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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20200616

i tried to wake him up but he's parked the -- i don't know what is wrong. >> experts weigh in, plus we're taking you live to seattle taken over by occupiers and some of them are reportedly armed and making demands after a local business complaint nobody showed up after a break in the seattle police chief says this tonight. >> trying to get people to come out, if there's any evidence or anything we need to collect we will follow up on that. >> in minutes you will hear from a journalist who has been at the newly were named area of seattle for days. he has videos you've got to see. i am shannon bream in washington, we begin in atlanta tonight. >> reporter: the protesters here have largely gone home, they were big crowds out this morning, but no violence despite a lot of drama and emotion. and emotional press conference featured family members of rochon brooks who expressed their pain and anger. >> no one was fixing to shot and killed like trash in a drive-through. >> brooks had fallen asleep in his car to drive through lane at a wendy's in atlanta and blocking other vehicles, police were called at 10:30 p.m.. he talks calmly with the police for 20 minutes until they attempted to handcuff him after he failed a sobriety test. brooks grabbed one of the officers taser and turned to fire before continuing to fully. the medical examiner report brooks's death a homicide fighting he died as a result of two shots to the back. he left behind a wife and four children. his wife asks process just remain peaceful. >> we want to keep his name positive. >> thousands march to the state capital demanding new laws to regulate police conduct including the coach of the atlanta hawks which i was born a black man and i know one day i will die a black man but i don't want to die because i am a black man. >> this falls weekend of protest that includes torching of the wendy's where the shooting happened. >> burning down buildings will not generous change in the city because if anything it is going to erase the message. >> the police chief also resigned. off as a enrolled has been fired. devon brosnan placed on administrative duty. >> it makes me sad and frustrated. >> reporter: we expect to find out wednesday whether the officer who fired the shots will face charges. seattle, armed occupiers have been seen outside the abandoned east precinct as authorities tried to figure out how to get some kind of law and order presence back into the occupied zone without sparking new unrest, jonathan and reporting in seattle, good evening. >> it was exactly one week ago tonight the seattle police left the east precinct of the street behind me in what is now called the capitol hill occupation protest zone. this does not seem to be the political will on the part of washington state governor jay inslee or seattle mayor jenny jerkins to make any move right now for the police to take this area back, donald trump is running out of patience. >> these are violent people that took it over, these are not people that are nice people. ice on your network today what went on with the hitting and the punching and beating and all the other things going on in seattle and you have a governor that doesn't do a damn thing about it and the mayor that doesn't know she's alive, talking about it is going to be a love fest this summer. if they don't do the job i will do the job. >> you heard donald trump mention the mayor of seattle, she tweeted immediately after those comments saying, quote, our president will do anything to avoid listening to the voices of millions of americans asking for change, he instead distracts with lies and language purposely intended to incite violence. he thrives on division when we desperately need to move forward as a nation. as for the president's claims that these are, quote, violent people let me tell you what i have seen as a reporter on the ground here hour after hour for the last 72 hours, have they been isolated incidents of violence, yes there have, a street preacher rose remove the protest zone. was there an attempted robbery just outside the zone yesterday, yes there was. are those incidents isolated? yes there are. there have been thousands of interactions among thousands of people in the past 72 hours, we've witnessed much of it at the facts on the ground is this is overwhelmingly peaceful. of the president or anybody else wants to watch those incidents of violence which have been tweeted and retweeted again and again, yes, you get the impression that this is, quote, violent and chaotic but it is not. it is overwhelmingly peaceful. shannon: thank you very much. violent crimes are going unanswered with little police presence inside the occupied zone in seattle. tonight local business owner says he called 9 one one amid an altercation with an occupier and nobody showed up but our next guest was there. good to have you back on the show. i know there are different perspectives, use it during the daytime there is in your experience a different vibe, all kinds of things going on but you say you are seeing something different at night. what is happening and what are you seeing? >> reporter: with all do respect to the reporter there i think the autonomous zone can be described as a sort of doctor jekyll and mister hyde in that you see during the day is very peaceful, people coming with their pets and it is peaceful if you can ignore all the graffiti, calling for the murder of police, that is peaceful