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Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20130907

♪ where to start the show with the tinkling of the piano. usually, the hard-core "gma" music. we have a lot going on, including a crazy story. allegedly all-in the family crime spree. a father and his two sons, arrested for robbing banks together. dad drove the getaway car. how they were caught. >> not a candidate for father of the year award. a crowd gathering for a major college football rivalry, in ann arbor, michigan. the wolverines taking on the fighting irish of notre dame. i don't think they're riled up. >> i think ginger will take care of that. by the time we get to them in 15 minutes, they will be fully aroused. this is a pair of cheetah cubs. they have an unusual playmate. a puppy. why the zoo wants a dog growing up alongside these cats. there's a strategy here. >> the cutest animals. >> you don't like cats. >> come on. i love cats, too. a big "good morning america" weekend welcome this morning to the newest member of our abc news family. sara hanes. she will be fol doing "pop news." >> we understand that you brought dessert this morning. >> i did. i brought something yummy for you guys. i heard food can win you all over. >> i'm won, officially. thank you. we're going to start with the new developments in what may be the biggest challenge in the presidency of barack obama. overnight, he arrived back home after a difficult trip overseas, where he did not manage to rally much support for his plans to bomb syria. now, he has congress and the american people to convince. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dan. president obama faces a skeptical congress and angry public, as he begins to make the final pitch on syria this weekend. >> we are the united states of america. we cannot turn a blind eye to images like the ones we've seen out of syria. >> reporter: in his weekly address this morning, president obama was adamant, trying to convince congress and the public that a military strike on syria is absolutely necessary. >> this was not only a direct attack on human dignity, it's a serious threat to national security. failing to respond to this outrageous attack would risk that chemical weapons can be used again. that they can fall in the hands of terrorists who would use them against us. and it would send a horrible signal to other nations that there would be no consequences for their use of these weapons. >> reporter: the impassioned plea, comes after a disappointing four-day trip overseas. the president returning last night without the international support he had so desperately hoped for. at home, the situation is just as dire. while the president was away, his cabinet and advisers failed to persuade congress for action. >> i knew this was going to be a heavy lift. >> reporter: the president is trying to win over the public with a national address on tuesday. >> i did not put this before congress just as a political ploy or as symbolism. >> reporter: still, an abc news survey of lawmakers finds more than half of congress is opposed or leaning against military strikes. congressman emanuel cleaver, who got an earful from voters in kansas city, told us, he's highly skeptical. >> what would i be doing if george bush were in the white house? what's right should be right no matter who sleeps in the white house. >> reporter: now, the president's address to the nation on tuesday is one of the most consequential speeches of his presidency. senior administration officials tell me they're well aware of the public opinion they're going against. but they're working all weekend long, trying to persuade those lawmakers, the skeptical lawmakers before the votes begin next week in congress. >> many saying this could define his presidency. our thanks to you. we're going to turn to a security concern at buckingham palace. a man scaling the fence to get inside the queen's home. abc's nick schriffen is outside the palace right now. good morning, nick. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. you're right. this is one of the most serious security breeches in more than 30 years. and police are investigating how it's possible that someone could break into the queen's home. it's like an intruder breaking into the white house. buckingham palace security is supposed to be top-notch. but this morning, we're learning a man was able to scale over the 12-foot walls and walk into the state rooms. during the day, the rooms are open to the public. at night, they're supposed to be secure. the man set off motion detectors. that's when police rushed to the scene, arrested him and charged him with trespassing, burglary. >> the let's have a review of security. there will be one. >> reporter: it's the worst security breech since 1982, when this man, michael fagan, hopped up a drainpipe to the queen's bedroom. she woke up and spoke to fagan for ten minutes. in 2004, a more colorful intruder. the caped crusader scaled the walls. and in 2005, the strangest breech of all, a comedian gate crashed prince william's 21st birthday party. he got all the way to the prince. even kissing him on the cheeks. some of this seems bizarre, but they call all of the incidents serious. >> the royal family do not want to be completely cocooned in this protective cell. they rely on their popularity and publicity. >> reporter: this incident occurred on monday night when the queen and her family were at home. this morning, scotland yard is taking it very seriously. most importantly, trying to figure out how to prevent this from happening again. >> nick, thank you. we have other news breaking overnight. for that, mr. ron claiborne. >> we begin with a recall that parents are going to want to know about. johnson & johnson recalling 200,000 bottles of its motrin drops original berry flavor. the company says the product may contain tiny plastic particles. retired basketball star dennis rodman is on his way home from a trip to north korea rodman arrived in china while talking about a charity basketball game he's trying to organize. he had this comment about kim jong-un who he met with. >> he's my friend for life. i don't care what you guys think about him. >> his friend for life, he says there. rodman did not bring back jailed american kenneth bae, telling reporters, quote, that's not my job. and ruth bader ginsburg speaking out about the same-sex wedding she performed a week ago. ginsburg was a guest of honor at the national constitution center in philadelphia friday night. >> it was the marriage of michael kaiser, who is the head of the kennedy center, to his long-time partner, whose name happens to be john roberts, the same name as the chief justice. >> and justice ginsburg said the growing acceptance of the same-sex marriage shows the genius of the u.s. constitution and society. nasa is headed back to the moon. an unmanned and unwomaned rocket took off from virginia. the rocket will study the moon's atmosphere. a pontiac, michigan, man has explaining to do. the town was supposed to tear down his home. instead, it demolished the house next door. the man is accused of switching the addresses to save his home. nice neighbor. nice alleged neighbor. turning to baseball. so close. petite of the san francisco giants was pitching a perfect game. retiring every, single batter. and with two outs in the ninth, check that out. hunter pence, went for a diving catch. he missed the ball. perfect game over. really bad news for that pitcher. the giants went on to win that game, 3-0. and a school in albuquerque, new mexico, was on lockdown on friday because of, check this out, a bear scare. a 200-pound adult bear in a tree. kids were kept inside until that bear could be tranquilized and moved. and a fat cat named buddha, find agning a and a fat cat named buddha, find agning unique way to slim down, walking on a treadmill in a pool of water. tipping the scales at 31 pounds. buddha has lost six pounds. they're trying to get him down to 20 pounds. >> i thought cats don't like water. >> this cat seems to love it. they tranquilized him, probably, first. >> that's not true. he made that up. >> that cat loves the water. yes. >> love the newscast when ron claiborne makes up facts. thank you, ron. we appreciate it. now, to a warning, a real warning, about a staple of the american diet. a food many of us and many of our children eat for breakfast. it is rice. it appears in so many of the foods we eat. the issue here is arsenic. the federal government has finished the biggest study on arsenic and rice. dr. richard besser is here. what did they find? >> this was a big study. they tested 1,300 products that contain race in some form. and they found inorganic arsenic, the most dangerous kind in all of them. brown race, had the highest levels because of the shell on the race. the fda says the levels are not such that it will cause immediate or short-term health effects. but will long-term exposure to this cause problems with cancer and to your heart and lungs? >> what do we do when feeding this to newborns? >> there's several things you can do here. when you're cooking rice, you want to rinse it until the water runs clear. that will take some of the arsenic out. cook it in excess water. but vary your diet. don't have rice every day. mix in other grains. as a pediatrician, when i talk to parents about starting first food, we're no longer saying going with rice cereal as the first cereal. mix it up. you can go with other grains and vegetables and meats. that will be just fine. >> coming on the heals of the apple juice scare, as well. >> and the hope is they have a limit for arsenic in apple juice. hopefully in the future they'll come up with a limit for arsenic in rice. >> thank you. we're going to turn, now, to new england patriots get set to start their new season this weekend. a former big star, potential hall of famer is answering charges that he killed a friend. aaron hernandez pleading not guilty to first-degree murder. and reena ninan has the details. >> he was the rising nfl star. $40 million contract. fiancee, even a baby girl. sources familiar with the case tell us how the prosecution will build its case. focusing on the alleged double-life the nfl star led. aaron hernandez spoke for the first time in court on friday, pleading six times. >> not guilty. not guilty. not guilty. >> reporter: to first-degree murder and weapons charges. charges the defense attorneys for the former new england patriots player seem confident they would fight. >> in a sense, this is like the opening kickoff. and we have a long way to go before the trial. >> reporter: but prosecutors are also confidence in their case. sources tell abc news, the former nfl tight end tested positive for alcohol and marijuana, the night of his arrest, the night his friend and semipro football player, odin lloyd, was murdered. investigators say he used pcp. and spent his time off the field hanging with a gang. >> applications for search warrants. returns on search warrants. still photographs from video surveillance. i think that evidence speaks for itself. >> reporter: odin's family in court. >> we feel confident that when evidence is finally presented in a court of law, that aaron will be exonerated. >> reporter: police have yet to find the gun believed to have been used in lloyd's murder. but they're interested in hernandez's fiancee. prosecutors say she may know more than she's letting on. she has not been charged in the case or commented publicly. hernandez mouthing, i love you, to her and his family, as he left the courtroom. the prosecution will try to show that hernandez was capable of an execution-style murder of his friend. for now, he'll be held without bail. next court appearance will be october 9th. >> thanks, rena. they are the alleged members of a bank robbing ring that police say pulled off a series of daring heists. what sets these suspects apart is they're all from the same family. two brothers and dad driving the getaway car. abc's susan saulny has the story of how they were brought down. >> reporter: they're bold. they're brazen. and now, we know these alleged bank robbers are brothers. this morning, braden and nicholas budson are in a colorado jail. >> the conspiracy to commit robbery. classified felony. >> reporter: and the family ties don't end there. police say their father, 51-year-old brock busten drove the getaway car. the alleged crime spree started in may. caper after caper to the police. eight robberies in all. and one bank was hit four separate times. at the time, colorado springs police thought they were chasing one serial bank robber. the descriptions were mostly the same. >> very light, blonde hair. >> reporter: one thing didn't add up, though. the suspect's height kept changing. that's when detectives realized they were probably dealing with more than one robber. then, a crucial crack in the case. >> one of our robbery detectives who was very alert, looking for the suspect vehicle, found it sunday at a motel. >> reporter: a stakeout followed. and thursday, police made the bust. that's when they realized it was a family afair. on brock buston's facebook page, they say he is a screen writer. as for the two boys, they're doing some family bonding. as in a $250,000 bond, set for each of them, as they await their fate. >> family bonding behind bars. time, now, for a check of the weather. and ginger decided to leave us. she's joining us from the site of espn's "college gameday" ann arbor, michigan, where the wolverines will take on the fighting irish of notre dame. >> this is the most exciting saturday morning you can imagine. we're in ann arbor. and this crowd's a little on the feisty side. what time did you get here this morning? >> 5:00 p.m. yesterday. >> 5:00 p.m. yesterday. are you students? >> yes, we are. >> and who's going to win today? >> michigan. >> it's heavy on the michigan side. we love our notre dame folks, too. don't touch the hair. is that okay? i want to get into some of the weather forecast. here it's going to be a great start to the day. and later when the game is played, we're going to see, some showers and thunderstorms possible. but what i want to tell you about is after that college gameday goes on on espn, is the forecast yesterday, what a mess it was in southern california, right outside san diego, really. you had some hail. and i want to show you exactly what happened. and the rain that's going to fall today. that's all in the southwest. that's california. here's the rain that's going to fall again today. some of the extra moisture being enhanced as we go into the work week with some of the tropical stuff from the southwest. let me get to the forecast for the eat. boy, just as hot as this game is going to be, the center of the nation is going to be just that way. 99 in dallas. and in the northeast, only a little burst of heat and then we cool right down. wolverines are on top? how is that going to go today? that's the big picture. >> so, i have to tell you. how long has the body paint been on? >> six hours, baby. >> six hours. and many more to go because right here, "college gameday" is about to go down. thanks to all our friends at espn. they've got a happy crowd. and coming up, we have desmond howard, right here. talking to me about their game today. stick around for that. i'll have more weather coming up, too. >> we're seeing the professionals of the future, right? i feel we need to see notre dame representation, as well. have you met any notre dame fans? >> i know. i think they would get eaten alive out here. >> ginger's forecast for notre dame fans, danger. ginger, back to you later in the broadcast. now, prepare yourself for a dosage of cuteness that may exceed your doctor's recommendation. dr. besser is standing by with a defibrillator. these are cheetah cubs playing with a puppy. >> i don't think people at home realize how cute this is. it's not a stunt. it's all happening at the dallas zoo. there's an important reason to have a puppy growing up alongside these cats. abc's aditi roy has more. good morning, aditi. >> reporter: good morning, dan and bianna. these cubs are precious. not only for how they look. but the fact they're also endangered. only 7,000 grown cheetahs are raised. it's important to officials that the baby cubs have a smooth transition into adulthood. these