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Will Biden pass the America LEADS Act and start a new Cold War with China?
By Jessica DiCarlo and Seth Schindler - 10 December 2020
Jessica DiCarlo and Seth Schindler examine the Act that will accelerate America s economic confrontation with China.
US-China relations began to fray in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, and tensions have soared under Donald Trump’s leadership. De-escalation is unlikely because it would require either China or the US to alter deeply entrenched policies. In recent years, the Chinese Government has expanded its influence across Eurasia by orienting economic activity towards supply chains anchored by its state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Chinese SOEs have invested heavily in transportation, logistics and digital infrastructure, and Beijing will seek to protect these assets. Meanwhile, there is a growing consensus within the US Government that China poses a significant threat to US interests, so the question is not whether but how Joe Biden will ad