and at night you see the criminal elements come out. unfortunately last night that was made very clear when one person on a microphone and loudspeaker was able to get a mob of 100 people to chase down this business that was several blocks away, they all dissented on it, pushed up against the fence and rushed in. could have been extremely violent but fortunately it wasn't according to what i heard from the owner and staff they detained one of the comrades for alleged arson and theft and because of that all his comrades came to help get him out, the police never came. >> i want to read something from the daily beast, local businesses are loving the zone, their estimation is local businesses are chipping in with free food and open bathrooms, despite rumors activists were holding them prisoner in their own beer hall, and inside movie theaters. what is your experience with business owners within that zone. how are they doing? >> some businesses are managing, may be synthetic to what is going on and like what is happening but others don't. there is a trader joe's nearby who announced a few days ago that they are closing indefinitely because of security and safety issues. you also see all the businesses that are boarded up, no cars can drive into this area and i don't see how these few anecdotes of positive experiences could be representative particularly when there are voices coming out to speak and having to do it anonymously because of threats of retaliation. >> the police chief says we are asking people to come to the edges of the borders of this area to make report so we know what is going on. it doesn't sound like an efficient way of doing it but we are trying to do the best we can. that is what we do. here is someone who wanted to remain anonymous who lives in this area or nearby. the identified as brandon tells the daily caller. >> for the first time in my life i hear gunshots in capitol hill, people screaming every single night outside. they are not protest screams which i have heard protest screams but i hear screams of terror out there and i don't know what is happening out there. shannon: he mentioned gunshots. what are you hearing? what do you know about the claims? >> you see a lot of people openly carrying weapons, rifles, batons, knives and quite a lot of drug use as well. at night it is a completely different vibe than during the day, you see vagrants, some dealing with mental and health crises, there was an ambulance called yesterday. the fact that police are not going in should tell you, this is what my own sourcing has formed me, if anybody needs help you have to be -- leave the physical zone and return to the us to get help so this is a 1-week experiment in anarchy and chaos and those who are there have to find out for themselves. shannon: we are getting all kinds of different reports about what it is really like on the ground in addition to jonathan hunter so thank you for offering your perspective and your video from inside. keep us updated and we will keep monitoring it. fox news alert, new york city police union calling in a vicious attack on officers. alex hogan has a breaking news story out of new york. >> reporter: as all of this is developing in the last hour we are learning three officers, what we are hearing is the word poison at this point, they were to shake shack at 200 broadway, just south of where we are and we are learning these officer had milkshakes, they drank them and halfway through they found some sort of toxic substance which is believed to be bleach in them. a lot of statement coming out, we haven't heard from nypd yet but some of the unions representing them saying this is a blatant attack on police. something we are learning in the last 30 minutes. is what we heard from the pda saying we cannot even afford to let our guard down for even a moment. always look out for each other and remember your primary mission, that everyone gets home. we are learning three different officers were at this shake shack just within an hour. we are told they are expected to be all right, just making sure these men are able to go home safely but a very serious situation for all of them taking place. we will keep following this. back to you. shannon: please let us know, donald trump working with a congressional team led by republican senator tim scott on a gop police package. kevin cork is working to find out what they are planning and when. >> reporter: donald trump is expected to unveil an executive order that promotes community-based policing strategy tomorrow and that will include information sharing about so-called rogue cops. >> the overall goal is we want law and order as we want it done fairly, justly and safely but we want law and order, it is about justice. >> that is the impetus behind the president's executive order to be unveiled tomorrow. it comes after consultation with law enforcement, faith leaders, lawmakers on capitol hill and a nationwide sometimes violent reaction to the death of george floyd at the hands of minneapolis police, and we can shoot every shot brooks in atlanta. in washington democrats have proposed a federal ban on show colds mandating the nationwide use of body cameras, limiting qualified immunity doctrine shielding police officers from lawsuits and hoping to establish a national database that would disclose the names of officers who have a pattern of abuse and while the white house is called the change to qualified immunity and on starter there appears to be some areas of agreement which could be detailed tomorrow. meanwhile