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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20171016

a boost for populist politics in europe as conservative sebastian cortes a wins austria's election by embracing the policies of the far right and in sport match take it in the bundesliga is complete this is a tree we've raised at the top and suddenly munchen gone bonkers is in contention to. come on welcome to touch ema the crisis in catalonia has taken a new turn on the government in madrid has told the region's separatist leader he has until thursday to redraw any moves towards independence or face serious penalties this could include the imposition of direct ruby by madrid spain deputy prime minister soraya signs that song madea criticize the favorite of the cotton needed to stick to a deadline today to clarify his position on independence she said his decision not to answer the question whether or not he intended to break away was unacceptable have a listen. but. the government regrets that the catalan president has decided not to respond to its request of last week i don't think it's very difficult to say either yes or no to the question of whether he has declared independence or not. this is a question that cannot remain unanswered i don't think it's a complicated question with something as important as this we need clarity. let me now do india because fun and barbara visit she joins me now from the continent capital boss luna bumper it seems that the spanish prime somalian are a horn has also commented on this crisis what do you make a statement. he has written a letter back because he received a letter this morning instead of the originally announced public statement of carlin's put him on so very quickly mariano rajoy formulated his answer and that is totally on exhibit to go by next thursday ten o'clock put shipment must have taken back this half cooked independence declaration of last tuesday or article one hundred fifty five will be invoked that means quite clearly that the central government in madrid can take powers away from the regional government here that we see in the back of us and then impose first like an interim directorate and then the next step would be to call for elections that it's quite clear and he said it really gives the final final ultimatum to push them and telling him you need to it by our rules you need to return to legality or we will take your power away. now push him on has ignored today's deadlines a deadline and he wants the talks and negotiations to go on over the next two months to decide how to proceed in this crisis is why is the central government totally opposed to this idea. the central government really doesn't want to show weakness to secessionist movements that's the way madrid sees this and obviously the spanish constitution for bids any sort of breaking off of regions that have not been negotiated beforehand it really forbit secessionist movement as we have movements as we have seen them here in catalonia how and also on the other hand madrid wants to push push and pull things back to into the legal framework they have in the last days make noises that said listen we can talk about a change of the constitution that would give more powers to the regions and spain so they're not totally turned off however they were not willing to engage in the way via a public crisis and street fighting in barcelona in the way that pushed him and has sort of managed to to push this forward ride in barcelona thank you very much for that. turning out to austria where thirty one year old conservative sebastian kurtz is on track to become the country's next leader after his party won sunday's election if confirmed he would be europe's youngest leader but his victory is also controversial because to win support he embraced the anti immigrant and divisive rhetoric of the far right freedom party. sebastian kurtz is said to be the world's youngest leader and he supporters can't get enough. the thirty one year old has led the center right people's party for just five months. has steered the party rightward on key issues and to victory in austria as national elections. thank you i have a big request for you used today to celebrate. you've all earned it through hard work and dedication. ok at the same china i need to tell you that you're moral the work starts we didn't just run to win the election we did it to bring austria back on top. so we're going to be just to be here we ran in this election to achieve real change. how could scopes to achieve this change is up for debate the former foreign minister appealed to conservative and right wing voters with pledges to reduce immigration shut down migrant routes kept benefits to refugees and bar immigrants from benefits for five years a divisive stance in austria. for korea i'm shocked and outraged i truly have to say but i can't say more i'm very disappointed that the austrians vote like this for instance i. don't if in school i think the result is great school i think it is great that as the leader of the other candidates are all tricksters i voted for q it seems good indeed on the economists has told me having cut includes quick. could says party is still far short of the numbers needed to form a government he will have to form a coalition he's most likely partner. the far right freedom party that took an anti immigrant anti islam position during the campaign. despite good says pro e.u. pledge observers see a rightwing alliance risks driving a wedge between vienna and brussels. and for more on the austrian election and an in-depth look at the rise of sebastian courts set to become the youngest leader in europe check out our website that's w dot com so more on the us reelections on d.w. dot com now here in germany chancellor angela merkel has said austria shift the right is not a role model for germany