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Transcripts For ALJAZ Inside Story 20221004

but the whole continent. catherine saw all jazeera, all carrier in the rift valley. ah, this is l 0, and these are the top stories. the upper house of russia, as parliament, has approved the annexation of 4 regions in ukraine. the un and western allies say the move is illegal. it will now go to president vladimir putin for final ratification. the annexation formerly incorporates her son's upper region than yes, can the hands into the russian federation. this is based on the results of referendums held over a week ago. but russian forces have been losing ground in those provinces. ukrainian forces have achieved a significant breakthrough in her son. they've pushed through russian defences and advanced along the nip ro river. the game could threaten supply lines, the thousands of russian troops. north korea's latest mis i launch has prompted strong condemnation from japan. the us and south korea. it's young yags, longest range miss yet and the 1st to fly over japan since 2017 in response. so mobilized for fighter jets for military drills and dropped a pair of guided bombs on a target off its west coast for us. jets also took part in the exercise. rob mcbride has been following developments from so we've seen a very strong reaction as you would expect from a japan, from your computer, the prime minister calling as a reckless act. the country's chief cabinet secretary saying that this threatened regional piece and also the international community. we've also had a strong response from sol hear you. and so kel, the south korean president saying that there would be a resolute response from the countries military and also from south korea allies. but you have to say that it's difficult to see just what other measures the international community and the allies in this part of the world can put in place to try to get tests at north korea to change. it weighs a delegation from west africa regional block eco was, has arrived in brooklyn, also after a military coup on friday. com has returned to the capital many a wondering now whether the new hunter can deliver on its promise to provide security. and to banks have been held up in lebanon as frustrated customers, trying to access their own savings. there have been similar incidents during the last month, lebanon's facing a financial crisis, and banks have imposed strict limits on withdrawals. those are a headlines on l 0 this hour. the news continues right here. after insight story. ah, which direction will bosnia take after its election? it's hoped the vote would bridge deep ethnic divides in his balkan country. but when it still bearing the scars of civil war in the 990 s is change possible. what role can outside powers play? this is inside story. ah hello and welcome to the program and hasn't seen a preliminary results from elections in bosnia herzegovina, on sunday, sho, reformists and moderates winning the cro at and bosnian presidential seats. but over war, the outcome is unlikely to bring much change nor movement beyond entrenched divisions in the country. the vote was held to elect 3 members of the shared presidency plus national and regional parliament. the sub seat remains unclear with both candidates claiming victory. the campaign was dominated by nationalists and separatist rhetoric and is seen as the most important vote since the end of the war in 1995. i said beg has more for us from sarajevo. bosnia and herzegovina has spoken. 2 of the 3 seats, the presidential election have gone to reformist muddrick candidates. separate. it said jessica savannah, which has won the presidential seat for republic. us ebsco. both bosnia can cracked when it's cold for unity and the need to move forward. you won't be nasty. the lives of our people in this country of the most important. and that's why i call on all people to unite. so that the citizens of bosnia and herzegovina will be better off regina, my boss, they have several negligent congratulations to citizens of bosnia. i mean, for this victory of my party and myself. now we can really talk about big changes in bosnia coming. but the evening was overshadowed by hi representative for bosnia christian schmidt as pulled closed. he announced he would be making changes to the constitution electoral law and to the size of the lower parliament. with today's decisions. no political party or anybody elected bobby hel, able to hold the federation hostage any more. the feel was if a quite separate his candidate was elected to the quiet seat, then it would increase tensions. it would have given 2 thirds of the presidency control over specific state institutions. separately, their millard, dick declared victory for the presidency of the republic. a serb sca entity is a portrait. i am proud that i was the candidate and now confirmed president of republic obscure and i will do everything so that republic of soap sca continues to be stable to conduct return policy to cooperate with are important partners like serbia, russia, and hungry voter turnout was at 50 percent, the lowest the country has seen since after the war that ended in 1995. also some obo lafelle. i voted. that's my duty, but there is no change for the people. it is just of rotation. dashing arden, ah, every change is good if good people are lead in. no matter if they are red, yellow, white, or blue. if it is good for the country and change will take a great deal of effort from all political parties. politicians in the federation of bosnia and herzegovina face the same challenges as before, the elections, they still have to contend with 2 separatist sub presidents. and although it may be a consolation to some that the separatist croyt wasn't elected constitutional and electoral law changes are also being imposed on them by the high representative, someone, bosnians didn't vote. i said bag inside story, sarajevo abbas and elections are among the most complicated in the world, set