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Transcripts For FBC Cashin In 20130310

home values are rebuilding. now get the stocks rebuilding with them. morgan, a building products company called masco. >> yes. and home improvement, it is set to pop off new residential construction. >> bill, you like it? >> this company was founded by a genius. he died in 1996. of since then, it's been downhill. >> you have another building products company. they make things that i can't even pronounce. simpson? >> i bought a couple dozen of their hurricane ties and my roof did not fly off during sandy. >> that's a good testimony. >> it is a good testimony. their operating margins for low historical margin, i would watch that part of the business. not so great there. >> you have a side stock in this, middleby corporation, which makes stuff for restaurants. >> yeah. people are now eating out more. they make energy efficient appliances for the kitchen, like stoves. they just bought viking, which is a really hot acquisition. >> morgan, we all love those vikings stoves. >> i actually really like this. it's pricey now. i would buy on the pull back. >> that's it for "forbes on fox." keep it right here. th eric bolling ininess block "cashin' in". more delays at airports across the country. >> average wait times to clear customs will increase by 50%. >> travelers should expect delays. >> then they let thousands of illegals go free and they dropped 50 million bucks of your tax dollars on uniforms fort tsa. so should the department of homeland security be renamed the department of homeland stupidity? how is this for a bright idea? market-based immigration. for 50 grand, you can make the american dream a reality. some say no way, not fair. others say it's the only fair way. and dictator down, hollywood mourns. citgo flies its flags at half mast. now that chavez is dead, will gas flow freely or will the pipes stay clogged? heads up, tree huggers. you're not going to like our ideas for easing american gas pain. "cashin' in," gassing up. hello, i'm eric bolling. welcome to "cashin' in." our crew this week, mr. wayne rogers, jonathan, and tracy byrnes, and former massachusetts senator, mr. scott brown and carolyn hellman joins us from the liberal wilderness. welcome, everybody. washington keeps scaring us about the cuts. but they keep spending. the tsa dropping a whopping 900 bucks per uniform and they keep hiring. three positions opening up at the department of agriculture. it's looking for, get this, insect production workers to grow bowl worms. jonathan, do i need to ask, necessary or needless? >> eric, it's not only needless, but it's destructive. all these things they're scaring us about cutting actually used to be handled by the private markets anyway. the tsa didn't even exist before 2001. before that it was private security. we ate meat in this country for 130 years before the creation of federal meat inspectors in the early 1900s. i certainly don't think the founders intend to do have federal employees growing boll weevils, believe me a republic nor our economy rests on a federal law librarian making $115,000 year. >> scott brown, do we need three white house caligrafhers. >> the president should be getting transfer authority, thible to make those cuts thoughtfully. he's turned it down of the he made it very clear he wants it to be on the backs of the republicans republicans and have people blame the republicans. it's time for leadership and time to get in there and delegate to your authorities, to your cabinet chiefs and have harry reid and others actually delegate to the chairman to find those cuts and do it right away. >> let's go to the doctor, really, sequester started at the white house. why can't the white house start cutting its own and doing it the right way? >> well, eric, let's look at the cal graph, they get paid 30 to $50 an hour. there are ceremonial functions for the presidency. i think we should go after big cuts like getting out of afghanistan. >> hold on, hold on. hold on. nickel and diming? you tell me if this is nickel and diming. ii went to white and downloaded the employees. 28 pages long. listen to this. $130,000, special assistant to the president. $102,000, special assistant to the president. $138,000, special assistant. associate director of public engagement. the list goes on and on and on. we're not nickel and diming here. >> no, these jobs have been -- it takes years to get these jobs approved and get them listed. it doesn't mean they're going to be hired. in fact, every agency, all 15 are making cuts and it is unlikely they will be making many new hires. >> wayne, bring some logic, bring some sense back to the west coast. >> well, part of this is the fact that you're saying making cuts. they shouldn't be there in the first place. that's the thing. the budget grows and grows, or the lack of the budget, if you will, expenses keep growing. nobody thinks about hey, they maybe shouldn't be there in the first place. you mentioned silly things. we spent $27 million on enhancing the ability to teach pottery makers in morocco -- not the united states -- how to make pots! that's outrageous! some of the -- we have added -- there were 2,000 dead people who were distributed food stamps last year! there was 7,000 people