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Transcripts For KCSM Kazakh TV News 20140113

the workers of the plague is the latest technology in the production. the play can reduce the three hundred tonnes of milk and dairy products per night must have a native of soap off at present we are exporting to the cities of this eu countries a difficult illness induced and asked can we have a plan to supply the product to your computer bug. in addition to play in the work which of the abyss in front of the promina look horrible comedy petite involve you for a new author a book that she had no school for. today the shadows cousins regional total turnover with the countries of the customs union to seventy percent. in addition to their products series in various metals are also for export. recently demand for meat products and building materials have caught the trend with russians it is on the wall today we have reserves with the customs union. we see an annual growth rate of seven percent in the cord or the turnover with the customs union. there were about to succumb and fifty million dollars in debt this book is that normal rules. today one and twenty local enterprises are engaged in production for export. many of them have been able to find a place in the russian market journalists of the british magazine the rough guide appeal to all readers by listing all month the city has one of the top cities to visit in two thousand fourteen. ahmad is now the seven city is situated between friends for sale and netherlands in rotterdam. it is necessary to point out that it is a quite prestigious edition and for thirty years it has been ranking of the most curious tourists that places the tourism administration of the mayor's office in el monte considers the magazine's choice from what the city has everything will be interesting for my mentors such as rich culture and wonderful nature or of the main thing is the key according to data eighty percent of foreign visitors who come to kazakhstan and definitely are provided with more than stellar service in our city our city is very interesting with history culture and the balls on the chair. moreover we have enough photos to come in eat the influx of visitors. it is also necessary to mention that we have the best guides but greek spirit in the provision of service for tours. as both individual and group tours. i think to all these features greatly benefited us to enter in the top rankings. emily because of this will facilitate to attract more and more foreign tourists to our wonderful city. it's best to get the bus lah. meaning that the local pub by a headache. the citizen article looks at each of the bike bicycle dark place to set the national increase in production. the collection of the self taught master includes more than two thousand pieces of ornaments in total some of them were elaborated by him. another part was collected for decades. each pattern is a work of art in a national brand. oh well for instance people he and make their own carpets people in turkmenistan and azerbaijan also have their own carpets it is their national brands art as a carpenter also been in is necessary to use more ornaments in the carpet manufacturer it is necessary to remote the natural color indeed if the economy in spirituality develop together it is just wonderful besides the master proposes to apply when the twins on the carpet as well as on wallpaper in ceramic tile according to the mast and apartments of modern cars and people in any building can be beautifully decorated by a national patterns. he has already appealed to the authorities proposing such initiatives but still there are no results. now the master hopes for the exhibition expo you forget it. expo two thousand seventeen is approaching exhibition gives us the opportunity to shore national court or in spirit with additions we can tell foreign guests about the possibilities of the use of ornaments in production i'm sure that many of them will be interested in it the master shop to buy has already represented his blade ornaments at exhibitions in turkey in during the olympic games in nineteen ninety six in atlanta. a retiree from jim a recent study hundreds of documents then discovered many histories of ministries that we are really dedicated his life to the continent who died in the great patriotic war. in particular to people from john bell who fall on the field of battle in the brest fortress and did not enter into the official list. the seventy old retiree knows almost every word and every photo in this archive also on loopholes i published a big addition to standing all the documents to collect the necessary evidence at the meeting and ninety five that took place in vladivostok. i got first place and i was awarded with the nomination by the incest is a wrong road. according to the official version only three sources from jim built up part in the breast battle but the cool it was unable to find conclusive evidence about the real number of them that is in fact eighty three he already sent them to breast exam hall the supporting documents would be halted in the remains of the us will be added the special issues examined by the scientific council and is archived so he's one of the first that is made by a german officer after winning a battle in brest fortress. all of the month of june. you can get higher the more awful lot you can see the faces of those people which are full of sorrow is because they faced defeat in the recap this so in the being in captivity away from your homeland and in jail was tantamount to death for a soviet soldier. the kali are really cool x bit by bit the facts about the battles with the soldiers from his region five he was not limited to study documents he toured many villages and talk with elderly people who witnessed the massacre. new phone on the stump child when i was able to find about two thousand soldiers names from jumbo who tragically died in the living god. i saw more than five hundred letters of death has not been said you can find them all in the archives scientists from austin the cities of the six match medical billing problem via stokes equations. his solution allows predicting a tornado and even a tsunami achievements in science may buy a bowl combine the bias or appealing mark at the republican level of the recommendation was never close to global recognition as he is now the work of the mass petition published in the ward expert ed hardy begun to study. the real winners within footballer up with was that you've probably heard about the movie borat people in the west take more lesser extent in that way described in the movie i want to break such a thing all over the phone with them. met up with the dissolution of the equation david stokes is already available in the press only after careful study by the four repetitions the solution to get more recognition. in the figure below was in there. no not back down again. greg is under the ocean any gives away. initially everything is bad and boils and then he goes quiet in our real basic wage claims. but although he was in the temple with you the scientists are ready ready to prove the correct use of the solution by the way the price of one million dollars as announced to be rewarded for every solution of the millennium problems only when men succeed in it and it was russian going for them with the gun away and go with it if i won this prize in the sum of money it will be among whites account because she knows how to manage money well i won that year and i have other work to do. why should i worry about how to spend my money that would put paid to do with notable could not go. natalie coughlin the mall to watch it in a chess match at the chessboard with thirteen year old john sia of dumas week the asian champion and the courtship in different age categories the academy of just named occasions a of the leak was opened just before the game standing in for coaches indians will teach children how to play chess. many chess professionals and his fans came to see fiance is game against the lead car of the match consisted of four games. i will show mccain can win. who knew from top to release but would not be easy for africa when jun se lost the first two games but she was a strong opponent experts say the score was even in the first leaves where's john sia took over in the second one. i am giving one of them it was probably tired i went to previous games i did defended it was rather difficult. she has talent she is fasting finding ways to escape from direct attacks we did during which isn't very strong opponent he made such news which i didn't expect. that's why i lost then i saw the idea tried it and it turned out to be successful. the latest news is that three w dot cardstock that stevie got kate said. no mini vacation so much as the man who is just hard when the scientists confirm this famous quote of american writer albert covered the scientists have discovered that forty to fifty percent of people suffer from different symptoms when they returned to work after a long week a sian. some of them suffer from insomnia. others have high blood pressure was the third of them fall into depression. this is not surprising since the vacation itself is a stretch for the human body the scientists believe that a person gets psychological trauma. in addition to a psychological effects. all these turn into abrupt change of mood diminished more capacity in fatigue. this then indication of cosmic sense people usually last for ten to fourteen days. and if that works. if i might still get occasion can be compared to the pay quarterly report