especially when it comes to immigration and refugees make it was speaking after a party is disappointing second place finish in lower saxony lection to the rivals social democrats the results could complicate her efforts to fall a national governing coalition maggie faces a first round of talks this week with her hopes for partners the free democrats and the green party. for more let me join our political correspondent hans brand who is at the sealy headquarters here in berlin where chancellor angela merkel has been talking i can start as you heard mechelle is determined not to shift to the right despite rumblings of discontent within her own conservative bloc. yes indeed it was quite a surprise in some sense when she listed the issues that she wanted to concentrate on in the coming coalition talks that will be starting this week she didn't mention the word refugees or migration at all she just talked about things such as dealing with people in the countryside who feel left behind dealing with the housing crisis in many large cities and so on so she was very much concentrating on the center right on the issues that are at the center rather than on right wing issues and the if t. the far right party did not do as long as expected in the state of north saxony well enough to get into parliament the fourteenth state rates made it what challenges does this cause to america and how conservative knock. well obviously there were quite a number of questions in this press talk with america as well about the situation in austria because we have a sort of parallel in austria there's a strong right wing populist party there and the party that is just one and all street is a sister party of now because conservatives in other words the conservative party in austria and their strategy was simply to move to the right in other words to take over the issues of the rights of the populace and when asked directly about this. she felt that in germany at least the right wing populace were not such a threat that it was not necessary to move the policies of the christian democrats here to the right and that in fact it was more necessary simply to explain to voters that what the christian democrats what the conservative government has been doing in the last four years and is planning to do in the next four years is in fact to try and respond to the concrete issues that people are worried about issues such as the problems that people face in rural areas or the problems concerning employment but especially also housing and in the large cities so she's trying to concentrate on her program and to trying to bring across her program more strongly it doesn't mean that within her party there are forces that are trying to move the party in another direction but at the moment it seems that marco with a very centrist policies seems to be in. in the are having the upper hand in her party now this is a setback in regional elections in the state of your socks and he will not have an impact on a coalition talks at the national level talks here do just this for me can you see it. well in fact obviously she did not do or her party did not do well in regional elections obviously there are many regional issues but obviously she would have preferred a much better result in these recent elections because it would have given her some kind of push ahead in the coalition talks in all she goes into these talks with a slightly weakened and with much less confidence on the other hand obviously the christian democrats are the largest party and marco is in control of these discussions hum's brand outside the c.d.u. party headquarters here in berlin thank you very much for that assessment. ivan on joins me from the business as we move it on to the catalan crisis which it is also affecting companies and investments absolutely where there's political uncertainty you know the old adage business uncertainty is sure to follow her of course is spain's worst political crisis in decades having a knock on impact on companies and many businesses have already had enough of that uncertainty forty four major companies have simply moved to their headquarters out of the region of catalonia since that referendum most of them went to madrid among them. a baetis cell next and colonial now these are all big name companies that are listed on spain's main stock index the ibex thirty five and also gone all the big banks. has now chosen to move its headquarters to valencia we've also had severed tell which has gone down to the coast there you can see it in canton a in fact only one ibex listed that's the drugmaker griffo else has decided to remain in council onya for the time being now the companies that are leaving account for approximately one hundred fifty thousand jobs and a combined profit last year or eight billion euros worst of all all of this comes as a total surprise to many in catalonia. it sounded so good spain's economically strongest region freed from any financial commitment to the rest of the country the downsides not according to those who spearheaded the independence movement. that there is so much fear so much fear and they are saying the banks would leave it alone no banks will leave catalonia do you think they will leave and of course they won't but they will stay they will stay here not to help us but because it is in their own interest we know that much. dutch i guess the last three years now i got a dark. room and. turns out the banks aren't staying there among forty four companies that have moved away since the referendum over two thousand smaller ones had already left over the past two years for good reason says joseph. he runs a bakery chain and serves as president of the car saloni and business association. it would affect all cattle when companies it would mean a loss of markets. is made up of the twenty seven nations to which we