up to maintain peace following the breakup of yugoslavia in 1992 and the civil war that followed a state level. it has a 3 way presidency with each member elected to represent one of 3 ethnic groups. it split between eastern orthodox serbs, catholic, crow at and muslim both in the x representatives can block legislation passed by the law house if they feel it is against the interests of the group. that's a part of the system often blamed for a lack of progress in the country. one body also overseas, the political factions, the office of the high representative is an international initiative put in place in 1995 to ease ethnic divides. the critic say it takes power away from the people while supporters credited with keeping the country together. the let's bring in, i guess now to talk more about this in the bosnian capital, sadie able hickman cartridge an academic and also in berlin. we have bono labor, senior associate at democratization policy council. and joining us from most star in bosnia, i'm not popovich a political activists and member of the women waging piece network good to have you with us. so hickman cartridge, let me start by asking you, what did the results of these elections represent to you? well firstly, to say that it is a, it is really good that the moderate and reformist a forces have one in the presidency. that isn't the case in the, in the, in the parliament were at nationalists parties, one or a majority of the world. but in the presidency, what was very important is that these forces one, especially in the, in the, in the bosh, anakin, in their crat, members of the presidency. our what is troubling is that the serb member of the presidency, danielle kashana, which belongs to a pro russian serb, separate his party. so what is troubling for me personally, is that the bosnian e u, and need to pat could be endangered, or when having a person such as this, in the presidency, in other areas of the, of the federation and entity level. and, and in the cantonal level, we have seen a lot of changes in the sense that some smaller parties have, have been some majority of the, of the woods. i saw a lot of guy, little things made me slaten changed. i in, in the sense of internal boss in baltics, but when talking about the state representation and so on, it is good that, that pro bossing forces are still a majority in the presidency. motor labor, what, what do you take the knees results? how well i would go a tro, attention to be a little bit away from the resorts just to know which i think on context important that the political and electro system in boston the as the sign and date land remain more or less unchanged since the end of the war is not the competitive western democracy. it's a system based on the lines of 3 ethnic oligarchy used. and it has such breaks that partial shifts happening from election to election, moving some percentage over to multi ethnic parties, not and cannot lead to a change. so i think in that sense, we have not seen the major changes in the election. the one thing that mister conscience mentioned isn't part and the current geopolitical ukraine war context is that the nationalist pro russian forces starting where the of the, the ser member or the main sort of party from the report. because service and across allies will not have a majority in the 3 member, a president to that sense, the foreign policy. but apart from that really, i would not always trust or assault the main event to my from my point of view. and these election has happened one hour after closing the ballot boxes closing the voting and in bosnia on sunday. and that was the imposition by the high representative of their german christians. made a very dangerous press event in possession of changes to the electro system. one hour after one, just bows by the time incomplete, democratic and by the ration now and the content of this amendments to the electoral and constitutional system of the country is really dangerously going into the wrong direction. yeah, you're talking here about the, the invoice, christian schmidt and they did the changes they, he imposed what he said were measures for improving the functionality of, of government in bosnia. and we can talk more about that in a moment, but i want to get, i'm gonna put watches the take on the results and what you, what you draw from this is this is a victory for the states, a status quo. was there more to as michael is before said, it's mall inside of what is more days of school. nothing will change. same far as from ninety's, even from $9061.00 the elections, they still continue to to be an election then they are the biggest coalition that they the 1st support each other and they will continue to work inside of the country. the thing we might see some of the improvements in the foreign policy, thanks to the store of civilian nationalistic members of the presidency. yes. the able to still have this one ration and nationalistic member of the, of the presidency. but i think that she will not be able to do such a mall or such a lot of as before. her. so i expect that much more moments from now will be enough from east over there. so from russia and 30 heads of the people should be turned or, or country should be turned now to brussels, e and e. and this is what i expect to see in the next 4 years. the speeds that are social democrats and then is the unit which had at the analysis of the study was very good, was very healing for everybody who live here in savannah and loved in this country . and there are still god and was this country in the one still have to continue their life here. so there is a glimpse of hope not no such a vehicle, but still more glimpse of hope for, for the people in this country. seeing this members of the presidency everyday life will not be such a different, but we can see the the see our side, what's a good time improvement? this is what the expect to see here. well, let's talk more then about this decision by the hi represented