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Transcripts For CNNW This Is Life With Lisa Ling 20191111

>> i want you to watch. >> it's evolved into a massive movement embracing total sexual freedom. what does that mean? >> i don't think we should be ashamed. >> we are sexual beings. we're not going to apologize. >> tonight, strap in. >> you have permission just to go ahead and watch. >> i'm headed to the nation's largest swinger party. >> there are going to be people saying this is sodom and come mora. >> if they don't like it, fine. this who we are. >> they are ready to [bleep]. our journey begins in texas. yes. texas. the lone star state has an independent streak. but when it comes to love and marriage there are traditions and expectations. >> don't be too upset if i hit more than you do. >> it's here, where 54-year-old jackie and john have found their place in the community. >> pull! >> good job! >> they have a large family, love the outdoors, and by all appearances, fit right in. >> oh! i got it. >> but there's one exception. their marriage isn't what it appears to be. to understand that, you need to go back to where they first met. >> we met in high school, in wichita. jackie and i went to our junior prom together but with different people. i went with a girlfriend of mine and jackie was with a guy friend. >> when school ended, they parted ways. for 30 years, led completely separate lives. >> for me, it was -- i felt like i didn't fit in there. it was kind of a boring place, in my opinion. the first chance i got at 18 years old, i moved to florida. >> jackie stayed. >> the thought of going some place different was not even in the realm of possibility for me. >> how old were you when you got married for the first time? >> 18. >> a little girl. >> that was just the next natural progression in my life. graduate and find a husband and get married and then have kids. so, that's what i did. >> in her 30s, jackie was a proud mother of six. she loved raising her children. but as a wife, she felt adrift. >> i was this caregiver, be at home, raise the children, and make sure my husband's needs were tended to. there was never ever any concern about my own. so i felt there was always something missing, i just didn't know what it was. >> her first marriage end in divorce. when a second marriage failed she wondered if matrimony wasn't for her. >> i just resigned myself to the fact i don't know how to do this. i'm just not cut out for marriage. >> more than 30 years had passed since jackie and john's junior prom. as their high school reunion approached he noticed she had liked one of his facebook posts. >> i had a crush on jackie really in high school. she didn't know it. i was really really shy. oh, my god, it would be so awesome to meet her and talk to her again. so we started talking on the phone that night and we talked for hours. the next day, we talked for hours. >> he was so centered, calm and loving and kind. >> in that week long series of conversations we had on the phone, i fell in love. without even seeing her. >> it was then that john shared where he'd been. in tampa, he'd worked his way up in the nightclub business. john had discovered a secret dating scene and a name for the lifestyle that came with it. swinging. >> i was open-minded from a young age. i didn't see anything wrong with having multiple sex partners. i had experiences like three assumes or group sex. >> before long, john opened his own club. >> in 1998, i started getting into the swinger end of the nightclub industry. people would come in and we'd lock the doors and then we'd start having central massages and having sex. it was just a great party. >> after john dropped the news he wasn't sure what to expect. >> what was your reaction, jackie, when john told you he was in this swinger nightclub business? >> my first thought was i don't even know what that is. i immediately started looking things up, going to the bookstore and getting online and trying to find out what exactly he was talking about. i was intrigued more than anything. >> when jackie and john started dating she reflected on the rules she had been taught her whole life about sex? >> i thought back to when i was married, i did find myself checking out guys as they would walk by and look at somebody and think, oh, he's hot. i was like, you know what, i do -- i do want to try this. because this something i want to do for me. >> jackie felt emboldened to share a fantasy with john, inviting another man into their bedroom for a threesome. john was more than happy to oblige. but even though jackie had suggested the deep end of the pool, diving in took a leap of faith. >> i was just a bag of nerves. here i was in my late 40s and i felt like i was going on a first date. it was very surreal. i just closed my eyes and i thought, i'm just going to see what happens, where it goes. it just started to kind of unfold, and we just started interacting. john was kind of in and out of that picture. but then all of a sudden it was just over. we get in the car and there's this giddiness. can you believe that happened or can you believe i did that? can you believe that you were there? even me talking about it, i can see how it sounds really bizarre. >> now that i've heard how it all started i definitely have some questions. it seems just, you know, like incomprehensible, my partner is having sex with someone else right now. do you like leave your home and literally spend the night with someone else and come back the next day, or how does that work? do you ever bring people here? >> we have. anything you could imagine. >> okay. >> do y'all ever watch each other with other people? >> yes. watching her have sex with someone else is one of the things i love. >> wow. i don't find myself at a loss for words often. >> it's funny for people to say that. my friends have said to me you must not love her if you don't get jealous. it's not the case at all. because i love her unconditionally i find so much happy. anything that make hers >> to me, growing up, jealousy was actually a way to show how you love someone. when john and i reconnected, from that point forward i realized i had this infinite amount of love or capacity to form whatever kind of relationship with someone else. >> the rest is history? >> yes. >> the lifestyle has now become such an integral part of jackie's identity she decided not to hide it from her family. >> for me, the idea of my parents having sex period kind of freaks me out. to hear that one of my parents was a swinger would -- i think i would need some time. >> she's still the same. she's still my mom, she's still the same person and i still love her. >> 29-year-old cody is one of jackie's youngest. she's been open with him from the start. >> there are people who believe that your mom leads an immoral life. >> i mean, if they have something bad to say, they can say it but you can just live your life the way you want to live it is the way i kind of see it. she's happy, i'm happy. >> in the last six years, john and jackie have built a small business empire, catering specifically to swingers. together, they run a website, open love 101 with questions for couples about open relationships. john's first club has expanded to four cities, including houston. lifestyle clubs quietly thrive throughout the country but they're nearly invisible. chances are you may have seen a business like john's without knowing it. >> here we are. >> right. >> while openly marketed through social media they try to keep a low profile. as couples filter in for the evening, i sneak a peek at the clientele. leopard print tight dresses and low necklines. i'm feeling a little overdressed for the occasion. who are these people? if we saw them outside of here what would they look like? >> you wouldn't think they were swingers if you saw them outside the club probably. they come from all occupations, attorneys, teachers, doctors, housewives, really a slice of americana. >> we have nine grandkids coming tomorrow. >> it's still sinking in tonight many of these couples will invite someone else to have sex with their partner. >> hi, how are you? good to see you. >> if these club goers are the texas establishment, i get why this happens behind tinted windows. >> this is going to be fun. i may wear one thing and then change. >> reporter: in this part of the bible belt, jackie and john have carved out a niche for this community. it's part of something much much bigger. this week, swingers from all across the globe are converging on new orleans, the sex capital of the south. it's a weekend reservation for a party of 2,000. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ don't get mad. get e*trade, dawg. more exciting than than getting a lexus... giving one. this is unbelievable! >>it really is. the lexus december to rembember sales event lease the 2020 rx 350 all wheel drive for $419 a month for 27 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. i've slain your dreaded dragon. for saving the kingdom what doth thou desire? my lord? hey good knight. where are you going? ♪ ♪ climbing up on solsbury hill ♪ grab your things, salutations. coffee that is a cup above is always worth the quest. nespresso. tis all i desire. did thou bring enough for the whole kingdom? george: nespresso, what else? from l'oréal paris.ra voluptuous volume. intense length. feathery-soft lashes. this is what paradise looks like. lash paradise mascara from l'oréal paris. take your lashes to paradise. (paul) wireless network claims america's most reliable network. the nation's largest and most reliable network. the best network is even better? best, fastest, best. enough. sprint's doing things differently. they're offering a new 100% total satisfaction guarantee. try it out and decide for yourself. now you can switch to sprint and get both an unlimited plan and the samsung galaxy s10 plus included for just $35 a month. for people with hearing loss, visit new orleans is known as the naughtiest city in the south. steeped in a history of mischief and erotic mystique, it's long been playground for visitors, offering something a little extra behind closed doors to satisfy desires. ♪ >> over the last 20 years, for one summer weekend, it's home to the biggest swinger party in the u.s. thousands of people are flocking here to mix, mingle and swap partners, or even just to watch. but they're not just swinging behind closed doors. it's a total hotel takeover. drab conference rooms are being transformed into a sexual playground. the man responsible for it all is swinging entrepreneur and event organizer, bob haniford. >> so we're in a room full of mattresses. >> we have a lot to go. >> these rooms are where business meetings usually occur. this is an unusual usage going on. >> there will be a lot of business going on. i promise. >> these are the playrooms, 20,000 square feet dedicated entirely to -- you know. >> i'm trying to imagine what these rooms will be like in about 24 hours. >> this is the group room. this is our biggest and probably our most popular room, i would say. >> is there a limit how many people can be in here? is it kind of a free-for-all? >> there will be a lot. a lot of people will be here. people like this, where they can reach out and engage with other people. >> reach out and touch someone? >> reach out and touch someone. >> with addition of mood lighting, sultry music and drapes, this will soon be one massive play space for couples to mention it up with new partners. hopefully the laundry room will also get some action tonight. >> how do you keep it clean? >> we have a whole staff team that comes in here all night. as people leave they come in and take the sheets off and spray with a hotel sanitizer, clean it up, make it really nice. we're here to offer a safe space where people can come and really enjoy their sexuality the way they want to. i think when you come here you will see it's actually really beautiful. >> while it's hard to imagine conference rooms as an erotic palace where anything goes, one thing is made clear. there are some ground rules. >> i've been noticing these consent signs everywhere. >> i think these are important messages to get out to our community. just because they're in a swinging situation doesn't mean everyone wants to play with everybody. verbal consent is mandatory. ask, get a yes and move on. silence is not consent. this is the way the lifestyle is going. >> later on, as i head to the lobby, registration is under way. this is a couples event. tickets can only be booked in pairs online. guests are checking in and already checking each other out. >> how are you? good. thanks. >> thank you guys for being here. spread the word. >> the welcome reception is deceptive. >> downstairs there are seminars. >> with conference chairs and lanyards we could be at a conference for dental assistants and sales reps until we hear the program. >> i'm teaching two classes, the first one, swinging 101. closing the deal. are we going to [bleep] or what? >> the naked speed. >> i'm a professional dominatrix. >> i'm a hypnotist. >> i'm a sexual as stroll ger, called mindful sex or mindful swinging. >> looking around the room i see the crowd spans all ages, backgrounds, shapes and sizes. one weekend to shed the conventions of daily life. >> you go to church, you have to put a character. you go to work, you have to put up a character. the bedroom is one place you don't have to put up character to no one. no one is there to judge you. we tell ladies, if you want five dudes at one time. one life you have,en joy it. >> vee and dee are here from atlanta, married 14 years and swinging over a decade. they have a simple code. >> we have any issues we can talk it out. >> our number rule in communication, no matter what we're doing. >> years before she meet dee, vee was raised under strict standards in the pentecostal church. she discovered her bi-sexuality at a young age and decided to keep it secret, but it was never far from her mind. >> i remember during praise and worship and looking at a sister walking down the aisle in a tight dress and my attention went to somewhere else. >> years later when dee met vee they quickly fell in love and became parents. even then vee realized she didn't want to give up on her interest in women and instead wanted to share it with her husband. >> who brought up the idea of swinging? >> me. >> this one here. after we moved to georgia we put the kids to sleep watching hbo late night and stumbled upon real sex, it was an episode about swinging. they were having fun and talking. after the show was over, hey, babe, what do you think about doing the swinging thing? >> i was like, listen, i enjoyed you and love you and how about we spice it up a little? he's like -- >> is this a trick? >> you were pretty receptive to it? >> i was, i was, i was open to it. see how it is, let's try it. >> 14 years after -- >> i am bisexual and happy. >> i call her the president of bisexual. >> they want to show what they've learned holding classes for couples seeking couples. >> you want to make her feel as comfortable as possible because you want an encore presentation. >> you want a relaxing three assume and don't go to the club and say, you come home with me. >> different steps. you don't want to mess up your relationship. >> should i go up