set out i mean that was when we get big issues with orders systems and taxes we will lose competitive in us. that is important you know so you must come but it will. being locked out of the e.u. would be a problem for the baker and maybe more so for the banker kaiser bank one of the country's big four announced its move to valencia only days after the referendum desperate to calm clients into the so far we're calm but as soon as we perceive any kind of uncertainty for you maybe we will get our money out of there. she said this is tim doesn't inspire confidence in me so that's why i decided to withdraw all my savings. as tension mines many fear a repeat of scenes like these in barcelona last week the prospect of big businesses leaving has left some catalans ready to follow the big corporations and move away from home. and of course another sector that could suffer as a result of spain's political turmoil tourism last year catalonia attracted some million visitors that's more than any other region in the country their offices the further instability could take the tourists away no matter how alluring those blue skies and sandy beaches maybe. there's little sign of spain's political storm on the beaches of barcelona most tourists here would rather soak up the sun than worry about the question of cotton and independence. not due to recent comments from the couple in their prime prime minister so we feel it's ok you feel everything is working here he said the families who want to be here. but there are fears over the impact the turmoil could have in the future tourism accounts for over a tenth of the spanish economy catalonia attract some eighteen million visitors a year more than any other region its capital barcelona is one of europe's top destinations some visitors there took a philosophical approach everything changes sometimes country split some to over when that particular battle hopefully they'll be a few years afterwards but it doesn't matter it's not going to restrict me unless there's a lot of serious on terrorism going on for the time being visitors appears. but with little prospect of the political chaos abasing anytime soon barcelona's tour buses might not be full for long. now ask someone what they do these days more and more you're likely to hear the word startup but what does the average startup actually looked like the results of a new study called the german startup want to look at some one thousand eight hundred startups with more than four thousand two hundred founders here in germany and this is what it found well a typical start up founder looks like this a male eighty five percent of them all on average thirty five and a half years of age are when it comes to a university degree well around eighty percent have one now they tend to be a co-operative bunch of people two out of every three startup founders work together with other startup companies and they appreciate diversity. as well with another two out of every three saying that immigration is a good thing almost eighty three percent would like to become more international particularly in e.u. countries now finding founding rather a company is one thing finding enough investors to grow your company is something else or a little earlier i asked our financial correspondent quadroon in frankfurt how easy would it is to find investors in germany right now while it's become easier helena if you're really serious about what you are doing unlike the turn of the century you know after the tech bubble burst investors want to know much more precisely what your business plan is what your product looks like where you're at in terms of development of your company it helps as a founder if you have connections to the famous german middle you know the small and medium sized companies many of the machinery makers many of them market leaders on their small global markets many of the startups that succeed here in germany have strong ties to companies like this the traditional venture capital funds you know big funds that spend a lot of money on startups that amount of money has lessened here in germany the amount has come down to a bit more than two billion euros last year from three billion the year before kind of how to who isn't in a frankfurt for us thank you very much indeed. and of course we'll have much more throughout the day on what makes entrepreneurs put their hands in their pockets and the markets maze right now it's back over to our research thank you very much helena if we now bring you up to speed with some other stories making news around the world officials in portugal see dozens of wildfires in the north of the country have killed at least twenty seven people more than five thousand firefighters are struggling to contain the blazes in neighboring spain fires killed at least three people authorities said when strong hurrican ophelia off the atlantic coast where we think the flames iraqi troops have started moving into kurdish and territories in the province of kirkuk government forces want to retake military bases and oil fields that kurdish fighters seized three years ago from support islamic state kurdish officials have called the operation an unprovoked attack it comes three weeks after iraq's autonomy as kurdish region voted for independence. the death toll from the huge truck bomb explosion in the somali capital mogadishu on saturday has risen to over three hundred more than seventy critically injured were being air lifted to turkey demonstrators have been protesting against the attack as the government declared three days of national mourning what terrorism is not the only problem facing somalia the country is also in the grip of a severe food crisis more than three million people do not have enough to eat four hundred thousand children are malnourished but as we report international aid shipments often fails to