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Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20130122

33 33 3 3 p, 3 the phylicia barnes murddr trial is settto beggn today. michael johnson is facing first egree murder for the death.megaa gilliland is live from the mitchell courthouse ddwntown... with a look at whht we can expect oohear inside the courttoom. on bothhsides will arrive here in just a few hhurss.. too begin jury selection.'s been more than pwo ears... since 16- yyar-- old phylicia barnes of north carolina... went missing here in baltimore.her body was sssquehanna river..he cause of death....asphyyiatioo.michael johnson... the ex-boyfrrend of phylicia's half sister... is acccsed of her murddr.we're toll prrsecuttrs ámayá play a sex tape... that could impliccte joonson ii barnes' death.meannimee.. the defense pays they plan to call a pfter she was reported missing... at a time that deteccives saa ohnson was not around. russelllneverdon, attorney: "i've spoken with my client when he said he reeprted there when he was fiist caaled. he left. he got more caals from herrand said he'd get back in contact with her, and he was dealing with his new riend, i mean, that's where he was." was."a eiihbor did telll johnson movinnga large storage container... aacontainter that detectives believe had barnes' body inside. hear... how johnson's attorney &pissresponding to that claim.. coming up next from the courthouse i'm megan giililaad, fox45 morning nnes. they ssy murdered hhsswife. - the uspect... darren ruffin... is accused of an argument.poliie were called to an apartmeet on east nnrth avenue friday night... wwere they found davissstabbed to death.court records show assault the day before... and released from jail just hours before he murder. an 86-carr ile-uppin ohio... turns deadly. deadly. police sayya 12- several others hurt... when each other on an interstate near cincinnati... monday morning. officers say a blame.en burrttof snow... is t3 quickly, wws sttcking to everything including the roadway and with the ccld temperrtures the connitiins &pvery icy,,and slick very, ver. fast.the snow is also bbing ohio... this onn involving at plast 50 veeicles. a florida mom issgoing out of &pher way to make sure her dauggter is ssfe at school.. 3&"laura lauria" has paid nearl 12-ttousand-dollars toohave a deputy stand guard t her daughter's elemmnttry school. the ddputy will be there six hours a daa....monday through friday.laurie sayssshe becaae concerned fterrthe ass schhol shooting at sandy hook. 3 even though john harbaugh would rather downplay it... therees an 8-hundred pound goriila in the room.he's facing his own fleshhanddblood ii the super bowl. bowl.for the first time in any major american professional sport... brothers go game.but bothhjohn and jim hip agrre... that's not tte story 01:00:20:38 john: "every stooy interesting. there's nothing at- more to learn. you know the pape across he middde of the room story, ok? you got it. yyu know it's k. we'reejust like anyyother family. and really opp the focus is nnt so much on that. i get it, it's really cool and exciiing and all that, but it's really pbout the team."--utt to- p1:000:5:33 jim: "you know two brothers playing in the super bowl and what that ttkes away from that yyu're talking about nt mysslf ann john, hat's less time the players are going to be talked about." about."heading into the foxborough sundaas... the get ray lewis to theesuper eon bowl.bbth are now checked off . we're following ray's last pide all the way to the our storiis on the ravens ee playyffs.... hear raw &pinterviews froo the pllyers.. pnd find other web links by goinn to our websiie... foxbaltimore dot com. lick some couples ake a year orr &pmore to plan their wedding.bu we're doing it innjuut one &pweek.itts our wedding in a week contest... and yoo can enterrto win an all- expenses- paid wedding... on us. shhuld win.send your entry to west 41st stteet in . 2000 or loo onno ffxbaltimore dot com to enter... you can also enter oo ourrfacebook pagg... just click on the weeding in a week taa n the left side oo sure ooread tte official rules and include a photo witt your entry! eetry!and it's all brought to you by he baltimore bridal show at thh baltimore conventionncenter february 2nd and rd. 3coming up... all eyes were on presiddnt obama... for his second presidential inauguration.but for social media users... all eyes weee on someone else. else.the moss talk-about moment from yesterday's event... on acebook. so if ydead battery,t tire, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [ all ] who's new in the fridge! our mystery guest: ensure complete... you support bones? [ ding! ] i've got calcium and vitamin d. oh! immune system. [ ding! ] one word: antioxidants. heart health? [ ding! ] my omega 3s never skip a beat. how 'bout muscles? [ ding! ] i have protein and revigor to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. [ ding! ding! ding! ] that's a winner! ensure complete! [ female announcer ] the four-in-one nutrition of ensure complete. a simple choice to help you eat right. [ major nutrition ] ensure complete. nutrition in charge. [ major nutrition ] ensure complete. 3 it's a struggle to fit in and feel like you belong.. but one bird promises to show you the way...the quess of the zizi bird is starting this weekend at theepumpkin theatre. mornings hhmetown hotspot. - zizi bird.- who came up with e the idea of this play?--what see?we see??- the quest offthe ziz bird starts the quest of the the quest of phe ziz bird starts saturday january 266h and 27th then runs again feb..2nd and 3rd. tt learn more log on to fox baltimore ddttcom slash morning. 3 3 3 are you our biggest fan?then you can become.. our fan of the day! everyday we'll pick one of our fox45 news at become a page... facebook dot com slash coming up... . "ggoupon"... is making a big change to the serriccssit siteeis now cutting... that's leaving some companies upset. and southwest is rolling out a new fee. how mmch you'll have to pay to be a paat of the newwboarding group. and the &pwatching ffx 45 morning newss ((break 2)) [ lane ] are you growing old waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. 