I’d like to say my time working at the S&B has gotten easier over the last four years. With all the interviewing, writing and editing under my belt, it would be easy to assume that nothing this job throws at me could be a surprise. And yet, a tricky story with opposing sides and contrasting.
I never expected to work for the paper. Writing unbiased factual stories couldn’t have appealed to me less, but the idea of getting paid to write did. Plus, this kid Abraham Teuber `22 kept asking me these really strange polls that he called a “Snedge” for the paper he seemed pretty cool and the.
Raven Leilani writes with fervor, her sentences cascading sometimes for entire pages broken up only by commas, allowing her prose to transcendentally capture the subconscious of a Black woman trying to maintain her sanity while also trying to survive and make sense of a world ruled by unjust systems of oppression. Her masterful 2020 debut.
As Grinnell College’s student newspaper, it is our responsibility to provide fair and comprehensive coverage of issues that affect our community. In light of recent Iowa legislation that directly endangers and marginalizes the trans community, it is important to address both this harm and the way that national news coverage has contributed to a wave.
Millie Peck peckcami@grinnell.edu After attending the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and living in Iowa for nearly 10 years, Jerald Walker was hopeful to stay in the state and applied for a job at Grinnell College. Unfortunately, he was not awarded the position and is now a professor of creative writing at Emerson College. Walker returned to.