way to a clean energy future. we are also announcing funding for, yes, one of my favorite topics, electric school buses. jesse: [laughs] so while biden pushes you to buy a preus, we can t even afford to buy gas. gas at another all-time record high today, $4.32 a gallon. thank god biden saved us that $0.07 on our fourth of july barbecue. with all of these savings we can afford to save the planet now. saving the planet is priceless. so, why does nobody want a tesla, though? less than 1% of cars on the road are electric. jesse watters primetime went out earlier this week to ask americans, what is going on her? why aren t you driving electric car? joe biden says that is the way to go. i don t have $100,000. if i could afford one i would. i can t afford an electric car. i would be out of money buying gas. biden says you are polluting if you don t drive an electric
money buying gas. joe biden says you are polluting if you don t drive an electric car. what do you have to say? how am i going to work. you need to keep in mind he has been rich forever. a lot of people can t oh i m going to switch to a tesla. he better focus the gas price not about the pollution. if he is going to support us and basically give us some electric cars, i don t see why not. he ain t giving nobody a car. pretty accepted that we all pollute. it s part of our lives. everybody else is polluting. you are polluting if you do a lot of things. i don t care what biden says to be honest. joe biden doesn t know what he is doing and what is he doing in this country. f. joe biden. not only are gas prices on the rise, they are now the most expensive they have ever been in u.s. history. how is it affecting you. you are kidding me. that number depresses me, dude. shopping. i take the.