reach those most in need. this baby's op or arm is less than eleven centimeters in circumference the read on the measuring tape means she's dangerously undernourished these eight children brought by their mothers from refugee camps to this clinic in the somali capital mogadishu are all in the so-called red zone. nine month old ways half of what she should for her age and she's also suffering from an umbilical hernia which requires surgery. for dr mari and muhammad severe cases like this are quite common. you sometimes see you see it laying on a new three minute but the one you're sometimes one of those who makes other combining with other diseases like you know they really understood me when yeah. doctor my home with team feeds faria a highly nutritious peanut butter paste. her mother says this is the first time her daughter has received medical treatment. their home in southern somalia which has been suffering from severe drought for more than a year has no medical clinics. and the islamist militia al-shabaab has forbidden residents from accepting any form of aid. to escape with her daughter in secret. a group of us left together we traveled on foot for eight days. six hundred thousand people like i have come to the capital it's one of the few places where they can get aid and protection but even in mogadishu provisions are meager after more than two decades of civil war state agencies lie in ruins. monody hospital one of the largest state clinics in the country lacks medicine and the personnel to provide necessary care undernourished children. as bad as it seems the u.n. aid coordinator says the international community has learned from earlier crises instead of simply handing out food he stresses the need to transfer money directly to victims we are using much more innovative ways of assistance and in particular the local non-governmental organizations play a very important role in being media trees between the local communities ourselves and the authorities. but critics say that even in the case of national organizations and state agencies it's nearly impossible to control whether aid is getting through secretly filmed images like these show international aid deliveries often end up being sold at the local market places. anticorruption advocates mohamed mubarak says administrative abuses like these won't end until somalia's fundamental problems are addressed. if there was unchecked power and when they would be and it's because we don't have the checks and balances that's the main reason so we should be on and best on this to institution building. the new government in mogadishu in power since february claims it's addressing these abuses. it has solicited direct grants for the reconstruction of state structures the president on the prime minister very keen and trying to stop by any sort of corruption but this is where we need. to trust the trust has to start somewhere. dr mohamad also hopes to be able to treat more than just hunger for next patient is suffering from the effects of untreated meningitis. the small donation funded clinic may be able to save him from starvation but they cannot do anything about his pain. finally some sport and action remain hosted months back on sunday with the home team looking for their first win of the season and they're still looking that's after picked up the win and moved into fifth place in the league. braman fans are nothing if not optimistic despite not having seen their side win all season they filled the phase i study and coach alexander newry was relieved to welcome captain flacco you news of age back to the starting line up for the first time this season after injury. that it was the opposing team's captain who opened the scoring on twenty seven minutes. taking advantage of some sloppy better defending. a few though could have anticipated that turn and finish simply exquisite minutes later the visitors tightened their control of the game vesta guard rose highest from a corner and celebration from the jane out of respect for his former club no more goals followed after the break this was grand banks first away win of the campaign . the wait for any win goes on and xander nuri is a man under pressure. also on sunday bottom half size bonnie because it involves that played out a two two draw the fourth broader role for the new webs coach martin schmidt it was one one of the break but argentinian striker look us a lot you could live across him back in france with his second of the season the lead did not last though and gasol blushes kosky smashed a point for was back on sixty nine minutes there is our sleeves schmidt still looking for his first was back when. live from berlin i want to leave you with some images from the albuquerque international balloon fiesta in new mexico enjoy. some. saw the young. folks books and more books. a special edition of on twenty one. frank but son of rights from. awards and award winner as. possible reports on the financial health of the book industry the two thousand and seventeen from drug book fair. next. s.u.v. in the city. hall will. come to have a growing number of models on the market and better no shrinking by take the new kiosk on the small. toyotas see a job the ultimate. in sixty minutes dealing. climate change. waste. pollution. isn't it time for a good. go at africa people and projects that are changing or meant for the better it's up to us to make a difference in what. magazine d w. y e r forty million people in east africa threatened by starvation what are the causes of the situation. we focus on five specific problem areas. as human journalistic project tries to find the answers white africa goes hungry our topic this week long. gone mind. welcome to arts twenty one with a special edition about the frankfurt book think. do you still read books stupid question not quite the inconvenient truth is.


Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Rooms Of Wonder 20171016

it is. ok professor i'm afraid we're going to leave it there we've got a bit of a trouble but of trouble with the audio line here that was professor from ins brook university thank you so much. now to some mali where the country is reeling from friday's truck bomb attack in mogadishu with hundreds of casualties it's the deadliest bombing in the country's history and it comes despite an increase in u.s. drone strikes against the limits al-shabaab militia and the presence of twenty thousand african union troops and while the focus of the international community turns once more to security in somalia a far bigger killer threatens the contrary small is in the grip of a food crisis more than three million people barely have enough to eat four hundred thousand children are malnourished journalists. and young philip schultz traveled to somalia before the most recent bomb attack they met people there struggling to survive against the looming threat of hunger and those struggling against the odds to stem the tide of disaster. this baby's op or arm is less than eleven centimeters in circumference the red on the measuring tape means she's dangerously undernourished. these eight children brought by their mothers from refugee camps to this clinic in the somali capital mogadishu are all in the so-called red zone. nine month old ways half of what she should for her age and she's also suffering from an umbilical hernia which requires surgery. for dr mari and muhammad severe cases like this are quite common. you sometimes see you see it laying on a new three minute but the one you're sometimes one of those who makes other combining with other diseases like you know did he understood me when he yeah this is dr mohamad steam feeds faria a highly nutritious peanut butter paste. her mother says this is the first time her daughter has received medical treatment. their home in southern somalia which has been suffering from severe drought for more than a year has no medical clinics. and the islamist militia al-shabaab has forbidden residents from accepting any form of aid. to escape with her daughter in secret was. a group of us left together we traveled on foot for eight days i need. six hundred thousand people like have come to the capital it's one of the few places where they can get aid and protection. but even in mogadishu provisions are meager. after more than two decades of civil war state agencies lie in ruins. monitor hospital one of the largest state clinics in the country lacks medicine and the personnel to provide necessary care undernourished children. as bad as it seems the u.n. aid coordinator says the international community has learned from earlier crises instead of simply handing out food he stresses the need to transfer money directly to victims we are using much more innovative ways of assistance and in particular the local numb governmental organizations play a very important role in being the intermediary between the local communities ourselves and the authorities. but critics say that even in the case of national organizations and state agencies it's nearly impossible to control whether aid is getting through secretly filmed images like these show international aid deliveries often end up being sold at the local market places. anticorruption advocate mohamed mubarak says administrative abuses like these won't end until somalia's fundamental problems are addressed. if there was unchecked power and when the wild there would be corruption and it's because we don't have the checks and balances that's the main reason so we should build on it and invest on the stick institution building. the new government in mogadishu in power since february claims it's addressing these abuses. it has solicited direct grants for the reconstruction of state structures. the president on the prime minister very keen and trying to stop. any sort of corruption but this is where we need our international partners to trust the trust has to start somewhere . dr mohamad also hopes to be able to treat more than just hunger for next patient is suffering from the effects of untreated meningitis. the small donation funded clinic may be able to save him from starvation but they cannot do anything about his pain. or d.w. sunlit haters vanos one of the correspondents behind that report she joins us me joins me now in the studio hi sandra well the scale of the humanitarian crisis in somalia is staggering just how desperate are these people well if you just look at figures and numbers about half the population are dependent on humanitarian aid and yes if famine was a voted in the last couple of months but still about eight hundred thousand people are on the brink of starvation they may need to the basic cities like mogadishu but what can happen in mogadishu we have seen over the weekend with this devastating blast that took away the lies of the three hundred people ok so this is a humanitarian crisis on a massive. scale half the country dependent on aid external aid you talked to a lot of the aid workers there how do they maintain their motivation to continue in the face of such adversity when we couldn't reach everyone of course we were really . throughout our reporting dependent on what we could find in mogadishu in the capital because it was just too dangerous to go out you cannot you know just take a car drive on the road and go out to where people are really neat where people are in desperate situation because there is a war going on in this country as we've just seen with the bottle or so it so in mogadishu itself people are trying their level best and yes they could save a lot of people from starvation but there are also limits as we have seen in the city clinic and our report you know you cannot treat anything beyond long attritional raid because you simply lack the capacity you don't have intensive