who got duplicate food stamps. the amount of waste is enormous. you just can't keep this up. and the president in his absolute outrageous hypocrisy says, oh, the people in that speech, the people in the white house who sweep the floors, they're going to lose their jobs. meantime, he spends $3 million to go play golf with tiger woods! give me a break! lead from the top. >> tracy, the president said the janitors, they're probably going to get furloughed and the teachers. how about the head start programs? how about elderly weren't going to eat if the sequester went into effect? >> drama, drama, drama. yet we spend $50 million on uniforms for the tsa. i'm the first person who thinks you should be dressed nice lea when you pat me down. it's insulting to the american people that they keep getting away with this stuff. they seem to think you're too stupid to figure it out on your own. >> jonathan, not only are they not cutting back, they actually listed 400 jobs, the white house listed 400 jobs the day sequester went into effect. 400 new jobs that they're looking to hire people. >> yeah. let's not kid ourselves. sequester doesn't cut government. it cuts the growth of government. we're all wandering around saying r should we start cutting? how about going back to the constitution? the role of government is protect the individual rights. not employ us, feed us, clothe us. government is involved in so many elements of life now in which it was never intended to be. so if we're look at what to cut, let's go back to the constitutional principles. >> senator, you were sitting in the chamber. why is it so hard to cut? honestly, from both sides? >> bottom line is, don't forget the congressmen and senators aren't getting a cut. their staff is getting cut 5.1%. it's very easy to solve. you need to have the leadership on boehner in the house and reid in the senate, delegate to their chairmen and ranking member and say we have to cut $1.2 trillion and you have 30 days to do it and by the way, we're not leaving thursday at 2:00 o'clock to do it. you need to do it now. it's very easy to do. we should be doing it. >> eric, we talked about this last time. until this system changes, the process changes, until there are term limits, senator, where you're not -- >> i agree with you. >> otherwise all they're doing is work on their next vote. they got to go home and bring something to the table and until that is gone, eric, we're going to have really pretty tsa uniforms. >> if i could add to that, if you look at the voting records of a lot of the people in congress, there are over 93% and above. i was 50-50. i agree with you. you have to look at the members and see what they're doing. bottom line, making cuts is tough to do. but it's a necessity right now. >> doctor, we have to cut. we've already had a tax rate. at the end of the year, president obama got almost a trillion dollars hike in the taxes that americans pay. time to cut. where would you cut? >> i would get out of iraq. i would get -- >> we're out of iraq. we're moving out of iraq. we're getting out of afghanistan. make meaningful cuts. give me meaningful cuts going forward. >> we're talking meaningful cuts. those are in the billions. that's a b. i would get rid of the new and old porno scanners in the airport. why did we get this corporate contract that provides scanning that doesn't even really work? there are all sorts of places to cut. >> go ahead, john. >> instead of cutting the scanners at tsa, why not cut tsa? why not go back to a private security force? >> that worked out really well, jonathan. do you remember september 11, 2001? really great idea. not. >> we're going to have to tel aviv there. we could do this all day. great discussion. we'll leave it there. coming up, happy to see hugo? some say his death may bring relief at the pump up here. but we got to fix to free drivers. then, the solution to america's immigration mess nation's health care problems. join us. hugo is gone, but the pain at the pump is not. while some say chavez's departure could mean lower gas prices in the future in the u.s., others say we've already got the fix. just get rid of the costly regulations on refineries and stop making us so dependent on greener gas. tracy, are regulations a big reason the big jump at the pump? >> 'cause they're not paying for it, we are. so it's all passed on. stop this already. these greenhouse nonsense. stop the summer blend. it's like we got to change outfits in the middle of the year. pass the keystone xl pipeline. we have a friend in canada that wants to send us stuff. instead we're dealing with nuts like venezuela and countries that hate us. >> dr. hellman, there are over 100 different gasoline blends in america. a summer blend, winter blend, east and west coast blend, southern blend, high eth knoll content, it goes on and on. how about one blend, doc? >> well, that's a state level thing. are you really arguing the federal government should be dictating the states laws? i don't think you are. this is not what's causing the prices to go up. we have t highest domestic production since 1992. we have less rance on foreign sail in two decades. >> what is it? >> it is the refineries that we see -- we see the big five coming in, putting the smaller refineries out of business and drying