"Bulgasal: Immortal Souls" episode 7 unravels the secrets between lead stars Lee Jin Wook, Kwon Nara and Lee Joon with their past lives.
#BulgasalImmortalSouls #BulgasalImmortalSoulsEp7 #LeeJinWook #KwonNara #LeeJoon
Tables have turned as "Bulgasal: Immortal Souls" episode 6 showed how Kwon Nara saved Lee Jin Wook from the wrath of one of the monsters.
#BulgasalImmortalSouls #BulgasalImmortalSoulsEp6 #LeeJinWook #KwonNara
"Bulgasal: Immortal Souls" delivered a round of excitement as episode 3 welcomed the new cast and character developments that would surely fill in unanswered questions. #BulgasalImmortalSouls