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Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20141221

in their patrol car this afternoon in brooklyn. investigators are calling it an execution. good evening everybody. i'm joyce evans. >> investigators say the gunman talked about his deadly plan online. fox 29's dave kinchen live in the newsroom right now with details just released tonight. dave. >> reporter: that's right joyce. investigators are looking at instagram posts that they have linked back to the suspect. that's part of the investigati investigation. they are describing these posts as anti police statements online and we also now know the names of the nypd officers executed in this win lynn 82 maryland two months ago. raphael ramos leaving behind a wife and 13-year-old son all of this just before christmas week. >> police call eight saturday afternoon ambush. 2nypd officers executed while sitting in their patrol car in the brooklyn neighborhood. new york's mayor and police commissioner somber and shane addressing the tragedy. >> today two of new york's finest were shot and killed with no warning, no provocation. they were quiet simply assasinated. >> reporter: commissioner william, says officers were responding to crime complaints in a housing development when 28-year-old ishmal brincely attacked in cold blood. >> he took a shooting stance on the passenger side and fired the weapon -- his weapon several times through the front passenger window striking both officers in the head. the officers never had the opportunity to draw their weapons. they may never have actually even seen their assailant, their murderer. >> reporter: the saturday suspect ran into a nearby subway station and took his own life with a gunshot to do head. police believe he avenged the attacks..., one post, they take one much ours let's take two of theirs. this may be my final post. >> those are part of multiple investigations now underway to try and make sense out of what was his motivation to come to new york and murder two new york city police officers. >> investigators say the suspect shot his girlfriend in baltimore hours before arriving in new york. they are not sure of that moti motive. this comes a mid high tensions between police departments and minority neighborhoods around the country with passionate protests after the choking death of eric garner earlier this year. despite the tension the mayor says the focus should be on the families of the fallen officers. >> our city is in mourning. our hearts are heavy. we lost two good men who devoted their lives to protecting all of us. in regard to the tension the river andy al sharpton released a statement saying he was outraged at the killing of two police officers that is why we stress non violence as the only way to fight for justice. >> joyce? >> thank you for that report, dave. and we will have the very latest online as this story continues to develop, >> family and friends member the life of a mother killed with five members of her family. a vigil was held in harleysville montgomery county for nicole hill. now on monday hill's he can husband brad stone went on a shooting -- killing rampage. he killed her, her mother, her grandmother and three other relatives and three separate locations throughout the county. hill and stone were in the middle of a heated custody battle. the two daughters were not hurt in that rampage. >> new castle county, delaware, police investigating the death avenue man in wilmington. police were called to the lowry drive. that checked out -- to check out a suspicious car. now they found two men inside that car. one was dead. the other was hurt. he was taken to the hospital and listed in critical condition. the investigation into what happened here continues. philadelphia police are also gathering details on the murder of a man who apparently tried to burglarize a home it happened just before 2:00 this morning. police say the 23-year-old man broke into a garage on the 6100 block of van dyke street. apparently trying to steal some tools. a man and his nephew and side the home heard the commotion, confronted the burglar and they fought with him. the suspect was hit in the head during the fight and died right there at the scene. >> on your radar, the official start to winter. fox 29 meteorologist domenica davis here with a look. it starts tomorrow at 60:00 3:00 p.m. so, yes, it will officially be winter, but tell that to the temperatures we have right now. 34 degrees that's the actual air temperature. winds are coming out of the south right now not too much of a wind chill out there but it is certainly a chilly night with mostly cloudy skies much as you wake up you're looking at 32 in the city. about 33 in the suburbs. temperatures pretty uniform because we will have mostly cloudy skies through the early part of the morning and then we'll see those clouds break up a bit during the afternoon. so here's a look at ultimate doppler. we're staying dry. high pressure in control. the clouds are around but we are talking unsettled weather for the start of the work week. tomorrow it's dry and quiet, again, winter officially begins in the evening. and then monday and tuesday we're talking rain showers. not all day rain but by wednesday we will see a big storm move in here. heavy rain and strong winds and also over the next couple of days temperatures are going to be trending up so we will have a little bit of a warmup along with all this rain. a lot to talk about and do so coming up in a little bit. joyce. >> thank you domenica. more than two dozen people are hurt when a double decker mega bus slides off a highway during wintry weather conditions in indiana. it this morning the bus was traveling from chicago to atlanta when it rolled off the highway and turned over on to its side. about 70 people were on board. 