3 new this morning... bloccbuster is gettinn ready to cllse 3-hunnred of its u-s storee. that's accooding to thh l-a ttmes... which sayy the move would leave some work.blockbustee was bought out by satellite t-v provider "ddsh"... in says many of thh closing stores have reached the eed of their leases. thh number of students graduating high school is the highest it's been since 976. that's accooding to a newll- released study... by thh u-s department of educatiin. officcals say the steadd rise eeonomy... and greater ling - competition for newwjobs.the national dropout rate is about "groupon" has announced 3 it's ending all currrnt and future gun-related deals. the move comes a month after the ddadly mass shootiig in newtown, connecticut. all existing ann planned discountt for shooting ranges, conceal-and-carry aad clay shooting have been canceled, the deciiioo is now coming under ffie from ssoe businesses... who say their deals were caaceled abruptly anddunfairly. today federallinnestigators in the u-s are scheduled too conduct more tests... to ensure the safety of boeing's dreemliner 7-8-77ssspiiionss about he batteries and a possible fire isk prompted the uus and otter nations... worldwide last week.the ners - aircrafttccsts about 200-million dollars tt make. southwest is rolling out a new fee... forrearly boarddng. passsngers can now pay 40- dollars to be part of the airllne's first boarding group... since it does not have assigned seating. ccrrently... paasenggrs ccn ensure they boarr first by &pbuying a special business class ttcket or joininn a loyalty prooram. now... everyone will have thht option &pif spots are available. a poodle-mix puppy gets an getting stuck in pluff mud." that's a ooey, smelly mud... found in parts of soutth carolinn.take a look at the before picturee.. and hen the after rrsult... when the it was well worth the wait.the dog isn't micro-chipped... so it's hoping the owners will &pturn the eannime... it's been given a very appropriate naae, "muddy coming up... p if you think you're a ravens superfan... this grandpa may have you beat. find out just owns. and how much he's willinggto spend n "i, baraak hussein oobma dd solemnly swear..." swwar..."but next... the line prom president ooama's inaugural speech... that prompted 28-thousand twwets... innjust one minuteeyou're watchinggfox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) ((bump in)) turkey sausage. turkey what? amazing. dunkin's new turkey sausage breakfast sandwich. surprisingly great sausage taste with under 400 calories. try one today. america runs on dunkin'. the fifty-seeenth presidential inauguration wassthe first to have its ownnmobile app. but as karin ccifa explains... but that's not the only way things channed since four years ago. even the first daughters had smartphones innhann, snapping pictures of dad's big daa. if pou were here...i, barack hhssein obaaa doosolemnly were robaaly sharing, texttng, tweeting and captuuing the moment, here. mmllioo tweets duriig monday's ccpitol inaugurationnccremony, versus just 82,000 in 2009. the peak of almost 8,000 this line.we cannnttmistake ih aasolutiim for ppinccple, or substitute spectacle for politicss or treat nnme ammng the daa's top topics on facebook - "president obama," "country" and "ameriia" withh by the nationallanthem as performed by eyonce.but the &ppig reveal social media waite obaaa in her highly- anticipatee inaugural ball jassn wu, ho designed er first inaugural dress.the first lady wws also amongg monday's top google seaaches. keeping up with the day's pob itself,,especially at washingttn's madison hotel, where one erk of a posh butlee for the day.if you'd &plike to be streaming what &phaapy to tweet for you, maybe use instagram if you want mmre of a photo story at the end. perhhps somethiig toothink about, n anotthr our ears. i'm karin caifa in wwshington, and that's your inaaguration download. coming up... an unusual item... stolen froo one family's homeewhat ii was... and why the faaly is now askiig for help. ((mmgan live tease)) you're watching fox 45 morning neww.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) 3 the trial of a man accuuee of killinn phylicia barnes.the prosecution's strategy on foxx5 ews at five.. -live ook harbor 3 3 map 195 mmp 3 miccael johnson ii set to accuued of killing north carollna teenager phylicia &pbarnes wo yeers ago here in . baltimore.megan giililand is courrhouse downtown... with a look at what we can expect to hear iiside the courtroom this good morning guus...there are 30 thousand pages of discovery in this case....pieces of evidence that will be used during this all sttrts today at 9:00 o'clock this morning... with jury selec.'s been wo ears since... 16-year old phylicia barnes went missing here in baatiiore.her body waa foundd months later in the suuquehanna river..hh cause oo phylicia's half sissee eena murder.a neiihbor told her investigators that he aw johnson moving a large stooage container... a container that deteccives believe haa barnes' body inside. attorney: "i certainly don't think it haddphylicia's body "what i was really surprised was are the number of times hh made contact with my little cousin she's 16 yeers old he's 28 yeers &pold 500 text messages." mmssages."pposecuttrs say duriig deena arnes' &ptestimony... they ámaa play a &psex tape recorred on deena's several subpeonas for phonn meantime....defense attorneys plan on calling a witness from reeorted missing.sources teel personnel files for thh lead baltimorr cityydetective in johnson is facing first- degree murder.we're told barnes family will be inside the courtroom as thii trral with from theemitchell gilliland, ffx45 morning news. a police chase ii finksburg urns deadlyy police say a route 140 early mondaa morning. he later died at the hospital. the driverrof the van was injured but is expected to survive. under investigatioo.stiil - a man is seriously injured in illeeal fireworks.. in glen burnie. "craig urban" sent ussthese phooos froo the sceneealong meyers court....where heavy smokee pouree frrm he home saturday &pmorning. ccews were able to put out the bbaae before it ssread....but the homeeis a totall oss. loss. police innhoward county are on the lookout for a home... and stoll an urn filled with ashes of one familyy' deceased cats. cats. it happened about a eek ago at a townhome on sweett wind place in columbia. the pox ssmilar wws to this cats... named 'tonto' and ripkenn. 3&"im sure theyywere surprised when thee opened the boxes.. i would sure like hhe rrturnee" returned..""his is a phooo of anyone with information s askee toocall owarr county police. 3 just about veryone's wearing purple they hould... should...but one grandpa in howard countt is taking it to a new levell everything jerry henllne wnn is decked out in ravens gear. his car has 16 pfags on it...buttinside it's a purple tailgating frenzy with platts and more.but &pttat's not all. inside his ma cave it'' a ravens superfan heevvn. ""andpainted wine glasses, ray rice siin pictures hammers ravens ouch the official ravvns helicopter---nats of helicopter musicc" and yoo betterrbelievv jjrry's going to the superbowl. he's been a season ticket holder for 17 yeaas.he says the big event will cost him aaout 5-thousand dollars. we're following ray'' last riie all the way to the ssperdome in newworleans.see our stories on the ravees pnterviees from theeplayers... and find other wee linns by going to our websitee.. foxbalttmore dot com. click on thhe"ray'sslass ride" &pbanner on our homepage. if you thinkkit's cold in maryland... this next video might leave yoo humbled. pumbled.aareporter in minnessta shows vvewers just cracking an egggon a cookie ppn.30 minntes later... it's frozennthe state is currently dealing with temperattres in the ánegatives.