the prices up. >> jonathan, the refinery system, how about we haven't had a new refinery built on american soil in 30 years because of what? the epa and regulation. >> yeah. those are the same refineries that have dealt with over $100 billion in regulatory costs since just the early 1990s. regulators don't build anything. they don't create any plants. all they do is destroy. they prevent progress. they prevent energy in this case from being pumped. i think the energy regulators, environmental regulators in particular are quite nee fairious. we use this fossil fuel to better our lives. oil and natural gas. it powers our modern world. >> jonathan, no. >> make hold on, doc. >> let me make sure i can breathe in l.a. >> he comes from a very liberal part of the country, massachusetts. what do you say? >> wind, solar, nuclear, geo, thermal, permitting, you're right. there has not been in the last 30 years the refinery. we need to become energy independent. it's not adding more regulation to our energy producers. there is a risk obviously, you want to have some regulation. but overregulation is not the way to do it. >> wayne, you make a point that we have enough supply, but, boy, more supply means lower prices, does it not? >> well, it should, yes. of course. as i said, the amount of progress that we have made most scientifically and discoveries in the shales, that they're going to be enough oil that we will be independent from foreign resources. the fact of the matter is, though, that all of these regulations don't help. but sooner or later, we have to come to some sort of an agreement where it works out for everybod as you pointed out earlier, there are so many different kinds of gas that are produced, everybody is producing -- for example, in california, you have a high carb gas that everything has to be done in a certain way and another state it's a different way. all of these refineries have to et those standards. it's very difficult. >> dr. hellman, the day president obama raised his right hand and took oath of office, we talk about 1.83 of gas. now it's over double that price. i got to say, a lot of people are pointing their finger at that man right there for the high price of gasoline. >> well, that would be illogical because that would require there had been a lot of new regulations and there have not been a lot of new regulations. in fact, the president, even after the deep horizon disaster, opened up offshore drilling again and again, highest oil production, domestically since 1992. so how can you tag this to the president instead of -- >> what is illogical to me, though, is that when he did take his oath, he said that he would keep our country safe and yet, continues to allow us to depend on these nut jobs that hate our guts to bring oil to this country! yne, i'm surprised you didn't say it, it's a national security issue that we get off our dependence on foreign oil. >> we got to leave it will. we got to go. all right. 50 grand and move to the front of the line? a new idea to combat our illegal immigration problem is making waves. but someone here says it's making total sense lawmakers, new market solution for illegal immigration reform is gaining steam. it would let legal and illegal immigrants pay 50 grand to become a u.s. citizen. the idea is to attract the highest skilled workers, but it's not sitting easy with some. scott, what say you? >> i'm not sure what is gaining steam. american citizenship is not for sale. bottom line is we need to fix the legal immigration system. it's broken. we all know it. through many administrations. obviously we have to have a fair and open and transparent discussion with lawmakers to make sure everybody is included. securing the border before you do anything, you got to do that, period. >> you have to do that even under this system. wayne, bring some market sense to this. surely you agree that immigrants should be able to pay 50 grand and become a citizen, no? >> no. i do not. no. i think it's a crazy idea. i think scott is right. you got to enforce the law. that's the first thing. the best solution of all is i'm going to become illegal. i get more stuff being illegal than i do being legal. i want to convert so i get free hospitalization, my kids go to school. i'm going to become illegal and i don't have to pay for that. >> that's what they're trying toy a void. obviously the market guy you are, jonathan, agree this is the only way to go, right? >> i disagree. this isn't a market system. i mean, market implies free market. this is a tax. it's a $50,000 tax. while i agree with senator brown, i don't think citizenship is for sale. i do believe that anyone who wants to come here should be given residency for free, if you will. they should be allowed to stay to work, to produce. immigrants don't take from this country. they produce and provide for this country. and a real free market would be just that. an open border policy that would welcome anyone, no handouts, no subsidies, but welcome anyone who wants to come here, work, and produce. >> all right. here are the numbers. a million immigrants come here legally and illegally. if you charge each 50 grand that, comes to $50 billion. that sure would help go a long way to help the budget problems, no? >> i think this is a terrible idea