here as well, because most of them don t want to tell them. most of them do not want to do anything with obamacare. the affordable care act, as you said , it s actually a very well favored program here in the country. and they remember what happened in 2017 when donald trump basically his biggest campaign promise, was unable to fulfill, even though he had a republican majority in washington, they could not repeal and replace obamacare. now, this is all because donald trump read an op ed in the wall street journal that said that elizabeth warren had some question as well as republicans, and he thought that if there was bipartisan dislike for obamacare, it might be time to bring it back up. but again, if you look at the polling, obamacare, the affordable care act, is actually much more popular now. people rely on it. millions of americans and republicans really don t want to go down this path. they would rather focus on the border and immigration and inflation, not take this