á &pand iffthat's not proof... maybe this will be.annanchor and meteorologist innminnesota tosssa cup of hot water into the ccnnsse the water immediately turns into sttem. for those who are daring enough... an artic plunge is sccedule for tomorrow... when crawl back into the - ccming up... presiient bama issbeginning to show his age... at the start oo hhsssecond term in off. offiie.the medical reason... presidents go grryyfasttr than tte est of us. -3 you're watching fox 45 morninggnewss. all local.. all mornnng. new honey bunches of oats greek yogurt and whole grain. here we go. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. we perfected the pastrami sandwich -- [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the big hot pastrami melt. filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese. all piled-high on our signature freshly baked bread. made hot, toasty and just for you. and don't be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity -- add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapeños or crisp green peppers. get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today! subway. eat fresh. &p((break 5)) 3((buup in)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 33 pp3 3- 33 3 ccming up... it's no secret... presidents get gray hair... during their term in office.the medical faster than the rest of us. (sot: infomercial) "get ready to punnh your wwy to the perfecc body." body." and consumer reports uts 3 of the most populaa infomercial we'll tell you which ones actually work... just minutes froo're wwtching fox all morning. ((break 6)) 3 nnw this morninn... today marks one year since joe paterno's ddath.the legendary peen state coach died of lung canner... at tte age of 85.his death foolowed a child sex rrtired aasisttnn oach jerry of mmlesting dozens of young boys. residents in state coolege, ppnnnylvania plan to remember paterno... with a vigill today marks 40 years... since phe supremm court ruling of roe v. wade... which legalized aborrion in the 1977... the supreme court voted that every woman has thh ight too aaort her about a mother's rights... which continues to be a controversial topic today. &pit was a jaa-packed inauguration day in the nation's capitol monnay... with speeches, paraaes, music, &pand dancing... all to cclebrate the start of president obama's second term. this mmrning rene marsh is live in washington, dc with the highlights. pighliggts.good mmrning, rene. --rene oo cameea intro-- there &pwith headliners liie alicia paisley to name a few. watching the firss couple i you ot the senne they were really soakkng in their experience at their secood inaugurrtiin. --donut-- --sst-- i barack hussein obama do solemnly swear. --track-- it was a day full of &psymmolism .america's first bback ppesident inaagurated publicly for a second term on the day the natton king jr's bbrthday. onn of the bibles obama useddat the within the president's speech -- a theme of civil rights and &pequality. --sot-- our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers, and daughters can earn a livvng equal o their efforts. our journee ii not complete unnil ouu ay brothers and sisters &pare treeted likee nyone else under thh law. --track-- thee president's innugural speech pandwiched between poetry aad mussc. the grand finale.. beyooce singiig the national anthem --nats-- --track-- tten the president aad first lady e - same. the whirlwind of a day pommander in chief ball. the will the first lady weer? --sot-- ...michelle obaaa --track-- mrs. obama opted for a long red jason wu gown - the same designer she wore to the inaugural balls four years ago. the first couple enjoyed including the debt ceiling, r gun connrol and immigratioo reffrm..--rene on camera tag-- the first white house riefing will happee today at 11:30 a.m. with ress secretaay jay carney. congress gets back to work todaa as well. &p1) so what haapens now to michelle obama's inaugural president's schedull on hii pirst official day back to work? p, that brings us to that brings us to our question oo the you belieee you're better off now than you we'll take your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. you can also go to us what you think... sound off throuuh facebook or send ussa tweet.. at foxbaltimoor. cominn up... sttll trying to fulfill hat new years resolutioo offggtting into shape? consumer reports put some exercise products... to the test. &p ww'll show you the that bikini shhped body...'re watching foxx45 [ female announcer ] we invited women to see the not so pretty truth about their body washes. i wouldn't change. [ female announcer ] this test paper was designed to react like your skin. if other body washes can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] new dove is different. its new breakthrough formula changes everything with the blend of gentle cleansers and nourishing nutrium moisture. so what do you think now? definitely switching to dove. [ female announcer ] this is new. this is different. this is care. if getting into shape is sstll year's resolutions... and you're wondering if some infomercial exercise products can get you theree.. you're in luck! consumer eports juss put three to the test. 3 ((v/o))there's nothing like a gooo infomercial to grab your attention! (sot: iifomercial) to the peefect ody.""v/o) consumer reports tested three p jay glazer's perfect punch... rhythm rocker by rounded up staffers to tty out - fitness industry expert to a - evvluute each one. we even had &pour nutrition expert take a look at the dditssthat came with two of he products." (sot: infomerrial)"just glove up, strap in, and start punching!"(v/o)the 30-dollar perfect unch uses mixed martial arts techniques to get you ii shape.but conssmer reports founn you can burn calories jogging amount of fouu-and-a-half miles per hourr from perfectt (sot: ugene ar - chin)"it kept rubbing against my houlder."(sot: erin gudeex) "one mmre time those bands come snapping up and hit me in the ears, i was going to rip it in half."(v/o)next up - the 99-dollar rrythm rocker y rockin, crunchin', rollin' porkout syytem." (v//)the rhythm rocker comes with several different workouts and a utrition guide. consuuer reports' panelists tried out the eleven-and-a-half-minute you burn the equivaleet of hour on a treadmill. (sot: kim kleman)"as for the seven-day diie, it's pretty strict so you could probably losee exxert said it offered limited maintenaace proggam..(v/o)and ffnaaly the 50-dollar nautiius corebody reformer ffr women. it combines yoga, pilates, andddance in one workout. panelists found some of the alance exercises tricky, but overaal this machine did well in consummr &preportt testt. (soo: kim klemmn)"the workouts are ell- roundde, and if you'rr somewhaa fit and are looking to improve your stteegth ann flexibility, it might be one po considerr" coming p in our 7 o'clock &phoor... it's one of the most on oor show.we'll ttll you how to enter for a áfreee pedding... on us... justt and latee....what he first &plady is accussd oo doing during monday's inauguration... that some are calling rude.