because it really does -- it produce this economic bias that wealthier people or pple who can afford to pay $50,000 are worth something more to this country. i think it send has terrible message and the senator is right. our citizenship is not for sale. immigrants, even those who are here illegally, pay tax and they contribute to our system. $80,000 over the course of their lifetime. so no, we should not be charging them to come here. >> tracy, i saved you for last 'cause i know you agree with me. here is a great idea. 50 grand, but you can work it off. it's not initially 50 grand, you can washing -- an immigrant can get citizenship and may 2 or $3,000 a year. >> it's a good thing you're a tv star 'cause i'm not buying it either. my family came over from sicily. they had nothing and they came to this country. they did it right. they passed a test and made something of themselves and that's what this country is about. >> i believe ed lazer has been floating this idea. >> let's take care of the 4.3 million here, people that are here and following the rules before we do anything for anyone that's not here legally. bottom line is, in addition, when people graduate, they should be getting a visa to stay here and work. we're losing a tremendous amount of talent. the visa program, you got to get that squared away. there are so many things we can do and we're doing nothing. >> right. by the way, ed luzera worked for president george bush 43. we've to leave it there and say thanks to scott brown and dr. hellman for joining us. and coming up -- think these guys are angry? wait until you hear the latest from america's nanny. you may be angry, too. ♪music plays thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for proving there's nowhere we can't go. but, at some point... giant leaps gave way to baby steps... and with all due respect, you're history. if you taught us anything, it's that you can't cling to the past... if you want to create the future. that's why, instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. pushing u.s. aviation to new heights. all 80 thousand of us. busy investing billions in the industry's boldest moves. it's biggest advances in technology. bringing our passengers the best, the most spacious fleet in the sky. and earning more awards than any other airline... to show for it. so rather than simply saluting history... we're out there making it.


Transcripts For FBC Cashin In 20130310

>> we are back with good news. home values are rebuilding. now get the stocks rebuilding with them. morgan, a building products company called masco. >> yes. and home improvement, it is set to pop off new residential construction. >> bill, you like it? >> this company was founded by a genius. he died in 1996. of since then, it's been downhill. >> you have another building products company. they make things that i can't even pronounce. simpson? >> i bought a couple dozen of their hurricane ties and my roof did not fly off during sandy. >> that's a good testimony. >> it is a good testimony. their operating margins for low historical margin, i would watch that part of the business. not so great there. >> you have a side stock in this, middleby corporation, which makes stuff for restaurants. >> yeah. people are now eating out more. they make energy efficient appliances for the kitchen, like stoves. they just bought viking, which is a really hot acquisition. >> morgan, we all love those vikings stoves. >> i actually really like this. it's pricey now. i would buy on the pull back. >> that's it for "forbes on fox." keep it right here. th eric bolling ininess block "cashin' in". more delays at airports across the country. >> average wait times to clear customs will increase by 50%. >> travelers should expect delays. >> then they let thousands of illegals go free and they dropped 50 million bucks of your tax dollars on uniforms fort tsa. so should the department of homeland security be renamed the department of homeland stupidity? how is this for a bright idea? market-based immigration. for 50 grand, you can make the american dream a reality. some say no way, not fair. others say it's the only fair way. and dictator down, hollywood mourns. citgo flies its flags at half mast. now that chavez is dead, will gas flow freely or will the pipes stay clogged? heads up, tree huggers. you're not going to like our ideas for easing american gas pain. "cashin' in," gassing up. hello, i'm eric bolling. welcome to "cashin' in." our crew this week, mr. wayne rogers, jonathan, and tracy byrnes, and former massachusetts senator, mr. scott brown and carolyn hellman joins us from the liberal wilderness. welcome, everybody. washington keeps scaring us about the cuts. but they keep spending. the tsa dropping a whopping 900 bucks per uniform and they keep hiring. three positions opening up at the department of agriculture. it's looking for, get this, insect production workers to grow bowl worms. jonathan, do i need to ask, necessary or needless? >> eric, it's not only needless, but it's destructive. all these things they're scaring us about cutting actually used to be handled by the private markets anyway. the tsa didn't even exist before 2001. before that it was private security. we ate meat in this country for 130 years before the creation of federal meat