adorable balls of fluff are the newest attraction at the dallas zoo. 8-week-old male cheetahs are brothers. >> it's play, eat and then sleep. and not necessarily in that order. >> reporter: and they are about to get an unlikely playmate. an 8-week-old black labrador retriever. there's no danger for amani. he's 14 pounds. almost twice as big as these guys right now. we're going to socialize them in a way that when they're two years, they're going to have that established relationship. it's a slow process. just getting to know each other. they'll be together 24/7. and they'll really forge a relationships just like the two cheetah siblings are. they're almost about to go to sleep. >> reporter: they're cute and cuddly now. as all three grow, sharing the same room, they're going to start noticing some big differences. cheetahs are expected to go to three feet long and weigh 140 pounds. >> eight months from now, the cheetahs will be running, 50, 60 miles per hour. and it's going to be great to have a dog that can show them how to run and chase and do all those things that we want those animals to do because that's a natural behavior. >> reporter: the cubs are part of the zoo's animal adventures outreach program, to teach the public about highly endangered species. >> there's less than 10,000 cheetahs in the wild. hopefully this education is about learning more through books, the internet, how they can help wild life. that's really what we're all about. >> reporter: the world's fastest land animals. they can go from 0 to 60 in three seconds. and amani means peace in swahili. hopefully his name will live up to it. >> thank you very much. coming up here on "gma," caught on tape. the former marine who runs to the rescue when he sees three bullies picking on a teenager. the price he paid. and why he would do it again. also, sofia vergara has something to brag about. we're not talking about her figure. we're talking about her figures. plus, the amazing little kid who is a piano prodigy. he's here to perform live. [ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air. ♪ ♪ mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. [ female announcer ] only aveeno daily moisturizing lotion has an active naturals oat formula that creates a moisture reserve so skin can replenish itself. aveeno® naturally beautiful results. another viva dare. our fans think there's a rule that a paper towel can't handle this. fans? now that's tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. this is what they do for fun. ♪ ♪ [fuzz pile] we sure have it great here. [curly fry] i know, right. [fuzz pile] movies,music,space as far as the fry can see. [bubble wand] ha.good one. [jelly animal] a great storm comes. we're all doomed. [bubble wand] that guy isn't all there. [fuzz pile] come on,it's a honda,they're built to last... [announcer] we understand life in a minivan. introducing the first minivan with an available built-in vacuum. start something special in the redesigned odyssey from honda. [ male announcer ] prep your lawn this fall. save 20% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one to use later. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant well, you've found delicious! ♪ ♪ if you wanna go and fly with me ♪ ♪ it's buzz the bee on your tv ♪ ♪ oh how did i get this way? ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ it is so honey swagalish ♪ so much crunch, can you handle this? ♪ ♪ the party in the bowl don't stop! ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ must be the honey! a brutal beating caught on camera. a former marine steps in to stop three bullies who attack him. despite his injuries, he's convinced he did the right thing. that's a brave man. >> really brave. that's a tough situation he stepped into there. we'll tell you the story in a minute. good morning. i'm dan harris. this is saturday, september 7th. alongside bianna golodryga. he's a little guy that learned how to play piano a year ago. he's going to shock you. he's live in our studio. >> such an impressive kid. we begin this half hour, with that hero stepping in to stop three bullies from picking on a younger boy, all caught on camera. his bravery got him a brutal beatdown from the thugs. but the good samaritan is saying, despite his severe injuries, it was worth it. >> reporter: he may be a former marine. but he's a man still on a mission. the moral kind. it's a brutal beatdown, caught on camera. this morning, we're hearing from the man at the receiving end of that thrashing. a man many are calling a hero. >> all of a sudden, i was in the middle of a melee. >> reporter: he's a former marine and father of two. his instinct to protect kicking into overdrive when he stumbled upon three men bullying 14-year-old dion wright. wright's own father tried to help. >> i seen these guys were not backing down. and i had to keep them at bay. and then, i looked up. here's mr. jones. >> reporter: before he knew it, jones was taking the brunt of the attack and fell unconscious. once police showed up, the suspects, eric dieter, tiler carswell and cody ruin, fled the scene. jones was sent to the hospital with a broken eye bone. this morning, he says it's all in the line of duty. moral duty. and says he'd do it again. >> doing the right thing is always the right thing. >> if he didn't receive a purple heart when he was in the military serving, he deserves one now. he's a true samaritan. >> all three suspects have been arrested and charges with aggravated battery. those charges have been upgraded to felonies because jones' injuries were so severe. a lot of news overnight. for that, as always, we turn back to ron claiborne. >> good morning, everyone. in the news, president obama is back home in the u.s. this morning, after a three-day trip to the g-20 economic summit in russia. the president facing an uphill battle as he searches for congressional support for a possible military strike against syria. and a security review under way at buckingham palace this morning. this after a man scaled a fence to get into queen elizabeth's home on monday. he arrested that man. and he faces burglary and trespassing charges. and aaron hernandez was formally arraigned on friday, for the murder of his friend, odin lloyd. lloyd's family, as well as hernandez's family were in the courtroom. and brewer ryan braun is apologizing to fans one at a time. braun is calling season ticketholders of the brewers to personally apologize for taking performance-enhancing drugs. braun was suspended for 65 games. time, now, for the weather. and back to ginger zee in ann arbor, michigan. home of the -- i think they call themselves the champions of the west. right there? >> you know, they have a lot of names. and one of them is rowdy this morning. you can see the crowd building here around all of espn's "college game day." right here in an arbor. summer-like around this region. i want to start in minneapolis. that's where we find a live shot of what will be a hot, hot saturday. temperatures will rise again into the 90s for minneapolis. and let me tell you, it's a little hazy. humid, too. and watch this. the numbers, they drop off. so, we will see some cooler weather as we go through this weekend. especially in the areas that have been seeing that extreme heat. this september heat wave will eventually come to end. the bubble breaks down. kansas city, close to 100, as we start the workweek. look at what's happening there. severe weather-wise. in the northern plains, more to be watching will be montana into the dakotas. and i'll leave you there with a final look across the nation. >> listen to this. espn has been on the air, now, since 1979. it's their first day. they went on cable this day. i want to bring you behind the scenes. you see the "college gameday" setup here. you met the folks in the crowd. and we saw the big stage. and the big man. dustin howard here. i cannot tell you. when you walked out, dustin, these people, they love you. how good does it feel to be right here in wolverine territory again? >> it feels great. it doesn't get any better than this for me. this is like a second home for me. i have such fond memories of my stay here, my career here and a student athlete. just to be back on campus, it's just special for me. >> we have to be impartial. we love michigan and notre dame. one of the folks in the crowd said can you get ahold of coach kelly and keep the rivalry going. the fans love it. >> whoever told you that, they're 100% right. people with no affiliation to either program, they love the rivalry. it's great for college football. michigan to play notre dame, it's magnificent for college football. you have two of the best and greatest storied programs in college football playing each other. for that rivalry to end after next year, is a downer for a lot of fans. >> all right. we look forward to your show today. you're on the air, of course, right here, with a brilliant crowd. desmond, thank you so much for being with us. on "good morning america." we're partnering here with our friends at espn. thank you for all of their help. let's get back into the studio. how about one more big cheer, though. [ cheers ] we couldn't go away without that. >> thank you to ginger. thank you, desmond. coming up, his feet cannot reach the pedals. but this little guy is backing a piano prodigy. we're not showing you his face. when we reveal it, you're going to be surprised how old or young he is. he's going to play for us live. keep it here. also coming up in pop, sofia vergara at the top of a very special list. what it took to get there. we'll add it all up, coming up.n tool system in the industry.g the ridgid jobmax. all these different power tool heads lock into one power base. giving you the flexibility to get an amazing amount of work done. sanding, drilling, driving, fastening, cutting, and much more. like all ridgid power tools, the ridgid jobmax is covered for life. only at the home depot. this complete jobmax starter kit is now only $79, and this 12pc blade kit for just $49.88. 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[ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant well, now, in our "gma" studios, we have somebody who is ready to give you a special perform manse right here on this piano. >> the one that pea jana's making me hide behind. they call him minimozart. and baby beethoven. you're going to see him play in a minute. but quick, we're going to take a first look at how he stunned his parents with his talent. his feet don't reach the pedals. his fingers are barely able to stretch across the keys. but that does not stop 5-year-old jacob velazquez from playing a mean piano. this minimozart started playing the piano a year ago. and learned beethoven's sonata in just three weeks. even jacob's mom was surprised by her son's ivory-tickling talent. the first time she heard him play, she thought it was her husband in the other room. is that jacob? oh, my gosh. >> reporter: turns out, jacob has a photographic memory. his music teacher says he is able to master songs in just one class that most children take a month to learn. >> handel. >> reporter: he recently auditioned for the national musicians guild. a performance his dad says he nailed, right away. >> he had to learn ten classical pieces, by memory. and he did. he did great. exceeded the expectations. >> reporter: move over beethoven. this pint-sized pianist, is here to play. >> i said, who is that handsome guy? he said, me. he has a good sense. we're happy to have jacob here in the studio. along with parents, tina and willie. we were talking before the show. you were saying not long ago, your son was diagnosed with high-functioning autism. and that playing the piano has helped. >> definitely. he definitely expresses himself. he is an outlet for him. sometimes i notice he'll play really fast if he's anxious. he'll start playing really fast. if he's angry. he plays low-key. he plays very hard. >> he's demonstrating. it's an outlet for him. >> jacob, while dan was talking you're so anxious, you're ready to start playing. so, take it away. >> go. ♪ ♪ ♪ sleeping apart. things should never come to this. that is why i'm through the moon to present our latest innovation, tempur choice. it features an adjustable support system that can be personalized with a touch of a button. so both of you can get the best sleep possible...together. goodnight love chickens. ...excuse my english, love birds.. [ dog ] on a walk, walk, walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. 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[ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant there's no subtext... just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. it's time for "pop news" and the latest addition to our team, sara haines. take it away. >> if you're sofia vergara, you are blessed with a full bank account. the "modern family" star, television's top-earning actress for the second year in a row. "forbes" says the latina bombshell is raking in $30 million this year. beating out tv stars like the kardashians. many congrats to vergara. she's earned it. and a different star is leaving her mark on the dance floor. christina milian, twists, tamps and takes it low. she's back in the game on this season's "dancing with the stars." the show doesn't start until september 16th. but milian is working at it. >> shake it out. >> i like that. >> that's my motto. >> when in doubt, shake it out. >> i do that to warm up for the show. oscars season is coming early for angelina jolie. she is receiving the gene herschel humanitarian award. she'll receive her iconic gold statue at the academy's fifth annual governor awards event. she'll be joined by angela lance berry, steve martin and and what you've been waiting for. something delicious from dominique ansel. he's at it again with a brand-new treat. he says the magic souffle will warm up a chilly fall, without collapsing. it's to be eaten immediately while the treat is still warm. and we got an advanced dose. >> this is still warm. ron complains that our food is cold. are you eating mine? >> i'll start with yours. >> i feel this might help me later when i'm in doubt and need to shake it out. >> it's too hot. >> this programming alert for tomorrow's "pop." who says selfies are a dying trend? right when you thought that, this happened. pet selfie. this is my little girl, taking her own. we want to see your best pet selfies, paws and all. our favorites tomorrow on pet selfies sunday. >> thank you for dessert. thank you for the selfies. we'll be back with more "gma." >> you're going to shake it up. >> i'm going to shake it out. ♪ ♪ i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal, and i love that designer. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls. two amazing ways to score. it's usually defined by the sum of its parts. but a good morning -- that's usually defined by you. bailey's coffee creamers. so deliciously creamy, so good, they can only be bailey's. introducing three new flavors from bailey's coffee creamers. mudslide, white chocolate raspberry swirl, and vanilla brown sugar. waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? that's just my speed. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection. there's no subtext... just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. before we go, we can't get enough of 5-year-old jacob, the piano virtuoso. want to watch a little more video. do we have that? we can pull that up for you right now. >> that's not jacob. that's not jacob. this is supposed to be -- a surprise for our producer. this is another -- in the family of piano virtuosos. this is 19-month-old brett bernstein. and look, he's taking it away, too. i see a bright future. >> not a prodigy yet. thanks for watching, everybody. see you tomorrow. >> good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday morning. i'm katie marzullo. let's start with a quick look at the weather with meteorologist lisa argen. >> good morning. oakland is sitting at 67 this morning. so the 50s confined in santa rosa, napa and up in novato. we are look at numbers elsewhere low and mid-60s. temperatures today, once again soaring. we are clear and mind this morning but the fog is nowhere to be seen. temperatures this afternoon near 100 degrees in the inland east bay. but look at all the 90s.


Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20130907

♪ weird to start the show with the tinkling of the piano. usually, the hard-core "gma" music. good morning, everybody. >> it's smoothing. >> it is soothing. we have a lot going on, including a crazy story. allegedly all-in-the-family crime spree. a father and his two sons, arrested for robbing banks together. dad drove the getaway car. how they were finally caught, coming up. >> not a candidate for father of the year award. also ahead -- a crowd gathering for a major college football rivalry, still hours away in ann arbor, michigan. the wolverines taking on the fighting irish of notre dame. and ginger zee is there for all of the action. i don't think they're riled up. >> i think ginger will take care of that. by the time we get to them in 15 minutes, they will be fully aroused. and take a look at this. this is a pair of cheetah cubs. new additions to the dallas zoo. they have an unusual playmate. a puppy. why the zoo wants a dog growing up alongside these cats. there's a strategy here. we'll tell you about it coming up. >> the cutest animals. >> coming from someone who doesn't even like cats. >> come on. i love cats, too. a big "good morning america" weekend welcome this morning to the newest member of our abc news family. sara haines. she will be handling "pop news." and a lot of other fun stuff for us. great to have you on. >> how do i follow the cubs? >> we understand that you brought dessert this morning. >> i did. i brought something yummy for you guys. >> excellent. >> i heard food can win you all over. >> i'm won, officially. thank you, sara. appreciate it. we're going to start with the new developments in what may be the biggest challenge in the presidency of barack obama. overnight, he arrived at home after a difficult trip overseas, where he did not manage to rally much support for his plan to bomb syria. now, he has congress and the american people to convince. abc's jeff zeleny is at the white house right now with much more. jeff, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, dan. president obama faces a skeptical congress and an angry public, as he begins to make the final pitch on syria this weekend. >> we are the united states of america. we cannot turn a blind eye to images like the ones we've seen out of syria. >> reporter: in his weekly address this morning, president obama was adamant, fighting to convince congress and the public that a military strike on syria is absolutely necessary. >> this was not only a direct attack on human dignity, it's a serious threat to our national security. failing to respond to this outrageous attack would increase the risk that chemical weapons can be used again. that they can fall in the hands of terrorists who might use them against us. and it would send a horrible signal to other nations that there would be no consequences for their use of these weapons. >> reporter: the impassioned plea, comes after a disappointing four-day trip overseas. the president returning just last night without the international support he had so desperately hoped for. at home, the situation is just as dire. while the president was away, his cabinet and advisers struggled to persuade congress to sign off on military action. >> i knew this was going to be a heavy lift. >> reporter: a heavy lift that continues all weekend long. vice president biden is inviting senators over to dinner. the president is trying to win over the public with a national address on tuesday. >> i did not put this before congress just as a political ploy or as symbolism. >> reporter: still, an abc news survey of lawmakers finds more than half of congress is opposed or leaning against military strikes. congressman emanuel cleaver, who got an earful from voters in kansas city, told us, he's highly skeptical. >> what would i be saying and what would i be doing if george bush were in the white house? what's right should be right no matter who sleeps in the white house. >> reporter: now, the president's address to the nation on tuesday is one of the most consequential speeches of his presidency. senior administration officials tell me this morning they're well aware of the tide of public opinion they're going against. but they're working all weekend long, trying to persuade those lawmakers, those very skeptical lawmakers, before the votes begin next week in congress. bianna? >> many saying this could define the rest of his presidency. our thanks to you. we're going to turn to a security concern at buckingham palace this morning. a man scaling the fence to get inside the queen's home. one of the most serious incidents in decades. abc's nick schifrin is outside the palace right now. good morning, nick. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. you're right. this is one of the most serious security breaches in more than 30 years. and police are investigating how it's possible that someone could break into the queen's home. it's like an intruder breaking into the white house. buckingham palace security is supposed to be top-notch. but this morning, we're learning a man was able to scale over the 12-foot walls, kick open a door and walk right into the state rooms. during summer days, they're open to the public. at night, they're supposed to be secure. the man set off motion detectors. that's when police rushed to the scene, arrested him and charged him with trespassing, burglary. >> when there's a break-in at the royal palace, the secretary will say, let's have a review of security. there will be one. >> reporter: it's the worst security breech since 1982, when this man, michael fagan, hopped the fence, climbed up a drainpipe, right into the queen's bedroom. she woke up and spoke to fagan for ten minutes until security arrived. in 2004, a more colorful intruder. the caped crusader scaled the walls and protested british fathers separated from their children. and in 2005, the strangest breach of all, a comedian, dressed kind of like osama bin laden, gate crashed prince william's 21st birthday party. he got all the way to the prince. even kissing him on both cheeks. some of this seems bizarre, but ken wharfe calls all the incidents serious. >> that was a serious breech of security. the reason it happened was, is the royal family do not want to be completely cocooned in this protective cell. they rely upon the popularity and their own publicity. >> reporter: this incident occurred on monday night when the queen and her family weren't home. this morning, scotland yard is investigating this, taking it very seriously. most importantly, trying to figure out how to prevent this from happening again. >> yeah. that's the question. nick, thank you. we have other news breaking overnight. for that, mr. ron claiborne. ron, good morning, sir. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with a recall that parents are going to want to know about. johnson & johnson recalling some 200,000 bottles of its motrin infants formula. specifically motrin drops original berry flavor. the company says the product may contain tiny plastic particles. retired basketball star dennis rodman is on his way home from a trip to north korea rodman arrived in china, on saturday, today, while talking about a charity basketball game he's trying to organize. he had this comment about dictator kim jong-un who he met with. >> he's my friend for life. i don't care what you guys think about him. >> his friend for life, he says there. rodman did not bring back jailed american kenneth bae, telling reporters, quote, that's not my job. and supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg speaking out about the same-sex wedding she performed a week ago. a first for a supreme court justice. ginsburg was a guest of honor at the national constitution center in philadelphia friday night. >> it was the marriage of michael kaiser, who is the head of the kennedy center, to his long-time partner, whose name happens to be john roberts, the same name as the chief justice. >> and justice ginsburg said the growing acceptance of the same-sex marriage shows the genius of the u.s. constitution and society. nasa is headed back to the moon. an unmanned and unwomaned rocket took off from virginia late friday night. the rocket is carrying a probe that will study the moon's atmosphere. a pontiac, michigan, man has explaining to do. the town was supposed to tear down his home. instead, it demolished the house next door. the man is now accused of switching the addresses to save his home. nice neighbor. nice alleged neighbor. turning to baseball. so close. yusmeiro petit of the san francisco giants was pitching a perfect game against the arizona diamondbacks, retiring every, single batter. and with two outs in the ninth, check that out. outfielder hunter pence, went for a diving catch. he missed the ball. perfect game over. really bad news for that pitcher. the giants went on to win that game, 3-0. and a school in albuquerque, new mexico, was on lockdown on friday because of, check this out, a bear scare. a 200-pound adult bear in a tree. kids were kept inside until that bear could be tranquilized and removed. to where, we don't know. and a fat cat named buddha, finding a unique way to slim down, walking on a treadmill in a pool of water. he turned up at a nashville, tennessee, animal shelter. tipping the scales at 31 pounds. buddha has lost six pounds. they're trying to get him down to 20 pounds. >> i thought cats don't like water. >> this cat seems to love it. they tranquilized him, probably, first. >> that's not true. he made that up. >> that cat loves the water. yes. >> love the end of a newscast when ron claiborne makes up facts. thank you, ron. we appreciate it. now, to a warning, a real warning, about a staple of the american diet. a food many of us and many of our children eat for breakfast. it is rice. it appears in so many of the foods we eat. the issue here is arsenic. the federal government has finished the biggest study on arsenic and rice. and abc's chief medical editor dr. richard besser is here. what did they find? >> this was a big study. they tested 1,300 products that contain race in some form. and they found inorganic arsenic, the most dangerous kind, in all of them. brown race, had the highest levels because of the shell on the rice. the fda says the levels are not such that it will cause immediate or short-term health effects. but will long-term exposure to this cause problems with cancer and to your heart and lungs? >> what should we do when it comes to eating rice, especially when feeding newborns? that's usually an introductory food. >> there's several things you can do here. when you're cooking rice, you want to rinse it until the water runs clear. that will take some of the arsenic out. cook it in excess water. and some of the arsenic will be left in that water. but vary your diet. don't have rice every day. mix in other grains. as a pediatrician, when i talk, now, to parents about starting first food, we're no longer saying going with rice cereal as the first cereal. mix it up. you can still have some rice cereal. you can go with other grains and vegetables and meats. that will be just fine. >> good tips, especially coming on the heals of the apple juice scare, as well. >> and the hope is they have a limit for arsenic in apple juice. hopefully in the future they'll come up with a limit for arsenic in rice. >> rich, great advice. thank you. we're going to turn, now, to new england patriots get set to start their new season this weekend. a former big star, potential hall of famer is answering charges that he killed a friend. aaron hernandez pleading not guilty to first-degree murder. and abc's reena ninan has the details. reena, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. he was the rising nfl star. $40 million contract. fiancee, even a baby girl. sources familiar with the case tell us how the prosecution will build its case. focusing on the alleged double-life the former nfl star led. aaron hernandez spoke for the first time in court on friday, pleading six times. >> not guilty. not guilty. not guilty. >> reporter: to first-degree murder and weapons charges. charges the defense attorneys for the former new england patriots player seemed confident they could fight. >> in a sense, this is like the opening kickoff. and we have a long way to go before the trial. >> reporter: but prosecutors are also confident in their case. sources tell abc news, the former nfl tight end tested positive for alcohol and marijuana following his arrest, the night that his friend and semipro football player odin lloyd was murdered. investigators say they can prove he used pcp. and spent his time off the field hanging out with a gang. >> there's a tremendous amount of evidence. applications for search warrants. returns on search warrants. still photographs from video surveillance. i think that evidence speaks for itself. >> reporter: lloyd's family, present in court. wearing purple, the color of the team he played for, the boston bandits. he was murdered less than a mile from hernandez's million-dollar mansion in massachusetts. >> we feel confident that when evidence is finally presented in a court of law, that aaron will be exonerated. >> reporter: police have yet to find the gun believed to have been used in lloyd's murder. but they're interested in hernandez's fiancee. prosecutors say she may know more than she's letting on. she has not been charged in the case or commented publicly. hernandez mouthing, i love you, to her and his family, as he left the courtroom. the prosecution will try to show that hernandez was capable of an execution-style murder of his friend. for now, he'll be held without bail. next court appearance will be october 9th. dan? bianna? >> thanks, reena. >> thanks, reena. quite a fall from grace. they are the alleged members of a bank robbing ring that police say pulled off a series of daring heists. what sets these suspects apart is they're all from the same family. two brothers and dad driving the getaway car. abc's susan saulny has the story of how they were brought down. >> reporter: they're bold. they're brazen. and now, we know these alleged bank robbers are brothers. this morning, braden and nicholas buston are in a colorado jail, facing multiple bank robbery charges. >> the conspiracy to commit robbery. classified felony. >> reporter: and the family ties don't end there. police say their father, 51-year-old brock buston drove the getaway car. the alleged crime spree started in may. banks reported caper after caper to the police. eight robberies in all. and one bank was hit four separate times. at the time, colorado springs police thought they were chasing one serial bank robber. the descriptions were mostly the same. >> very light, blonde hair. >> reporter: one thing didn't add up, though. the suspect's height kept changing. that's when detectives realized they were probably dealing with more than one robber. then, a crucial crack in the case. >> one of our robbery detectives who was just very alert, looking for the suspect vehicle, found it sunday at a motel. >> reporter: a stakeout followed. and thursday, police made the bust. that's when they say realized it was a family affair. on brock buston's linkedin page, he claims to be a screen writer and a former cadet at the air force academy. but the air force tells him, they have no record of him. as for the two boys, they're doing some family bonding. as in a $250,000 bond, set for each of them, as they await their fate. for "good morning america," susan saulny, abc news, washington. >> family bonding behind bars. time, now, for a check of the weather. and, ginger, we're not good enough for her. so, she decided to leave us. she's joining us from the site of espn's "college gameday" ann arbor, michigan, where later the wolverines will take on the fighting irish of notre dame. they are gearing up, ginger. >> this is the most exciting saturday morning you can imagine. we're in ann arbor. and i'll tell you one thing. this crowd's a little on the feisty side. what time did you get here this morning? >> 5:00 p.m. yesterday. >> 5:00 p.m. yesterday. what about down the line here. are you all students? >> yes, we are. >> and who's going to win today? >> michigan. >> it's a little bit heavy on the michigan side. we love our notre dame folks, too. they have great signs. don't touch the hair. is that okay? i want to get into some of the weather forecast. here it's going to be a great start to the day. increasing clouds. and later when the game is played, we're going to see, some showers and thunderstorms possible. but what i want to tell you about is after that "college gameday" goes on on espn, is the forecast yesterday, what a mess it was in southern california, right outside san diego, really. you had some hail. and i want to show you exactly what happened. and the rain that's going to fall today. that's all in the southwest. that's california. here's the rain that's going to fall again today. some of the extra moisture being enhanced as we go into the work week with some of the tropical stuff from the southwest. let me get to the forecast for the heat. boy, just as hot as this game is going to be, the center of the nation is going to be just that way. 99 in dallas. and in the northeast, only a little burst of heat and then we cool right down. so, again, wolverines are on top? how is that going to go today? that's the big