rhythm. we inherently feel that when we watch it. it kevin really slogged his way to the top of the american dream. s got the classic good looks at. he s got t that laid it back off schuck. kevin is one of those iconic american actors. kevin had a crazy dream of becoming an actor, becoming a filmmaker break which is winning oscars, the stretch of his career that could be called the epic stretch. there is something magical about charisma. there is something mysterious that kevin has been. he feels like the all american actor. it s part of who we are. we are a funny breed of animal picnics he has no connections to hollywood and he did it on his own. kevin costner is a very important name in hollywood. who became a huge star but never cared about being a star. he never wanted to be a star. he always wanted to be a great movie maker. the first scene in the 1980s making great baseball movies. some great westerns, movies like boulder and silverado. and th