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Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 7pm 20141020

the lead detective who stayed in touch with her regularly over the course of nine years and promised her he'd never give up and he never did and i wouldn't expect less from him. so i think it's fair to say that she's grateful that the case will go forward to whatever resolution it comes to. >> and back live here in charlottesville downtown mall area where hannah graham was last seen. saturday they found human remains about 10 miles from this spot. we're still waiting to find out what the medical examiner is going to say. certainly no new facts have come out about the case since that discovery. we're all waiting but to ease speculation we've been talk to a lot of people on twitter. i wanted to bring up some of those questions now. mike mcgregor asked if there was any indication that hannah graham or jesse matthew were in the area where the human remains were found. maybe there were pings from their cell phones. at this point the honest answer is we don't know. police are not answering our questions. they're really not getting back to us and when they do they say no questions until this forensic investigation is done. the tip, however, we've learned was called in by a landscaper that was working in that area. the next tweet i got today, loretta asked whether they would automatically initially refer to dental records to make a quick i.d. on the human remains or if they would later test the dna. that's another great question. basically we don't know at this point whether they did or didn't. the medical examiner also not talking at this point. it's all part of the forensic investigation. i will tell you that we have spoken to several forensic experts and they say that's basically what they do. they do look at dental records first to make a quick i.d. or to cancel someone out, then go to the dna. that dna could take weeks. we're still waiting on that. another thing i do want to point out, we did speak to people at the hannah graham tip line today. they say their calls are still coming in, albeit slower than they were before. the remains were found on saturday. they want more information. those remains were found on old lynchburg road. if you know anything about them, i do want to give you their number. 434-295-3851. you can also always e-mails tips to we'll give you the latest breaking developments at 11:00 tonight. tonight we're live here in charlottesville, debra alfarone. >> a big part of the hannah graham investigation shifts to the state medical examiner's office in richmond. they're going over the remains to find out whether or not they belong to the missing uva student but could be several days before we get any answers. the search for a murder suspect in prince william county now is a murder-suicide investigation. peggy fox with how the search forced a lockdown today at two virginia schools. >> it was a police helicopter that first spotted the body of murder suspect edward heal. it was laying on the baseball field. >> reporter: edward hale apparently killed himself after killing his girlfriend. milt sharp saw it happen. sharp said hale was choking wilson as they came out of the car. >> i came off my porch and said what's going on? he let her go once he heard my voice and she yelled out to me, call the cops. he has a knife and he has a gun. i noticed he had the gun in his hand. he talked it and when he talked it she was walking backwards and slipped and fell on the ground. he pointed the weapon at her while she was on the ground. she said don't do this. and he shot her. i closed the door and immediately yelled for my family to get down. >> reporter: inside sharp's home they heard two more shots then heard hale speed away. sharp raced out to help. >> i kneeled down over her and checked her pulse and she still had a pulse. and then i started doing cpr on her. >> reporter: sharp said he knew it was bad. it looked like she had been shot in the head and face. >> they were talking to me as i was talking to jessica telling her that she needed to live for her children and that i was here and that i was helping her and that she needed to live and that they were on their way. if you listen, you can hear the sirens and the police coming. >> reporter: one of jessica's two children saw sharp trying to save her mother. >> she was a wonderful young lady. >> reporter: sharp says he's no hero, he was doing what he hopes others would do for his family or community. in bristow, peggy fox, wusa 9. the centers for disease control now expected to issue brand new protocols to help protect doctors, nurses, and other hospital workers who are helping patients with ebola. the directors of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases told a town hall meeting today that the current protocols are what may have allowed the two nurses to contract the disease. bruce leshan has an update on nurse nina pham. >> reporter: the director said some in the media got one detail wrong. he said nina pham's condition did not deteriorate from good to fair during her closely watched trip from dallas to bethesda. he said nih simply has stricter guidelines for judging how a patient is doing. >> she's comfortable, she's stable, and she's interacting with the staff. >> reporter: but ebola is a disease that can ravage victims, even if they are receiving the best possible care. >> she still is a bit knocked out. when you get an infection as serious as ebola, it is very, very draining on you. >> reporter: at the wtop town hall at the museum, medical experts urged the public not to panic. >> the ebola virus is not transmitted by air, but fear is transmitted by air. >> reporter: some in the public are worried that this virus could somehow mutate and become transmissible through the air. but the experts really had some comforting words on that. >> you never say never in biology and you never say always but it is entirely unlikely, not impossible, but unlikely that the virus will mutate to the point where it completely changes the way it's transmitted. >> reporter: federal officials are hoping new protocols for handling ebola patients will keep anymore healthcare workers from contracting the virus. but they say the best way to stop it