ♪ ...all morning long. there's a big breakfast... [ mini ] yeehaw! those fun little biscuits. but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth! now to a new and promising procedure that could one day be used to fight alzheimer's. a pacemaker for the brain. here is abc's john schriffen. >> reporter: a cure for alzheimer's disease has long alluded doctors. now a surgical approach with a pacemaker used to stimulate the brain is offering great hope. two of the first such surgeries in the u.s. were performed at johns hopkins. >> we hope we can improve the patient's function for a longer period of time much longer than they could other wise have. >> reporter: other attempts have failed to slow the debilitating disease. it affects 5.4 million americans and is expected to jump to 16 million by 2050. in canada, it's been performed six times on patients like robert. >> if i can't remember something if i just pause for one, two, three seconds, it pops in. >> reporter:'s here's how it works. the pacemaker is surgically implanted in the chest. wires are run under the skin to the skull and deep into the brain to deliver an electrical stimulation. at the rate of 100 electrical impulses a second. >> our understanding how it works fitting in with how the surgery will work. >> reporter: it's always used to fight parkinson's disease. the difference in the brain scan. >> though the lights are out here, there is someone home and we are able to turn the brain back on. >> reporter: while the surgery to battle alzheimer's is still experimental, he is still driving his car, going to the gym and living a normal life. >> with the diagnosis, you don't know what the future is going to be. and now, i think maybe we have more on of a future. >> it's important to know that the treatment is not approved by the fda for the treatment of alzheimer's but 40 people are expected to receive the implant over the next year. >> john, thank you. coming up, take a look at this suspect tonight getting out of police car. he is handcuffed there. you won't believe what he pulled off next. the only underarm treatment for low t. that's right, the one you apply to the underarm. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. axiron can transfer to others through direct contact. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these signs and symptoms to your doctor if they occur. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. do not use if you have prostate or breast cancer. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet, or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation 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is a better night's sleep. now to our instant index this sunday night. what is trending this weekend? beginning with a video going viral this weekend from a small town in texas. a burg lary suspect in the backseat of a police car turns the cruiser into a getaway car. he pulls it off while still handcuffed. he rolls down the window, gets out of the car, gets behind the wheel of the car and right here, he floors it. a man whose business was just robbed was watching and said it was like a scene from a movie. s the suspect gets away here. police tonight on the hunt. now, this sunday night a young woman in china, at 24 years old, had just met her identical twin. the twin she never knew she had. they were separated at birth 24 years ago when they were put up for adoption because of the one child policy. seeing her face for the first time, she said, i felt like i was looking in the mirror. her sister replying, we felt like we had known each other for years. and our number tonight, 68. the average age of the performers on stage in brooklyn tonight night. the rolling stones celebrating 50 years on tour and proving age is just a number. ♪ just 'cause you feel so good you have to drive me out of my head ♪ >> mick jagger belting out "get off my cloud" and other hits. the sold out tlour in brooklyn last night. they are going to go another show in newark. tell us what you want to hear. shoot me a message on twitter. @davidmuir. and find me on facebook. when we come back, the little boy with a football bigger than him, the biggest thing in football. johnny heisman and what he said about his grandparents that made us all smile. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart 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free dr. scholl's foot mapping center. i'm a believer! and you will be too! learn where to find your number at of washington about the future of medicare and social security. anncr: but you deserve straight talk about the options on the... table and what they mean for you and your family. ancr: aarp is cutting through all the political spin. because for our 37 million members, only one word counts. get the facts at let's keep medicare... and social security strong for generations to come. and finally here on this history made this weekend when a young man known as johnny football scored something else. >> it's game day, people. >> reporter: his real life story plays out of "friday night lights." the boy from a texas town who was passing the football when it was just as big as him. is nearly 2 years old in this image. >> now, the 2012 winner of the heisman memorial trophy is johnny manziel. >> reporter: this weekend, manziel making history. hearing his name, his parents there, the first freshman to win the heisman. with a nickname already. >> johnny football! >> johnny football don't being called johnny heisman. the kid from kerrville, texas. the video is legendary on youtube. number 3 right there racing into the end zone. >> this is moment i dreamed about since i have been a kid. running around in the backyard, throwing hail marys to my dad. >> his parents, holding my tears. his grandparents, he singled out. grandpa the coach and grandma who looked the other way. >> grandma, all the times we used to play in the hall way, i love you with all my heart. you inspired me to play football. and grandma, so sorry for all the things we broke in the house. >> he set so many records as a freshman. threw or ran for 43 touchdowns. the first freshman to throw for over 3,000 yards, rush for 1,000. one of his biggest moments, engineering the upset over alabama. the crowd back home where it all started. erupted into cheers for the little boy once holding that football this weekend holding the heisman. >> to all my teammates back home, i love you with all my heart. >> what a sweet moment nor john n football. that does it for the broadcast this sunday night. gma in the morning and we leave you on this second night of hanukkah with the lighting of the menorah. have a good evening. >> ama: next at 6:00. superstar jenni rivera feared dead tonight after a plane wreckage is found in mexico. >> what's in a name? the east bay neighborhood fighting to keep things just the way they are. >> the new friend that could make it harder to smoke in one bay area city. abc-7 news at 6:00 starts now. >> good evening. i'm ama daetz. we begin with developing news. the wreckage of a plane believed to be carrying a popular latina star was found in mex. the plane carrying jenni rivera and six others disappeared theirs morning. there will no apparent survivors. nick smith is live on the story with more. reporter: ama, they have not found the body yet but people here in the mission district have been following the news today. and today we learned so much about jenni rivera, that she was loved by many. >> this is jenni rivera as a concert in los angeles. today fans learned that the recording artist and reality tv star was on a lear jet carrying seven people when it crashed in mountainous terrain in mexico. >> amazing. >> the news offer her loss has filled the air waves of spanish television. juan has been following the news at his mission street salon and says that jenni held a special place for young people, women, and members of the bay


Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20121208

>> reporter: for five months in 2008, same-sex couples in california could marry legally. then voters passed proposition 8 banning same-sex marriage. when gay couples challenged prop 8, both the state supreme court and the federal ninth circuit court of appeals ruled that banning same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. many supporters of same-sex marriage were hoping the supreme court would not take this case. therese stewart is san francisco's deputy city attorney. in many ways, this is bad news for you. >> it's bad news in the sense that if we had-- if the court had denied review we would have seen marriages very quickly within a few days, again, not only in san francisco but all over california. >> reporter: opponents of same- sex marriage say the supreme court should uphold the will of california voters, defining marriage as only between a man and a woman. >> it's important to remember that still in the vast majority of states, four out of five states, the people have chose on the either vote themselves or their elected representatives to stake with traditional marriage. >> reporter: for paul and jeff, the supreme court decision is personal. they launched the challenge to prop 8 seeking the right to marry. >> sometimes the court system needs to nudge us forward to be a better, more united america. >> reporter: the court could rule in a way that impacts same- sex marriage only in california and does not affect the rest of the country. >> movements are a mix of things and you have to kind of take the ups with the downs. >> reporter: the court will hear the marriage cases in march. a decision will probably come by the end of june. john blackstone, cbs news, san francisco. >> pelley: john, thank you. the court also said today it will hear a second case on same- sex marriage. that case is a challenge to the current law that denies married same-sex couples the same federal benefits as other married couples. we checked with the census bureau today and they told us there are just over 600,000 same-sex couple households in olerica today. most states-- 38-- ban same-sex marriages. nine states and the district of ges.mbia allow them. s a cbs news poll last month, just over half of americans, 51%, told us they think same-sex marriage should be legal. it said it should not. exlot of economists were expecting a lousy jobs report today and boy were they surprised. the economy created 146,000 jobs in november. not great, but a lot better than expected. the unemployment rate dropped stlytenths of a point to 7.7%. that's not quite as good as it sounds because it was mostly people who gave up looking for work and were dropped from the count. what does all of this mean to the recovery? here's anthony mason. >> reporter: the u.s. economy ndntinued to add jobs in november, despite worries about a looming fiscal cliff in washington and the effects of a k perstorm in the northeast. >> thank you very much. or reporter: at chobani, the greek yogurt maker based in new york, c.e.o. hamdi ulukaya has been hiring. how many employees do you have? >> close to 2,000. >> reporter: the turkish-born ulukaya started chobani just four years ago. since then, greek yogurt sales re g exploded. chobani is now nearly a billion- dollar business. >> think we're going to be over 5,000 to 6,000 people by five years. >> reporter: so another 3,000 or ll000. th yeah. >> reporter: nationally job f owth has been steady but slow. so far in 2012 the economy has added an average of 151,000 jobs a month. >> we are creating more jobs but the pace of that hasn't really thanged much in the last two years. >> reporter: this chief investment strategist with the the blackrock says the economy is caught in a circle. >> one reason the job market isn't better is consumers aren't spending and the reason consumers aren't spending is etcause the job market isn't i wier. t reporter: but this month, chobani will open a new $450 ust ion plant in idaho. when you make that kind of investment, that must mean you onal good about the economy. >> i always did. i personally believe the next ure.years will be a completely different picture. >> reporter: you do? d i really do. i really do. un >> reporter: the so-called underemployment rate dropped ncludeonth to 14.4%. that includes those who have given up looking and those forced to settle for part-time work. overall 12 million people are unemployed. a pelley: anthony, thank you. there may soon be a lot of hiring in the northeast. president obama asked congress ssday for more than $60 billion today p states rebuild after superstorm sandy. in new york city, a jury deliberated more than a week in the trial of a bus driver accused of being so tired, he caused a crash that killed 15 of his passengers. today came the verdict: not guilty. and michelle miller tells us the driver is a free man tonight. .