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Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20131019

department over the sale of bad mortgage bonds. as talks consider to end the san francisco transit strike, there is a report of tragedy. our top story tonight is out of syria, which has seen hostage negotiations, a shoot-out and a suicide bombing on the last few hours. nine lebanese hostages abducted in syria last year have been freed. the release comes after a complex negotiation between turkey, lebanon, syria and the syrian rebels. andrew simmons reports from beirba bayroot. >> their homecoming was a kay on theic emotional ent. the men and's made their way out in the crowd. they expected there will be a delegation. can he. >> this was quite a problem, a set of negotiations with turkey involved as well and nothing could happen until there was an absolute clearance on the security of the turkish airline pilots and they are safe so now, after all of this time, the men are with their loved ones in beirut celebrating their homecoming. >> inside syria, bombing killed 16 soldiers at a military checkpoint outside damascus. a human rights group says at least 15 syrian rebels died in the gun fight that followed. omar osali reports from tne board ner turkey >> early saturday morning, at least five rebel groups launched a joint assault against a government army complex south of damascus. one of the main groups is al-qaeda's narusa. it started with a suicide car bomb at the entrance of that complex. it killed at least 16 army soldiers. later on, there were heavy clark that resulted in the death of at least 15 rebels. this is not the first time that rebel groups in syria are trying to storm that army complex because the significance of it, it will give them an advantage point overlooking other government bases within the capital, dam afternooning u.s. so it's very -- damascus so it's key for the rebels fighting the syrian government in syria. >> meanwhile, the syrian refugee crisis worsens. the european union is donating $100 million to lebanon. there are at least 800,000 displaced syrians there. other neighboring countries have been trying to help. in iraq, 200,000 refugees. jordan has 500,000. and another half a million are in turkey. germany is helping out by offering a temporary home to 5,000 syrians. nick spica reports on germany's willingness to help. >> after months and months of fear and war and waiting, it's back to school for these syrian children in a country where they can at last feel safe. ali talibani from alepo learns to say he is 44 years old. whatever they did before, it's back to the basics for the adults as well. their family heads to lunch. hamed in the wheelchair is actually 15, tiny because of a degenerative disease, a disability that helped get his family accepted into germany. >> i did not want to leave. no one wants to leave their country. we left too late so we suffered a lot. we could hear the bombs going off, mortars and artillery shells. the children had nightmares and were screaming all the time. >> a kurdish rights activist approached us keen to show wounds he says were inflicted even before the war. >> yeah, yeah. syria. >> yeah. >> germany giving 5,000 syrian refugees it selected with the united nations and slowly flying over here on charter flights preferential treatments, german lessons, pocket money, the right to the work and lodging after they move out of this camp after a couple of weeks or so. the situation for other syrians who make it under their own steam is more difficult. no right to work and no freedom to travel in the country until their asylum request is considered. >> syrians invited in by the government can stay for two years and then apply to stay longer. an appealing option for many. the talybanis says they want to remain here because their children will get proper medical care. >> 4578ed has an age that makes him age too quickly. a wartime injury left the boy pushing him limping and deaf. there is no leaving behind scars of war. friedland, germany. breaking news coming out of san francisco tonight. tlrpt reports of two people killed on the tracks involving a bart train. lisa barnard joins us. what's going on? >> reporter: well, i spoke to a bart deputy chief with the police department at bart. he was speaking to me from where he said he was at, at crime scene. he tells me that about an hour and 15 minutes ago, two people were killed by a bart train on the bart track. he will not yet confirm whether those are civilians or whether those are bart employees. i said: who was driving the train? and he said to me, quote: someone who is qualified to drive a train. it's not a union driver. they are on strike. so what we think may have been happening here is that bart has kept some trains running. they say that they keep them running for service and for maintenances during this strike, perhaps to keep the tracks in working order. they certainly are entitled to run their own trains. so it's unclear who was behind the wheel of the train. we know it was not a striking worker. we do know, though, that two people were killed and that there are investigators on the scene right now trying to learn more about how this happened. it was between two bart subs, not too far away from here. >> as you mentioned, lisa, this comes amidst tension negotiations over the strike there in san francisco >> reporter: that's right. the negotiations are extremely tension here, and the community is extremely upset with the shutdown in service. it's unclear on a saturday afternoon what was happening with bart managers or those who are still in charge of bart. as i said, perhaps they are keeping the trains running to keep the tracks going. but certainly, they were preparing to hold a news conference to respond to a union proposal this morning or a union discussion that was in regards to the strike. the union this morning said they would let their members vote on bart's proposal. now, they said they expect the members to give a resounding kn "no" and that they would not end the strike. but here we have bart managers preparing to give a news conference to respond to this latest move in a chess game by the bart unions. and instead now, they are shifting gears to a crime scene where two people have been killed on bart tracks. >> it is certainly al radical departure from what we were going to talk about. lisa barnard in san francisco, thank you so much for that report. we will check in with you a little later. j.p. morgan chase could pay a record fine over practices ahead of the financial crisis. a deal calls for the bank to $9,000,000,000 to the federal government and $4,000,000,000 to struggling homeowners. banks still face a criminal investigation by the justice department. portugal is struggling with a harsh recession and many there have frankly had enough. thousands protested today against the government's austerity measures. marches took place in the capitol of listsbon and the northern city of p porto. people trying to make ends meet: >> the portuguese government says light is beginning to shine through the gloom. the first hints of economic growth are showing after years of recession. but here in porto it's hard to find signs of it. and so the latest austerity measures brought thousands of people out onto the streets. in a march organized by the trade unions. >> reporter: mistaken are these people are angry with portuguese government's latest budget which raises taxes on people earning as little as 600 euros a month. they are pinning irtheir hopes on the companyr country's constitutional court which has rejected some of the government's austerity measures. >> the union members tend to be older workers. the young are more often in casual labor and have much higher levels of unemployment. in a porto back street, i med pedro, a nurse in a state hospital. like many of his colleagues, he is on strike this week. tra >> we have a bigger workload. this means we have worked more hours and have less money >> reporter: nearby, i met mario in his bar where he mixes cocktails and worries about how far customers walk through the door. >> we invest our money in our business or to improve our business, and nowadays, it's almost impossible. we have to fire some people, getting some cuts, from two years now almost, and next year, i think it will be the same. and it's been a struggle for us >> reporter: in the capitol, lisbon, there were also protests. workers drove hundreds of buses over the river tagus after the government said crowds would not be allowed to marriott bridge because of safety concerns. back in porto, they filed through the city center. the sign says: enough! meaning we can take no more. right now, the portuguese don't quote know where to look for the signs of recovery but the government process they are on the horizon. it allians protest against cut backs there. tens of thousands of people were marching in rome when chaos broke out. people wearing hoods broke into the demonstration, used sticks to attack police in riot gear and set fires and used smoke bombs. police arrested 15. the mars come after italy announced a new budget. many italians do not believe it will create jobs or pull the country from its recession. up here in the northeast, it's been frankly a beautiful day. lots of sunshine. some storms are brewing in other parts of the country. we want to go to rebecca stevenson to talk more about the weather here and overseas and frankly, all across the country. rebecca, what's going on out there? >> right now, jonathan, we are tracking another typhoon. we have been monitoring this typhoon from the western side of the states. we go across the pacific. the pacific has been very quietly in the west and they are enjoying beautiful fall weather. it's a different story. when we start to look at conditions in the south pacific. this particular typhoon is headed up from frsan francisco toward japan. rye now, it's a super typhoon in that it is equivalent to a hurricane 5, powerful wind gusts. not a lot of movement with it today. it's been moving west/northwest about eight miles an hour which is significantly slower than what we had yesterday. but yesterday, the storm was quite a bit weaker. now, it we are starting to see the joint warning tension center track this towards japan a little farther to the north. we are expecting to see it move up just to the south of kyoto by the time we get into thursday evening. this is a photo of parts of japan that they are recovering from landslides that pushed excessive amounts of mud into homes and into businesses. 