what a person is preparing a report you stressed. try calling a person during a busy work week. what we do you'll be agitated. the same happens during a vacation all the energy goes with the tension is. come by. a person's attitude to his word that i was a likelihood of a creepy quiche and impose the quiche incentive not to say that those who do not like the work phone to deeper depression after vacation the job is either to retain or too much of responsibility for them. it is hard to return to work for people who are constantly changing the scope of activities for those who work in the same place for a long time doctors advised to spend the first working days to review new horizons and prospects. in all of my kids when thinking of me i cannot personally i recommend creating a list of your motivators that is the goal is to work to achieve you also need to specify the expected time you accomplish them. i always recommend using an organizer to help you when you're working in timing lol wonder if that guy i hope to families in need now. a good leader can ensure that the quiche and post vacation depression of employees to that effect in a war with the flow. the leaders increased the risk of losing employees appeared to strike so the psychologist advise him to be more patient and talented people who are going to have a vacation. come by it is very important for leaders to determine the work volume two to three weeks before the vacation during the last week an employee should be reminded about the deadlines that will be a killer caught up and given the fact that i have concluded that when taking the plunge. in fact all of us and these ones have gone three pre the keys you can post vacation depression they play close attention to problems he had on a vacation he'll make his reserve much easier. according to the annual forecast of the year asian development bank. the price of brent crude oil will be a hundred and five dollars per barrel in two thousand fourteen the edd experts expect a moderate decline in prices for energy resources and metals where's the dynamics of food prices remained affected by the weather conditions that takes in less than a positive trend in the gdp in the first nine months of two thousand thirteen. the growth of context as gdp accelerate to five point seven percent the chairman of the year of the russian gold miners to get cautioned by police in two thousand fourteen gold prices could show the minimum level of nine hundred to nine hundred fifty dollars per house of pessimistic scenario. in just over one thousand dollars per ounce on the optimistic scenario couple dark easy reports the supra national regulator of a single financial market within the region union may be established in the territory of russia followers in kazakhstan after two thousand twenty oh two week rest of the deputy minister of economic development reporting the briefing. what the fish and seafood in russia in january through november of last year grew by fourteen point five percent compared with the same period of two thousand twelve which is up to one point seven four million tonnes. i hate crime reports. salmon exports increased by thirty five point five percent the decrease in customs duty on posting this from five to three point seven five percent and the growth of low prices for major export of this species facilitated an increase in exports. aye historians earlier diaz will dissipate in the main stage of the australian open championship. joe participating in the grand slam for the first time in her career. the displays of constant mental hospital to determine the strongest player on the winter season he continued until you became a champion among women to the hubby boland in the major focal for the best pair didn't see it soon became the best single player he won the wooden chair picture for the first time nasa sheet of real credit tournament kicks off and toss them foreigners age from sixteen fifteen years old will compete for the victory eleven teams from the regions of context and will participate in the championship. by the way she to rio is one of the oldest in major styles of writing which is popular among causes the mullahs of oriental martial arts these tournaments are held here not for the first time winners of the tournament will go to singapore with the change in which it will take place tokyo the kazakhstan national team showed excellent results at the world championships in tokyo last year they brought three gold medals home was at the end of quote above from john bill region won a gold medal in the weight categories up to sixty kilograms among women. this is a very good result. we hope that the guys will perform successfully at the ecj attention to. doesn't it. then skating teams that finished preparations for the sochi olympics. the final stars of the spinners will help the allies palace the international olympic committee confirmed the men have one licence for five thousand ten thousand meters it is still unknown who would take part in them and fix because the licences were not given to certain people the current physical condition of the athletes will be assessed at that us practices. given these results coaches will make the final decisions concerning the location of licenses anticipation in the upcoming world sprint speed skating championships will take place in the no spin on january eighteen two three to nineteen is expected in rome and quick dentist was in india company now. i googled japan concerns of danzig and will continue to train under the supervision of synergy clinching the best either of the text and image a bad ankle won the asian championships for five thousand meters after the championships athletes will go clubbing up near moscow with it would take courses on adaptation to the conditions of sochi have been real. i do. they are and erm. i am. i did. i know sch each. are you. speech the day. each. war the us you know. does. thus the stone work. it is. he gets off to the end of the state. it will. she is all took the view that god is to get wet. to celebrate this event. the gp group feel it yet and the historic center of the problem. we discussed the bulk of the portico and economic situation of the car tpg group chairman said dole in his opening address underlined that it takes energy determination and belief in the future to go with less than one generation state of war to being a fully fledged member of the biggest club but the bumper six. we admire everything has been the context. and he added that the ppp group has always supported cr which its european ambitions. our supporters constant and other wavering because we are convinced that we are destined to belong to the same community of values we welcome you with open arms is a partner. they're very much looking forward to working with you. croatian democratic union president you must love come on go. it was party played a catalyst role in pushing for the eu accession. what is there an hour or an opposition is today addressed the meeting by underlining the importance of eu membership. the first of july twenty thirteen croatia is returning home to the u word belongs as a central european country. he was much more than a common market is a community of free nations for which it wishes to contribute to this community we will support a strong europe and a strong for which a change of economic policies required for which to enjoy real benefits for the membership info to the european elections is a vote for that change. during the second day of the meeting participants discussed the prospects of promoting sustainable growth and jobs to you. which is tightly linked with the ongoing budget debate the optional but the best to bpp group vice chairman responsible for budget and structural policies explain the framework of the debate don't send jokes. the main teaching. and unless you get in the european parliament so this is that the girl at the discussions. he got to the budget the budget tells you something today tokyo but it is the thirty five percent this might have discussed it won't mean an addiction. with the stupid dumb and so cheap alicia forty six who was given. for that. for the increasingly choose to cling to these talks and jokes. he says what the ppp would it would go. support for the student addiction the talks and jokes. you know how to play with me. what don't compete but it's pretty important. she had to cope with the auction page. saved by a succession of labor force that holds whether west about the companies which order gets quite a joy following the fall of the taleban in afghanistan woman have been finding ways to express themselves. some have been successful the media. the buckeyes the first human baby stationed in afghanistan. it looks it up in that office epo was ocean is a canadian team deal in two thousand and three. will be the same temptation runs the station she saves much if its programming is out of the gigantic moment. thus the need to cut off. i thought that the us the testimonial to sit at the front sidewalk. the first time. the museum closes on the pasta but the son of the presenters had often discussed the problems faced a woman in laws are the topics could be delayed due to family marriage custom or social issues. i get it after that i have of it. at last. i think that they can diesel. shut the essential up the daisies gave all of the cameras had been at many adults coast lot of that. a bomb it was a little tricky but none of that me on my second thought that i added some water and a shotgun and the ship the subtle social sciences and the city is just a few station has attracted lots