27 of them were treated for minor injuries. authorities say snow and wind along with the speed of the bus may have caused it. philadelphia police need your help to identify a john doe and we want to warn you the pictures you're about to see here may be disturbing. but police really need the public's help with this. this man was admitted to temple university hospital last friday after he choked on some food. he became unconscious while he was choking and he has not been awake since. if you recognize him, please contact police. they are desperately trying to locate his family. >> ♪ >> here we go. eagles fans stunned and disappointed. it was a must win for the birds today but they just couldn't pull it off. fox 29's keith russell here. keith, what in the world went wrong? >> look at your face. >> joyce, anything and everything. anything and everything. the skins had lost six in a row. but they looked like the team fighting for a playoff spot. not your philadelphia eagles. now, if i were to tell you riley cooper would catch 2td passes and eagles would still lose, you'd be like, yeah, right. but cooper at one point gave the eagles the lead. now mark sanchez while he did what mark sanchez does, crucial interception late fourth quarter. redskins head down the field and they kick the eagles to the curb. and now a 27-24 loss has a team at three weeks ago was talked about as super bowl contender. now a team probably on the midst of its last game of the year. >> we got one game left. we got to get ready and get focused for the new york giants and got to win that game. there's a lot of other things that that have to happen that we have no control over. >> three weeks ago we were sitting pretty. now we need a lot of stuff to happen. so, um, we have nobody to blame but ourselves. >> i'll tell hugh a lot of folks are blaming. rookie kicker codey parkey. only missed twice all day. today he missed twice. one kick would have given the eagles seven-point lead. the other would have tied the game. now, some folks tweeting eagles should just cut him. he a lone lost the game. either way, no one feels worse than him. >> it sucks. still confident in my abilities. just got to keep fighting and keep pushing along. there's highs and lows in this game unfortunately this is very low for me. >> yes, it is. now joyce, the only scenario the only scenario where the eagles can make the post season dallas to lose to the colts tomorrow and the skins next sunday and the eagles have to beat the giants. more reaction to what now seems like mission impossible. that's coming up in sports. >> all right. it could happen. it could happen. thank you, keith. no? all right. sony says it's looking for a new way to release the interview the movie that has the us and north korea at odds. fox's will karr has the latest on this. >> reporter: sony pictures looking for alternative ways to release the interview the comedy about a plot to assasinate north korea's leader kim jong-un. the company canceled the film's christmas day release after hackers threatened attacks on movie theaters. the white house is applauding sony plans to distribute the movie and a different platform. in a statement a spokesman says, we are pleased to hear that sony is activel actively working to distribute the film. people should be able to decide for themselves whether or not they would like to see it. the fbi believes north korea is behind the cyber attack and president obama has vowed the us will respond. >> they caused a lot of damage, and we will respond. we will respond proportionately and we'll respond in a place and time and manner that we choose. >> it could include some form of sanctions. it could include moving closer to south korea in some kind of a pivot. one of the key things you have is a discussion of proportionality and the recognition of any kind of acts have the potential to escalate and you also need to appreciate what's the motives behind the place like north korea. how much credibility do we give them in the world if we overreact. >> north korea denies it was involved in the cyber attack and is now calling for a joint investigation into the incident with the united states. >> north korea saying they will be grave consequences if the united states does not agree to that joint investigation a spokesman for north korea going on to say, they can prove they had nothing to do with the cyber attack. in los angeles, will carr fox news. >> it's super saturday and retailers aren't holding back one bit. how waiting until the last minute is paying off for some shoppers. plus, customers are disgusted by what a store owner is accused of doing to a lottery winner who is mentally challenged. the move that's now costing him big money. domenica. >> we saw highs in the mid 30s. running below normal but the trend will actually be warming over the next couple of days. unfortunately rain comes along with it, too. we'll have a look at the forecast coming up. ♪ >> and welcome back, everybody. a near death experience caught on dash cam. take look at this fed ex truck crashing into a georgia state police patrol car just narrowly missing the officer. he was making a routine