23 are reported dead already from this storm in japan and here, we've got a storm that you were just looking at tracking up near the area as we get through the day tomorrow. again, the specific track we are going to be potentially changing, confidence in the forecast is rather low right now. but coming up, i've got a some very good confidence, jonathan, in how cold it's going to be getting around parts of the midwest. >> it's about time. we are in october. thank, rebecca. in australia, temperatures are rising and winds are intensefying. hundreds of homes have been burned. wildfires continue to spread. andrew thomas is there with more >> reporter: in the blue mountains west of sydney volunteers are fighting fire with fire. by burning gig areas of under growth near homes, they're homing once the bush fires reach here, there will be nothing left to burn. >> we will go in and put a burnt lawn around the back of properties in areas and then we will look at burning out the smaller valley heat which is an offshoot of a area on fire >> reporter: fire fighters are working close to homes. 50 meters up the hill are people's houses. i can see their windows and doors. the volunteer fire fighters are trying to stop these flames from reaching them. >> and these are all volunteers practicing fire fighting is normally a weekend hobby. this, though, the real thing, is what that's all about. gina is the mother of two children. darrell manages a concrete factory. everyone thrown together. >> i may a cafe, make coffee. here is a builder, greg does garden maintenance. >> all volunteers >> volunteers, yes. do it for nothing >> reporter: at the top of the slope are the homes they are trying to protect and the people. this is an area often prone to fire. >> reporter: we are 10 meters from the bush. you can see you can get burned out easily. we are taking all of the precautions we can with a sprinkling system. we have shutters on the wind odes. we have a rainwater take which feeds a system that will cover the whole house in wall. >> others have certain similar message and lost everything? >> very frightening indeed because you just watch the flames coming and you don't know personally how you are going to stop them >> reporter: on a nearby road, many homes are now just rubble and ash. back at the fire front, the work is 24 hours a day. the firefighters taking advantage of cooler temperatures and lighter winds while they last and grabbing moments to rest, only when thing. andrew thomas, al jazeera, mount rivervie riverview. near sydney. >> some never considered jake johnson to be a frontrunner for the job. coming up on al jazeera america, we take a look at his credentials. the historic battle of the alamo provided poetic inspiration in the plaza. they are calling for more open gun laws in texas. (vo) al jazeera america we understand that every news story begins and ends with people. >> the efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. (vo) we pursue that story beyond the headline, past the spokesperson, to the streets. >> thousands of riot police deployed across the capitol. (vo) we put all of our global resources behind every story. >> it is a scene of utter devastation. (vo) and follow it no matter where it leads, all the way to you. al jazeera america. take a new look at news. antonio mora brings you smart conversation that challenges the status quo with unexpected opinions and a fresh outlook. including yours. >> what do you think? >> consider this. unconventional wisdom. police in florida are looking for two convicted killers who walked out of prisons using forged papers. the hunt for charles walker and joseph jenniferingins is focusing on or lands 0. their families had this message in for the fugitive: turn yourself in. amanda price an emotional plea from the woman of charles -- mother of charles walker, one of the escaped killers? >> i want you to sur rend yourself to someone who you trust, who willbly you bam in safely. we don't want any harm to come to you. >> walker and joseph jenkins walked out of prison using forged court documents. both were serving life sentences for murder. we are learning more about the escape and what happened after. a man officials describe as a father figure to jumpingins said he drove six hours to pick up jenkins for prison and brought him clothes >> his birthday was going to be october 1st. we had a birthday party for him. but he was a no show. >> walker and jenkins were serving time at the franklin correctional institute in the florida panhandle. after they got out, they traveled 300 miles to orlando where they walked into the jail and registered as felons as required by law. police say they think the men are still in the orlando area and say they have new leads. authorities are also trying to find outed how the men were able to walk free in the first place. one obvious question: how they got the forged paper. >> there is some suggestion they might have had some assistance. we are looking into that. we are not sure that occurred yet. >> for now, their prior to is putting charles walker and joseph jenkins back behind bars. amanda price, al jazeera. some senators are questioning president obama's pick for secretary of homeland security. jay johnson was a critical member of mr. obama's counter terrorism team. he also served nearly scenario years in senior roles at the defense department. the president's offer was unexpected, johnson said it is one he cannot refuse. >> i was not looking for this opportunity. i had left government at the end of last year and was settled back into private life and private law practice. when i received the call, i could not refuse it. >> to discuss johnson's nomination, we turn to tara moehler. she previously worked as an intelligence agent at the cia. thank you for being in >> thank you. >> what kind of faight do you think he will face? >> i don't think he will face that big of a fight. he is no that high profile and not that pollarizing and i mean that by looking apt other people but there has been some criticism. he is a big campaign donor. lots of presidential have. including tom ridge. >> that raises a question of whether he is qualified >> republicans have been criticizing campaign doanor aspect of the story and there are some questioning credentials. homeland security is a role you can tab whether it be law enforcement, whether it be someone with a legal background which jay johnson has. the previous few secretaries, chertoff, napolitano, and ridge were lawyers. >> napolitano was a governor and had a lot of experience with border issues that he does not have. >> exactly. i think actually the most credible sort of questioning of his credentials would go to the fact that he does not have immigration experience. most of his work has been in the pentagon itself as general counsel under president obama, under bill clinton also in the air force's general counsel and a long practice dealing with security issues like drones and questioning about striking, you know, u.s. silverians link today overseas so he has a history in that area, not in immigration, not with management of a 220,000 bureaucracy, the size of homeland security. >> when you hear him say he thinks the war on terror should not be evenedless is one of the statements he made, what do you think he means by that? >> he made that statement, i believe it was this week that he made that statement before in speeches he made when he left government to the oxford union and at yale law school. i think we will see him pick a big role in terms of whether or not some of these programs might be wrapping down over the next, you know, course of a few years. however. >> what kind of programs programs do you think he may wrap down? >> there is a question of sort of when the legal authority for this war has ended. he has made statements to the fact that this is not aver ever ending war with who it end he have with to look at the scope of the war. he has looked at this with regard to drones and libya intervention. he was the one that pushed obama to say it could only go within 60 days. he has been on both sides of the issue. he has come under attack from war hawks and people who want us to be, you know, pulling in on you our drone campaign. it will be interesting to see. cyber is another area that falls under the homeland squared umbrella so he doesn't really have much of a record in that arrest but he does in terms of legal issues. there are lots of legal issues in the sigh ber doe man. >> long time lawyer and has experience when it comes to that. thank you, terra. we appreciate it. texans are lobbying in san antonio. more than a thousand people turned out armed with rifles and shot guns. >> that's where we find hieidi joe castro. what is this realally all about? >> jonathan, earlier today, as you said, there was a siege of armed protesters here more than a thousand people armed with rifles, shot guns, anything that qualifies as a long gun in texas, anything with a long barely and they were loaded weapons as well. these protesters showed up to in their words, normalize these weapons which under texas state law is legal. they called this protest in the first place because they say there is a san antonio ordinance that's in conflict with the state law. they discovered that when three of their members, pro gun members were cited for disorderly conduct outside of a coffee house a short time ago because they were sitting there with their rivals and police did a citizens arrest of hear them. they called this, this rally in protest of that. also, to show the world in their words that these gun owners can be non-violent and peaceful while still taking up their second amendment rights. jonathan? >> what do they say about the tourists out there who are honestly concerned about seeing people walking around with guns 1234 do they not think this may be just the image alone of people carrying large guns like this maybe hurts their cause? >> you know, jonathan, i asked them that because certainly this morning, there were many more protesters than pedestrians and tourists here and a futurists who i spoke to, some were curious, engaging in conversations with these protesters, while others just turned around and left and didn't want to bring their small children where they thought an accident or something else could happen. when you ask the protesters, how is this furthering your cars? they say visibility e special lick as an iconic, that language of romance dating back to the battle of the alamo. they think that contributes to their image and they see this as a revolution, much like the texas revolution. for them, they are defending their gun rights which they see is under attack. >> getting attention there thank you. darren haynes is here with sport. coach baum passes away. >> the n.f.l. lost a coaching legend. he was 90 years old. he served for 11 seasonses, six with the houston oilers during love you blue hay day and fight with the new orleans saints. he rebuilt them into a play-off team. he was known for his funny sense of humor