of listeners not just women but also men who take it in turns to the game of the cycle of an idea took off of the savannah. at that time but you have any of those last sunday said it was this beautiful beach i've almost got. afghanistan is that it means to be the conservative society. the folders have got access to the gk to tell but have recently for some girls schools to close those women who do manage to choose given that in life have had to work hard for it. that was off the condiment of the pack i then head bobble hat day at school means mileage in china on the fact that i caught a fish bite of fish when the shuttles post i don't check the sake of a contract with the tunnel at lake at evening's end of this the buffet that is the content that santa had come economy club level but a second identical but it's an emotion love. you try getting more than just arrived they're getting an education thanks to an initiative of the hebrew university of jerusalem and israel railways train passengers are treated to a lecture but some of the universe is but i didn't have . he says. joe interested in what was coming in so little. we don't work just as fun. with that the trade the series develops its leader but at the university set themselves up in one of the cars and passengers are invited to join for free. i was dead. i guess i still celebrated in einstein's birthday honor his contribution to the country a member of the early zionist movement. i extend whatever happens the hebrew university and the creatures intellectual property to the institution. besides the senate race series the unique way to reach out to the and allow them to experience firsthand the benefits of research and education. in the top of the investigation published book that i give on debate india is expected to visit the wedding she is on top of the mall to buy pink thing and i watched it all off i met up with the prompt was thinking that if the setup is called upon to that spot kick by two thousand and six. by that of what you've done overnight see's with the local fight to get to see shared office and all that i saw this and just as i'm out tonight that is what the conflict than fifty percent and twenty five. but this is is it is. that was fine in his credentials in the indian auto competence after that and the process of setting up manufacturing units and that the fox the president. the royal borough of kensington and chelsea constituency phallic say. run by the royal which the cultural society the event will celebrate its one hundredth anniversary disney. tory labour hundred and sixty thousand visits his shadow is the will of god meanwhile it. to see the queen is in you make your visit at the da's. joseph our cities or so from day to showcase new congress in twenty twelve to celebrate the queen's sixty eight summit friend. a special dining tv friends with some details. days five hundred exhibit a space that is entering sunday's day stretching the imagination and inspiring one and i wanted to. i offered him a treat since seen here with that the structure of current sales. most discussed in captures the essence of happy accidents. the event a sensory delights with photos and text is combine to produce breath taking patients. that takes place at the former head of king henry the eighth. cole had a stylish as it is not just in a while. britain has a week scouting heritage gardens with all the news. cc has cost of god intends as a history with string cheese to the city in iraq. i did stop crime trust. did project in cornwall is to paste a futuristic by humans. how nice is the gateway to the royal botanical gardens the units can well as heritage sites. it's beautiful victorian palm house was built in eighteen forty eight she's a dorm the gardens. the ten storey chinese and that was built in seventeen sixty one. he who holds the nazis connection of comics in the mountains. i want also on the web. and they've seen the torrens title. i feel like letting me an american talk about an hour. how women are powerful if you empower women in empowering birth mothers of raising sons who will either drag us into war with the facade of our mothers are the ones who are protecting their daughters mothers grind and noticed blood and therefore not empowering women were not any chains this forty to fifty percent generation that understanding also on. i can't help but call out sick. the contest and one main rocket victories stunningly since we brought them democracy that women are educated they were doctors lawyers and now it's thing and it's taking over their being forced into loans they don't appreciate and i think that the felt needs of a hat so he now. i would just say that president obama. what you type in cairo was a great start. box. if you don't get the whole picture and realized the role of women it will never tell. i hope that everyone in this room takes a moment today when you come home to think about why the most powerful ways to empower the arab and muslim world is and how the women so please please stop turning a blind eye to the atrocities against women by at our life and present are women human power of thinking. you knew you when when when when will you. we do . i


Transcripts For KCSM Kazakh TV News 20140113

the workers of the plague is the latest technology in the production. the play can reduce the three hundred tons of elk and deer parts per night. most of them but it is also off at present we are exporting to the cities of this eu countries day in court the list of beers and asked can we have a plan to supply the product to your computer bug. in addition to play in the work which of the abyss in front of the promina look horrible comedy petite and bought it for a new author a book that she had no school for. today the shadows cousins regional total turnover with the countries of the customs union to seventy percent. in addition to their products series in various metals are also for export. recently demand for meat products and building materials have caught the trend with russians it is the locals live. today we have reserves with the customs union. we see an annual growth rate of seven percent for gore the tournament with a customs union. there were about to succumb and fifty million dollars in debt this book is that normal rules today more than twenty local enterprises are engaged in production for export. many of them have been able to find a place in the russian market. journalists of the british magazine the rough guide appeal to all readers by listing of what the city has one of the top cities to visit in two thousand fourteen. ahmad is now the seven city is situated between friends divorce and the netherlands in rotterdam. it is necessary to point out that it is a quite prestigious edition and for thirty years it has been ranking of the most curious tourist places. the tourism administration and the mayor's office in el monte considers the magazine's choice from what the city has everything will be interesting for my mentors such as rich culture and wonderful teacher or a bad name that is the key according to data eighty percent of foreign visitors who come to kazakhstan definitely are provided with more than stellar service in our city our city is very interesting with history culture and was also the chair. moreover we have enough hotels to accommodate the influx of visitors. it is also necessary to mention that we have the best guides but great experience and the provision of service for tours. as both individual and group tours. i think to all these features greatly benefited us to enter in the top rankings. emily because of this will facilitate to attract more and more foreign tourists to our wonderful city. it's best to get the bus lah. meaning that the local pub by a headache. the citizens are to look see the show can buy to buy gold dark place to set the national increase in production. the collection of the self taught master includes more than two thousand pieces of ornaments in total some of them were elaborated by him. another part was collected for decades. each pattern is a work of art in a national brand. oh you know for instance people he added make your own carpets people in turkmenistan and azerbaijan also have their own carpets in international brands art as a carpenter also good. it is necessary to use more ornaments in the carpet manufacturer it is necessary to remote the national color. indeed if the economy in spirituality develop together. it is just wonderful. besides the master proposes to apply human friends on the carpet as well as on wallpaper in ceramic tile. according to the mast and apartments of modern cars and people in any building can be beautifully decorated by national patterns. he has already appealed to the authorities proposing such initiatives but still there are no results. now the master hopes for the exhibition expo many forget it. expo two thousand seventeen is approaching exhibition gives us the opportunity to shore national court or in spirit with additions we can tell foreign guests about the possibilities of the use of ornaments in production i'm sure that many of them will be interested in it the master shop to buy has already represented his blade ornaments at exhibitions in turkey in during the olympic games in nineteen ninety six in atlanta. a retiree from jim a recent study hundreds of documents then discovered many histories of ministries that we are really dedicated his life to the continent who died in the great patriotic war. in particular to people from jumbo hoops on the field of battle in the brest fortress and did not enter into the official list the seventy