helicopter rides at the iowa state fair. so he knows how to draw a crowd. len, i want you to stand by. i want to bring in other people now. donald trump is still the man to beat in this case. i want to bring in the iowa co-chair in iowa. she is also a former apprentice contest. dennis risedom, dennis county caucus leader for the campaign. good evening to both of you. tanna, good to see you again. welcome to the program, dennis. i want to give you a trans, tanna to respond to len hicks from the des moines register. len knows me, i nolen. he knows me, and my passion for donald trump. we have had many conversations about that. i think the numbers are speaking for themselves. that mr. trump is being received well in iowa. i m on the ground working for him. and i see the crowds that he draws. we ve had to move locations many