and trademark cowboy hat. alex's rodriguez's appeal hearing say a-rod's camp is shelling out money for biogenesis documents. he said he authorized it in return for bio genersis documents. >> haynes, that's a look at sports headlines at this hour. >> thanks, darren. a common nuisance across north america and europe. now, there is a clever new way to fight back against canadian geese, of all things. >> every morning from 6 to 10am al jazeera america brings you more us and global news than any other american news channel. find out what happened and what to expect. >> start every morning, every day, 6am to 10 eastern with al jazeera america. that's all i have an real money. victoria azarenko . welcome back to al jazeera america. i am jonathan betz. we want to go book to the breaking news from san francisco. two people have been killed. this comes against strike negotiations. lisa, what have you learned? >> reporter: the bart deputy police chief who i spoke with did confirm that two people were killed along a stretch of tracks hit by a bart train and we now know that those were indeed two bart employees. they were along the tracks, a train came along and hit them, and they are both dead, and there are emergency crews as well as police officers on the scene now investigating. the deputy chief referred to it as a crime scene. he says more will be learned action of course, as they continued their investigation, but it seems that trains were still running despite the strike here in the bay area they awere not picking up passengers but running for maintenance, for security reasons to keetch the tracks in good working order perhaps. we also have heard in recent weeks that there could be some bart managers driving some of those trains in an effort to possibly resume some services during a strike in the bay area. several sources had said bart managers were being trained to drive the trains. unclear, of course, if that was the case today. i asked the deputy chief who was driving the train, and he said someone, quote, who was qualified to drive a train but not a union worker, he said. they are on strike. now, an investigation, bart switches gears. they were getting prepared to hold a news conference in responses to the latest move by the un ions, the unions claiming earlier today that they would indeed allow their members to vote on bart's latest best and final offer. prior to today, the unions said they would not allow their unions to vote on it. now, they will although they expect a resounding no but they said they would put it to a vote. bart is scrambling to deal with this latest situation. we expect to he more shortly. >> it is a horrible turn for bart thank you so much. a 15-year-old school bill in france was on a school trip when she was detained by police in front of her classmates. then she was departed along with her entire family to kosovo. after protests in the streets across france, the president now says the girl can return to france but only if she leaves her family mind. more from paris on this controversial immigration case. >> leo narda dibrani has won her battle to return to france but she is not happy with the offer from the president she described as heartless. only leonarda, not her family, would be allowed back from kosovo. ? >> the president did not understand my situation at all, not at all. and i think he hasn't even considered our case. he probably did it because of politics but i am not a dog to be dragged by the arm. i am not animal. during the week, her case brought thousands of protesting students out onto the streets appalled at the way her case was handled. now, the president admits it was heavy handed to detain leonarda in front of her hands but the expulsion, itself, was legal. if she requests and wants to continue her education in france, she and only she would be welcomed. france, as i said, is the republic. it means firmness in the application of the law. it also means humanity in the application of the procedures. >> the president's difficulties with this case are not over yet. the leader of his own socialist party says that the entire family with the exception of the father should be allowed back. while the interior minister is reported as saying that he will quit if leonarda is allowed to return to france. >> president orland is caught between those who are outraged at the treatment of some asylum seekers and others demanding tougher immigration laws. >> in canada, many rally against fracking. the royal canadian mounted police have responded. protesters rallied against the project. five police vehicles were set on fire. it's unknown who is to blame. 40 demonstrators were arrested. >> the search continues for a 14-year-old autistic boy who walked out of his school in new york city two weeks ago. the case has drawn attention to the needs of autistic children in the classroom. kaelynn ford has more >> reporter: like any other new york teenager, he loves running in the park, playing with his ipad and going to school. >> all right. we are going up. >> alex is autistic and cannot speak. >> those, you can have. are you sure you want those? i will open it for you. his father, ken, is a single parent and takes care of him full-time. school is a break for both of them. >> alex going to school every day, again, he gets the opportunity to,his own people and have, i think, a degree of freedom, you know, from me, and it's the same for me, vice versa in that i get a little bit of a break that really, i think, allows us to be closer actually. alex takes classes here at a public school just for students with special needs. each classroom has just six students bur some advocates for the oughtistics say students benefit more being included in classrooms. >> people with disabilities and people without disabilities are better served when we can go to school together. that doesn't simply mean dropping a student with a disability in a public school classroom and say, good luck. god speed. sink or swim. no. what true inclusion means is providing the supports, the services, the teacher training and the individualized education planning to insure that that student has the opportunity to succeed. >> the rate of autism in america has been increasing, one in 88 children have been diagnosed with some form of the disease. like many severely autistic children, he needs constant supervision to stay focused and keep him from running away. many schools aren't prepared to integrate these students >> we need the budget to be able to provide specialized services. more than, that we need training. what i have found is that most of my students and still in restrictive environments, because they have the potential to be in these mainstream settings if they have the support. ken hopes alex can go to a mainstream school some day but now it's about moving him forward and sometimes catching up. kaelynn ford, al jazeera, new york. earlier lease a goin joined us to discuss educating autistic including her son >> we have worked closely with our school system. >> he is in a public school with kids who are not autistic and how does that work with you? how does it work with him? is it a challenge? >> so i think it's a fluid process so there are times when it's easier than other times but i think it's something that the family needs to work with the school district to constantly be monitoring the goals we are working on and if the setting is appropriate for him to meet those goals that's what we have been working on. >> what do you tell your school that they need to be on the watch for, for instance with your son >> every person with autism is different. >> for him, his challenges are more in terms of attentional issues and maybe not staying on task as much. so, it really depends upon the individual learner and what they need in order to succeed. >> when you he about this new york team who walked out of the school several weeks ago and has been missing ever since, what is the first thing that comes to your mind about this case >> we know approximately 50% of kids with autism do wander. so for a parent of any child but certainly for a pafrment with a child with autism, it's one of their worst nightmares. you couple that with the fact this child doesn't speak. he can't ask for help. he can't necessarily communicate that he is lost. so it's just, you know, so heart breaking. >> so what kind of thing should be in place at schools that have children like this >> it's important that schools provide training and ongoing training. the news of the students change there needs to be support throughout the school building and autism speaks has developed a school community tool kit cool for anyone to download and that provides information for differently school members about how to interact with individuals' autism. >> what are the benefits of having autistic children put into mainstream schools >> for some students, they do well in mainstream schools but they need supports. you want them to be fully included as much as they can be within their community, and the best place to start is in your schools. >> thanks to lisa goring with autism speaks. wild birds can be a nuisance. their waste can actually spread disease. getting rid of them is not easy. if you are in canada, you might call goose busters to get the job done. daniel lack tells us more. >>. >> they flock to our parks for food. what they leave behind is unsightly and documentsic. they spread garbage and disease. sea gulls and canada was have longed plagued ottawa's petri island. what to do with them? >> in the capitol still, they called in drone strikes. the founder of a company called goose busters buzzes the beach-bound birds with remote control helicopter did. he stays well clear so they don't get hurt, but they want no part of his swooping aircraft. >> i gently harass them or scare them and they will fly off to another area. they will get to an area where they are not being harassed and all of their colleagues will follow them. >> so far, it's working. fewer birds are coming. beach goers play in presteen sands while steve's chopper p patrols nearby. >> i think it's a fabulous idea to be able to bring the kids to the beach like this and have it clean, no birds bothering you when you are trying to eat and we are not harming the birds at all. >> next year, air patrols could happen over other water front parks if ottawa city council approves. there is global interest in goose busters? >> we are getting calls from people across the states, even from europe, have been contacting us. it's something that a lot of major cities have problems with this and, hopefully, we have found a resolution for it. >> there is no threat from above here or at most other city parks. as you can see, the girds are making themselves at home. if this project gets approved wurnl day both