(MURFRESBORO) 2024 is going to be a busy election year. Not only will it include the U.S. presidential race, but several important local races as well. Just like registering to vote has a deadline, so does registering to be a candidate. In fact, there are several Dec. 14, 2023 deadlines for local candidates to file in order to even be considered.
Rutherford County elected positions that must be filed for by noon on Dec. 14, 2023 include:&nbs .
2022 Makes for a big year in political elections throughout Rutherford County and the entire state of Tennessee. Alan Farley, the Rutherford County Election Administrator, told WGNS NEWS that you need to give yourself plenty of time to register to vote, if you plan to be a part of the election process…Races that voters will see include:May 3, 2022• Rutherford County Republican Primary & Democratic Primary • Murfreesboro City MunicipalRaces to Cover:Party Nominees for C .