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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20141101

so forth. madison was in a flatbed pick-up truck. the 25-year-old, just mellow, like he usually is, soaking it all in, fans and teammates all cheered together in a deafening war for madison obama guard bau >> mart matthew shows how everybody weathered the rain. but the champs shined today. >> reporter: it was absolutely amazing, effort out there with the fans, the boys of summer, the summer to remember. i went out there i got a chance to jump up on the busses and to hear these guys, you would never know they were the kings of this barrel world. the confetti rose up in the air as the giants cruised past on busses, we got a look at the back of hunter pence, and the fans that did see his face confirmed us with his trademark yes, yes, yes. serge this lime he toned it down, his t-shirt said i have issues. jeremy held up three fingers, three of his fingers are covered with world series ring. form >> messy beaches, it never gets old. i love it. >> ryan vogelsong compared this parade to the one that he rode in two years ago. >> a parade is a parade, is a parade, but this one is great, i thought the last one was awesome, but this one seems even better. >> and pablo sandoval used by, i climbed up to tell him that so many fans were chanting stay, stay, stay. >> i love my fans, i love my teammates, and my peers. i want to be here, man, every two years. >> hey, i don't know if we have an inclusive here, but between bob rid dell's interview and him telling me he wants to be here every two years, you know what he's saying, and the giants want to keep him, it sounds like a match made in heaven, what a day in san francisco. nbc bay area news. >> if you have $100 million, we can do the deal right now. terry having some fun out there, i loved sergio romero's shirt. i mised that. in baseball parades, there are no rainouts t weather didn't stop the thousands of fans from lining market street for today's big celebration. >> mark matthews joining us with a look at the creative ways the crowds kept dry, mark? >> reporter: there were some but first i want to show you the striking stage. this is really remarkable. a half a million people were here just a couple of hours ago and look at how quickly it's all coming down, the chairs are stacked over there, they're ready to cart them away, as for people staying out of the rain, well, when you have a half a million people, you're going to find some creative ways of staying dry. michael reyes dressed as a member of the griffindorf house at the hog warts. >> the person in the gum by suit indicated it was working for him. but most people resorted to the more traditional method of bringing an umbrella. rosy otera brought one big enough for a big gathering. >> nice and sunny, beautiful day in san francisco like always. >> reporter: when it really started to come down, colleen started to worry about her confetti cannon. maybe the most effective rain gear was the horgs -- moose and horse, you got it, they're michael moore fans, rain or shine. back with a live picture of the tear down and follow me over here, i want to show you something, this is the other side of civic center plaza and take a look at that, it has all but cleared out, all the trash is gone, they have cleaned up this case in a hurry, reporting for nbc bay area news, mark matthews from civic center plaza. >> we have experience and practice doing this, this will be our third time, a half a million people in and out of there pretty darn quickly. over coverage continues in about ten minutes from now. he's show us the moments you didn't catch during the live broadcast, and if you can't wait for ten minutes, visit us on our website right now, nbc bay, everything giants, including a slide show of today's parade. >> the bay area got drenched today and it's not over yet. on your left, radar that's still active this halloween night and on your right what it looked like as it poured in the south bay earlier today. >> the highest totals today coming in the south bay, check it out a quarter to a half inch here, downtown, 50 to 100, santa clara, 4200. milpedes -- we're not done with this wet weather just yet, in fact there's a severe component we'll be tracking, winds 15 to 30 miles an hour, if any thunderstorms do develop and hail may also be contained in with that. tonight, a few area of scattered showers continuing throughout 6:00, if you're heading trick-or-treating, you want to remember that jacket, maybe the umbrella. by 8:00, the possibility of isolated showers and we'll likely see some pockets of rain through 10:00 p.m. looks like it will fire off with some stronger thunderstorms. of course we are tracking that, and before we leave, we want to give you a quick look at that halloween forecast, a little bit spooky out there with those clouds and isolated showers. it's going to be a cold one with temperatures in the 50s. we have got more in about 10 minutes. >> let's bring in nbc bay area's robert honda, the rain is raising both hopes and concerns, robert? >> reporter: it has been a while since we have seen some of the problem this is storm has generated, but in some cases, painful lessons learned from previous storms have made conditions safer. laurel canyon curve -- and slick conditions led to numerous traffic accidents along highway 17 all day, but laurel canyon curve appears much safer after a dividing wall was put up following a fatal car crash during a rare storm in 2012. a popular south bay athlete, charles waner, died in the crash. >> you're glad they built that wall? >> absolutely, it's really important. there's a lot of open sections on 17 and especially that corner. >> many people agreed but cheered for the rain regardless. >> the drawbacks no, we need rain now. our -- we are so into a drought that the rain is a blessing. it really s. >> a blessing, but the santa clara value water district says not salvation, officials say local reservoirs that don't get imported water are virtually dry. >> it's going to take a lot of water and a lot of time and storms before we can reach down into the ground water basin which we have been drawing off of so hard this year. >> for the waner family, storms will always deliver mixed feelings. >> it's good that we have the rain, but i'm cautious for everybody else on the road. >> reporter: well there will be those mixed feelings for some time, at this time the rain is letting up. for some people that's good news, for a lot of others, they wish the rain would just keep on going. >> thanks robert. you can track this storm around the clock on our website, nbc bay, just click on the weather tab at the top of the screen and scroll down to the map and radar section. a new twist in the chp scandal, involving crazy photographs t officer accused of stealing photos from the phones of people he arrest eed has turd in his badge. even that officer's attorney says his behavior is inexcusable? >> reporter: that's right, the officer's attorney says the alleged behavior is wholly inappropriate, and he said that shaun harrington feels rotten about it. he says he realizing that he has tarnished the badge and he is sorry. tonight, he's been slapped with this criminal complaint. >> it is impulsive, immature, and inappropriate in every sense of the word. >> reporter: as defense attorney michael rain says california highway patrol officer shaun harrington is willing to pay the price for his actions. he says the dublin base -- shared them with two other officers. search warrant documents detail text messages sent between them. here body is rocking, states one, another reads taken from the phone of my incustody while she's in x-rays. enjoy, buddy. >> women who have been victimized by this deserve to be angry and upset because it's not a game. it's a serious matter. >> now harrington faces criminal charges t contra costa county district attorney's office filed charges today. two felony counts of computer data theft. >> obviously something harmful was done, this is an extreme invasion of privacy to these young women. he says harrington resigned from the chp on wednesday. >> because of any number of reasons really truly thought that this was kind of cute and funny and was to be shared privately among a couple of close colleagues and that it would never get outside of that group. >> reporter: now the other two officers at harrington's claim taking part of an alleged scheme and taking part -- the da made that determination -- targetton will be arraigned on monday, we're told he will turn himself in monday morning. >> blowing out walls and taking the roof off, what we have learned about what touched off this blast. also a burst into flames and fell from the sky. the commercial spaceship that exploded in southern california. we have details on the pilots on board. plus some call it the first real rain of the season, how it kept the chp busy today. and stay with us, the giants celebration continues throughout this newscast. >> world champions. >> yes, yes, yes! >> can we do it again? >> yes, yes, yes! >> that's what i'm talking about san francisco. we're going to come back to that. i just want to have a little more fun. an explosion happened today just belongs from the b.a.r.t station. >> reporter: investigators are telling us tonight that what was involved here is a refined butane or a pressurized butane gas used in a hash oil or honey oil type lab. tonight, they say the explosion was so intense, it rocked this neighborhood. some of the canisters involved, they say, were shot right down the street. this is here on sunnyvale avenue. firefighters say the debris field was about 100 feet wide, with windows blown out. neighbors tell us they thought a plane had hit the six unit apartment building, two people in the unit suffered critical injuries and burns, they were taken to a local hospital and uc davis medical center for treatment. fire investigators say there is an oil extraction process, the butane is used as a solvent to take the thc, the active ingredient out of marijuana. >> as they're using this butane, raw butane vapors are spewing out into the room they're in. the vapors will sink to the ground, they'll travel and look for an ignition source. he said there were many of these type of canisters in the debris field on scene. one neighbor actually shot cell phone video after tex ploegs. another said she saw her neighbor come out with serious burns. >> he was coming down the stairs and yelling water, water, his head was on fire, and it scared me so i just grabbed a jug of water and i came outside and poured it on him and kind of got out because i thought things were going to keep exploding. >> it just exploded out of no, our whole building shook, i had no idea and i came out and the whole thing was on fire. >> reporter: police ainspectors the afternoon here trying to figure out which neighbors could go back into their unit, the red cross is out here helping out burks they told me just a couple of minutes ago that only five people had said that they needed shelter over the weekend. reporting live in walnut creek, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> what a horrible story for that community there in walnut creek. it's been a busy morning everywhere, it might also be a busy night in the north bay, especially. rain making a mess on the roadways. a simple warning from the chp across the bay area, simply slow down. a pick-up truck slid off the highway 12 offramp in santa rosa this morning. you see it there, another pick-up truck flipped into a ditch near southbound 101 in sonoma. many incidents include drivers who are speeding on the slick roads. you know what happens, when you hit the brakes on slick roads it's easy to spin out. we're going to go back to our coverage of the giants parade. this is is picture of all the fan who is packed the civics center plaza. damian had a unique perspective. >> it was wild and crazy and loud earlier today. right now the barricades are gone and the streets are clear here along the parade route. many fans around the bay area know that pain of losing, but there are a few who have never had that sour taste. >> it's been like avalanche for michelle jones, three triumphs in five years, but the lifelong giants fan remembers when things weren't so glorious, like the e lemaster years, for them the giants have always been winners. >> always. of course, always. >> hey, these kids, they really got it great. but us old-timers, man, we stuck it out for a long time. >> reporter: they know not about lemaster or herndon, to these kids, it's about the presence and the winning feeling. >> baumgartner and posy. >> posy and panda. >> let's go giants. >> i spoke with barry bonds along the parade route, he said, well, why not do this again next year and the year after that? so it seems like the giants might be on their way of course to more victories. it's halloween in san francisco. we're life in the city. nbc bay area news. >> thank you, damian, and damian, we all grew up here in the bay area, we do remember the johnny lemaster years, so that's why it's so special for all of us old-timers here as well. >> we have had that sour taste. >> it was such a big day, and of course it's halloween and we need that critical crucial forecast. >> we do have areas of rainfall still continuing in the forecast for tonight, you can see the storm system we had this morning, it did bring some heavier rainfall to people heading out to the parade earlier on, the core of it now moving off to the south. we have this upper level of low pressure off shore and that's where we're going to get the possibility of some thunderstorms tonight. dipt decent totals from our underground network of rain gauges, .57, during the next 24 hours, we're going to be adding to that. if you're still getting the kids ready for that crucial trick-or-treat time in the next couple of hours, make sure you have a jacket. temperatures will be in the upper 50s to the low 60s with the potential for some showers. it is also cold, numbers right now in the 50s to low 60s, and you can see cloudy across the entire sky camera network. as we kick in to tomorrow's forecast, as you have been mentioning, we're still not done yet. >> those showers, chances on saturday morning, we'll begin with some sunshine, sunnier, dryer conditions across the south bay. everyone staying on the colder side, feeling more actually like winter than fall at this moment. and you can see from the north bay, east shore and tri-valley, we'll have that chance of thunderstorms on saturday and then drying weather for sunday and also monday. we have got another update coming up in just a bit and we'll take you beyond the next three days. >> still ahead here at 6:00, how much for gas did you say? the milestone being celebrated by driver. we have some developing news we're covering at this hour, that tragic crash of that spacecraft, this is the second crash this week, today it was the virgin gat lactic spaceship. one pilot has been killed, another pilot injured. our business and tech reporter scott budman has covered this virgin galactic spaceship. this is richard branson's vision of the future. >> virgin galactic, read by the founder richard branson has been on the forefront of commercial space travel, we spoke to branson about it a couple of years ago right here in the bay area. but today a sudden set back and an ongoing investigation into just what happened. the virgin galactic spaceship made this dramatic flight over the bay area back in 2011, announcing it's plans to take tourists into space. but an equally dramatic set back after today's test flight ended in a deadly crash in the mojave desert. >> space is hard and today was a tough day. >> new mexico based virgin galactic, partnering with a company called scale composite, for a flight of its spaceship 2. >> we're flying in a rocket motor today, it had been thoroughly tested on the ground, it had been through a qualification series. >> now the national transportation safety board along with the faa will investigate what went wrong, while the companies involved say they'll cooperate, mourn, and then get back to work. >> future rest in many ways on hard days like this. but we believe we owe it to the folks who were flying these vehicles as well as the folks who have been working so hard on them. to understand this, and to move forward. >> richard branson is also on his way to the site of the crash. you may remember an orbital sciences rocket exploded shortly after takeoff, it was carrying supply force the international space station, we expect to hea more from the ntsb and the faa about the crash this weekend. back to you. >> still ahead at 6:00, it rained on the parade, but will trick-or-treaters stay dry. we continue to track a storm that's delivering some much-needed rain to the bay area this halloween. >> and giants fans want to know what the future holds for the kung fu panda, hear what the team's general manager has to say, along with the colorful hunter pence. the manager of the world champions junes, bruce bofi. three-times in five years and be sure to join baseball greats in the hall of fame. that was just win of the many incredible moments at today's parade. >> nbc bay area's michelle roberts, michelle, it was four hours long by the way. >> in case you didn't already know, today is now officially giants day, san francisco mayor ed lee made the declaration and gave the keys to the city to the team. >> let's go enjoy it. these come too few and far between. >> feels fresh, just incredibly vibrant here. it's 55 degrees and tropical. >> larry bare riled up the crowd but some of the louder cheers came when jeremy affeldt rolled in. >> they're overwhelming, when you drive down market street like this for the first time, it still doesn't get old. >> and pumped three fingers. >> it's awesome it's unbelievable. i thought i knew what to expect, but this is just unbelievable, it just blows me away. >> they wrapped up the party at civic center plaza where fans held up newspapers and cheered at any reference to a dynasty. giants ceo said to keep available the city for next halloween. >> what now with pablo sandoval, he's a free agent as most of you know, and his market value may be 100 million bucks. today hunter pence made sure everyone knew where he stood on this topic. >> we need about more pablo. ryan sabian getting into the act. >> before we hear the sign pablo chant, i think i'm a little light, larry, not enough, right, pablo? i brought that on myself. >> referring to larry baird, the team's president and ceo, a little light in the wallet. it's going to cost the giants but they might have it now or want to do it after his performance in the postseason. what's panda saying? he's saying he doesn't want to return to the giants, he wants to retire as a giant. remember, this is the organization that he came up with as well. he told the chronicle, i'm going to where my heart tells me. he has a five day window to negotiate with the tame. red sox and dodgers among those other teams seem to be wooing the "kung fu panda." the future of the giants in tems of their operations. visit us at nbc bay for everything giants. >> a microclimate weather alert. this is what it looked like in san francisco today. now more rain is on the way and there's a chance for thunderstorms. jeff, there's still a lot of green on the radar back there. >> yeah, and it really slammed the south bay this afternoon from about 1:00 to 3:00, visibility down to a half mile and less, so a little bit of a break right now, but again, we're tracking a second round of rainfall, but offshore, this upper level area of low pressure, once that gets here, we do expect that possibility of rain to increase, but it's got a lot of cold, unstable air with us, we're also look at the chance of isolated thunderstorms from the north bay down to the south bay. winds could gust as high as 35 miles an hour. the trend, it will stay cold right through saturday, with temperatures in the 60s. coming up in about 20 minutes, we'll have an idea about how long this all lasts. a deadly hit and run has san francisco police asking for help tonight. the victim was crossing the road when he was stuck by a driver. the pedestrian was then hit again by a second vehicle. the second driver did stop and cooperated with police. this happened overnight. a couple of hours later, another pedestrian was struck and killed in the allan rock area, police say the woman was walking on mckee road when she was fatally hit by a car, the driver stopped and contacted police. still no arrest tonight in san jose's 30th homicide of the a gunfight. police blocked off the area around santa clara and second streets around midnight when they searched for the gunman. the victim still is identified. investigators say he got into a verbal and then violent fight with another man. each was armed and opened fire on this other. >> gas prices have hit a new milestone, for the first time in three years, a gallon of gas costs less than a gallon of milk. prices dropped 33 cents just this month. the national afternoon today dropped to $3 a gallon. san jose's average 3.31. and in san francisco, the average price there, 3.49. still ahead here at 6:00, help is on the way to the big island of hawaii has lava creeps closer to a small town. the national guard getting ready to step in. plus a win for the nurse defying an ebola quarantine, the court ruling that has her ca calling this a good day. it continues to be a political hot potatpotato. a judge in maine saying the nurse who treated ebola patients does not have to stay inside her home for the length of her quarantine. she's allowed to take walks but she's still banned from public places. hickcock says she will follow the order but the governor of maine remains skeptical. >> she's violated every promise she's made so far, so i can't trust her. i don't trust her. and i don't trust that we know enough about this disease to be so callous. >> hickcock has no sirp toms of ebola since returning from west africa. national guard troops are heading for hawaii's big island. lava threatens to cut off a main road and access to a community. right now the lava is at a dead stop, it hasn't advanced for the last 24 hours, but it's now expangding sideways. scientists expect the flow to eventually pick up speed. okay, we will be back with jeff ranieri, as we talk about this beautiful shot looking from the east bay into san francisco. when will the rain return and still trick-or-treating. they spent decades giving back and now they're getting a big honor, we're going to introduce you to a very special family from the south bay. it's a big honor awarded only once a year. this year it's a family -- >> here's their story. >> the memories date back 42 years for this couple. vivid is their memory of the day the couple first set eyes on each other in guadalajara, mexico. >> he says they saw each other and he knew right away that she was for him. it was then, she says, that she felt cupid's arrow, the guzman's married and she brought to the marriage marriage -- knowing that wanted a better education for their children, the couple dropped everything and moved to california. >> they loved us enough that they would sacrifice all their time and their energy. >> she cleaned homes and he became a gardner. all the while, the couple rolled up their sleeves for others. she became president of her school's pta, the family volunteered all across san mateo county and the sacrificing paid off. >> this is not a job that you can do well if you do it from 8:00 to 4:00. >> my father, i looked to him and he's incredible. he's just such a strong man and he gave us everything to come to this country. >> lupe says her parents work ethic, helping disadvantaged kids from her community, challenging them to get ahead and giving them the tools to succeed, a work ethic she learned from mom and dad. >> when i was a child, my dad would come home smelling of sweat and dirt and soil and i would jump up into his lap and i enjoyed that smell so much, aknow it's weird, but it's the smell of hard work. >> maribel has a master's degree in special education, helping people in redwood city that might need edge tra attention inside and outside the class room. >> i have to help my community and give back just like they taught me to do. >> through his example of hard work, he didn't care, he went to work every day. >> everybody, let's read this number. >> humberto teaches fifth grade at -- >> it's also where he fights to give his students the tools more aflu went schools might already have. >> if it's good enough to the best, it's good announce for the rest. we need to provide equal opportunities. >> he also teaches his students jew dits sue on the side. >> just submit them. >> you're puffer in life is to make a difference. >> in charge of vital employee matters? >> i did have to have co-sessions with coin sell. >> jackie is out volunteering with the latina coalition of silicon valley. a nonprofit that trained powerful latina leaders in the bay area. >> it's your obligation once you make it to bring other people with you. >> this family -- >> i love them, i love my family to death. >> a humble family that's been to the pinnacle of success and wants their community to make the trip as well. it's why the hispanic -- the family of the year. >> the family of the year will be honored tomorrow at the 25th annual hispanic foundation, that's going to be at the fair mochblt in san jose. >> let's bring in our man in the hour now that serves up our weather with the trick-or-treaters. >> sights are centered right on halloween. we do have that forecast coming up. we also got the calculator up there in the weather center. 245 days in san jose since we have seen .50 back on february 28th. we're not done yet, as we have been mentioning, throughout night for your little ones, your trick-or-treaters, you want to bring the jacket and also maybe the umbrella, temperatures dropping into the 50s foer for the most part by 8:00 until 11:00 tonight. the first is a risk of a slight chance of thunderstorms all the way through tomorrow morning. any thunderstorms you produce may produce some small hail. the second thing to be concerned about if you're headed to the sierra, a winter storm warning in effect through saturday at 2:00 p.m., up above 6,000 feet, we could see anywhere from three to seven inches of snowfall. so let's take you to the rain timeline, we'll get your saturday nailed down for you. you can see we have got to start off tonight, a chance of scattered showers lingering not only through this hour, but right through about 8:00 and also 11:00 this evening. but here's what's going to happen, as we head into the overnight hours, we're going to see some instability approach. and that's likely where we'll get the possibility of some thunderstorms. at 4:00, most of it is offshore, but as we head throughout 8:00, 9:00, also 10:00 tomorrow, it's not a whole lot, but the risk here of some isolated thunderstorms that may pop-up. we're going to see that through 1:00 tomorrow afternoon and then we'll have conditions drying out. as we head throughout our saturday forecast, what you're going to notice is everyone expecting cold temperatures, we're going to stay in the 60s for the most part here, from san jose right on across san francisco. best chance of those isolated thunderstorms would be the south bay and also the prince. we'll get some breaks from the season in san francisco, and then you'll see it for the north bay, east bay and also tri-vall tri-valley, a risk here for some thunderstorms and also some sun by the afternoon, with temperatures in the 60s, 65 in napa, 64 in oakland and mid 60s here across the tri-valley. we'll get you through the weekend, that chance of rain and thunderstorms, cold on saturday, but then by sunday's forecast, check it out, the sun comes back out in the south bay, 68 degrees, san francisco 65, tri-valley, out in the 70s, we're going to have a daytime high of 68. so we have got a little bit of weather to deal with tonight and tomorrow morning, then after that, we're back to our sunny skies, but over 200 days since this much rain in san jose, a lot of folks are just kind of looking up at the sky going -- >> it feels good. >> it was great to have that rain. the giants played pivotal roles to get to the world series and win the titleal. but no one quite compares to madison baumgardner, we go one-on-one with the world famous mvp n so there i was on the iiv c center plaza. >> a big day, girard. >> it was a ton of fun. giants 2014 roller-coaster ride that culminated in a third championship in five years came to a very smooth stop. while the fans packed the streets along the parade route to see all of the players along with the pomp and circumstance. madison baumgardner received -- >> you've been through this before, but what does this time mean to you so accomplished and so seasoned? >> they're all so special and they all mean a lot in different ways. but this year, you know, i have to say it's up there, it's not my favorite, this has been an unbelievable year and as a team, we have had to work so hard to get to where we're at now, and we're just truly blessed and thankful for every chance we have got and ever opportunity. just to be here, we have an unbelievable team and to be here and play with these guys and the fanni fans are so awesome to play in front of. >> i asked him about the photograph that was on the front page of all the papers and online of him just leaning into you, hugging you, a buster hug, but a very different buster hug from 2012 and said he was done and he thought it was pretty appropriate to lean on you, that you're the guy that they have been leaning on. >> that's the biggest complement that you can have from your teammates, especially with him because he's the leader of this team and i'm just thankful to be a part of it. and the fact that he said that, that means the world to me. >> two pitches victories in the fall classic and five innings in shut youth relief in game seven, pretty remarkable stuff. there's also been celebrating to do over oakland. the wariers agreed on a four year, $70 million contract extension. they prehaven'ted the deadline by a few hours, pre -- the sharp shooter was taken 11th overall in the 2011 draft and averaged 18 points a game last season. >> doves of course, opening up the home schedule tomorrow night at oracle opening against the lakers. >> it never slows down around here, does it? >> it never does. >> nice work out there at the parade, girard, appreciate it. >> trick-or-treating time. you've got our trick-or-treating forecast. >> heading out right now, it looks like the worst unfortunately is across san jose, also through melpedes, it's dry for the peninsula and most of the east bay, but i would say tonight, be prepared for some that chance of rain, and it's going to be cold out there, so if you bring the umbrella, you'll be ready to go. >> you can even hide the umbrella in the candy bag. >> have a great evening, we'll see you at 11:00. cops called to kate hudson's halloween party. chris martin flirting with the star's half-naked daughter. >> from the chaos to the incredible costumes, now on "extra." ellen as the clooneys, strahan as oprah. we're coast to coast with morning mayhem. the morning shows' most extreme costume showdown ever. >> i always love talking to a.j. and why madonna needed three people to squeeze into her get up. how amanda bynes just got herself sprung from the psych ward. and honey boo boo on go-go juice overload. mario has melanie griffith's first words since her split from antonio banderas.