traffic stop on the side of the road when the truck came barreling through and hit the officer's car. now, fortunately, he's okay but the fed ex driver had to be airlifted to the hospital. no word on the extent of his injuries. >> and today is expected to be a bigger shopping day than black friday. experts predict shoppers will spend $10 billion just today. and there are only five days left until christmas and retailers are going into overdrive trying to at tract those last minute shoppers an lot of stores are extending their hours. fox 29's sabina kuriakose spoke with some of those shoppers. >> reporter: forget those visions of sugar plums dancing g in your head. navigating last minute holiday shopping can be amaze. clothes, toys, watch out for those elbows. when you get to the end, you still have to wait in line. >> last minute guy. so try and get it in. >> reporter: chris adams is in luck. retailers like kohl's throwing up their doors with price cuts and long hours. hoping to entice panicking customers who still have stock to go phil. >> we have not closed. since friday. kohl's is open 100 hours straight until christmas eve. retailers like macy's, target and toys r us operating on extended hours. >> shift workers that are coming in, um, we have casino from the hospitals. so we are here. >> reporter: stores hoping to boost their bottom line. fox business in the ap reports sales are up slightly nationwi nationwide. but the modest growth means retailers are making a big push for row procrastinators to save the day. >> it's probably not a good idea for the workers, maybe, you know, a little overtime is probably good, but, hey, shoppers take advantage. i'm one of them. >> reporter: sabina kuriakose, fox 29 news. >> an investigation is underway after chicago mayor rahm emmanuel's son is robbed right outside the family home. authorities say 17-year-old zach emmanuel was approached by two men who grabbed him, put him in a choke hold, punched him in the face, and took his cell phone. it happened right near the family's home on the north side of the city last night. now zach was treated for cuts and bruises to his face. residents say security is beefed up in the neighborhood. >> there's been at least one more, um, paddy wagon out here this morning and a couple unmarked cars up and down the street. >> more than normal? >> yeah. usually there's just two. one in front and one around back. >> the mayor does have a around the clock police detail, but they were not there -- we don't know where they were test the robbery. it hasn't been disclosed yet. police are checking nearby surveillance video for clues. parents plead for the life of their son as -- in the case of that colorado movie theater shooting goes to trial. they are reaching out to victims in an open letter. fox's dave young has that story. >> reporter: robert and arlene holmes sat through numerous hearings express less watching their son in court. now in an open letter james holmes parents reach out to victims of the theater shootings and their families saying "we're always praying for everyone in aurora. we wish july 20, 2012 never never happened ". >> we haven't forgotten it one day. for them to put out a letter right before the trial starts that's not -- i don't think it's by their design that that letter came out. so we're a little angry. >> it's still bleeding. >> marcus weaver was shot that day. his girlfriend rebecca murdered. in the letter holmes parents say james is a human being gripped by a severe mental illness who should be spared the death penalty. >> some of the other victims i talk to, why would they do that the timing right before christmas during the holidays when it's so painful. i think they have felt this way all along. originally, my guess is that they didn't want to interfere in the process. they very much hoped that the prosecution would see that their son was mentally hill. >> his parents say we believe that the death penalty is morally wrong especially when the condemned is mentally ill. the prosecution has refused a plea deal. >> but to get a letter from the shooter's family that wasn't really just to the survivors or the victims addressed to the public. >> his parents say we love our son. we have always loved him and we do not want him to be execute e. >> they will see mr. holmes is 100% completely guilty and there's no other penalty besides the death pennel teen i hate saying that. >> david young reporting for us tonight. >> ebola outbreak in west africa left thousands of children homeless. most of the young people have nowhere to go. some of their own family members are turning them away. now, although the children were never infected with the virus many fear they will become infected if they have contact with them. ebola has killed more than 2,000 people in sierra leo. tis the season of giving and sharing and tonight we have a story of the true meaning of giving back. it starts with a california woman who lost her wallet containing hundreds of dollars in gift cards. she thought that all was lost, but as fox's john, reports a holiday hero saved the day. >> reporter: a dreary day in san francisco's financial district had one bright spot for a woman. >> that was a christmas gift in itself. >> reporter: last friday laura cantrell got home at the end of a long week and realized her wallet was missing. >> i of course was backtracking and i was thinking, where could i have left it, when was the last time i used it? >> reporter: finally the legal secretary figure