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ukraine's army recently pushed brushing forces out of could be on by the as al corresponded reports, life there is still far from and around president bows to investigate the death of a woman arrested by the morality police that's done little to 12 public outrages, protests, turn into an open challenge against the government. ah, i'm been puzzling welcome. there being cold, sham referendums. russian and sold authorities in ukraine's east have begun holding votes on joining russia. the so called referendums are being held in areas that make up 15 percent of ukrainian territory, but they're also taking place in the middle of a was and of course a strike outside one polling station at brush and occupy done yet go good night life. 6 people did pro prevalent separatists blame ukrainian forces. the voting is expected to last several days and result in the regions annexation by moscow. ukraine and western government say they won't recognize the outcome. he w. russia analyst. oh man. gotcha. ankle told us that the referendums are part of a wider russian plan to dominate all of ukraine. well, we have to keep in mind that the general goal of russia is to destroy, to disintegrate grain. and this is what is all about. and these so called randoms a just an instrument on the way to the end goal. so it is very important for russia to occupy ukraine, but not to look as an occupier. that is why they are staging these referendums and the so called referendums, in order to know, to make an impression that people leaving the ukrainians, i actually one willing to join russia in rush race, so gender us to accept them. so it is, of course, a war situation and no referenda is possible under walk circumstances nor a friend are possible according to the ukrainian law. and there are many other reasons why it is all illegal. but it is also important for russia to distract attention from the defeat. the russia suffered in the region of hockey in north or ukraine in early september. but such referendums were planned from the very beginning. it is part of putting this plan. and finally, last but not least, i think are those experts who said as, as this war started, the invasion started in february. that is a kind of a gift for the russian president vladimir putin who will turn 70 in october. i think there is something about it. yes, and this is also an explanation why russia is, is in such a hurry. of course, this isn't the 1st time the brushes been trying to declare ukrainian territory as its own. let's take a look at what's happened in the past o. 6 russian residents of done yet, sc, celebrate. in mid february after russia recognized the ukrainian region as an independent state, days before russia began its war. people here thought the declaration would bring peace, that the origin see law, which it's very important for all of us that peace will finally come to our republic and to law hands. can we just want peace and calm? we could you close that? neither was this easy. the intricacies could but conflict escalated after russian president vladimir putin. he signed up to support the separatists and used their claims of oppression as grounds for an invasion. now moscow, back to officials in full regions as seeking not just recognition, but annexation votes on whether to join russia will take place in occupied her son zap or asia, lou husky and don. yet sk pots of which have been held by separatists since 2014, when crimea was seized by russia following a so called referendum, kremlin in stow leaders in the regions raced to announce their ballots days off. the ukrainian troops recaptured sways the eastern territory. they've been preparing for months signing up residence as russian citizens in lieu hands. some see the votes as a way out of war and deprivation long that will. yeah, we'll last. i think the referendum will be for the best or via that that yes, that there will be water and electricity get the people will feel like they are on day night to finance you. you wouldn't submit. you'll see what mattered no jim lee . but for those who fled to ukrainian held pots of zappa's asia, the votes are a sham. but though it's a violation of international law, it's a fake task to show that occupied territories want to join the russian federation, which is a total lie. the ballot papers are printed, but there's no question that the outcome will entrench the conflict while the ukrainian and western government aren't going to recognize these, this, these votes and the results of the votes. but what about russia's international allies? well, i don't think we will see many countries recognizing that these so called referendums. let's remember what happened when crimea was annexed in 2014. just a few countries agreed to see crimea as part of russia, such as syria, such as have been as well or, or cuba or north korea. so i think and not even are the closest russian allies in the former soviet union. republics, like bell ross or context on not recognize crimea as part of russia. i think we will see the same situation here if even if the result will be $8090.00 or 100 percent, whatever. there will be just a few countries in the world to accept it as part of russia and to accept the legitimacy, which is just not given. the analysis there from our course, monica warren gunshot ankle. thank you. earlier we spoke to d. w. corresponded dakota lee in the said ukrainian city of hack give. he told us how people on the ukrainian side view, the votes being staged in russian hill territory. we're here in fact, even you crank control territory. it isn't really much of a topic. people here are basically resigned to this being a foregone conclusion. they don't see it really change anything. they're definitely not going to see their government changing its behavior and somehow leaving off trying to regain these areas. just because russia claims that this is now russian held territory, we've even heard some russian leaders kind of talking about the numbers that they expect to happen. the