Transcripts For KTVU News At 5pm 20140721

good evening, i'm ken wayne. >> the calendar says july, but it does not look like it. >> >> i'm heather holmes. >> mark tomeo has been trackinged weather. >> >> take a look at the rainfall totals. numbers did not add up to much you can you see trace amounts to 1/100th of an inch. showers are fast-moving. still enough to add drops to the windsheild and roadways as well. as you can see, a lot of activity toward the sierra, look at the lightening strikes to our east at lake tahoe for the southern sierra. we had the clouds streaming into the area. you can see coverage out there in parts of the north bay. mainly for the northern part of the region. what has been happening over the past 12 hours, a south easterly flow, to the north bay and san francisco as well a closer inspection of the radar coverage. basically, can you see the rain showers toward santa rosa, this one cell, yellow indicating a heavier rainfall -- starting around the napa area, approaching glenn ellen and sonoma. it's not clear, yet, in fact, the coverage has been increased over the past two our three others. not as much coverage to show you for this part of the region, but we still have quite 0 bit of activity for the north bay. here's the radar loop. over the past three hours. we'll hold onto the chance of showers in the forecast, based on the radar image with all of the activity showing up. coming up, we'll look at the sierra forecast and highlight the lightening strikes that have hit the mountains and changes developing. we'll let you know if the raindrops will be out of the bay area. >> >> going to the north bay. some of that action going on, now, no well walker checking conditions in sonoma county. she is live in petaluma, where it is raining there. >> >> reporter: we have seen this cycle of clouds, sprinkles and breaks of sun all day long here, because summer rains are so unusual, people really take notice when they happen, especially because it is so dry. summer here looking more like fall in bodega. a light monsoonal rain blue in, a rare sight to see, a picture worth taking. >> i was shocked. it's unusual for this time of the year. >> reporter: she puts her resale wares outside every weekend. the unexpected rain didn't change her routine >> it's not good for business, but, i'm glad a few droplets are here. >> reporter: road sign drivers, right in the middle of summer. it was enough to turn on the windsheild wipers and enough to put the brakes on this car wash. >> very, very slow. >> reporter: so many employees standing around and pacing. so few cars to be washed. supervisor gamez can't remember the last rain >> long time? >> yes, long time. >> but, supposed to come in rain in november, december. i don't know. >> >> reporter: not july >> not july. >> >> reporter: it's unusual, but, still not enough rain to turn off the sprinklers. >> thank you. >> reporter: or stop worrying about when it will rain again. >> when we have drought, it's really hard on a lot of people. >> reporter: so for now, many will keep praying for rain, whenever it comes. >> >> that's 101 behind me, which is usually slow this time on a sunday evening, but, we did see a minor fender bender along the highway a short time ago. a good reminder that even a little bit of rain, when it mixes with the oil on the roadway, things can get pretty slick. no well walker ktvu channel "2 news." on ktvu. com, we have more on the weather and your five-day forecast, look for the weather link near the top of the page. >> >> new developments on the plane shot down over ukraine. a separatist leader in the country say rebels have recovered the black boxes from downed malaysia airline flight 17. the black boxes could provide answers to what happened once they are handed over to a international authority. but there is growing suspicion the rebels have tampered with the evidence. now, remains of 223 of the 298 people onboard. european leaders are demanding that russia make sure separatists give investigators full access to crash site to continue the recovery process. russia's president, vladimir putin is denying any involvement in the disaster >> some in moscow apparently feel differently. are your outside of the dutch embassy in moscow, flowers and cuddly toys for the lives lost. a plane broke in mid-air, drawn by a child -- "children should not die in britain." >> we are afraid, we are ashamed. we are mourning. what is striking when readed notes, how many of them use the phrase "forgive us." russia is denying it has no responsibility for the tellable tragedy, you get the idea that somehow russia has an element of responsibility for what is being played out in eastern ukraine. >> -- >> reporter: do you feel that russia as a role to play in this tragedy? no, i'm sure that russia is not involved in this tragedy. however, i would also say forgive me. >> reporter: dutch, but living in moscow, he believes the west paints the wrong picture of russia's president, but still mr. putin must step up to the plate. >> it's time to take responsibilities and bring peace to the region. he should take his responsibilities as well, on what is happening right now due to the plane crash, as well. >> united nations said russia can stop this war and russia must stop this war. the question, now, is whether given this terrible tragedy, mr. putin will be persuaded to try. cnn moscow. >> >> and back here in the bay area, thousands of people remembered some of the victims of the malaysia airlines tragedy. aids researchers that were onboard flight 17. coming up later in 30 minutes, we'll take you to this year's aids walk and show you how much money this community helped to raise as participants honored killed. >> >> proukrainian supporters rallied appealing for authorities to get tough with russia. they want france to cancel the sale of two helicopter carriers say say they say will be used by rebels in the disputed territory of crimea. >> we think that the west should act against this by not selling weapons to russia and by imposing further sanctions to russia. >> the u.s., along with other western nations have unsuccessfully tried to persuade france to halt that sale. >> >> oakland police investigating a shooting that injured a to- year-old girl at a birthday party. it happened at 5:15 yesterday at lowell park. police say the little girl was hit by a stray bullet shot on the other side of the bar. the girl was hit in the arm, taken to the hospital in stable condition. that shooting yesterday was the first of four in oakland that left at least four people injured in just 24 hours. police have yet to make any arrest says in any of those shootings. >> >> hollywood is mourning an iconic television and film actor, james garner died last night in southern california. reporter, michelle turner takes a look at his life and how he was introduced to a new generation of fans later in his career. >> >> james garner described himself as a painfully shy introvert. masks the condition with effort. >> mind over matter. you can't have this attitude and be an actor and i had to change. >> reporter: he pursued acting after dropping out of school to join the merchant marines. later in the army, he earned two purple hearts fighting in the korean war. he got his big break as the lead in the off beat western series "maverick." he moved easily between television and film roles. the 1966 film "gran prix" provides a glimpse into one of his long time fascinations, auto racing. he landed the role as jim rockford in 1974 "the rockford files." he won an emmy in 19979 for ice u his iconic role. he shined in films like victor, victoria and murphy's romance. his career came full circle in the early 1990s when he took a supporting role in the movie based on "maverick" playing the father of his original character. in year 2000, he was back on the big screen in the action film "space cowboys." the easygoing actor returned to television in the comedy "8 simple rules" in 2003. the following year, he co- starred in "the notedbook." it was an instant hit and endeared him to a new audience. garner's ability to excel in television and film made him an easy choice to honest norred by the screen actor's guild with a lifetime achievement award in 2004. the father of two who was married to his wife, lois for 60 years won't soon be forgotten. >> >> garner died at his home in brentwood. he had reportedly been in bad health since suffering a stroke in 2008. james garner was 86 years old. >> >> a dieing man's wish is fulfilled. how a bay area cancer patient is crossing something off his bucket list, thanks to community support. >> >> bay area back drop for a blockbuster movie being filmed right now. >> >> celebration of life. how the bay area is paying tribute to a man hit and killed killed on a bay area street. heat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you. >> michael reyes has been battling cancer for years and said now is the time to cross off something on the family's bucket list. >> this trip wouldn't have been made possible had it not been for the community's support. we met up with the family in freemont to learn more about this heartwarming act of kindness. it's really a touching story. >> >> reporter: unlike many fathers here at this park, michael reyes will likely never get to see his daughters grow up, likely never get to walk them down the aisle. thanks to the generosity of family, friends and complete strangers, he can remember them as the princesses they are at the happiest place on effort e. >> hi, daddy. >> reporter: this is what michael reyes cherishes most, spending time with his daughter. for the 36-year-old, time is more important than ever. he was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. doctors told him he likely won't make it past october. >> reporter: no one took the news harder than his girls, ages eight and nine. >> when i grow up, i want my children to meet him. >> reporter: on the family's bucket list, going to disneyland one last time. with huge medical costs, the trip unlikely until a co-worker of reyes' wife stepped in. >> it broke me. how can you not be broken by learning about a family going through something so horrible, especially with two young girls. >> reporter: she set up a go fund me account, in weeks, it raised more than $4,000. enough money for the trip. much of the money coming from strangers. >> you don't realize how many people care until they are given the opportunity to show it. >> reporter: for now, for a few days, the reyes family with forget the family is dieing of cancer and make lasting memories there. >> cancer is not going to kill my spirit and it's not going to kill my will to live for everything i have. >> the reyes family plans to leave for disneyland on a tuesday. the girls don't know about the trip. the parents are going to surprise them on the plane there. it's likely a surprise they will never forget. >> >> and we wish them the best. >> >> upcoming action flick taking place in san francisco. crews shooting a scene near third and king street. hundreds of extras. there they go, running around screaming in the streets, all part of the movie. the film is set to be released next june about a diversous disasterrous earthquake and a couple's quest to reach their daughter. >> >> "dawn of the planet of the apes" continues to dominate at the box office. it's the second week it has been in the top spot. it pulled in $36 million in ticket sales just this week. >> >> developing news to tell you about in washington state where four wildfires grew so big they merged into one enormous wildfire encompassing 370 square miles. the carlton complex fire in north central washington was ignited monday by lightening. no one has been hurt in the blaze. so far, zero containment. the flames have burned at least 100 homes and prompted evacuations in two towns. some of the evacuate es were people who were evacuated were allowed home to see the damage. 2100 firefighters are on the fire lines. they helped a bit, to -- they were helped a bit by the cooler temperatures and calmer winds, but higher temperatures are expected to return this week. >> not just in the northwest, but also around here and we had some lightening in the sierra, mark tomeo is in the weather center. it struck up around reno? >> dust cloud advisory in that area as well. we saw some clouds and lingering rain showers out there, especially focused in the northern half of the region, live "stormtracker" too. constant with our weather pattern over the past one to two days and you can see all of the lightening strikes toward the sierra. it's kind of beautiful when you see the the lightening strikes, from here, but it's dangerous when you are on the ground. you can you see all of the coverage over the past three hours. this is during the 2:00 hour. right around the 2:00 hour, we had over 500, 584 strikes and those numbers have been adding up over the past few hours toward the sierra. back here in the bay area, lingering activity, focus up in the north bay toward santa rosa. light activity, a stronger cell outside of napa as you are approaching glenn ellen. these are very fast-moving showers and as you can pick out, closer to fairfield, not as much coverage. more activity towards the dixon area and once again, this is the radar loop, moving and showing you the showers in the south and east and heading to the north and west. we'll head off from the showers tonight and into tomorrow morning. the possibility of a slight chance of a shower. current numbers out there, still "american idol," san jose, 73 degrees. oakland, 69, santa rosa upper 60s reporting 68 degrees. forecast headlines for tonight, we do have mostly cloudy skies, some showers as we just showed you on live "stormtracker" 2 radar and the shower says will actually be very fast-moving out there, but still alot of clouds showing up in this, the camera. we have the fog and higher clouds, moving from the south. for tomorrow, sun cloud mix, a chance for a shower and in the extended, we are talking about a warming trend on the five-day forecast. overnight lows. first thing tomorrow morning. mostly cloudy skies, mild conditions. overnight lows in the upper 50s to low to mid-60s. san jose toward morgan hill. here is what is happening. southerly flow beginning to lift out of the region, tomorrow, mostly cloudy skies, still humid out there by the afternoon hours, late afternoon, the clouds will gradually break up. high pressure returns by wednesday, friday and sunday, basically, you get an idea of the time line of the next few days and by friday. even by thursday, warmest locations approaching the mid- to possibly upper 90s, here's our forecast model. we are showing you the clouds right now, putting this into motion, still some clouds tonight. a little activity moving out of the region tomorrow morning. that's where we hold onto the chance of a light shower or sprinkle, but during the afternoon, skies becoming partly cloudy. warmest locations will be approaching the lower 80s toward antioch and brentwood. here is a look ahead to the five-day forecast. not too much change for tuesday, but there is the warming trend. warmest locations approach mid- to possibly upper 90s. coming up, we'll look at your weekend in view for days six and seven and let you know if the trend continues. >> aids walk honoring those who died in the crash of flight 17. >> >> deadliest day yet between the latest israeli palestinian conflict. >> >> 45 years ago today, the one small step being remembered across the country. the deadliest day in fighting in israeli. the call from around the world to try to end this violence. >> the conflict in the is igniting tension around the world. in france, the government is considering banning protests after demonstrators trashed with police and some were attacked. >> translator: what happened in paris yesterday, outburst of violence is unacceptable. >> >> reporter: hamas is blame u blaming the international community for allowing israel to escalate the violence as attacks continue and the death toll rises to at least 425 palestinians. hundreds marched in denver, colorado, calling for the government. >> over 300, right now, innocent civilians. i'm an american, i'm going to stand up and say no more. >> reporter: on "fox news," u.s. secretary of state john kerry called on hamas to accept a cease-fire and said he supports israel. >> >> you have people that have come out 0 oftons. you have the right to go in and take out the tunnels. we completely support that and israel's right to defend itself. >> reporter: thousands in a silent prayer for peace and calling for calling dario saric >> translator: violence is not overcome with violence, it's overcome with peace. >> reporter: u.s. secrtary- general is visiting the mideast in an attempt to broker a cease- fire. john kerry intends to visit the region, also. "fox news." >> >> violent clashes in the mideast prompted the band backstreet boys to cancel a three day series of concerts. in a statement, the backstreet boys apologized to their fans and said they hope to return then things stablize there. neil young and the band america have canceled their respective dates in tel aviv also due to the fighting. >> >> 45 years ago today, people walked on the moon for the first time. >> that's one small step for man. one giant leap for man kind. >> astronaut neil armstrong made those iconic remarks during that walk. he and buzz aldren landed in a flat area of the moon and planted the u.s. flag in the lunar dust. their crew mate michael collins orbited above the moon in what was called the most historic phone call ever made from the white house, president nixon congratulated the crew while they were still on the moon. 328,000-miles away. >> >> a well-known bartender, how his family and friends are honoring him after his tragic death. >> >> new developments in the case of an east bay teacher accused of molesting his students. >> >> how people across the bay area are celebrating ice cream day. great flavors and great value come together at subway, in our six-inch select, the spicy italian, loaded with genoa salami and spicy pepperoni. try it fresh toasted on italian herb & cheese bread for that perfect flavor blend. the $3 six-inch select of july. subway. eat fresh. oh i knew i forgot something... i'll just do it now. well, we're boarding. no, i'll use citi mobile. takes two seconds, better safe than sorry right? yeah who knows if we'll even get service on the islands? what! no service? seriously? no electricity, we're going to make our own candles, we're going to churn our own butter. oh, we lost one. can't leave a bag unattended. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. to learn more visit kristina is live at a vigil. >> reporter: so many people have gathered to honor thereof loved one. he worked here at the saloon, which is why so many people chose this spot to honor him, saying he had a huge impact on their lives and they are celebrating his life in a big way. [ playing "amazing grace." >> a jazz funeral procession left followed by close to 200 of dean's family and friends. the 51-year-old just finished his bar tending shift july 8th. heading home on his motorcycle, when he was hit by a car that allegedly ran a red light. dean died at a hospital, sending shock waves through the bar tending community. the driver of the car cooperated with police and was not arrested, but dean's family and friends said they will not focus on how he died, but rather how he lived. he was well-known in the city's bar scene. >> he bartender at a level that no one ever gets to. he was a mixologist, a poet, a philosopher and a friend and this is all for him. >> reporter: dean's friends say they are grateful for the time they shared with him. but his death is a huge loss to this community. they will be here celebrating throughout the night and they are inviting anyone from the public to join them in raising a glass to him. live in san francisco, ktvu channel 2 news a 21-year-old man facing manslaughter and drunk driving charges in an accident this morning that killed his passenger, antonio mareo lost control of his s.u.v. on the on ramp from denton avenue. he may have been trying to avoid another car when his s.u.v. flipped over. the vehicle slid onto the sidewalk and a tree before it slammed into a guard rail. witnesses told police that he was speeding. >> still, doing the investigation to lock down the exact speed, but it was a high rate of speed according to witnesses. >> police say he was also driving on a suspended license. they identified the victim as 22-year-old sori tories nunez. >> >> two people found dead inside of a home in sausalito. gunshots were heard and officerses arrived to find two bodies inside. police are treating this as a suspicious death, but they say there is not a threat to the public. >> >> testimony continues in a child molestation trial that gave prosecutors a jolt. he is charged with 150 molestation counts involving four male students. several witnesses offered glowing testimony about barton an thursday until a girl said she saw him rubbing a boy's chest under beneath his shirt in class. the fifth grader was a witness for the defense. attorneys said she previously told them she did not see any inappropriate touching. >> >> thousands of people took to the streets of san francisco for the city's annual aids walk. that comes days after several prominent aids researchers all died in the malaysian airline tragedy. kristin tells us organizers say in the battle against aids, the loss is enormous. >> whether walking in a giant crowd or solo, everyone who came to aids walk san francisco was part of the community dedicated to raising money to combat hiv and aids. >> over 2,000 bay area out -- >> organizers say today's walk raised more than $2.2 million for project inform and other groups. the money goes to education, research and helping those living with the virus. >> because you walk. 50,000 people who have hiv have medical care. >> an annual aids conference, researchers died when the malaysian flight 17 plane was shot down. >> organizers say more than 20,000 people are walking this year. many of them have a very personal connection to hiv and aids. >> i'm walking -- i was hiv for 23 years. i have lost 20 or 30 people, we are looking for a cure. >> we walk, my brother passed in 1991 with aids. we walk every year to represent and not only for him, for other families, too. >> reporter: today's walk ended with a concert in the park, a party with a purpose. in san francisco, ktvu channel "2 news." anderson our web team has posted a link to donate. look for web links on our website at ktvu. com. aids walk san francisco will continue fund-raising until august 15th. >> >> new cases of the aids virus has fallen in recent years, but the rate went up for young people and older gay men centers for disease control report a drop by 2011 but rates rose 38% for young people between the ages of 13 and 24 and for gay men 45 and older. they had increasing rates in all a half million americans were diagnosed as hiv-positive during that period. >> >> president obama set to return to the bay area for another fund raising this week. he is scheduled to attend a reception and lunch in the hills. money raised will go to the democratic congressional campaign committee. the president was here in the bay area ya' last month for a series of fund-raisers and speeches on jobs. >> >> kentucky senator rand paul criticized the president during a speech yesterday in san francisco. this is video of paul as his event earlier in berkeley. senator paul told those gathered that the president was no friend of the bay area, especially in silicone valley. he said that the president was against innovation and wanted to limited tech companies. >> >> current fees for the tsa, new fee will be $5.60 for all flights. in any connection longer than four hours, that will count as a separate flight, so you get charged for that as well. increases will off set the federal deficit as well as security costs. >> >> an iconic ice cream shop in the east bay celebrated national ice cream day by selling sundaes for over a buck. they started back in 1894 and today, they are marking their 120th anniversaries and the owners thought this was a perfect reason to sell their famous black and tan sundaes for $1.20. >> it's our way of giving back to the community and celebrating a our tradition. >> >> the special found out pretty quickly, drawing enormous crowds toed already popular ice cream shop. they estimated they would sell 3,000 to 4,000 black and tan sundaes. >> add one because you had one. how was it? >> it was wonderful. >> >> escaping alcatraz, how hundreds of athletes had their strength and endures tested. >> >> summer time showers continue for your workweek. i can't talk, i'm still thinking about the black and tan sundae. our meteorologist, mark tomeo will be back with your forecast. . i'll have my usual ultimate cheeseburger. you can have that. or-two new versions of the ultimate cheeseburger. one has sliced jalapeños and creamy ranch sauce, the other has sweet and tangy barbecue sauce and grilled onions, plus double meat and cheese like the original. new versions...? two new versions! now, this was just a training video, but these twists on my ultimate cheeseburger will blow people's minds. is that guy ok? we are going to check in on our weather with mark -- i don't know what to make of it outside. it's really quite strange. >> clouds are different. they have a tropical look to them. they are coming from the south. that's why it melt so muggy, steamy out there. the main focus has been toward the sierra. we have coverage to show you primarily being pushed towards parts of the north bay as you can see here. here's a closer look at the radar with the live doppler radar sweeps, showing you the current pattern. you can pick out showers heelsburg, at last check with all of this activity beginning to thrift u shift to the north, the trend will continue over the next 12-18 hours. >> moving the maps around, there is the coverage. not as muchs shower activity at fairfield, but toward dixon. the radar loop, an interesting direction, all of the showers to the east and moving out to the west. it has been basically the pattern all weekend long. as far as current numbers to show you as we get to that, santa rosa, 68 degrees. san jose currently, 73, san francisco, 62 and livermore, reporting 80 degrees. right now, you can see lower clouds here, but alot of high clouds. the clouds have a tropical look to them. forecast headlines, we do have this for this evening, showers out there, lingering clouds extended, we'll warm up the numbers for wednesday, thursday and friday. and possibly beyond friday for the upcoming weekend. all of this activity will to the north. starting out the day with cloud cover. there is a chance of a lighted shower or two, first thing tomorrow morning and you will see that on the forecast models coming up. once again, one more humid day, high pressure returns. in fact, it strengthens, sending temperatures up for wednesday, friday, sunday, you see me spacing out the days here. overall trend, temperatures warming back up. by the weekend. the warmest location back up into the mid-90s, 95-96 degrees. forecast model at 10:00. showing you the clouds, not much in the way of shower activity, but moisture is in place and a slight chance of a showers and thunderstorms. a little activity here, holding onto the possibility of the monday morning commute, look what happens in the afternoon hours, clouds thin out, by 4:00 tomorrow afternoon, we are expecting partly cloudy skies, pretty warm numbers out there. forecast highs not a big change from the readings of today. santa rosa 86, oakland, 72, livermore, 81, brentwood, 83 degrees. san jose in the upper 70s. san francisco, 68 degrees and pa civica, 63, temperatures not changing too much. we'll gradually warm up. by sunday, warmest locations quite hot, could be approaching the upper 90s, clouds stick around first thing tomorrow morning. one more day of the humid conditions, might be a little like a sauna out there. i think one more day of all of that. >> hopefully, the moisture calms things down for the firefighters before the hot weather comes. >> at least, we are getting showers out of these. the main concern is we get thunderstorms without the showers. it's a good come binnation. >> >> hundreds of athletes challenged themselves in san francisco bay for the 34th annual alcatraz escape from the rock al -- the man who founded the race said the event has developed quite a following. >> all kind says of people from throughout the united states and throughout the world. people want to challenge themselves. come the end of the day, they want to be able to say they escaped from the rock. >> participants were up early for this race that started at 8:00, but the setup started at 5:20. >> >> coming up, giants pitcher goes for his fifth straight win and the a's score in bunches against baltimore. >> >> roary mcelroy did something that only tiger woods and jack nicklaus did before. sport says wrap is coming up. ♪ ♪ thank you! thank you! dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. you've been such a big help. it's what i like to do. so you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. chase. so you can. heat shields are compromised. we what's that alarm?ures. fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you. good evening, thanks for joining our early sunday edition of sports wrap. oakland a's hosted baltimore. >> >> baltimore starter in the first inning, cococrisp lead off with a single, then this shot to right center. watch him make a nice popup slide for his third triple of the season. it's 1-0 after seven pitches. very next pitch, a wild thing. the ball goes to the bat, jason comes home making it 2-0. >> >> many suspended five games last month in baltimore. a's pitcher makes him look silly. many chases another bad pitch in the fifth. sonny allows two, he is 11-3. many wasn't able to make a play in the fifth inning. throwers offline. giving jeffries a single. gentry lands on third, the a's win big 10-2. they get off tomorrow before hosting houston on tuesday. >> >> giants pitcher, tim lincecum has been looking like the cy young winner like he is, but he let one pitch in his win streak come off. watch this fan make a one handed stab and the son said "that's my dad and that's my ball." >> last four starts, but he hangs a pitcher into casey mcgee as wheel house. the second homer of the season. for mcgee, but he make it is 2- 0 marlins it was 2-0 in the third when the giants put two men on base. posey reaches out and pulls a double down the line. michael scored, tieing the game at two. that was the last run of the date for san francisco. he just might have been out there too long because inth inning, he bounces his pitch and catcher sanchez can't block it marlins win 3-2. giants head to phily -- 25-year-old rory mcelroy tried to become the 7th golfer ever to win the british open. he showed power and poise. at one time, rory had a seven shot lead, but he made three boeings. his lead is just three, now, but he comes back to sink this birdie to shoot even-par in the front 9. that's a four shot lead until sergio garcia makes a perfect shot on the par 5 and caps it off with the eagle. rory's lead is now just two. 15th hole in the bunker, sergio stays in the bunker. finished with 666, two back of rory. his partner, burning, a nice putt on the 15th. he shot a 67, tied sergio. the tournament was not locked up until rory makes this nice chip it was great to go into the final round with a two-shot lead, another decent par there to shoot a 171, garcia followed by three strokes. becomes the third youngest ever to win a grand slam. it was emotional as rory hugs his mother. >> this is the first one my mom has been at and to be able to see her it was really nice. and you know, i'm -- it's really nice to be able to share a moment like this with them. it's a big moment. i feel like i have gonna long way. i think just my determination and hard work has really paid off. >> >> tiger? well tiger shot a 6 over par for the tournament and cameth. came in 69th. >> >> formula one series, we'll get you behind the wheel, next. what! no service? seriously? no electricity, we're going to make our own candles, we're going to churn our own butter. oh, we lost one. can't leave a bag unattended. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. to learn more visit today's stage 15 tour de france, mother nature was the real problem. 138-miles came down to a pad dash. norway's alexander chrisoff takes a lead over bower, bower simply heartbroken they all take a much-needed day off tomorrow. >> >> indy car series tried to run a race in toronto, back-to-back days, but rain changed that to a double header. charlie kim balance, cars scattered all over bike u like spaghetti. a rain event, but when the sun popped out. mike conway was smart enough to change his tired. he won. >> >> formula one race in germany, not a great start. maza goes mid-air. open wheeled cars should not make contact. tires touch and all heck breaks loose. no one gets hurt in there, but it was a dramatic scene. german roseberg wins the race. that's it for this early edition of sports wrap, a's win, giants lose again. >> >> coming up tonight on the 10:00 news, born and raised on the farm, but living life in the fast lane. >> what makes this bay area racer unique. and the famous racer she is starting to be compared to. thank you for making ktvu your source for news. >> we'll see you tonight. the rope ladder. he fell twice. ♪