old retiree knows almost every word and every photo in this archive also on loopholes i published a big addition to standing all the documents to collect the necessary evidence at the meeting and ninety five that took place in vladivostok. i got first place and i was awarded with the nomination by the incest is the wrong road. according to the official version only three sources from jim built up part in the breast battle but the cool it was unable to find conclusive evidence about the real number of them that is in fact eighty three he already sent them to breast exam all the supporting documents with the colt to the new names of the us will be added the special issues examined by the scientific council and is archived so he's one of the first that is made by a german officer after winning a battle in brest fortress all of the month of june you can get my home will look a lot you can see the faces of those people which are full of sorrow is because they faced defeat in the recap this so in the being in captivity away from your homeland and in jail was tantamount to death for a soviet soldier the kali are really cool x bit by bit the facts about the battles with the soldiers from his region five he was not limited to study documents he toured many villages and talk with elderly people who witnessed the massacre. you don't know most of the mall and when i was able to find about two thousand soldiers names from jumbo who tragically died in the living god. i saw more than five hundred letters of death that has not been said you can find them all in the archives. scientists from austin the cities of the six match medical billing problem that peter stokes equations this solution allows predicting a tornado and even a tsunami achievements in science may buy a book by the biased or appealing mark at the republican level but the recommendation was never close to global recognition as he is now the work of the mass petition published in the ward expert at arty begun to study. the real winners recent pro bowler up with was that you've probably heard about the movie borat people in the west take more or less of kazakhstan in that way described in the movie i want to break such a thing all over the phone with them was up with the dissolution of the equation david stokes is already available in the press only after careful study by the four repetitions the solution to get more recognition. in the figure below was in there. no not back down again. greg is under the ocean any gives away. initially everything is bad and boils and then he goes quiet in our radio base equation when you help with that. although he was in the temple with you the scientists is already ready to prove the correct use of the solution by the way the price of one million dollars as announced to be rewarded for every solution of the millennium problems only when men succeed in it and it was russian. according to them with the gun away and go with it if i won this prize in the sum of money it will be among whites account because she knows how to manage money well i won i am feeling i have other work to do. why should i worry about how to spend my money that will put paid to do with notable could not be good. natalie coughlin the mall to watch it did suggest that at the chessboard with thirteen year old johns idea of dumas week the asian champion and the courtship in different age categories. the academy of just named occasions a of the leak was opened just before the game standing in for coaches indians will teach children how to play chess. many chess professionals and his fans came to see fiance is game against an elite corps of the match consisted of four games. i will show mccain can win. who knew from top to release but would not be easy for copper to win. john say lost the first two games but she was a strong opponent experts say the score was even in the first leaves where's john sia took over in the second one. i am giving him a few of them. it was probably tired i went to previous games i did defended it was rather difficult. she has talent. she is fasting finding ways to escape from direct attacks until we get during which isn't very strong opponent he made such news which i didn't expect that's why i lost then i saw the idea tried it and it turned out to be successful the latest news is that three w dot cardstock that stevie got kate said. no mini vacation so much as the man who has had one the scientists confirm this famous quote of american writer albert covered the scientists have discovered that forty to fifty percent of people suffer from different symptoms when they returned to work after a long week ish and some of them suffer from insomnia. others have high blood pressure was the third of them fall into depression this is not surprising since the vacation itself as a stress for the human body the scientists believe that a person gets psychological trauma. in addition to a psychological effects. all these turn into abrupt change of mood diminished more capacity in fatigue. this then indication of cosmic sense people usually last for ten to fourteen days the work. if i might still get occasion can be compared to the pay quarterly report when a person is preparing a report he is stressed. try calling a person during a busy work week. what we do you'll be agitated. the same happens during a vacation all the energy goes with it engineers. come by. a person's attitude towards work that i was a likelihood of a creepy quiche and impose the quiche incentive not to say that those who do not like the work phone to deeper depression after vacation the job is either to retain or too much of responsibility for them. it is hard to return to work for people who are constantly changing the scope of activities for those who work in the same place for a long time doctors advised to spend the first working days to review new horizons and prospects. no um i guess when thinking of me i cannot personally i recommend creating a list of your motivators that is the goal is to work to achieve you also need to specify the expected time you accomplish them. i always recommend using an organizer to help you when you're working in tiny lump was a bad guy i'm looking for all of the cantina. a good leader can ensure that the quiche and post vacation depression of employees to that effect in a war with the flow the leaders increased the risk of losing employees appeared to strike so the psychologist advise him to be more patient and talented people who are going to have a vacation. come by it is very important for leaders to determine the work volume two to three weeks before the vacation during the last week an employee should be reminded about the deadlines that will be a killer caught up and given the fact that i have concluded that when taking the plunge. in fact all of us in these ones have gone three pre the keys you can post vacation depression. they play close attention to problems he had on a vacation he'll make his reserve much easier. according to the annual forecast of the year asian development bank. the price of brent crude oil will be a hundred and five dollars per barrel in two thousand fourteen the ep the experts expect a moderate decline in prices for energy resources and metals where is the dynamics of food prices remained affected by the weather conditions that takes in less than a positive trend in the gdp in the first nine months of two thousand thirteen. the growth of context as gdp accelerate to five point seven percent the chairman of the year of the russian gold miners to get caution by police in two thousand fourteen gold prices could show the minimum level of nine hundred to nine hundred fifty dollars per house of pessimistic scenario. in just over one thousand dollars per ounce on the optimistic scenario couple of donkeys he reports the supra national regulator of a single financial market within the region union may be established in the territory of russia fillers in kazakhstan after two thousand twenty oh two week rest of the deputy minister of economic development reporting the briefing. exports of fish and seafood in russia in january through november of last year grew by fourteen point five percent compared with the same period of two thousand twelve which is up to one point seven four million tonnes. i hate crime reports. salmon exports increased by thirty five point five percent the decrease in customs duty on posting this from five to three point seven five percent and the growth of low prices for major export of this species facilitated an increase in exports. eye historians earlier diaz will dissipate in the main stage of the australian open championship. joe participating in the grand slam for the first time in her career. the displays of constant mental hospital to determine the strongest player of the winter season he continued until you became a champion among women don't have the bowling pin them each a focal for the best pair didn't see it soon became the best single player he won the winter championship for the first time nasa sheet of real credit tournament kicks off and toss them foreigners age from sixteen fifteen years old will compete for the victory eleven teams from the regions of context and will participate in the championship. by the way she to rio is one of the oldest in major styles of karate which is popular among cause of the mullahs of oriental martial arts these tournaments are held here not for the first time winners of the tournament will go to singapore with a change in which it will take place tokyo the kazakhstan national team showed excellent results at the world championships in