Narayana Murthy, who co-founded Infosys in 1981 by borrowing an initial Rs 10,000 from his wife Sudha Murty, never allowed his wife to join the firm even though he believed that she was more qualified than his other co-founders.
Padma awards United Kingdom Akshata Murthy S Jaishankar Rishi Sunak Sudha Murthy Padma Bhushan Narayana Murthy Infosys Ministry of External Affairs; Padma Awards: UK First Lady Akshata Murthy quickly moved seated next to S Jaishankar; British PM Rishi Sunak wife Rashtrapati Bhawan witness mother Sudha Murthy receiving Padma Bhushan with father Narayana Murthy brother Rohan Murthy Sudha Murthy sister seated in middle row families awardees; Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy family sitting in middle row Padma awards ceremony Rashtrapati Bhawan; Sudha Murthy receiving Padma award British prime minister Rishi Sunak wife UK First Lady Akshata Murthy; protocol moved to front row seated next to foreign minister S Jaishankar; latest news on; Aman Sharma