it must have been stolen from her bag. >> when you're in the city you hear all about the picket pockets. >> it contained $800 in gift cards she was going to use to buy christmas presents. all of it she thought was long gone. >> as i was adding up the amount i started panicking, and realizing wow there's a lot of money in there. >> reporter: on monday she called max's cafe in her office building where she had eaten on friday. >> they just said, what color was your wallet? i said black and they said, yeah, somebody turned it in this morning. >> thank you very much for turning in my wallet. i really appreciate that. >> a janitor found the wallet. impressed with her honesty she wanted to show her appreciation giving her a $100 reward. >> oh, wow! >> i think it's pretty incredible. i mean that she would be so honest to turn it in and not be tempted. >> through an interpreter sanchez says she never even thought of keeping the wallet or its contents. >> she always has work, everything that is inside of the houses that she cleans belongs to the houses. so this wallet being in here, belongs to max's. >> sanchez says she's about to become a grandmother and that the reward will come in handy this christmas season. >> i think something for my grandson or granddaughter, i don't know. >> it gives you hope in humani humanity. you know it gives you faith. >> a woman is declared dead. a white sheet pulled over her face. but she's alive. the mistake that left emergency crews absolutely shock. a man busy cleaning an office is lucky to be alive. what seemed to come out of nowhere and cause all of this damage. >> fox 29 viewers are tweeting us their holiday lights and this, it's from the fox familiar until fox chase. what a beautiful tree they have there. thanks for sending that in and you should send yours, too. fox 29 wants to see your holiday lights. post pictures or videos to social media, facebook, twitter, instagram. use the #fox 29 lights and we could put your ♪ >> welcome back. residents of a community in australia are leaving flowers as they mourn the loss of eight children found stabbed to death friday morning. the 37-year-old woman arrested is believed to be the mother of seven of them. four girls and four boys were ages two to 14 years old. the eighth child is believed to have been the woman's niece. the woman is in the hospital now recovering from self inflicted stab wounds. >> arizona cat burglar gets caught on puppy cam as he is making nice with her pets. using treats. >> 911. what is your emergency? >> hi, there's someone in my house. >> it was indeed the homeowner set up a live video feed to keep eye an eye on her dogs while she was at peek. occasionally she takes a peek from her computer and this time she caught a man on the prowl inside her home feeding treats to her dogs as he tried to burglarize her house. he eventually notices the cam ran shuts it off but she had already called 91 weren't. >> yes i'm looking at the surveillance camera rah from work. locked down all the alleys and streets and things of that nature and we actually witnessed the suspect coming out of the backyard into the alley. >> yup. officers had already surrounded the home and arrested him when he tried to get away. a woman is declared dead only to come back to life. police in utah responded to the woman's home thursday after reports that she had been shot. they covered her body with a white sheet, but moments later, it started moving. an ambulance arrived and she was rushed to the hospital. >> it's difficult. it's difficult to pronounce somebody dead because the signs of life may be very subtle as the body tries to stay alive. >> well a doctor says her body probably went through shock after the shooting and gave a false reading of death. the woman later died at the hospital. a man confessed to the crime and he is in custody. a convenience store is ord ordered stop selling lottery tickets. what the owner is accused of of doing to one winner that's leaving customers feeling disgusted. >> domenica. >> winter may be on the way but it's not going to feel like it because we are in for a warming trend and also a christmas eve storm. i'll hav >> a man ambushes two new york city police officers for what investigators are calling retaliation for the choke hold death of eric garner. the deaths come at a time when protests against police brutality are happening on daily basis. dave kinchen is live in the newsroom with the latest details on this senseless shooting. dave? >> reporter: very senseless. so much sadness and outrage in new york city right now. two officers ambushed one just married two months ago. the other fallen officer leaving behind a 13-year-old son and a holiday season now shatter the for their families and detectives are looking at anti police posts on social media linked to the suspect for clues. let's go to video now just before 3:00 p.m. in brooklyn bedford neighborhood neighbors say the officers raphael ramos and lou were helping out a crime task force when 28-year-old suspect ishmal brincely walk up to their police cruiser and fired multiple shots striking both officers in the head. they did not have a chance to draw their weapon and may not have even seen the attack coming. some investigators believe the shooting was revenge for the deaths of eric garner and mike brown. the mayor says all new yorkers should feel as if they were attacked in this tragedy. >> we depend on our police to protect us against forces of criminality and evil. they are a