the president's campaign continues its plans to resume make america great again rallies beginning with this weekend's rally in oklahoma despite criticism from some that doing so could expose thousands to covid-19. the president reacted on twitter and rejected saying the far left fake news media which had no problems with writers and looters were destroying democrat run cities is trying to covid-19 shame us on our rallies, neglect work, as the controversy grows over the publication of a book by the president's former national security adviser john bolton. the room where it happened is expected to be released next week despite the attorney general's believe that bolton has not secured proper clearance. >> we don't believe bolton went through the process, hasn't completed the process. >> the president meanwhile says if bolton's but does get out he has broken the law and he would think he, bolton, would have, quote, criminal problems. shannon: you know how it works with book sales, getting a lot of attention. was the atlanta police shooting a justifiable use of lethal force for murder. experts across the spectrum way and live next. .. you doing okay? 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>> it is not as clear-cut as the floyd case where we saw clear probable cause that homicide occurred in south carolina, walter scott got entangled and was running away from a confrontation. there was physical assault on the officer beforehand and the suspect grabbed the taser and ran away and engage the taser against the officer so i have the benefit of 20/20 hindsight. his fellow partner was engaged with him, not in it, not out of the fight. all the facts and circumstances with 2020 hindsight, i hope i would not have taken that job but the officer has the right under the use of force laws that he can use one level force above and potentially an officer could be disabled by a taser and could be killed by a firearm. with hindsight 2020 i would hope you wouldn't have done that but it is not what i know the counts, what a reasonable officer, we don't know his medical condition, if it taser hit if he has been a fib or other device the cardiac arrhythmia event could cause death, and in these sorts of cases, with the family and victims for the officer in the community at a time tensions are high, not something we needed going forward to figure out how we police our community and the police were able to perform. >> officers, everything they are doing now, there are body cams here, they are being recorded but trying to be careful because nobody wants to kill a suspect unnecessarily, third of deadly harm to them or to others, how do you walk through this? there are calls for murder charges, based on what we have seen is going to be more that comes it would be hard to get a conviction on that particular charge. >> it won't it to the deck of murder but reckless conduct, the attorney for the family presented additional shots fired. one would hit a passenger vehicle which was in line at the wendy's restaurant and there was a car with the family and in the bullet could have struck the family. there was no immediate risk of death to those officers, you had somebody who was cast out and when you talk about defunding the police this is what people are talking about. when somebody is passed out in a drive-through you send an ambulance, take that person to the hospital, get them into alcohol treatment to find out what is going on. in this situation you send them into a confrontation like this with nothing but again, taser, billy club and pepper spray so there's no positive outcome. this is what people are talking about when they say we need to reevaluate how we conduct law enforcement in this country. shannon: what about that assessment of having alternate means for people to show up when it appears what they were assisting, tried to handcuff him is they thought he was operating a vehicle under the influence, how do you balance that? >> what is unfortunate is most people passing judgment on the police were never in their lives in a shoot don't shoot situation, never had to make a split second decision like i haven't other officers have during the course of our career. what is important for people to understand is especially in this case, this was a tragic shooting, no police officer wakes up and wants to kill anyone during the course of their duty but here's a situation where the police were very very called, very professional when they approached the vehicle up to the point were what happened, the suspect resisted, not only did he resist, he fought and fought, their rolling around the ground in many grabs a weapon and a pen could be a weapon. he runs away, turns and fires at the police officer so the police officer had to make a split-second decision based on what my colleagues in a few moments ago, on whether the officer felt his life was in danger. i believe as we move forward, i've mentioned this a few times, i believe lawmakers and others should go through police training courses where they are put in situations to shoot or don't shoot and they will have a better understanding of what police officers face as they are running into these situations, this was escalated not by the police, it was escalated by the suspects, all he had to do was comply. we hear that all the time, just comply with the police. >> heartbreaking to watch the civilized conversation and respect they had for each other. we will watch because there will most certainly be investigations into every bit of this and we will stay tuned