care units where you can take care of people so there are clear limits and i mean that is something you have to do with on a daily basis but what we found is that the humanitarian aid workers are really you know marty they did but of course at times it gets to you when you have this little baby in front of you suffering from you know untreated meningitis and there is you know nothing really you can do very powerful moments you've been reporting in crisis regions like somalia for a long time in your report we heard one of the aid coordinators saying that much has been learned from past mistakes do you get that impression in somalia in terms of the way that aid is being distributed and brought to the people i think this time it was way too much more you know or innovative when compared to previous times if you take yourself back to two thousand and eleven we had a famine and somalia you know it's a real currying thing because people don't have resilience. and back then about two hundred fifty thousand people died many of cholera because you know aid didn't reach them in times and if your immune system is you know cholera is something that you will always find with hunger and hygiene the conditions this time yes there was deaths but we didn't really see anything like we saw in two thousand and eleven large scale and yes what they did do this time is not just drop food aid or send trucks with food but they sent money you know with little debit cards that people could use to then go to the markets to buy food that they need and for as long as there are markets this is something you can really do of course what you cannot always control is if this money is reaching the right people as you have with food aid you can never be entirely sure that you know it reaches the people and that it doesn't get deviated because what we found in somalia as well as you know sex a rise from the world food program that ended up on the black market like a fifty kilograms sec we could have bought for twenty three dollars if i remember correctly and if we would have bought the whole shack that we found we would have gotten a mess of discount as well so it was clear to you that some of the aid is being diverted that would seem to suggest that there's corruption is involved here yes i mean when where there was no control of course corruption is thriving interior you look at refugee camps which have gatekeepers the gate keepers and a very powerful position if they have bet keepers of course they can you know divert ate and also if that food you know reaches the airport there might be official school saying ok we can make a good business e a plus this is also something we need to say there are people who get rice but who want and need something else so the recipients themselves might take that to the market. this is the first in a series of reports that we're going to be featuring this week on deutsche avella deal. with developing countries and efforts to address the humanitarian crises what more can we expect this week where we live is it almost all of the east african countries that was so much in the limelight in march and april but then became really quiet if we looked at is there now a famine or isn't there a famine so we will be visiting northern nigeria south sudan will be going to kenya and also to uganda to find out what exactly are the roots of hunger and it almost all cases we with find that hunger starvation and also famine have a lot to do with political. son of a really looking forward to seeing the series of reports i understand you're going to be with us again tomorrow to talk more about your own reporting a son of the pater's fund who's been in somalia thank you so much for bringing us up to date on that. but we go on to ukraine now where street art revolution is changing the face of the capital kiev artists from around the world have joined locals in painting an explosion of large murals on the great solace of the soviet architecture which dominates much of the city much of the new work captures the open minded spirit since the two thousand and fourteen my don revolution broke with ukraine's moscow dominated past. emmanuel giarrusso is a street artist from canada with ukrainian roots he's come to kiev to add a little color and variety to the city's grey residential blocks. all around ukraine's capital the communist era prefab facades are getting a new paint job it's a very political process. and victor and his crane are always on hand to host the artist up so he can work at those dizzying heights. it hasn't been anything but a wall for a hundred years and because of open mindedness and you know now it's seven hundred years later there's going to be a mirror on it and it's to do with that. open minded perspective and open the box and open the window on the wall so that's the idea. he's proud to be able to do his part to modernize. he feels as if he's giving the walls a new identity and a new face and helping the city move further away from russia and their shared soviet past. like how soviet it has because like there's a potential for it to grow in like a modern way that is unlike any other city and watching like that kind of fade away and people kind of. embrace new modern things like i in a way likes having street art is like a really kind of a modern day modern phenomenon that. the murals are street art for the masses not gallery pieces for the elite of this exhibit is out in the open for all to see that's just what the artists collective wanted something fully in the spirit of the two thousand and fourteen my don revolution. ukrainian photographer nikifor off takes a different perspective one of looking back. he's out to document kiev soviet legacy the classic mosaic murals for instance he travels the length and breadth of ukraine photographing them while he still can many are already crumbling. this is no question these mosaics are important they're part