is to stop it in west africa. bruce leshan, wusa 9. still to come on wusa 9, the united states taking a greater and expanded role in the battle against isis militants in syria. >> we hit 70s today after a low of 45 downtown, a low of 35 in the burbs. i'd locate one of these. let me show you the radar. out to the west and north, a couple light showers around frederick, charlestown, winchester. i'll tell you where those are headed. why we had issued a yellow alert for tomorrow and wednesday. >> plus an investigation finds nazi war criminals kicked out of the u.s. are still receiving social security benefits. united states stepping up its involvement in syria. military delivered weapons, ammo and supplies to those fighting isis in syria. cargo planes dropped the supplies to those ground troops right by the city of kobani yesterday. the air drops followed 11 weekend air strikes by coalition forces. now to a grim and gruesome story coming out of indiana. his killing spree may have begun 20 years ago. the suspect, 43-year-old darren van, began cooperating with police after he was arrested for the murder of a nene-year-old woman in a motel 6. police uncovered three other bodies in gary, indiana this weekend when van told them where to look. he moved to indiana after being convicted of sexual assault in texas in 2009. the high end escort accused of the drug overdose appeared in court today. alix tichelman is facing several charges including manslaughter, prostitution, and destroying evidence linked to the death of 51-year-old forrest hayes. surveillance video shows the 26-year-old inject ed hayes on his yacht then watched while he was died. >> alix tichelman did nothing that mr. hayes did not want her to do. two adults engaged in mutual and cooperative drug usage and it went wrong but it was an accident. >> a georgia man associated with tichelman also died of a heroin overdose. police in california and georgia are trying to determine whether they can charge her with that murder also. there have been sharp reactions today to an associated press investigation in to nazi war criminals kicked out of this country who still somehow collected millions of dollars worth of social security benefits. scott broom is following up on the fallout. >> reporter: they were nazis who found a way to get in to the u.s. after world war ii. now we find out once they were thrown out, many of them kept their social security benefits. >> reporter: nazis like former auschwitz death camp guard jacob densinger still alive. he had a plastics company in akron, ohio before he was forced out of the u.s. in 1989. now he lives in croatia and still collects $1500 every month in social security. the case of densinger and dozens of others was exposed by a new associated press investigation. >> it was a shortcut with serious moral effects. >> reporter: it offends american university historian brightman who testified at deportation trials for at least three former nazis. >> this was a long and involved process and i can see why osi was tempted to short circuit the process by out of court settlements, kind of plea bargaining. >> reporter: the ap found the social security payments flowed through a legal loophole that gave the u.s. department leverage to persuade nazi suspects to leave the u.s. if they agreed to go voluntarily. caroline maloney demanded an inquiry calling the payments a, quote, gross misuse of taxpayer dollars. in a statement, the justice department denied it made deals with nazis, quote, those who renounced their citizenship did so voluntarily and in no case did the justice department use a promise of retained social security benefits to induce them to leave. in all the u.s. deported 107 former nazis. 17 of them went on to be charged with crimes in european countries. now we find out many of them also kept their social security benefits. >> only four former nazis are still living and collecting that social security. still ahead on wusa 9, the washington redskins' comeback victory may have come at a heavy cost. who's quarterbacking the cowboys game? kristen berset will be here with the details. never work with kids or animals. they always steal the show. >> a weather man was upstaged. they brought dogs from the humane society up to the weather board every week. works out pretty well. ripple, a 1-year-old shepherd mastiff took over the show. he thought it was play time. isn't it always play time? look at that. huge. >> what a big dog. >> i think this is a great idea. i like it. >> we're going that direction. >> we pet line 9 every thursday where we have adopt a dog. >> but he doesn't come out and help do the weather. >> that was a big dog. yellow alert tomorrow, not for the morning but the afternoon. yellow alert again on wednesday for the morning and not the afternoon. let's start with a live look outside. it's still nice around town. still 65. that's a pretty good deal actually. relativeumidity only 54%. that's not that humid. winds out of the south at 9. they've calmed down as well. so a lot of clouds around. nothing in the immediate metro area in terms of showers but out toward frederick, past leesburg, winchester, hagerstown, light activity moving through. it will begin to weaken. heavier activity, we're following this between winchester and charlestown. you see the yellow there around 11:00. that's going to head over toward charlestown in the next few minutes, 7:25 and maybe get to brunswick by about 7:49. most of the showers will stay west and north of the immediate metro area but a couple sprinkles are possible between 9 p.m. and midnight. so clouds move in, yes. passing showers possible. bus stop temps nothing like this morning. it got down to 35 this morning. 46 to 58 tomorrow. showers will arrive after the morning commute and wednesday both commutes are going to be wet though i just saw some new data that a, it doesn't look super heavy on wednesday. and b, some of the showers could get out of here before the evening commute on wednesday. we'll keep you posted. right now we'll keep tuesday and wednesday as yellow alerts. 