tokyo last year they brought three gold medals home was at the end of quote above from john bill region won a gold medal in the weight categories up to sixty kilograms among women. this is a very good result. we hope that the guys will perform successfully at the ecj attention to. doesn't it. then skating teams that finished preparations for the sochi olympics. the final stars of the spinners will help the allies palace the international olympic committee confirmed the men have one licence for five thousand ten thousand meters it is still unknown who take part in them and fix because the licences were not given to certain people the current physical condition of the athletes will be assessed at that us practices. given these results coaches will make the final decisions concerning the location of licenses anticipation in the upcoming world sprint speed skating championships that would take place in the no spin on january eighteen two three to nineteen is expected in rome and quick dentist was in india company now. i googled japan concerns of danzig and will continue to train under the supervision of synergy clinching the best either of the text and image a bad ankle one eight inch and beaches for five thousand meters after the championships athletes will go clubbing up near moscow with that would take courses on adaptation to the conditions of sochi have been real. i do. they are and i'm there. i know. i did i know. shy the heat. are you. speeches the day. each war with. the or. thus the stone work. it is. he gets off to the end of the state. it will. she is all took the view that god is to get wet. to celebrate this event. the gp group feel it yet in the historic center of the problem. we discussed the bulk of the portico and economic situation of the car the fiji group chairman said dole in his opening address underlined that it takes energy determination and belief in the future to go with less than one generation state of war to being a fully fledged member of the biggest club but the bumper six. we admire everything has been the context. and he added that the bp group has always supported cr which its european ambitions. our supporters constant and other wavering because we are convinced that we are destined to belong to the same community of values we welcome you with open arms is a partner. they're very much looking forward to working with you. croatian democratic union president emo stuff come on go. it was party played a catalyst role in pushing for the eu accession. what is there an hour or an opposition is today addressed the meeting by underlining the importance of eu membership. the first of july twenty thirteen croatia is returning home to the u word belongs as a central european country. he was much more than a common market is a community of free nations for which it wishes to contribute to this community we will support a strong europe and a strong for which a change of economic policies required for which to enjoy real benefits from the membership info to the european elections is a vote for that change. during the second day of the meeting participants discussed the prospects of promoting sustainable growth and jobs to you. which is tightly linked with the ongoing budget debate the optional but the best to bpp group vice chairman responsible for budget and structural policies explain the framework of the debate don't send jokes. domingo and unless he has been ditched and european governments. so this is that the girl of the discussions he got the budget the budget of some of that today tokyo but it is the thirty five percent. this might have discussed that won't mean an addiction. with the stupid dumb and so cheap. alicia forty six who was given. for that. for the decreasing the cheese is going to produce gold and jewels. he says what the ppp would it would go. support for the student addiction the talks and jokes. you know we went to. the what young people. but she had to cope with the auction page. saved by a succession of labor force that holds whether west about the companies which order gets quite a joy following the fall of the taleban in afghanistan woman have been finding ways to express themselves. some have been successful the media. a bit but he's the first human baby stationed in afghanistan. it looks it up in that office epo was ocean is a canadian team deal in two thousand and three. will be the same and patience runs the station she saves much if its programming is out of the gigantic moment. thus the need to cut off. he picks up a couple at the hospital twenty oh six due to the front sidewalk. the first time. the museum closes on the pasta but that under the present is often discussed the problems faced a woman in laws are the topics could be delayed due to family marriage custom or social issues. i get it after that i have had to have. i think that they can diesel abhishek essential up the daisies gave all of the cameras had been at many adults coast lot of that. a bomb it was a little tricky but none of that neon red setting up the tiny an attached to someone and that they shut down and shut the subtle social sciences and the city is to say this station has attracted lots of listeners not just women but also men who take it in turns to the game of the cycle of an idea took off of the savannah. at that time but you have any of those last sunday said it was this beautiful beach i've almost done. afghanistan is that it means to be the conservative society. the folders have got access to the gk . the tele but have recently for some girls schools to close those women who do manage to choose given that in life have had to work hard for it. that was off the condiment of the pack and as i get head bobble on the day at school means mileage in china. on the fact that i caught a fish bite of fish when the struggles she had a gourmet chef the sake of a contract with the tunnel at lake at evening's end of this the buffet that is the content in astana connell economy club level but a second identical but it's an emotion love. you try getting more than just arrived. they're getting an education. thanks to an initiative of the hebrew university of jerusalem and israel railways train passengers are treated to a lecture but some of the universe is but i didn't have . he says. joe interested in what was coming in so little. we don't work just as fun. with that the trade the series develops its leader but at the university set themselves up in one of the cars and passengers are invited to join for free. i was dead. i guess i still celebrated in einstein's birthday honor his contribution to the country a member of the early zionist movement. i extend this one had its hebrew university and the creatures intellectual property to the institution. besides the senate race series the unique way to reach out to the and allow them to experience firsthand the benefits of research and education. in the top of the investigation published book that i give on debate india is expected to visit the wedding she is going on for automobiles. i can teach me. and i watched it all off i met up with the font was thinking that if the setup is called upon to that spot kick by two thousand and six. by that of what you've done overnight see's with local fight to get to see. shared office and all that i saw this and just as i'm not the knife that is what the conflict than fifty percent and twenty five. this is is it is. the thought that was fine in his credentials in the indian auto competence after that and the process of setting up manufacturing units and that the fox the president. the royal borough of kensington and chelsea constituency phallic say. run by the royal which the cultural society the event will celebrate its one hundredth anniversary disney. tory labour hundred and sixty thousand visits his shadow is the will of god meanwhile it. to see the queen is in you make your visit at the da's. joseph our cities or so from day to showcase new converts in twenty twelve to celebrate the queen's sixty eight summit friend. a special dining tv friends with some details. he's fine country takes if it is pasted is entering sunday's day stretching the imagination and inspiring one and i wanted and i offered him a treat since seen here with that the structure of current sales. most discussed in captures the essence of happy accidents. the event of sensory delights with photos and text is combine to produce breath taking patients. that takes place at the former head of king henry the eighth. two who had a stylish as it is not just in a while. britain has a week scouting heritage gardens with all the news. cc has cost of god intends as a history with string cheese to the city in iraq. i did stop crime trust. did project in cornwall is to paste a futuristic by james. this is the gateway to the royal botanical gardens. the units can well as heritage sites it's beautiful victorian pump house was built in eighteen forty eight she's a dorm the gardens. the ten storey chinese and that was built in seventeen sixty one he who holds the nazis connection of comics in the mountains. i want. also on the web. and they've seen the torrens title. it was the light landed me an american talk about. how women are powerful. if you empower women empowering birth mothers of raising sons who were either drag us into war but deep inside of our mothers are the ones who are protecting their daughters mothers grind and noticed blood and therefore not empowering women were not any chains this forty to fifty percent generation that understanding. also on. i can't help but call out sick the contest and one main iraq and the trees stunningly since we brought them democracy. women are educated they were doctors lawyers and now it's thing and it's taking over their being forced into loans they don't appreciate and i think that the felt needs of my eye so he now. i would just say that president obama. what you tried in cairo was a great start. box. if you don't get the whole picture and realized the role of women. it will never tell. i hope that everyone in this room takes a moment today when you come home to think about why the most powerful ways to empower the arab and muslim world is and how the women. so please please stop turning a blind eye to the atrocities against women by at our life and present are women human power of thinking. you knew you. or will you . i have. well this hour. miss by mr with that so begins a three day visit to cambodia. later that nationwide blood donation drive or brett sunday which is eighty four with humans


