boxes retrieved from mar-a-lago in january. quoting page 8 here, the boxes contained newspapers, magazines, printed news articles, photos, miscellaneous printouts, notes, presidential correspondence, presidential records, and quote, a lot of classified records. most significant heerkre, the concern that highly classified records were unfolded and intermixed with the other records, and otherwise inappropriately identified. let s go now to cnn senior justice correspondent evan perez. investigators listed the kinds of classified documents they thought could still be on premise there at mar-a-lago. right. and this is the reason. this document is the reason why the fbi conducted that extraordinary search and seizure at the former president s mohom more than two weeks ago. it goes to the documents that were found in the initial 15 boxes that were retrieved by the national archives, earlier this year. they were brought back to the national archives and in it, you know, when they s
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