Transcripts For KTVU Ten OClock News 20140721

civilians and forced dozens more to flee gaza. they blame hamas for the deaths of civilians. >> we try to target the rocketeers we do. they want to pile up as many civilian deaths as they can. >> the thing the enemy did not admit is the missing of one of their soldiers during this operation. >> reporter: hamas claimed it captured and israeli soldier. the hamas spokesman says the fate of that soldier is now up to israel. pelestinians cheered at news of that capture. john kerry is heading to the middle east to help capture a seize fire. >> debora villalon live now in san francisco where police kept a really close eye on dualing demonstrations today, deb. >> reporter: heather we're at congregation emmanuel. it is the city's largest synagogue. over 100 people attended service and hundreds gathered outside. struggling to stay positive, amidst mounting deaths. >> our hearts are with them. we hope there's no casualties on either side. no one wants in the world to see casualties but you still have to get rid of the missells, get rid of the tunnels. down the block jews with an opposing view. >> our support is for the palestinian people and their right to live. >> reporter: they want israeli forces to pull back. >> increasingly jewish people are concerned and speaking out and do not want to be associated with israel. >> division inside, but outside prayer led by council. >> i think it's great that we're inside praying on a day of such tragedy. >> they got up and started fighting the security forces that violated them. >> fearing that it was somebody that i personally went to high school with. >> reporter: hearing soldiers with dual citizenship had died ratchets up the worry about this young man. was raised in the u.s. but signed up for military service at the age of 19. >> that is in our blood. >> reporter: israel says a record number of young jewish americans are volunteering for israeli military service. reporting live in san francisco, debora villalon, ktvu channel 2 news. more details now on the california native killed today in gaza. 24-year-old mac steinburg grew up in los angeles and was living in israel. his mother says that max joined the israel defense forces back in 2012 and was a sharp shooter for the brigade. he attended el camino real high school. another young israeli american was killed as well he was from south padre island texas. new at 10:00, stockton police say a suspect killed during wednesday's bank robbery robbed the same bank three months ago. they are confident 27-year-old alex martinez participated on a bank of the west robbery. you see a photo from the january robbery on the left of the screen and a dmv picture of martinez on the right. martinez and another suspect were killed wednesday. a third suspect was arrested. police are still looking for a fourth suspect who drove the suspects to the bank in a dark colored sedan. one of the three hostages misty holt singh was also killed. also new at 10:00, fire investigators are trying to figure out what sparked a two alarm fire. the flames broke out around 5:15 at an apartment complex. the fire started in a lower unit but quickly spread to the attic. in all 24 units were badly damaged by the fire and water used to put out the flames. firefighters say that helped fuel the flames. >> it was a pretty harry, we almost had crews fall through the roof. the roof was almost burning through very weak. and it was running pretty good. >> reporter: the red cross is assisting people who have been displaced. a sprinkler system was installed in every unit. no person was displaced. summer showers we didn't get an awful lot of rain but as noelle walker told us it was just enough to get people's attention. >> reporter: summer in bodega looked more like fall. >> we're glad it's here. >> reporter: a light monsoonal rain blew in from the east this morning. rare to see, a picture worth taking. >> i was shocked. it's unusual this time of year. >> reporter: rosina croner puts her resale items outside. >> not good for business but i'm just glad a few droplets are here. >> reporter: roadside drivers paid attention to the change. it was enough to put the brakes on this rohnert car wash. >> it's very, very slow today. >> reporter: ayala can't remember the last rain. >> long time. >> yes, a long time. but it's supposed to come in raining november, december, i don't know. >> not july. >> not july. it's crazy time. >> reporter: it's unusual but still not enough rain to turn off the sprinklers. >> thank you. >> reporter: or stop worrying about when it will rain again. >> and when we have droughts it's really hard on a lot of people. >> reporter: so for now, many will keep praying for rain whenever it comes. in sonoma county, noelle walker, ktvu news. this is what it looked like most of the day around the bay area. this is our view of san francisco late this afternoon. and boy you can see in that picture, low gray clouds blocking out the sun. while this system wasn't a big rain producer. mark it was still quite strange to see this happening in july here. >> it felt strange out here. a bit tropical in nature. today waking up this morning we had our first round of rain throughout the region. the amounts really did not measure up to much. only trace amounts to .1 of an inch. but it is july 20th. we're talking about rain showers out there. this was the first way we tracked this morning between 7:00 and 10:00 pushing across a good portion of the region especially for the northern half of the bay area. all this moisture is moving in from the south and east producing thunderstorms out toward the sierra. that's basically been a constant all weekend long. pumping in low clouds and scattered rain throughout the area. here's the most recent imagine. the coverage still up there especially in parts of the east bay. this is the loop just over the past one hour. you get the idea, things starting to dissipate but still enough moisture to warrant showers into tonight and into tomorrow morning. a closer look at the radar. there you can see rain showers toward healdsburg. a few sprinkles, few rain showers for this part of the bay area. coming up at 10:35, let you know if the shower chances will linger into your monday morning forecast. we're also tracking a big warming trend in the forecast. we'll have that coming up in a little bit. new developments in the malaysian downed aircraft. this as bodies continue to be discovered and tensions heat up. search teams are now recovered the remains of 223 of the 298 people on board. meantime secretary of state john kerry appeared on all five sunday talk shows. he said it'll be a if -- it'll be a fundamental truth for putin and all involved. >> reporter: john kerry appearing on all of the sunday political talk shows to praise the president's measure and engaged response. he also called on european allies to crack down on russia with tougher sanctions and says a thorough investigation does require russia's full corporation as well as access to evidence. >> so we need full access this is a moment of truth for russia. you know some of the leaders of the separatist are russian. russia arms these separatists, russia arms these separatists, russia supports these separatists. >> reporter: they do however condemn the russian president for enpowering ukraine's prorussian separatist. >> the u.s. and western allies have to make clear to putin that the rules of the game have now changed. he's violated civilized norms. >> reporter: other lay makers including democrats are taking it one step guard. they describe the u.s. response as tepid and cautious. >> it's what i thought before the shoot down and certainly this is a despicable act that needs the resolve of the west. >> reporter: evidence confirms that russian separatists obtained weapons through russia. elizabeth prann, fox news. >> about a dozen people with blue and white ukrainian flags gathered. the protesters want france to stop providing weapons. >> we think the west should act against this by not selling weapons to russia and imposing further sanctions toward russia. >> the west has tried unsuccessfully to convince france to stop selling weapons. torrez nunez was a passenger when the man behind the wheel lost control from dutton avenue around 2:30 this morning. they say that 21-year-old antonio moreno murillo had just excited that highway. he may have been trying to avoid another vehicle. his suv then hit a tree and a guardrail. witnesses say he was speeding. >> it's a long investigation to lock down the exact feed. it was a high rate of speed according to witnesses. >> moreno murillo faces several charges including manslaughter, drunk driving an driving on a suspended license. >> you don't realize how many people actually do care. how many people do have a heart. >> reporter: a trip of a lifetime for a dying father and his two young daughters. >> the generosity of strangers to help them find as much time together as possible. >> and from the far to the racetrack. how this bay area motorcycle racer is breaking down barriers and drawing comparison to someone famous. >> and remembering a legend: why this iconic actor said it didn't come easy for him. the 10:00 news continues in 90 seconds. four of the those out of control wildfires in washington state that grew so big today that they merged into one enormous blaze. encompassing almost 3,000 acres. the carlton complex fire in north central washington was ignited on monday by lightning. at least 100 homes there have been destroyed and two towns have been evacuatedment some of the evacuees were allowed back home to see just what they lost. >> my house is still standing and my horses were alive. that's all i could ask for. >> reporter: authorities reported one fire related death. a 67-year-old man who suffered a heart attack while trying to save his home. 2,100 firefighters are on the line but so far they continue to -- higher temperatures are expected to return this week. some protesters are taking to the streets across the country upset over the recent surge of undocumented immigrants crossing the border. they're angry about what they say is president obama's invitation to illegally enter the country. there were protests this weekend in just about every single state. demonstrators fell on both sides of the divide. >> if they don't come here they probably don't have a future. they don't know where their tomorrow will be. >> i don't think it's right that they're bringing illegals and taking care of them when we have men, women and children who are americans who were born here that are going without. >> reporter: president obama is scheduled to meet with leaders to cover the flux of incoming immigrant children to the country. >> it's one small step for man. one giant leap for mankind. >> neil armstrong he made that iconic announcement. buzz aldrin landed on an area called the sea of tranquility and planted a flag. president nixon congratulateed the crew while they were still on the moon hundreds of thousands of miles away. erik dean was a well known bartender who spent three decades working at bars across the city. cristina rendon spoke to his loved ones that honored his life today. >> reporter: a grand celebration filled city streets in a fitting memorial for a man known as mr. san francisco. family and friends of bartender erik dean say this is exactly how he would have wanted to be remembered. >> he was the quenticential bartender. >> reporter: he was hit by a driver while he was biking. >> i don't know who it was. i don't know who they were. and i'm sure they're feeling pain, but you know be careful. >> reporter: his mother is urging the public to call their loved ones because time is precious. in dean's 51 years it was clear he had an impact on many. hundreds gathered at comstock saloon one of the many bars he worked at throughout the decades to think about how he lived not how he died. >> he was a mixologist, a poet and a great friend. >> he touched more hearts than i ever could imagine. it was amazing. >> reporter: his mother said it warmed her heart to see how many people -- people came together to raise a glass in honor of her son. >> reporter: hollywood tonight is remembering the life of one of television and films most iconic actors. >> this is june rockford at the tone leave me a message and i will get back to you. >> james garner died at the age of 70. he started his career with a big break in the western series maverick. acting didn't come easily for garner he says he was actually painfully shy as a child. >> mind over matter. i literally had to do it and say you can't have this attitude being an actor and i had to change. >> garner died at his home in brentwood he was 86 years old. it is a dream that he just couldn't afford. >> but a dying father gets his wish. the special trip this bay area family gets to take thanks to the generosity of strangers. >> i can do anything that any of those guys can do out there and i'm just pushing to get there. >> when she jumps on her bike and puts on her helmet she flies around the racetrack. why she says herding cattle on her family's bay area farm helped spark this love of racing. >> in weather i'm still tracking a few left over summer showers on storm tracker 2 radar. i'll let you know when the showers finally move out of town and when the next warming trend kicks in. a bay area woman making history. competing in a sport that's long been dominated by men. >> while she's fast becoming a racing star she says she's still a country girl at heart. a few miles outside of petaluma on one of the many dairy farms that dot the sonoma county landscape is shelina moreda. >> she didn't have a baby that long ago. >> reporter: getting those cows in for milking was the foundation for her career. >> my dad used to make us bring in the cows with ranch claws and dirt bicycles when i got a little bit earlier and he never knew what he was starting. >> reporter: what he started was an ob sis. -- obsession. there are hundreds of men in the circuit. shalina is just one of the women. >> it's not fun getting beat by a girl. i'm sure they don't like it when that happens. i don't like getting beaten by a girl either. >> reporter: she finished third over all in cutter and 11th last week at the harley davidson series at laguna seca. >> i can do anything that the guys can do out there. i'm just pushing limits. >> reporter: pushing limits comes with a price. she's broken bones and been knocked unconscious. >> i crashed twice in the last month. i know why i crashed, i know what happenedded and i know what i can improve on so that makes me a stronger smarter rider. >> reporter: she caught the attention, being called the danica patrick of motorcycle. she's the focus of model chutes something she approaches with caution. >> i'm a country girl, i'm not going to run around flaunting things but i don't mind being seen as a sexy racer either. i think that's a cool aspect of it. >> reporter: but her focus she says is beating the other racers who are almost exclusively men. >> i want to be in the consistent top 10 in the u.s. by next season. selina also runs motorcycle camps for young girls to get them involved in racing. her next big race is later this week in japan. to learn more about shalina you can go to our website we posted a link on president obama is headed back to the bay area this weekend to raise money for the democratic party. the president is slated to attend a luncheon at a home in los altos hill on wednesday morning. democratic leader nancy pelosi and congresswoman anna esue are both expected to be there. tickets range from 10 to $2,200. the president was in the bay area just last month for a series of speeches and fundraisers. well today was a chilly day for those who gathered for alcatraz escape from the rock. that 1-1/2 mile swim from alcatraz and for others a 7-1/2 mile run from the aquatic park and back. the event has developed quite a following says the man who started the event. >> so many people have come here. people don't want to challenge themselves but at the end of the day they want to say they escaped from the rock. >> the organization supporting the education, trail maintenance and habitat improvement. >> a dieing man wanted one last trip with his daughters. >> one day i'm in there watching a show with them and another day i'm gone. that hurts me. >> that man could not afford that vacation, but his dream came true. trash was blowing around and hundreds of people were running through the streets. you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse? hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. a bay area father dying of cancer has a wish for his two young girls, a trip to disneyland. and this week his family will go to disneyland. and he expressed his thanks. >> i want to be there watching a show with him and in a day i'm gone. that hurts me. >> hi daddy. >> reporter: this is what michael reyes cherishes most, spending time with his daughters. for the 46-year-old time is more important than ever. reyes was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. after battling the disease for years, last month doctors told him he likely won't make it past october. >> i don't want to be there watching a show with him and in a day i'm gone. that hurts me. >> reporter: no one took the news harder than his girls eight and nine. >> when i'm older, i want my children to meet him. >> reporter: his biggest wish a trip with his daughters. >> it just hurt me. how can it not hurt you finding out about a family going through something like that, especially with a family. >> reporter: she set up a go fund me account. many donations coming from strangers. >> you don't realize how many people that really do care. how many people have a heart. until, they're given the opportunity to show it. >> reporter: for now for a few days the reyes family can forget the father is dying of cancer and make lasting memories there together as a family. >> cancer is not going to kill my spirit and it's not going to kill my will to live for everything that i have. >> reporter: the reyes family leaves for disneyland on tuesday. the girls don't know about the trip. the parents plan to surprise them on the plane there. it's a surprise they will likely never forget. i'm azenith smith, ktvu news. the trial of a concord elementary school teacher continues tomorrow after a young witness delivered a surprise testimony last week. 45-year-old joseph martin is charged with 150 molestation counts involving 14 students. several witnesses offered glowing testimony about martin on thursday until a girl testified that she says she saw martin rubbing a boy's chest underneath his shirt inside class. attorneys said she had previously told them she had not seen any inappropriate touching. lawmakers are expected to offer parcel tax to help preserve open space. according to the mercury news. the santa clara county open space authority is set to vote this thursday on a possible ballot measure for a $25 a year tab. the money would raise $25 million over the next couple of years that would triple the amount of trails. members of the silican valley tax association are opposed to the tax saying the people who use the trails should pay for them out of their own pocket. police launched an investigation after a grim discovery inside a sausalito home. gunshots were heard this morning at the home on san carlos avenue near miller avenue. officers arrived to find two bodies inside a house on this street. police are treating the deaths as suspicious but they say at this point there is not a threat to the public. >> san francisco author kurt gentry has died. he was probably most famous for writing helter skelter. but he was also known for writing the j. edgar hoover biography and california history. and current fees charged by the tsa are $2.50 for nonstop flights and $5 for connecting flights. and any connection longer than four hours will count as a separate flight. people from all over the bay area came together in san francisco's golden gate park today to help in the fight against hiv and aids. the city's annual aids walk celebrated 28 years. with a huge crowd of 20,000 plus. it raised more than $2.2 million and other nonprofits that offer hiv aids services right here in the bay area. the event is a chance to celebrate the advances made against the disease and also remember those lost. organizers dedicated today's walk to aids researchers who were on board the malaysian plane shot down over the ukraine. >> those researchers were on their way to an international aids conference in australia. now over the years the san francisco walk has raised nearly $82 million. scenes for the upcoming 3d action movie san andreas is being charged. the crew were filming. hundreds of extras ran around screaming. that's an audition to go through. the movie is about a disastrous earthquake that hits california and about a couple's quest to try to reach their daughter in san francisco. it was national ice cream day. that was not the only reason to celebrate. why felton's sold their famous sunday for $1.20. >> that's what i had one of those incredible sundays. and there's a heat up under way. mark tamayo will have your complete forecast. perfect for eating ice cream. it's all coming up next. some developing news that's just coming into the ktvu newsroom. a shooting in hayward late tonight has injured a teenager. that has happened just about a few hours ago. on hayward drive. we have no information on the suspect, no information on a motive. but we're confirm had the a teen suffered a gunshot wound in the upper portion of his body. and we've been told that teenager was taken to the hospital. >> middle summer we've been tracking clouds and showers in the bay area. the main focus of all the unsettled weather has been up in the sierra. once again for this afternoon, in fact, this was the radar imagery during the 2:00 hour, look at all these lightning strikes out toward lake tahoe. toward the southern sierra as well. things have been quieting down quite a bit out over the sierra over the past few hours. right now we still have a little bit of coverage on our live storm tracker 2 radar. not all of it reaching the ground just yet but a drizzle closer to richmond. closer to sonoma county and action developing near fairfield and rio vista. we're not done yet. the main focus of the shower activity will be up in the north bay tomorrow night. it is mild out there. take a look at the 10:00 numbers right now it is 65 degrees. oakland mid-50s. for tonight we do have this mostly cloudy skies, still a chance of a shower especially up in the north bay. here is our live camera looking out toward the bay bridge. a bit of a breeze out there as well. winds at 10 to 20 miles per hour. tomorrow lots of cloud cover to start out your monday. then the extended forecast and a warming trend showing up we'll see that coming up in a little bit. mostly cloudy skies, and mild temperatures out there. so the main disturbance is beginning to scoot out to the north. tomorrow we start out with mostly cloudy skies. still another humid day but clouds will move out to the north. we will hold on to the chance of a shower tomorrow morning especially early monday morning. high pressure runs by the end of the week. by the weekend warmest locations inland will be approaching the mid- to upper 90s. here's our forecast model showing you all the clouds tomorrow morning. once again there is a chance of a pop up shower or sprinkle tomorrow morning at 7:00. look what happens in the over all tendency. skies becoming partly cloudy but still pretty humid out there for your entire sunday. monday your warmest locations approaching the lower 80s. we get to san jose a little bit. santa rosa 76. oakland 72. here we go in san jose upper 70s. morgan hill 83. and san francisco we'll go in the upper 60s, 68. not too much change in your tuesday but there's the thinking with your warming trend. wednesday, thursday and friday. warmest locations inland back up into the mid- and upper 90s. tomorrow morning at least be prepared for a possibly left over shower or two: things are going to become warmer by tomorrow afternoon. >> thank you, martin. ice cream lovers converged on an iconic bay area ice cream shop today to mark a big milestone. the shop started a way back in 1894 and today they celebrated their 100th birthday. coming up next the giants they wanted a key player. we'll tell you who and just how long he'll be out. >> the oakland a's sunny gray pitches a gem but was it enough to beat the orioles, we'll show and tell you next in sports wrap. no rush, andy. come on. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. download the best mobile app today. so you can always have the advantage. chase. so you can good evening everyone. thanks for joining our sunday night edition of sports wrap. the first place a's accomplished what they wanted this weekend. take two of three from the league division leader. and they did what they wanted too, to get inside of machado's head. coco crisp led off with a single. jesso makes a great pump up slide for his fourth triple of the season. and the ball goes to the backstop, jason comes home to make


Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Morning News Early Edition 20140721

