Limiting indoor gatherings where covid can spread went into effect. I want to remind everyone these actions are both targeted and intended to be temporary. These steps are what the Public Health experts tell us we need to take to avoid overwhelmed hospitals and death counts like we sought in the spring. It will also protect our medical workers, first responders, and other workers who have put their lives on the line to protect the rest of us. People we usually call front liners. I hesitate to use that phrase because it implies there is a second line. The peoplerespect who have been on the front line they are what has been keeping us safe. We must all Work Together. We had our weekly get a call tuesday evening where we got a call from health experts. This is the fourth call we have legislatorshigan including six democrats and six republicans from the house and senate. I am hopeful when the Legislature Returns from their hunting break, republicans will share their plans for addressing th