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20140620

upon their t. homeowners to protect your home. >> yes. if you have a home up here, it's part living up here. it's like your own insurance policy. you're supposed to have four inches, 400 feet from your house. from your road you're supposed to have 30 feet from your fences. >> this house you say you know had too much junk around it. >> actually the house is about 90 -- i don't know hold it is. i've lived up here on and off for seven years. so the house has to be 90, 100 years old. it's been abandoned for maybe 20, 25 years. they live in the small house adjoining it. and the lady that lived in the house, at least for now, her maiden name, not her married name. >> all right. you say she doesn't live there anymore which is the thing we're all concerned about. we want to get back to some of the facts. thank you, robert, for the update. we know that you know this area. we have fire crews moving along behind us. we want to steer clear from that. one more look here, watering down the hillside. we are hearing no lives lost. two homes completely destroyed. apparently a barbecue ignited, propane tank ignited. however, that was not the cause of the fire. they think it was something inside the home. still an active scene with cal fire overhead doing water drops and firefighters here really just pulling out all the stops to get this put out. we're seeing hot spots explode here every couple of minutes. raj and jessica? >> thank you very much. peggy, stay on the scene. we can see just a shell of one of those homes left. thank you. other headlineses tonight. his request was denied. the biological father of audrey post was told he cannot join her family's wrongful death lawsuit. many people are questioning his motives. tonight he speaks to us for the first time. here's nbc bay area's kris sanchez. >> reporter: the little girl in this picture is audrey potts. the man behind her is her father. >> he's not her father. >> reporter: he says audrey was born of an eight-year relationship with audrey's mother sheila potts. he claims photos of her in his home and with his family prove he was the father to her until sheila potts broke it off when audrey was 6, admitting that she was married to another man the whole time. today a superior court judge ruled he cannot join a wrongful death lawsuit filed by audrey's legal parents. the judge said because he is not a legal heir and paternity was established years ago. they filed the wrongful death lawsuit against the three boys who admitted to sexually assaulting audrey at a party and showing photos of her graffitied body at school because they say that drove her to take her own live. the family attorney said his attempt to join that suit is a money grab. he says he just wants the legal right to know what happened to his daughter leading up to her suicide which he found out about on facebook. >> nobody should capitalize on that. tep circumstances that led up to her death. let's expose them, right? let's tell the truth because i know the truth. >> he says no one disputes that he is audrey's biological father but that when he sued for paternity in 2003 the presiding judge, karr, ruled against him because the statute of limitations had passed. at the same hearing the judge admonished audrey's mother saying, quote, i would be remiss if i didn't look you in the eye and tell you what a mess i think you've made for many people. in this court's view lessons is nothing in terms of the kind of consequences your behavior has brought on your daughter. lazarin expects to become a witness in the civil suit and says he won't only give answers but get some, too, including audrey's final resting place. >> my whole reasoning was to find the facts and what happened to my daughter. the very essence of finding out where my child is buried. >> reporter: a trial date for the civil case could be set in july. kris sanchez, nbc bay area news. the bay bridge closed to a crawl because of the a truck fire. a truck fire is obviously not completely out of the norm for the busy toll plaza. but a man dancing outside the fully engulfed truck definitely different. tonight we're learn that dancing driver may have intentionally started that fire, too. nbc bay area jodi hernandez is live in oakland with what we know about that driver, jody. >> cess jessica, commuters could not believe their eyes when they saw what was taking place just beyond the toll plaza this morning when a man whose bizarre antics left traffic stalled and put him in a psychiatric hold. >> as i was -- the smoke started to engulf the area. >> reporter: that's the scene nadu and other commuters captured with their cellphone cameras as they were crossing the bay bridge this morning. a man was dancing and acting erratically as flames engulfed his truck just past the bay bridge toll plaza. >> bizarre. truck on fire, completely engulfed. it wasn't like a normal accident. didn't look like it. >> he was running in and out of the lanes. his demean nor was not what we would expect of a normal person. >> reporter: a security officer was passing through about the same time. he and other officers detained the man. the driver admitted he set his truck on fired but investigators are still trying to confirm that. >> it was apparent to officers on scene he may be suffering from a psychiatric emergency. >> if he did light hig truck on fire but still had the sense to pay the toll and his due and attempt to cross the bridge, i don't know, something is office. >> reporter: it's a commute they won't soon forget. grateful no one was hurt. chp says the driver will not face charges. >> we're doing everything we can to make sure they get the help they need. recommending charges for something like this may not be appropriate. >> reporter: and we are back here live. the chp says that driver actually paid his $6 toll before driving through and then acting bizarrely. tonight the man is is being treated for minor injuries that he got from the fire. he's also undergoing a psychiatric evaluation. reporting live at the bay bridge, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. it's a crime that's gotten so big and has its own name, apple picking. two out of every three robberies in san francisco and oakland tar get a smaert phone. they're offering the state an ultimatum. do something to help or we'll do it ourselves. christie smith joins us from oakland this evening. christie. >> good evening, raj. the problem is the thieves have gotten violent with people and often know exactly what type of cellphone they're looking for. the call today was to basically make every new cellphone sold in california worthless if it's stolen. >> so i have to buy a new phone. that set me back $700. >> reporter: danny wong holds that new phone very tight. his last one was stolen from a car with all his information on it. >> they have my wife's contact information and they have, you know, my calendar. so they might as well have the keys to my house. >> reporter: he has no doubts about wanting a kill switch that would make a stolen phone virtually useless to anyone. >> yes, most definitely. >> reporter: oakland mayor says today 75% of the city's robberies involve cellphones. the numbers are similar in most bay area cities. today she led local leaders and urging state lawmakers to pass the bill inchiropractoring kill switches on new cellphones statewide. >> we need to make sure the citizens of our cities safer. this is an easy fix. >> can't just be something that a few phones have or that you opt in on your own with some app that you can download. its has to be on the phones to begin with. that's what creates the deterrence for those owners out there. >> reporter: the group went a step further saying they may  introduce local ordinances the state fails to act. >> you really need to happen at a national level. having different rules for different states for devices that sell internationally can be a nightmare for manufacturers. >> for me it's no different than a car. if somebody is driving off in my car and i'm able to stop it, then i'm all for that. >> the industry did fight this at the state level but more recently we're told they softened their position. has already passed the assembly, one committee, and goes before another on monday. the mayor says she will be there. reporting live in oakland, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, christie. more details speaking in new york today san francisco d.a. says telephone kill switches really do lower crime. joint news conference with the new york attorney general shows crimes involving iphones plummeted after apple added a kill switch last september. google and