> how do you find the >> hndant, guilty or not guilty? >> not guilty. t reporter: the bus driver wept veen he heard the verdict. ears ill williams could have faced 15 years in prison. hisas driving 32 people from a connecticut casino to new york's chinatown when his bus hit a guardrail, toppled, and was torn open by a signpost. williams claimed he'd been cut off by a tractor-trailer. investigators found no evidence of that. but they discovered williams averaged three hours of sleep in the days before the crash. they cited driver fatigue as the probable cause. florence wong's father don lee was killed in the crash. >> he had 15 lives that was under under his control and they're not here. he has to live with that with conscinscience. >> reporter: prosecutors called 55 witnesses but could not produce direct evidence that lack of sleep impaired williams' driving. iredr goelz is former director of the national transportation arfety board. >> i think a guilty verdict would have sent a very strong eporage to these operators. disceporter: regulators shut dwn 26 discount bus companies for safety and driver violations last spring. >> it's a particular problem in the bus industry because oftentimes consumers have no way of checking whether that operator has got a good record or not, whether their drivers are following the rules or whether they're skirting the irtis. >> reporter: the bus company williams worked for was shut down. scott, williams was found guilty un driving without a proper witnse and ordered to pay a $500 fine. >> pelley: michelle, thank you. there was a black box data k porter on that bus, just like they have on planes. well, today a federal agency proposed putting data recorders in all vehicles, including cars s,ilt after 2014. in a crash, they would record speed and whether the brakes rash, sed. they would cost about $20 each. the president of egypt can't seem to put the brakes on the crisests in the biggest crisis in egypt since the revolution tw two years ago. med ll started last month when mohamed morsi granted himself accaordinary powers. protesters accuse him of acting like a dictator and now he's trying to force through a new constitution. holly williams is in cairo. >> reporter: protesters marched on the presidential palace again epday in their tens of ial sands. "down with morsi" they chanted, "and down with the muslim brotherhood," the islamist group from which the president draws his support. in two weeks of political turmoil, what president morsi has succeeded in doing is hardening and uniting the opposition. his opponents are now rallying around their leaders, some of t pr want president morsi to khep down. khaled ali is a human rights lawyer and anticorruption crusader. do you think president morsi believes in democracy? "morsi doesn't and his party iesn't, either," he told us. "they only believe in power." these protests began when president morsi gave himself near-absolute power. they grew and sparked violent tiashes when he called a referendum on a new constitution written by his conservative allies. yesterday, president morsi called for talks with the opposition, but offered little in the way of concessions. now some protesters like schoolteacher leila el-gueretly fear any chance of compromise has been lost. do you think there will be more bloodshed? >> if morsi did not back down. if he kept acting in the stubborn childish way, and avoiding the political way of the situation, definitely there will be more bloodshed. >> pelley: and holly williams is hoining us from cairo. holly, that lady told you that morsi's acting stubbornly and kinddishly. but is there some kind of cotttegy at work here? >> reporter: well, scott, y esident morsi actually maneuvered very cleverly to sideline the country's judges, give himself new powers, and then push through the new constitution. but he seems to have massively miscalculated the size of the readsition. pici people here were already deeply suspicious of the muslim brotherhood and its commitment le democracy. thos the last two weeks have done-- at least for the people you can see protesting behind me-- is confirm those pot haions. >> pelley: holly, thank you very much. hie second winner of the record powerball jackpot has claimed his share. the victim of a hoax involving the british royal family has died. and on the mississippi there's a tug-of-war over water. when the "cbs evening news" continues. before copd... i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. 