Sweden is, of course, more complex than the Utopian collective that some have long considered it to be. That’s not to say that its societal emphasis on better living doesn’t persist. Writer Erika Page reported from around Sweden on the aspirational concept of “lagom” – essentially, a life kept in balance. She tells host Clay Collins about the reporting, and what it showed about a Scandinavian concept that reflects a universal yearning.
Letters to the editor from the Jan. 22 Weekly. Readers discussed progress made in 2023, battles for land rights, and resistance to climate-saving policy.
For many young people around the world, a shifting climate is not a point of contention so much as an ever-present facet of life. They are doing what most people do when problems crop up: roll up their sleeves and get to work.
Small-group learning has been around for a while. It got a boost from pandemic learning pods. Are microschools – essentially modern-day one-room schoolhouses – effective? Education writer Jackie Valley joins host Clay Collins to discuss her reporting on an emerging trend that one proponent says is about “building a civil society from scratch” – and that others hail as a transformational, bottom-up movement that could ultimately transform U.S. education.