clark. let's talk about weather and traffic. steve, some wild stuff going on. >> no doubt about it. a lot of tropical clouds continue to feed in here yesterday. this morning, they'll be here most of the day. light showers from napa to sonoma and petaluma. mostly cloudy today but you can see the last few frames, south bay looks mostly sunny but muggy and humid. so much moisture in the air. 60s on the lows. mid 60s for some. 66sfo. just incredible. water temps are very, very warm. 60 to about 65 degrees, so that definitely helps keep the lows up over by the coast as well. it has nothing to do with el niño, just no up welling. we were getting a south wind for a long, long time. cloudy, light showers. more to the south but kind of muggy there. 70s and 80s for some, 60s and 70s. not a big spread in the bay here. sal? >> a commute is mostly good all over the place as we start off and to take a look at some of the live pictures, bay bridge looks good heading out to the mac arthur maze. san mateo bridge, same thing. it's a nice drive to the right and looks good as well as you head out to the peninsula. i want to mention that highway 4 looks good. it was report of some debris on highway 4 eastbound, or i'm sorry, westbound near summersville road. not a big delay, but chp is checking it out. 502, back to the desk. sheriff's deputies searching for a person who opened fire on a man in marin city leaving him with serious wounds. this happened shortly before hindsight on cole drive near donahue street. ktvu's alex savage live with more on what we've learned about the crime. alex? >> reporter: the victim has been going through surgery throughout the morning at the hospital. it is unclear if he will survive his injuries, but investigators with the marin county sheriff's office are out here in marin city this morning. they have this area blocked off with crime scene tape as they gather evidence in this case that's been collecting quite a few shell casings that are all over the sidewalk. this is where the shooting happened late last night. neighbors heard the gunfire just before midnight and sheriff's deputies came here to this neighborhood and they found a man in his 30s who had been shot several times in the head. the victim was found near st. andrew presbyterian church but was shot a block away and somehow made his way there to the church. the shooting happened, i should say, near the intersection of cole drive and drake avenue here in marin city. deputies got here less than a minute after getting those reports of the shooting and the shots being fired in the area. the victim's name has not been released by investigators say they do know who he is. >> as far as we know at this point, he's not a resident of marin city, but he's known to people here in the community and people want to talk to for further information. >> reporter: investigators say they don't know what the motive was for this time. the person who opened fire late last night is still on the loose this morning and deputies have no information about the shooter they're searching for. we are, of course, working to get more information on the condition of that victim. as soon as we learn anything new, we'll bring that to you this morning. live in marin city, alex savage, ktvu, channel 2 news. the only surviving suspect of last week's deadly bank robbery and shootout in stockton is set to make his first court appearance this afternoon. jaime ramos making his eligible for the death penalty if convicted. stockton police are confident one of the suspects in the case who was killed last week robbed the same bank, released two photos of the man believed to be alex martinez. the photo of the left is the man who robbed the bank of the west in stockton in january. the photo of martinez is on the right. martinez and the third suspect were killed in the violent incident five days ago and the suspected bank members used misty holt as a human shield during the armed hold-up. the mother of 2 then died during a chase and shootout during a deadly gunfight with police. 5:05. a teenage boy shot in taye hayward 9:00 last night in oliver drive. police tell ktvu news the teenager was shot once in the upper body but we don't know his condition. later this morning, hayward police are expected to tell us more about the young victim and the search for suspects. continuing coverage now of the recovery efforts from the malaysia airlines plane that was shot down in ukraine. ktvu channel 2 reporter christian captain with the access to the crash site and the black boxes from the plane. christian? >> reporter: good morning. there are ongoing reports that prorussian separatists turn over the evidence to investigators and the grim work from the bodies of flight 17 is under way and is leading to more heartbreak. reports on the ground say more than 250 bodies have been recovered so far. family members in amsterdam call on vladimir putin to return the bodies as quickly as possible. >> take care of my son and daughter. >> who knows where they are? >> home. >> who knows where the bodies are? >> i can do nothing but wait. >> over the weekend, secretary of state john kerry said there are reports that there are, quote, drunken separatists handling the decease and piling the bodies in trucks and moving them and parts of the plane from that crash site. he also says that separatists are actively working to get access to the scene and calling for tougher sanctions on russia to apply pressure. >> six aids researchers were killed. six chairs left empty to remember those who died. >> we grieve alongside all of those throughout the world who have lost family and friends in this senseless tragedy. >> one of the passengers killed was a pioneering aids researcher who worked in san francisco at the height of the aids crisis. helped san francisco general hospital develop protocols for treating aids. he also was instrumental in getting researchers to focus on aids victims in africa. >> what a bitter irony. the people working to do such good would be lost. >> organizers dedicated this year's aids walk in san francisco to the researchers who died when the malaysian airlines flight was shot down. yesterday's walk drew in an estimated 20,000 people and raised more than $2 million for aids research in bay area nonprofit. >> time now is 5:08. happening today, the city guarder accused of driving a city truck that ran over and killed a woman sunbathing in a park is due back in court. thomas' truck ran over and killed a woman sunbathes on the grass with her baby. the baby was not hurt. he pleaded not guilty to the charges. family and friends of a 20- year-old cal berkeley student who disappeared july 13th in a texas leak, well, they've started an online fundraiser that continued the search for his body. son suck was with friends and say he jumped off a boat and never resurfaced. search teams using sonar helicopters and the remote control underwater vehicle have still not located his body. the sheriff's department told his special they should hire professional divers from florida to continue that search. fighting in the mideast hits close to home. a california community is remembering a soldier killed in action. >> plus, a second dangerous rescue operation that blocks above the american river in just six months. after the break, the video of the crews in action and plus, two specific factors that made that rescue very difficult. >> good morning. right now, traffic is moving along pretty well around the bay area. as we look at a live picture of highway 24, westbound traffic to the tunnel looks good. we'll give you a drive time coming up. >> clouds over us and light rain favoring us. and south bay is good and a look at them coming up. evewith the highest levelde of engineering... design... safety... and performance. our latest creation is no different. with one exception... introducing the mercedes-benz b-class. it's electric! it's electric! the first electric vehicle from mercedes-benz. i'll have my usual ultimate cheeseburger. you can have that. or-two new versions of the ultimate cheeseburger. one has sliced jalapeños and creamy ranch sauce, the other has sweet and tangy barbecue sauce and grilled onions, plus double meat and cheese like the original. new versions...? two new versions! now, this was just a training video, but these twists on my ultimate cheeseburger will blow people's minds. is that guy ok? welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. a woman behind bars in connection with a stabbing in antioch that happened shortly before 11:00 on cavallo road. a woman was stabbed several times. she was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. police are still trying to figure out a motive. time is now 5:13. a woman fighting for her life this morning was rescued from donors summit following an atv accident. now it happened yesterday afternoon about 2:30. chp helicopter lifted her to safety. officers say she was riding the atv with family members when she drifted off the path and became stuck on loose rock and when 100 feet over a steep hillside. she was wearing a bicycle helmet but broke into several pieces. she was air lifted to a trauma center in reno. for the second time in the last six months, a man was rescued after falling from the bluffs from the american river in sacramento. normally, they'd lower an injured person down to the river but the heavy vegetation and the injuries forced to lift him to the top of the cliff. >> we set up the engines and positions and set up a rope system. it was able to lower down to that point. >> now the rescue took more than an hour. the man was rushed to a nearby hospital with severe injuries. back in march, you may remember firefighters rescued man and his dog after they climbed the bluff but they couldn't get down. immigration courts and cities across the country including san francisco are bracing for an inpolitics of children trying to cross the border. immigration advocates say thousands of children could be left unpresented at deportation hearings. advocates plan to hold a rally on president obama to recognize child immigrants as refugees. at least 57,000 unaccompanied children have been caught trying to cross the border in recent months. many flee drug violence in central america. she's scheduled in hills. democratic leader nancy pelosi and anna are expected to be there. the resident was here in the bay area for several fundraisers and jobs. >> sal? >> pam and dave right now, traffic is still doing pretty well around the bay area. let's go out and see what we have with a look at interstate 880 north and southbound. it is a nice drive continuing all the way up to the downtown oakland area and there have been no major problems this morning if you're driving on 580 which is the other freeway you can use in the area. also, the traffic continues to look good on the westbound bay bridge. that very light drive. we've had an earlier crash eastbound 780 at fifth street. that's still there but not causing any major delays to the venetia bridge. >> crazy weather. the ocean temps off the bay. high and tropical clouds with light rain continuing a little line over bay from napa, sonoma lifting towards the outfield by now. sonoma had measurable amounts and petaluma and between inverness and the bay. incredible thunderstorms yesterday. the parameters for severe weather yesterday were about as good as it gets down towards san benito county. i used to work in denver and you'd see some of the hint of that yesterday. the atmosphere really juiced up and the sierra, nevada, was an incredible show and still lots of available moisture. if you're up there, heading up there, i think another round of thunderstorm activity. the cloud and rain forecast takes the line and lifts it out of here a little too fast. by 3:00 this afternoon, it's too fast but watch the low clouds and fog. they are definitely, even though the water temps are warm, they get helped by an area of low pressure. this is by late tonight into tomorrow. up in santa rosa, low 60s as well. and 65 in fremont. 66 degrees. same in saratoga at 64. higher elevations in the 50s but almost everybody at the surface and low to mid 60s. 62 in reno. 63 and 64 in sacramento. there's systems swinging in and will increase the fog and low clouds to take us into wednesday and high pressure is building back in from the four corners. mostly cloudy here. light showers, light rain. more sun to the south. that's why 87 in morgan hill and 79 in fairfield and a decent delta breeze. looks like high pressure noses back in and see if it's as strong as it looks right now or eases in. it looks warm to hot inland by the weekend. >> thank you, steve. the second largest tobacco company will fight a $23 billion verdict. ordered r.j. reynolds to pay the widow of a long time smoker who died of long cancer. the attorney said the jury want today send a statement to tobacco companies but r.j. said it's excessive and inconsistent with the evidence heard in the trial. the u.s. supreme court has refused to hear appeals of large damage awards. two american fast food companies apologize to chinese customers after a chinese television station reported mcdonald's and yum foods about expired beef and chicken for use. operates pizza hut and taco bell was badly hurt after the news of chickens last years. both cut ties with the supplier and conducting their own investigations. 50 wildfires burning in one state. at least 100 homes destroyed. coming up in 20 minutes, you'll see the damage and the desperate work still ahead to put out the fires. >> i can do anything that any of those guys can do out there. >> she may be smaller, but she's certainly faster than a lot of men. how a bay area native is making her mark as an international competitor. , good morning. welcome back. organizers of state fair in sacramento say business is booming this year. the tampa bay was the largest so far this year. the official numbers are not yet but organizers think 60,000 people were there saturday alone. fair goers noticed the bigger crowds too. >> i think there's a lot more people this year than last year. we came last year, it was more enclosed. >> the organizers credit the other nearby events sacramento with the soccer game. she recently finished third at a race in cutter. >> i wanted to get some first place finishes this year. i'd like to win the championship there. and i want to be in the consistent top ten in the u.s. by next season. >> wants to see more women involved in racing and runs a motorcycle camp for young girls. her next big race is in japan later this week. >> i told you, pam, she's a woman. 5:24. hundreds of competitors jumped into chilly san francisco bay to escape from the rock. the 34th annual escape from the rock was held yesterday morning. now the athletes swam one and a half miles from alcatraz to san francisco's aquatic park and then they ran seven miles. 400 people took part in that race. a new sport taking over lake tahoe, a sky border was caught hovering above the lake this weekend during the american century's celebrity golf tournament. yes, i want to try that. no, i don't. during sky boarding, a person is strapped on a platform propelled into the air by a high powered stream of water that gives you the feeling like you're flying like a super hero. it's being offered at lake tahoe for the first time this summer. me and sal, we'll do it. time is 5:25. more coverage of the malaysia airline flight. the flight shot down over ukraine. for the first time, we're hearing from the leader of the rebel group in control of that crash site. what he's saying about the plane's black boxes. >> reporter: families from two dozen apartments in san lorenzo forced out because of the fire. we'll let you know exactly what challenges firefighters were up against. >> we're looking at a commute that's still doing very well in most areas as we look at san francisco, northbound 101 traffic looks good approaching the 80 split. >> lots of cloud cover over us. light rain, tropical clouds again. this time lifting north though. so areas to the north more in line for that today. south bay looks good but a big difference in the temps. we'll show you those coming up. we love this kitchen! what's next? great! do you have measurements? yeah, i paced it off. it's about twenty by twelve of these. so, we can measure, plan and install it for you. yea, let's do that! ikea. professional kitchen services at a low price. woah, this kitchen is beautiful! give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. because your kitchen dreams can be big. ikea has it all. welcome back. these are live pictures from san leandro. you're looking at the apartment complex severely damage bade fire yesterday afternoon. ktvu's tara moriarty is out there. >> i'm dave. >> i'm pam cook. we talk about strange weather. >> lime green day too. yes, yes. tropical clouds again favoring areas to the north but slowly lifting embedded within that too. some reaching the ground, some is. over towards sonoma and up towards yachtfield, that's the line to drift north. mendocino, definitely northern sonoma, napa county. but south bay, dealing with more low clouds than high clouds. that line will lift out of the area here. 60s on the temps, incredibly warm here. livermore, also san diego. maybe because i was watching del mar yesterday i'm thinking san diego. 63 in nova toe. 65 oakland. 66sfo. incredibly warm. you can see that, clouds mostly cloudy in the morning and partly sunny. a few light showers. more sun, south, muggy. 60s to 70s and 80s, the warmest temps definitely towards morgan hill and gil roy. >> we look at a commute where traffic is still doing very well on this monday morning to start off. want to show you the bay bridge. we have a little bit of slow traffic on the outside lanes and usually at 5:45 is when we turn the metering lights on. actually, we don't. they do. no problems on the toll bridge. no problems if you're on san francisco freeways, northbound 101 coming up to the 80 split and the road temperatures showing up a decent commute on all major freeways. 5:31. let's go back to the desk. dozens of people are out of their home after an apartment complex fire in san lorenzo. tara moriarty joining us from the scene to talk about extra challenges firefighters had in battling this fire. >> reporter: this building is made out of wood shake that made it particularly difficult to tackle. they were able to get the flames under control within half an hour. we're here at the galway terrace apartment and galway drive. broke out around 5:30 and started with one of the units quickly racing through to the attic. people from all 24 apartments had to be evacuated. >> it was hairy. had to have crews fall through the roof and burned through weak and running pretty good. >> reporter: red cross helped and investigators will be back on scene when the sun comes up to examine the debris and figure out exactly what ignited this fire. we may see folks try to retrieve some of their belongings as the morning wears on. we'll let you know. i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. honoring firefighters who lost their lives in the line of duty or died from job-related illnesses. the ceremony starts at 9:30 at the district's training center in concord. the public is invited to attend. now, the annual ceremony is meant to serve as a reminders of the sacrifices firefighters make and to give thanks to their families: 5:32. we follow developing news. sheriff's deputies in marin county at the scene of a late night shooting shortly before midnight at cole drive near donahue street in marin city. investigators say a man in his 30s was shot in the head several times. these are live pictures you are looking at. you can see the crime tape out there and the police out there. the man did have surgery but we have no word on his condition. coming up for you in about 30 minutes, ktvu's alex savage is out there. he'll update the search for suspects and also tell us what we've learned about that shooting victim. in the meantime, a 9-year- old girl recovering after being hit by a stray bullet after a birthday party in a park in west oakland. it happened on lowell park on 14th street. now, the girl was hit in the arm. he was rushed to the hospital. police have not identified a suspect as yet. oakland police are also investigating three other shootings over the weekend that left three men in their 20s injured. we have continuing coverage now of the recovery effort from the malaysia airlines plane that was shot down in ukraine. ktvu channel 2 reporter christien kafton is in the newsroom with what rebels say about the crash site which they control and the black boxes from the plane. >> these resemble black boxes very much bookie not officially declare. >> they were the ones who fired the soviet era missile that brought down flight 117. >> i am telling you again, we have never been in possession of even a single system. i can list all of the means of defense we have in our possessions. all of the means of defense are capable of crushing the low flying targets. >> 21 more bodies were brought bringing the total of 251. russian separatists control the crash site and are reportedly storing the deceased in refrigerated train cars. the families call on vladimir putin to put pressure on separatists to return as soon as possible. christien kafton, ktvu, channel 2 news. a flight attendant who narrowly missed being on malaysia airlines flight that disappeared over the indian ocean. >> fate has played an unfair hand against us. >> she was scheduled to be on the plane that went missing last march, but switched shifts at the last minute. time is now 5:35. secretary of state john kerry flying to egypt today. forces destroyed several tunnels used by hamas militants. yesterday was the deadliest day yet in two weeks of fighting. 87 palestinians were killed and 13 israeli soldiers including two americans were killed. one of the israeli americans killed in gaza was 24-year-old max stein berg. he joined the israeli defense force in 2012 and was a sharp shooter. >> he said if this was his calling, being on the sidelines or in the backseat was not going to work. >> the israeli american who die was 21-year-old sean camelly. the doctors say they have to operate in hallways because there's no other space. >> here in the bay area, some support but others are strongly against the attacks. protesters gathered yesterday around temple emanuel, san francisco's oldest and largest synagogue. they support israel's right to defend themselves against rocket attacks from and another force who want to pull back. >> increasingly, jewish people are concerned and speaking out and do not want to be associated with israel. reportedly, they briefly disrupted service but were removed. happening today, a ribbon- cutting ceremony marking the completion in santa rowasa. two partial interchanges on highway 101. fulton road and airport boulevard were converted into a single complete interchange. the project also replaced the two lane airport boulevard overcrossing with a new five lane bridge sidewalk and bike lanes. it also includes new sound walls along the highway in windsor. the ribbon cutting ceremony is set for 9:00 this morning. starting today, cal train will begin improvements at four stations aimed at bringing better communication to its passengers. the transit agency said public will be upgraded at 27th street station in san francisco with stations in south san francisco, and san jose. the p.a. systems were just not reliable. a visual message sign will also be installed at the 22nd street station. all of those improvements are expected to take several months. 5:39 is the time right now. community still mourning the loss of a mother following the deadly bank robbery in stockton. coming up at 6:00, what we learn about one of the suspects and the bank robbery at the same bank. >> starting today, it will cost you more to fly. what the extra fees will pay for and who will be affected the most. >> good morning. right now, we are still looking at a decent commute in the southeast bay as you look at the sinoel gray. we'll look at the south bay ahead. >> an usual dry pattern. usually we see this end of august and september. nonstop here the last few days. tropical and light rain to the north. we'll see if this was ending or if more is on the way. homosexual. welcome back to ktvu channel 2 morning news. hazardous, cleaning tach two trains collided near milwaukee, wisconsin. three engines and ten rail cars derailed last night. more than 100 nearby homes evacuated but people are allowed to return home. two people were hurt. time now, 5:42. cooler temperatures, light winds in washington state expected to help the firefighters battle several fires that destroyed a hundred homes so far. at least 50 fires are burning but with the weather better, towns with metau valley with no phone service. the fires now allowed to go back home just to see the damage, one couple went to their property to take medicine to an injured horse. they found a small fire burning in the yard. they used water they were bringing for the animals to put that fire out. and while their home was saved, other buildings on the property, they were destroyed. >> my houses still standing and my pets alive. that's all i can ask for. >> they expect the number to rise. a former teacher back in court today following surprising testimony last week. joseph martin pled not guilty to 150 counts of molestation at involving 14 male students at woodside elementary school. witnesses provided positive testimony about martin until one girl testified she saw him rubbing a chest underneath the shirt in class. new time, 5:43. hundreds of people came together celebrating the life of a bartender known as mr. san francisco. 51-year-old eric dean was hit by a car while riding his motorcycle back on july 8th near sitter street in van nas. the driver who hit him reportedly ran a red light but cooperated with police and was not arrested. yesterday, hundreds of people gathered at com stock saloon, one of the many bars dean worked at over the last 30 years. >> he bar tended at a level, a mixologist, a poet, a moreover, and a friend. a 21-year-old man from santa rosa facing several charges after a 22-year-old woman who was a passenger in this car died in this suspected drunk driving crash. antonio marino parillo was getting off of dunn ton avenue when he lost control of his car. witnesses say he was speeding right before his suv crashed into that tree, then hit a guardrail. torres nunez was riding in his car. she was pronounced dead at the scene. mo ray know faces several charges including manslaughter, drunk driving and driving with a suspended license. starting today, travelers will be paying a little more for airline tickets. now charges a fee for security flights and any connection has passengers on the ground for more than four hours counts as a separate flight. if you're flying in and out of los angeles this week, pack some patience. driving out of the airport will be challenging. the reason? century boulevard, the busiest route in and out of lax is shut down. crews are tearing down a bridge to make way for a future light rail stop. work is expected to be completed by next monday. >> ooh. all right, pam. time now is 5:46. sal, do you have the east shore ready for folks on this monday? >> yes, it is ready for everyone to look at. all ready with condiments on it and everything. let's look at the commute. dave and pam right now, the commute is not that bad. we see heavy traffic in the 6:00 hour on 80 westbound in the mcarthur maze and not a lot of slow traffic. when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, the metering lights are switched on and a bit of a delay. this is a drive time across the span to the san francisco side. no major problems as you drive through. 50 westbound through the livermore valley. slow traffic as you move away from 205 over the pass there and gets better by the time you reach livermore and again in the dublin area. you can see and pulled back there, not a lot going on when it comes to slow traffic around the bay area. 5:47, let's go to steve. >> thank you very much. for those of you who are weather geeks and i mean that with the most sincerity, the last days have been great. this month has been great. we've had build-ups on the towering cues this year. we've had a lightning show like crazy. we take the rain. we don't want the lightning, thank goodness but so far, things have been okay. a lot of rain, in fact, that's good. if it was dry lightning, we'd have a lot of issues here. we have tropical moisture over us and light rein. it's pushing north. some light rein around sonoma towards petaluma. that hasn't moved much at all and between inverness and bodega bay. the sierra is the leader of the pack as far as big time thunderstorms but a lot of moisture hanging out in reno right now. probably silver lake waiting to get -- anyway, tropical clouds will continue to feed into there and not only there but push north hence the head flag warning to heading there for lightning. they were concerned about that and some big time parameters there for thunderstorms look really juicy today. line is lifting north and the south bay getting in on more sun today. the north bay in mendocino county with cloud cover. really mild lows. 60s and then the pattern, i talked about this with pam last week. the house just doesn't cool off. it doesn't cool down. the water temps are really warm. about 60 off bodega bay and 64 or 65 off monterey. not el knee know, el niño. the fishing reports talk about looking for albacore now. that's what happens when you get into the 60s. 62 in los altos hills. 64 and 62 reno. add one for yewchi and sacramento. the temps are really close here. the line of tropical clouds are moving north. the low clouds still in place and you can see that line, things really pop up in northern sacramento valley later today. there's a little low right off the coast and get caught up with another system coming down from the north. that will push the higher clouds out of here but then pick up the fog bank and really increase it late tonight into tomorrow. there's a lot going on here. partly sunny. more sun to the south bay but the humidity factor is there. may have a muggy tropicallike in morgan hill. 70s and 80s concord, livermore closer to 85 and 86. again, these are all mainly cloud cover. if you get out, it might be warmer. just hard to time it going north. fog increases and high pressure in the north corner for an inland warming pattern >> thank you, steve. at the scene la ceos and other company ahead in the current space race. if it wins, delivery of military satellites would save taxpayers money. google wants to pay for more electric shuttles and provide transportation in mountain view. it would be tested and start early as october. if the mountain city view approves, the largest employer and shuttles would connect google workers with the downtown area. >> i need to speak to caesar. >> dawn of the planet of the apes maintained its dominance at the weekend box office. the science fiction sequel took in another $38 million, the closest competitor is the low budget home invasion the purge, anarchy. disney planes fire and rescue opened in third and sex tape and age of extinction runed out the top five. the crash of a woman riding the atv and the reason police say she was hurt so badly. >> strangers coming together to help a family in need. the last wish of a dying father that they are working to make come true. welcome back. discovering two bodies inside of a home. police were alerted to report the gunshots early yesterday morning at a home on san carlos avenue. when police got there, they found two bodies in the home. investigators say they're treating the deaths as suspicious. but right now, they say there's no threat to the general public. san francisco sheriff's deputies are taking over some of the responsibility of moving prisoners for the san francisco police department. the san francisco examiner reports the city is testing a six month pilot program allowing deputies the pick up prisoners at sfpd stations in the mission in tenderloin. the change is expected to allow more police officers on the streets. if the program is successful, it will be expanded to all ten stations. >> time is 5:54. happening today, president obama will award the medal of honor, the nation's highest military honor to a soldier who risked his own life to save fellow troops in afghanistan. in july of 2008, army staff sergeant ryan piths and his unit were attacked and nine soldiers killed and 22 hurt in the battle. unable to walk after, managed to hold down a key american position. he survived the battle and he is now a father. a man is grateful for the kindness of strangers. michael reyes diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and doctors say he's not likely to make it past october. he said no one took it harder than the 8 and 9-year-old daughters. the family hope to make one final trip to disneyland but big medical bills make it seem out of the question until the wife of a coworker started a go fund me campaign. >> you don't realize how many people have a heart or care until they're given the opportunity to show it. >> the fund raised more than $4,000. much of that coming in anonymous donations. the family plans to leave for disneyland tomorrow, although the girls do not know that yet. today will be told once they're on the plane headed for what's most likely the final vacation for that family. >> what a story. >> yeah. >> wish them well. time is 5:56. we still follow developing news in marin city where a man was shot in the head several times. the answers deputies hope to find as they piece together their investigation. >> what a bitter irony, people working to do such good would be lost. >> the lives lost on the malaysian flight shot down in ukraine. the aids walk here in san francisco. >> good morning. we look at a commute that still looks pretty good around the bay here on 880. there are slow spots still. we'll let you know about those and give you some drive times. >> well, a really warm tropical pattern. humid and muggy. just my friend, john, and we'll let you know what temperatures are like on mondayment marin county sheriff's investigators are trying to figure out who opened fire on a man late last night in marin city leaving that man with serious injuries. we'll tell you what we're learning about the victims this morning. >> we're live in san lorenzo where firefighters say a fire raced through the atick of a complex. how many families were forced out. >> a community in shock and heartbroken after a mother is killed in a bank robbery in stockton. what we know about one of the suspects and why this is not the first time he committed a crime like this. >> still


Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20140721

we're live in marin city, where police are looking for whoever shot a man several times in the head overnight. ktvu's alex savidge has been at the scene since 4:30 this morning. coming up in two minutes, he will have more on what witnesses heard and the quick response by sheriff's deputies. good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> good morning, tc. >> good morning clave. let's talk about weather and traffic. steve, is this an easy forecast for you. >> i just hit the easy button. there is a lot of cloud cover and the lows are really warm. mid-60s. ocean temperatures are really warm. it's tough to cool off the coast without that northwest breeze where it's just mild and the tropical clouds continue to feed in here. an unusual pattern to say the least. not something we usually see in july, maybe late august or september. the thunderstorm activity you can't get much better for us. things will be calmer i think today. there's plenty of available moisture up there. yesterday, there was a little spin in the atmosphere and that helped. cloud cover over us. 60s on the temperatures. mid-60s, 67 mountain view. san jose, 65. livermore is in there. walnut creek, even novato, 63. oakland, 66. that's warm. brentwood, pittsburg is in there. san ramon, walnut creek, la fayette, orrin doe -- orinda, castro valley. there could be a few light showers and sprinkles. a light showers. a little bit more sun to the south. but the humidity is high. 70s and 80s inland. 60s, 70s, coast and bay. here's sal. breaking news out of the newark area where a power line has come down after a crash on newark boulevard near la fayette avenue. a car crash there prout down some power lines and -- brought down some power lines and now the cars cannot be removed until pg&e gets in their to neutralize the lines. they say it will take one to two hours. this is not affecting the freeway traffic, although the freeway is nearby. some people may be on the freeway. i doubt this is having any effect on that. westbound dumbarton bridge approach looks good. avoid the area. we do have a crew on the way. we'll have live pictures from the scene soon. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza, that's about a 25-minute drive time into san francisco. things are improving already. if you have the time to wait around, i know a lot of you don't. but you could wait for a little bit. northbound 280 getting up to highway 17. this traffic looks good. 7:03. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. we're following developing news from marin county. sheriff's deputies are searching for the person who opened fire on a man leaving him with serious wounds. it happened shortly before midnight in marin stip. alex savidge joins us live with new information about the victim. good morning, alex. >> reporter: well, sheriff's investigators still have the street blocked off. this is where the man was shot late last night. we can push in here and you will see investigators are still hard at work out here gathering evidence at the scene of this shooting. it's unclear why this man was targeted last night but we do know the victim is still alive this morning after undergoing surgery. neighbors heard the gunshots before midnight and sheriff's deputies came to this neighborhood and they found a man in his 30s who had been shot several times in the head. there were quite a few shell casings. the victim was found near a church. but the shooting happened near cole drive and drake avenue in marin city. deputies got here in less than a minute after 911 calls came in from neighbors. >> we did have sheriff's personnel who were close in proximity and were on scene in less than a minute and located a victim who suffered a number of gunshot wounds to the head. >> reporter: the victim's name has not been released at this point. but deputies say they do know who this man is. they say he doesn't live in this immediate area but they tell us that he has friends who do live here and investigators are hoping to speak with those friends and see if they can better understand what led up to last night's shooting, the motive for the crime is unclear. the shooter in this case is still on the run. we're live this morning in marin city, lz ldz, ktvu channel 2 news -- alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. a teenaged boy remains in the hospital following a shooting in hayward. it happened shortly before 9:00 at hercules and ollie -- hesperian boulevard and oliver drive. the teenager suffered one wound to his upper body. no word on the condition. police are expected to release more information on the victim and the search for suspects later this morning. 7:05. continuing coverage of the recovering effort from the malaysian airline shot down in ukraine. christien kafton has more. >> pro-russia separatists leaders say they've recovered what appear to be the black boxes, saying experts need to examine to confirm what they are. leaders are addressing reports from ukraine and western sources saying they were the ones who fired the soviet air buk missile that brought down the plane. >> translator: i'm telling you again, we've never been in possession of even a single buk system. i can list all of the means of defense that we have in our possession. all of these means of defense are capable of crashing only the low-flying targets. >> international outrage over the recovery is building. the dutch are calling on the separatists to release the bodies they've found today. the number of bodies stands at 272. they are keeping the victims in refrigerated train cars while talks continue on how exactly those remains will be released to the loved ones. family members in amsterdam are calling on vladimir putin to apply pressure to return those bodies as soon as possible. >> mr. putin, must take care of my son and my daughter. >> who knows where they are. where did they take them? >> over the weekend, secretary of state, john kerry, said there are reports that there are "drunken separatists handling the desessed and piling the bod -- deceased and piling the bodies in truck and removing them and parts of the plane from the crash site." he said separatists are working to keep act visits from gaining access to the scene. steacket kerry is calling on tougher sanctions on russia to apply russia. si -- six world renowned leaders were killed on that crash. they were headed to a conference on australia. the conference was held as planned with six chairs left empty remembering the ones who died. >> we grieve all of those throughout the world who have lost family and friends in this senseless tragedy. >> one of the passengers killed was a pioneering a.i.d.s. researcher who worked in san francisco in the 1980 as the height of the a.i.d.s. crisis. joep lange helped san francisco general hospital develop protocols for treating a.i.d.s. he helped researchers also focus on a.i.d.s. victims in africa. >> what a bitter irony that peep working to do such -- people working to do such good would be loss. >> yesterday's a.i.d.s. walk in san francisco was dedicated to the researchers who died. the walk drew an estimated 20,000 people. it raised more than $2 million for a.i.d.s. research and for bay area nonprofits. 7:08. happening today, the only surviving suspect of last week's deadly bank robbery and shootout in stockton is set to make his first court appearance this afternoon. 19-year-old jaime ramos faces dozens of serious charges that make him eligible for the death penalty if convicted. in the meantime, stockton police say they are confident one of the suspects who was killed robbed the same bank earlier this year. they've released photos believed to be 27-year-old alex martinez. the photo on the left is the photo of the man who robbed the bank of the west in stockton in january. the dmv photo of ramos is on the right. martinez and a third suspect were killed in the violent incident five days ago. police say the three gang members used misty holts-singh as a human shield during the armed hold up. she died. the san francisco city gardener accused of driving a tractor a woman is due back in court. the man faces charges of felony vehicular manslaughter and hit and run for the tragic incident in holly park last september. police say his truck ran over and killed a woman who was sun bathing on the grass with her baby. the baby was not hurt. the man pleaded not guilty to those charges. 7:10 a woman is behind bars in connection with a stabbing in antioch. it happened shortly before 11:00 yesterday morning on ka val low road. police say -- cavallo road. they found a 21-year-old woman stabbed several times when she arrived. she was taken to the hospital several times. police are still trying to figure out a motive. an east bay apartment fire forcing dozens of people out of their homes. coming up at 7:30, the damage left behind and why that fire was so hard to fight. but first, a man falls 60 feet down a cliff above the american river in. we're looking at a commute where traffic continues to look good in some areas. it's very slow in others. highway 24 in the good kat. we'll tell you where the slowdowns are. the humidity factor continues to be way up there and that's because we have a lot of high and tropical clouds. any more rain in the forecast, we'll take a look at it coming up. welcome back. for the second time in recent months, there was a dramatic rescue after someone fell from the bluffs above the american river in sacramento. witnesses say a man was walking near old fair oaks bridge saturday when he fell, 60 feet down the cliff. now, normally rescue crews would lower an injured person down the river. he was lifted to the top of the cliff. >> we set up the engines in position and set up a rope system that was able to lower firefighters down to that point. >> now, the rescue took more than an hour. that man was taken to the hospital. he had severe injuries. back in march, firefighters rescued a man and his dog after they climbed that bluff but they couldn't get back down. 7:14. there's a new online push to help find a 20-year-old berkeley student who disappeared in a texas lake. song soak was last seen eight days ago after jumping off a boat into the water of lake travis and never resurfacing. search teams using sonar, helicopters and a remote- controlled underwater vehicle were unable to locate his body. friends and family have started and online fund-raiser to continue the search. he was in texas for a summer internship. immigration courts and cities around the nation, including san francisco, they are bracing for an influx of cases involving children caught trying to cross the border. the justice department announced plans to send judges to the border to speed up the proceedings. president obama asked congress for $3.7 billion in emergency funding. however, immigration advocates say thousands of children could be left unrepresented at deportation hearings because of a large number of cases. advocates for immigrants plan to hold a rally today outside of san francisco's federal building. they are sending a letter to lawmakers asking them to put pressure on president obama to recognize undocumented child immigrants as refugees. at least 57,000 unaccompanied children have been caught trying to cross the border in recent months. many of them are fleeing drug violence in central america. that rally will begin at 10:00 this morning. 7:15. happening right now, president obama is set to sign an executive order to protect lgbt employees from workplace discrimination. you are taking a live look at the room where the signing will happen at the desk on the far left there. order will protect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees who work for federal contractors from discrimination. it will apply to the 24,000 companies designated as federal contractors and employ 28 million workers. and president obama also plans to come back to the bay area this week. he's scheduled to attend a fund- raising luncheon at a home in los altos hill. nancy pelosi and anna eshoo are expected to be there. tickets range from $10 to $32,000. the president was in the bay area last month for a series of fund-raisers and some speeches on jobs. 7:16. rory mcilroy now only has to win the masters to complete the grand slam. the 25-year-old star won the british open yesterday just like this. oh! he shot a 1 under 71 in the final round at royal liverpool. only two golfers have completed three legs of the grand slam by the age of 25. mcilroy's next shot to complete the grand slam, it will be at the masters next april. way to go. rory mcilroy's winnings total $1.6 million. but his sad also won big yesterday. ten years ago, gerry mcilroy placed a $200 pound wager. he bet his son would win the british open before the age of 26. he did it. gerry will get $171,000. two of his friends placed similar bets in 2005. they will get more than $134,000 between the two of them. >> not too bad. made the bet when rory was only 15. he's 25 now. a lot of confidence. 7:17. let's check in with sal. how are things looking on 880? >> 880 looks good. good morning to you. right now, i don't think we have a lot of problems with 880. the traffic continues to look very nice as you drive through. no major issues driving to the bay bridge toll plaza. you will see some slow traffic as you get to the toll plaza. i would say it's about a 20- minute delay here. 20-minute drive time. you can see most of the traffic is on the middle lanes but some of the 880 approaches are gooking load. if you are wondering which pay proech should i take, i would say go 880 if you can. highway 4 coming up to the willow pass grade there was an earlier hit-and-run crash westbound 4 at railroad avenue. there was a lot of police activity and people are slowing to take a look. they actually found the car nearby at a fast-food drive- thru abandoned. the rest of the traffic looks good. let's go to steve. thank you, sal. very good, cloudy, cloudy morning. mild lows. tropical clouds, low clouds. the ocean temperatures are running very warm. by that i mean about 59, 60 degrees off bodega bay to almost 64, 65 on the monterey buoy. not el nino. we've not had any northwest breeze. the water temperatures are running warm. you go out to fish, you get in the 60s. the albacore start to move north. temperatures about 70 off santa monica. really low ocean temperatures. we also have the tropical clouds. the beat goes on with that. the theme of that has been cloud cover. cool cloud development. most of this is offshore from point arena south off the sonoma and mendocino coast. yesterday things were crazy. the clouds are one thing but if you get a spin in the atmosphere what we call a trigger mechanism a little bit, boy, that enhances it. that's what happened yesterday. if you must travel to the sierra, go as early as you can. you start to get the lifting and the thunderstorms could pop up again. normal low for texas this time of year is 54. they are 62 this morning. we'll go 68. that's 2 above average. it's not so much the highs, it's the lows which are running really low. there's some very low temperatures. 67 mountain view. 65 livermore. walnut creek is in there. novato 63. half moon bay, 63. there's some -- that's because of the mild temperatures. palo alto airport is already 68. 64 los altos hills. la honda, belmont, 66. foster city 65. why won't my house cool off. that's why. it's so warm. we have the cloud cover. 64 sacramento. about the same down in monterey. the low cloud deck, the higher cloud deck is lifting ever so slowly north. but there's another system coming down from the north that might prevent that right there. so you will get some sun to the south. i think peninsula east bay. but that system digging here, a rather strong low. there's another low off the coast. it it's going to draw that one up. bigger one takes the little one. that will enhance the fog bank tomorrow. there's a lot going on. mostly cloudy. 79 sonoma. santa rosa, 75. clearlake, 83. 79 concord. walnut creek, danville, low to mid-80s. antioch, brentwood, oakley. but 72 oakland. you are only 7 degrees difference. warmest temperatures will be morgan hill to gilroy. 75 balmy degrees in san bruno. 65 in half moon bay and 78 woodside and mountain view. we're sitting at 66, 67. fog increases. the higher clouds depart. it looks like warmer temperatures inland by the weekend. >> all right. thank you, steve. you are looking right now at live pictures of newark, where a car crash knocked down power lines. it looks like they are pouring substance there to stop the oil flow. it's breaking news we first told you about at 6:30. the crash happened before 5:00 this morning on newark boulevard near la fayette avenue. right now, ten customers are without power. police are asking drivers to avoid the area for the next two hours as both directions of newark boulevard have been shut down. pg&e crews are working to clear the lines so the cars that crashed can be removed. tara moriarty will be have a live report at 7:30. a big mess there. sal will be joining us to give us alternate routes. he said this is not affecting freeway traffic but a busy area for newark. certainly an impact for drivers in that area. 7:22. verizon, rolling out the nation's first wireless rewards program. there's a big catch. coming up in 20 minutes, the policy users have to agree to first that may raise privacy concerns. fewer millennials choosing to tie the knot. the new report on why young adults are waiting longer to get married. push a sonoma woman making quite a name for herself with motorcycle racetracks around the world. she's one of about a half a dozen on the pro-racing circuit. now, she's the first female motorcyclist to race at indianapolis. last week, she finished 11th at the harley-davidson series at laguna seca. she came in third at a recent race. >> i want to get-first-place finishes in katar. i want to win the championship there and i want to be in the consistent top ten in the u.s. by next season. >> way to go. she wants to see more women involved in racing. so she also runs motorcycle camps for young girls. her next big race is in japan later this week. 7:26. organizers of the state fair in sacramento say business is booming this year. official numbers are not out yet. but organizers think 60,000 people attended saturday alone. organizers credit the big attendance to other noib events, include -- nearby events, including the cup race and the sacramento republic soccer game. the fair continues through this sunday. it seems fewer mill lien knee yules are -- mill lien kneials are choosing to tie the knot. this is compared to any previous generation. this is from the urstan institute. that means more than 30% of millennial woman could be unmarried by age 40. younger people are living together and fartherring families -- starting families without getting married. more violence and more lives lost as israel continues its ground invasion of gaza. the loss is suffered on both sides, including a soldier with california ties. >> reporter: a major intersection in newark is partially shut down after a garbage truck slams into a power pole. we'll tell you how many people are without power and when the road is expected to open back up. and we're looking at the rest of the morning commute. if you are trying to get across into the valley, 237 is stop and go as you approach zanker road. it stays that way to sunnyvale. we'll tell you more about the valley commute and also a look at the bay bridge tacoma. tacoma-- the bay bridge toll plaza. this humidity is driving me nuts. i've heard that a lot lately. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. 7:30. good morning. we're continuing to follow breaking news in newark. a crash involving a garbage truck has knocked down a tree and power lines. this is on newark boulevard near la fayette. there's also a fuel spill and traffic in the area. tara moriarty will have more on the crash coming up in a live report. but it looks like a tow truck there getting ready to get the truck out of the way. good morning. i'm tori campbell. >> i'm dave clark. let's talk about weather and traffic. steve, will most areas get any sunshine today? >> yes. i wouldn't say most. i would say favorable to the south. peninsula and also east bay. north bay looks to be cloudy to mostly cloudy. been very light rain. this is your garden variety. more show than go. the sierra nevada, that's not the case. the thunderstorms they collapse and they lose the heat. there's a lot of cloud cover up there. rain north of reno and northeast california. by this afternoon, though, i expect these to pop up again. if you must travel up there, go early. go early. the low cloud deck continues to be with us. that's not going anywhere. the higher cloud deck is inching northward but i think it may stall out over the north bay. 60s on the lows. mid-60s for some. 68 some arias to 6 -- some areas to 65. you can see the cloud deck there. there's another system to the north which i think will prevent it from moving too fast. it's slowly drifting to the north. mostly cloudy. some very light showers or sprinkles. more sun to the south. but the humidity, it's very the who. 70s for 80s inland. 60s, 70s coast an -- coast and bay. here's sal. we have a look at the toll plaza. things have improved. there's a still a backup. if you are driving in from 88 or even in some of the out-- 880 or some of the outside lanes and 237 is slow. so are parts of 101, 85 and 280. it's not completely bad. you will see some slow traffic on the peninsula. highway 4 an interesting situation. there's a cash crash on highway 4 at railroad. no one was injured but two people in one of the cars got out and ran across the freeway. police showed up. they went into the car. they found some jack in the box food. and now they are reviewing the tapers at the jack in the box to see -- tapes at the jack in the box to see if they can find the guys. they think the car was stolen. we're following breaking news in newark where a garbage truck has shut down power lines. right now, customers are without power. tara moriarty is live at the scene with how long the cleanup is expected to take. tara? >> reporter: well, we're being told about two hours. this is a little bit of a precarious situation because the tow truck driver is trying to hoist the garbage truck up off the roadway here. he's having some difficulties. so they are bringing in a front- loader in order to accomplish that. if you look down in the gutter, there was some oil that leaked from the garbage truck and they've placed an absorbent there. the gas tank is wedged between the truck and the asphalt. it's, you -- it's getting squashed. they are trying to get the truck out of here. ten homes are without power. the cross street is la fayette. police tell us that the garbage truck driver was heading southbound on newark when he reached for his clipboard veered off the road and ended up hitting a power pole, a parked car and a tree. this all happened around 4:15 this morning. pg&e arrived before 6:00 and crews are now working on restoring power. the driver of the garbage truck was transported to the hospital with minor injuries. we want to point out that the northbound direction of newark boulevard has reopened in the past couple of minutes. people are able to get through. but still in the southbound lanes here things are still blocked off and fen we're being told it could possibly be about two hours before things are completely back to normal. here at the intersection, again, of newark boulevard and la fayette avenue. we're live in newark, i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right. 7:34. dozens of people in san low zen row force out of their homes after a fire damaged an apartment complex. this is on galloway drive. you can see the charred debris. the windows are boarded up. the fire yesterday afternoon started in one of the apartments and then spread to the attic. the wood panel building has no sprinklers and that made things harder for firefighters. >> it was a pretty -- pretty harry, we almost had crews fall through the roof. it was running pretty good. >> for now, all 24 apartments in the building are deemed uninhabitable. no one was hurt but the red cross is helping residents find temporary housing. investigators will go back to the scene today trying to figure out what sparked that fire. a 9-year-old girl is recovering after being hit by a stray bullet at a birthday party in west oakland. it happened saturday night at lowell park on 14th street. she was hit in the arm and later rushed to the hospital. police have not identified a suspect as yet. oakland police are also investigating three other shootings over the weekend that injured three men in their 20s. 7:36. continuing coverage now of the malaysian plane shut down in ukraine. president obama is expected to speak about the recovery effort in 20 minutes. also, the remains of 272 of the 298 people aboard the flight have now been recovered. there is international outrage, though, over how the poddies have been hand -- bodies have been handled. pro-russian rebels control the site and have been keeping the bodies in refrigerated rain cars. dutch investigators arrived in the area today and told the rebels guarding the cars the train must be allowed to leave within hours. 192 of the victims are dutch, another was dutch-american. we're getting a look at satellite images from the malaysian airlines crash. the images here show the size of the debris field. s.a.t. images from the u.s. department of defense may also play a key role in the investigation. officials say it's likely u.s. satellites were able to collect data including the location of the launch site for the missile that brought down the plane and the type of missile that was used. president obama says the plane was likely brought down by a surface-to-air missile launched by militants loyal to russia, something those militants have denied. secretary of state, john kerry, flies to egypt today, pushing for a cease-fire between israel and hamas. [ sound of gunfire ] >> now, during its ground invasion of gaza, israel says they destroyed several tunnels used by hamas militants. yesterday was the deadliest day yet in two weeks of fighting there. 87 palestinians were killed along with 13 israeli soldiers and two americans. [singing] >> one of the israeli-americans killed in gaza was 24-year-old max steinberg. he grew up in los angeles. family members and friends held this vigil outside of the family's home. his father said he joined the israeli defense forces in 20 12 and was a sharpshooter. the israeli-american who died was from texas. here in the bay area, some jewish people support israel's attacks on gaza while others are strongly against it. [chanting prk ] >> protesters outside of san francisco's oldest synagogue yesterday. they support israel's right to defend itself. down the street was another protest by jewish people who want israeli forces to pull back. >> increasingly, jewish people are concerned and speaking out and do not want to be associated with israel. >> nobody wants to see casualties. have to get rid of the missiles, get rid of the tunnels. >> about 1,000 people attended the special service inside the synagogue. reportedly, some palestinian reporters briefly disrupted the service and were removed. well, starting today, air travelers you will pay more for airline tickets. the tsa charges $5.60 for all flights. and any flight connection that has travelers on the ground for more than four hours, that counts as a separate flight. the old fees had been $2.50 for nonstop flights and $5 for connecting flights. >> as a person who travels all over the place, i want to be safe. so if it costs more, that's okay with me. >> the extra money will help pay for more security and also paying down the federal deficit. and people flying today, you are not affected only the people who buy tickets starting tomorrow -- today. 