to the couple? how do we do this? >> we're the middleman to the three assume. >> it's how you approach the situation, as my momma used to say not what you say, how you say. >> with class dismissed and the night ahead. >> hey, sweetheart. >> vee puts into practice what they preach. >> we have a quick question, are you guys going to the meet and greet tonight? >> even expert swingers get the same jitters as others. >> we're looking forward to it. >> see. see how good i am? >> it's game on. time to slip into the right attire. >> wait. what are you changing into? >> nothing. >> listen, i've got to be -- good together. >> yes, ma'am. go have some fun. we're adults. >> for vee and dee. >> i want to have sex. >> it's all in the thrill of the chase. but making it happen -- >> you guys are opposites. >> is a team effort. she wanted to move someplace warm. but he wanted snow for the holidays. so we built a snow globe. i'll get that later. dylan! but the one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with homeowners insurance. what? switching and saving was really easy! i love you! what? sweetie! hands off the glass. ugh!! call geico and see how easy saving on homeowners and condo insurance can be. i love her! t-mobile's newest signal reaches farther than ever before... with more engineers, more towers, more coverage. it's a network that gives you... with coverage from big cities, to small towns. introducing t-mobile's 600mhz signal. no signal reaches farther or is more reliable. and it's built 5g ready. [ classi[ applause ]aying ] [ song: johnny cash, "th♪sthese are my people ♪ ♪ these are the ones ♪ ♪ who will reach for the stars ♪ ♪ these are my people ♪ by the light of the earth, ♪ ♪ you can tell they are ours ♪ ♪ a new step to take ♪ and a new day will break ♪ yes, these are my people ♪ as someone in a monogamous marriage, i've always been kind of fascinated by the lifestyle. but even with the best intentions, an open relationship seems like a huge risk. here, though, couples seem happy. as the sun goes down, they're snuggling up and making connections. things are starting to heat up. >> let's check out the pool. >> i think i hear the pool. maybe we won't check out the pool. wow. >> and activities aren't confined to the bedroom. >> not g-rated. wow. it's approaching midnight and the dance floor is packed for tonight's main event. an erotic glow night. >> how are you? >> vee and dee are mingling outside the ballroom. tonight, they're interested in group play. a four assume with another couple. >> hey. >> hey. >> they have their eyes on nate an shirica they met earlier. >> hey, pretty lady. >> i'm so glad you guys were able to find us. >> we only have four days. >> this trip is part of our anniversary to each other. >> we want to start early tonight. >> why am i just now noticing you have a piercing? >> it feels good. >> i want to watch. >> i want you to watch. >> it's building up to a really good night. >> here, flirtation is more than just four play, a chance to set ground rules without breaking the mood. >> have a question. do you guys kiss opposites or -- >> yeah, we do. >> can i please see y'all kiss? >> yeah, i like that. >> ooh. >> i would love to lyft that dress up. >> we need to just go. >> let's go. >> there's too many rules in life. you can still have sexual freedom and fun. most importantly, we're doing it together. >> for couples like dee and vee, this is considered part of their marriage, an expression of trust. and with 693 rooms, it's a scene that repeats itself throughout the hotel. from what i've seen so far the swinger scene seems like a mature crowd, couples that have been together for a long time. but a new generation is dipping their toes into the lifestyle. in small ways, making it their own. >> i don't really know which one. i picked out this. >> i like that. >> tara and james flew 2,000 miles from calgary, canada, to be here. at 31 they're among the youngest couples at the convention. >> simple, white on white. >> so, how did you two meet? >> at work. >> we shared an office together even. >> she tried to get me fired. >> thought he was kind of an ass-hole. >> what would you like to do? >> it wasn't love at first sight but a spark ignited and tara and james became friends with benefits. it was an office fling with a strong connection. but neither wanted to be exclusive. >> do that before. i don't think i'm a one partner person. i was in a few long term relationships. i got bored. >> we're both very sexual people. we started talking about all these things and being able to be open about it. >> that's so cool. >> there's a whole community of people like this. i was like, there is? >> they just had to find them. >> that was a lot of air travel. >> we didn't really know how to meet other people. we would cruise craig's list. >> men, women, four, the number four, men, women. that was the search you would look up on craig's list. >> when you find that you're drawn to a particular couple, what happens then? >> you meet somebody and you develop a sort of connection, you go out for dinner. we try to do it as organically as possible, like a regular date. >> it usually just happens. a lot of time it's started by the woman, kissing, playing, we'll play for a bit, exploring each other and when you guys can't take anymore, we hop in. >> typically like, do you have a type? are there people you find yourself more drawn to? >> nope. >> not really. >> we've been with people that are 50 years our senior. >> yep. >> 50 years your senior? >> oh, yeah. when we were 27, he was probably 70 something, she was almost 70. >> how was that? >> it was a really interesting experience. >> i watched. >> we like to think it's going to be swinger karma. so when we're like 60 years old we will have these hot 25 year-olds, what we're hoping, fingers crossed. >> it's not like just wham bam, thank you ma'am? >> we've all had meaningless sex, one night stand, there's no connection, nothing. meaningful sex is so much better. >> so much better, the orgasms, the energy, it's just mind-blowing. >> so what are your expectations from this convention? >> i mean, like, this is our first time here. i don't even know what the playrooms look like. i don't know i'd be comfortable playing in them. >> this is a natural progression to see what kind of people are out there. >> we're in for a treat. >> we're here to experience everything naughty new orleans has to offer. >> in a few hours, it will be my turn. i've been invited to the playroom for an exclusive peek behind the curtain. >> sorry i'm naked. >> that's okay. ♪ i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... me. my symptoms were keeping me from being there. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. it takes a village to raise to build a bridge. to throw a baseball... to throw yourself into the unknown. to lose fear, to create hope. we believe that it takes a village of over 200-thousand dedicated, passionate, driven medical and non-medical professionals to deliver on our belief in total health for all. we are kaiser permanente. thrive. for couples in the lifestyle, swinger gatherings are a chance to freely explore sex outside their relationship. not everyone is here to swap. for many, just the act of watching or being watched is enough to peak their interests. there's no better place to do that than on the playroom floor. it's been fully decked out and in a short while will be filled with people looking for a good time. it's almost 1:00 and i've been invited to participate. >> okay. so, tonight this night that i will be going into the playroom. and i am extremely nervous about it. as it turns out, you can't wear just anything to the playroom. to keep up an intimate vibe, there's a strict ban on street clothes. only pajamas, underwear or less. so i decided to recruit my mom friend, jackie. will you hold my hand through this? >> yes. >> i've been trying to kind of prepare myself. >> i think you will be surprised. i think it will be good. at first i thought maybe i was intruding or looking at something i wasn't supposed to. i had to kind of give myself permission just to go ahead and watch. >> okay. >> so cameras are obviously strictly forbidden from this room, so here we go. turn the camera that way. >> i am keeping my mic running so you are going to hear what i'm seeing. >> these are semi-private rooms. >> just watch. >> i'm assuming that's not his wife? >> a maze of curtain rooms, erotic music and throughout it all, rows and rows of couples, triples and quadruples having sex like we're not even there. >> have you ever seen anything like that. >> not in person. >> it's a lot to take in. >> i'll have what she's having? >> yeah. >> so this would be the bosm room? >> it's not exactly eyes wide shut. there aren't any masks. people are friendly. >> they're naked and talking about whatever. >> oh, my god, people are eating pizza. >> hey. well, you made it. >> made it. thank you for taking me through. >> you're welcome. >> how do i describe my experience? at first, i felt very very awkward watching. but then it just started to seem like bodies doing what bodies are supposed to do. no one in there was hurting anyone, you know. they were just having a good time and it was just very -- just very normal. i have to say for my first time at one of these, after a while, it did feel pretty normal. >> let's go back. >> thank you, jackie. but as an observer, it did leave me wondering, for couples who actually participate, where do you draw the line? and who decides when it's been crossed? ♪ [ typing ] ♪ ♪ itso chantix can help you quit slow turkey. along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. with chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, you'll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or life-threatening allergic and skin reactions. decrease alcohol use. use caution driving or operating machinery. tell your doctor if you've had mental health problems. the most common side effect is nausea. quit smoking slow turkey. talk to your doctor about chantix. doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. after seeing last night's romp in the playroom i've been wondering, in an open relationship, who decides what's okay and what isn't? american views around consensual sex are evolving. as interest in lifestyle events grows, the conversation is evolving with it. there's a lot of assumptions made about people, right? people in the lifestyle make assumptions about other people in the lifestyle. that's why we teach whether you're into bondage or if you're going to hug somebody, ask, just ask. you will create an intention. >> dr. nancy sutton pears specializes in jump-starting that dialogue, a sexologist teaching about intimacy, jealousy and sexual communication. many of her clients are on that lifestyle. >> my role as a therapist is help people get on the same page so they know what they're going in? >> settle in. >> dr. nancy wants couples to create the same expectations. the goal is to communicate through touch. tara and james decided to give it a try. >> let's say you are a couple. i would imagine usually one person initiates swinging, right, or wants to -- typically the man? >> it has notoriously been the man. the younger generation, it's more the women. women in their 20s and 30s own their sexuality more. >> ladies, touch him how you would like to be touched. so you're going to teach him. gentleman, close your eyes. >> these women just embody that sex energy with a lot more freedom. they can ask more clearly for what they want to please them. in fact, they feel like pleasure is actually really their birthright. >> so now we're going to take it a little deep tore where we share a fantasy, because maybe some fantasies have just emerged this week and share. >> let's share our fantasy to explore more. kink. definitely here it would be nice to visit the dungeon and see what's there. >> when women blossom the men with them win. >> how are you feeling? >> horny. >> okay. good. >> it's working. >> should not get into the lifestyle? >> well, it's not a fix for a broken relationship. in fact, i would recommend couples who are struggling to not even entertain it. it would really just create more chaos. any couple who feels committed could step into this arena and find some part of it that would swinging isn't just sex. it's a huge component of it. >> i'm sitting in on john and jackie's crack for newbies and can't help but notice a couple sitting right up front. >> thanks to the panel. they did a great job today. >> at first they were hesitant but agreed to appear on camera if we don't show their faces. can i ask your age? >> uh-huh. >> i'm 77. >> and i'm 76. >> how long have you been married? >> 55 years. >> their family doesn't know they are here and they ask that we not include their names. when did you start introducing other people into your relationship? >> probably two years ago. >> after 55 years, what was it like the first time? to be touched by someone else and to touch someone else? >> didn't bother me. >> did you like it? >> i did. yes. >> it was interesting to see her with another man. there was no jealousy. i thought, wow, that's hot. in the '50s and '60s, how many people did we kiss in high school? maybe three or four. now it's exciting, and every couple is different and that's the fun. >> what has it done for you? >> it's made me feel more confident. it really has that somebody maybe appreciates me or -- i mean, he can tell me i'm beautiful or, you know, but -- >> it doesn't count if a husband says it. >> he's obligated. >> but other men telling her that she's pretty, it's just built her confidence and now she's ten feet tall. >> have you been to the play room yet? >> yes. >> yes. yeah, we were up last night. >> but it was so crowded. >> yes, we've never seen -- >> i've never seen that many people having sex. >> but that turned you on? >> oh, yeah. we went back to the room and had great sex. >> you did last night? >> well, sure. after that. >> you had to. >> okay. what do you think your friends would say if they found out about you being part of the lifestyle? >> i don't know. >> no. it's the bible belt and i don't think they would be very understanding. >> many of them are our age, but they have lost all interest in each other and i hate to say it, but when they lose interest in sex and each other, they get dumpy and grumpy. >> we're not grumpy. >> we think of ourselves as poster children for sex in your 70s. and we're hoping to be poster children for sex in your 80s. ♪ we're still going and we're still having fun, and we still love each other. >> my husband and i have been together for more than ten years, and so far, sharing partners isn't of interest. but in another 50, who knows where we'll be. ♪ [ "turn around, look at me" -the vogues ] ♪ there is someone ♪ walking behind you ♪ turn around ♪ look at me ♪ there is someone ♪ look at me [ classi[ applause ]aying ] if you're stayingcessful businessat holiday easy, we're there. so you can be too. 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[ camera clicking ] wifi up there? -ahhh. sure, why not? how'd he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help. at xfinity, we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. ♪ in or out of the bedroom, it's funny what brings people together. this weekend, i've seen a lot all within the confines of a hotel. but today guests are spilling out onto bourbon street and rallying behind a unique banner. ♪ ♪ a parade celebrating non-monogamous sex. >> you should be dancing with us on the street, darling. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> this is part of just who we are naturally. >> whereas i used to hide it. i'm not comfortable hiding that today. >> we're trying to just show the world that we're normal people and i think that's our movement. ♪ >> this is a lifestyle that revels in defying conventional norms but one that is still yearning for acceptance. >> the swinger lifestyle is a lot of people that want to be able to be open and free with everybody. we want to stop living that double life. >> i don't think we should be ashamed about what we do. it's sex. it's normal. >> we live in this culture that is so sexualized and while i don't think this is the life for me, it was really nice to watch people not only engaging in sex but communicating and appreciating every kind of body that exists in our culture. and i even feel a little liberated as a result. and on that note, i'm just going to go to bed here in my hotel room alone and probably have dreams about what i just experienced. so good night. [ laughter ] in the '90s there is chaos and conflict around the world. and if someone had the ingenuity and drive, they can capitalize on the chaos in these conflict zones by supplying weapons. people are looking to see who is moving the weapons into the war-torn areas and the name viktor bout came up. >> viktor poured gasoline on the conflicts and provided weaponry so the people in these countries could slaughter one another. >> what didn't bother him is to support good guys or bad guys, and if he had the opportunity to support both sid


Transcripts For CNNW This Is Life With Lisa Ling 20191111

>> i want you to watch. >> it's evolved into a massive movement embracing total sexual freedom. what does that mean? >> i don't think we should be ashamed. >> we are sexual beings. we're not going to apologize. >> tonight, strap in. >> you have permission just to go ahead and watch. >> i'm headed to the nation's largest swinger party. >> there are going to be people saying this is sodom and come mora. >> if they don't like it, fine. this who we are. >> they are ready to [bleep]. our journey begins in texas. yes. texas. the lone star state has an independent streak. but when it comes to love and marriage there are traditions and expectations. >> don't be too upset if i hit more than you do. >> it's here, where 54-year-old jackie and john have found their place in the community. >> pull! >> good job! >> they have a large family, love the outdoors, and by all appearances, fit right in. >> oh! i got it. >> but there's one exception. their marriage isn't what it appears to be. to understand that, you need to go back to where they first met. >> we met in high school, in wichita. jackie and i went to our junior prom together but with different people. i went with a girlfriend of mine and jackie was with a guy friend. >> when school ended, they parted ways. for 30 years, led completely separate lives. >> for me, it was -- i felt like i didn't fit in there. it was kind of a boring place, in my opinion. the first chance i got at 18 years old, i moved to florida. >> jackie stayed. >> the thought of going some place different was not even in the realm of possibility for me. >> how old were you when you got married for the first time? >> 18. >> a little girl. >> that was just the next natural progression in my life. graduate and find a husband and get married and then have kids. so, that's what i did. >> in her 30s, jackie was a proud mother of six. she loved raising her children. but as a wife, she felt adrift. >> i was this caregiver, be at home, raise the children, and make sure my husband's needs were tended to. there was never ever any concern about my own. so i felt there was always something missing, i just didn't know what it was. >> her first marriage end in divorce. when a second marriage failed she wondered if matrimony wasn't for her. >> i just resigned myself to the fact i don't know how to do this. i'm just not cut out for marriage. >> more than 30 years had passed since jackie and john's junior prom. as their high school reunion approached he noticed she had liked one of his facebook posts. >> i had a crush on jackie really in high school. she didn't know it. i was really really shy. oh, my god, it would be so awesome to meet her and talk to her again. so we started talking on the phone that night and we talked for hours. the next day, we talkford hours. >> he was so centered, calm and loving and kind. >> in that week long series of conversations we had on the phone, i fell in love. without even seeing her. >> it was then that john shared where he'd been. in tampa, he'd worked his way up in the nightclub business. john had discovered a secret dating scene and a name for the lifestyle that came with it. swinging. >> i was open-minded from a young age. i didn't see anything wrong with having multiple sex partners. i had experiences like three assumes or group sex. >> before long, john opened his own club. >> in 1998, i started getting into the swinger end of the nightclub industry. people would come in and we'd lock the doors and then we'd start having central massages and having sex. it was just a great party. >> after john dropped the news he wasn't sure what to expect. >> what was your reaction, jackie, when john told you he was in this swinger nightclub business? >> my first thought was i don't even know what that is. i immediately started looking things up, going to the bookstore and getting online and trying to find out what exactly he was talking about. i was intrigued more than anything. >> when jackie and john started dating she reflected on the rules she had been taught her whole life about sex? >> i thought back to when i was married, i did find myself checking out guys as they would walk by and look at somebody and think, oh, he's hot. i was like, you know what, i do -- i do want to try this. because this something i want to do for me. >> jackie felt emboldened to share a fantasy with john, inviting another man into their bedroom for a three assume. john was more than happy to oblige. but even though jackie had suggested the deep end of the pool, diving in took a leap of faith. >> i was just a bag of nerves. here i was in my late 40s and i felt like i was going on a first date. it was very surreal. i just closed my eyes and i thought, i'm just going to see what happens, where it goes. it just started to kind of unfold, and we just started interacting. john was kind of in and out of that picture. but then all of a sudden it was just over. we get in the car and there's this giddiness. can you believe that happened or can you believe i did that? can you believe that you were there? even me talking about it, i can see how it sounds really bizarre. >> now that i've heard how it all started i definitely have some questions. it seems just, you know, like incomprehensible, my partner is having sex with someone else right now. do you like leave your home and literally spend the night with someone else and come back the next day, or how does that work? do you ever bring people here? >> we have. anything you could imagine. >> okay. >> do y'all ever watch each other with other people? >> yes. watching her have sex with someone else is one of the things i love. >> wow. i don't find myself at a loss for words often. >> it's funny for people to say that. my friends have said to me you must not