foundation of our society and when they are atta attacked it is an attack on the very concept of decency. therefore every new yorker should feel they, too, were attacked. our entire city was attacked by this heinous individual. >> and police say brincely ran into a nearby subway station and took his own life with a gunshot wound to the head. police officials say he even shot his girlfriend in baltimore hours before waging this cowardly attack in brooklyn. still so many questions and multiple law enforcement agencies are working to get those answers tonight. joyce. >> thank you, dave, for that update. the reason for the season giving and today officers assigned to the 26th police district in philadelphia they were in the spirit. they gave out toys. they had cake and they celebrated the holiday season with children and their families from their own district. the officers say many of the kids will not be getting gifts under the tree without help from people who care. they say not only promotes a spirit of giving but it reinforces positive relationsh relationships between police and the communities they serve. >> kwanzaa is still almost a week away, but students are already celebrating the african-american tradition. students from the imani education circle charter school in olney host add cultural program focusing on the seven principles of kwanzaa and its history. the event featured a variety of performances. kwanzaa starts next friday. >> a store in massachusetts gets suspended for selling lotto tickets. now, this is after what happened to a special needs customer who had a winning ticket. fox's jessica reyes has that story. >> reporter: this melrose convenience store no longer selling lottery tickets. following allegations that the store's own are in tried to exam a mentally handicapped woman out of thousands. >> i think it's horrible. i mean to take advantage of anyone but especially somebody with disabilities it's really sad. >> reporter: the woman's father contacted the massachusetts state lottery saying she won $10,000 on a scratch ticket at rd deli and mark last month. he told officials when she gave it to the store owner to redeem it, he told her she had only one a thousand and handed her $930 in cash. >> you know that stuff happens, you know, all around you, but you never really think, that could never happen here. >> reporter: lottery officials were able to determine the ticket sold was in fact a $10,000 winner and hadn't been redeemed yet. lottery rules state winning tickets of $600 or more must be claimed at a lottery office much the store's license to sell tickets was suspended on december 11th at a hearing at lottery headquarters in brain tree. spokesperson issued a statement saying in part at the hearing the owner return the ticket which was in fact a $10,000 winner and appeared to match the description provided by the family member. the hearing officer is in the process of issuing a decision terminating the agent's license. >> shouldn't just get it back. just to get it back. rusheed to some real -- gets soe real punishment and feel real pain. >> reporter: the ticket's rightful owner was able to claim her prize on december 16th but the whole thing really is not sitting well with people who shop at this store. >> to hear that somebody is taking advantage of the developmentally disabled like that it's really disgusting. >> still looking for that perfect gift for mom? how about a chocolate bust of yourself? hershey's tweet new piece of technology that's next. >> a woman gives a fast food worker the mink coat right off her bac >> welcome back everybody. usually seeing police lights in your rear view mirror is not a good thing, but not always. deputees in oklahoma spent friday pulling people over to hand out cash instead of ticke tickets. police say the random $20 donations were a way to show people the good in law enforcement. >> and so this is from the sheriffs office. >> oh, my god! really? >> yes, ma'am. >> thank you. >> we hope you have a good christmas. okay? >> thank you. man i appreciate that. >> we're not doing this to change the public's view on us. we just want them to know that we are human. that we want to help our fellow man. >> that is so nice. well deputees handed out $1,000 worth of gifts to 50 people. tonight in your money, customized chocolate creations. you can really make anything out of the sweet treat with a new piece of technology out of pennsylvania. hershey's chocolate is making all kinds of creations with their 3d chocolate printer exhibit. visitors to hershey park can even check out a chocolate bust of themselves. a scanner reads the dimensions of any object, then the printer makes it. >> it's amazing. >> i'll put that on my mantle. no doubt about that. >> chocolate bust of you? >> sure. yeah, on the mantle. >> every single item that comes out of that printer could be different than the one that came out before. so unlike a manufacturing line where every bar is exactly the same with a 3d printer everyone could be completely different. >> fascinating, right? well next year, hershey hopes to take the exhibit to the next level actually selling 3d chocolates at chocolate world. well, a compliment scores a mink coat for a woman in texas. cheryl simeone was working the drive through window at a fast food restaurant. water burger when a good samaritan named nadine drove up wearing a mink coat. simeone complimented her on the coat. next thing you know nadine took the coat off her back and handed it through