á you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all orninn. 3 snoo...could be on the way.when we could get a blast pnd.... from jet black to salt that presidnets go gray fasterr thanntte rest of us. 3 33 tuesday anuaryy22nd 3 3 3 3 michael johnson is facing y.- first degree murder for the tten's deathh death.meeaa gilliland is live from the mitchell courthouse what we can xpect to hear inside the courtroom. good morning guys...aatorneyy in just a few hours... to here begin jury seleccion. old phylicia barnes of north - in altimore.her body was ere - found months laaer in he death... aaphyxxation.michael johnson... the ee-boyffiend of phylicia's half sister... is accused of her murder.we're told prosecutors ámayá play a sex ttpee.. that could iiplicate johnson in barnes' death.meantime... the defense witness... who saw barnes - after she was reported missing... at a time that around. russell neverdon, attorney: "i've spoken with my client when heesaad he reporred there when hh was first called. he her and said he'd get back in dealing with his new friend, i &pmean, that's where he was." was."a neighbor did teel innestigators that he saw johnson moviig a large storage containee... a containter that body inside.elieve had barnes' - hear... hoo johnnsn's attorney is responding to that claii... from the courthouse i'm megan police arrestta an... who they saaymurdered his wife. the suspect... darren killing melissa davis during an argummnt.police were called to an apartment on east north avenue friday nightt.. where death.court records showw beeore....and was released - from jail just hours beffre the murdee. a police chase in finksburg turns deadlyy pplice say a ttuck into a van after police chhsed him for speeding near he lattr died at driver of the van was injured the crashhis still under investigation. a florida mom is going out of her way to make sure herr daughter is safe at school. "laurr lauria" has aii neaaly 12-thousand-dollars to have a ddputy ssand guard at her daughter's elemeetary school. the deputy will be there six houus a ay....monday through concerned after thh mass -scho. a women essapes death after fallinn onto train tracks in madrid....and its 3& you see the 52-year-old woman here waiting for thh police officer quickly jumps onttothe tracks and pulls the poman to safety moments before expected to make a full he is - recovery. chinese censors are uuing nee bond mmvie "skyfall." appareenly a key sccne that phowed a securiiy uard being &pshot in tte lobby of a shanghai skyscraper ended pp on the cutting room floor.. sceee.the latest james bond installment waa filmed ii two of china's major cities and this week. a group of climbbrss in iowaabbave the cold temperatures tooccimbba frozen silo. sommedid it for college out o do ittjust for fun. to keep the climbers safe. worth thousands!s a prize thousands!what you can do right now.. to enter to wii a free eeding .. on uss uss you're waaching fox 5 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™. new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. 3 you're looking at a volcano in new zealand.....nd its putting on quite a show. steam and sediment are spitting out of the hot lake...and it has icreased in the llst 3 weeks.. buu the volccno is a popular touristt attractionn...and experts ffer ii could erupt with noo warning....putting visitors in danggr. 3 3 33- 3 3 sooe couplls take sooe couules takk a year or mooe to plan their wedding.but ww're doing it in just one's our weeding in a week cootest... and you can enter to win an all--expenses- phoull win.send our eetrr to - "wedding in a week".. 2000 baltimore.. 21211... or log onto foxbbltimore dot com to enter... you can also - week tab on tth left side of officcal rules and include a photo with your entry! entry!and it's all brought to show at theebaltimore ridal conventionncenter february 2nd andd3rd. still ahead.. being first.. will cost you. much more you'lllhave to now pay... to be among the first tooboard a southwest flig. flight. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. aal locaa.. all morning. ((break 2)) -3 i got it when we could download an hd movie in like two minutes. [ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios internet, you get it -- the difference 100% fiber optics makes. but don't take our word for it -- ask a real fios customer. ask me why fiber optics matters. ask me about the upload speeds -- they're sick! [ male announcer ] so go online and send a tweet to a real fios customer. last chance to get fios for just $89.99 a month for 2 years with a 2-year agreement. plus get $300 back. visit for america's fastest, most reliable internet. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. i made the clear choice. claritin-d. decongestant products on the shelf can take hours to start working. claritin-d starts to work in just 30 minutes. power through nasal congestion fast. get claritin-d at the pharmacy counter. paterno's death.thh legendary - penn state cooch died of lung cancer... at the age of 85.his death followed a chill see abuse scandal... involving retired assistant coach jerry sanduuky... who was convicted of molesting ozens of younn boyy. residents in state college, pennsylvania lan to vigil. poday marks 40 years... sinne roe v. wade... hich legalized the supreme court vvted that every woman has the right to prompted a natioo-wide debate about a mother's rights... which continuus to be a controversial topic today. southwest is rolling out a new fee... forrearly boording. asssngers can now pay 40- dollars to be part of the group... since it does not have assigned seating. ensurr they board firsttby loyylty program. now... everyone will have that option if spots are available. & 3 it's a brand new play opening this weekend. the quest of the ziz bird is tarting at the pumpkin theatre.emily gracey ii streaming now for this mornings hometown hotspot. - tell us about the quest of the the idea of thissplay?- what see? the qqest of the ziz bird sttrts saturdayyjanuary 26th and 27th 3rd. to learn more log on to fox bbltimore dot com slash morning. still to come.. the designer of one of michelle ooamm's inauguration outfits... tells us the articce of men'' clothing that design.and next... president obama addresses the nation aadress.a political analyst tells us... what he ssidd wrong.. next. you're watching fox 45 mooning news.. all locaa.. all mmrninn. ((break 3)) the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. that have earned the "keurig brewed" seal of approval. the keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver a delicious cup of coffee every time. keurig brewed -- look for the only mark of genuine keurig quality. pbama being inaugurated soundaa an economic recovery has ng. - begun. americc's possibilities allltte qualities that his s world without boundaries demands: youth and drive; diveessty and openness; an endless apacity for risk and a gift for reinvention. 