7:40. a former concord elementary schoolteacher accused of molesting students will be back in court today following some surprise testimony last week. 45-year-old joseph martin has pleaded not guilty to 150 molestation counts involving 14 male students at woodside elementary. on thursday, several witnesses provided positive testimony about martin until one girl said she saw him rubbing a boy's chest underneath his shirt during class. the girl was testifying for the defense. attorneys say she had previously told them she did not see any inappropriate touching. late-night gunfire in marin county. coming up in 20 minutes, new information on a shooting victim and the search for suspects. a $23 billion against the country's second largest tobacco company. the claim by the widow of a former smoker and how the company is planning to fight back. good morning. we're still looking at a commute that's busy in many areas. it's nice in others. highway 24 falls into the latter category. we'll tell you more about the bay bridge toll plaza when we come back. a lot of cloud cover over us. if it's not high, tropical clouds, low clouds or fog. the humidity is high. what about rain? i think for the north. we'll take a look at it -- coming up. evewith the highest levelde of engineering... design... safety... and performance. our latest creation is no different. with one exception... introducing the mercedes-benz b-class. it's electric! it's electric! the first electric vehicle from mercedes-benz. three teens are facing murder charges after police say they beat up three homeless men killing two of them. it happened saturday at an empty lot in albuquerque, new mexico. police say the teens between 15 and 18 years old admitted to targeting homeless people in the city. they reportedly claim to have attacked at least 50 homeless people over the past year. police say the homeless men were asleep when they were attacked with cinderblocks and metal poles. billions of dollars were awarded to the widow of a smoker. pam cook is in the newsroom with this case. this is one in a very long list. pam? >> this is one of thousands of lawsuits filed in florida by smokers and their families against the big tobacco companies. a jury awarded r.j. reynolds to pay nearly $24 billion to the widow of a long- time smoker who died of lung cancer. one of her attorneys say the jury wanted to make a statement that tobacco companies cannot continue to lie to the american public and to the government about the deadly chemicals found in cigarettes and about how addictish they are. last year, florida supreme court approved a decision that makes it easy to sue the tobacco companies and many did. rj reynolds plan to appeal this and argue that smokers know of the dangers of smoking because of the warning labels. so far, the u.s. supreme court has refused to hear their appeal. their stock is down about a dollar a share. but it's climbed steady for the past five years. reporting live in the newsroom, pam cook, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. 7:45. two american fast-food companies are apologizing to chinese customers. that's after a chinese tv station reported mcdonald's and young foods bought expired beef and chicken for use in their chauents in china -- restaurants in china. both companies have cut ties with the supplier and are cop ducting their own investigation -- conducting their own investigation. verizon has a new rewards program for its customers. but there's a catch. if you sign up, you have to agree to have your movements tracked. yep. the information will be used by advertisers but verizon says no personal information will be given out. verizon is the first wireless company to launch a rewards program and the people who sign up can earn points for every dollar spent on wireless services as well as upgrading and recycling old phones. the points can be used for discounts on hotel rooms and car rentals and verizon products. want to check in with sal, see what's going on on this monday morning commute. >> we have some delays and let's start with highway 4. we had an earlier hit-and-run near railroad avenue. that's clear. traffic is improving a little bit. southbound 680 is looking good from the benicia bridge all the way to walnut creek creek. let's talk about the bay bridge toll plaza. it is backed up for about a 20- minute delay. some of the approaches are better than others including the 880 approach. a lot of people. if you are driving on 880 southbound out of hayward to fremont, we have slow traffic there's a problem on the commute, newark boulevard at la fayette avenue where the street is closed because of power lines down. we were reporting on that earlier. we'll have a live report from the scene coming up. a very good morning. foggy for some. for many. low clouds, high clouds. humidity is through the roof. hot for some. warm, the coast is very mild to warm. why is that, steve. >> because the water temperatures are very warm. almost 60, 65 degrees from bodega bay from the monterey buoy. that's very warm. we've not had any northwest breeze. we've had a series of systems of tropical clouds coming in here. there's been a steady south- southeast breeze for much of the san mateo coast, santa cruz coast and the santa clara valley and the peninsula. you combine all of those factors together and that's why the house won't cool off. it's so muggy and warm. a few little showers, probably not doing much. around point arena, cloverdale, a little around bodega bay. it's reaching the ground in the afternoon in the sierra nevada. things have been unbelievable up there. the line has moved north. that's where we call a rainer. they will pick up again later this afternoon. yesterday was absolutely almost perfect ingredients for big thunderstorms. there were some doozies. the cloud and rain forecast takes this line fast to the north. i think it's going slower to that. the key, more thunderstorms will pop up in the sierra. watch the low cloud deck just take charge. it will come roaring back. another band comes in on tuesday. so that's tuesday. i don't know why i say that. the low cloud deck will still be with us. the higher cloud deck and so the combination of the two, 60s, 70s and 80s. these are way below average on the highs. the lows are way up. a good, 8, 10 degrees for some. we should be between 52 and 59. we're 60, 68 degrees. a little bit of light shower activity with the tropical cloud deck in place. also we still get a westerly breeze but it's not that strong. but a few areas definitely picking up 20, 25. had a report it was wind yip towards los gatos and 66, walnut creek, 67 mountain view, 68 sfo. unbelievable. we can find some 50s. but there's a lot of 60s here is. i would say only a smattering of 50s. a lot more 60s. 61 reno. 64 monterey. 64 sacramento. when is the last time you saw that in july. doesn't happen very often. that's because everyone is caught in the same ban. a little system coming down from the north. this low will enhance our fog bank starting late tomorrow. there will be a lot of cloud cover in the picture. light showers and more clouds than anywhere else. the humidity factor continues to be very hot. 75 petaluma. clearlake, 83. berkeley, 72 to 84. antioch, livermore. hayward, so the coast and bay are almost as close as the inland temperatures. 65 half moon bay. 70 in redwood city, san bruno a balmy 75. the fog and low clouds will be with us. the higher clouds depart. it looks like warmer inland temperatures by the weekend. >> all right. thank you. ten minutes before 8:00. president obama is getting ready to make a statement about the downed plane in ukraine. we'll have that and comments made by vladimir putin -- coming up. all right. coming up in 20 minutes, what the governor of texas says he will do himself to tackle the immigration situation on the border. welcome back. cooler temperatures and lighter winds in washington state. that's helping the firefighters battle several fires that have destroyed about 100 homes. almost 50 fires are burning. the weather may be getting better but towns in the methow valley still have no power and very little phone service. at least four people died yesterday afternoon. a small plane crashed near sedona, arizona, then it sparked a wildfire. it happened in the mountains. it burned at least 25 acres. the faa says hikers first reported that plane crash. more fire crews are expected out there today. sunday marked two years since a gunman went on a deadly shooting rampage in aurora, colorado. a memorials was held yesterday at that now renovated theater. four people were killed. 70 others were injured in a midnight showing of the dark knight rising. one woman paid tribute to her boyfriend who lost his life shielding her. >> he said get down and stay down. i said what? why? he pushed me down onto my belly and slid me under the seats and boxed me in. he put his body on the other side of the seat. i was completely boxed in by him. he said there's a man in the movie theater shooting people and he stopped breathing. >> the shooting suspect, james holmes, has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. his trial begins in december. police in sausalito investigating the discovery of two bodies in a home. police were alerted to gunshots at a home on san carlos avenue. when police arrived, they found two bodies inside the home. they are treating the deaths as suspicious. but at this point, they say there's no threat to the public. happening today, president obama will award the nation's highest military honor to a soldier who risked his wife to save fellow troops in afghanistan. army staff sergeant ryan pitts will receive the medal of honor. in july, 2008, pitts and his unit were attacked by 200 taliban insurgents. nine soldiers were killed and 22 wounded in that batting. unable to walk -- battle. unable to walk after being wounded, pitts still managed to hold down a key american position and he survived the battle. an east bay man is grateful for the kindness of strangers who are making his final wish come true. mike. reyes was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. his doctors say it's not likely he will make it past october. he says no one took the news harder than his kids. he wanted to go to disneyland one last time. but big medical bills made that out of the question, that is, until the wife of a coworker started a go fund me campaign. >> you don't realize how many people care and have a heart until you are givennen the opportunity to -- until they are given the cute -- given the opportunity to show. >> the family plans to leave for disneyland tomorrow. but don't tell the girls. they don't know that yet. they will be told once they are on the plane and headed for what is likely to be their final vacation as a family. what a special memory. more coverage of the malaysian airlines tragedy in ukraine. these are live pictures. the president is getting ready to make a statement. he's due outside of the white house shortly. >> reporter: marin county sheriff deputies are searching for the person who opened fire on a man late last night in marin city. leaving that victim with serious injuries. we'll tell you what investigators are saying about the motive for this crime. and the commute right now is getting a little bit better, although we still have a wait at the toll plaza. it's better than it was. we'll give you drive times for some of the busiest east bay commutes. a lot of cloud cover over us. low clouds, high clouds. combination, very mild conditions. mid-60s, upper 60s already. any rain in the forecast there is but more towards the sierra and north. we'll take a look at that -- coming up. can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. we're in ma yin city, the scene of a shooting. a man was shot in the head several times. police are out there searching for that shooter. ktvu's alex savidge has been on the scene since 4:30 this morning. in three minutes from now, alex will tell us what witnesses heard and also about the quick response by sheriff's deputies. stay tuned. good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2." it is monday, july 21st. i'm dave clark. >> i'm tori campbell. a quick look at weather and traffic. still some clouds out there this morning, steve. >> i would say a lot of them. take your pick. low clouds, higher clouds. combination of the two giving light showers or sprinkles. reports of trizle. bernal heights was dry. left and had to use his windshield i woulders. fog, drizzle. higher clouds, tropical clouds inching northward. monday, tuesday look like thunderstorms and then by wednesday it will calm down in the mountains. san francisco is starting off 62. we'll go 68. that's way above. it should be 54. yes, it's mild to very warm on the lows but the cloud cover has a lot to do with that and also the warm ocean temperatures. the humidity is already in place. mostly cloudy. there will be some sun here. you combine that more to the south. humidity continues to be really high. 70s, 80s to 60s, 70s coast and bay. here's sal. i want to take you to a situation in newark where a truck hit power lines and brought them down. they had a big cleanup on their hands. this garbage truck hit power lines much earlier. some customers were briefly without power. this road is shut down, newark boulevard near la fayette. you can see it's quite a chore to get the truck out of there. it looks like only one direction of newark is closed but you should probably avoid the area if you can. they are making some progress but it's going to come slow. and they still need a few hours to clear this up. it looks like one of the trees is down there as well. let's go to the toll plaza. i want to show you that the traffic is at a 20-minute delay. no major problems getting into san francisco. the commute continues to look good. highway 4 has improved. no major problems here. if you are driving on 680 want to take a look. southbound 680 traffic looks okay through walnut creek. a little bit slow getting into alamo. it's 8:01. back to the desk. thanks, sal. we're following developing news from marin county. sheriff's deputies are searching for the person who opened fire on a man leaving him with serious wounds. it happened shortly before midnight in marin city. alex savidge joins us live with new information about the victim. good morning, alex. >> marin county sheriff investigators have finished processing the crime scene. the tape has been taken down this morning. it's unclear at this point, why this victim was targeted but we do know the man is still alive after undergoing surgery this morning at the hospital. now, neighbors reported gunfire just before midnight last night and that's when sheriff's deputies arrived here at the scene and they found a man in his 30s who had been shot several times in the head. now, there were quite a few shell casings covering the sidewalk at the scene. the victim was found actually a block away from where the shooting took place near st. andrew presbyterian church. the shooting was near the intersection of cole drive and drake avenue here in marin county. deputies were able to get here quickly in less than a minute after 911 calls began to come in from neighbors. investigators are not releasing the victim's name at this point. but deputies say they do know who that man is. >> as far as we know, he's not a resident of marin city. but he's known to people here in the community and we want to talk to him to see if we can get more information. >> reporter: and they are trying to figure out exactfully what led up to last night's shooting. investigators say they don't know what the motive was for the crime. the sheriff's office has not put out any information on the shooter. they are searching for that person still on the loose this morning. we're live this morning in marin city, alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right. 78:03. a teenage -- 8:03. a teenaged boy still in the hospital after being shot in hayward. it happened yesterday before 9:00 last night at hesperian and oliver drive. the teen was shot once in the upper body but we don't know his condition. they are expected to give us more information about the victim and the search for suspects later this morning. happening today -- the only surviving suspect of last week's deadly bank robbery and shootout in stockton is set to make his first court appearance this afternoon. 19-year-old high may ramos -- jaime ramos faces serious charges that make him eligible for the death penalty ifth canned. stockton police -- if convicted. stockton police are confident one of the suspects killed robbed the same bank earlier this year. they have released these two photos of the man believed to be 27-year-old alex martinez martinez. the photo on left is a picture of the man who robbed the bank of the west in stockton in january. a dmv photo of martinez is on the right. martinez and a third suspect were killed in the violent incident five days ago. police say the three suspected gang members used bank customer misty holt-singh as a human shield. the mother of two died during the changes and shootout with police. 8:04. the san francisco city gardener accused of driving a city truck that ran over and killed a woman sunbathing in a park is due back in court today. the map faces charges of felony vehicular manslaughter and hit and run for a tragicicks dent in holly park last -- tragic incident in holly park last september. police say he ran over a woman sunbathing on the grass with her baby. the baby was not hurt. he's pleaded not guilty to the charges. a man is behind bars in connection to a stabbing in antioch. it happened yesterday morning at 11:00 on cavallo road. police found a woman stabbed several times taken to the hospital with serious injuries. police are still trying to figure out a motive for the stabbing. happening right now, we're standing by to hear from president obama on the investigation of the malaysia flight shot down last week in ukraine. these are live pictures. you see the microphones set up there. the president will be speaking at any moment. we don't know exactly what he's going to say. but he's expected to update the media on the very latest findings of the investigation. now, we'll keep watching the doors when he comes out. we'll bring you live coverage of the speech as soon as it begins. we're hearing more about the investigation on the ground in ukraine. ktvu's christien kafton live in the newsroom with what we're learning about the crash site that is controlled by the rebel. >> pro-russia separatist leader is denying that it was they who fired the buk missile that brought down the flight 17. that leader is also addressing reports that they have located the black boxes for the doomed flight. >> we've never been in possession of even a single buk system. i can also list all of the means of defense that we have in our possession. all are capable of crashing only the low-flying targets. >> meanwhile, international outrage over the recovery effort is building with dutch forensic investigators on the ground in ukraine calling on the separatists to release the bodies they've found today. the number of victims located stands at 272. those victims are kept in row fridge refrigerated train cars. faum members in amsterdam are calling on vladimir putin to apply pressure to return the bodies as soon as possible. >> i want to put my son and his girlfriend together here. they have to be buried together. they died together. they loved each other. they will be together for always. >> over the weekend, secretary of state john kerry said there are reports that they are drunken separatists handling the deceased and piling the bodies in trucks and removing them and parts of the plane from the crash site. he also said that separatists are actively working to prevent international investigators from gaining access to the scene. secretary kerry is calling for a tougher stangses on russia to apply pressure and european countries are agreeing. christien kafton, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. 8:08. six world renowned a.i.d.s. researchers were killed in that malaysian incident. they were headed to an international a.i.d.s. conference in australia. the conference was held as planned over the weekend with six chairs left empty to remember the researchers who died. >> we grieve alongside all of those throughout the world who have lost friends in these senseless tragedies. >> one of the passengers killed was a pioneering a.i.d.s. researcher who worked in san francisco in the 1980s at the height of the a.i.d.s. crisis. joep lange helped san francisco general hospital develop protocols for treating a.i.d.s. he was instrumental in getting researchers to focus on a.i.d.s. victims in africa. >> what a bitter irony that people working to do such good would be lost. ♪ >> yesterday's a.i.d.s. walk in san francisco was dedicated to those who died. it drew an estimated 20,000 people and raised more than $2 million for a.i.d.s. research and for bay area nonprofits. researchers at the lawrence livermore laboratory may have created a device that can rewire damaged human brains. the tiny implants works by monitoring activity of the brains and propose vidding still lie -- providing still mew lie to compensate what they've lost -- stimuli to -- to compensate what they have lost. 8:10. a garbage truck that crashed into a power pole, it's shut down an intersection in newark. coming up in 20 minutes, the latest on the closures and what's making the cleanup really difficult for the crews. increased frustration over fighting in the middle east and the rising death toll. after the break we're live in d.c. with the action the u.s. plans to take to end the violence between hamas and israel. good morning. we're still looking at a commute where things are slow in some places and really good in others. this is slow now on 880 northbound. we'll tell you more about this and the approach to the bay bridge. there's a little bit of sun out there. pretty far out there. you have to go to the back to find it. will clouds burn off any time soon? we'll take a look at it -- coming up. happening right now -- secretary of state john kerry is on his way to the middle east. his trip follows the death of two american-born soldiers on the deadliest day of violence since this conflict between israel and terrorists in gaza began earlier this month. ktvu's kyla campbell is live in washington to explain why secretary kerry is a bit under the microscope this morning. kyla? >> reporter: in between interviews on sunday, secretary kerry's microphone was open. he was recorded while talking about the violence on sunday. >> it's a hell of a pinpoint operation. it's a hell of a pinpoint operation. >> right. it's escalating and underscores the need for a cease-fire. >> we've gotta get over there. thank you, john. i think, john, we ought to go tonight. i think it's crazy to be sitting around. >> reporter: the state department told me today kerry is scheduled to arrive in egypt this afternoon. officials have been trying to broker a cease-fire between israel and the terrorist group, hamas. in the past two weeks, fighting has killed at least 500 palestinians and 20 israelis and displaced tens of thousands of gaza residents. two american-born soldiers for the israeli defense forces were also killed. the israeli military said it destroyed two more tunnels that hamas terrorists were using to attack israel. kerry talked about that when he defended his conversation caught on an open mic. >> war is tough. i said that publicly and i will say it again. we defend israel's right to do what it is doing in order to get at those tunnels. >> kerry and other international leaders are calling for a cease-fire in gaza and israel but so far hamas has said it's not willing to back down. live in washington. kyla campbell, ktvu channel 2 news. just about a half-hour ago at the white house, president obama signed and executive order to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees from discrimination in the workplace. the order will protect from discrimination. this applies to the 24,000 companies designated as federal contractors who employ 28 million workers. 8:15. president obama also plans to come back to the bay area this week. he's scheduled to attend a fund- raising luncheon on wednesday. at a home in los altos hills. democratic leader, nancy pelosi, and palo alto congresswoman anna eshoo are expected to be there. tickets range from 10 to $32,000. the president was in the bay area last month for a series of fund-raiser speechers on the job. we want to go live to the job where president obama is making a statement on the situation on the plane crash in ukraine. >> secretary kerry has departed for the middle east. as i've said many times, israel has a right to defend itself against rocket and tunnel attacks from hamas. and as a result of its operations, israel has already done significant damage to hamas's terrorist infrastructure in gaza. i've also said, however, that we have serious concerns about the rising number of palestinian civilian deaths and the loss of israeli lives and that's why it now has to be our focus and the focus of the international community to bring about a cease-fire that ends the fighting and that can stop the deaths of innocent civilian, both in gaza and israel. so secretary kerry will meet with allies and partners. i've instructed him to push for an immediate cressation of hostilities based on -- cessation on hostilities based on the 2012 cease-fire agreement between israel and hamas in gaza. the work will not be easy. obviously, there are enormous packs involved in this -- passions involved in this and some very difficult strategic issues involved. nevertheless, i've asked john to do everything he can to help facilitate a cessation to hostilities. we don't what want to see more -- want to see more civilians get killed. now to the malaysian plane crash. over the last several days, our hearts have been absolutely broken as we have learned more about the extraordinary and beautiful lives that were lost. men, women, and children and infants killed so suddenly and so senselessly. our thoughts and prayers continue to be with their families around the world who are going through unimaginable grief. i've had the opportunity to speak to a number of leaders around the world whose citizens were lost on this flight and all of them remain in a state of shock but frankly also in a state of outrage. our immediate focus is on recovering those who were lost. investigating exactly what happened and putting forward the facts. we have to make sure the truth is out and accountability exists. international investigators are on the ground. they've been organized. i've seen teams. other countries have sent teams. they are prepared. they are organized to conduct what should be the kinds of protocols and scouring and collecting of evidence that should follow any international incident like this. and what they need right now is immediate and full access to the crash site. they need to be able to conduct a prompt and full and up impeded as well as -- unimpeded as well as transparent investigation. recovery personnel have to do the solemn and sacred work of recovering the remains of those who were lost. now, ukrainian president pore row shen co has declared a zone around the crash site. there's teams already prepared to conduct the investigation and recover the remains of those who have been lost. but unfortunately, the russian- backed separatists to control the area continue to block the investigation. they've repeatedly prevented international investigators from gaining full access to the investigation. as investigators approached, they fired their weapons in the air. the separatists are removing evidence from the crash site, all of which begs the question what exactly are they trying to hide? moreover, these russian-backed separatists are removing bodies from the crash site. oftentimes, without the care that we would normally expect from a tragedy like this. this is an insult to shows who have lost loved ones. it's the kind of behavior that has no place in the community of nations. russia has extraordinary influence over these spris. russia has urged them on, russia has trained them. we know that russia has armed them with military equipment and weapons, including anti- aircraft weapons. key separatists leaders, russian citizens. so given its direct influence over the separatists, russia and president putin in particular has direct responsibility to compel them to cooperate with the investigation. that's the least that they can do. president putin says that he supports a full and fair investigation. i appreciate those words but they have to be supported by actions. the burden now is on russia to insist that the separatists stop tampering with the evidence, grant investigators who are already on the ground immediate full and unimpeded access to the crash site. the separatists and the russian sponsors are responsible for the safety of the investigators doing their work. and along with our allies and partners, we will be working this issue with the united nations today. more broadly, as i've said throughout this crisis and the crisis in ukraine generally -- i've said this directly to president putin as well as public -- my presence continues to be fighting a diplomat diplomatic revolution in -- a diplomatic revolution in ukraine. if russia continues to violate the sofnernty and back these separatistses and -- sovereignty and back these separatists, then russia will only further isolate itself from the international community and the costs for russia's behavior will only continue to increase. now is the time for president putin and russia to pivot away from this tragedy that they've been taking and get serious about trying to resolve hostilities within ukraine in a way that respect's ukraine's sovereignty and respects the right of the ukrainian people to make decisions about their own life lives. time is of the essence. our feands and allies need to be able to recover those who were lost. that's the least we can do. families deserve to be able to lay their loved ones to rest with dignity. the world deserves to know exactly what happened and the people -- >> you've been listening live to president obama giving another statement on the situation in ukraine regarding the plane crash. he did first mention the situation in the middle east saying secretary kerry is heading there with the increasing concern about the rising number of doeckets on both sides -- on both sides and then he pivoted to the situation in ukraine. said it's been four days since the plane went down. at this point, he's extremely concerned about the effort to try to recover the victims and he said that those teams that are being sent to the area need full and immediate access to the crash site. but the separatists are blocking the site, firing shots in the area and he said they are apparently removing evidence. he asked what are they trying to hide. he pointedly asked russian president vladimir putin to encourage those separatists to make the site available. but russian president vladimir putin i saw in the moscow times criticized using this plane crash for political gains. and he also pointed out that anyone who does that in many ways is hurting the cause. >> president obama just said that putin has direct influence over the separatists there and he said his preference is to find a diplomatic solution to what's happening in ukraine. but if russia doesn't change, russia will be further isolated around the world. >> heating up a little bit. >> yes. >> we'll continue to follow this story. right now we want to check in with sal on traffic. apparently there is a brand-new injury crash. >> westbound 24 at 580 there is a crash reported. as the president was speaking, it was first reported. motorcyclist down and then the chp arrived on the scene. they were able to pick up the motorcycle and get to the right- hand side. it's still very slow there. coming away from the caldecott. even though the injuries appear to be not serious, which is good, the traffic is building to the 580 interchange. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza, you can see traffic is going to be busy as you get up to the toll plaza. about a 25-minute drive time into san francisco. and if you are looking at northbound 101 and san jose, 85 and 17 a little bit of slow traffic a couple of minor crashes, 85 northbound. i also want to mention on the peninsula traffic a little bit slow in palo alto. but from san mateo to redwood city it looks good. let's go to steve. cloudy to mostly cloudy skies. the tropical clouds are definitely heading north. but ever so slowly. the low clouds are in place. yes, it's mild out there. a lot of 60s. mid-60s. upper 60s to 70. it's 62 in the city. 68 palo alto. los altos hills, 65. foster city, 67. belmont, 66. la honda, 63. tropical clouds will give more thunderstorm activity to the sierra. the line is lifting. light rain to the north. a lot of drizzle, though. so mostly cloudy. partly sunny later on. light showers. the humidity factor is very high. 60s, 70s and 80s. vacaville 85. clearlake, 83. 79 walnut creek to 70 in alameda. and temperatures again inland are running a little bit below average for most. by the coast and bay, they are right about where they should be if not above. not much change until after wednesday, then warmer. thank you, steve. 8:27. happening today, texas governor rick perry is expected to announce that he's deploying national guard troops to the border. the governor is scheduled to make the announcement in austin, texas this afternoon. perry is expected to send a thousand national troops to help the border patrol. officials from the texas department of public safety have been assigned to the border to stop drug smuggling and human trafficking. dozens of people chased out of their homes after an apartment fire. two things that made things very difficult for firefighters. >> a garbage truck slams into a power pole and a tree knocking out power to nearby neighbors. it's blocking the intersection. we'll tell you what the driver told police as to why he crashed. that big mess in newark this morning. this is a mess. it involves a garbage truck, downed power lines and spilled fuel. you can -- all you can do is stand at look at this. because of this, there have been street closures in the area. tara moriarty is there. in three minutes she will give us the latest on when this intersection you are looking at will reopen. stay tuned. welcome back. monday, july 21st. i'm dave clark. let's talk about weather and traffic. and steve has a lot to tell you. >> i do in a very short period of time. cloudy to mostly cloudy here. a few light showers to the north. the tropical band is lifting. favoring north bay. mendocino county, lake county. the low clouds, there are plenty in place. 60s for many. 68 sfo, 67 walnut creek. san jose is in there. 64 napa. 66 gilroy. 68 around san jose, 67 in san jose almost 70 in sunnyvale. some areas are running warm. there is there is a delta breeze. more of a westerly component for most but there's still a slight southerly breeze for a few. water temperatures are very warm. so that means in the morning are way above average. mostly cloudy. some sun later on. light showers to the north. 70s, 80s inland. 60s, 70s, coast and bay. here's sal. we're looking at a commute where traffic is gonna be slow in some areas. we'll go right and take a look at 24 at 580, i've drawn the map here. it was an earlier motorcycle crash. the injuries didn't turn out to be serious. the traffic is very slow as they move the vehicles completely off the road. it will be slow just outside of the caldecott tunnel as you come through here. thinking about taking b.a.r.t., b.a.r.t., caltrain, muni are doing well. b.a.r.t. from the east bay to san francisco looks pretty good. you can avoid highway 24 or any of the stations along highway 24 for that matter. let's take a look at the live pictures. about a 15, 20-minute delay here at the toll plaza. 280 in san jose, that looks good. it's been a nice drive into the valley. it's 8:32. let's go back to the desk. we're following developing news in newark after a garbage truck we've been telling you about crashed and knocked down power lines. tara moriarty is live at the scene. how much longer is this cleanup gonna take. >> reporter: police are saying sometime before 10:00. right now southbound direction of newark boulevard is zloes closed. northbound is open at this point. that's the good news. you can see there is a tow truck. it's been working forean hour trying to hoist the garbage truck off the street. the gas tank is dangling in a dangerous spot. police say around 4:15 this morning, the garbage truck driver was heading southbound near la fayette when he got distracted, veered off the road slamming into a power pole, a parked car and a tree. families in ten homes had their electricity knocked out. pg&e crews are working to restore power and clean up the four live wires that are laying on the sidewalk and street. >> 4:15, when we heard a loud noise, you know. my husband called 911. and then we get out. oh, my god. >> reporter: anita flores says her husband had to call in late to work because he can't get the car out of the driveway because the large tree is blocking it. the driver had a cut on his forehead. he was explaining to police what happened as to what caused him to crash. >> he reached down to pick up papers. it fell off the seat and he lost control. >> the driver was not seriously hurt. he was taken to the hospital for his minor injury. police have ruled out drugs and alcohol as a reason for the crash. back here live, if you look with me here in the gutter, you can see that crews laid absorbent down to soak it up. no diesel has spilled. they are hoping it stays that way. the southbound direction of newark boulevard still shut down, but hopefully it won't be too much longer before they can get this garbage truck out of here. we're live in newark, i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:34. a 21-year-old man from santa rosa facing several charges after a female passenger in his car died in a suspected drunk driving crash. now, police say antonio was driving onto highway 12 from dutton avenue when he lost control of his car. witnesses say he was speeding right before his suv crashed into a tree then hit a guardrail. sarai -- sarai torres was pronounced dead at the scene. she was a passenger. the man faces manslaughter, drrk and driving with a suspended license charges. a woman is fighting for her life after being rescued from donner summit after an atv accident. it happened yesterday afternoon. a chp helicopter lifted her to safety. officers say she was riding the atv with family members when she drifted off the path and became stuck on loose rock, then dropped 100 feet over a steep hillside. she was wearing a bicycle helmet but it broke into several pieces. she was airlifted to a trauma center in reno. dozens of people in san lorenzo forced out of their homes after a fire. take a look at what's left of the building there on galloway drive. you can see the charred debris and the windows are boarded up. fire quickly spread to the attic. the building has wooden panels. no sprinklers. it made firefighting very, very hard. >> it was up pretty -- it was pretty hairy. we almost had crews fall the roof. the roof was very weak. it was running pretty good. >> all 24 apartments have been deemed uninhabitable. no one was hurt but they are helping the red cross find temporary housing. investigators will return to the scene to examine debris and try to figure out what caused the fire. there's a new online push to help find a 20-year-old berkeley student who disappeared in a texas lake. song soak was last seen eight days ago after jumping off a boat into the water of lake travis and never resurfacing. search teams using sonar helicopters and a remote- controlled underwater vehicle were unable to locate soak's body. now friends and family have started an online fund-raiser to continue the search. soak was in texas for a summer internship. 8:37. a former concord elementary schoolteacher goes back to court today following surprising testimony last week. 45-joseph martin entered a plea of not guilty to 150 molestation counts involving 14 male students at woodside elementary. on thursday, several witnesses gave positive testimony about martin one girl said she saw him unking a boy's chest beneath his shirt during class. starting today, air travelers will pay a little more for airline tickets. the tsa charges $5.60 for all flights. and any flight connection that has travelers on the ground for more than four hours, that counts as a separate flight. the old fees had been $2.50 for nonstop flights. and $5 for connecting flights. >> as a person who travels all over the place, i want to be safe. if it costs more, that's fine with me. >> well, that extra money will help pay for more security and pay down the federal deficit. the people flying today are not affected. only people who buy tickets starting today. 8:38. organizers of the state fair in sacramento say business is booming this year. this weekend, fair organizers say attendance was the largest so far. official numbers are not out yet. but poergers think 60,000 people attended saturday alone. fairgoers noticed the big crowds, too. >> i think there's a lot more people out this year than last year. when we came last year, it was more slow. >> organizers credit the bigger attendance to nearby events in san francisco, including the governor's cup horseration and the sacramento -- horse race and the sacramento game. the fair continues through this sunday. it's something you might do at a lot of fairs. it's not an official holiday but july 21st is considered national junk food day according to a website that collects information. dietitians say junk food is anything that has little nutritional value that include any food high in sugar, salt or fat. it's not clear who started this junk food day or when but it was probably created as a way to eat all of the junk food you want without feeling too guilty. you might feel a little bit of a stomachache by the end of the day. >> okay. 8:39. a great story still ahead. many people including some who don't even know each other coming together to help a family in need. how can you not be broken by learning about a family who is going through something so horrible especially with two young girls. >> coming up in eight minutes, the last wish of a dying father and the way his friends came together to make that wish come true. a man shot and seriously wounded late last night in marin city and the search is underway this morning for the person responsible. what neighbors who live close to this shooting scene heard last night. good morning. we're still looking at slow traffic on many of these commutes but some have improved like 280 in the south bay and the entire south bay commute looking better. i will tell you what the south bay commute looks like coming up. i had a tweet from charles. he said it's raining. fog and raining. raining. i love it. thank you very much. cre, we have a lot -- yes, we have a lot of fog and drizzle. higher clouds to the north. we'll see if they hold on or get out of the bay area. the-- out of the area. 8:43. let's bring you up to date on some of the top stories -- we brought it to you live right here on ktvu's "mornings on 2" 15 minutes ago. president obama has called on the rebels in ukraine to give international investigators immediate and full access to the site of the malaysian airlines flight crash. this comes amid international outrage over reports of how the bodies of the victims are being handled. >> these separatists are removing evidence from the crash site, all of which begs the question what exactly are they trying to hide? moreover, these russian-backed separatists are removing bodies from the crash site. often times, without the care that we would normally expect from a tragedy like this. >> president obama has called on russian president putin to compel the rebels to cooperate with investigators. the u.n. security council could also vote as soon as today on a resolution demanding international access to the plane site. now, the only surviving suspect of last weekend's deadly bank robbery and shootout in stockton is due to make his first court appearance this afternoon. 19-year-old jaime ramos faces dozens of very seer young charges to make him eligible for the death penalty if convicted. we're still following developing news for you from marin county. sheriff deputies searching for the person who opened fire on a man and left him with very serious wounds. alex savidge joining us live now to tell us what neighbors in marin city are saying about this crime. >> reporter: one neighbor who heard the gunfire told me she's surprised by this shooting. a man shot on this street late last night and it's unclear exactly why he was targeted. but we do know this victim is still alive at the hospital after undergoing surgery this morning. this call for this shooting came in just before midnight last night it was near the intersection of cole drive and drake avenue. sheriff's deputies found the victim near st. andrew presbyterian church. that's actually a block away from where the shooting took place. this man in his 30s had been shot several times in the head. deputies were able to get here quickly. they were in the neighborhood and after those 911 calls came in they got here in under a minute to find the victim. one woman heard the gunfire. she said she was too scared to outside to see exactly what was going on. you have to be careful with the people. i don't go out any more. when the gunshots start, i don't go out. i stay in the house. >> reporter: investigators have not released the victim's name but deputies say they do know who this man is. they say he doesn't live here in this neighborhood but has friends that to. they are trying to figure -- that do. they are trying to speak to the friends and figure out why he was shot. deputies are searching for the person responsible. we're live in marin city, alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. two tobacco companies, billions are award to the widow of a smoker. that's what lawyers are saying. pam cook is live in the newsroom with more. >> this is one of thousands of lawsuits filed in florida by a smoker -- by smokers and their families against the big tobacco companies. a jury awarded rj reynolds to pay nearly $24 billion to the widow of a long time smoker who died of lung cancer. one of her attorneys said the jury wanted to make a statement that tobacco companies cannot continue to lie to the american public and to the government about the deadly chemicals found in cigarettes and about how addictive they are. last year's florida supreme court approved the decision ma makes it easier to sue tobacco companies and many did. attorneys for rj reynolds plan to appeal this and other cases and they argue that smokers know about the dangers of cigarettes because of the warning labels. >> wall street doesn't seem to mind about the millions of dollars in lawsuits that are ongoing. so far the appeals court also has upheld many of these cases. the tobacco stocks have done pretty well in the past five years. a man from the east bay is grateful for the kindness of strangers who are making his final wish come true. he's michael reyes. he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. doctors say he may not lift past october. he says no one took the news harder than his 8 oral 9-year- old daughters. the family hoped to make one final trip to disneyland. the medical bills made that seem out of the question until the wife of a coworker started a go fund me campaign. >> you don't realize how many people care and have a heart until they are given the opportunity to show it. >> well, that fund raised more than $4,000. a lot of it coming from anonymous donations or from strangers. the family plans to leave for disneyland tomorrow. although his daughters don't know that yet. they will be told once they get on the plane and head for what may be their last vacation as an entire family. >> what a special trip that will be. >> 8:49. last time we checked in with you, sal, you were telling us about an injury accident -- injury crash in oakland. any update on that. >> there is an update that crash has been cleared but the traffic is still slow. as we look at the maps, i can show you the east bay. the traffic is still slow on 24. you can see the red and still slow from richmond into el cerrito. it's kind of surprised me how long it's taken to get through. 36 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze. that's more than double the time it takes when traffic is doing well. so please give yourself extra time. when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, you will be waiting for 20, 25 minutes here getting into san francisco we have the late morning backup getting in through the area. we also do have slow traffic on 580 in livermore. as we look at the maps here, 580 traffic is going to be busy as you drive through on 580 to dublin. it gets better on the bay to castro valley. just a lot of slow traffic on southbound 880 as you drive down to hayward. 17 miles an hour near tennyson there. let's go to steve. >> thank you, sir. very good morning. mostly cloudy. a couple of breaks there. the low clouds are in place. but the tropical clouds are inching northward. a lot of reports of drizzle in san francisco daly city, take your pick. you can start to -- it's not clearing that fast. but the trend is to take the higher clouds north. the sierra nevada will have another round of thunderstorms today and tomorrow. there's plenty of moisture up there. it's lifted northward. it will pick up later in the afternoon when we get heating. line of tropical clouds kind of rotating most down to -- northwest down to southwest. it's lifting. peninsula, south bay and east bay, i think will get in on some sun today. if you do, the humidity factor is really high. the temperatures are very warm for this time of year. 68 sfo, 68 livermore. some 70s already. would not surprise me. higher elevations running cooler. upper 60s. san jose state is at 68. these are way above average as you might imagine. the decent delta breeze. generally a component because the water temperatures are so warm, the lows are unking warm. there's another system to the north. i think that kind of stalls that tropical band out to the north bay in mendocino county, lake county. mostly cloudy, light shower or drizzle. more sun to the south. kind of muggy on the temperatures here. 77 novato. santa rosa at 75. 79 concord. pleasant hill out to brentwood and oakley's 85. the humidity to match. oakland 72. walnut creek, danville, 87 morgan hill. probably the leader of the pack. gilroy not far away. 78 redwood city. a lot of 70s the peninsula. mid- to upper as well. 60 balmy degrees on the coast to many areas due to the warms being so warm. there will be a lot of drizzle tuesday night, wednesday. it looks like high pressure builds in. warmer weather by the weekend inland. >> interesting weather. it's kind of interesting. they are young, they are single. but will they stay that way. after the break, a possible trend among young adults when it comes to getting married. 8:55. happening today, president obama will award the medal of honor, the nation's highest military honor to a soldier who risked his life to save fellow troops in afghanistan. in july of 2008, ryan pitts and his unit were attacked by 200 taliban insurgents. nine soldiers were killed and 22 wounded in that battle. unable to walk after being wounded and alone after his fellow soldiers were killed, he still managed to hold down a key american position. he sir vived the battle is -- survived the battle and is now a father. starting today, caltrain will begin communication improvements to four stations. they will yub grade p.a. systems at the station in san francisco along with stations in south san francisco, sunnyvale, and san jose. all of this follows a 2009 report that found the p.a. systems there were unreliable. a visual message sign will be installed at the 22nd street station. all of the improvements are expected to take several months. it seems fewer millennials are choosing to tie the knot. today's young adults are on track to have the lowest rates of maferrage by age 40 compared to any previous generation. that means more than 30% of millennial women could be unmarried by the age 40. there's less stigma about people living together and starting families without being married and many are waiting until their finances improve before walking down the aisle and sometimes it takes a little time. >> a little time. let's check in with sal one more check on your commute. >> we're kind of bad on 24. we have a new report of a crash inside the tunnel and traffic is going to be slow now coming out of the orinda area trying to get to the tunnel. we had a motorcycle crash before that cleared. 24 has drawn the bad straw, if you will. let's take a look at bay bridge toll plaza because we are going to see traffic that is moving along slowly. i went out of order but i can still look at the eastshore freeway if you can bring it up between the carquinez bridge and the maze. let's go to steve. mostly cloudy here. then partly sunny skies this afternoon. the low clouds will burn back. the higher clouds are favoring the north bay. maybe a few light showers. mendocino county, lake county. muggy, humid. a lot of fog. after wednesday, it looks like warmer weather returns especially away from the coast. >> you gonna squeeze any rain out of the clouds? >> a little bit. >> mainly the sierra. >> yeah, i know. a lot going on. >> thank you. >> you bet. that's our report for this morning. we thank you for making ktvu your chose for news. >> be sure to watch the thuz at noon we'll have more on president obama's latest response to the downed passenger jet in ukraine. we're also here for you at as well as twitter, facebook. thank you for joining us. hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman. it's a new week and as always we've got new videos "right this minute." >> an abandoned dog survives nay park for two years and -- >> no one could catch it. >> how two determined ladies coax rosy the rottweiler to a brand-new life. a boy is held hostage in a store as two men kneel outside. >> pleading for the release of that boy. >> what happens when the suspect walks out straight into a trap. >> it's the secret process showing how


Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20190301

i'm erin burnett. breaking news, michael cohen coming back. just wrapping up his third, supposed to be his last hearing before congress, but the committee says there is more to learn. he has much more to tell us. >> not much i can say other than it was very productive as i said i'm committed to telling the truth. and i will be back on march 6 to finish up. there is more to discuss. >> more to discuss next week. and even too, we are learning that cohen is not the only person who in his case was and still are in trump's inner circle who could be testifying before congress. >> there were names or records mentioned during the hearing. we'll figure out who we want to talk to and then we'll bring them in. >> would it be fair to say if any names came up multiple times in that hear -- >> who were those names? we went through and during that explosive public hearing that we all saw yesterday, let's tell you those names. >> donald trump jr., ivanka trump, eric trump. jared kushner. keith davidson, allen weisselberg, ron leaieberman an matthew calamari. >> those are some of the people who know everything. and is this a new reality for president trump. for two years he had been protected by a republican controlled krocongress and now faces intense pressure. his best line of defense today was to say that michael cohen is a liar. when asked about cohen's testimony -- >> he called you a liar, a con man, a racist. what is your response to michael cohen? >> well, it is incorrect and he lied a lot. >> so the president says cohen lied a lot and he is a liar. except when he isn't. >> he didn't lie about one thing. he said no collusion with the russian hoax. and i said i wonder why he didn't just lie about that too like he did about everything else. he lied about so many different things. >> he said i wonder why he didn't lie about that just like he did about everything else. so wait, donald trump is saying that michael cohen lied about everything else. everything but russian collusion, which means according to the president that cohen was lying when he said these things -- >> i don't believe mr. trump ever struck mrs. trump ever. >> is there a love child? >> there is not to the best of my knowledge. >> do you have any knowledge of president trump abusing any controlled substances? >> i'm not aware of that, no. >> do you have any knowledge of president trump being delinquent on any alimony or child i'm not >> do you have any knowledge of president trump arranging any health care procedures for any women not in his family? >> i'm not aware, no. >> so when michael cohen defended the president, i guess he was lying then? manu raju is "outfront" live on capitol hill. there will be more testimony and this could be crucial before of all the names cohen mentioned yesterday, who else does the committee want to hear from, who can we expect to be going in? >> certainly members of the trump inner circle, his cfo, allen weisselberg. he is front and center evof at least two committees that want to speak with him. and also people part of the president's family. his son donald trump jr., his role and what he may have known about the hush money payments. his signature was on at least one of those payments that went to michael cohen. ivanka trump, her name was mentioned, what did she know about the trump tower moscow project that is being investigated by the house intel against committee. what elijah cummings told me today is that at least five or six house committees plan to investigate all of the allegations that came out of yesterday's testimony. allegations of bank fraud, of insurance fraud, of sub borting perjury, of russian related matters all of which several committees plan to split up how to pursue this going forward. so certainly we will see some public testimony before the house intelligence committee with felix sater coming forward, but also we'll see other committees pushing forward to bring in people who are mentioned at yesterday's hearing. so while yesterday's hearing was very public, we could see others come forward in a very public setting as well. this investigation as democrats will say only just beginning. this is driving what democrats will plan do here in the weeks and months ahead. >> thank you. and i want to go out to a member of the house intelligence committee, of course they interviewed michael cohen today. sean patrick maloney is joining me. i appreciate your time. what did you learn new from  michael cohen today? >> i'm not at liberty to discuss the specific testimony except to say that he is a very important witness. we appreciate very much that he came in and was so forthcoming. i thought he was very credible and he is a big piece of the puzzle here. and in the fullness of time, everything that he said before the committee will be out in the public and i think that that is as it should be. for now what i can tell you is that we're in the middle of this interview, it will continue next week. and it is very important and we appreciate very much how forth coming mr. cohen is being. >> i'll play again part of what mr. cohen said today. here he is. >> i'm committed to telling truth and i will be back on march 6 to finish up. there is more to discuss. >> i want to get to the truth part in amen mt moment, but firt more do you need to get out of him? these were three really long days tlaand there still more th you need to learn? >> what we realize is that the closed door format with the opportunity to go a little more in-depth allows us to cover a bunch of subjects that didn't get sufficient attention yesterday. and again that transcripts will be released in the fullness of time. but the fact is that there are very serious questions with different aspects of this investigation that mr. cohen has very important testimony on. and we again appreciate -- >> could you share any of the topics that you think need more drilling down on? >> i appreciate the question, but as i said, i'm not at liberty to discuss what happened in executive sefgs excession ex tell you that the transcripts will be released eventually and mr. cohen is extremely credible and cooperative, there was not a single question that he did not answer and we appreciate that very much. and i think the answers to intimidate him or attack him are incredibly inappropriate. and i think that he equipped himself very well. >> have you learned anything from him that moves you towards impeachment proceedings? >> i'm not going to comment on that specifically. i can tell you that we've learned a lot from him and a lot of things that i didn't learn from his testimony yesterday. so his appearance is very important and it is very much appreciated. >> so when you say he is credible and you are frustrated at people implying otherwise, of course two allies of the president in congress, jim jordan and mark meadow, they were aggressive in their questioning, they are asking the justice department to investigate michael cohen for perjury. they submitted a letter of things that they said were faufls. he says he doesnidn't seek a jo the white house when he did. and they include his denial of committing bank fraud which of course he has admitted to doing. he is going to prison in part for that. do you believe cohen lied yesterday? >> no, i do not. and what is clear is that the republicans should be a lot more interested in the substance of what he was saying. remember, yesterday in open session mr. company men brought documentary evidence that the president of the united states was involved in a criminal conspiracy to obstruct -- disguise campaign finances that were improper. and while president. you think maybe that would be of concern to some folks. instead they spent their whole time attacking him. we know he has credibility problem, but i found him to be credible and forthcoming. and he brought evidence. and that evidence is important. >> and to that point when you ci say he brought evidence, you're not trusting him on things where he did not bring evidence, right? there is a check signed by donald j. trump. but you're not saying to trust him on other things? >> it is important that his testimony be corroborated, but it is important that we keep an open mind and we care about the truth of what he is as certificating pnd and when he brings overwhelming evidence that the president of the united states actively engaged in a conspiracy to violate federal campaign finance laws, that he structured payments to disguise the reimbursement while he was president, that is serious and well assumed. in the russia area, we want the same corroboration and evidence. in the russia area, we want the same corroboration and evidence. >> so itsethe roger stone conve? >> that is just one piece of testimony. but this puz him is cozle is co together. >> all right. appreciate your time. thanks. and next we have breaking news. the "new york times" is reporting this hour that president trump ordered his chief staff to give jared kushner a top security clearance. they did even though top intelligence officials and the white house top lawyer told him not to do it. okay. so not only did he go against his own intelligence officials yet again, he also went against this. is that lie some plus? plus felix sater will be testifying publicly before congress. what does he know about that all-important moscow tower. and republican congressman mark meado meadows, he claims there is not a racist bone in his body. so how does he explain this. >> we'll send him back home to ken gentlem kenya or wherever it is. ild a py and tomorrow. come with a goal. leave with a plan. td ameritrade. ♪ you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? 