for that. thank you for joining us, appreciate your time. is the mainstream media giving occupiers in seattle a pass or is the situation being overhyped by some on the right? political analyst britt hume weighs in the next. >> shannon: more confederate statues toppled this weekend but they are not the only ones, shannon: more confederate searches top of this we can but they are not the only ones including monuments that don't have anything to do with the old south and the reports of violence tonight, trace gallagher is on the case tracking at all. >> numbers are climbing, searches, monuments and historic sites targeted by protesters across the country but george p bush, the son of florida governor jeb bush has a message for anyone with nefarious intent coming to san antonio, don't mess with the alamo. >> many of these monuments could do better in a museum or educational facilities but that's not going to solve the problems we see in our streets or issues regarding police brutality. >> the northern new mexico one monument did not have to be torn down by protesters, the statue the despotic conquistador was voluntarily removed by local authorities. in 1598 he was new mexico's governor accused by many of killing hundreds of indigenous people and cutting the feet off captives but others considered him a hero of the resistance to anglo domination. in albuquerque, new mexico a different statue is being protested tonight when a protester was shot and wounded. it is unclear who fired the shot but new mexico's will guard was on hand for that protests. in chicago police are investigating vandalism the two statues, a 100-year-old statue george washington was covered in graffiti including, quote, slave owner and burned down the white house. the professor of african-american studies lionel kimball says it is better to have a conversation about what washington means instead of destroying history. for christopher columbus monument on chicago's westside appears to have been vandalized. in delaware a statue of caesar rodney was taken down but we don't know if it is a permanent move or simply to protect the statue. rodney signed the declaration of independence, served as delaware's president during the american revolution and was a slave owner but in philadelphia a statue of abolitionist matthias baldwin who argued for the rights of african-americans in 1837 was also vandalized though it has now been cleaned up. shannon: thank you so much. the president taking the news media to task over coverage or lack thereof of progressive activists occupying several blocks of seattle for a full week now. >> of the right ever took over as city, conservative republicans took over a city it would be the biggest story in history. you can't even find stories about seattle. it is incredible. not that they are covering it badly, they are hardly covering it all at all. >> is there a double standard? britt hume joins us to discuss that and more. tom bevan it real clear politics darkens back to the ranchers occupying federal land and says this. of a bunch of mag as took over a section of seattle and to clear their independence the media would lose their marbles and jay inslee would be preening in front of the cameras declaring a statewide emergency instead of pretending he knew nothing about it. look back a few years there was quite a different reaction to the bundy family and their occupation of federal land than what we're seeing in seattle. >> a much bigger story for much of the media than the situation in seattle has been. suppose the tea party turned one of its rallies into the takeover a neighborhood in a major american urban area, you know and i know the coverage would have been enormous and the outrage on the left and perhaps elsewhere would have been extraordinary so no doubt this thing has been treated with kid gloves by the media. there hasn't been that much coverage and a lot of the coverage has been remarkably favorable. i can't believe the majority of americans agree with that view but there it is. >> we also are seeing in the mainstream media covering mass get togethers and a couple tweets from nbc, one shows a massive gathering in new york this weekend, around for black trans lives drop packs crowds to brooklyn museum and if you see the video this weekend it is significant crowd. and they talk about the president's plan to return to rallies, first time since most of the country was shattered by the coronavirus health experts are questioning that decision. what do you make of it? >> obviously a completely different standard to apply to those two crowds one which hasn't happened yet and the other did happen and was extraordinarily massive crowd and they are all packed in like sardines. outside your less vulnerable than you are inside because the virus disperses in the year to some extent, perhaps to a considerable extent but still in all the point is pretty clear nbc news was applying a double standard in its reaction to the two crowds and yet to come. any criticism of the rally under the current circumstances by moving his rally outside. then he would be in the into criticism in the same way all these protests have been immune to criticism even from a significant number of health experts. >> there are a lot of sports stadiums that are empty these days so they could conceivably be available. there's been an ongoing conversation about silencing certain viewpoints, the dustup at the new york times with tom cotton, the piece in the philadelphia inquirer that led to a resignation, jobs that were lost, matt tyree