ROCHESTER, Minn. - The Rochester Workforce Development has received grant money from the Department of Employment and Economic Development. Two of their programs have been funded. The Bridges to Public
AUSTIN, Minn.- The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) dispersed $475,000 in grant money to Workforce Development Incorporated, a non-profit organization, as part of their Southeast Asian Economic
Samantha Boring Created: February 09, 2021 07:17 AM
(ABC 6 NEWS) - The Austin city council saw changes in January and now that several weeks have passed, the new mayor and two new city council members have settled in.
Newly-elected Mayor Steve King said it was a seamless transition.
King said, We landed Nu-Tek, great bioscience business.
Nu-Tek Bioscience is bringing a $35 million project to Austin, a 60,000 square foot building in Creekside Business Park where pharmaceutical products made from plant-based materials will be developed and create more jobs. It means a tremendous amount to have Austin be that landing spot for them, just because 35 jobs makes a big impact on a community like ours, said King.