Export boom
Council of Agriculture Minister Chen Chi-chung, center, attends a pineapple promotion organized by the Nantou County Farmers’ Association in Nantou’s Caotun Township yesterday. Chen said that Taiwan has so far exported 15,000 tonnes of pineapples this year, including about 7,000 tonnes to Japan, even though China in late February announced a ban on imports of the fruit from the nation. Thanks to efforts by groups and individuals in Taiwan and abroad, pineapple sales have increased substantially this year, with farm-gate prices rising to their highest levels in more than two years, Chen said.
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Farmers’ association paid in yuan: DPP
NOT LEGAL TENDER: The Ministry of Labor said that local firms should pay workers in NT dollars, and the association could face a fine, even if there are no complaints
By Jake Chung / Staff writer, with CNA
Nantou County’s Lugu Township (鹿谷) Farmers’ Association paid its members in Chinese currency twice in 2017, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) said yesterday.
DPP Nantou County chapter member Tseng Tsung-kai (曾琮愷) and Shueili Borough (水里) warden Chen Kuei-yu (陳癸佑) held a news conference in front of the Nantou County Government building, where Chen said that his wife, Chen Yu-min (陳尤敏), learned of the incident when canvassing for votes and that she was asked to make it known.