seemingly hinting at what the result is gonna be, even before people go to the polls as the people on the ground in crush dock pads. ukraine, we can't get there. we basically not be able to get lessons 2014 since russia stoked those separatist campaigns in the east there. so what we can see on social media is not a huge amount in the way of enthusiasm. not a lot of discussion of these votes this deborah sites, as for what people on the ground saying, why he is not a lot of incentive people that actually ask difficult questions, do so in public. so you do occasion his people talking about the hope that this is going to mean an end to fighting around them, but a lot, but that doesn't really seem like this is something that is really occupying people's minds right now. a connolly. they're on the situation in russian occupied parts of ukraine. or recently, nick was able to visit one of the cities in the east and hockey region liberated by ukrainian troops. but as he reports, life there is still far from normal. russia is here to stay. that was the slogan, just a matter of weeks ago, hearing coupons, as russian officials handed out passports in the end, the russian flag came down faster than any one could have imagined. but the russian army hasn't gone far. in fact, you can hear its artillery every few minutes. just a few kilometers away. even before the shelling stops, graham prosecutors a fine coming. what remains of this police station, where russian troops had their base looking for evidence of potential war crimes love, which i thought to look this up when you wrote a right now we're collecting evidence, brought the more law. some of the things we're looking for can be lost over time, that i'm of them go, or that i will hit that key, but we're looking for dna traces, mothership fingerprints diligence and also documents. second one law. an levied shall be on the thought that the russian departure was so hasty. an investigator tells us, many of the soldiers left everything behind, even their passports. that's on the streets. ukraine troops up number, the locals. many residents took the 1st opportunity to evacuate, once ukrainian forces returned. those that remain, keep a low profile. tell us the fighting seems to be getting worse. on come up with the helicopter. we hope ahead was not ukrainian, as everyone around us assumed it was russian. ah, who had to come in now in a hurry we will wait wonders, but i think that could be destroyed, could explode and allow way to see what's happening. this is the route here in front lines. this is terry is controlled by ukraine. you, but they're still cancelled threat of rationalization, and there's no cincy of that life was returning to normal in any sense, the word from any locals life is actually getting harder and practical terms. recent shelling the scene, lose 1st power than running water. and now guess you know, we've nowhere to go. our parents are gone and the situation isn't much better where my sister is and har keeps her. as long as our apartment block is still standing will stay, but it's not heating or water. the people here miss most, it's mobile phone coverage. hottest thing ludmilla tells us is not being able to check up on family. come on, that is correct this year sometimes service comes back long enough to say a couple of words to each other. pick it up, but you end up crying together more than ashley speaking. yeah. what is up fox? my husband has 2 kids and her have. we have no idea how they're doing. a fiddle with ukrainian officials promised phone service me back in a matter of days. although they called promised though, is anything resembling a life as it was before february 24th. and the russian invasion. a few hours of to relieve coupons. news comes through a 4 adults and a teenager wounded. and yet more shilling. some other developments in the war in ukraine, in the united nations investigation has found that russia has committed war crimes in ukraine, experts documented executions, torture and sexual violence among other crimes. with victims between 4 and 82 years old investigation focused on the initial phase of russia's invasion and on the regions of keith can if can, if and so me the united states has urged other nations to condemn russia for making what it calls nuclear threats over the war and ukraine picked speaking at a session of the un security council. russia defended its war in ukraine. it says western countries have become a partly party to the conflict by supplying weapons to keep up and coming up later in the show, leaving russia while they still can men of draft age look for ways to flee up to vladimir putin coals of hundreds of thousands of reservists 1st, iran's president has vowed to investigate the death of a young woman in police custody must armine died after she was arrested for allegedly, failing to wear a head scarf properly. the cases ignited a wave of violent anti government protests in iran, with se television, suggesting the death co toll could be as high as 26, a wave of resistance not seen in years. iranian cities are engulfed in protests despite the use of force by police. people continue to come out on to the straits. the death of masa armine sparked these protests. we men are angry at the state dictating a strict dress code. but now the cause has become bigger. many men have joined to and protest supporting the cause, have sprung up around the world. from here in canada to new york and spain. oh, iranian protesters won't the current leadership to go. the state is fighting back hard. there are reports of security forces, firing mental pallets, and t gas. the army has warned it will confront enemies to ensure a peace, o many have already been killed in the clashes, but for some mourners, this is only compounding their anger. at this funeral, they chant, we will fight, we will die. we will take iran back. the rainy and leadership's attempt to quell the anger has so far been unsuccessful. that avenue enforced that i contacted her family, the family of the deceased at the very 1st