christian schmidt to make changes to, to the the way that the country is governed. and in a way that 11 side cannot act as a, as a veto block on the other. and a point was made by our corresponding there in the report to be changes or be made by someone who has not elected by bosnians. is that is that, is that a problem for you met cartridge? well, it is in one way. but what is more shocking is that in this way, no voltage, especially from the crucial side, will be deeply cemented in the future. so that means that in for your time we will . busy know directly which party will wound the the election so that that is the credit separate as hard as a party. so that is a problem here. instead of going forward the higher present that has decided to even more deepen and cement the already existing political, ethnic divide. and to have some sort of emphasize politics. instead of making much more democrats much more utopian. so instead of having your open values brought into the elections, we're having a much more higher bureaucracy right now. so the, the, the house of peoples, for example, will be able to, to read will be double the size of busy now. so we'll have more politicians in power and which means more, more public funds being wasted on that. and secondly, we will be able to do the blockades from certain and political decisions or in, in to be very frank, it will just harden the life of, of boston's in the future. a boat of a. but just to pick up on what you said earlier about the role of the high representative question, schmidt in all of this. and it's on democratic nature. if you will know of those who, who will, will not disagree with you on that point in that this is supposed to be a democracy. and this is, this is a floor in that system. but is it a necessary floor in the sense that it ensures the did the deep divisions in the country don't, don't spill over that. there is a kind of level level playing field that remains what, what do you say to that see, i think the problem here is that, and this is part of the problem where there is a wrong way of intervening by the high representative is that this gives i mean, the issue directors in the west end in the southern where the russia, when says that the institution of the high representative should be gone. this is not, this is not the course and not the solution. the problem here is the following. the west intervened into their bows. invoice stopped by a dirty agreement with the domestic warring factions by installing a date in constitutional and electro system that is based on ethnic power sharing. this is not democratic, but this was meant to be a provisional, you know, government and constitutional arrangement to enter bar, to be later replaced by a, by a, by a democratic functional political system. the problem was that thing that the west for 3 quarters of a d k after the war has partly reformed and changed that system until december, 2005. but then in the content of your war, they were trying to run away from their responsibility and they were trying to leave the country unsustainable. and it's confusion order that is to the local leads. and that has not functioning or thrown back the country into the original modes of mutual lifting of ethnic tension as a basic for patronage system of mutually reinforcing ethnic oligarchy system. and instead of correcting its course, the waste for the last 17 years have been trying to, you know, not see, is the responsibility of the size of public policy. but keep a face, the assemblage of a fake stability in bosnia by permanently appeasing nationalist leads and their agendas. this policy has escalated over the last 2 years with you and low level and us officials wiping out previous red lines when it comes to the defense of democratic principles and in bosnia. and they have started to negotiate on the terms of the because crime nationalist party, the h, the said on a so called the reform of the electro system. now that the negotiations didn't lead to a result because the other side is particularly the boss next. so what it is giving internationalist agenda that would lead to formalizing the deepening of the ethnic and f churchill divisions in boston. and that would ultimately lead to a break of the country. but as a result of these phase negotiations by having propped up and encouraged the crow nationalist side, we have entered in the election where the crow nationalist party threatened with a political crisis off the elections. preventing implementation of election results in their political agenda is not partly meant by the west and mister schmidt, unfortunately bullied by the us administration, which is a really continuing more a trump paula administration policy than a biden and restoration policy when it comes to democratic. while it was, has pushed mr. schmidt to partly given to make some decisions that take away the tools for the aged is that to do. blockage of implementation of election results means to prevent a crisis in return for promptly giving into their nationalist months. and it has done so yes, try to do it in the midst of the election campaign, which would have meant by changing the rules of the game within the campaign which is deeply under mckorick. he is now on the worst of both worlds here. standing even after the citizens of bosnia an hour after they have finished putting their boats. which means this is both under mac reading and it's not leading to more than that. i think it's leading to more ethnic oligarchy system that we're really at the country more efficient. let's get, let's get em. popovich popovich is the take on this and the role of christian schmidt here is, is it fun to mentally on democratic a way of just kind of paper over the cracks and appeasing to many people, particularly the nationalist groups. as a boat, a vapor says, ah, it is, but unfortunately his of ours, our recent agency says raymonds so there is nothing that we can do it at the moment the people was the majority of