of our culture and country even for my generation even though we weren't born yet when these works were created it's important to preserve this piece of art history if not physically then in photos but they're going to. newest mural is approaching completion it's intended to keep the spirit of the revolution alive. the symbolism of peace and change still triggers heated debate. i think we should do away with the old communist symbols and fast i don't want the old stuff anymore i'm sure there's no need to look back we've got to move forward only forward. now. while the soviet legacy cannot be denied local say the aggression recently shown by russia towards ukraine has further tarnished memories of that era of official brotherhood. some bonus league soccer action now and braman hosted mentioning the home team were looking for their first win of the season and they're still looking after gladbach picked up the road win and moved into a fifth place in the league. braman fans are nothing if not optimistic despite not having seen their side win all season they filled the visa stand in coach alexander noory was relieved to welcome captain flacco you news of it back to the starting line up for the first time this season after injury. that it was the opposing team's captain who opened the scoring on twenty seven minutes. taking advantage of some sloppy verda defending. if you though you could have anticipated that turn and finish simply exquisite minutes later the visitors tighten their control of the game vest to guard rose highest from a corner and celebration from the dane out of respect for his former club no more goals followed after the break this was grand banks first away win of the campaign . event where the wait for any win goes on and xander nuri is a man under pressure. or staying with the bonus leg at only a point in the standings separated labor from both heading into their match at the bay arena both sides were looking to make up ground on the top half of the league. it took until midway through the first period for late the couzens encounter with them to get interesting a leader who's in clinical topic in the woods but books on lost panda smashed in the open and his first goal of the campaign. was big hit back just before the breakthrough on the liverpool phone to rekey one loan at half time. made the coups and then reached the lead when argentinian striker lucas and lower rio continued his good start to life in the bundesliga. but yacob last of course he snatched a point for the wolves in sixty nine minutes the fourth draw in a row under new coach martin schmidt it did not play the coups enough third straight home league win. and joining us now war for more on all the bonus league action over the weekend is of the moho tuckey from v.w. sports hailing with the start with braman still without a win is coach nori in trouble yes this is a man who is walking on thin ice and he could possibly become the third coaching change this season and i'm telling you terry something has to give at this club either they start picking up the points before the winter break a new rate is will face and this is a team whose they have been witness in eight games and one of the main problems has been is that they way too reliant on one man and i'm talking about the injured max crew is there because when he's not there this team just can't see what they've had after eight games in the one to see a season three go and that's not good news so early in the season we're looking at the people coaches dropping like flies the other game and the other game this weekend ended in yet another draw or bowl spork they keep battling back in games but is of no yellow those folk have been a bit of a mystery this season you know you look at them on paper. much higher power in that team you look at them up front people like. the. cough ski you know this is a team that should be scoring a lot more gold stay should be doing better but one of the biggest problems has been under martin smith is that they seem to be playing point for point they have yet to win on the ham they've had for dross but i didn't have the day when what when it comes to most work i'm not too worried they are in good hands there is enough quality on this team to pull them through ok big talking point this weekend here and we've got berlin how to berlin taking a knee like us football players american football players what was that all about what's reaction so the reactions have been mainly very positive. i mean in the world of football people where joking about it even saying that hey you know had to have been in does make international headlines for the first time and when they do it's a.


Centre did not give calamity funds to T.N. when AIADMK was in power too, says EPS

Centre did not give calamity funds to T.N. when AIADMK was in power too, says EPS - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Centre did not give calamity funds to T.N. when AIADMK was in power too, says EPS

Centre did not give calamity funds to T.N. when AIADMK was in power too, says EPS - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Palaniswami strains every nerve for the AIADMK to bounce back in LS polls

Palaniswami strains every nerve for the AIADMK to bounce back in LS polls - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Palaniswami strains every nerve for the AIADMK to bounce back in Lok Sabha polls

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Major parties, Independent candidates file nomination in Dindigul and Theni constituencies

Major parties, Independent candidates file nomination in Dindigul and Theni constituencies - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


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How Somalia-Turkey defence deal torpedoed a rival UAE agreement - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


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