3 president barack obama delivers the 577th inaguration speeeh yesterday... his second speech as he ppubicly takks term. joining us this morning to ddscuss the differences betweennpresiient obamas inaugaaal speeches is our politiial anayllt john dedie> you were able to watch the 18 minute speech...did the president set a diffeeent tone than four years ago?> "you and i,,as citizens, haveethe power to set this country's course. yoo and ii as ciiizens, have the obliggtion o ssape the deeatee offoor time, not only with the votes we cast,,but of our most annient values nd endurinn ideas."- obamm what do you take ffrm this sennence in his ending paragraph. > he did not apologize forr anythhng in the past four the country more as a team to - take action?> equalityy.. voting ... iimigration and freedom these appear to be the 3 3common themes? appper to be the freedommthesee... immigration and >>equality... action?> equality... vooing - ... immigration and freedom these appear to be the common themes? comiig upp.. did she or didn'' she?the un-lldy like thing miccelle obama wwssapparenttl caught oo camera doinggat the inaaguratio. inauguration.///meg tease/// &pyou're watching fox 45 mornin &pnews.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) the trial of a man accuuee of killinn phylicia barnes.the prosecution's strategy on foxx5 ews at five.. 3 -3 3 garrett county puulic schools are opening 2 3 hhurs late ttday.are opening 2 public schools are opeenng 2 hourssllte today. 3 liberty map 3 thee urder case agaiist begin today.he's the man accused of killing north carolina eenager ppyyicia barnes two ears ago here in ba. at thh itcheel courthouss is - downtown... with aalook at whaa we can expect o hear inside the courtrrom this morni. morning. morning.courtroom ttis hear inside the can expect to look at what we can expect to hear inside the courtroom this orni. morning. a man is seriously injured in a house firr sparked by illegal fireworks... in glen burnie. "craig prban" sent us these photos from the scene along meyers court....where heavy smoke morning. crews were able to put ut the bllze before it spread....but the home is a total loss. loss. 3 33 graduating higg schoollis the highest it's been since 1976. that's acccrding to a newly- released studd... by the u-s department of education. officials say the steady riie is linked to the struggling economy... and reater competition or new jobs.the national dropout rate is about 3-percent overall.,.. which is down from tteeyear before. today federal investigators in the u-s are schedulee to pooduct more tests... to dreamliner -8-7.suspicions about the batteries and a possibbe fire risk prompted the u-s and ther ations... to ground all 50 dreamliners worlddide last week.the aircraft costs about 200-million dollars to make. 33 even though john harbaugh would rather downplay ii... gorilla in the room.he's facinn his own flesh and blood &ppn tte super bowl. bowl.ffr he first time in any major american professional sport... brothers go &phead-to-head n a championshi game.but bott john anddjim agree... that'' nnt the story tt focus o here. interesttng. there's nothinggy 3 more to learn. you know the tape across the middle of the room storyy ok? you got it. you know it's ok. we're just liie any otter family. and i really hhpe the focus is noo so much oo that. i get it, itts really cooo and exciting 01:00:45:33 im: "you know two bowl and what hat takes away from the playerr and every about myself and john, that's less time the playerr are ffxborough sundays... the ravvns say ttey had two items on theirrageeda:get revenge on last season's ending... and get ray ewis to the super bowl.both are now checked off their list. we''e followwng ray's last ride alllthe way to the our stories on the ravens ee - playoffs.... hear raa interviews from the layees... ann find othee web links by going to our website... foxbaltimore dottcom. click pn the "ray's last ride" banner on our homepage. the first lady is cauggt on camera... not acting very ladd like during an inauguration eve. whaa happens when house peaker johnnboehner is giving a toast at a luncc. &plunch.eye rrll nats there's no ddubt all eyes were on michelle as bigggst question was... who was she wearinn? puu toggther this beautiful sseefirst steppeddout on en heechose the fabric ased on men's silk ties. something that she would look - rrally good with him, and i choseea dark avy fabric. it'' fabric thht i had used in my men's collection." collection." for the inaugural ball... mrs. obama chose a long red gown by designer jason wu... who also designed the white gown she still to come... president obama.. going grry? gray?the medical reason presidents go gray...faster. than the rest of us. us. you're watching foo 455morning nnws.. all locaa.. ll ornnng. ((break 55) mmmmmm. a choice of 6 skillet entrees, each with an appetizer, and dessert? whoa! no wonder they call it a complete meal. 3 courses, one diner price. complete skillet meals, starting at $8.99. only at denny's. &pbarack obama was sworn in to offthe united stttes on monday. 51-year-old leader is beginning to show his agee pells us... if you take a look atthistory, you'll find he's in good comppny. company. it happened to bill clinton, george w. bush and jimmy carter, and now it's happeningg to president obamaawhat did all tese men have in common, besides holding the highest office in the u.s.?aal of them quickly turned gray duuing word - stress."there's a condition calleddtelogen effluviuu, ann in a nut shell telogen efffuvvum is when we're losiig our haii more rapidly than we should."as the stress triggers this pondition,,it causes the hair follicle loses a hair, and the - hair grows back, it uses up when eacc new hair ffllicle is replaced, pgment is ussd. once the pigment runs as president obama entees his second term, it's harr not to notiic the ffst-spreading speckles of with the economy, gun conttol and overseas conflicts on his plate, he may see more speckles to come."you only get cells."so what can thh four years?"i think e'lll probably be like billlclintoo full head offgray air."for today's health minute, i'm susan hendricks. ((tosssto weather)) ((ad lib mmetorologist)) -3 3 33-& 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3poming up in our 8 o'clockk &phourr.. no membershipp no problem.hoo to get a good workout without steppinggfoot inside a gym. kickkng off his second term as . president.that brings us to believe yoo're better off now than you werr four yeers go? our phhne lines aar open &pnow... 410-481-4545. you're watching fox 45 local.. all ((break 6)) ((questiin of ddy animation)) as the presiddnt begins another fouu years in office... we want tt know. you believe you're better off now than you were four ears ago?it's our question of the day.oor phone 481-4545.are ooen nnw... 410- roger- bmore bmore 3 ramoneessme what , people have found wayy to cope with the bad economy now then they have in the paat, the ppst as us a little ready for the future." future."rosemarie"i am, but nno bbeause of the president.. it was with hard work and determination on mm art. if it.."carrie"noooooooo!!!! i think its goonn et even orse over the nextt4 years!!!! 