the window. >> the lady says that's a beautiful coat. and she was so sweet. so i just took it off and handed it to her through the drive in window. >> she was a perfect stranger. i didn't know this lady from where. i never seen her come in my drive through window. >> yup. the mink coat that now cheryl is wearing is estimated to be worth around $10,000. a man busy cleaning an office is almost killed. what seemed to come out of nowhere to cause all this damage. domenica. >> it's a cold and cloudy evening and we even have a little bit of snow showers, very light snow showers and flurries showing up in lancaster county, but it's not the snow we'll be talking about. it's the rain and it arrives in time for christmas eve. >> take a look at individual of a flying tire crashing through a window march roll missing this man inside. seventy seven-year-old was cleaning up the store when that tire as you can see crashes right through the window knocking him to the floor. he had to stay there for a few. he was dazed before he could get up. amazingly he only had a few cuts and bruises. officials say the tire flew off a truck traveling on nearby freeway. >> surveillance cameras are practically everywhere. we know that. and they've captured some funny scary and some amazing moments this year. fox's jonathan hunt takes a look back at 2014 caught on camera and a word of warning here some of this video you're about to see kind of graphic. ♪ >> reporter: retail stores and gas stations are often a treasure trophy of bizarre behavior. a couple in ohio arrested for pilfering popcorn from a convenience store. he pays for one bag but leaves with two. the store owner says there was no buy one get one promotion at the time. two men, one machete that's how this brazen robbery went down in south florida. the suspect made off with a whole lot of quarters according to the store clerk who escaped unharmed. this california store clerk, however, got a bloody nose after she was caught by a customer. it wasn't a stick up according to police. simply an unprovoked attack. >> an ohio man enlists the help of toddler to break into this laud dough mat. you can see him hoisting the kid to disconnect surveillance cameras. >> i just couldn't believe what i was seeing on the individual. as a parent it's appalling. >> good samaritans in the city of brotherly love coming to the rescue of this woman who narrowly escaped death when she fell on to the tracks with a third rail. a similar story in the city of angels where a blind man fell on to the tracks and was trapped beneath a train for some 20 minutes before being rescued. he managed to escape with just a few 96 and scrapes. and talk about a group effort. dozens of people coming to the aid of a man who apparently did not mind the gap. his leg got caught between the platform and a subway car setting the wheels in motion for a flash mob rescue. >> really heart warming to find an incident like this where everyone. >> who knew so much drama would go down when you're going up. 2014 turned out to be quite a year for violence in the elevator. no love in this lift in a manhattan hotel. it shows beyonce''s younger sister solange in an all out brawl with brother-in-law jay-z. the trio later releasing a statement saying "families have problems and we're no differen different". the fallout was even more fears for this couple. ravens star ray rice caught on tape viciously attacking his then fee yann say now wife janay palmer. this incident set off a national debate on domestic violence in sports and jeopardized the career of the former baltimore running back. we'll end on lighter note. on the streets of russia. a driver capturing this truly bizarre scene. a real cast of characters going after this driver during a road rage incident. some say it was staged. we say it's worth watching a few times. in new york, jonathan hunt, fox news. >> let's just look ahead at what our weather is going to look like outside on camera, everywhere else. domenica. >> it's going get a little wild around here for christmas eve. but we're talking rain, not snow, because the temperatures are going to be warming up actually over the next couple of days as we officially get into winter. we will do so with more fall like temperatures. here's a look at the temperatures right knowledge it's chilly. 34 degrees. we have 28 down in millville and 28 in atlantic city. 24 out in the poconos. now, lancaster they're at 28 right now. we are actually getting a little bit of flurries out there. winds are coming from the west and reall really they're variabd pretty light. so not whole much about wind chill this evening which is certainly nice from the past two evenings we've been dealing past few evenings we've didn't dealing with a bit of a wind chill. the feel like temperatures pretty much where the readings are and that is a good sign. the winds are light and they will stay that way right through our sunday. here's a look at ultimate doppler, though. a little bit of flurry action and light snow. that has been popping up in lancaster county, now noun of this is going accumulate and it will dissipate over the neck couple of hours much that's what's going on and the rest of us are just going to stay in the clouds through the rest of the evening until the early part of tomorrow morning. here's a look at ultimate doppler. you can see we basically just have those clouds are around. it is staying dry with high pressure still very much in control around here. but we do have areas of