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>> no, i don't think i have the authority to do that. i'm not sure i do. but i wouldn't do it. jared is a good -- i was never involved with his security. i know that he just from reading i know that there was issues back and forth about security for numerous people actually but i don't want to get involved in that stuff. >> the president had no involvement pertaining to my clearance or my husband's clearance. >> okay. well, let's go now to one of the reporters who contributed to the story, matt rosenberg. kaitlan collins is also joining us and also a former fbi special act. it is pretty amazing. i know just from reading. and it appears from the reporting that you all are putting out not only did he know that john kelly felt that it was a,quote, order to give kushner the clearance. >> what we were told is that jared had numerous problems. they went back to the very beginning of the administration, finally last year the president said give him a security clear answer and john kelly understood to be an order. he wrote a memo about it at that time. in addition don mcgahn wrote a memo outlining the issues. the president definitely have the loss to order somebody be given the clear nszance and the both got their clearclearances. >> the president is saying he was not involved at all. that is clearly false. john kelly interpreted to be an order. even if that word is a matter of interpretation, the president was not being honest when he said to you all when he was in the oval office with maggie a couple weeks ago when he said i was never involved with the security. i know just from reading. that is not true. >> you are on reportiour report contradicts that. there were numerous concerns raised about kushner's dealings with foreign businessmen who had ties to their own country's intelligence services, concerns about his judgment, whether he had the proper discretion to be trusted with american secrets, whether he had entanglements overseas that would create situations in which he could potentially be compromised. >> and there has been reporting that there were at least four countries that felt that they could use jared kushner in some way. he updated his security clearance form and included 100 contacts with foreigners that he had not included. these are the issues among others that were with his security clearance. what do you make of this reporting from the "new york times"? >> well, erin, we were trained in the fbi to conduct security clearances and there are nine different areas that agents will ask about when they do this. it is character, associateses, reputation, loyalty, ability, finances, bias, alcohol and drugs. and anything that raises concerns in any of these areas could be a reason to delay your clearance. the two most common reasons to delay or deny a security clearance are either financial issues or foreign influence. and these are the two things that jared pinged on. and the reason here is that, a, you don't onewant someone who h divided loyalties or are has leverage over you. so it is astonishing that these concerns were not heeded. i think it goes to how much this administration cares about the trustworthiness of the people holding this information and the ultimate arbiter is the person at the top. >> and you hear that he went against the recommendations, very clear recommendations, and had them to do it anyway. and then, you know, let me replay because i want everyone to hear the reporting is that there are these memos that kelly was ordered by the president to give the clearance to jared kushner and then this is just -- this was a year ago. and a few weeks ago the president directly asked about it. let me play it. >> did jyou tell general kelly r anyone in the white house to -- >> no, i'm not sure that i have the authority. i'm not sure i do. but i wouldn't do it. jar receipt ed is a good -- i w involved with his security. just from reading i know that there was issues back and forth about security for nunlrous peop numerous people actually, but i don't want to get involved in stuff. >> the president had no involvement pertaining to my clearance or my husband's cleer clearance. >> so the reporting directly con are contradicts everything that they just said. did he think nobody would just look into it? >> that is what is fascinating if the president was operating under that impression because jared kushner's security clearance as well as eye can have a trump's has been a subject of discussion since last spring when all of this came to the forefront because of the staff secretary who was accused of domestic abuse. he was having trouble securing clearance which is unusual for that job where you handle so much paper work and that's what put attention on jared kushner and ivanka trump's security clearances. at the time our reporting showed that they were actually blaming john kelly the chief of staff for the hold up in their security clearance s they thougt he had something against them, there were questions about whether or not they should be working in the west wing. and so interesting based on this reporting from the new york times that it was actually the president who ordered john kelly to be the one to authorize them to get the security clearance. so it raises a lot of he questions about in a role. and also i'd like to point out right now jared kushner is on a tour through the middle east pitching his middle east peace plan right now to several countries. and now that is something that he only had being beingaccess t that information because of the security clear afternooearance . >> and there is also the issue that now people actively leaking things, these memos which the president no doubt thought would not get out, now these kinds of things are coming out. >> yeah, i think that what is important here is that look, at the end of the day, the president does have the authority to make this kind of decision. this is something that people should dr when they decide who becomes the president. if that person is not trustworthy, they may have person who are not trustworthy to get clearances. but the problem here is that he continues to demonstrate a lack of twrans parns ciransparency. if you are going to make a decision, at least be accountable for it. and the fact that these people continue whether in the fbi or john kelly to have to document it tells you how beyond the pale they believe the decisions are. >> thank you all very much. if you don't think someone is trustworthy, consider whether you want them to be the person deciding on security clear answers. next, breaking news, the russian foreign businessman at the center of the trump tower moscow deal will be appearing before congress. what does he know. plus republican congressman mark meadows, he says there is not a racist bone in his body despite saying president obama should go back to kenya. we'll talk to someone who worked with him. does she agree. at fidelity, we help you prepare for the unexpected with retirement planning and advice for what you need today and tomorrow. because when you're with fidelity, there's nothing to stop you from moving forward. you won't find relief here. congestion and pressure? go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritin-d. while the leading allergy spray only relieves 6 symptoms, claritin-d relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d relieves more. new this hour, adam schiff announcing that former trump business associate felix sater will testify publicly march 14th. now, he felix sater is a really important name. he was born in russia. played a key role in trying to make the moscow trump tower happen. and the project of course we have learned was being discussed all the way until the election despite what then candidate trump initially and publicly and repeatedly claiming which is that he had nothing going on in russia. obviously that was not true. evan perez, former district attorney and also david gergen. how significant is it that mr. sater who had a key role in the moscow trump tower project, the plans, discussions there, will be of be testifying. >> it is very significant because he is at the center of this project that for many months we were told the president had abandoned, that candidate trump had abandoned, that it had been put aside while he ran for president and we found out that was not true. these were discussions we've learned were going on all the way through the election. so i think that it is very important that felix sater who is someone who obviously has mob ties, russian mob ties, going back to the 1990s, that is where he got in legal trouble previously. and yet he still ended up being close enough to the president. had an office on the same floor as the president according to michael cohen's testimony yesterday. so there is a lot that felix sater can shed light on as a result of where he was. >> and so that point what evan just mentioned, felix sater was close, there is a lot of things that has proven to be true, but what he said about this office in trump tower that he had -- offer i'm sorry what michael cohen said, let me play the exchange yesterday that is about felix sater and his office in trump tower. >> isn't it true that because of mr. sater's relationship to the trump organization, that he had an office in the trump tower? >> and on the 26th floor. >> the 26th floor is important why? >> because it is mr. trump's floor. >> he had an office on the same floor as president trump? >> in fact his office when he left became my office. >> and isn't it also true that convicted russian mobster sater even had business cards indicating that he was a senior adviser to donald trump as reported by the "washington post"? >> yes. >> did convicted russian mobster sater pay rent for his office? >> no, he did not. >> okay. >> kind of an interesting person to have around. i mean, to say the least, right? he is a logical person for congress to want to hear from. he may well already have met with prosecutors one would assume that if the mueller team is interested in trump tower moscow and we know they are, they talked about that in their sub mipgss s i mission submissions in michael cohen's case. and so trump surrounds himself with michael cohen who has done some very bad things. and also with felix sater who has these convictions. >> do we have donald trump talking about felix sater? do we have it? okay. so you just heard what michael cohen said. right. that felix sater -- sorry, he got felix sater's office on trump's floor he had senior adviser to donald trump as his business card. he works on donald trump's floor. didn't pay rent for his office. so when donald trump is asked about felix sater, this was a few years ago, hireere's what h said. >> about how many times have you conversed with mr. sater? >> over the years? >> over the years. >> not many. if he were sitting in the room right now, i really wouldn't know what he looked like. >> this is chilling. chilling to think that russian problem sister wou mobster would have an office on the same floor and i do think, you know, this is the first of a number of people we're going to see who will be testifying both in public or in private as a result of michael cohen's testimony. he has put a spotlight on people that congress will feel emboldened now to bring in and push hard. >> and it is chilling when you think about it, right, an officer on the same floor as the future president of the united states. a person with ties to the russian mob, a ties whose person said senior adviser to the president of the united states -- sorry, to donald trump who was not yet president. and when donald trump was asked about this guy, said i wouldn't know him if he walked in here. that is chilling to hear. >> yeah, it is and we have to remind people it is rare for us to see public testimony like this there someone of this -- someone who has this kind of station frankly, this close to what became the president of the united states. and so i think that it will be very important to hear this partly because even if he has been part of the mueller investigation, we don't know how much of this will ever be made public from the mueller investigation. so this is why public system by -- that congress can order is very, very important for us to sort of get the story, for us to understand exactly what happened. because we may never hear this from mueller position. >> and these are clue shal cruc. and of course the president said discussions had ceased and michael cohen admitted that that was fall. continued up until the election. rudy giuliani admitted that. so trump tower moscow is important because what happened, who were they trying to sell things to and in exchange for what. let me play this from yesterday. >> did mr. trump tell you to offer vladimir putin a free penthouse? >> no, ma'am. that was felix sater, a marketing stunt that he spoke about. >> so felix sater had suggested to you that mr. trump offer a pent democratic hou penthouse to mr. putin? >> yes, because it would drive up the price square foot. >> what is the significance to you? >> it looks like something part of quid pro quo. we don't know the full context of that offer, but while running for president, while taking positions on issues related to russia, while making statements about putin during the campaign, while changing the republican party platform, he assign simu s simultaneously is talking about offering a $50 million penthouse to vladimir putin in a building that could never be built in moscow without putin and the russian government's approval. to do business with russian businesses, you are doing business with the russian government and that is putin. >> and trump knew that. final word david. >> and it would be the tallest building in all of europe if it were built? >> yes, i remember where they were saying that. >> th the larger picture is tha the mueller. >> reporter: will be damaging but not legally explosive, that tell not nail don jr. or the president. so i think from a democrat's point of view, there was a concern that if he came in with a relatively clean bill of health, there would be enormous pressure from the republicans to close down further investigation to congress. stockpiling on. i think cohen's testimony bolsters the democratic view that there are other things that are important that we need to know about our president. >> all right. thank you very much. next the republican congressman accused of racism in the michael cohen hearing now on the defense about these comments. >> we'll send him back home to kenya or wherever it is. >> plus president trump's shocking comment about otto warmbier, the american student who died after being tortured and imprisoned in north korea. the president siding with kim. isn't what goes into your soup... just as important as what you get out of it? 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>> well, first of all, the exchange between mark meadows and representative tlaib, i thought the way that elijah cummings handled that was absolutely respectful, civil and just classy. i know both of them very well. they have a greated a miles per hour wrags for each other. and great respect for even 00 other. i also know mark meadows really well. and i call him like it is. i call out steve king and all these people who have done horrible things and mark meadows is not one of them. he is the only one who stood up and said i want to help you with temporary protect difference status when the president was trying to do away with it especially with hey issues americans that i know could in the go back to their country. so you could see it was incredibly emotional and i know him very well. and i can tell you that i have m m had -- i've experienced nothing but a kind respectful human being who did not -- that respected me and admired me as a black woman. >> all right. so karen, obviously that is significant coming from her, she knows him. meadows yesterday when he was in this exchange with rashida tlaib which i'll play more in a moment, she's saying putting up a black woman saying here is a black woman so he can't be a ra repeal and repla racist, he got very emotional and he says he is not racist because he has family members of color. here's what he said. >> my nieces and nephews are people of color. not many people know that. you know that, mr. chairman. and to indicate that i asked someone who is a personal friend of the trump family who has worked for him, who knows this particular swrid that sindividu is coming into be a prop, it is racist for her to suggest that i asked her to come in for that reason. >> what do you make of that logic? >> a kooump thicouple things. i certainly can understand from congressman meadows' perspective why he would not understand that for many of us, former congressman love may not be one of them, watching what he did felt very racist. it felt like a racist act. simply saying look, i had a black person who worked if me and by the way racism is not just black and white, i have a black person who works for me, therefore i'm not racist when particularly we know that it was the practice of the trump organization, the real estate company, to mark a "c" on the applications of people of are color, of black people back in the day. that was their practice. so merely them putting up one person is not the way to dispel racism. now, i also thought that the comment frankly from mr. cohen was kind of a side show and it felt like pllanny davis had him throw it in there. but i'm a b biracial person and a descendant of slaves. i have white members in my family and they don't think of themselves as racist but they do say things that sound like they are racist and i find myself saying you have to be careful what you're saying there because this is going to be perceived as racist. so when we talk about racism, what we have to understand is part of getting through these barriers, part of understanding each other is understanding the perspective of the person who is saying hey, that felt racist to me. that act felt racist. i hear congressman meadows was offended and upset. but the real way you move forward is to say i hear what you're saying. i don't agree with you, that is not what is in my heart, but let's have a conversation. >> the question is his response to this, and i played a moment ago when he said we'll send mr. obama home to kenya, that was obviously a few years ago and he admitted that he shouldn't have made those comments. he's apologized. but is the response to what he did yesterday, instead of saying there is not a racist bone in my body to say i didn't mean that to be that and i'm very upset someone could have felt that way and i apologize -- i mean is there a a way that he could have handled it better instead of saying there is not a racist bone in my body? >> i don't think that way that handled it better instead of saying there is not a racist bone in my body? >> i don't think thatway that h handled it better instead of saying there is not a racist bone in my body? >> i don't think that to assume that this person was brought in as a prop i think that that is an injustice to a woman who decides to stand on her own to make to -- whether it is being an example of what is being said by representative meadows, i think that, you know, she got up there, she stood on her own and she is the one that decided with her own mind to stand there. >> but he offered high schoer a evidence -- >> let me finish. he shouldn't have -- i don't think that that was the place for that. as a matter of fact, i think that unfortunately being racist is not a crime. it is stupid. you know, i look at -- that shouldn't have been the place for that. and to have to actually give any credit to cohen for bringing some of these things up, it wasn't the place for it. and i think that that is where mark made a mistake. he shouldn't have done that. but again, the best -- the way that i saw it handled by chairman elijah cummings and mark meadows to me was a great way to really give respect to the institution which is the house of the american people to say that, you know, we're going for squash this right now. so i think that was the best thing to handle it. >> i agree congressman cummings handled it perfectly because again the purpose of the hearing was completely on a different topic. and as i said, i don't think that mr. cohen should have raised that in his remarks. but again, having had it happen, i would hope that mr. meadows would be open to understanding why certain people might see that racist. >> thank you both very much. next, president trump sides with kim jung-un over the death of otto warmbier. plus beto o'rourke plans to announce whether he will run in 2020 by tomorrow. that's next. i was there, just not always where i needed to be. is she alright? 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"outfront" now, john kasich, former republican governor of ohio, former 2016 presidential candidate. look, he is from ohio, and i know you've been in touch with his family, his parents. one can only imagine what they went through. >> imagine what the mom and dad are thinking today when they heard these words. i got a lot of phone calls from people in ohio saying can you even believe he did this. it's just completely inexcusable. and i remember when otto was first taken. i had conversations with mrs. warmbier. got bill richardson in the middle of it, trying to get information. and they were so hopeful, so hopeful that this would be resolved, that the north koreans would come to their sense, and of course it wasn't. and then the president was -- i mean, this man, un, is a vicious dictator. i mean, he killed his -- >> half-brother. >> the story is his half-brother. he used an artillery gun to kill one person. you know, there is no limit to how mean, nasty and vicious he is. and to say i'm going to take him at his word is ridiculous. >> well, of course it's ridiculous. when you think about it, a lone american. there are not many americans there. >> no, of course. >> the associations going on. to think it's going on without ozone knowledge. >> there is a thousand there and therefore i lost track of him. he knows all of that. and when you have americans captured in a place like, that they become pawns. they become people who can be traded. we had one man there from dayton who was held for a while, and somehow he was released. otto clearly, when they talk about his physical condition when he was there, they must have viciously tortured him. i don't even like to say that on television because i hope the family is not watching this. enough already of this. >> when the president says i take him at his word, he feels very badly about it. when i hear that, the immediate thing i hear is what the president said about another murderous dictator, who in this case directly authorized according to the cia chopping somebody up into pieces. >> how about putin? >> so let me play him. >> i have president putin. he just said it's not russia. i will say this. i don't see any reason why it would be. >> i hate the crime. i hate what's done. i hate the cover-up. and i will tell you this, the crown prince hates it more than i do. and they have vehemently denied it. >> you know, erin, i know that when you're in a negotiation, sometimes you want to try to build some kind of a bridge, but to throw your principles out or the principles that affect another family directly or the khashoggis. >> an american family, right. >> yeah. >> that he ostensibly was trying to be sympathetic to. >> i'm going to throw that away in order to get something else. that's not the way you negotiate. that's not the way you do this. and when it comes to north korea, we can never forget their human rights violations. they are horrific over there. you think about north korea. you think about what's happened in china. i mean, america, why is it america matters so much? because we stand for human rights. we stand for freedom. and the fact is if we start moving and somehow just putting shade over the top of this, trying to cover something up, we lose the high ground. and the summit itself, by the way. some people are just happy he didn't make a deal because they're not sure what it would have been. but how do you go to negotiate with somebody like that without knowing what the closing of the deal was going to be? it hurts us. >> so you have a lot of ideas, and, you know, today the republican national committee chairman rodney mcdaniel was asked about you, and the maryland governor, larry hogan, about whether either of you would challenge the president in 2020. here's what she said. >> they have the right to jump in and lose. that's fine. they'll lose horribly. i mean, the president has 93% approval in our party. have at it. go ahead, waste your money, waste your time, and go ahead and lose. >> well, first of all, all my options are on the table. i don't know. she must be worried about me to bring me up. listen, she is elected by 150 people. she's at the republican national committee. i think in some ways they're trying to stack the deck so that the president gets easily renominated. and i don't worry. i could care less, to tell you the truth. and when i look up at michigan, of course, they lost everything. maybe she should spend a little more time in michigan. look, i know her. she is fine. it doesn't bother me. >> thank you very much, governor. >> thank you. >> and i appreciate your time. >> yep. >> and speaking of 2020, beto o'rourke announced he has made up his mind, and leyla santiago is "outfront." >> when will you make that announcement? >> soon. >> reporter: former congressman beto o'rourke says he's reached a decision about a run for the white house after setting a timeline during an interview with oprah winfrey. >> have you given yourself a deadline? i'm serious about that. have you given yourself? >> and the serious answer is really soon. it is really soon, before the end of this month. >> weeks later, with a big smile, he tells us -- >> i'm going to be making an announcement soon. i'm going to be making the same announcement to everyone at the same time. i'm going to want to do it the right way. so that's what we're going to do. >> last night he told me he was waiting to make the announcement to do it, quote, the right way. you know him. what does that mean? what is the right way for him to announce? >> well, i think that all his family would have to be there. >> reporter: his sister charlotte o'rourke tells us she is eagerly awaiting an announcement, just like everybody else, and hasn't been an indication on when or where that could be. >> he said that it's important for him to make sure that his family is on board before he makes a decision. >> yes. >> you're telling me you are on board? >> i'm on board, absolutely. >> what about the rest of the family? >> i think honestly everybody's on board. for him to do what he wants. >> sources say o'rourke has already ruled out an attempt to challenge texas senator john cornyn. since his lost against ted cruz, o'rourke has visited kansas, new mexico, new york, wisconsin. >> we are making a stand for the truth. >> he has challenged president trump's rhetoric and counterprotest on his visit to el paso. >> we stand for america, and we stand against walls. >> and he's still e-mailing supporters, closing one of his latest messages, saying "courage makes victory possible." his actions have inspired his supporters. >> beto for president 2020. >> reporter: michael reyes made these signs, hoping official signs could come soon. born and raised in el paso, he is a long-time o'rourke supporter. >> i think he would make el paso proud to have someone that ran for president or that became president from our town. >> reporter: in an already crowded field of democrats vying for the oval office, o'rourke could be the next to announce. >> au revoir, everybody. >> when and how he won't say. but those closest to him say he'll do it his own way. and, erin, i don't know if you took note of that smile he had when he was talking to me, but his sister certainly did. and she says that is the same smile he had when he decided to run for senate for the midterm election. she tells me she is still waiting to hear from him more specific. so much so that the family hadn't made any summer plans, waiting to hear what he has to say. now a bit of news that we learned this afternoon. we understand that his aides have spoken with democratic operatives. we understand that in the last week, those conversations have shifted to talk about possible staffing for the eventual campaign, although no jobs have been offered according to a source familiar with the conversations. >> all right, layla, thank you very much. and thanks to all of you. anderson starts right now. good evening. thanks for joining us. it is not over for michael cohen on capitol hill, and now lawmakers want to talk with other people in the president's orbit as well. we'll have the lightest on all of that coming up. but we begin with breaking news about the president's son-in-law, jared kushner. "the new york times" is reporting that despite concerns by intelligence officials and the white house's top lawyer, the president ordered his chief of staff to grant jared kushner a top secret security clearance. it's something the president denied doing. it's something his daughter ivanka is on record of saying never happened. magg


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