opportunity. and i showed them personally that we will continue to investigate the incident. there are reports of instagram and whatsapp outages and attempt to discourage further protests, the fury that is being caused by masa. i mean his death is shaking the hard line iranian state. we can now talk to colony attire. she's head of the middle east office of germany's broadcast. that's at the f. was born in tehran and recently published a book with a title. iran freedom is female. welcome to the show. women's rights in iran are constantly under threat. what's so special about martha mean? his case that it taking so many people to the straits well, this incident was probably the last straw, but actually for long time, iran watches the out poor anger. the upper frustration is actually nothing new. we have seen dozens of really daily acts of civil obedience. we have seen that the amount of aggression in the streets has been constantly high in the past couple of years. and that this, the he job coercion, the coercion of the state to where the he job is only one example of many forms of coercion that the regime is applying actually on the generation that is in the streets. now it is something new, it is more demanding, it is more defined, it is a simply applying means that have never been applied in the, in the streets. it is more king security offices, ridiculing them. it is burning pictures of the heads of state and actually cheering about it. so this is actually a very new character. and it seems that could have a respect people had for the heads of state or for the slim maker. public in general, seems to be completely gone. seems to have completely vanished just how dangerous are those types of protests that you would just mention it it is very interesting. indeed, we are actually in right now, getting less news getting less years because they're internet located because services are slow or blocked. but the put us ongoing in over 35 cities according to protest, which is inside the country. we are seeing a lot of injured people, especially in the west of the country, some parts in the west of the country where gina, i, me, or massa. i mean he was born according to eye witnesses resemble a war zone. we're seeing how to house arrests, even security officers coming into the house, the why the balconies. we are seeing a policeman, even even beating protesters who are hiding inside the cars, beating them with athens. and we're seeing a continuous wave of arrest. arrests of all people who have been guiding the protest arrests if journalists arrests of activists arrested photographers when, if the protagonist of my book has actually just wrote, that her sister got arrested. and another protagonist who lives in the northeast of the country. and masha has been arrested 2 days ago, so this is ongoing, the regime has vowed to investigate. i mean, he's death. what's it about? come to expect that i don't expect any outcome at all. and the regime promised to clear up what led to the shooting of a passenger plane 2 years ago. and nothing came out of this investigation. no prosecution. i don't expect any else. come on the contrary, family members of the, i mean the family have been telling media that actually stories, oxygen pressure on the parents. i mean to come in to stay tv, to full confession. i mean, this is the usual framing, the usual instruments and tools that, that regime is using. but i mean, these parents have been that was, they have given interviews to western media to bring an x on need to know where they have been. stressing that had to what has been always healthy and that she has died under suspicious circumstances of violence. leave correspond, goldeneye. thank you very much for being on the show today. finally, a look at a few other stories making headlines of road doesn't migrants have been rescued off the northern coast of syria after that boat capsized authority, single than 70 people died in. the incident with mike was reportedly departed from lebanon earlier this week, hoping to reach your governance. killed 10 people in mexico in what people believe is drug related violence. the shootings happen at a pool hole in the town of ta to morrow, north west of mexico city. the region has become one of the country's most violent due to rivalry between competing drug cartels. arc and fiona has pounded the atlantic island of bermuda with strong winds. and heavy rain. the powerful storm is heading north woods and is forecast to reach canada on saturday. bed at a number of caribbean islands. earlier this week, left a more reco breaking heap wave strout wild flies and floods. the climate crisis is back in the spotlight today, protested from the youth lead movement fridays for future have taken for the street in new zealand, indonesia and south korea. while these are taking place on every continent, the world's leading scientists, one, we only have a few years left to slash emissions to avert catastrophic climate change. but they continue to rise, protest as a calling on government to act. now to save the planet, along with humanity. also here in berlin, a crowd of students is gathered in the city center. i would like to march to germany's parliament, the buddhist dog d w's. emily go, dean, has joined them. emily, how many people have shown up where you are today? well, we've, we're thing, at least 15000 people here that i've signed up. but i've signed up for this process in the center of berlin, monday, about 8000 of i expected that as far exceeds what people are expecting. but if you compare it to last year, what we saw about a 100000 people gathered here. this is a much smaller than gathering railey, but still it's incredible to see so many people out on the streets today. i believe it motto of today's strike is people not profit. what a protest is. they're demanding specifically. yes. so they're demanding a special budget. what kind of protection? it's it's, it's a fight to get the clock to fight climate change a 100000000 euros. with this money, they want to see a massive investment