microsoft have also signed on to the plan and soon 97% of the next generation smartphones will have built-in kill switches but he wants them to operate by default. >> not only the technology has to be available but the technology has to be universally applied and if i as a consumer decide not to use the technology, then i can turn it off. >> gascon rejects the concept of installing the kill switch has to be located and activated. that won't work. three people are in jail after a carjacking turned into a wild chase in the east bay. the char jacking happened 1:30 this afternoon at the fremont b.a.r.t. station. officers chased the suspect through downtown fremont and then to hayward where the suspects ditched the car around 3rd and c streets and then took off running. police caught them soon after. >> climate change is the biggest. we need to resolve that. we also can't the wildlife. >> still ahead at 6:00, environmental turf war. why the fight to create clean energy could hurt our national treasures, also. i'm scott bedman, miracle marijuana fights back. pot clubs trying to reverse san jose's recent decision and all the money they're trying to raise. and good evening. i'm meteorologist, continuing to track the south bay brush fire in the eastern foothills of san jose. winds right now not overly gusty. i'll have the full fire/weather forecast. let's show you what that brush fire looks like. east foothills. two homes have been destroyed. firefighters are still on the scene. one of those homes may have been abandoned for years. we'll have more coming up. coming up, a pot fight, san jose pot club will go to battle at the ballot box to change recent regulations put in place for the city of san jose. on the line, votes and a whole lot of money. business deck record scott budman joins us live at city hall with the ongoing saga. >> you can call this one the pot club fights back trying to raise money and voter awareness to change some of the regulations recently put in place by san jose city leaders. medical marijuana clubs already make money in san jose, but now after the city approved new regulations and restrictions on the clubs those who sell legal weed say they're up against the wall and need to raise more money. >> the regulations that the city put in place would virtually shut down every club in town. >> reporter: so dave hodges, founder of the silicon county cannabis coalition say they are getting together to try and put a referendum on a future ballot removing some of the city's restrictions. >> we have 30 days from the day they approved it to collect all the ballot signatures we need, which is about 100,000 signatures. we need to raise and spend a million dollars over the next 30 days to be able to make this happen. >> reporter: the city says its position is clear. >> if they're in the wrong place they're in the wrong place. they're operating illegally. they don't have permits to be where they are. >> reporter: and while the clubs say they want to stay the way they are, san jose is not looking to renegotiate. >> we made many, many changes along the way to accommodate the interest of the marijuana industry to make sure that we're protecting our children and our neighborhoods from the bad actors while still allowing people to getting a cess to medical marijuana. >> reporter: it's a battle over the ballot, and where medical marijuana clubs go from here. >> as for when a referendum might make its way to the voters, pot club owners tell us they don't have a date yet. they say they're still too busy trying to get signatures and raise money. scott budman, nbc bay area news. the testimony today in the landmark lawsuit against the ncaa. the organization's president mark emert testified in a oakland courtroom where the trial has been taking place. paying the players would cause school toss abandon sports. 20 former ncaa players filed the lawsuit for a piece of the pie which is worth billions of dollars. the slogan says it sells furniture that defines a home but tonight restoration hardware in pattelo alto is is being defd by a ton of returned catalogs. returning 2,000 pounds of catalogs to the store. they say the catalogs are wasteful and the store needs to be more green. catalog bundle can weigh up to 17 pounds and they've been showing up on people's front doors. restoration hardware says it prints and delivers the catalogs only one time a year and that equals less impact to an environment than sending a catalog every week. some of the biggest names in swimming are in the bay area including olympic legend michael phelps. several olympic champions are in santa clara for this weekend's santa clara grand prix. the 18-time olympic gold medalist recently returned to competitive swimming after retiring following the 2012 london olympics. while not committing to making a run at the 2016 summer games phelps says he just loves to swim. >> you know, as much as i try to stay away from the sport for as long as i can, something that keeps drawing me back in the water. so, yeah, i mean, it's -- it's been, you know, like i said before, something that's been great for me and has been an amazing part of my life that will always be a part of my life. >> couple years since we've seen him. you can see him and other stars in santa clara this weekend. also competing 12-time olympic medalist natalie coughlin and missy franklin. >> star-studded event. let's turn our attention back to the brush fire. jeff ranieri has the look at the winds and conditions. jeff? >> today rffirefighters, raj an jess, did get some but it still watching hot spots. right now winds are steady, sustained, eight miles per hour. we're noting wind gusts at 16 to 17 as well. this is off of clayton road. east san jose foothills. so it's going to be, you know, a touch and go situation tonight as they continue to watch that. any kind of smoke will be blowing away from downtown san jose at this point. so with several small brush fires, several days. fire weather forecast in here. you can see the biggest threat will hills above one thoup feet through sunday. winds anywhere from 15 to 23 miles per hour. even though it's considered a cooler wind direction coming out of the west importing humidity just a little bit of wind with our three-year drought in place we'll keep fire concern up there. will be 18 to 40%. highest threat will be in the northeast and south bay hills. let's take a look outside of that sky camera network. you can clearly see the microclimate extremes happening right now. take your eyes right over to san francisco. it is fogged in at the immediate coast. 66. then you head over to east bay where more than ten degrees warmer at 78 with hotter air aloft. let's see what it's going to mean for tomorrow's forecast. as you're going to see, minor fluctuations in temperatures. it's still going to say slightly above average for the east bay at 88 degrees. san francisco will stay cool with that fog. 68. breezy in the south bay with 83 degrees and sunny skies. more details coming up in 20 minutes. >> see you then, jeff. up next, drivers beware. a few traffic warnings before the weekend. also, she's a sweetheart of a tour. local golf sensation lucy lee and historic run today but what she did after her round of golf that really showed her age. plus -- >> i'm live in san jose where the police department is on -- we'll fand out why, coming up. more turmoil for the beleaguered san jose police department. forcing the officers to work overtime. they're also investigating sick calls by officers. nbc bay area broke the news earlier today and joins us from police headquarters with more details. damian? >> raj, clocked out around three hours ago at the san jose police department but under the new rules some of the cops could still be on the clock tonight. staffing levels dropped that day. here's part of the problem. a patrol officer took this picture a couple of months ago just before the swing shift briefing. it was sparsely attended. >> we have certain mandatory minimum staffing levels in the department that we need to adhere to. >> reporter: chief eddie garcia says his office is forced to audit sick calls to see if there's abuse by officers. the police union says officers are calling in sick because they're fatigued after working long hours to cover shifts. officers working 17-hour days, fatigued and over worked, is dangerous for the officers and the public. >> reporter: and to cover those days when briefings look like this, the department is now also forcing officers to work overtime. >> we'll take volunteers first, obviously, and via reverse seniority that we're working out, we'll hold over that amount of officers that we need to ensure that we have that minimum mandatory staffing levels on patrol. >> reporter: garcia says there have been days when they pull out without meeting the minimum mandatory staffing levels so the department has to act. >> we need to ensure that we continue to provide public safety and we need to ensure that our officers are safe. that's paramount for us. >> reporter: the police union argues no one wants a tired police officer responding to their emergency calls. like these officers who arrested two burglary suspects today after a foot chase. chief garcia told me he is optimistic now because both sides are talking. that's the city and the police union, to try and reach that labor agreement. but he says at some point some action needed to be taken. that day was today. we're live in san jose, i'm damian truillo. take to it san francisco's world famous crooked street. it will be temporarily off limits to cars starting this weekend. it will be closed weekends from noon until 6:00 p.m. until july 13th. also closed, july 4th. part of a pilot program in place after lombard homeowners complained about too much traffic. so there are now temporary closu closures. officials will decide if the tourist attraction should be shut down on a more regular basis as well. here comes the boys of summer. 