10:00 tonight, want to walk the dog, you can. couple showers primarily west. leesburg, cul -- culpeper. we start with sun. 53 downtown. upper 40s in the burbs. by 3:00 we're still okay in the immediate metro area but showers are now popping out to the west. culpeper and martinsburg and hagerstown. by 5:30 this is brand new information. i haven't seen this yet. this is heavier activity now around 5:30 out to the west. i think that's a wee bit over done. it rolls through the late latter stage of the evening commute. by 9:00 tomorrow, temps won't be that cold in the 50s. we've got pretty good rain showers across most of the metro area especially in to southern maryland. then by midnight a little bit of a respite before another batch rolls in. tonight, mostly cloudy. not as cold. shower possible mainly north and west. lows 46 to 52. so tomorrow morning on the day planner it's dry with some sun to start. then fading sunshine. 53 at 11 :00. 66 by 1:00. next three days rain and showers on wednesday. i may take the word rain out and leave it with showers. keep you posted. 60. pleasant on thursday. we're back in the mid 60s with sunshine and really nice friday. upper 60s. perfect for high school football. upper 60s saturday. low 70s on sunday. mid 70s next monday also with sunshine. we'll be back with more on the redskins' qb more on the redskins' qb situation af he's been called a super lobbyist, the ultimate washington insider. ed gillespie paid millions to lobby for the oil companies for a student loan company that overcharged taxpayers. his firm even lobbied for five foreign governments including a dictator now awaiting trial for war crimes. and then there's enron. gillespie lobbied for them while they committed the largest corporate fraud in us history. ed gillespie. the million dollar lobbyist whose never looked out for you. ♪ i thought it'd be bigger. ♪ ♪ (dad) there's nothing i can't reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru. in cases of rape and incest, just like the right-wing republicans in congress. they want to overturn roe v. wade. so does she. "i think roe v. wade should be overturned." barbara comstock even voted with right-wing republicans to require women seeking an abortion to undergo transvaginal ultrasounds. that's all i need to know. i'm john foust and i approve this messge. well, it's never a dull moment around redskins park. coach jay gruden was peppered with questions surrounding the ever changing quarterback situation. after kirk cousins was benched at halftime yesterday, colt mccoy, the third stringer took over the reins and led the team to a come-from-behind win. with robert griffin iii medically cleared to return to practice this week, who will we see under center monday night in dallas? >> right now we're going to move forward with colt. we're going to plan -- i like to make the decision as soon as i can to get the reps because i'm a big rep guy and i want to make sure we get the starter ready to go. moving forward for the cowboys we're going to start with colt. >> right now colt mccoy is in. unfortunately on the other side of the ball, brian orakpo is out for the rest of the season. the former pro bowl linebacker tore his right pectoral muscle yesterday adding to the woes of the redskins defense. >> it's a blow. deangelo was a blow obviously at secondary. you lose a proven starter like that and have to play people behind them and hurt your leadership. same with brian. >> i don't even know what to say coming out of that. big blow for the defense obviously. he wasn't playing that great this season. only half a sack. but he's orakpo, kind of a leader on the defense. pectoral muscles. >> it's like he tore the left one twice. >> within several months of each other. could be the last time we see orakpo in the uniform? >> they'd have to decide to resign him again next year after paying him $11.5 million for what we call limited productivity. >> rg3 returns wednesday but gruden said he's got to be 100% if he's going to monday. give him some more time. >> that's our broadcast at 7:00. we're back your way at 11:00. >> make i in cases of rape and incest, just like the right-wing republicans in congress. they want to overturn roe v. wade. so does she. "i think roe v. wade should be overturned." barbara comstock even voted with right-wing republicans to require won seeking an abortion to undergo transvaginal ultrasounds. that's all i need to know. i'm john foust and i approve this messge. we ask kris jenner point blank tonight if her ex bruce really transitioning into a woman? >> we're not rhetting her deflect on any of it or the rumor that he's now dating her best friend. >> i really hope that he's happy. >> i would actually want, you know, a good friend of mine to call me up and say okay, kris, are you okay with this? did you get the phone call? >> right. >> you'll want to hear her answer to that. >> and the bruce question. so many say he's transitioning. >> just his hair alone, i had to let that go. >> also tonight brad pitt's series rolls into london and what do you think? do you think his son maddox sim pressed by dad? >> not that cool. >> mariah practically falling out of her chris and recording herself hitting high notes. it's just a mess, girl, what are you trying to prove? ♪ >> and i love this. it's our "wonder years" reunion. ♪ what would you do >> see winnie, kevin and paul interview each other 25 years later. >> any secret crushes on set? >> i don't think it was a secret. >> yeah, we all loved you. >> now," e.t." where we love an enduring love story. >> hi, everybody. kris jenner has a new cookbook that's out tomorrow called "in the kitchen with kris" in which she dropped by to talk with kevin and me. well, it got a little hot in the kitchen because we talked about everything. >> by the way, that's how kris operates, but what's going on with bruce? is he dating her best friend? kim and kanye, we talked about it all. >> but let's start with this. is bruce transitioning into a woman? tonight's top story, kris jenner on the record. >> i want to ask you about a couple of things in the media. >> okay. >> first, let me ask you. what's going on with bruce, because so many people say that he is transitioning. what's happening with him? >> you know, for me that's not my experience with bruce. he's a great guy. i love him. i don't know what he's going through right now, but he's -- i think he's just very happy, and i think every time he makes a


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