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a suspected suicide. a nurse who had worked at the hospital where kate the duchess of came bridge was treated for morning sickness this week had put a call to the ward thinking the caller was the queen, but it was actually michael christian and mel greg, a pair of australian djs famous for hoaxes who placed the call and talked about it all week. >> they were the worst accent ever. >> this nurse was blind sided by the call. >> hello there. can i please speak to kate, please, my granddaughter. >> hold on. >> they were put through to the ward nurse who gave the caller an update. the royal family made no complaint. the hospital apologized. the radio station apologized. prince charles, kate's father- in-law even joked about it. and step sod, while embarrassing seemed to be over until the nurse's body was found. the radio station has now taken the offending station off the air and offer condolences. >> reporter: police have said they can't call this a suicide until after an autopsy. the hospital in its statement said it had been supporting its employee through what it called this difficult time since the hoax. the australian radio station was saying it was the hoax the world was talking about. well, the world is talking about it again, scott, but as a tragedy. >> mark, thank you. 71 years ago today the united states suffered one of its greatest military defeats at pearl harbor. more than 2,400 people were killed when japan bombed the u.s. naval base. the surprise attack forced the united states into world war ii. today, survivors returned to pearl harbor to remember. a severe draught is draining the mississippi. why it could also help drain your wallet. that's next. :.o of washington about the future of medicare and social security. anncr: but you deserve straight talk about the options on the... table and what they mean for you and your family. ancr: aarp is cutting through all the political spin. because for our 37 million members, only one word counts. get the 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mississippi to its knees. >> the coast guard is directing barges away from the mississippi. how often are you looking at that gauge to see how low this river is? >> i have a gauge app on my ipad and i look at it about three times a day. >> the army core of engineers have tried to keep pace with the draught dredging shipping lanes 24 hours a day since june. >> is this a matter of things will get worse before things will get better? >> mother nature has the last say in that. when we talk about water available, tax cuts' the real issue. >> but barge operators say water from the mississippi river is needed upstream and is held by the dam. each december it stops the flow into the mississippi to conserve those water supplies for the upper midwest. >> what could be done? >> what the industry has asked congress and the president or some higher authority of the core of engineers to get extra water off the missouri basin today. >> otherwise, mark fletcher's 200 barn must carry less cargo or risk running aground. that means more trips request lighter loads costing them 100,000 dollars a week. >> so, the shippers are going to have to charge more which means they're going to have to pass that onto the consumer. >> 60% of america's grain exports are shipped on the mississippi. >> these barge aren't the only way but they are the cheapest way. >> stranded barges have already stopped river traffic for hours. the colonel says he is sympathetic but his job is to look beyond this winter. >> what we do know is these draughts are typically not one year events and we are in the beginning of the draught. >> so, mark fletcher and the bark industry are making plans, too, for lower water and the economic damage they worry is about to roll down this river. seth done, cbs muse. one arizona man just claimed his share of last week's $587 million power ball jackpot. he's remaining anonymous but he lives in fountain hill arizona. he is in his 30s. he chose the lump sum payout of $192 million. there were two winning tickets. a missouri couple had the other. a miracle. steve hartman has more. ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone deserves the gift of all day pain relief. this season, discover aleve. all day pain relief with just two pills. this season, discover aleve. music is a universal language. but when i was in an accident... i was worried the health care system spoke a language all its own with unitedhealthcare, i got help that fit my life. information on my phone. connection to doctors who get where i'm from. and tools to estimate what my care may cost. so i never missed a beat. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for more than 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. and you see the woman you fell in love with. she's everything to you. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same 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to file complaints against officers. that's next. it looked like a lot of folks would not have christmas this year. it was stolen by a grinch named san difficult steve hartman has more. >> janice had feeling of not wanting to celebrate christmas this year, plain because that was her house. >> i don't have anything left. >> she hated that they were even selling christmas trees in her neighborhood. tax cuts' just how down some people are here in staten island new york. >> i am secret santa. >> his real name i can't tell you. all i can tell you is he is a wealthy businessman in missouri who every year goes to the cities and town he thinks needs help most. he then gives away about $100,000 worth of one hundred dollar bills, all to random strangers he finds in thrift stores, laundromats and soup kitchens. >> what are you going to do with that? >> buy food. >> a lot of these people have never eaven seen a $100 bill, let alone possess one, yet clearly the joy they feel goes a lot deeper than the dollar amount. >> don't lose hope because everything is going to be okay. >> carol lefty had five feet of water in her house. she could certainly use the money but says the kindness this represents matters more. >> this will note be spent. >> why not? >> i'm going to frame it and put it in my house. just wonderful people. >> hope. that's really what heddles out, and perhaps -- what he dulls out. no one needed it more then the woman he happened to stumble upon. >> we lost our house. >> he gave janice kennedy $300 and a brand new attitude. >> you're going to have a nice christmas. >> just changed everything. i thought yeah, i will get the tree. i got happy. i had a smile on my face the whole night. >> looks like christmas is back on the calendar. steve har tman on the road in stall enisland. >> that's the cbs evening news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, i'm scott pe lly. i'll see you sunday on 60 minutes. the contentious issue of marriage equality reaches te highest court in the c the supreme court agrees i am allen martin. >> i am dana king. the contentious issue of marriage equality reaches the highest court in the country. supreme court agrees to take on california's ban of same sex marriage along with the federal defensive marriage act that denies some benefits to legally married same sex couples. do gays have the same constitutional rights as hetero sexuals to get married. cbs 5's juliette goodrich speaks to the couple at the head of this issue. >> she texted me omg granted. then she called me and we just started crying. we were on the phone for a few minutes. we couldn't talk. >> chris perry and sandy steer are cautiously optimistic they will get the legal recognition, benefits and protection of marriage. they say it's been a long time waiting. >> in real life it doesn't feel fast at all. we've been really patient and waited a long time to hear when the final leg of this race would be and now we know. >> just as hetero sexual marriages were taking place at city hall, city attorney dennis herrera and activist held a news conference nearby on a case that's now in the hands of the supreme court. >> so, we are gratified and look forward to making our argument before the united states supreme court about why proposition 8 needs to be struck down. >> but the protect marriage coalition is confident the supreme court will uphold the right of the people of californ


Former police officer sentenced for making an arrestee lick urine off the holding cell floor -

Former police officer sentenced for making an arrestee lick urine off the holding cell floor - - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


For years, Mel Greig was the face of the royal prank call that turned deadly. Now, her former boss speaks out

For years, Mel Greig was the face of the royal prank call that turned deadly. Now, her former boss speaks out - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Former police officer sentenced for forcing arrestee to lick urine off cell floor

A former Mississippi police officer was sentenced to a year behind bars followed by a year of supervised release along with fines and assessments for forcing a man who he arrested to lick urine off the holding cell floor.


Former police officer sentenced for forcing arrestee to lick urine off cell floor

A former Mississippi police officer was sentenced to a year behind bars followed by a year of supervised release along with fines and assessments for forcing a man who he arrested to lick urine off the holding cell floor.


Former police officer sentenced for making an arrestee lick urine off the holding cell floor

(CNN) — A former Mississippi police officer was sentenced to a year in federal prison followed by a year of supervised release along with fines and assessments for forcing a


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