concern. down to our is this out to our west these will be factors as we head into next week and get closer to christmas. so here's a look at future cast. i'll start it on monday because tomorrow is fine. we're looking at sun and clouds. it's monday our rain concerns start to come into the picture as i advance this we start out dry in the morning but really after lunch time that rain starts to move in from the south up to the north. we can get a little bit of mixing. right by i81 we could have a brief mixing in the early part of the afternoon but pretty much more everybody we are looking at rain on monday afternoon right through the evening. tuesday it's more clouds than showers. but we will have spot showers from time to time. and then on wednesday, that's when this strongest storm starts to come through overnight. we'll be looking at a low pressure system tracking out of the ohio valley and that is going to mean heavy to moderate rain throughout the day with strong gusty winds. so this will be a problem for the week and certainly the worst day of the week weather wise and it's going to cause lot of travel concerns. not only for us here in philly but also out to our west through chicago and all up and down the i-95 corridor. so this is a big storm really for a big portion of the east coast. the good news is, it's short lived because by christmas day, we are dry and very mild. 49 degrees on christmas for the call right now. it will be dry with the winds still a little bit breezy behind that system. 30 degrees tonight. it is dry and quite again those light show snow showers we're seeing through lancaster county they'll dissipate in no time. no accumulation expected there. tomorrow it's 42. sun and clouds. we will start out cloudy but we should get a few sunny breaks during the afternoon. winds will stay light so it should be a fairly comfortable day and winter solstice does start tomorrow 6:03 is the official time. now, tomorrow will be the shortest day. the longest night of the year. so just keep that in mind. not a whole lot of sunlight happening tomorrow even if we do get some sunny breaks during the afternoon it will be short. it starts at 6:03 and there's a look at the seven day forecast. temperatures get very mild around here. up to 50s on tuesday. it's at 59 on wednesday but wednesday is really going to be a tough day and nasty day. if you're traveling i would say try to rearrange your travel plans. best call for that. >> thank you dough men any casm let's head over to keith now who's still angry. >> i'm just exhausted. i'm exhausted, joyce. i don't know what to do. neither do they. there's really no way to explain how the eagles have fallen i was par. and just about lost any shot to make the playoffs in a matter of three weeks. what happened today against the redskins? it can't be summed up but we'll giv >> this team was supposing to places and now it's on the fifty seven of sitting home after next sunday. no, it's not okay. if you asked at eagles they'll tell you the same thing. this was supposed to be an appetizer with the dallas game tomorrow as the main course. no one told alfred morris. there he goes. the eagles looked sluggish from the start. now, riley cooper he wasn't sluggish. he had his best game of the season. he catches two touchdowns in the game. eagles 261 yards in the first half. but guess what? they only led by four points and that's when you knew they well rheely were having trouble. codey parkey only missed quite all year. he missed twice in this game alone. that's not going to cut it. once and for all the idea that the eagles don't miss desean jackson is ridiculous. four catches, 126 yards, bradley fletcher burned again. former nova star durell young two short touchdown runs. who else besides cooper played well. tight end zach ertz. 15 catches today. a new team record for single game. but mark sanchez always makes the crucial mistake and here it is again. intercepted with eagles driving in the game tied. and what parkey can't do the redskins kicker can. 27-24. now the eagles only way to make the playoffs dallas has to lose its last two and the birds have to beat the giants. unlikely. >> you want to get a win especially with, like i said, some of the outstanding performances we had, um, you know it's really too bad when that happens and then we lose. >> you know, everybody i'm sure is in here thinking that they can have just played better, you know, they could have made the difference to win this game. so you just -- you're disappoi disappointed in yours and that's how the majority of the guys feel in this room. >> we just haven't he can cuted when we needed to. we've had an opportunity to win every game particularly the past two games. very frustrating for us to be nine-three and control our own destiny and to be in this situation. we know we're a great team. we need a lot of help to get into the playoffs and we're focused on the giants and watch the game tomorrow with everybody big andrew luck before and now i'll be an even bigger one. >> zach ertz played college ball with andrew luck. the eagles need a lot of it. the flyers starting their eight game road trip. they scored 73 in the first. two in the second. two in the third. vorachek leads the nhl in points and not just because they're facing toronto. maybe they're turning over new leaf. flyers within seven-four. tomorrow they face winnipeg. >> a lot going on. >> that's going to do it for us tonight. we


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