Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue along with Minister of State Pippa Hackett have today announced that their Department is investing in two key projects that support the storing of carbon in our soils.
May 21, 2021 4:40 pm
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) has carried out 895 inspections of the country’s meat-processing plants, up to May 14, this year, as part of its Covid-19 response.
Answering a parliamentary question this week regarding the DAFM’s handling of Covid-19 outbreaks in meat factories, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConologue said that these DAFM visits included unannounced inspections, on behalf of the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) in DAFM-approved food premises.
“These inspections are ongoing and are in addition to the inspections carried out by the HSA itself, and in addition to the 49 premises where the DAFM has a permanent presence.”
Since a debacle over tariffs on beet pulp began back in early December, there has been confusion over which Government department is responsible for sorting it out.
The feed industry seemed to be last to know about the 25% tariffs affecting orders made well in advance of their implementation.
And it seems the back and forth on what department is to deal with the fallout is still going on. Last week, when answering a parliamentary question on the matter, Minister McConologue made it clear that “questions regarding international trade are primarily a matter for the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment”.