species, humans and birds may find themselves in cleaner, greener surroundings. daniel lack, al jazeera, ottawa. >> drones after birds. all righty. making history more than after 100 years. an eiconic treasures from the o doomed titanic heads to the auction block. >> the shooting happened about 30 minutes ago. >> companies... >> the remains of the fire are still everywhere here. >> the powers that be at home and around the world... >> not only do they not get compensation but you don't even have to explain why? >> well thats exactly what i said. >> we question authority. >> so you said we could get access... >> that's enough! >> ... and those affected. >> investigative journalism at it's toughest. a violin believed to have been played on the titanic as the doomed vessel sanction has been sold at auction for $1.7 million. the instrument was owned by the bandleader, wallace heartley, one of the victims over a century ago. it was reported found floating in the wreckage and returned to his fiancee. andrew potter has more. >> no longer playable, it's what this violin represents which makes it of huge value. these initials stand for wallace hartley. he was bandleader on the ocean liner tigtanic which sank on it maiden voice in 1912. heartley and his band mates played to comfort passengers as the ship went down. it thought this was the instrument he used >> it represents bravery in human nature the way this young man and his colleagues and all of the people on the ship stayed and if you will filled their duty. >> it represents a substantial investment for one collector after going under the hammer at auction. [applause.] 900,000 british pounds, $1.4 million. more than four times the expected value. >> it's not about the cash. it's about what it is. it's the most iconic there is. it's history. it's a brave man, the money is secondary, it is a very valuable violin. there is no doubt about that. >> the violin was discovered in an english attic in 2006. there has been fierce debate about its authenticity. this auctionier says it's the wrong thing, saying heartley strapped it to his body in a leather case before becoming one of the titanic's 1500 victims. there is no word on who the buyer is yet. it's hoped the instrument will remain on public display. andrew potter, al jazeera. all righty. time to talk football. >> a lot is going on college fwault. big wins, big plays, big upsets but the last time tennessee beat a top 15 opponent, it was against south carolina almost six years ago on that tennessee team was aaron foster and during that year, former volunteer qb peyton manning won his first super bowl. second quarter usc down 3 with the rock. conner shaw hits berg for 76 yards. >> that's a touchdown there. extra point is good. game cocks 7-3. tennessee, justin we arely to a lotland howard, a 6-yard touchdown. 10-7 vols. hand-off to mike davis. he's going to run hard, breaking a bunch of tackles here he will go go 1 yards into the end zone. the cocks cut the lead down to three. but there is more where that came from. check out connor shaw. he is going to take the easy quarterback keeper one yard for six points. with three seconds on the clock, tennessee's michael daugherty, 19 field goal for the win and let's go home. first tennessee win over south carolina since 2009. 23-21. ball game. vanderbilt trying to keep their upset going against 15th ranked georgia. running back sea more goes in for the score, 7-3 commodores, after murray touches down, vanderbilt pulls off a fake field goal with casey spears for the touchdown 14-10, vandy. georgia will take back the momentum when samuels picks this one off and takes it to the house georgea back up 17-4 last minute now, first half, georgia starting to pull away. aaron murray rules out, can't find anyone but decides to take it himself and scores a touchdown. 21-14 bug dogs at the half. vanderbilt will climb in this one in the second half after a box punt at the 13 yard line, seymour taking all the way and squareing the 31-27 upset win over vandy. >> northwestern and minnesota wildcats buckley scores on a 3-yard touchdown phillip nelson hit the ingall. 7 now. third quarter, from northwestern, passing. that's not supposed to happen. james manual gets the interception. it's going 24 yards, 14-7 minnesota. northwestern shows some life as simon or simeon gets his pass in check, finds tony jones in for the score, 20-17. on the kickoff, for the onside kick doesn't go 10 yards. minnesota goes on to win this one, 20 to 17. florida state and clemson faceoff tonight in a battle star quarterback, jamis winston from fsu and taj from clemson. more on tonight's qb match-up. >> florida state and clemson quarterback are two very prominent heisman con definitelieders. only one can be left standing after this. winston is a great red shirt freshman who has played unbelievable all year, kept his team in game and taj boyd is a wylie veteran with georgia at the beginning of the season. he won that one. i give him the edge just because he has been down this road before. winton is fun to watch. >> the story behind why grambling state boycotted the game against jackson state came to light. in a letter written by the players to the university administration: this concerns regarding facilities having mold and mildew, pure equipment and long, tiring travel arrangements. they took issue with the firing of doug williams. the university had to play a 20,000 dollar fine for, for feting their game. you see these things and assume they seem to be routine. cardinals back in the world series. they won it back in 2011. they came within one victory of making it back last fall. now, they are going back to baseball's biggest stage again for the 19th time. >> i am just feel as a team, we fought so hard during the regular season. we went through ups and downs. we stood together and we did it as a team actually. i mean it was fun, you know, just being able to watch veteran guys, being able to see the younger guys coming along and just coming here and do their job. it fealties great. now, while the cardinals are heading back to the world series, over in the alcs, the boston red sox will be looking to drop the hammer on the detroit tilingers tonight. red sox are up three gaze to two but they will have to face max scherzer who is that corrected in game 2. can he do it again? >> the games are different. the mentality is the same. i haven't played in a game yet where it hasn't been a must-win situation. for me, it's the same mentality every time we take the field. pitch a game. baseball is the same, 60 feet, six inches and you have to throw strikes. just because it's something that doesn't matter what the situation or what the game means, i am going to approach the game the same way. >> it was imports to us as we were finishing out the final week to secure home field advantage, you know, i can't say that we sat around and said, well, this is what it will mean in game 6 or game 7. what does tonight have in store for us? how do we go about to find a way to win a game? if that has other meanings such as securing home field a vantage, so be it that same attitude will be present tomorrow. >> that's a look at sports. >> okay. you mentioned the northwestern minnesota game. you do not mention it is peanut free. who would have known? >> who would have known? >> they are a fan favorite at venues across the country, for an increasing number of kids, those peanuts can be dangerous, even fatal. one big football stadium. northwestern stopped selling them at least for just one game. here is the story >> reporter: ely lundy had never been able to watch his favorite college football team playing at northwestern university. his family didn't want to take the chants because his peanut allergy nearly killed him as an infant. >> row 12. >> i feel safe about going to a football game, and i really am happy that they were able to do it. >> laming... >> the goal line. >> i don't know. today eli is going to his first wildcat game ever because the university has banished peanuts at least for this game. they are making a big deal out of it. they are calling it peanut-free day at ryan field. no peanuts sold and none allowed in. >> it is just fantastic. it's just fantastic. it's not safe. you go to a place like wrigley field and they have peanuts and peanuts and peanuts and they are all over the place. it's like taking, you know, playing russian roulette with your kids. >> in preparation, the university hosed down the state to remove peanut residue from past games. if it all seems extreme, doctors say, it's not. >> if you are sitting in a seat where someone was eating peanuts and you touch it -- and kids, they put their fingers in some orifice, you know, 40 times an hour. >> dr. gupta worked on a stud that is correct found about one in 13 u.s. kids has some kind of food allerg e, the most common, a peanut allergy and she says over half of those have had a is he severe reaction >> they can go into anaplaxis. they can have trouble breathing, drop in blood pressure and it can quickly lead to death. >> outside the stadium, tailgaters munched on pre-game peanuts but said they didn't mind the ban >> everybody knows at least they advertised it ahead of time so you don't is accidentally take them in there you. >> how has it come to this? why has the number of peanut allergies in kids tripled since 1997? dr. gupta says there are plenty of theories but nobody knows for sure. she says we may have become too clear. all of the anti-bacterial products we use may be keeping kids from getting common infections that ultimately present food allergies. at northwestern, the loss of a popular treat for a lot of fans is actually a big score for this family. andy rosen, al jazeera in chicago. >> rebecca is back with weather. what happens when social media uncovers unheard, fascinating news stories? it drives discussion across america. >> share your story on tv and online. so many money stories > . it is a time of year we are starting to see harvest season for apples, not just those great apples out of washington state but, also, kent, england. we have national apple day and at saintsberg, we have a beautiful harvest with the bright red spots. those are apples. if we head to the u.s., here is where we have some beautiful fall colors. this is flag island, minnesota, which is the very northern point at which minnesota starts to change over to canada. we go to alberta clifford coming in and this very area will probably see snow on these leaves bringing them down probably a little bit sooner expected. you can see from rain showers going through parts of the east coast right now. relatively colitbut through parts of pennsylvania down to new jersey, it's a steadier light rain moving out quickly. to the northwest, we are seeing dry. same story for california when you go farther south. dry, warm weather. here is the snow forecast next 24 hours. one to four inches in parts of north dakota and snow showers in minnesota tomorrow. we will have more details coming up. this is al jazeera america. two convicted killers accidentally released by using forged documents have been caught. the pair were reportedly found in panama city, florida. there was a massive manhunt across florida looking for those two men. joseph jenkins and charles worker. breaking news also out of san francisco, two workers with bay area rapided transit when killed when they were hit by a train. the scene is being investigated by bart police. it is believed the train was not being run by rug operators because of the strike. j.p. morgan and the department