center into renewables. they also want to see a phase out of coal and gas i. so fossil fuels in general, they also want to invest into affordable public transport. and praise been on your ticket that germany had introduced over the summer. you know, in a voice that strong criticism, the fact that the government decided to not continue i sent to the future at the same price. i know that they are thinking of continuing as, as a higher price, but still this tonya, it was really something that they say and was valuable, valuable to everyone in society and did increase the usage all public transport. but of course, if there's not enough public transport to go on, then it can only go so far. so there are also asking for renewed investment in public transport. and they're also asking for a wind full tax on and on energy company. so that's this money, you know, that the profits a tax on the profits of energy companies. so this money can be used to help low income families, not just through this energy crisis, but also in the future when it comes to fossil fuel. companies that you know that this money can also be used for, for climate disasters. it will go dean for us there in berlin, following demonstrations for us demonstrations that are being held around the world today for the climate. returning to our main story, the war in ukraine, vladimir putin conscription dr. to bolster russian forces in ukraine is being met with resistance. more than 1300 people have been arrested at nationwide protests. many men of draft age are voting with their feet, leaving the country while they still can't. touching down in istanbul, just a day after russia announced a military draft, flight prices have skyrocketed as more and more people flee to avoid being cold, to serve in ukraine. in turkey, arriving russian passengers don't require a visa for entry, making it a top destination. you can, you should d. e. a mother the furious. anyone could be drafted for that reason people, us get and you go that's for now the draft papers are being sent to specific people over the years, but i don't believe that those kind of soon they will expand to more people. and that's scary because we don't know who the next i thought is that the thumbs up and his eyes shut up a little bit with the demand for one way flights out of russia is surging flights to turkey, serbia, as well as armenia and azerbaijan have entirely sold out reports of a mass exodus of young men have been downplayed by the kremlin, which claims the situation is exaggerated. but some of those arriving in turkey, se the fear of conscription, israel. this passenger requested to stay anonymous, fearing reprisals back home. and yesterday yeah, of course i'm horrified. i could be drafted. you know, yet i feel like everything inside me has been replaced by panic. i agree. i came down at 1st, but when i thought about what i was going to do, i started panicking again. i'm scared and fearful because i don't know what will happen next. at the land border with finland, choose to leave the country are also increasing. finland is russia's last remaining, your neighbor that still allows the entry of russian shank and visa holders. but with finland, considering whether to limit or band, the entry of russian tourists and flights out of moscow becoming unavailable. those who wished to leave a running out of options rescue crews in tasmania, racing to save the loss of iving of wales from a mass stranding. there were more than $200.00 of them. most of the pod have died and have to be removed. an alarming sight on a beach in tasmania. some $200.00 pilot whales died after stranding themselves on wednesday. cruise managed to re float over 30 surviving mammals. but some return to the shore line. yeah, no, i mean, it's a significant event. like as you can say behind it's very, you know, it's extremely sad to say these beautiful intelligent animals, you know, i, on land, whether not mates a bay in a. unfortunately, they, st. tom and the proportion of them haven't made it, but i think in terms of the community, cicero sense of pride and, and, you know, i also sense of achievement and just that everyone's collaborating and working well together. it happened 2 years to the day of australia's largest mass stranding. nearly 500 pilot whales were found beached at the same harbor in 2020. the entrance is a shallow and dangerous channel known as hales gates. preparations are under way to move the carcasses into deep waters on sunday to avoid attracting sharks and spreading disease. scientists remain puzzled over what causes mass stranding researchers are now looking for clues as to what led in these animals ashore. affixed here on d, w to the points panelists harassed if they still time to deescalate the war and ukraine stick around for that. i'll be back next out with more useful with who to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective. russia is sending it more soldiers to the front to use nuclear weapons and prepare the an expression or formal provinces of ukraine. what can the west do send more press? well that stop the escalation. that's what we will discuss on to the, to the point with should be tasty. but also how we bust, he tricia shavani to scientific research. and find out how to get in shape without going hungry. in good shape. in 60 minutes on d w. o. how did she become adult hitler's favorite director. and how did he become a forgotten film? pioneer ah, leaning, he finished and arnold funds between hitler and hollywood. in 1932, they set out into the icy wilderness of greenland to create a life threatening a film project that became a major milestone in their lives. love, seduction, and power. ice cold passion starts october 8th on d, w. ah, ah, russia is further escalating. it's war in ukraine. moscow is mobilizing $300000.00 additional soldiers and talks about using quote, all military means including the use of nuclear weapons. also, moscow is orchestrating for so called referendums to annex.


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