2016 can not get here soon enough!!!" 3&coming up in our 8 o'cclck hour.. 3& &pitts a play-- just for a family friendly afternoon- - put... in our hometown hotspot. hotspot.and next... they'vv already starred fundrrising. the frontrunnerr in the race for the goverror. you're watchinn foxx45 morning &pnews.. all local.. all ((break 7)) ((bump in)) coming up in our 8 ((bump in)) p(bbeak 7))((break 7)) ((bump in)) &p3 ((bump in)) ((bump in)) &pcoming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. game over... ffr the creator of pac many seeking in bankruptcy protectioo. you're all local.. all mornng. locall. all mornng.morning news.. all watchinn fox 45 you're watccing foo 45 mornngg you're watccing foo 45 monew honey bunches of oats rain. here we go. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. 3the man.. accused in the murder offphyllcia barnes.. heads to courtttoday.what's expected to happen on day one &ppf the mchaelljoonsoo trial. way.when we couud get a blast of winter... and how much. "you could pay $2,000 forra roo" rooo."and.. that's just for rooo."anhe hotel! the rates for airfare down to new orleans... 3or the superbowl. - 3 3 tuesday, januury 22nd. garrett county public schools are opening 2 hours late today. 3 3 3 3 the phyllcia barnes murder trial is ssttto beggn today. michael johnsonnis faccng first degree murder for the teen's death. death.tom rodgers is here ith more on hat we ccn exxect to hear inside tte courtroom... along with your other top stori. stories. attorneys on both sides will courthouse downtoww in about an hour... to begin jury select.'s been mooe thann tto years... since 16- year- oll phylicia barnes of north carollna... went missing inn baltimore.her ody was found months later in the death... asphyxiition.michael f- accused ii hee murder.we're - told prooecutors ámayá play a sex video... that coold death.meantime... the defense says they plan to ccll a witness... who saw barnes after she was reported misssig... at a time detectives ay johnsoo was not around. &prussell neverdon, attorney: "i've spoken with my client when he said he reeorted there when he was ffrst called. he leftt he got more callssfrom contact with her, and he was - deallng with his nnw friend, i meaa, thha's where he was." was."a neighbor told investigators he ssw johnson moving a large storrge container... a containter that detectives believe had barnes' booy inside. police arrest a man... who they say murdered his wifee killing melissa davis during to an apartment on east north avenueefriday night... where death.court ecords how puffin was arrestee for aasaulting his wife theeday bef from jail just hours before a police chase in finksburg turns deaaly. police sayya truck into a van aftee police chased him for speedinn near route 140 arly monday morring. he later died at driver of the van was innured the rash is sttll under investigation. the body of a lottery winner... poisoned after jackpot... is re-buried. pody last fiist... it &pnatural causess.. butta few days after his july death... a relative conntcted the medical examiner's officeeaad said the should take a clossr look. lethal dose of yanide.led the authorities re trying to ateethe poison hat killed him. speakiig out aboutthis - to hear it. couric ka tweeeed that she'll nterview te'o and hissparenns on her that's wherr te'o is set to &pgirlfriend he claimed he ad he insists hh's the vvctim off an inttrnet hoax. te'o's the unner up for thiss thousands of people descenn on theenation's capittl ffr the preeident's inauguration... but not all of them hadda good experience. "" barack husseii obama... of &pthe united states." states." thissjumbo screen was set up ii an overflow aree on was set up in a this jjmbo screen this jumbo screee wws set up in an overfloo rea oo thh nationaa mall... near the tell... the auuio of the u can - swearrng in is garbled and the video has glitchhs.the man who shot the footaae says that llff... possibly to find aanther screen. 3 souuhern alifornia man is trying to get his rms around a worrd reccrd. reccrd. david parssns is attempt to ggve the most hugs ovee 244hours. he's doing ittto rrise money ffo a non-profit orggaization... that helps children with p0:28-355i'm out here because we're always talking aaout think it's about doing the everrbody that we meet and - enriching people's lives livesby the way... the ecord thousand-709. coming up... if you don't ave time to work out at leen body.... body.... finn out ways get the same results. - that's coming up in about 10 minuues. you're watchhnggfox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump ot)) ((break 3 3 sit back, relax and enjoy the sttrting this weekenn at the pumppin theatre. theatre.emily gracey is streaming now for this mornings hometown hotspot. - ziz bird.- how long is the play?- wwat can we see? 3 the quest of the iz bird starts saturdda january 26th and 7th ten runs agaii feb. 2nd aad 3rd. to learn more log on to fox baltimmre dot cm slash mornnng. 3 3 3- 3- commng up... a baltimore- native... makes thhs week's "wwrst dressed" list. 3& no time for the gym..... don't stresss out at ome. &pthat's coming up on the otter side of the break. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. alll morning. ((break 2)) [ male announcer #1 ] verizon fios is the fastest internet in america. just ask pc mag. [ male announcer #2 ] cable can't touch fios upload speeds. it's hard to imagine anyone ever beating fios. there's no doubt fios is the fastest in the country. [ male announcer #1 ] after 110,000 speed tests, nothing came close to fios. upgrade now and get fios internet, tv and phone for a great price online... just $89.99 a month with a two-year agreement. plus $300 back. don't miss this last chance. our 100% fiber-optic network can deliver america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet -- with no caps on usage. switch now with this great price online... just $89.99 a month with a two-year agreement -- plus, get $300 back. or get this great price with no annual contract. last chance, this deal ends february 2. visit that's once you've got fios, you get it. and according to pc mag... [ male announcer #2 ] if it's available, you should get it. and according to pc mag... ((bump in)) no time forrthe gym... no prrblem.for thissmornings get fit with fox.... endra hines from gold's gym is here o let us know how to workout at hhme. - what workoutt can we do t home?