Transcripts For WBAL 11 News At 5AM 20130121

so far so good on the b-w parkway. 55 miles per hour is the southbound traffic. a nice start on 70 in towards the beltway. south on 29 is checking out ok down towards the capital beltway. a light ride east and westbound at this hour. 54 on the baltimore beltway. 83's checking out just fine. out of traffic is very like to and from 95. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> we decided we're not going to say one word for the next three hours because that pretty much says it all -- afc champion baltimore ravens. >> the ravens are heading towards new orleans. >> the ravens did avenge last year's loss to the patriots. 14 unanswered points while the defense shut down tom brady's passing attack. 28-13. the ravens stars reflected on what this game meant to them. >> we didn't come all the way here to play it safe. we have to play to win and do some of those plays. our guys made big plays, everybody came up big when we needed to. >> baltimore is one of the most loyal places i've been around. the greatest reward is another chance for a super bowl. i'm on for the ride. >> that sets the stage for the ravens taking on the san francisco 49ers in the super bowl. you could hear the game on wbal radio and 98 radio a full day of pregame coverage. >> ravens fans went crazy. kim dacey joins us live from fells point. i'm sure there are still fans partying. >> i think everybody has gone home. the fans poured out of the bars and parted in the streets. the ravens had won the afc championship, securing their spot in the super bowl. many fans feel a trip to the super bowl is long overdue for this team. they have played with purpose. ray lewis announced this'll be his final season. fans cannot be happier that his last game will be in new orleans. >> we knew we were going to take it. >> i'm happy for baltimore and for the state. go ravens! >> the ravens will have this weekend off before the super bowl in new orleans. it will pit brother against brothers. their opponent is jim harbaugh. some are doubling this the har- bowl. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. after beating andrew luck, peyton manning, and tom berretta, do you think the ravens should be for a half point underdogs in the super bowl? you can share your response on, on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to >> it seems everybody in baltimore is caught up in ravens fever, even stephanie rawlings- blake. she found herself almost speechless. >> my voice is a little raspy because i have been screaming. there are no words. this is our date with destiny. it is incredible. i don't have any words. we are very blessed as a city. >> 10 minutes early, all that it was -- 5:05. 35 degrees at the airport. bedlam in a parking lot. >> barbara walters is waking up in a hospital this morning. >> a little bit of traffic on 695 at greenspring. >> good morning. downtown this morning the purple is flying. it will be a chilly day today. let's take a look it some of the members. partly cloudy skies. 32 in annapolis. 27 in frederick. a mixture of sun and clouds. a chance for some snow showers or flurries late this afternoon and this evening. high temperature near 40. we'll come back and take the seven-day of all the way through next weekend. >> the latest reports reflecting massive spike in the death toll from last week's deadly rescue attempt. forces found dozens of more bodies. casualties were earlier listed in the 50's. the standoff ended on saturday. many hostages were taken including americans. some are questioning the tactics of the algerian military. after a fan was stabbed in a parking lot. during the fight, the victim was cut in the throat. >> barbara walters is in the hospital after taking a fall. she suffered a cut on the forehead after falling from a step on saturday night. the cut is not believed to be serious. >> 5:10. we go from purple friday to blue monday. some call today the most depressing day of the year. >> we are taking a close eye on the roads down towards the b.c. regid.c. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. it is mlk day. we expect more volume heading down towards the d.c. area for inauguration day. inner loop of the capital beltway, we have an accident. 95 at 65 miles per hour down towards 100 down towards 32. on the b-w parkway, 55 miles per hour. 65 on 97 down towards 50. 62 on 70 eastbound and running smoothly in towards the beltway. north and southbound traffic in great shape in ellicott city. 55 on the northeast side. everything running smoothly on 95 out of the northeast. 83's in great shape. this is harford road. the north eastern corner looking good. >> good morning. big change in the weather. the coldest air mass of the season will be saddling him. it is a gradual process. we have some cloud cover on the satellite. no precipitation around baltimore. there is a couple like storm in ohio. it doesn't have a lot of precipitation. there's some snow shower activity south of pittsburgh. that is the leading edge of the air mass. it will unleash the arctic hounds. you'll notice the difference tomorrow. the in house model is producing some snow around pennsylvania. garrett county will pick up around 4-5 inches. maybe snow flurries around the baltimore. you can see this arctic air waiting in the wings. temperatures about 30 below zero. that arctic air is waiting to move into the mid atlantic region. we will see daytime highs in the 20's. 26 degrees in jarrettsville. a mixture of sun and clouds. maybe some snow showers later this afternoon or this evening. high temperature between 37 and 42 degrees. it will turn windy and cold for the next of the week. the wind chills will be in the teens. there could be some snow by friday. back into the 20's by the weekend. >> ravens fans showing no signs of it this morning but some consider today the most depressing day of the year. many have dubbed the third monday in january as blue monday. what better way to cure those blues than by shopping? only 9% say they feel guilty about their choice of therapy. you may see ads that claim to turnaround your credit score. be careful about believing some of those promises. >> it is a pile of broken dreams from people trying to turn around their financial history. >> their situation is changing. >> or is about people at the end of their financial rope. there are plenty of people making wild promises to fix their credit for a price. >> companies are basically out to make money on desperation. >> it takes time. if anyone promises they can do it in a hurry, be cautious. >> chances are they may not be being honest with you. >> check your own credit report and make sure it is accurate. that is something you can do for free. >> you can do it yourself without having to pay for it. >> check out a credit counselor with the better business bureau. now is a great time to cut up those credit cards and make a commitment to improve your score. for those who left made the change -- >> they are ecstatic. it is life changing for them. >> i would imagine so. the stock market is closed today but there are plenty of headlines. >> good morning. more signs americans moving toward the goal of being energy independent. oil is driving fast. the latest alex's the u.s. will be 99% self-sufficient in energy during the coming decade. a years ago the u.s. was only 7% self profession. there has been talked about the entitlement reform. a proposal to shore up social security and medicare by raising the eligible age by not increasing taxes subject to the social security payroll tax. scale back benefits for wealthier recipients. stock's closing the day mostly in the green. the markets are closed today for the martin luther king jr. holiday. it looks like it is better to be single, at least in the financial sense. taxpayers will see the federal tax rates rise this year on wages and investments. the increase will pinch mary customers faster than individuals especially if both spouses work and have capital gains. >> it took 32 seconds for the president to begin his second term. a national celebration to welcome back america's president. tracie potts has more when the ceremony gets under way. >> i barack hussain obama -- >> president obama takes the stage this morning having already been sworn in yesterday. >> the last one was kind of fast. we'll take some time to enjoy it. >> hundreds of thousands witness the second inauguration of america's first black president. >> it means a whole lot. >> despite tough approval ratings, president obama still holds star power. many traveled hundreds of miles just to get a glimpse. >> he leaned forward and i saw him and it made me happy. >> the president has some advice for those standing hours in the call today. >> be sure to bundle up although it will not be as cold as a was four years ago. >> the first latino and first openly gay inaugural poet. >> i think the sense of unity is what want to bring across. >> i am very excited. it is going to be good. >> thousands of extra security officers have been sworn in. 150 city blocks around the capitol are shut down. >> we have to be prepared for everything. >> the beginning of a new term. >> i want you to know something else about this guy barack obama. he is just getting started. >> tracie potts, nbc news, washington. >> 30 degrees at the airport. the stage is set for president obama's second inauguration. >> don't forget to e-mail us your response to our water cooler question of the day. after beating andrew luck, peyton manning, and tom brady, do you think the ravens should be 4 1/2-point underdogs in the super bowl? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to >> president obama took the official oath of office in a private ceremony at the white house yesterday. >> a parade down pennsylvania avenue. the parties have already started. >> there are four and days of events to celebrate president obama's second term as president. we're at national harbor in the middle of it. it is one big party. this is one of the big tickets -- the maryland inaugural ball. it is one of six dozen different balls and galas to celebrate the 57th presidential inauguration. for many, attending a ball is an important tradition. >> we come near to of a good time. >> i followed the protocol of black tie. >> you eat before you come. then you can party all night and have fun. >> we found larry brown in front of the ravens game. a towering custom cake from charm city takcakes. >> i'm all dressed up. >> hundreds of marylanders dressed up and having a ball. >> america for a common purpose and a common good. that is something to celebrate. >> we have george washington to thank. he celebrated taking his oath of office doing the minuet. kate amara, wbal-tv 11 news. >> 5:27. 30 degrees at the airport. wait until you see how low ravens fans are gearing up for the super bowl run. >> celebration after the game. >> credit card scanners. it is getting difficult to know who you can trust online. >> you can always trust the >> you can always trust the >> you're watching wbal-tv 11. live, local, late-breaking. this is 11 news today at 5:00 a.m. >> good morning. welcome back to 11 news today. i'm stan stovall. >> and i'm mindy basara. thanks for joining us for 11 news today. eary-eyed.tle blurry >> we have the post-game blues. >> that is funny. it is chilly but not called this mornold this morning. 30 degrees at the airport with some cloud cover. a northeast wind at 5. we will make it up to 40 this afternoon. we will be in the 20's by the middle of this week. there could be some flurries this afternoon. the coldest air mass of the season and may be the coldest air mass we have seen in about four years. it is been very mild over the winter is the last few years. >> we expect a lot of volume heading down to the d.c. area. 55 on 295 down past 32. 64 on 97 as you travel to and from 50. 65 making a right down toward 100. about 10 minutes from the beltway down towards 32. this is 95 near 395. traffic is moving very well to and from the city. 55 on the north side. 70 at 29, 64 miles per hour. 29 looking good trawling down towards the d.c. region. we will keep you posted on any problems or delays. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> the counter may have read the january but for ravens fans, it was like christmas and new year's eves all wrapped up together. >> celebrations out into the streets. kim dacey joins us live from fells point this morning. >> it was pretty crazy after the game. per body seems to have gone home for the evening. it seems it was quite a celebration in fells point last night. the fans went wild when the clock hit zero. for some it was redemption from last year's afc championship game when the ravens came up just short. the ravens have played with purpose. some feel a renewed sense of purpose since ray lewis announced it will be his last game. >> we knew we were going to take it. this is the ravens we're talking about. >> i'm happy for baltimore and for the state. go ravens! >> the ravens have this weekend off before heading to the super bowl next weekend. their opponents are the san francisco 49ers. a summer picnic and the super bowl the har-bowl -- more naming the super bowl -- some are naming the super bowl the har- bowl. >> police arrested daren ruffin for stabbing melissa davis. the two had been arguing before the stabbing. >> a police officer follows charges follow an incident at a bar. this happened around 2:15 saturday morning. michael daugherty was found intoxicated. he reportedly pointed his service revolver at two other man in an altercation in the parking lot. >> a weekend ski outing turns deadly. a man died on saturday morning when he lost control and ran into a group of trees. >> all this talk about catch some say now about being safebout hav online. >> we need to be aware and need them to use the right types of tools to protect themselves and the kids around them. >> even if you're not interested in a hoax, seize the moment to teach the children of. >> it is a good teaching tool. i am using the story in my own home as an example. >> have a conversation with your children with an emphasis that online you never talk to strangers. this could be a reality check for parents. >> i went online and did a bunch of research. there is a phone book of the texting acronyms. >> codes your child may be using that he did not want them to crack. except she says they have become savvy. emphasize you want them to be safe. chris clackum, wbal-tv 11 news. >> dangerous territory sometimes. 5:37. do you know other kinds of problems fast food can make worse? >> don't forget to e-mail us your response to our water cooler question of the day. after beating andrew luck, peyton manning, and tom brady, do you think the ravens should be 4 1/2-point underdogs in the super bowl? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to onwe're keeping a close eye the area roads. >> welcome back. temperatures in the 30's to start the day. it will be a breezy and chilly day. when you look back to more on today, you'll say it was a pretty warm one. 23 in parkton. the temperatures should be in the upper 30's and the low 40's with a chance for flurries in the northern suburbs this afternoon. we will check the seven-day forecast going all the way into the weekend. >> how effective vaccine is for your child might depend on where they get the shot. totters getting the vaccine in reduces the chance they will get a reaction. obesity isn't the only potential tall that fast food may have on a person's health. fast-food is willing to pay xcema.and eggs amo kids 28 fruit three times a week experienced a reduction in the severity of their conditions. 5:41. 30 degrees at the airport. ravens fans react to last night's big win. >> i am live in hamden this morning. details are coming up. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. volume is light. it is martin luther king jr. day and inauguration day. 55 ang lee b-w parkway just south of 32. 65 down towards 100. about 10 minutes from the beltway down towards 32. this is 95 near 395. traffic in great shape at this hour as are the major roads. 55 on the northeast side. 64 at 70 and 29. and southbound on 29 are rather light. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. tony has a check on your forecasts. >> so far so good today. no significant precipitation. we have partly cloudy skies. there is something i want to show you. this will turn into a storm out of the great lakes. there's nothing going on in ohio. the first hints of precipitation in western pennsylvania. this will increase the chance we will see some snow showers and flurries. it will be the leading edge of an arctic air mass. the coldest air we have seen in three or four years in maryland. there will be some snow shower activity this evening. most of the accumulating snow will take place in pennsylvania. maybe some flurries around baltimore. it is going to bring in some cold air. these are the actual temperatures in canada. single digits in the northern part of the united states. we will be on the southern fringe of the arctic air mass. 25 in westminster. 23 in parkton. a mixture of sun and clouds. a chance for some snow showers and flurries late this afternoon and this evening. high temperature between 37 and 42 degrees. it will get cold. high temperatures in the 20's. wind chills will be in the teens. there could be some snow by friday. that will be the warmest day of the week after today. chilly stuff is coming up. >> thank you, tony. 30 degrees at the airport. keith mills will have highlights of ravens championship win. >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers. >> time to get to your answers to our water cooler question of the day. this morning we asked, after beating andrew luck, peyton manning, and tom brady, do you think the ravens should be 4 1/2-point underdogs in the super bowl? >> i agree. >> it is motivation. simply put. t out.cki i >> we have a new shirt for the ravens. did you get this before or after the game? >> it is nice and simple. is that yours? >> i have to give back. >> they did not make it in extra, extra large? >> we want to do a traffic report. let me do sports. tom brady was 67-0 in games at home -- now they are 67-1. the ravens beat the patriots and shut them out in the second half. quite a night. ray lewis and the determined ravens football team. ray rice, plus side into the end zone. 7-3 ravens. 13-7. the ravens turn the game around in the second have. keith mills is joining us now. >> you were doing great. second touchdown for anquan boldin. here is the clincher. three times new england turned the ball over. 28-13. joe flacco leads the ravens to their second trip to the super bowl. >> i think we've had a special team. these games are tough to win. we are put in the position to win the game. it gets kind of crazy. this is my fifth year and this is the third one. we played well as a team today. that is what we need to do in a couple of weeks. >> he has outplayed andrew luck, peyton manning, and tom brady. the 49ers took on the falcons. it was all atlanta early. great catch here. 17-0. the strongest team survived. vernon davis went to the university of maryland. jim harbaugh and john harbaugh move on to the super bowl. their parents watched their game at home. >> what do they do? what are the chances? >> they played last year here. game. won that >> answer the question on the " sports illustrated" cover. >> i do not see where he has to rewrite anything. super bowl 47. >> we're looking for to the team from boston paying up on the bet. the ravens celebrating with fans across the state. more highlights and reaction. >> we have some arctic air and the forecast. >> we are keeping a close eye on the area roads. ♪ chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save. >> this is a beautiful team. baltimore, we did for you. >> the road to redemption. live team coverage of the championship win. >> i will faithfully execute -- >> president obama gets a dress rehearsal to prepare for this morning's inauguration ceremonies. a chilly start to the week. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> you're watching wbal-tv 11. live, local, late-breaking. this is 11 news today at 6:00 a.m. >> good morning. i'm mindy basara. >> and i'm stan stovall. thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> talk about football. >> it will feel like we'll move to green bay by tomorrow. or minnesota. probably the coldest air mass will seen in a couple of years. 30 degrees right now. we will make it up to 40 this afternoon. we will see some snow showers and flurries develop in the northern suburbs. that is most likely never the pennsylvania line. high temperatures will stay in the 20's and the overnight lows will be in the teens. be prepared. it is coming around the corner. first we check the roads with sarah. >> good morning. >> good morning.