picture. >> so, i have to tell you. we have the body paint. how long has the body paint been on? >> six hours, baby. living the life. >> six hours. and many more to go because right here, "college gameday" is about to go down. thanks to all our friends at espn. they've got a very happy crowd. and coming up, we have desmond howard, right here. talking to me about their show and the game today. stick around for that. i'll have more weather coming up, too. back to the studio. >> we're seeing the professionals of the future, right? i feel we need to see some notre dame representation, as well. ginger, have you met any notre dame fans? >> i know. i think they would get eaten alive out here. >> ginger's forecast for notre dame fans, danger. ginger, back to you later in the broadcast. now, though, prepare yourself for a dosage of cuteness that may exceed your doctor's daily recommendation. dr. besser is standing by with a defibrillator. these are cheetah cubs playing with a puppy. >> i don't think people at home realize just how cute this is. it's not a stunt. it's all happening at the dallas zoo. there's an important reason to have a puppy growing up alongside these cats. abc's aditi roy joins us live from los angeles. good morning, aditi. >> reporter: good morning, dan and bianna. these cubs are absolutely precious. not only for how they look. but the fact they're also endangered. only 7,000 grown cheetahs are raised. it's important to officials that the baby cubs have a smooth transition into adulthood. these adorable balls of fluff are the newest attraction at the dallas zoo. 8-week-old male cheetahs are brothers. >> it's play, eat and then sleep. and not necessarily in that order. >> reporter: and they are about to get an unlikely playmate. amani, an 8-week-old black labrador retriever. >> there's no danger for amani. he's 14 pounds. almost twice as big as these guys right now. we're going to socialize them in a way that when they're 2 years, they're going to have that established relationship. it's a slow process. the introduction phase here. just getting to know each other. they'll be together 24/7. and they'll really forge a tight relationships just like the two cheetah siblings are. you see how calm they are. they're only four feet away. they're almost about to go to sleep. >> reporter: they're cute and cuddly now. as all three grow, sharing the same room, they're going to start noticing some big differences. cheetahs are expected to grow to 3 feet long and weigh 140 pounds. >> eight months from now, the cheetahs will be running, 50, 60 miles per hour. and it's going to be great to have a dog that can show them how to run and chase and do all those things that we want those animals to do because that's a natural behavior. >> reporter: the cubs are part of the zoo's animal adventures outreach program, to help teach the public about highly endangered species. >> there's less than 10,000 cheetahs in the wild. so, hopefully this education is not just about seeing a dog and a cheetah. it's about learning more through books, the internet, how they can help wildlife. that's really what we're all about. >> reporter: a couple of fun cheetah facts. they are the world's fastest land animals. they can go from 0 to 60 in three seconds. and amani means peace in swahili. hopefully his name will live up to it. >> thank you very much. coming up here on "gma," caught on tape. the former marine who runs to the rescue when he sees three bullies picking on a teenager. the price this marine paid. and why he would do it again. >> he's a brave man. also ahead, sofia vergara has something to brag about. we're not talking about her figure. we're talking about her figures. plus, he's the minimozart. the amazing little kid who is a piano prodigy. he's here to perform live. [ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air. ♪ ♪ mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. 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[ male announcer ] prep your lawn this fall. save 20% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one to use later. the brutal beating caught on camera. a former marine steps in to stop three bullies who attack him. despite his injuries, he's convinced he did the right thing. that's a brave man. >> really brave. that's a tough situation he stepped into there. we'll tell you the story in a minute. good morning. i'm dan harris. this is saturday, september 7th. alongside bianna golodryga. he's a little guy that learned how to play piano a year ago. he's going to shock you. he's live in our studio. >> such an impressive kid. we begin this half hour, with that hero stepping in to stop three bullies from picking on a younger boy, all caught on camera. his bravery got him a brutal beatdown from the thugs. but the good samaritan is saying, despite his severe injuries, it was worth it. >> reporter: he may be a former marine. but he's a man still on a mission. the moral kind. it's a brutal beatdown, caught on camera. this morning, we're hearing from the man at the receiving end of that thrashing. a man many are calling a hero. >> all of a sudden, i was in the middle of a melee. >> reporter: he's a former marine and father of two. his instinct to protect kicking into overdrive when he stumbled upon three men bullying 14-year-old zion wright. wright's own father tried to help. >> i seen these guys were not backing down. and i had to keep them at bay. and then, i looked up. here's mr. jones. >> reporter: before he knew it, jones was taking the brunt of the attack and fell unconscious. once police showed up, the suspects, eric deiter, tyler carswell and cody roon, fled the scene. jones was sent to the hospital with a broken eye bone. this morning, he says it's all in the line of duty. moral duty. and says he'd do it again. >> doing the right thing is always the right thing. >> if he didn't receive a purple heart when he was in the military serving, he deserves one now. he's a true samaritan. >> all three suspects have been arrested and charges with aggravated battery. those charges have been upgraded to felonies because jones' injuries were so severe. >> those pictures are so tough to look at. thank you very much, linzie. a lot of news overnight. for that, as always, we turn back to ron claiborne. >> good morning, everyone. in the news, president obama is back home in the u.s. this morning, after a three-day trip to the g-20 economic summit in russia. the president facing an uphill battle as he searches for congressional support for a possible military strike against syria. and a security review under way at buckingham palace this morning. this after a man scaled a fence to get into queen elizabeth's home on monday. he arrested that man. and he faces burglary and trespassing charges. and aaron hernandez was formally arraigned on friday, for the murder of his friend, odin lloyd. lloyd's family, as well as hernandez's family were in the courtroom. and brewer ryan braun is apologizing to fans one at a time. braun is calling season ticketholders of the brewers to personally apologize for taking performance-enhancing drugs. braun was suspended for 65 games. time, now, for the weather. and back to ginger zee in ann arbor, michigan. home of the -- i think they call themselves the champions of the west. right there? >> you know, they have a lot of names. and one of them is rowdy this morning. you can see the crowd building here around all of espn's "college game day." right here in an arbor. summer-like around this region. i want to start in minneapolis. that's where we find a live shot of what will be a hot, hot saturday. temperatures will rise again into the 90s for minneapolis. and let me tell you, it's a little hazy. humid, too. and watch this. the numbers, they drop off. so, we will see some cooler weather as we go through this weekend. especially in the areas that have been seeing that extreme heat. this september heat wave will eventually come to end. the bubble breaks down. kansas city, close to 100, as we start the workweek. look at what's happening there. severe weather-wise. in the northern plains, more to be watching will be montana into the dakotas. and i'll leave you there with a final look across the >> listen to this. espn has been on the air, now, since 1979. it's their first day. they went on cable this day. i want to bring you behind the scenes. you see the "college gameday" setup here. you met the folks in the crowd. and we saw the big stage. and the big man. desmond howard here. i cannot tell you. when you walked out, desmond, these people, they love you. how good does it feel to be right here in wolverine territory again? >> it feels great. it doesn't get any better than this for me. this is like a second home for me. i have such fond memories of my stay here, my career here and a student athlete. just to be back on campus, it's just special for me. >> we have to be impartial. we love michigan and notre dame. one of the folks in the crowd said can you get ahold of coach kelly and keep the rivalry going. the fans love it. >> whoever told you that, they're 100% right. people with no affiliation to either program, they love the rivalry. it's great for college football. michigan to play notre dame, it's magnificent for college football. you have two of the best and greatest storied programs in college football playing each other. for that rivalry to end after next year, is a downer for a lot of fans. >> all right. we look forward to your show today. you're on the air, of course, right here, with a brilliant crowd. desmond, thank you so much for being with us. on "good morning america." we're partnering here with our friends at espn. thank you for all of their help. let's get back into the studio. how about one more big cheer, though. [ cheers ] we couldn't go away without that. >> thank you to ginger. thank you, desmond. coming up, his feet cannot reach the pedals. but this little guy is backing a piano prodigy. we're not showing you his face. when we reveal it, you're going to be surprised how old or young he is. he's going to play for us live. keep it here. also coming up in "pop," sofia vergara at the top of a very special list. what it took to get there. we'll add it all up, coming up. lock into one power base. giving you the flexibility to get an amazing amount of work done. sanding, drilling, driving, fastening, cutting, and much more. like all ridgid power tools, the ridgid jobmax is covered for life. only at the home depot. this complete jobmax starter kit is now only $79, and this 12pc blade kit for just $49.88. 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[ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. well, now, in our "gma" studios, we have somebody who is ready to give you a special perform manse right here on this piano. >> the one that bianna's making me hide behind. they call him minimozart. and baby beethoven. you're going to see him play in a minute. but quick, we're going to take a first look at how he stunned his parents with his talent. his feet don't reach the pedals. his fingers are barely able to stretch across the keys. but that does not stop 5-year-old jacob velasquez from playing a mean piano. this minimozart started playing the piano a year ago. and learned beethoven's sonata in just three weeks. even jacob's mom was surprised by her son's ivory-tickling talent. the first time she heard him play, she thought it was her husband in the other room. is that jacob? oh, my gosh. >> reporter: turns out, jacob has a photographic memory. his music teacher says he is able to master songs in just one class that most children take at least a month to learn. >> handel. >> reporter: he recently auditioned for the national musicians guild. a performance his dad says he nailed, right away. >> he had to learn ten classical pieces, all by memory. and so, he did. he did great. exceeded the expectations. >> reporter: move over beethoven. this pint-sized pianist, is here to play. ♪ >> i said, who is that handsome guy? he said, me. he has a good sense. we're happy to have jacob here in the studio. along with parents, tina and willie. we were talking before the show. you were saying not long ago, your son was diagnosed with high-functioning autism. and that playing the piano has really helped. >> definitely. he definitely expresses himself. he -- it's is an outlet for him. sometimes i notice he'll play really fast if he's anxious. he'll start playing really fast. if he's angry. he plays low-key. he plays very hard. >> he's demonstrating. >> it's an outlet for him. >> jacob, while dan was talking you said you're so anxious, you're ready to start playing. so, take it away. >> go. ♪ ♪ ♪ sthat is why i'm through thed moon to present our latest innovation, tempur choice. it features an adjustable support system that can be personalized with a touch of a button. so both of you can get the best sleep possible...together. goodnight love chickens. ...excuse my english, love birds.. 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[ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. beneful is awarding a $500,000 dog park makeover... in the 2013 dream dog park contest. enter now. ♪ ♪ ♪ more than 50 times a day? so brighten your smile a healthy way with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger. ♪ listerine® whitening... power to your mouth. listerine® whitening... really? you're sacrificing that gorum... it's the playoffs!s? enough with the sacrificing. start here... light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy, twice the protein and ps 80 calories. light & fit greek. ♪ dannon! i don't miss out... you sat out most of our game yesterday! asthma doesn't affect my job... you were out sick last week. my asthma doesn't bother my family... you coughed all through our date night! i hardly use my rescue inhaler at all. what did you say? how about - every day? coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma. i get out a lot... except when it's too cold. like the last three weekends. asthma doesn't affect my job... you missed the meeting again last week! it doesn't affect my family. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot... depends on what you mean by a lot. coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma. it's time for "pop news." and the latest addition to our "gma" team, sara haines. take it away. >> okay. if you're sofia vergara, you aren't just talented and beautiful. you're also blessed with a full bank account. "forbes" is naming the "modern family" star, television's top-earning actress for the second year in a row. "forbes" says the latina bombshell is raking in $30 million this year. beating out tv stars like the kardashians. many congrats to vergara. she's definitely earned it. and a different star is leaving her mark this time on the dance floor. christina milian, twists, stomps and twists it low. she's back in the game on this season's "dancing with the stars." the show doesn't start until september 16th. but milian is working at it. look at that shake. her partner, mark ballas has it down. >> if in doubt, shake it out. >> i like that. >> that's my motto. >> when in doubt, shake it out. i've been doing that for years. >> i do that to warm up for the show. oscars season is coming early for angelina jolie. she is receiving the jean hersholt humanitarian award by the board of governors of the academy of motion pictures arts and sciences. for her impassioned work on behalf of humanitarian causes. she'll receive her iconic gold statue at the academy's fifth annual governor awards event in november. she'll also be joined by angela lansbury, steve martin and piero tosi, who will receive honorary awards for their lifetime of achievement. and what you've been waiting for. something delicious from chef dominique ansel. famous for the cronuts and frozen s'mores. he's at it again with a brand-new treat. he says the magic souffle will warm up a chilly fall, without collapsing. its orange blossom brioche spun and chocolatey interior are to be eaten immediately while the treat is still warm. and lucky for us, we got an advanced dose. >> this is still warm. ron complains that our food is cold. are you eating mine? >> i'll start with yours. >> i feel this might help me later when i'm in doubt and i need to shake it out. >> it's too hot. while you guys are munching, this programming alert for tomorrow's "pop." who says selfies are a dying trend? right when you thought that, this happened. pet selfies. this is my little girl, taking her own. we want to see your best pet selfies, paws and all. you can tweet or instagram them to "gma." our favorites tomorrow on pet selfies sunday. >> thank you for dessert. thank you for the selfies. we'll be back with more "gma." >> you're going to shake it up. >> i'm going to shake it out. ♪ i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal, and i love that designer. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls. two amazing ways to score. it's usually defined by the sum of its parts. but a good morning -- that's usually defined by you. bailey's coffee creamers. so deliciously creamy, so good, they can only be bailey's. introducing three new flavors from bailey's coffee creamers. mudslide, white chocolate raspberry swirl, and vanilla brown sugar. waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? that's just my speed. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. before we go, we can't get enough of 5-year-old jacob, the piano virtuoso. want to watch a little more video. do we have that? we can pull that up for you right now. >> that's not jacob. >> that's not jacob. this is supposed to be -- a surprise for our producer. this is another -- in the family of piano virtuosos. this is 19-month-old brett bernstein. and look, he's taking it away, too. i see a bright future. >> not a prodigy yet. thanks for watching, everybody. see you tomorrow. a large fire guts a warehouse in san jose and spreads to other buildings. also in san jose, police are investigating the city's 35th homicide. the search is on for suspects this morning. it is 8:00 a.m. on saturday and we want to start you off with a quick first look at the weather. here is meteorologist lisa argen. good morning, lisa. >> good morning, katie. here is a look at the temperatures right now. mid60s for concord, but all the way into the upper 60s for san jose. members -- numbers in the north bay have been cool. a quick warm up on the way. very little wind and compressional heating and a clear start with the absence of fog. throughout the day we will allow for the quick warm up. look at the 90s and 100's. most of the bay will be in the it -- 80sand


Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20130909

captioning funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" for monday, september 9 this is the "cbs morning news" for monday, september 9h, 2013. good morning. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. well, syrian president bashar al assad tells "cbs this morning" anchor charlie rose that there's no proof his regime is responsible for the chemical atang against the syrian people. it is the first time the dictator has spoken to u.s. television network since president obama asked congress to approve a military strike against syria. speaking in london, secretary of state john kerry dismissed assad's claim, saying the evidence speaks for itself. earlier in paris kerry urged arab leaders to support a strike against syria. >> he has one of the largest stocks of chemical weapons in the world and at the moment he has no intention of really negotiating, so it is certain that if he is threatened, he will use them again. >> meanwhile president obama continues his efforts to build support for a military strike on syria. he'll be lobbying congress and the american public this week. susan mcginnis is in washington. susan, good morning. >> good morning, anne-marie. president obama will be going all out today and tomorrow trying to convince the american people and members of congress that this limited military strike against syria is necessary, but one day before he is to address the nation, authorization here in congress is anything but certain. syrian president bashar al assad tells "cbs this morning's" charlie rose the u.s. has no prove his government launched the chemical weapons attack the u.s. says killed more than 1,400 people. >> he basically says if, in fact, the administration has evidence, then they should show that evidence. >> reporter: assad suggested rebel forces were responsible. the white house says assad's troops are the only ones capable of pulling off such an attack. >> do we have a picture or do we have irrefutable beyond-the-reasonable-doubt evidence? this is not a court of law and intelligence does not work that way. so what we do know and what we know the common sense test says is he is responsible for this, he should be held to account. >> but the common sense test cents good isn't good enough for many here on capitol hill. congress is set to vote wednesday on a military strike on syria and many believe the votes will not be there. >> the evidence is not as long as the public's statement that the president and his administration has been making. i would also add that the briefings haven't given me comfort. the briefings have actually made me more skeptical about this situation. >> really. >> congress says they want nothing to do with the civil war in syria. and aides tell us that kentucky's rand paul will likely filibuster the bill. >> i insist i will get an amendment and my amendment will say the vote is binding. >> the president has been pushing senators to support the resolution. he attended a private dinner with a group of senators last night and will visit capitol hill tomorrow. the biggest question is if they did not authorize the strike, would the president go with it anyway. the white house will not go near that question. the president has only gone so far as to say he would prefer to have congress's oklahoma. >> susan mcginnis for cbs news, washington, d.c. you can see extended portions of charlie rose's interview with bashar al assad coming up on "cbs this morning." the full interview will interview later today on pbs and scott pelley will interview president obama today. you can see that after the men's u.s. open final and tonight on "cbs evening news." israel is preparing in case it's the target of a retaliatory strike. the israeli military deployed a missile defense system outside jerusalem. the iron dome system shot down thousands of rockets launched from the gaza strip by hezbollah. they're not the only ones worried. the several hundred thousand christians living in syria fear an american attack could lead to a crackdown by them and assad and islamic rebels. elizabeth palmer has that part of the story. >> reporter: the civil war has not so far disrupted the ritual of sunday mass at this catholic church in damascus but father and every member of this congregation are deeply worried. they've seen the videos posted online and heard the news that islamist rebels pushed past the syrian armies and invaded one of the holiest christian sights, malula, just 40 miles north of syria. the troops claim they're back in control of the town. the worshippers pray that's true but the threat still feels very close. just two weeks ago four mortars were fired into this christian neighborhood in damascus where everyone knows everyone and a local man, agor, was killed. >> it's -- >> reporter: christians in syria have flourished under the protection of president bashar al assad, but there's widespread fear that's ended. muslim extremists are taking over. >> we're backing off now. >> reporter: why? >> they're trying to force us to go out and die. >> reporter: no one is saying ethnic cleansing yet, but they are thinking it. and that's not just the christians. it goes for other religion minorities too. they may not have necessarily agreed with bashar al assad's dictatorship, but at least it kept them safe. they think what's coming next will be a bloodbath. elizabeth palmer, cbs news, damascus. here at home connecticut state police say a mechanical failure caused an amusement park ride to break down injuring dozens of children. a ride at a fair in norwalk stopped suddenly sending those aboard slamming into each other. jericka duncan reports. >> reporter: police in connecticut are investigating over what went wrong at the annual oyster festival in norwalk. police believe a mechanical failure caused the zuma ride to lose power and suddenly stop in midair. it injured 18 people, mostly children. >> when it stopped, swings went in all different directions with the children on it and they were bouncing off the steel frames. >> reporter: police say none of this children fell to the ground but the swings slammed into each other, injuring the riders. >> there was a lot of screaming. people around here just went out of their minds. >> reporter: dr. neil flock was at the festival and heard the screaming. >> i happen to be a trauma surgeon in town number one seemed greatly injured. all the kids were moving their extremities. >> reporter: they were treating the injured children, laying them out on the grass. 13 people were transported to area hospitals, but all are expected to be okay. jericka duncan, cbs news. a 107-year-old arkansas man was killed in a shoot-out with police. pine bluff police officers responded to a disturbance at a home saturday afternoon. they say monroe isadore had threatened two people by pointing a gun at them. when s.w.a.t. officers entered the house, isidore fired at them. they fired back and killed him. coming up on the "cbs morning news," more evacuations. >> and later a royal embarrassment. buckingham police mistake prince andrew for an intruder. this is the "cbs morning news." buckingham police mistake prince andrew for an intruder. this is the "cbs morning news." but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. softens the enamel so it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended pronamel. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. starts with freshly-made pasta, and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family. i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. a fast moving wildfire has forced the evacuation of as many as 75 homes. it's burning on the edge of the mt. diablo state park outside of san francisco. smoke could be seen for miles. officials say the fire started sunday afternoon and is only 10% contained. on the "cbs moneywatch" now gas prices creep up a bit and health care changes at some major companies. marlie hall is here in new york with that and more. good morning, marlie. >> good morning, anne-marie. a big shift in health coverage for ibm and time warner. both companies say they're going to move their retired workers off their health plan and give them money to buy off private exchanges. it will affect about 1,000 retires and made the move after they figured out health care costs would triple in cost by 2020. it will take place january 1st. tokyo's nikkei added 2% to hit a five-week high, hong kong's hang seng gained half a percent. on wall street investors are still waiting to see what will happen in syria. on friday syria and a weak jobs report left the dow relatively unchanged. it lost 14 points while the nasdaq nudged up one point. gas prices are going up again. the lundberg survey says the average price for a gallon of regular jumped 3 cents in the past two weeks. it's now $3.58. that's still 25 cents a gallon cheaper than this time last year. apple is hosting a big event tomorrow. the giant is expected to unveil two new iphone styles. the 5-c will be cheaper and have a plastic body instead of a metal one. it will also come in different colors. neiman marcus will soon be sold. reports say a los angeles hedge fund and canadian pension plan will pay more than $6 billion for the luxury retailer. the parties are attempting to finalize the deal and talks could still fall apart. and the sci-fi thriller "riddick" claimed the top spot at the box office this weekend. the movie starring vin diesel as an alien anti-hero brought in almost $19 million. lee daniels' "the butler" dropped in second place with almost $9 million and the comedy "instructions not included" rounded out the top three. anne-marie? >> all right. a little something for everyone. marlie hall here in new york. thank you, marley. well, straight ahead, your monday morning weather. and in sports why four touchdown passes weren't enough for eli manning and the giants. ouchdown passes weren't enough for eli manning and the giants. huh? but that doesn't mean we're all the same. just like greek yogurts. that's why i prefer activia greek. you got that right jamie, there's nothing like it! exactly, because activia greek is the only greek with exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis, and it helps regulate your digestive system. i love its thick creamy texture! mmm! the greek nonfat yogurt that helps tummies smile! activia greek... like no other greek yogurt. ♪ dannon side-by-side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. that's one smart board -- what else does it do, reverse gravity? 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[ flo chuckles ] [ whirring ] hey, how's that atom-splitting thing going? oh! a smarter way to shop around -- now that's progressive. call or click today. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. new york, sunny, 73. miami, morning showers but mostly sunny in chicago and dallas. clouds and then some sun in los angeles with a high of 94. time now for a check of the national forecast. in the southwest and rockies, strong thunderstorms could produce flash flooding in some areas. in the midwest, no break from the late summer heat. it will be in the 90s from kansas to the ohio valley. it will also be hotz in the south and expect a chilly start to the day in the northeast. in sports, the giants and the cowboys cap off the first sunday of the nfl season with a shoot-out in dallas. it was a rough night for eli manning. he's intercepted on the very first play of the game. dallas would build a 17-point lead in the second, but the giants mount a comeback. victor cruz's first touchdown catch makes it a 1-4 game. but late in the game, manning throws his third interception. randy karr brings it back for a touchdown and the cowboys win, 36-31. the san francisco 49ers look prime for another deep playoff run. colin kaepernick throws for more than 400 yards and three touchdowns as the niners top green bay, 34-28. the nfl's reigning most valuable player didn't wait long to make an impact. vikings' running back adrian peterson goes 78 yards for a touchdown on his first carry of the season. he would score two more times but getting outtooled by detroit's reggie bush. bush takes a pass for 77 yards for a touchdown as the lions win 34-24. serena williams will have to find more room on her trophy case. on sunday she won her fifth u.s. open title by overcoming victoria azarenka in three sets. it's the second straight open title and 17th grand slam victory for williams. the men's final between novak djokovic and rafael nadal is today at 5:00 eastern right here on cbs. in baseball, some late inning drama for the cincinnati reds. ryan hanigan comes to the plate with the game tied in the bottom of the ninth. he doubles to left field and zack cozart beats the throw to the plate to give the red as 3-2 win over the dodgers. when we return, a security snafu. britain's prince andrew is stopped by police at buckingham palace in a security mixup. rol. i get out a lot... except when it's too cold. like the last three weekends. asthma doesn't affect my job... you missed the meeting again last week! it doesn't affect my family. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot... depends on what you mean by a lot. coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma. starts with freshly-made pasta, and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family. and better is so easy withrning you cabenefiber.o something better for yourself. fiber that's taste-free, grit-free and dissolves completely. so you can feel free to add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber. morning. the major hurdle facing firefighters to get e fire under control. the 49ers last home opener candlestick park - marred by tragedy. the investigation into a fan's fatal fall. we've heard from president obama... now syria's president is speaking about their alleged chemical weaps attack. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 ,,,,,, here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. washington, d.c., mostly sunny today with a high of 79. atlanta, afternoon thunderstorms, but sunshine in st. louis. clouds and sun in denver and turning sunny in seattle. star dennis rodman's visit to north korea ended with a little bit of a surprise. rodman arrived in china on saturday and said dictator kim jong-un has a baby daughter but there's been no official announcement from kim. his wife appeared to be pregnant last year and then disappeared last october. for a while and returned last october. rodman said he held the baby and called kim a good father. in london a snafu of huge royal porportions. there was a break-in at buckingham palace and police are now red-faced to order a prince to get on the ground and put his hands up in the air. charlie d'agata explains what happened. >> reporter: two days after the palaces worst security breach in years, police fumbled into another royal mess. they busted the queen's son in the palace garden, mistaking him for an intruder. news headlines read pretty prince andrew held." police said no guns were drawn and apologized. the prince saw a mishap saying the police have a difficult job to do balancing security for the royal family and deterring intruders and sometimes they get it wrong. i'm grateful for their apology and look forward to a safe walk in the garden in the future. security officials are still trying to figure out how a burglar slipped past guards at night and reached a state room which is open to the public during the day not far from the queen's private apartment. it's one of the most heavily fortified buildings in the world. the palace is surrounded by high fences. there are security cameras everywhere. armed guards patrol the ground 24/hours a day. yet apparently this intruder was able to scale a fence, kick down a door, and he was in. the queen wasn't there. she's in scotland enjoying the end of her summer vacation. intruders have struck before. in 1982 michael fagan reached the queen's bedroom while she was still in bed. in 2004 a protester in a bat miami man suit managed to scale the walls of the palace, but the recent breakdown has caused them to stiffen their plans. >> they want to be accessible to the public. >> reporter: there's no comment from the queen, of course, but it's safe to say when her majesty gets back to her london pad, hides will roll. charlie d'agata, cbs news, london. well, coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," more of charlie rose's exclusive interview with syrian president bashar al assad. this is the "cbs morning news." syrian president bashar al assad. th is the "cbs morning news." at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors, where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. i love you, angie. sorry, honey. don't punish yourself, it's my fault.over. of course it's your fault and i'm not punishing myself. i'm having dannon oikos zero per cent fat yogurt; twice the protein of regular low fat yogurt. that's what makes it so thick, rich. oh,.. this is kate... already? my sister... and that was my mother. dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt, too delicious to be so nutritious. and try new rich creamy dannon oikos dips. ♪ dannon. a woman in alabama has found a way to turn around the local economy, and she did it by creating one business at a time. mark strassmann caught up with her. >> reporter: pam dorr rode into greenboro, alabama, when its main street had been on life support. even the catfish have moved on. >> some of the businesses were vacant or abandoned. >> reporter: but dorr has a special gift, building whatever's lying around. >> this is bamboo. lined with carbon fiber. >> reporter: wild bamboo was a local nuisance. and this stuff grows all over. >> everywhere. and it turns out it's great for building bikes. >> reporter: when you came along. >> no one likes it. >> reporter: in 2008 she opened a bamboo bike business. >> reporter: how long did it take? >> it takes a while. >> reporter: hero bikes has gone it takes a while how to cure bamboo properly and build bikes that are going to last. >> reporter: hero bikes has gone global. adam fowler manages 24 people in what was an abandoned feeling. >> reporter: we sent them to france, belgium, germany, spain. you name it, we shipped it. >> reporter: surprising? >> yes. >> reporter: dorr, a victoria's secret employee visited in 2003, loved it, and never left. her nonprofit development group called hero has become this community's one-women stimulus package. she baked the pie business from scratch with a few local recipes. >> where did you get the oven? >> we actually found the first oven in a dumpster. so everything in the pie business was free or found. >> reporter: most people think i need a business plan, i need investors. you had none of that. >> we didn't need it because we had pie. >> reporter: pie lab takes in $25,000 a month and helped get 24-year-old nikita welly off welfare. >> i am making a good living for my family. >> reporter: dorr has created several small businesses and 50 new jobs. she's built affordable housing for hundreds of people in seven counties. >> reporter: it's almost as though wherever you look you found an opportunity. >> it's amazing, yeah. i have all kinds of ideas to do more. >> reporter: what was it that you discovered about yourself once you realized you could do it? >> that there's a lot to do. >> reporter: dorr has a new business idea. quilts. sewing together patches of new life. mark strassmann, cbs news, greensboro, alabama. well, coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," a preview of charlie rose's exclusive interview with syrian president bashar al assad, plus a closer look to map a newborn baby's entire genome. and champ serena williams will join us in the studio. that's the "cbs morning news" for this monday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. -- captions by vitac -- >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone. it's monday, september 9. i'm michelle griego. >> where did the weekend go? >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it is nearly 4:30. >> it is. let's check in with brian hackney on the weather. lawrence is off today. >> lawrence is off today. how did you know? >> because you're here. >> that was your first clue. we are starting out with mild readings this morning. temperatures are 55 after, san jose 63. we'll have a warm forecast coming up. >> good to see you, brian. we are going to talk about the bay bridge toll plaza where everything is wide open at the pay gates. no big delays leaving oakland heading into the city but we have roadwork that shut down the treasure island off-ramp from westbound 80. the first bart trains are on time. >> it's all good for a monday morning. and developing news now out of the east bay. a big fire burning on mount diablo right now. flames and smoke can be seen for miles. kpix 5's brian webb shows us the crews fighting the fire on the ground and from the air. >> reporter: by nightfall with over 800 acres burned it's hard to tell who


Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News 20130909

edition of the broadcast. his country is split by a brutal civil war. he stands accused of a horrific chemical attack and faces the prospect of an american strike in the weeks to come. he also hasn't spoken to an american television network in nearly two years. but today bash or-- bashar al-assad sat down with charlie row, i spoke with him a short time ago from dubai as he makes his way back home. >> the president of syria ago technology-- acknowledges that chemical weapons are as bad as other weapons of mass destruction. but believes that he can make the case that he did not do it. and says he's not even convinced that chemical weapons were used, he's not seen the proof. he does not believe that the administration has shown the evidence they have that his government was responsible. >> jeff: charlie you have spoken to president assad before what struck you most about this interview. >> i thought he was remarkably calm and conversational. i think he made a commitment, perhaps because he's his father's son, that all he had to do was just go all out. that in order to save the regime he had to go all out. he took note of the fact that war is ruthless. and that in war you have to do everything you can to survive. >> jeff: does bashar al-assad believe he will stay in power. >> i think he doesment i think he knows the risk. i asked him about that i said you saw what happened to qaddafi, what happened in tunesia, in egypt. will say and he argues in this conversation, he's been able to prosecute this war for two and a half years because he has the support of the syrian people. charlie rose, we can't wait to see more tomorrow morning and tomorrow evening, thank you. >> thanks, jeff. >> jeff: and you can see extended portions of charl yee rose's interview with syrian president assad first thing tomorrow on cbs this morning. >> in london today secretary of state john kerry continued his effort to build international support for u.s. strikes on sirria. he offered his first comment on assad's remarks. margaret brennan is traveling with the secretary r9 secretary kerry dismissed assad's denials and said the evidence speaks for itself. earlier today in paris, the secretary made the case to arab leaders that they should support a u.s. lead strike on the assad regime. >> he has one of the largest stocks of chemical weapons in the world and at the moment he has no intention of really negotiating. so it is certain if he is threatened, he will use them again. >> reporter: kerry said that saudi arabia was convinced and decided to endorse the u.s. strike. he expects other arab countries to issue statements of support within the next 24 hours. but few are expected to say that they will join a military strike. kerry got a similarly hesitant response from the european union yesterday which urged the world to send a clear and strong response. but asked the u.s. to delay any action until the u.n. weapons inspectors finish their report. secretary kerry came here to london to discuss middle east peace. but this decision on syria is dominating. here in a country that has already decided that it will not be part of any military action. >> jeff: margaret brennan in london, thank you. several hundred thousand christians in syria fear an american attack could lead to their widespread persecution by weakening the assad government and strengthening islamic rebels. many of them linked to al qaedament elizabeth palmer has more on that from damascus. >> reporter: the civil war has not so far disrupted the ritual of sunday mass at al zeitouna catholic church in damascus but the father and every member of this congregation are deeply worried. they've seen the videos posted on-line and heard the news that islamist rebels pushed past the syrian army and invaded one of the hoeliest chistian sites in syria, maalula. the syrian troops claim they are back in control of the town. worshippers pray that's true but the threat still feel very close. just two weeks ago four mortars were fired into this christian neighborhood in damascus where everyone knows everyone. and a local man agor was killed. >> it is a sad-- really. >> reporter: christians in syria have flourished under the protection of president bashar al-assad but there's widespread fear that era has now ended as muslimist extremists gain power within the armed opposition. >> they're trying to force us to go out or die, if we try to stay, we will die. >> reporter: no one is saying ethnic cleansing yet. but they are thinking it. >> and that's not just christians. it's all religious minorities here. they may not have agreed with bashar al-assad's dictatorship but at least it kept them safe. now they think what's coming will be a bloodbath, jeff. >> jeff: liz palmer in damascus, thank you. scott pelley interviews president obama on his syria politics tomorrow am you can see that tomorrow night during the broadcast of the men's u.s. open final and later on the "cbs evening news." a crushing heat wave continues in california this weekend. temperatures hit the hundreds again this weekend in the san fernando valley. the yosemite rim fire is now the third worst in california history. officials say it is 80% contained but nearly 400 square miles have burned. in utah heavy rains caused more flooding and mudslides in alpine, the same spot for the third time in three weeks. ibm announced it is losing its medicare eligible retirees off its company health insurance and will give them money to buy insurance on private health care exchanges. late this afternoon we learn time warner will do the same. for more on the story we are joined by cbs news contributor med-- lod hobson. is this a good or bath thing in your estimation. >> over the short term it shouldn't be good or bad but neutral. the reason it will be neutral, ibm is saying the health-care coverage should be the same or better for the retiree. over the long term its goal is for it to be good. the reason ibm says it's doing it as wells a lots of other companies is because health care premiums for the retirees are expected to triple by 2020. by going to an insurance exchange, ultimately the goal is to lower these cost. >> jeff: you believe more companies will start doing this. >> for sure. 300 companies have already done it ibm is joining caterpillar, they're joining all sorts of other companies, dupont, again time warner just made the announcement. i think we're going to see more and more of this. the dom foes have started to fall. >> jeff: the question a lot of people might ask is does this mean my insurance rates are going to go up? >> so here's the unknown are young people. so the estimate is for 7 million people to sign up for this new kind of health coverage in the next year. two to two and a half million of those people need to be healthy, 18 to 35-year-olds. because basically what they will do is subsidize the cost of the older retiree. if they don't go in, if they don't enroll, the math will not work. >> jeff: mellody hobson, thank you very much. he is one of the original olympic sports but earlier this year wrestling was dropped from the game, a move that surprised many. today the international olympic committee changed its mind voting to put wrestling back in 20920 games. as don dahler explains many believe this not only restores the sport's reputation, they think it will make the ancient practice even better. >> reporter: the wrestling fans awaiting the international olympic committee's decision in a downtown manhattan bar, this was a gold medal moment. >> -- (cheers and applause) we just want a match, a big match. >> reporter: billionaire and former wrestler mike was one of many around the world who spent their own time and money to convince the ioc to reinstate wrestling. >> we worked our tails off for the last six weeks, made changes at the international organization, made changes domestically and also to raise awareness. >> wrestling needed 48 votes, it got 49ment but that was enough to defeat intense campaigns by both squash and a combined effort of baseball and softball. last february the ioc shocked the sporting world by voting to drop wrestling from its 2020 olympic line-up because of low ratings and attendance in past games. critics said it just wasn't exciting. that left olympic hopefuls like 16-year-old jake barry grappling for answers. today his dream was revived. >> when the decision was being made my heart was pounding through my chest. i like couldn't breathe. i knew what was on the line and i was just so, so happy that it got voted back in. >> reporter: being pinned to the matt forced wrestling governing body to modernize this ancient sport. the new rules will make wrestling a faster sport that rewards aggressive action. the number of weight classes for female wrestlers was also increased to bring pore gender equality to the sport. >> i think the changes we made are great changes. that part is a positive. this might have ended up being a really good thing for the sport. >> i think the bad scare was a very good thing for the sport. we probably got better press in the last six months than in the last 16 years. >> reporter: the new rules will be in effect in the 2016 olympics. don dahler, cbs news, new york. >> jeff: later on the auction block, james bond's submarine car. and the security lapses at buckingham palace when the "cbs evening news" continues. most famous cars is up for auction. the lotus submarine car from the spy who loved me could fetch more than a million dollars. the cardiss appeared after filming in the '70sment years lathe are someone bought a storage unit on long island and found. bond would never let this happen. first there was a break in at buckingham palace, then the authorities mistakenly stopped a prince in the royal garden. charlie d'agata in london tonight has more on a royal mess. >> reporter: two days after the palace's worst security breach in years, british police fumbled into another royal mess. they busted prince andrew, the queen's son, in the palace garden mistaking him for an intruder. tabloid headlines said prince andrew held at gunpoint. the police said no guns were drawn, and apologized for the mishap. the prince saw the funny side in a statement that read the police have a difficult job to do balancing security for the royal family and deterring intruders and sometimes they get it wrong. i'm grateful for their apology and look forward to a safe walk in the garden in the future. security officials are still trying to figure out how a burglar slipped past guards at night and reached a state room which is open to the public during the day, not far from the queen's private apartment. it's one of the most heavily fortified buildings in the world. the entire palace is surrounded by these high fences. there's security cameras everywhere. armed guards patrol the grounds 24 hours a day, yet apparently this intruder was able to scale a fence, kick down a door and he was in. the queen wasn't there. she's in scotland enjoying the end of her summer vacation. intruders have struck before, in 1982, michael fagan reached the queen's bedroom while she was still in bed. in 2004 a protestor in a batman suit managed to scale the walls of the palace. but the recent break-in has renewed calls to stiffen security. >> yes, we could tighten telephone up. we could be shot down. we could raise the perimetre fence. the whole point is the queen and-- queen and royal family want to be accessible to the comment. >> reporter: there's no comment from the queen. of course it is safe to say when her majesty gets back to her london pad, heads will roll. charlie d'agata, cbs news, london. >> jeff: up next more than a dozen children hurt when an amusement yard swing loses power. power at a carnival in norwalk, connecticut, today. police say 15 people were injured. >> the accident occurred at the annual oyster festival in the harbor city of norwalk when the swing ride appeared to lose power. witnesses said it suddenly stopped and the swings crashed. this man saw the whole thing. >> it seemed to be going like its normal and all of a sudden i heard like a thunder or like a bang. i watched the kids like swinging wildly, smashing into the steel supports ton. >> reporter: 15 children were injured, a dozen went to hospital. at least two were described as having serious injuries am but most of the injuries were minor. doctor neil flock was there. >> i happened to be a trauma surgeon in town, so i saw the kids at the time and no one seemed really injured. all the kids were moving their extremities and