Address, the un calling for a security zone around the facility to shield it from shelling, which could cause a nuclear catastrophe, and also recommend the conditions be improved for ukrainian staff. Operating plant busy go attack we do, or unwittingly that this facility has received and that i could personally see assess together with my experts is simply an acceptable we are playing with fire. You case, new Prime Minister less trust says her government will transform britain into an aspiration nation and write out the global storm. She gave her 1st speech outside number 10 downing street. After meeting the queen earlier, trus is under pressure to announce an immediate plan to tackle Spiraling Energy costs and improve the economy. But in baba reports as lose trust took a 1st steps in downing street, his Prime Minister. Her focus was on reassuring the nation. Things can get better we now face a vague label, head winds, caused by rushes and pulling war in ukraine. And the aftermath of k