- can we replace powwoften should we d these wor? do yyu have questions about your workout?kendra hines iss baltimore to show us a ew new exeecises ann answer our questions.mmantime, you can send us a tweet or post your quessiin on ouu facebook page. comiig up... a chance that doosn't come around... very oft. there'll even go to the super bowl youuknow so i think it's well worth t." it."how much it will oss ravens fans... to make the trrp to the big gamm. khloe ranns about khris humphries... michelle obaaa's wardrobe is an internet sensation.... and eyonce pooing or h and find out what he had toosay about these news.. all local.. all morning morning. ((break 3)) at honda, we know some people are never happy with the way things are. and are always dreaming of how they coube. smarter, simpler, how-on-earth-does-it-do-that... er. and they make it that way. because things can always be better. we like those people. they think like us. introducing the best civic sedan yet. made possible by honda. ((bump in)) a celebriiy ssster sounds lips...and mrs pbbma makes headliies.... ll of the ... kardashian girls are used to the spotliggt.. but khloe is not one to bite her tongue... so in khloe fashion she is speaking out against her brother n law of 72 days.. she is really upset that 15 months after thhir split, he refuses toolet kim move n with her lifee krrs humphries is still not gganting kim a divorce...khlle ssysshe was a total waste of ttmee. and speaks to him saaing that kim &pused hm for publicity by first.. you have to admit household one..not the other way arrund... we'll see more season oo their show.... while nearryya pillion people came out to see president barrck obama's usual the internet started crazy ovvr michelle obama andd her daughters outffts!the first lady wore a navy thom browne coat and dress. the theestyle f a man's silk tie. - theebell and shhes came from j.crew and her necklace was designed by cathy wwtermmn. sheeis also wearing j.creww shoes.áááááforrthe ball she trusted who else jason u... the same designer who shh puu on the map back in 2009 when she wore his oneeshoulder utfit is complett withoutt jimmy choos... ááá as for in the tyleecategory..the on first lady'ssoutfit and accompanying accesssries ill go to the national archives. it's been said that tth first equivalenttto a whole ad is campaign... p,3speaking of fashion... beyon may be the new face of h ad m.. it's just a rumor but.. last week beyocne was spotted oo a photo shoot... ii a bathinggsuit.. one of her dancers tweeted their locatioo and said h&m all set .aaa., the tweet was uickly deltee, but all that did was make tongues wag even oree.. beyonce has been tighh lipped... and the pd company refuses to comment... but we'll have to wait and see iffbey ends up on a illboarr... now for this week's celebrity fashion faux pas.. iis a homeeown hero who i am personally nnt calling out... but his different appeaaance made &pheedlines so eere just &phighlighting it.. michael phelps went to foxxorough to cheer on the ravenss. bbt is new looo is what had eeerybody talking...i though he was just relaxed...he's trained his whole life if micheal phelps wantssto take some days offf from shaving..i say go for &p... - cominn up... giving aaything... to get to the super bool. powl."forget abouttmortgage payments, reet and car payments o see the game." &ppamm."the high price you'll pay... for the once-in-aa lifeeime expeeience. prinne harry... afghhnistan..thh ppince talks about his time... serring in the british rryal're &pwwtching fox 45 morniiggnews. living with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis means living with pain. it could also mean living with joint damage. humira, adalimumab, can help treat more than just the pain. for many adults, humira is clinically proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist about humira, to help relieve your pain and stop further joint damage. 3&((open)) 3 garreet county puubic schools are openiig 2 hhurs late today. 3 shawan map 3 michael johnson is set to begin today.he's the man acccsed of killing north carolina teeenger phylicia baanes two years ago here in ba. baltimore.tom rodgers tells us what ww aa expect toohear inside the courtroom this morning... along with your other top stories. there are 30-thousand pages of discovery ii thhi case... pieces of evidence that will be used during the trial.ii all staats at 9:00 o'clock this morning... with jury selec.'' een two years &psince... 166year old phylicia barnee went missing in balttmore.her body found months later in the susquehanna rrver.thh cause of death... aaphyxiation.michael phyliciaas half sister deeea o barnes... is accused of her purder.a neighbor told investigators he saw johnssn connainer... a container detectives believe had barnes' body insidd. think it had phhlicia's body pn it not a hhnce."cousin:: "what i was really surprised was are theenumber of times he made ccntact with my llttle 28 years old 500 text essages." messages."prosecutors ay during deena barnes' testimony... they ámay play sex video recorded on deena's phooe.they have also issued several subpeooas for hone and car reetal records. meantime... defense attorneys plan on calling a witness ffom baanee aater she was reported missing.sources teel us they aaso wanttcopies of personnel city deteetive in the case.e - ppoliie innhoward county are on the lookoot for a suspect... who broken iito a home... and stole an urn fflled withhashes of ooe family's deceased catt. catss it happened about weekk ago at a townhome on sweet wind ppace in columbia. the bbx simmlar was to this contained he ashes of wo ripken'. "im sure they were surprrsed when they opennd the boxee.. so if anyone comes across ttem i wwuld sure llke hem returnnd" returned.."this is a photooof oneeof the deceased catt. askkd to call hhward counny policee a mannis seriously injured in a glen burnie house urban""sent us these phooos - frommthe scene alonggmeyers court....whhre heavy smoke poured from thh home ssturday morning. crees weee able to puu it out before it spread to neighboring buildiigs ....but the hhme is a total loss. 3oss..- 3 3& more thhn 1900 million people are without jobs... aad bout 40-milllon havejust given up on looking. looking. thissis accordiig tooan annual report from the iiternationalllabour eepertt saa uuemployment willl riseethis year because of the lackkof jjbs available. the report also says those who have been out of work for 6-months or longee.....damage theii long-term career possibilities. atari -- is filing for chapter leven bankruptcy protection. the compann brought games ikk pong and pac--an into living rooms... one-button joy-stick.according toothe filing, the u-s diiision and new-york based 5-and-a-quarter million an dollars in new financinggthe compann still owns nddmannges mooe than ww hundrrd games consoles, on line and on prince hhrry is deployment in afghaaissan. the "ttird ii line" tt the british throne was helicopper co-pilot wwth the armm air corpss harry says while on missions at talibbn fighters. this is harry's 2-nd toou ii afghanistan. his first deployment in 20077was cut short aater hii wheeeaaouts were leaked.. p3 & with the ravens headed to the super bowl for the first time in 12 years... many fans are trying to get to nee orreans. but they'll have to be ppepared to drop a lot of dough... to make it happen. happen.we talked to the folks at royal traveler planners. according to them... many arr alleady booked to uarter capacity... and those that still have vacancies... want a four night minimummthat could &prunnfans around two-thousand . dollars.many non-stoo fliihts to new orleans that eekend... are already sood ut.going with a conneeting flight will cost between 500 and 700- dollars.then... there's &pgetting into thee ame.the least expensive ticket we found after searching three tickkttbroker websites... was neaaly 18--undred dolllrs. ((wolridge) "forget about mortgage payyenns, rent and par payments to see the game." game."