everything. >> everything here came to a stop and inspectors went from ride to ride checking them out. by late afternoon the attractions were back in action. all except for the swing ride. still off limits. >> it was just shocking. and i think, you know, they should have closed all the rides off for the rest of the day. >> the word amusement, the swing ride operator said its rides are inspected every day, connecticut state police blamed the accident on mechanical failure,. cbs news, norwalk, connecticut. >> jeff: still ahead, brightening lives in haiti. >> it is something many of us take for granted but in haiti electricity is rare. especially since a devastated earthquake three and a half years ago. only 25% of haiti's people have access to the national power grid. leaving more than 7 million in the dark. as we saw in a recent visit, there is one potential solution getting alots of attention. >> at wilny's house there is always a light on. a small solar lamp lets his daughter study late at night. >> michele says he used candles until a fire burned his house. he told us the solar lamp makes the family safer. and gives off more light. the lamps come through a money transfer company called sogexpress each month thousands use it to send money to their relatives back home. at shops like this one in miami's little haiti customers cannot only wire money but also send a lamp. >> you can have up to 12 hours of light. >> reporter: sort of a western union for solar power. shop owner joslyn saintjuste. >> like i'm participating in something for my country because i know the situation and when somebody send a lamp to someone to a friend or family, i know how happy the people are when they receive the lamp. >> the country is so far behind them for energy. i think solar will play, could play a very important role. >> frank lanoix is the vice president of sogexpress. he says the cost of solar energy has begun downs it has become a viable option where infrastructure is a major problem. >> look at the sun hitting us right now. and it is there, it is to the going to go away. >> at this state of the art teaching hospital in the rural thrall platteau, 1800 solar panels power everything from surgical suites to x-ray machines. g gabou mendy is the medical director. >> i think to show -- >> the sol or power in haiti is still in its infancy, it is already being used to run everything from street lamps to irrigation systems. and just a year, sogexrress has sold and distributed 6,000 personal solar lamp, a bit of light in an otherwise uncertain night. >> coming up, these boats can fly. not just it is flots just hardened sailors at the helm. here's carter evans. >> this 72 foot catamarand keeping for america's cup are a technological marvel, they essentially fly across the san francisco bay. >> 52.9 miles an hour. >> gliding on hydro foils that act like underwater wings lifting the 7 ton boat entirely out of the water. >> that enables to us get space up there, about a 60 mile an hour. >> jimmy spithill is skipper of team usa. >> are you concerned with a boat like this it's gone a little too far away from what the traditional sailor can associate with? >> i don't think so. i mean should we be listening to the traditionalist or the next generation youth and kids of the day. >> they love seeing the technology, they love seeing the speed. >> certainly not crew member roam kirby. >> you're 24 years old. >> just turned 24. >> and you're on one of the fastest sailboats in the world. >> yup, prepretty cool. >> in his named for america, kirby is only one of two american crew members on team us, a. the rest are mostly kiwies and usies taking on their down under rivals team new ze land. >> i don't think our country fully, you know, embraces sailing. >> do you think this boat could change that? >> i sure hope so. >> if it catches on, the more familiar boats, long associated with the race, could be left in their wake. >> it would be hard to go back to a traditional single hull boat. >> that's what we're all saying, after the cup is over and going back to sailing monohulls 's going to be bored out of our mind. >> fueling a need for speed turning this age old sport into nascar on the water. carter evans, cbs news, san francisco. >> jeff: that is the "cbs evening news" tonight. later on cbs "60 minutes." i'm jeff glor, cbs news in new york. scott pelley will be here tomorrow. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh another fire in sonoma coun sends flames and thick black smoke into the air. mandatory evacuation ordered as a fire races at the base of mount diablo. flames and big black smoke goes into the area. the beginning of the end at candlestick park which uh, i dunno. i, i guess i'm just hoping for a caring and nurturing relationship, you know, one that's going somewhere. uh, like i, i take them where they're going and they buy me chevron with techron. i mean, yeah, you know, what can i say, i'm a, i'm a romantic. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. alright, now i just look desperate. been seeing all afternoon. a large plume of smoke resembl a mushro this is kpix5 news. good evening. it put many in the bay area -- it was what many in the bay area has been seeing all afternoon. a plume of smoke resembling a mushroom head. burning at the base of mount diablo. people in 75 homes are being told to get out. the fire charred hundreds of acres since it began just re


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20190711

abolishment of the department of homeland security. >> it is moronic, stupid, naïve and dumb that she should study the lessons of history, she should talk to her colleagues, she should investigate what happened. >> we are live in washington with the latest round in the border battle. >> if there is anybody here that is going to be disrespectful to the american or canadian national anthem, grab your gear and get out. >> now patriotism problem here, the hockey coach going viral for demanding respect for the national anthem. "fox and friends" starts right now. good morning, you are watching "fox and friends first" on thursday morning, thank you for starting your day with us. we begin with a fox news alert was a person of interest is being questioned in the case of the mixing kentucky mother of 4. this coming as human remains are found overnight where police believe savanna was last seen more than 6 months ago. >> reporter: police got a crucial tip at 5:00 yesterday and just before midnight they found human remains. they are questioning one person. this is happening in garrett county, kentucky, it is believed to be the last known location of savanna spurlock. the human remains are heavily decomposed so they have been sent to the state medical examiner's office to be identified. savanna is a mother of 4, just gave birth to twins in december. she went missing on january 4th. she was last seen on surveillance video meeting in a bar with two men. those men told police savanna left the garrett county home by herself the next morning but her family not buying that. police searched this house several times already. >> the family member of one of our suspects, that brought us here and that is why we are back here. our hope is to bring closure, to know what happened and answer questions. >> reporter: no charges filed yet but investigators have been working throughout the night and we are waiting to find out who this person is that is being interviewed right now. >> going overseas iranian military gunboats tried but failed to seize a british oil tanker in the strait of hormuz. us defense officials telling fox news the 5 iranian vessels backed off after british warship approached, threatening to open fire. the incident coming after iran's president warned the uk could or would see consequences for seizing and iran oil tanker. the tension comes amid news that iran is now enriching uranium past the threshold laid out in the 2015 nuclear deal. donald trump who withdrew the us from the deal last year tweeted that more sanctions against iran are coming soon. and labor secretary alex acosta is defending his role in the 2008 please deal of wealthy financiers accused sex trafficking jeffrey epstein. codecs say the deal made by acosta when he was a federal prosecutor in florida led to a lighter jail sentence for epstein who pleaded guilty to state charges including soliciting a minor for prostitution. he argues his office intervened for a harsher punishment. >> the palm beach state attorney's office is ready to let epstein walk free, no jail time, nothing. >> nancy pelosi and others have been called -- calling for a cost's resignation as some democratic lawmakers invite him to testify. epstein is behind bars in new york accused of sex trafficking underage girls. new overnight, ice preparing to arrest thousands of illegal immigrants nationwide beginning sunday according to a new york times report and this comes as republicans blast democrats for using obama era photos to promote the kids in cages hearing. doug luzader joins us from washington dc with the outrage. >> reporter: the timeline is in question but administration officials say these raids will take place and they are targeting individuals whose claims have been heard but rejected. >> they are absolutely going to happen. 1 million people in this country with removal orders and that isn't what ice will go after but that is the pool of people who have been through the due process chain. >> last month donald trump delayed the raids to get congress time to tighten asylum standards that may be drawing many immigrants to the united states. in the meantime the rhetoric in congress has grown more intense with one prominent freshman house member suggesting the department of homeland security shouldn't exist. >> i feel like we are at a very supported position at least in terms of evidence, in terms of being able to make the argument we never should have created dhs in the early 2000s. >> many republicans call that statement absurd and have gone after democrats for using obama era photos to decry the treatment of immigrant children. shannon: doug luzader live for us, appreciate it. karl rove served towards w bush when terrorists attacked our country on september 11, 2001, and he is letting loose on congresswoman ocasio cortez. >> moronic, stupid, naïve and dumb and a strong message to follow. i can't believe a member of congress, you should study the lessons of history, she should talk to her colleagues, she should investigate what happened. i was there on 9/11 at 8:408 am, walked up to the president and said planes flew into the world trade center and the department of homeland security got together a series of agencies and departments and capabilities to meet that challenge. some those capabilities didn't exist before the the home integrity. that she wanted to go to an age in which you could board and airplane with a box cutter or bomb? i would like to hurt ago to the parents and loved ones who lost someone on 9/11 who live in her district in new york and ask them if they inc. the united states of america should be placed in a place where their families will have to suffer the pain and grief they have. she views the world through left-wing prison. we are in grave difficulty we do not control our borders. >> reporter: homeland security agents stop an average of 10 people on the terrorist watchlist from entering our country every single day. a majority try to come through airports but 3000 special-interest aliens were stopped at the southern border last year. breaking overnight sunset news from hollywood. the actress who played the gun loving border guard has died. >> i wouldn't do that. i really wouldn't. >> blueberry, pine, cream, the most marvelous thing i've ever seen. >> what is happening to your face? >> your face is turning blue. returning violet, violet! >> denise nickerson suffered a stroke last year. earlier she had a massive seizure and last night was taken off of life support. she leaves behind one son. she left acting in 1978, she was 62 years old. switching gears completely. alex morgan and team usa are not sick of winning yes. the back to back women's world cup champ taking home the best team, morgan named best female athlete. >> sorry but this is the second best trophy we won this week. >> the kansas city chiefs in the meantime earning a part of the best game award although they came up on the losing end of the thrilling game against the rams last season but patrick took home the best nfl player award and leave it to a hockey player to steal the show. ripping a tooth out on stage. >> before i speak i think my tooth -- i don't want to spit on anyone in the front row. we are good now. >> ryan o'reilly netting the best come back after winning their first ever stanley cup title. so congratulations to them. the time is 10 minutes after the top of the hour and google, facebook and twitter all accused of being biased against conservatives, today they will be the focus of a social media summit at the white house. our next guest will be there and says this will be a wake-up call for those giants. what do you see in this picture? is in the beach? you are wrong, the optical illusion that is going viral. [music playing] across the country, we walk. carrying flowers that signify why we want to end alzheimer's disease. but what if, one day, there was a white flower for alzheimer's first survivor? what if there were millions of them? join us for the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's. register today at because i know there are so many address myof you veterans, who have served our country honorably. whether it's two years, four years or thirty-two years like myself. one of the benefits we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. >> welcome back. potential big story we need to bring to your attention, louisiana under a state of emergency is severe flooding stuns new orleans. a major storm is bearing down on the gulf coast potentially becoming a hurricane by the end of the week which is basically tomorrow. flash flooding turning street into rivers, forcing the residents to cut across town in kayaks. take a look at this, dark clouds and water spout touching down. this is not a local lakewood hurricane watches in place along several southern states. we will have meteorologist adam klotz to let you know what you need to know in these areas. a lot of states impacted. happening today at the white house donald trump hosting a social media summit focusing on big tech bias. the president's critics say claims of conservatives being censored online is a big conspiracy theory. >> trump is calling a twitter troll for the white house for airing of grievances. thursday's social media summit is shaping up to be a star wars bar of the albright. >> reporter: left leaning out with attacking donald trump's social media summit. beverly holberg will be attending the summit and joins us now. thank you for joining us, appreciate it. begin by giving us the ins and outs. what is the summit for and how did you get invited and what will your role be? >> my role will be listening to what the president has to say and the others at the table is so far we don't have an agenda. the attendee list has not been released but people who have spoken up include policy organizations like the heritage foundation and academic institutions like gregor university and the claremont institute. for this to say this is some all right yeah the ring couldn't be farther from the truth. >> i wanted to ask about that. this is not something that is happening, just a bunch of conspiracy theorists but we did a story yesterday and did some polls and people overwhelmingly don't trust social media >> they have a good reason for that. another attendee who will be at this, the founder of live-action, a pro-life organization where they have been told they are not allowed to put pictures of ultrasounds on twitter. even when you look at the bias out there you have people individually banned from twitter but also issue areas that are censored. there was a big controversy over a movie of sam not being allowed on twitter and being banned but this also goes to videos that are restricted such as on youtube. gregor university has a lawsuit against the company that owns youtube. there is bias out there. the question is what do we do about it. there are a lot of ideas. eileen in favor of not government intervention in the form of regulation. i think what we need to do is put a spotlight on this which is why the summit is here. >> reporter: a comment from don junior in june where he called out the bias specifically the president's tweets, they can do it to the leader of the free world imagine what they are doing to you and your voice. it is not only unplanned, the movie, that twitter suspended their account and the actor, what is his name, james woods, they banned him several times but individuals as well. >> someone like louis farrakhan who temporarily had his account suspended, horrific anti-semitic things. how does that adhere to the guidelines of twitter? it doesn't. the president brings up a good point, the point other conservatives brought up, not just about banning but how the algorithms work on twitter or facebook where because of the algorithm they can hide your content from those who subscribe to what you put out there, people who want to see data can't find it. part of it is getting down to the information of shadow banning or throttling as we are hearing the new term out there. what are those algorithms? we won't it to the nuts and bolts of that. reports that facebook and google are -- >> texas senator ted cruz next week will hold a hearing in reference to the anti-conservative bias so more to come. thank you for joining us. appreciate it. it is 18 after the top of the hour. america's drug czar sounding the alarm about the plaintiffs at our border. >> americans are not protected. cvp has outmanned or divergent from doing their job. >> a firsthand look at what our border agents face every day. >> anybody here going to be disrespectful to the american or canadian national anthem, grab your gear and get out. >> hockey coach going viral for taking a stand for the national anthem. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. shipstation. the #1 here, hello! starts of onlinewith -hi!mple... how can i help? 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part of the constitution that prohibits federal officials from receiving any gift, payment or other thing of value from a foreign state or its representative. the complaint by dc and maryland is the president's earnings from the trump international hotel violate this clause when a foreign leader stays there but the fourth circuit says dc and maryland are not harmed by this, they cannot bring a suit, the president taking to twitter to celebrate were just out i won a big part of the deep state unanimous witchhunt, the court of appeals for the fourth circuit on the ridiculous emoluments case. i don't make money but lose a fortune for the honor of serving and doing a great job as your president including accepting 0 salary. the president's attorney j secular continuing the secretary lapse. >> the c volume and clause issue is presidential harassment. i use that term because i have been practicing law for 40 years and you see case after case, issue after issue where there is no legal recognizable injury or basis to have a lawsuit but they do it anyway. >> the fourth circuit did not rule on whether the emoluments clause was violated in this case, just that dc and maryland didn't have standing to complain about it. >> todd pyro, thank you. sad news to tell you about. georgia deputy killed in the line of duty will be laid to rest. nicholas dixon's funeral is set for 11:00 am in gainesville, georgia after a series of emotional vigils and memorials. deputy dixon was shot and killed when facing suspected gun thieves, four teenagers are behind bars, the 28-year-old deputy leaves behind a wife and two young sons. the 24th officer shot and killed in the line of duty this year. a utah man now formally charged in the murder of college student mckenzie lueck. >> count one, colonel homicide, aggravated murder. count 2, activated kidnapping. count 3, obstructing justice, count 4, abuse the desecration of the human body. >> court documents revealing the 23-year-old was found buried in logan canyon with her hands tied behind her back. police confirming she had been texting the suspect before her death but they have not released a possible motive. the suspect is due back in court on monday. overnight a man charged with threatening donald trump. a grand jury indicting the texas man saying he knowingly and willfully made threats to hurt and take the president's life. the exact threats are unclear. court records show he made them between december 2018 and june of this year. a major security breach at buckingham palace to tell you about. and intruder arrested for jumping the gates while queen elizabeth was inside. the man round outside for 4 minutes and was reportedly banging on doors. they were all locked. police say this was not terror related but it comes 40 years after this man, michael fagan, broke into the queen's bedroom. back at home, nancy pelosi taking another swing at her own party demanding that they not air grievances on places like twitter. those comments coming in a private meeting with democrats. carly shimkus with fox news headlines serious xm 115 here with online reaction and we can you guess where some of this is coming from. >> three letters, aoc. she gave members of her party a stern talking to during a closed-door meeting, she reportedly said this. you got a complaint, come and talk to me about it but do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that is just okay. policy's spokesperson said that was not necessarily directed at anybody in particular but democrats suspect it was referring to a congressman who recently called the problem solvers caucus which consisted of moderate democrats. he called them the child-abuse comments. could have been referring to alexandria ocasio cortez who attacked nancy pelosi on twitter. >> allegations she was implying that she was racist. ocasio cortez was asked if she plans to change her twitter behavior and she said no. more to come on this one. a lot of people on social media talking about the party infighting, when twitter user says nancy pelosi is wrong think if you can't keep up with the times step aside, this generation wants transparency in politics. don is siding with pelosi saying can't believe i am rooting for. the democratic party reaping what they so. ocasio cortez says she hasn't talked to pelosi one on one in months so they might need to get -- >> in person versus over twitter although policy kind of slammed the progressives in a new york times interview starting this whole thing. >> and talking about the teens a little earlier. >> drew breezed a common award for record-breaking performance and talked about the greatest part of the job and winning an award. has to do with his kids. watch this. >> i would be lying if i didn't tell you i was the most excited to have a chance to bring my 3 sons, to give them the opportunity. [applause] >> to meet some of the heroes, role models. >> 3 boys, i'm sure that is a very rambunctious family. ian says drew freeze is such a class act. jp says i respect this man, great role model for kids to follow collagen status. another says you made me cry, thank you. you are raising those boys well. >> and came within one game of winning the super bowl. he deserves that. explain what this is. we showed this picture earlier. i think it looks like a beach but that is wrong. >> remember the dress thing and -- this is the latest optical illusion. a lot of people say it looks like a beach. it is a car door and what looks like the water is the broken panel. the trick is you have to look at the dark part up top and the bottom portion is just gravel, street but it does look like a beach. >> i have to do that after the show. >> i love when things go viral. i don't see it. >> i saw it up on second glance. let us know if you see it. >> i will look at it again after the show. it is 20 minutes until the top of the hour and we will switch gears and talk about this crisis, death by distribution, drug dealers in north carolina could now face murder charges if someone they sell to overdoses so is this a fair punishment or is it going too far. our next guest says we can't arrest our way out of a public health problem and a wild interstate cash grab can't on camera. what started this freeway frenzy and why police are asking for your help. of your home's value. the newday va loan lets you refinance your mortgages, consolidate your credit card debt, put cash in the bank, and lower your payments over $600 a month. call today. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. ordering custom ink t-shirts has been a really smart decision for our business. i love the custom ink design lab because it's really easy to use. they have customer service that you can reach anytime. t-shirts help us immediately get a sense of who we are as a group. from the moment clients walk in, they're able to feel like part of the family. - [spokesman] custom ink has hundreds of products for your business and free shipping. upload your logo or start your design today at upload your logo or start your design today can't see what it is what is that? that's a blazer? that's a chevy blazer? aww, this is dope. this thing is beautiful. i love the lights. oh man, it's got a mean face on it. it looks like a piece of candy. look at the interior. this is nice. this is my sexy mom car. i would feel like a cool dad. it's just really chic. i love this thing. it's gorgeous. i would pull up in this in a heartbeat. i want one of these. that is sharp. the all-new chevy blazer. speaks for itself. i don't know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. >> welcome back, you are watching "fox and friends first". should drug dealers be charged with murder if their customer dies of an overdose? north carolina's death by distribution law would do just that. this comes after nine people in an ohio county died from opioid overdoses in just two days. is north carolina's law a fair way to fight the opioid crisis? here to weigh in his professor of law, thank you for joining us, appreciate it. we hear those numbers and at this point i don't think people are surprised because the numbers continue to grow, 9 people in two days, nationally the overdose numbers as well, 130 people in the us and i every single day from opioid overdose. we have to find a way to fix it. >> absolutely right, this is a national tragedy that continues to affect every one, all families have a friend or relative that has been affected so i think laws like these really fit into a pattern where lawmakers and prosecutors are driven to do something about the problem. shannon: let's look at what north carolina is trying to do and specifically the details of this death by distribution act, would be a possible second-degree murder charge for dealers if the overdose occurs, it was signed by the governor monday to take effect on december 1st but do you think this is the solution? >> i don't. there is a drive to do something. the prescription the legislature has issued is the wrong one. first of all north carolina already has laws that would allow folks to be charged for selling to someone who dies so this merely increases the penalty and the idea, the way the legislature framed the intent of the legislation is to deter people from selling drugs. the idea is we are going to send a message. shannon: hold somebody accountable. >> and also the idea you put a dealer on the street has been the narrative that has always been a guiding sort of framework. shannon: and as you continue to discuss 25 states that have some form of this drug-induced homicide law. >> even more states can charge people under other laws so it's not like we don't have these laws in place and not like our laws are lax and we don't have enough people in prison for drug charges. we have the harshest laws in the world and we have been deploying those laws very actively. we have a terrible and escalating drug crisis. shannon: what is the answer? >> the answer is to increase access to treatment and that means access to methadone, effective medications and it also means to get help to people when they are overdosing. calling 911, administering the antidote, this is where the concern for me as a public health researcher comes in where a law like this can send the opposite message. we want to encourage people to call for help when overdose is occurring, one of the top reasons people don't call for help is fear about legal repercussions so these laws send a message saying we are going to prosecute people to the full extent of the law and that deters people from calling for help. heather: it takes effect december 1st. thanks for joining us. the time is 10 minutes until the top of the hour and another blow to the nation's tourism, a third american dies in a dominican hotel room, but on a dominican republic operating table, not a hotel room, an operating table. the new reason investigators are working on the island. it is july 11, 711. you are celebrating 7-11's slurpy day, you can do it on fox square, don't miss it straight ahead. g tax code... it's understanding why that... will get him a body like that... move! ...that. your job isn't doing hard work... here.'s making her do hard work... ...and getting paid for it. 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(vo) quickbooks. backing you. ♪ they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again. be change welcome back to "fox and friends first". the dominican republic facing more scrutiny after a third american tourist died, not in a hotel room but on the operating table. phil keating has the alarming reason. >> another blow to the dominican republic tourism industry as a third american women in the past month has died while on a medical tourism trip for cosmetic surgery. friday at a clinic in the capital santo domingo a new york mother died on the operating table reportedly from a blood clot. she was in the middle of a liposuction procedure, a study from the university of texas named the dominican republic as the most dangerous place to travel for plastic surgery leading to death or serious illnesses from infections. most of the procedures were for tummy text, breast reductions and light the section. in her case according to her sister she found her dominican doctor on facebook who said he could do it and for less money than in the us. her sister said she was a smart, vibrant and passionate woman and her chief surgery came at a terrible cost. these two medical tourism deaths are unrelated to the dominican resort deaths which we covered extensively last month. a dozen american tourists died in the dr over the past year and a half in what many family members consider mysterious. several had taken drinks out of their minibar in hotel rooms before they are falling ill and dying. the dominican health minister order toxicology tests on those victims and we are still awaiting those results. as for the medina case, the health minister says a full review is underway. >> phil keating reporting for us. at&t becomes the first major wireless company to automatically block robo calls. tracy carrasco from foxbusiness is here with details on the service. this is desperately needed. >> it is awful. this is really good news for at&t customers. at&t becoming the first wireless carrier to automatically block those fraudulent calls. this is going to be done by default so previously this comes ahead of the fcc ruling a month ago when they said all of the wireless carriers are going to allow them to block these fraudulent calls. at&t the first one to act on it. subscribers will be automatically enrolled. if you don't want to, not sure why you wouldn't, you cannot out of it. other wireless carriers offer something similar but it is a service you have to opt into. a good move by at&t. a lot of customers will be happy about this. >> a lot of customers happy about this as well. 711, july 11th means free slurpys. >> and i'm standing in front of the 711 slurpy truck on the plaza this morning, giving out free slurpys today. go to any participating 711 from 11 am until 7:00 pm you can get a free small slurpy. the featured flavor will be blueberry lemonade. 7-11 saying this is the busiest day of the are expecting to give out some 9 million free slurpys. expect those long lines but it is going to be worth it. it is summer, it is hot, what better way to cool off than a slurpy? i'm going to skip the coffee and go straight for the slurpy. >> i think i have a cherry when here so thank you to everybody for my slurpy. tell them i appreciate it very much especially the sugar. the time is 6 minutes until the top of the hour. a cactus close call. how a driver managed to walk away from this accident. we will tell you how. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. >> welcome back. there is a new bill aimed to protect, eliminate stand in the nation's capital. brandon taught introducing the lemonade stand amendment act of 2019 that would allow kids to run small businesses without a permit and stands would be required to not be open for more than 100 days and be a reasonable distance from commercial entities. now it is time for the good, the bad and the ugly. up first the good. a 6-year-old boy's visited amounts turning out to be a home run on social media. the boy known as coach drake seen giving up pep talk to the baseball team in michigan. players a is an integral part of their team. good for him. now the bad. drivers in georgia slamming their brakes and running across 5 lanes of traffic after $175,000 in cash flew out of an armored truck. watch this. >> my first instinct was to pull over and try to collect as much as i can. >> those drivers have to return the cash. they are required do. the ugly. a tucson driver lucky to be alive after a cactus cracked his windshield. police believe the driver was impaired when he crossed two lanes of traffic before crashing into the cactus. no one was injured amazingly. that wraps up this hour of "fox and friends first," thank you for joining us. "fox and friends first" continues right now. goodbye. >> the property they were searching is a family member of one of our suspects was our hope is to bring closure, to know what happens and the able to answer a lot of questions. >> it is thursday, july 11th and this is a fox news alert, police or make a kentucky home overnight after a disturbing discovery in the case of missing mom savanna spurlock. >> one person being questioned and 6 months after she disappeared her family finally getting


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