Julia Hartline, 2020 Junior Fair Dairy Princess, delivers bags of food to Stacey Greenup during the 4-H endowment dinner Saturday afternoon. Photo by Michele Newbanks
Taylor Starkey, 14; Elizabeth Loughry, 15; and Flora Burgardt, 14, serve up dinners to be picked up at the drive-thru 4-H endowment dinner Saturday afternoon at the Washington County Fairgrounds. Julia Hartline, 2020 Junior Fair Dairy Princess, delivers bags of food to Stacey Greenup during the 4-H endowment dinner Saturday afternoon. Photos by Michele Newbanks
Scott Offenberger grills up dozens of steaks for the drive-thru 4-H endowment dinner Saturday afternoon at the Washington County Fairgrounds.
This year’s 4-H endowment dinner and auction was unlike any in the past.