Transcripts For WBAL 11 News Today 20130121

hour. we will be monitoring the area rose especially down to the d.c. region. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> our big story -- what else? the ravens are heading back to the super bowl. >> after getting off to a slow start, joe flacco and the ravens offense started firing on all cylinders. the ravens defense shut down tom brady's passing attack. >> you have to do some of those things. our guys made place. all the tight ends and receivers can update. >> baltimore is one of the most loyal places i've ever been around. the greatest reward you can give them is another chance at the super bowl. the last ride, i am on for the ride. >> the ravens take on the surface cisco 49 is in the super bowl two sundays from yesterday. the kickoff around 6:30 p.m. expect a full day of pregame coverage. talk about no respect. the oddsmakers have the 49ers' as four and a half point favorites over the ravens. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. after beating andrew luck, peyton manning, and tom brady, do you think the ravens should be 4 1/2-point underdogs in the super bowl? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to >> fans cannot be more excited for the ravens going to the super bowl. kim dacey is live with more on fan reaction. good morning. >> good morning. we understand it was pretty crazy last night. the fans poured out of the bars and partied in the streets. it was quite a celebration after the game. fans went wild. for some it was redemption for last year's afc championship game. many fans feel a trip to the super bowl is long overdue for the team. some feel thursday renewed energy for the team since ray lewis announced this will be his final season. >> we know we're going to take it. >> i'm happy for baltimore and the state. >> the ravens have this weekend off before heading down to new orleans for the game. this will also pit brother against brother. calling this game the har-bowl. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> everybody in baltimore caught up with ravens fever. even the mayor almost found herself speechless after we caught up with her last night at maryland's inaugural ball. >> my voice is a little raspy because i have been screaming. there are no words. this is our date with destiny. just to be -- it is incredible. i don't have any words. we are very blessed as a city. >> it is a day marked with pageantry as the president marks the beginning of this term. >> hallie jackson gives us a rundown of the day's events. >> the present state may begin at the white house but he will go to the capital for his swearing-in ceremony. the president and his family will go to church before making his way to capitol hill. president obama and) by an will val to preserve and protect the constitution. the president will use two bibles for the swearing in. a second one is from dr. martin luther king jr. there will be a lunch inside the capitol with lawmakers. hundreds of thousands of people are expected to watch the parade go down pennsylvania avenue. people began making the floats even before the election. president and first lady will attend two inaugural balls. the president and vice president will participate in a prayer service at the national cathedral here in d.c. i'm hallie jackson reporting. >> 6:06. some mental health experts call today the most depressing day of the year. >> barbara walters is waking up in a hospital this morning after a weekend fall. >> we are taking a look at the roads. we will let you ." >> welcome back. 33 degrees downtown. things are settling down in baltimore after a big night last night. it will be a chilly day today. not as warm as it was yesterday. we were in the lower 60's yesterday. a transition day into the arctic air that is moving in. a high thin cloud cover. will show to the radar -- we will show you the radar. a clipper storm will come through this evening and overnight. it will give us the possibility of some snow showers and flurries. that is happening in western pennsylvania and back into western maryland. this area will grow and had over towards baltimore. we have a chance for some light snow showers and flurries. in the mountains and may be southern pennsylvania, there could be a coating on the ground. this computer model does forecast that. around baltimore, just some snow showers and flurries. good news for the skiers out in the mountains. they will get another 4-5 i nches. look at these temperatures. these are the actual temperatures. 25 below zero. almost 30 below. that arctic air mass is going to dive towards us. we will be on the southern fringe of it. we will see it overnight temperatures in the teens. 29 in columbia. 27 in rising sun. a mixture of sun and clouds. it will be chilly but not as a cold as it is going to be. high temperatures between 37 and 42 degrees. a chance for snow showers early as the arctic front comes in. then it will get cold for the rest of the week. overnight lows will be in the teens. wind chills will be in the single digits at times. the warmest day after today will be on friday. 6:13. >> good morning. let's bring you up to date if you're preparing for your morning commute and it includes a trip down to the d.c. region. we haven't overturned a vehicle southbound 295 at powder mill road. there are delays down towards 32. take 95 as your alternate. this is 295, 23 miles per hour. at 175, no delays in this live picture. 95 looking good as your alternate down towards 100. 10 minutes from the beltway down towards 32. this is 95 near 198. we'll see more volume near the capital beltway. no problems at the fort mchenry or harbor tunnels. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> thank you. a massive spike in the death toll from last week's deadly hostage rescue attempt. the death toll now stands at 81. dozens of more bodies were found. early reports that casualties were in the 50's. special forces stormed the facilities that took dozens of international hostages. the fall what has called many to question the tactics of the algerian military. a chaotic scene after a fan was stabbed in the parking lot. a fight broke out between two falcon fans. the victim was cut in the throat. he is in stable condition this morning. barbara walters took a nasty fall and is in the hospital. she suffered a cut on her forehead after falling from a step on saturday night. is not believed to be serious. >> many mental-health professionals consider today the most depressing day of the year. of called the third monday in a blow mondue some say people shop to improve their mood. good news for homeowners. the number of foreclosures is dropping. it is down 3% from 2011. florida has the highest foreclosure rate in the country. the stock market is closed today for the mlk holiday. >> good morning. more signs americans are moving toward the goal of being energy independent. oil production is rising fast. it is predicted the u.s. will be 99% self-sufficient in energy during the coming decade. compare that to just eight years ago the u.s. was only 70% self- sufficient. there has been talk about entitlement reform. the business roundtable is proposinga proposal to shore up social -- security and medicare by raising the eligibility age and by not increasing taxes subject to the social security payroll tax. it would scale back benefits for wealthier recipients. taking a look at friday's closing numbers. stocks closing the day mostly in the green. the dow closed at a five-year high. the markets are closed today for the martin luther king jr. holiday. it looks like it is better to be single, at least in the financial sense. taxpayers will see the federal tax rates rise this year on wages and investments. the increase will pinch married customers faster than individuals, especially if both spouses work and have capital gains. this is the bloomberg business report. >> with the phony girlfriend story and talk about internet hoaxes, some say now was the time to have a talk about staying safe. >> experts say be careful. >> we need to be aware and need them to use the right types of tools to protect themselves and the kids around them. >> even if you're not interested in a hoax, seize the moment to teach your children. >> it is a good teaching tool. i'm sorry that it had to happen to this young man. i am using the story in my own home as an example. >> have a conversation with your children with an emphasis that online you never talk to strangers. plus, this could be a reality check for parents. >> i went online and did a bunch of research. there is a phone book of texting acronyms. >> codes your child may be using that thety do not want their parents to crack. clearmeans it's free and again. >> except she says they have become savvy. emphasize you want them to be safe. chris clackum, wbal-tv 11 news. >> 6:19. keith mills looks back on last night's great game and looked ahead to the team they will be facing. >> don't forget to e-mail us your response to our water cooler question of the day. after beating andrew luck, peyton manning, and tom brady, do you think the ravens should be 4 1/2-point underdogs in the super bowl? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers. hope you have them. there are over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee that have earned the "keurig brewed" seal of approval. the keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver a delicious cup of coffee every time. keurig brewed -- look for the only mark of genuine keurig quality. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. it is mlk day. we have the inauguration day. we are watching the area roads down towards the d.c. area. we haven't overturned a vehicle near powder mill road. that accident takes up the left lane and the delays stretch back towards 32. 65 on southbound 97 down towards glen burnie. 295 showing not a lot in terms of 175. we will see those delays stretch back shirley for that accident. building volume as you get closer to the capital beltway. this is 64 at 100. 11 minutes from the beltway down towards 32. the rest of the area roads aren't good shape. 72 at 29, 65 miles per hour. no problems on 29 down to the capital beltway. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> it is a to a store for us today. 25 important -- it is a chilly start for us today. high temperature in the upper 30's and low 40's. a mixture of sun and clouds. we will check the seven-day forecast coming up in just a few minutes. the man is in a purple haze this morning and feeling good. >> thank you. peyton manning and now tom brady. the ravens are heading to the super bowl. 28-13. they be doing that and they shut out the great tom brady, the almighty tom brady in the second-half. it was an emotional ray lewis. ravens take the lead here with ray rice on the touchdown. the ravens take this lead. another monster game for joe flacco. this one to dennis pitta. joe comes right back to him. joe flacco to anquan boldin. 28-13. then the clincher. tom brady, his passes deflected. -- his pas is deflected -- his pass is deflected. dannell ellerbe picks it off. >> all those guys are great players. joe is a great quarterback. he has proven for five years. it is 18 victory. we have a great football team -- it is a great victory. >> he gets up and catches it touchdown. john harbaugh 8-4 in the postseason. he will take on his brother jim . the 49ers beat the falcons. tony gonzales, great career. 17-0. matt ryan look like johnny unitas in the first half. 17-14. fern and davis went to maryland -- vernon davis went to maryland. 