Montana conservationists are concerned about a bill that would remove protections from more than 100,000 acres of federally-managed wilderness study areas and are calling for more public input.
Public policy experts recently got together to discuss people s well-being, and how it could improve through policy initiatives taking diverse communities into account. Gabriel Sanchez, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution, said through surveys and focus groups, he has found many communities in Arizona and across the country define their well-being by their economic stability. "Things like having access to affordable housing, jobs that pay living wages," Sanchez outlined. " .
Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund is upping its education efforts, adding field offices around the state and putting boots on the ground, even in Montana s frigid winter months. The newest organizing campaign is in Billings. The Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund has historically focused on issues like public land access and renewable energy. .