inspectors in the early 1900s. i certainly don't think the founders intend to do have federal employees growing bl weevils, believe me a republic nor our economy rests on a federal law librarian making $115,000 year. >> scott brown, do we need three white house caligrafhers. >> the president should be getting transfer authority, thible to make those cuts thoughtfully. he's turned it down of the he made it very clear he wants it to be on the backs of the republicans republicans and have people blame the republicans. it's time for leadership and time to get in there and delegate to your authorities, to your cabinet chiefs and have harry reid and others actually delegate to the chairman to find those cuts and do it right away. >> let's go to the doctor, really, sequester started at the white house. why can't the white house start cutting its own and doing it the right way? >> well, eric, let's look at the cal graph, they get paid 30 to $50 an hour. there are ceremonial functions for the presidency. i think we should go after big cuts like getting out of afghanistan. >> hold on, hold on. hold on. nickel and diming? you tell me if this is nickel and diming. ii went to white and downloaded the employees. 28 pages long. listen to this. $130,000, special assistant to the president. $102,000, special assistant to the president. $138,000, special assistant. associate director of public engagement. the list goes on and on and on. we're not nickel and diming here. >> no, these jobs have been -- it takes years to get these jobs approved and get them listed. it doesn't mean they're going to be hired. in fact, every agency, all 15 are making cuts and it is unlikely they will be making many new hires. >> wayne, bring some logic, bring some sense back to the west coast. >> well, part of this is the fact that you're saying making cuts. they shouldn't be there in the first place. that's the thing. the budget grows and grows, or the lack of the budget, if you will, expenses keep growing. nobody thinks about hey, they maybe shouldn't be there in the first place. you mentioned silly things. we spent $27 million on enhancing the ability to teach pottery makers in morocco -- not the united states -- how to make pots! that's outrageous! some of the -- we have added -- there were 2,000 dead people who were distributed food stamps last year! there was 7,000 people who got duplicate food stamps. the amount of waste is enormous. you just can't keep this up. and the president in his absolute outrageous hypocrisy says, oh, the people in that speech, the people in the white house who sweep the floors, they're going to lose their jobs. meantime, he spends $3 million to go play golf with tiger woods! give me a break! lead from the top. >> tracy, the president said the janitors, they're probably going to get furloughed and the teachers. how about the head start programs? how about elderly weren't going to eat if the sequester went into effect? >> drama, drama, drama. yet we spend $50 million on uniforms for the tsa. i'm the first person who thinks you should be dressed nice lea when you pat me down. it's insulting to the american people that they keep getting away with this stuff. they seem to think you're too stupid to figure it out on your own. >> jonathan, not only are they not cutting back, they actually listed 400 jobs, the white house listed 400 jobs the day sequester went into effect. 400 new jobs that they're looking to hire people. >> yeah. let's not kid ourselves. sequester doesn't cut government. it cuts the growth of government. we're all wandering around saying r should we start cutting? how about going back to the constitution? the role of government is protect the individual rights. not employ us, feed us, clothe us. government is involved in so many elements of life now in which it was never intended to be. so if we're look at what to cut, let's go back to the constitutional principles. >> senator, you were sitting in the chamber. why is it so hard to cut? honestly, from both sides? >> bottom line is, don't forget the congressmen and senators aren't getting a cut. their staff is getting cut 5.1%. it's very easy to solve. you need to have the leadership on boehner in the house and reid in the senate, delegate to their chairmen and ranking member and say we have to cut $1.2 trillion and you have 30 days to do it and by the way, we're not leaving thursday at 2:00 o'clock to do it. you need to do it now. it's very easy to do. we should be doing it. >> eric, we talked about this last time. until this system changes, the process changes, until there are term limits, senator, where you're not -- >> i agree with you. >> otherwise all they're doing is work on their next vote. they got to go home and bring something to the table and until that is gone, eric, we're going to have really pretty tsa uniforms. >> if i could add to that, if you look at the voting records of a lot of the people in congress, there are over 93% and above. i was 50-50. i agree with you. you have to look at the members and see what they're doing. bottom line, making cuts is tough to do. but it's a necessity right now. >> doctor, we have to cut. we've already had a tax rate. at the end of the year, president obama got almost a trillion dollars hike in the taxes that americans