love her if you don't get jealous. it's not the case at all. because i love her unconditionally i find so much joy in anything that make hers happy. >> to me, growing up, jealousy was actually a way to show how you love someone. when john and i reconnected, from that point forward i realized i had this infinite amount of love or capacity to form whatever kind of relationship with someone else. >> the rest is history? >> yes. >> the ly style has now become such an integral part of jackie's identity she decided not to hide it from her family. >> for me, the idea of my parents having sex period kind of freaks me out. to hear that one of my parents was a swinger would -- i think i would need some time. >> she's still the same. she's still my mom, she's still the same person and i still love her. >> 29-year-old cody is one of jackie's youngest. she's been open with him from the start. >> there are people who believe that your mom leads an immoral life. >> i mean, if they have something bad to say, they can say it but you can just live your life the way you want to live it is the way i kind of see it. she's happy, i'm happy. >> in the last six years, john and jackie have built a small business empire, catering specifically to swingers. together, they run a love site, open love 101 with questions for couples about open relationships. john's first club has expanded to four cities, including houston. lifestyle clubs quietly thrive throughout the country but they're nearly invisible. chances are you may have seen a business like john's without knowing it. >> here we are. >> right. >> while openly marketed through social media they try to keep a low profile. as couples filter in for the evening, i sneak a peek at the clientele. leopard print tight dresses and low necklines. i'm feeling a little overdressed for the occasion. who are these people? if we saw them outside of here what would they look like? >> you wouldn't think they were swingers if you saw them outside the club probably. they come from all occupations, attorneys, teachers, doctors, housewives, really a slice of americana. >> we have nine grandkids coming tomorrow. >> it's still sinking in tonight many of these couples will invite someone else to have sex with their partner. >> hi, how are you? good to see you. >> if these club goers are the texas establishment, i get why this happens behind tinted windows. >> this is going to be fun. i may wear one thing and then change. >> reporter: in this part of the bible belt, jackie and john have carved out a niche for this community. it's part of something much much bigger. this week, swingers from all across the globe are converging on new orleans, the sex capital of the south. it's a weekend reservation for a party of 2,000. for all of the heroes who serve us, t-mobile is here to help serve them. that's why we're offering 50% off family lines for military, veterans and first responders. so they can stay connected, on our newest, most powerful signal ever. and now, we are also offering half off our top samsung phones for military, veterans and first responders. our service is just one way we say thank you... for theirs. 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[ "turn around, look at me" ♪ there is someone ♪ walking behind you ♪ turn around ♪ look at me ♪ there is someone ♪ look at me i've slain your dreaded dragon. for saving the kingdom what doth thou desire? my lord? hey good knight. where are you going? ♪ ♪ climbing up on solsbury hill ♪ grab your things, salutations. coffee that is a cup above is always worth the quest. nespresso. tis all i desire. did thou bring enough for the whole kingdom? george: nespresso, what else? new orleans is known as the naughtiest city in the south. steeped in a history of mischief and erotic mystique, it's long been playground for visitors, offering something a little extra behind closed doors to satisfy desires. ♪ >> over the last 20 years, for one summer weekend, it's home to the biggest swinger party in the u.s. thousands of people are flocking here to mix, mingle and swap partners, or even just to watch. but they're not just swinging behind closed doors. it's a total hotel takeover. drab conference rooms are being transformed into a sexual playground. the man responsible for it all is swinging entrepreneur and event organizer, bob nahaniford. >> so we're in a room full of mattresses. >> we have a lot to go. >> these rooms are where business meetings usually occur. this is an unusual usage going on. >> there will be a lot of business going on. i promise. >> these are the playrooms, 20,000 square feet dedicated entirely to -- you know. >> i'm trying to imagine what these rooms will be like in about 24 hours. >> this is the group room. this is our biggest and probably our most popular room, i would say. >> is there a limit how many people can be in here? is it kind of a free-for-all? >> there will be a lot. a lot of people will be here. people like this, where they can reach out and engage with other people. >> reach out and touch someone? >> reach out and touch someone. >> with addition of mood lighting, sultry music and drapes, this will soon be one massive play space for couples to mention it up with new partners. hopefully the laundry room will also get some action tonight. >> how do you keep it clean? >> we have a whole staff team that comes in here all night. as people leave they come in and take the sheets off and spray with a hotel sanitizer, clean it up, make it really nice. we're here to offer a safe space where people can come and really enjoy their sexuality the way they want to. i think when you come here you will see it's actually really beautiful. >> while it's hard to imagine conference rooms as an erotic palace where anything goes, one thing is made clear. there are some ground rules. >> i've been noticing these consent signs everywhere. >> i think these are important messages to get out to our community. just because they're in a swinging situation doesn't mean everyone wants to play with everybody. verbal consent is mandatory. ask, get a yes and move on. silence is not consent. this is the way the lifestyle is going. >> later on, as i head to the lobby, registration is under way. this is a couples event. tickets can only be booked in pairs online. guests are checking in and already checking each other out. >> how are you? good. thanks. >> thank you guys for being here. spread the word. >> the welcome reception is deceptive. >> downstairs there are seminars. >> with conference chairs and lanyards we could be at a conference for dental assistants and sales reps until we hear the program. >> i'm teaching two classes, the first one, swinging 101. closing the deal. are we going to [bleep] or what? >> the naked speed. >> i'm a professional dominatrix. >> i'm a hypnotist. >> i'm a sexual as stroll ger, called mindful sex or mindful swinging. >> looking around the room i see the crowd spans all ages, backgrounds, shapes and sizes. one weekend to shed the conventions of daily life. >> you go to church, you have to put a character. you go to work, you have to put up a charts. the bedroom is one place you don't have to put up character to no one. no one is there to judge you. we tell ladies, if you want five dudes at one time. one life you have,en joy it. >> vee and dee are here from atlanta, married 14 years and swinging over a decade. they have a simple code. >> we have any issues we can talk it out. >> our number rule in communication, no matter what we're doing. >> years before she meet dee, vee was raised under strict standards in the pentecostal church. she discovered her bi-sexuality at a young age and decided