28-24. the 49ers will be going to the super bowl. sorry, san francisco. we're a few behind. we can hardly wait. >> 6:27. >> ravens fans could not be more excited they are heading to the super bowl. more on their reaction. >> sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. will update you on what to expect for ina >> you're watching wbal-tv 11. live, local, late-breaking. this is 11 news today at 6:00 a.m. >> good morning. welcome back to 11 news today. i'm stan stovall. >> and i'm mindy basara. thanks for joining us for 11 news today. will the ravens be practicing for the super bowl in cold temperatures this week? >> temperatures will be in the 20's for highs. today will be our transition day. it is 30 at the airport. a chance for snow showers and flurries as the arctic front comes then. in. >> there ravens make their first trip to the super bowl in 13 years. >> very cool. ravens fans celebrated that victory with 13 years' worth of energy in the making. kim dacey joins us live from fells point. hey, kim. >> things just exploded last night when the buzzer went off. it seems it was quite a celebration in fells point last night. the fans went wild when the clock hit zero. they realize the ravens won the afc championship. for some it was redemption from last year's afc championship game when the ravens came up just short. the ravens have played with purpose. some feel a renewed sense of purpose since ray lewis announced it will be his last season. fans couldn't be happier that his last dance will be in new orleans. >> we knew we were going to take it. this is the ravens we're talking about. >> i'm happy for baltimore and for the state. go ravens! >> the super bowl will pit brother against brother. jim harbaugh is the brother of john harbaugh. some are calling this the har- bowl. >> a deadly stabbing on saturday morning. daren ruffin has been charged in the stabbing death of melissa davis. this happened on east north avenue. investigators say they have been arguing before the stabbing. >> a police officer is facing some criminal charges after an incident at the towson bar. police responded around 2:15 on sunday morning. that is when they found michael daugherty intoxicated. he pointed his service weapon at two people in a parking lot. internal affairs is investigating. >> james park died on saturday morning when he lost control and ran into a group of trees. >> president obama to the official oath of office and a private ceremony sunday morning. >> a parade down pennsylvania avenue. kate amara shows us the parties have already started. >> there are four days of events to celebrate president obama's second term as president. we're at national harbor in the middle of it. in the nation's capital, it is one big party. this is one of the big tickets -- the maryland inaugural ball. sponsored by maryland's democratic party, it is one of six dozen different balls and galas to celebrate the 57th presidential inauguration. for many, attending a ball is an important tradition. and says some advice for the rookies. >> we come here to have a good time. >> i followed the protocol of black tie. and elegance party dress. >> you eat before you come. then you can party all night and have fun. >> we found larry brown in front of the ravens game. the other star of this show -- a towering custom cake from charm city cakes. everybody getting a picture with it. >> i'm all dressed up. why not? >> hundreds of marylanders dressed up and having a ball. >> america for a common purpose and a common good. and >> that is something to celebrate-- >> and that is something to celebrate. >> that is something to celebrate. >> we have george washington to thank. he celebrated taking his oath of office doing the minuet. that was set a dance hall in new york city -- was at a dance hall in new york city. kate amara, wbal-tv 11 news. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> the inauguration is happening today. there's a delay on southbound 295 at powder mill road. there is an overturned vehicle. this is 295 at 175. traffic is starting to build. 65 on 97 down towards 50. we will continue to monitor this as well as an alternate to 295. expect at a delays on 95 down to the capital beltway. 55 on the west side. not tracking any delays on the j.f.x. this is 95 the coming down to the split. seven minutes from the split down to the fort mchenry. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. over to you. >> we will do the seven-day forecast this time. 32 degrees in annapolis. a mixture of sun and clouds. high temperature around 40. a chance for some flurries into tonight. then it will get cold. wind chills could be dropping into the single digits. today will not be so bad. >> thank you. 30 degrees at the airport. >> if family boat trip takes on an unusual passenger. >> don't forget to e-mail us your response to our water cooler question of the day. after beating andrew luck, peyton manning, and tom brady, do you think the ravens should be 4 1/2-point underdogs in the super bowl? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. >> why would anyone pay more than $4 million for a used car? it was if it was the batmobile. the man selling the car is the man who customize a 1955 lincoln concept car and turned it into one of the most recognizable cars in the entire world. it could on tv lay down smokescreens and oil slicks. pretty cool. >> it would be fun to take a for a spin. a surprise while on a boating excursions. they thought the boat would be a good place to take it rest. they found the little guy quite charming. he continued to swim alongside the boat. that is interesting. >> very cool. 6:41. >> some good news on the accident down towards the d.c. area. we will check on the major roads. >> arctic air is just around the corner. partly cloudy skies right now. tuned.wnay the wet weather is next. >> welcome back to 11 news today. 6:44. police make an arrest in connection with a deadly stabbing on saturday morning. daren ruffin has been charged in the stabbing death of melissa davis. this happened in the 300 block of east north avenue. they apparently knew each other and work arguing before the stabbing. a police officer faces criminal actions. michael daugherty was found intoxicated. investigators say he was off to the at the time appointed his service revolver at two man in the parking lot. internal affairs is investigating. it took 32 seconds to begin his second term. president obama takes the oath of office again today at the capitol. tracie potts has more from the west front of the u.s. capitol where the ceremony gets underway later this morning. >> i barack hussain obama -- >> president obama takes the stage this morning having already been sworn in yesterday. >> the last one was kind of fast. we'll take some time to enjoy it. >> they are pulling up the temporary plastic. >> hundreds of thousands witnessed the second inauguration of america's first black president. >> it means a whole lot. it is something i never fathom ed. >> despite tough approval ratings, president obama still holds star power. many traveled hundreds of miles just to get a glimpse. >> he leaned forward and i saw him and it made me happy. >> the president has some advice for those standing hours in the call today. -- in the cold today. >> be sure to bundle up, although it will not be as cold as it was four years ago. >> the first latino and first openly gay inaugural poet. >> i think the sense of unity is what we want to bring across. >> perhaps no one is more excited about the fifth graders from new york. they are singing this morning. >> i am very excited. it is going to be good. >> thousands of extra security officers have been sworn in. there is a 30 mile no-fly zone over the city. 150 city blocks around the capitol are shut down. >> we have to be prepared for everything. >> the beginning of a new term. or as the vice president put it -- >> i want you to know something else about this guy barack obama. he is just getting started. >> tracie potts, nbc news, washington. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. it is inauguration day. we are checking on the area roads. 36 on 295 because of an earlier accident at powder mill road. there was an overturned a vehicle. it is starting to get a little better. you may want to consider 95 as your alternate. those delays continued down towards powder mill road. we'll keep a close eye on the error roads down towards the d.c. region. 55 on the west side of the beltway. 54 on the j.f.x. no problems on 95 out of the northeast. seven minutes from the split down to the fort mchenry. 895 in great shape. the area bridges running smoothly. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> we have some cloud cover this morning. things are about to change in the atmosphere. jessamy high, thin clouds cutting across the area --just some high, thin clouds. we are watching a clipper storm coming out of the great lakes. this is the leading edge of this arctic air mass that will arrive tonight and tomorrow. you can see some precipitation in the garrett county and back into western pennsylvania. there is a chance that we could get some flurry activity around baltimore. it may even coat the ground in some places. don't be surprised if there is a suburbs. in the northern 4-5 inches of snow in western maryland. the big story for us is the cold air. these are not wind chills. these are actual temperatures. we will be on the southern fringe of the arctic air. 25 in parkton and taneytown. a mixture of sun and clouds. a chance for snow showers or flurries later today. a chance for some light snow or flurries tonight. d the middle of the week. overnight lows into the teens. temperatures in the 20's on saturday and sunday. >> ravens fans took to the streets in celebration. kim dacey joins us live in fells point where things got a little crazy. >> it seems it was quite a celebration in fells point last night. the fans went wild when the clock hit zero. they realize the ravens won the championship game. for some it was redemption from last year's afc championship game when the ravens came up just short. during the playoff run, the ravens have played with purpose. some feel a renewed sense of purpose since ray lewis announced it will be his last season. the ravens have this weekend off before heading to the super bowl next weekend. that will be on february 3 against the san francisco 49ers. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> i understand the super bowl has a nickname. >> some have called this the har-bowl. >> kim dacey, thank you. >> that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. >> this morning we asked, after beating andrew luck, peyton manning, and tom brady, do you think the ravens should be 4 1/2-point underdogs in the super bowl? >> yeah, really. >> we will post more answers on our website, 6:52. 30 degrees at the airport. >> we'll take a last look at weather and traffic together before you head out to start your day. >> we are live in the nation's capital for president obama's second inaugural. >> we will bring all the pageantry as it happens. >> then we'll talk about what the president hopes to accomplish. >> how did the first term changed the first lady? we'll get into that as well when we get started from the nation's capital on a monday morning. >> all right. here are some stories you'll find at 7:00 a.m. on wbal plus. sports fans celebrate a super bowl surge. we'll take a look back at earl weaver. >> how far would you go in the name of a live \ / ove? these guys are wrestling for affection? >> really? >> looks interesting. >> expect some added volume down .c.ards the sed back up to speed on 295. 55 miles per hour. picking up in volume but moving pretty well down to the capital- beltway.dercapital problem free on 70 in towards the beltway. the rest of the roads look pretty good and that includes 95. >> it will be about 20 degrees warmer than it was four years ago. >> by tomorrow, it will be a different story. it will be in the low to mid 40's in d.c. a chance for snow showers or flurries early this evening. it will feel about 15 or 16 tomorrow when you consider the wind. the arctic towns have been released. -0- the arctic hounds have been released. >> thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> we will be back with a live update


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