pay. time to cut. where would you cut? >> i would get out of iraq. i would get -- >> we're out of iraq. we're moving out of iraq. we're getting out of afghanistan. make meaningful cuts. give me meaningful cuts going forward. >> we're talking meaningful cuts. those are in the billions. that's a b. i would get rid of the new and old porno scanners in the airport. why did we get this corporate contract that provides scanning that doesn't even really work? there are all sorts of places to cut. >> go ahead, john. >> instead of cutting the scanners at tsa, why not cut tsa? why not go back to a private security force? >> that worked out really well, jonathan. do you remember september 11, 2001? really great idea. not. >> we're going to have to tel aviv there. we could do this all day. great discussion. we'll leave it there. coming up, happy to see hugo? some say his death may bring relief at the pu up here. but we got to fix to free drivers. then, the solution to america's immigration mess friday night, buddy. you are gonna need a wingman. and with my cash back, you are money. forget him. my airline miles will take your game worldwide. what i'm really looking for is -- i got two words for you -- re-wards. ♪ there's got to be better cards than this. [ male announcer ] there's a better way with compare hundreds of cards from all the major banks to find the one that's right for you. it's simple. search, compare, and apply at first round's on me. join us. hugo is gone, but the pain at the pump is not. while some say chavez's departure could mean lower gas prices in the future in the u.s., others say we've already got the fix. just get rid of the costly regulations on refineries and stop making us so dependent on greener gas. tracy, are regulations a big reason the big jump at the pump? >> 'cause they're not paying for it, we are. so it's all passed on. stop this already. these greenhouse nonsense. stop the summer blend. it's like we got to change outfits in the middle of the year. pass the keystone xl pipeline. we have a friend in canada that wants to send us stuff. instead we're dealing with nuts like venezuela and countries that hate us. >> dr. hellman, there are over 100 different gasoline blends in america. a summer blend, winter blend, east and west coast blend, southern blend, high eth knoll content, it goes on and on. how about one blend, doc? >> well, that's a state level thing. are you really arguing the federal government should be dictating the states laws? i don't think you are. this is not what's causing the prices to go up. we have the highest domestic production since 1992. we have less rance on foreign sail in two decades. >> what is it? >> it is the refineries that we see -- we see the big five coming in, putting the smaller refineries out of business and drying the prices up. >> jonathan, the refinery system, how out we haven't had a new refinery built on american soil in 30 years because of what? the epa and regulation. >> yeah. those are the same refineries that have dealt with over $100 billion in regulatory costs since just the early 1990s. regulators don't build anything. they don't create any plants. all they do is destroy. they prevent progress. they prevent energy in this case from being pumped. i think the energy regulators, environmental regulators in particular are quite nee fairious. we use this fossil fuel to better our lives. oil and natural gas. it powers our modern world. >> jonathan, no. >> make hold on, doc. >> let me make sure i can breathe in l.a. >> he cos from a very liberal part of the country, massachusetts. what do you say? >> wind, solar, nuclear, geo, thermal, permitting, you're right. there has not been in the last 30 years the refinery. we need to become energy independent. it's not adding more regulation to our energy producers. there is a risk obviously, you want to have some regulation. but overregulation is not the way to do it. >> wayne, you make a point that we have enough supply, but, boy, more supply means lower prices, does it not? >> well, it should, yes. of course. as i said, the amount of progress that we have made most scientifically and discoveries in the shales, that they're going to be enough oil that we will be independent from foreign resources. the fact of the matter is, though, that all of these regulations don't help. but sooner or later, we have to come to some sort of an agreement where it works out for everybody. as you pointed out earlier, there are so many different kinds of gas that are produced, everybody is producing -- for example, in california, you have a high carb gas that everything has to be done in a certain way and another state it's a different way. all of these refineries have to meet those standards. it's very difficult. >> dr. hellman, the day president obama raised his right hand and took oath of office, we talk about 1.83 of gas. now it's over double that price. i got to say, a lot of people are pointing their finger at that man right there for the high price of gasoline. >> well, that would be illogical because that would require there had been a lot of new regulations and there have not been a lot of new regulations. in fact, the president, even after the deep horizon disaster, opened up offshore drilling again and again, highest oil production, domestically since 1992. so how can you tag this to the president instead of -- >> what is illogical to me, though, is that when he did take his oath, he said that he would keep our country safe and yet, continues to allow us to depend on these nut jobs that hate our guts to bring oil to this country! wayne, i'm surprised you didn't say it, it's a national security issue that we get off our dependence on foreign oil. >> we got to leave it will. we got to go. all right. 