to keep it secret, but it was never far from her mind. >> i remember during praise and worship and looking at a sister walking down the aisle in a tight dress and my attention went to somewhere else. >> years later when dee meth vee they quickly fell in love and became parents. even then vee realized she didn't want to give up on her interest in women and instead wanted to share it with her husband. >> who brought up the idea of swinging? >> me. >> this one here. after we moved to georgia we put the kids to sleep watching hbo late night and stumbled upon real sex, it was an episode about swinging. they were having fun and talking. after the show was over, hey, babe, what do you think about doing the swinging thing? >> i was like, listen, i enjoyed you and love you and how about we spice it up a little? he's like -- >> is this a trick? >> you were pretty receptive to it? >> i was, i was, i was open to it. see how it is, let's try it. >> 14 years after -- >> i am bisexual and happy. >> i call her the president ofbie sexual. >> they want to show what they've learned holding classes for couples seeking couples. >> you want to make her feel as comfortable as possible because you want an encore presentation. >> you want a relaxing three assume and don't go to the club and say, you come home with me. >> different steps. you don't want to mess up your relationship. >> should i go up to the couple? how do we do this? >> we're the middleman to the three assume. >> it's how you approach the situation, as my momma used to say not what you say, how you say. >> with class dismissed and the night ahead. >> hey, sweetheart. >> vee puts into practice what they preach. >> we have a quick question, are you guys going to the meet and greet tonight? >> even expert swingers get the same jitters as others. >> we're looking forward to it. >> see. see how good i am? >> it's game on. time to slip into the right attire. >> wait. what are you changing into? >> nothing. >> listen, i've got to be -- good together. >> yes, ma'am. go have some fun. we're adults. >> for vee and dee. >> i want to have sex. >> it's all in the thrill of the chase. but making it happen -- >> you guys are opposites. >> is a team effort. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ don't get mad. get e*trade, dawg. (paul) wireless network claims america's most reliable network. the nation's largest and most reliable network. the best network is even better? best, fastest, best. enough. sprint's doing things differently. they're offering a new 100% total satisfaction guarantee. try it out and decide for yourself. now you can switch to sprint and get both an unlimited plan and the samsung galaxy s10 plus included for just $35 a month. for people with hearing loss, visit wow! giving one. how did you guys...? >>don't ask. the lexus december to rembember sales event get 0 percent apr for 60 months on all 2019 models. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. as someone in a monogamous marriage, i've always been kind of fascinated by the lifestyle. but even with the best intentions, an open relationship seems like a huge risk. here, though, couples seem happy. as the sun goes down, they're snuggling up and making connections. things are starting to heat up. >> let's check out the pool. >> i think i hear the pool. maybe we won't check out the pool. wow. >> and activities aren't confined to the bedroom. >> not g-rated. wow. it's approaching midnight and the dance floor is packed for tonight's main event. an erotic glow night. >> how are you? >> vee and dee are mingling outside the ballroom. tonight, they're interested in group play. a four assume with another couple. >> hey. >> hey. >> they have their eyes on nate an shirica they met earlier. >> hey, pretty lady. >> i'm so glad you guys were able to find us. >> we only have four days. >> this trip is part of our anniversary to each other. >> we want to start early tonight. >> why am i just now noticing you have a piersing? >> it feels good. >> i want to watch. >> i want you to watch. >> it's building up to a really good night. >> here, flirtation is more than just four play, a chance to set ground rules without breaking the mood. >> have a question. do you guys kiss opposites or -- >> yeah, we do. >> can i please see y'all kiss? >> yeah, i like that. >> ooh. >> i would love to lyft that dress up. >> we need to just go. >> let's go. >> there's too many rules in life. you can still have sexual freedom and fun. most importantly, we're doing it together. >> for couples like dee and vee, this is considered part of their marriage, an expression of trust. and with 693 rooms, it's a scene that repeats itself throughout the hotel. from what i've seen so far the swinger scene seems like a mature crowd, couples that have been together for a long time. but a new generation is dipping their toes into the lifestyle. in small ways, making it their own. >> i don't really know which one. i picked out this. >> i like that. >> tara and james flew 2,000 miles from calgary, canada, to be here. at 31 they're among the youngest couples at the convention. >> simple, white on white. >> so, how did you two meet? >> at work. >> we shared an office together even. >> she tried to get me fired. >> thought he was kind of an ass-hole. >> what would you like to do? >> it wasn't love at first sight but a spark ignited and tara and james became friends with benefits. it was an office fling with a strong connection. but neither wanted to be exclusive. >> do that before. i don't think i'm a one partner person. i was in a few long term relationships. i got bored. >> we're both very sexual people. we started talking about all these things and being able to be open about it. >> that's so cool. >> there's a whole community of people like this. i was like, there is? >> they just had to find them. >> that was a lot of air travel. >> we didn't really know how to meet other people. we would cruise craig's list. >> men, women, four, the number four, men, women. that was the search you would look up on craig's list. >> when you find that you're drawn to a particular couple, what happens then? >> you meet somebody and you develop a sort of connection, you go out for dinner. we try to do it as organically as possible, like a regular date. >> it usually just happens. a lot of time it's started by the woman, kissing, playing, we'll play for a bit, exploring each other and when you guys can't take anymore, we hop in. >> typically like, do you have a type? are there people you find yourself more drawn to? >> nope. >> not really. >> we've been with people that are 50 years our senior. >> yep. >> 50 years your senior? >> oh, yeah. when we were 27, he was probably 70 something, she was almost 70. >> how was that? >> it was a really interesting experience. >> i watched. >> we like to think it's going to be swinger karma. so when we're like 60 years old we will have these hot 25 year-olds, what we're hoping, fingers crossed. >> it's not like just wham bam, thank you ma'am? >> we've all had meaningless sex, one night stand, there's no connection, nothing. meaning sex is so much better. >> so much better, the orgasms, the energy, it's just mind-blowing. >> so what are your expectations from this convention? >> i mean, like, this is our first time here. i don't even know what the playrooms look like. i don't know i'd be comfortable playing in them. >> this is a natural progression to see what kind of people are out there. >> we're in for a treat. >> we're here to experience everything naughty new orleans has to offer. >> in a few hours, it will be my turn. i've been invited to the playroom for for an exclusive peek