be who is not a fan of the president writes the american press is destroying itself, he says taking these are beds off the pages and saying we are not going to have different viewpoints guarantees opinion writers and editors will shape used to avoid upsetting colleagues which means instead of hearing what our differences are and how we might address those issues newspaper readers will instead be presented with page after page of people professing to agree with one another. that is not agitation, that's misinformation, do you worry things will go that far that we really will have op-ed pages that are just one note? >> i worry about that and to a great extent at the new york times despite the dismissal of its editorial page editor that has been the case with that paper for some time and is not a single writer for the new york times editorial or op-ed columns who work for the times who is a defender of donald trump. shannon: this brings the question about historical figures, we covered for days the number of monuments that have been defaced for statues that have come down saying it is time, but there's a lot of attention to one particular statue. zachary evans quoted as saying outraged over vandalism of philadelphia abolitionist statue, this they decided to take down, he was blm before there was a slogan. the irony of vandalizing a monument to those who died to end slavery is lost on the morons who don't know their history. the statue, a man who paid the salaries of teachers, fought against slavery but is one of many caught up in this whole thing. >> it goes to this question. is it slavery and discrimination and racism these protests are really about or are the black lives matter leaders have a different agenda? the behavior of some of them at these rallies, participants in these protests and riots suggest it goes deeper than that. it is the kind of anti-americanism. all kinds of people are swept up in their urgency to deface monuments and turned down many of whom had nothing to do with slavery. george washington memorials have been defaced. it goes to the very question we are dealing with people who are deeply american and not simply anti-police or any discrimination, they are against this country in deeper ways in my view. shannon: the conversation that the founders were slaveowners or had connections to the slave trade is an ongoing conversation we will continue to have about which memorials can stay in which can go in this new conversation we are having, thank you for joining us. fox news at night investigates traces hired to track the threat of covid-19 in new york are not allowed to ask one very important question. what it is next. at mercedes-benz, nothing less than world-class service will do. that's why we're expanding your range of choices. many dealers now offer optional pick-up & delivery and at-home maintenance, as well as online shopping with home delivery and special finance arrangements. so, whether you visit your local dealer or prefer the comfort of home you can count on the very highest level of service. get 0% apr financing up to 36 months on most models, and 90-day first-payment deferral on any model. they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again! feeling heavy? 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"national review" has been one, bill diblasio tells covid-19 contact traces not to have positive cases of they have attended blm protests. no person will be asked proactively if they attended a protest. it seems in a neutral objective fashion that would be important information as you try to make sure this does not devastate the city again. >> right. this is people putting politics ahead of public health and we have been lectured about this for months, people suggesting the white house has been doing that and we have a very flagrant example of this in that this argument that has been out there that a person's right to protest outweighs a person's right to reopen their business and that is what you see behind the fury of so many people, let's have just one objective standard. when do we get to open, what is the criteria? if we are going to contact race, after relevant questions, don't skirt around some because of the political sensibility. shannon: i can't imagine not asking somebody did you go to church, do you frequent a business, you want to know everywhere they went if you're trying to track this accurately. the mayor says marching with new york organization during the prayer and protest i felt the urgency and pain of this moment but also confident change will come because in the city we affirm black lives matter. it is accompanied by pictures of him wearing a mask but certainly not 6 feet away from people, shoulder to shoulder as we've seen in many protests out there and he has said when questioned and pushed on that protesting 400 years of systemic oppression is different than somebody who wants to reopen their business or go back to church. >> that my point. it is not. protesting is an incredibly valuable part of our civic society and a right that must be protected. freedom of religion is enshrined in the constitution. we haven't had lawsuits come to fruition but i remember the attorney general saying there is real constitutional questions to lockdowns and sells about whether this isn't a form of home arrest. one standard, the mayor of new york city walking around not social distancing while welding shut the gates of the playground, this is what is going to lead to lack of tolerance among the population for any form of not just