(woolrrdge) "the money's not really a factor, it's poing there, it's the experienc" eexerience.""here are buu companies lanning trips too the super bowl... but those pide all theeway to the ket. superdome in new orleans. superdomeein new the way to the superdome in new orleans. see our sttriee on thh ravens playoofs.... hear raw interviews from he playerss.. aad find other web linkk by going to our website... foxbaltimore dot on the "ray's last ride" bbnner on our homepagg. coming up... from analysts joking around... to one of the aaound. pthere's morgan ffeeman i think.bill ussell, i'm sorryy" & orry." we'l show you all thh quirky moments from the president's inauguration. you're watchinggfox 45 morning. eww.. all local.. all [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the big hot pastrami melt. we perfected the pastrami sandwich -- filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese. all piled-high on our signature freshly baked bread. made hot, toasty and just for you. and don't be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity -- add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapeños or crisp green peppers. get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today! subway. eat fresh. ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 cooing up... giving ssme light- hearted moments... their due. due."the office of presiient of the united ..." ..." the ffn and games that pccompanied the more serious elements... of inauguration day. and new at 9... if you thinn you're a ravens superfan... thii grandpa maa have you beat. the shocking amount offravenn gear he owns... anddhow much & &psuperbowl. youure watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. aal morning. i do interior decoratinging and styling for bars and restaurants. [ male announcer ] whenever a business switches from cable to verizon fios, there comes a moment when they get it -- the powerful difference 100% fiber optics really makes. i got it the first time i uploaded these massive design plans. it was kind of mind-blowing because it happened so fast. [ male announcer ] now do more business per second with the speed and reliability of verizon fios for business. get internet and phone for just $94.99 a month when you sign up online with a two-year price guarantee. plus, get a $200 verizon visa pre-paid card. verizon. the president's inauguration wass't all about omp and circumstance.there wwre some oddball momentsstoo... from &pbeyonce's earpiece to a protester up a treeejeanne moossshows us more. more. it was a day thht got ff with a baag...(nat)not that bang. the bangs n michelle obaam. "and the bangs, lett nott forget the bangs."it was also pnd jay z rubbing shoolders e with newt gingrinch and calista. aadio difficulties ear piece."the bombs burstingg in air."buttshe still naaled the tar spangled baaner. thee president, on the other hand, blew one little word as he took the oath."tteeoffice f stumbllng byysasha aa she literally skipped and ran from malia danced assthey waited for the festivvties to begin. sasha kept picking at and wiping something off her coat. (nats)when the brooklyn glory hallelujah."the .."glory - pressdent may or may not have wiped a tear from his face, but a second later he definitely winked.singer kelly clarkson's rennition of my country tis of thee ....(nat) senator chuck schumer.""ow" of course there were a few media flubs..."there's morgann freeman i think..ill russell, i'm sorry.""the freedom oo every soul on earth..." "welcome backkto ourr continuiig coverage." and boy faces..."hey hello. hhy how pre you all? hi."to the unknown anti-abbrtion protesser in a tree..."when deeisiin likk whether to have an abortion iialways listen to men in trees." whennhe finally climbed down a police ladder... (cheer)thh crowddcheeree his arrest..."go to jail. go to president paused after makiig his last inauggral speech..."i time i'm not going to sse ttis again." and spent lmostt30 seconds gazing back at the sea of spectators. but solemnityy gave way to fist pumping and the kids taking issing pictures of their parentss aa or was by american deeigner thom browne. nd whetherryou llke it or not, it could have been worse. imagine these other designs by browne... inntead of the obbmas, it cculd havv been the inauguration of the nn, nn.e inauguration of the coming up... talk about ccunch pime.the harr work that has to be done... when planning a 3and new at 9....we'll show you phat's about to jump out of this lauudyybaskett.. that has this video racking uppthe hits pll locall. all morning. ews.. - [ regina ] i got it when we could download an hd movie in like...2 minutes! 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DeMar DeRozan addresses important issue in new book

DeMar DeRozan addresses important issue in new book - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Maruti Suzuki Jimny faces uphill battle beyond price challenges, ET Auto

Maruti Suzuki Jimny is probably like Micheal Phelps in a kiddie pool. It packs a hearty all-terrain 4-wheel drive for a market that is yet to have an off-road culture. India isn’t big on modifications as well, further diminishing the possibilities of ‘making it large’, pun intended. Despite being a 5- door SUV, the dimensions are quite compact.


Maruti Suzuki Jimny: Maruti Suzuki Jimny faces uphill battle beyond price challenges

Maruti Suzuki Jimny is probably like Micheal Phelps in a kiddie pool. It packs a hearty all-terrain 4-wheel drive for a market that is yet to have an off-road culture. India isnt big on modifications as well, further diminishing the possibilities of ‘making it large, pun intended. Despite being a 5- door SUV, the dimensions are quite compact.


Meet the Great Britain swimming champion teaching Sunderland's children to swim

Meet the Great Britain swimming champion teaching Sunderland's children to swim - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Pickleball courts are coming to Dilworth Park this fall

Pickleball courts are coming to Dilworth Park this fall - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


2023 U.S. Trials Previews: Momentum Versus Experience in the Men's 200 IM

It's an elite field at the top of the psych sheet, with three of the top seven US men all-time expected to swim this event later this week.


Russia is apparently conscripting dolphins in its war against Ukraine

Russia has increased the number of dolphins guarding the Sevastopol naval base on the Black Sea in occupied Ukrainian territory, according to the UK Ministry of Defense.


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