behind the curtain. >> sorry i'm naked. >> that's okay. it's tough to quit smoking cold turkey. so chantix can help you quit slow turkey. along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. with chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, you'll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or life-threatening allergic and skin reactions. decrease alcohol use. use caution driving or operating machinery. tell your doctor if you've had mental health problems. the most common side effect is nausea. quit smoking slow turkey. talk to your doctor about chantix. hey. ♪hey. you must be steven's phone. now you can take control of your home wifi and get a notification the instant someone new joins your network... only with xfinity xfi. download the xfi app today. for couples in the lifestyle, swinger gatherings are a chance to freely explore sex outside their relationship. not everyone is here to swap. for many, just the act of watching or being watched is enough to peak their interests. there's no better place to do that than on the playroom floor. it's been fully decked out and in a short while will be filled with people looking for a good time. it's almost 1:00 and i've been invited to participate. >> okay. so, tonight this night that i will be going into the playroom. and i am extremely nervous about it. as it turns out, you can't wear just anything to the playroom. to keep up an intimate vibe, there's a strict ban on street clothes. only pajamas, underwear or less. so i decided to recruit my mom friend, jackie. will you hold my hand through this? >> yes. >> i've been trying to kind of prepare myself. >> i think you will be surprised. i think it will be good. at first i thought maybe i was intruding or looking at something i wasn't supposed to. i had to kind of give myself permission just to go ahead and watch. >> okay. >> so cameras are obviously strictly forbidden from this room, so here we go. turn the camera that way. >> i am keeping my mic running so you are going to hear what i'm seeing. >> these are semi-private rooms. >> just watch. >> i'm assuming that's not his wife? >> a maze of curtain rooms, erotic music and throughout it all, rows and rows of couples, triples and quadruples having sex like we're not even there. >> have you ever seen anything like that. >> not in person. >> it's a lot to take in. >> i'll have what she's having? >> yeah. >> so this would be the bosm room? >> it's not exactly eyes wide shut. there aren't any masks. people are friendly. >> they're naked and talking about whatever. >> oh, my god, people are eating pizza. >> hey. well, you made it. >> made it. thank you for taking me through. >> you're welcome. >> how do i describe my experience? at first, i felt very very awkward watching. but then it just started to seem like bodies doing what bodies are supposed to do. no one in there was hurting anyone, you know. they were just having a good time and it was just very -- just very normal. i have to say for my first time at one of these, after a while, it did feel pretty normal. >> let's go back. >> thank you, jackie. but as an observer, it did leave me wondering, for couples who actually participate, where do you draw the line? and who decides when it's been crossed? 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[ laughter ] >> to be touched by someone else and to touch someone else? >> didn't bother me. >> did you like it? >> i did. yes. >> it was interesting to see her with another man. there was no jealousy, i thought that's hot. in the '50s and '60s how many people did we kiss in high school? three or four. now it's exciting and every couple is different and that's the fun. >> what has it done for you? >> it's made me feel more confident. it really has that somebody maybe appreciates me or -- i mean, he can tell me i'm beautiful or, you know, but -- >> it doesn't couldn't if a husband says it. >> he's obligated. >> but other men telling her that she's pretty, it's just built her confidence and now she's ten feet tall. >> have you been to the play room yet? >> yes. >> yes. yeah, we were up last night. >> but it was so crowded. >> yes, we've never seen -- >> i've never seen that many people having sex. >> but that turned you on? >> oh, yeah. we went back to the room and had great sex. >> you did last night? >> well, sure. after that. >> you had to. >> okay. what do you think your friends would say if they found out about you being part of the lifestyle? >> i don't know. >> no. it's the bible belt and i don't think they would be very understanding. >> many of them are our age, but they have lost all interest in each other and i hate to say it, but when they lose interest in sex and each other, they get dumpy and grumpy. >> we're not grumpy. >> we think of ourselves as poster children for sex in your 70s. and we're hoping to be poster children for sex in your 80s. ♪ ♪ >> we're still going and we're still having fun, and we still love each other. >> my husband and i have been together for more than ten years, and so far, sharing partners isn't of interest. but in another 50, who knows where we'll be. ♪ ♪ the nation's largest and most reliable network. the best network is even better? best, fastest, best. enough. sprint's doing things differently. they're offering a new 100% total satisfaction guarantee. try it out and decide for yourself. now you can switch to sprint and get both an unlimited plan and the samsung galaxy s10 plus included for just $35 a month. for people with hearing loss, visit with sofi, get your credit cards right- by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. and get your interest rate right. so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. [ bi[ typing ]ng ] [ birds chirping ] ♪ in or out of the bedroom, it's funny what brings people together. this weekend, i've seen a lot all within the confines of a hotel. but today guests are spilling out on to bourbon street and rallying behind a unique banner. ♪ ♪ >> a parade celebrating non-monogamous sex. >> you should be dancing with us on the street, car liddarling. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> this is part of just who we are naturally. >> whereas i used to hide it. i'm not comfortable hiding that today. >> we're trying to just show the world that we're normal people and i think that's our movement. ♪ ♪ >> this is a lifestyle that rebels in defying conventional norms but one that is still yearning for acceptance. >> this lifestyle is a lot of people that want to be able to be open and free with everybody. we want to stop living that double life. >> i don't think we should be ashamed about what we do. it's sex. it's normal. >> we live in this culture that is so sexualized and while i don't think this is the life for me, it was really nice to watch people not only engaging in sex but communicating and appreciating every kind of body that exists in our culture. and i even feel a little liberated as a result. and on that note, i'm just going to go to bed here in my hotel room alone and probably have dreams about what i just experienced. so good night. [ laughter ] in the '90s there is chaos and conflict around the world and if someone had the ingenuity and drive, they can capitalize on the chaos and these conflict zones by supplying weapons. people are looking to see who is moving the weapons into the war-torn areas and the name victor boot came up. >> victor poured gasoline on the conflicts and provided weaponry so the people in these countries could slaughter one another. >> what didn't bother him is to support good guys or bad guys and if he had the


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