rich individuals travel to switzerland. in fact over a thousand private aircraft. according to yahoo news, quote, the carbon dioxide emissions, 350,000 gasoline-powered cars on the road. nearly 40% of jets less than 310 miles away. only a couple of hours, car, bus or train. because there is no airport, private jets forced to land two hours away. passengers board helicopters or a fleet of luxury suv gas guzzling vehicles. climate change and how the little people, rest of us specifically middle class americans how we must make greater sacrifices to save our planet from certain annihilation. al gore is certainly close to certifyfully insane. he has become more unhinged since we saw him. take a look. we are putting 162 tons and accumulated amount is trapping heat, 600,000 hiroshima bombs exploding. that is what is creating rain bombs and sucking moisture out of the lands and raising sea level and causing waves predicted to reach one billion i don t know. look at the zxenophobia
moody mafia:) math would say you need to stop eating meat 11 years to compensate for a flight to thailand. yes, if a billion people stop eating meat, i tell you it has a big impact. sean: you take on all the pain, you have to drive a prius all while they make no sacrifice. maybe they should lead by example, shut the hell up. take a look at your screen. even al gore, he enjoys, that s right, we got exmrusive. al gore getting off jet into suv. plane china given a free pass.
predicted to reach one billion i don t know. look at the zxenophobia. moody mafia:) we have to act, greta tuneburg was just arrested in germany. i agree with her efforts to stop the coal mine in germany. have come to the conclusion that the people in authority are not doing their job. there is a lot of bla, bla, bla as greta says. we are still failing badly. al gore claimed renewable energy this is not al gore s
for handling documents of mar-a-lago. donald trump did have the power to declassify. joe biden didn t as vp. by biden s own standard, was he irresponsible, simple question. moody mafia:) look i said this when the documents were found by donald trump. we have a huge problem here whether you are president or vice president with the process for document leaving the white house, leaving offices and where these boxes end up going. that is a huge problem. american people are aware of that. sean: is he a hypocrite? leslie, you have to work with me. i don t have time for a filibuster, yes or no? [laughter].
here they are as you pointed out at an event for global elites. claiming they are not global elites. i don t think the average american think this is going on. they want socialism. socialism ends the saim way, whatever name, form, whatever manifestation, broken promises, more poverty and ends in a loz of freedom every time, right or wrong? moody mafia:) you are exactly right. you were also right when you said these are globalist socialists.