Mark your calendars… Thursday, Dec. 8 Buckcherry arrived on the scene during the drab days of the post-grunge era. They developed a following pushing a.
american military concept of air cavalry. it became a halacious ground fight. when the brutality was over, 499 blerns killed, wounded or missing. the lieutenant colonel was the commanding officer. galloway and more lifelong friends, back in the u.s., later co-authored the book, we were soldiers once and young. easily one of the best accounts. vietnam war. it was later made into a feature film. galloway was portrayed by the actor barry pepper. years after the battle, joe galloway was awarded the bronze star for valor for disregarded his own safety to rescue two gi s after a napalm strike. he was the only civilian so decorated by the u.s. army in all of the vietnam war. joe was brave and direct. brutally honest and always modest. he was always all about the soldiers he covered on the