them like to have some office like a day, not now it's mr. schmidt before it was the other person. so i agree like to have off the office of the high representative simply because nationalistic parties would destroy this country much fast without it. the solicit parties are those parties, while it all in part is for last 30 years. are the same ones who participated and one 1st multi, multi part of the elections all during the all like when, when was proclaimed independence? so dave, on again in 9696. they are, they need elections, so they cannot expect from the same people who are very politically active, active before the war. well, they're active during the war who are active during the signing the lease agreement . and some of them, they're involved in inter negotiation. and now they are all in this country, so how we can expect them to make any change. they don't want to do any change. they want to keep school as long as possible. so there's a reason why they need office of the heart of prison to bring in some changes. some changes the like some changes the don't. there are a lot of law, there was no, that will be not perfectly written, but not, not the implemented. so for the, for the mr. smith, decision about changing the election law and partially changing the constitution of the ration of what's going on. let's see, always the work in the ally. let's give it the chest and see how it is that will now block or to gain more in the, in the new system. now then when he pulled out some, some wheels wheels from, from their cars. so let's see how it will work. i personally don't like to see haven't turnage over the was there sabina, that means that we are not democrat the can be on not democrats. country the just think the 3 i like that we have election, but we are not sure that the numbers that are published after the elections are the numbers that the people voted the, you know, now there is a nice question and that's a really good one. the election or his election machine one the election or so there is, there is a big discussion now who really want elections. and for me is the big question. why he didn't run for the 2nd a 2nd mandate as a member of the presidency. because his colleague and she was perfectly all. so the question, there is a big question of why he's decided to run just for the member of the president of the report of the country. let's, let's broaden this out a little bit more and talk more about what this means for foreign policy. hickman, i know we kind of touched on this a little bit earlier. but what, what do you think these elections mean for bosnia is foreign policy and the various factions within the country? you mentioned about some pro russian sessions and pro pro western factions. well, i mean that the most troubling part for me is that a 2 country supported miller dixon and sir nationalists separate this movement and that there is a victor or button from hungary an in vladimir put in for marcia. so this so, so a lot, i mean if, if these are 2 people with whom dick met are several days before the election. so several weeks before the elections, that is very, very troubling news. because you know, we have one country which as entire it was as a member of the e, which is entirely in the far right. sphere. or that is hungary and victor, or bounce a political movement on the other, sorry of a country which is currently involved. busy in an act of aggression war crimes, and it is russia. so we are right now entering a new phase in which probably murder da da will start doing what he has been promising or his these voters for long time. and that is who we're done with the support of serbia to, to try and to are now proclaim independence, affordable in serb entity for apopka sub hska and to and to succeed in the near future. and also what is what is important to notice is that the election law which was imposed by kristen smith was something which was heavily lobbied by crecia proper. so for the last couple of years, crecia ends in zagreb, has been lobbying different countries, mostly in the united states and in the west to support an election law which would cements of their power sharing a atmosphere in bossier. and unfortunately, this has happened like a 2 nights, 2 nights earlier, which means that the bus here will in the future, me control not only by its neighbors by crow, shown by men, bad belgrade, but also deeply influenced by russia, hungary, and in other countries as well all right, sir, we're going to have to leave it there. thanks very much to all 3 of you. hick met, catch it, ship boat of a bar and am not popovich. thanks bye, much being on inside story and thank you as well for watching. remember, you can see this program again any time just go to our website at g 0 dot com. and for further discussion, you can go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside stored. you can also join the conversation on twitter handle. there is at a j inside story for me as i'm seeking, and the whole team here, bye for now. ah, ah. indonesia your investment destination, the world's 10th largest economy, is busy transforming, ready to be your business partner with a robust talent pool, politically and economically stable and strong policies being the powerhouse indonesia is confirmed by the g. 20 presidency. bringing opportunities for you invest indonesia. now, as more people admit to suffering from anxiety and depression to day al jazeera well meets women using art and dance therapy to address that problems, are sentences are the dates to the words. and if we are not changing our senses, we lose the words and just even go, you can do it until you are 90 or hundreds. the colors of healing on al jazeera, no stories of hope and inspiration, short documentaries from around the world that celebrate carries. and resilience in times of timely al jazeera select analogies 18 months after me and mars military. coups the balance of power is 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