lockdowns with social distancing and undermine the valuable good things we can do as we confront this virus. shannon: we need to follow the science, all of us agree on that regardless what we would personally like to do, we want to protect ourselves and our families. always good to have you, thank you so much. shannon: the supreme court ruling in history of cases that an employer who fires an individual for being gay or transgender does violate title vii of the 1964 civil rights act, the 6-3 ruling by john roberts and neil gorsuch within majority with the more liberal members and provoked two stinking dissents from justice alito and brett kavanaugh is the court denying the review of several pending appeals involving qualified immunity for law-enforcement's that protested force, sanctuary state in california. the president planning to bring home thousands of us troops from a key ally. we will tell you next. i tell them, you should try cascade platinum plus the power of oxi. cascade platinum + oxi penetrates and breaks down food soils some detergents can leave behind, washing away even the smallest food residue, so it doesn't redeposit on your dishes. and oxi is cascade's most powerful clean, formulated without any chlorine bleach, for a deep hygienic clean you can see and feel. cascade + the power of oxi. the #1 recommended brand in north america. >> shannon: the president going on offense against a major nato allied saying that he wants shannon: the president going on offense against a major nato ally saying he wants to cut the number of us troops stationed in germany by more than a quarter. richardson has the story. >> donald trump says he's pulling 10,000 us troops from germany, tapping us presence at 25,000, speaking to reporters the president said germany needs to spend more money on its own defense. >> one of the only countries that hasn't agreed to pay what they are supposed to pay germany so until they pay we are removing our soldiers, the united states pays the difference to protect europe so we protect them and they take advantage of us on trade. >> the us, germany and 28 other countries make up nato, the nato, nato guidelines request countries spend 2% of their economy on defense, just about a third spend that much. nato says germany last year spent less than one.4% on defense while the us defense budget is worth 3.4% of the size of the american economy. despite that, there is significant republican opposition to the president's plan to withdraw us troops from germany. 22 republicans on the house armed services committee wrote donald trump that while they strongly believe nato allies like germany should contribute more to mutual defense efforts, quote, in europe the threats posed by russia have not listened and we believe signs of a weakened us commitment to nato will encourage further russian aggression and opportunism. this would reduce the number of us forces that can flow through germany for deployments to bases around the world causing serious logistical challenges. reuters reports the german ambassador to the united states told the council on foreign relations us troops in her country are not there to defend germany, that the american presence, she said, is for transatlantic security and to project american power in africa and asia, the president also complained about an argument over a pipeline designed to bring russian natural gas to the european union. shannon: good news before we say good night, sharing a birthday gift from the community, 70 third birthday, the pastor's daughter rented a truck to drive around, to remove his days as a teenager when he did that as his job, at the florida dreams and they hand out thousands of pounds of food every weekend to those in need. most-watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington. i'm shannon bream. as the covid-19 pandemic sweeps the world we urgently need your help. who are so precious to god, have no access to food, medicine; or to keep themselves safe from the virus. and right now, we must take extraordinary measures during these extraordinary times to fulfill what it says in god's holy scriptures, comfort ye, comfort ye my people. your $25 will help rush an emergency food box filled with life-saving food and germ fighting supplies to an elderly person in israel. this is shoshana. she's a 97 year old widow who lives in jerusalem. she tells us about the day joseph mengele sent her parents and grandparents to the gas chambers. her pain is evident even today. we can't change the past but we can do something now. our teams are on the ground delivering emergency aid and food boxes to elderly jews across israel. your gift of only $25 helps provide a box filled with with life-saving food and sanitizing supplies like wipes gloves and soap. each box is delivered to the door-step of an elderly jew fighting to stay alive. during this pandemic our god is bigger than any crisis. when god says, "to share our food with the hungry", that's forever, and it's more relevant than ever before. go online or call right now. you can be a miracle for an elderly jew today. >> it is tuesday june 16th and this is a fox news alert, three nypd officers poisoned at a manhattan shake shack, bleach reportedly dumped in their drinks as anti-police sentiment hit the boiling point. the restaurants respond to the horrendous attack. >> i can never get my has been back, never get my best friend. >> we have to feel some type of way if we see police or somebody of a different color. >>ea


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