Forces home from the wars in iraq and in afghanistan and while he might be inclined to move that number to 0 in afghanistan the pentagon has said it wants to see a cut of about a 3rd from about 12013002 about 8500 and thats because of the pentagons view the Afghan Military isnt Strong Enough to protect the country from external threats or to maintain the peace within its borders and so the u. S. Has an interest in staying in afghanistan before he left to go to for saturdays signing ceremony the secretary of state mike pompei o told reporters earlier this week that the u. S. Also has a certain counterterrorism a concern in afghanistan and so there is still going to be some sort of u. S. Military presence that may not sit well with the taliban but thats certainly one of the issues on the table the other issue getting back some 5000 taliban fighters out of the custody of the Afghan Military certainly the taliban wants its people back there are those in the Afghan Government who say no thi