50 grand and move to the front of the line? a new idea to combat our illegal immigration problem is making waves. but someone here says it's making total sense [ indistinct conversations ] [ male announcer ] when you wear dentures you may not know it, but your mouth is under attack. food particles infiltrate and bacteria proliferate. ♪ protect your mouth, with fixodent. the adhesive helps create a food seal defense for a clean mouth and kills bacteria for fresh breath. ♪ fixodent, and forget it. gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone but her likes 50% more cash, but i have an idea. do you want a princess dress? yes. cupcakes? yes. do you want an etch-a-sketch? yes! do you want 50% more cash? no. you got talent. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. what's in your wallet? i usually say that. lawmakers, new market solution for illegal immigration reform is gaining steam. it would let legal and illegal immigrants pay 50 grand to become a u.s. citizen. the idea is to attract the highest skilled workers, but it's not sitting easy with some. scott, what say you? >> i'm not sure what is gaining steam. american citizenship is not for sale. bottom line is we need to fix the legal immigration system. it's broken. we all know it. through many administrations. obviously we have to have a fair and open and transparent discussion with lawmakers to make sure everybody is included. securing the border before you do anything, you got to do that, period. >> you have to do that even under this system. wayne, bring some market sense to this. surely you agree that immigrants should be able to pay 50 grand and become a citizen, no? >> no. i do not. no. i think it's a crazy idea. i think scott is right. you got to enforce the law. that's the first thing. the best solution of all is i'm going to become illegal. i get more stuff being illegal than i do being legal. i want to convert so i get free hospitalization, my kids go to school. i'm going to become illegal and i don't have to pay for that. >> that's what they're trying toy a void. obviously the market guy you are, jonathan, agree this is the only way to go, right? >> i disagree. this isn't a market system. i mean, market implies free market. this is a tax. it's a $50,000 tax. while i agree with senator brown, i don't think citizenship is for sale. i do believe that anyone who wants to come here should be given residency for free, if you will. they should be allowed to stay to work, to produce. immigrants don't take from this country. they produce and provide for this country. and a real free market would be just that. an open border policy that would welcome anyone, no handouts, no subsidies, but welcome anyone who wants to come here, work, and produce. >> all right. here are the numbers. a million immigrants come here legally and illegally. if you charge each 50 grand that, comes to $50 billion. that sure would help go a long way to help the budget problems, no? >> i think this is a terrible idea because it really does -- it produce this economic bias that wealthier people or people who can afford to pay $50,000 are worth something more to this country. i think it send has terrible message and the senator is right. our citizenship is not for sale. immigrants, even those who are here illegally, pay tax and they contribute to our system. $80,000 over the course of their lifetime. so no, we should not be charging them to come here. >> tracy, i saved you for last 'cause i know you agree with me. here is a great idea. 50 grand, but you can work it off. it's not initially 50 grand, you can washing -- an immigrant can get citizenship and may 2 or $3,000 a year. >> it's a good thing you're a tv star 'cause i'm not buying it either. my family came over from sicily. they had nothing and they came to this country. they did it right. they passed a test and made something of themselves and that's what this country is about. >> i believe ed lazer has been floating this idea. >> let's take care of the 4.3 million here, people that are here and following the rules before we do anything for anyone that's not here legally. bottom line is, in addition, when people graduate, they should be getting a visa to stay here and work. we're losing a tremendous amount of talent. the visa program, you got to get that squared away. there are so many things we can do and we're dng nothing. >> right. by the way, ed luzera worked for president george bush 43. we've to leave it there and say thanks to scott brown and dr. hellman for joining us. and coming up -- think these guys are angry? wait until you hear the latest from america's nanny. you may be angry, too. my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. never really thought i would make money doing what i love. 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