43 of the best race car drivers in the world will be in sonoma this sunday. today the big rigs that haul the cars from track to track around the country per raided through sacramento on their way here to the bay area. fans lined the streets and truck drivers honked and waved. about 100,000 fans will be at the sonoma raceway this weekend. among the stars on sunday's race, jeff gordon, dale earnhardt jr. and jimmie johnson. house fire that spread to other homes on medal hamilton. we have a live report. peggy bunker is on scene. she will be with us in a moment. san francisco's archbishop says he has the backing of the pope in opposing same-sex marriage. you will hear him saying coming up next on this edition of " nbc bay area news". closing the gender gap. google's plan to level the playing field for women in high tech and putting millions of dollars behind it. safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. that's why they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, fresh driscoll's strawberries are perfectly sweet and just $1.99 a pound. foster farms fresh whole chickens are only 99¢ a pound. and arm & hammer detergent is just $5.00. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. update now to the breaking news we've been following since the 5:00 newscast in the san jose foothills east of the 680/280 interchange. chopper overhead. the thick black smoke that we saw for so long is now turned into white smoke. that's a good sign. however, two homes have been destroyed. this fire is under control but it's still an active scene as you can see below. fire crews on the ground and in the air. nbc's peggy bunker has been on the scene for us. peggy, what's the latest? >> we have been watching this transition, raj, and firefighters have done a miraculous job. two homes are completely leveled as fire jumped from one house to the next and started to crawl up the hillside. firefighters overhead, cal fire dropping water from the helicopter did a terrific job. let's show you what it looks like right now. part of the problem is the fire started in the valley here. you can see the white smoke as you mentioned, a good sign sm showing the flames are less active getting to the tail end of the fire looking for the hot spots. however, after it started in this house, the flames jumped to a barbecue that was outside the homes exploding of propane tank. that was not the source of the fire. rather, a secondary sent thereafter the flames leaped then to a second house. then you look at this hillside here in this very populated neighborhood. you see the flames climbed up the side of the house and that's where the firefighters were actively battling back hot spots that exploded. we saw a couple spots go up right in front of these firefighters that they were trying to do some structure protection. mostly for the house so it's on top of a hill. so once again, we saw the cal fire helicopter come in and do miraculous work as well dropping water around the firefighters as they got it under control. we did talk to a couple of neighbors here. they say fire protection and really looking out for this dry brush that we're all dealing with in this drought is part of living here and this part of east san jose. it's always something on their mind. the neighbors that came out said they're very concerned about the homes. they really work hard to help happen to their particular home. they do a lot of fire prevention. nobody home at the time. no injuries to report. so that's the good news here. but once again, the two homes are a total loss. raj? >> peggy bunker live on the scene at the east san jose foothills. the fire is under control. thank you, peggy. one man! >> one man! >> one woman! >> one woman! >> says the marchers rally against same-sex marriage in washington, d.c. today. among them, san francisco's roman catholic archbishop in spite of calls from bay area leaders to stay home. the archbishop defending his stand against same-sex marriage and his decision to participate in what some consider to be a very controversial march. nbc bay areaes a mark matthews is live outside st. mary's in san francisco with more on what the archbishop told the crowd and what that message is being received here back at home. >> jessica, archbishop bought the political pleadings from several people in san francisco, higher ranking people, to go to this rally where apparently he was the star attraction. witnesses say the archbishop led the march in the capitol to the steps of the supreme court and he was first speaker. >> the truth is that every child comes from a mother and a father and to deliberately deprive a child of being loved by his or her mother and father is an out right injustice. this is our very nature. no law can change it. >> he also pushed back against his critics who said he was going to participate in a protest organized by extremist groups. >> have you seen any hate here? i've only heard messages of love. >> reporter: he asked the crowd to resist the temptation to lash out at supporters of same-sex marriage who stood just across the street. >> we must not allow the angry rhetoric to change us to a culture of hate. >> reporter: back home in the heavily catholic north beach neighborhood he told me the archbishop has a right to say what he believes. >> i think what's most important a at the end of the speech that he says as catholics we do not hate others. >> reporter: but former catholic ken williams feels it's time for a new church leader in the city. >> maybe when the pope hears what he's doing he might silence him, which i think would be a good idea. >> reporter: many told me they believe the archbishop is acting contrary to the beliefs of pope francis but today the archbishop thanked the pope's adversaries to the united states for attending the rally with this comment seemingly aimed at his critics. >> being pope francis' representative to our country t. his presence here signifies the the support of pope francis for what we're doing here today. >> reporter: the pope's to the united states, archbishop begano was not put in that post by pope francis. he was appointed by the much more conservative pope benedict. it will be interesting to see how all of this plays out, particularly with cardelioni saying i've got the back of pope francis. mark matthews, nba bay area news. >> thank you, mark. i want to take a moment and go back and add information for you. the biological father of audrey pott spoke to us today after learn that he would not be allowed to join a wrongful death lawsuit filed by audrey's mother. we also reached out to audrey's mom and while she did decline our request for an interview she issued a statement through her attorney. we are focused on audrie law and not holding these young men accountable for a court of law. the court made the right call today and the family is pleased that it will no longer need to deal with an unnecessary distraction. again, that trial date for this wrongful death lawsuit could be set as soon as july. no air strikes or combat troops but today president obama announced a plan of action for the collapsing country in iraq. nba bay area is is here with details and this is a complex problem. >> it is, raj. military force is still possible but after a decade of war in iraq it's not something he wants to jump into. the president did layout three immediate steps speaking from the white house today president obama says the top priority is to secure embassy and personnel in iraq. significantly increased surveillance to get a better picture of what's going on inside the country and to monitor the actions of the terror grouch isis. number three, provide up to an additional 300 military to help train and support forces. the responsibility of stabilizing the country is up to the iraqi people. >> now, it's not the place for the united states to choose iraq's leaders. it is clear though that only leaders that can govern with an inclusive agenda is going to be able to truly bring the iraqi people together and help them through this crisis. >> president obama has not directly said prime minister al maliki shall step down but the shiite-run government needs to be more inclusive of the minority sunnis and kurds for any chance of peace. as for military force, the president made it clear, if it is used it won't be used to take sides in iraq's sectarian complex. it's still on the table. republicans are calling for air strikes now. janel wang, nba bay area news. a big move in washington, d.c. today that stretches to bake bakersfield. house republicans elected a new majority leader, kevin mccarthy of bakersfield. the 49d-year-old elected to congress eight years ago. he's the first californian and the youngest person to ever be given -- to ever hold the second most powerful job in the house. >> we elected a guy who is the grandson of a cattle rancher, the son of a firefighter, only in america do you get that opportunity. >> mccarthy replaces eric cantor who lost in the virginia primary last week. coming up, may be the last company you think of to go green but harley-davidson did an electric motorcycle but the company says it also needs your help. the national bird. a bald eagle is the center of a lawsuit that was filed in san jose today. why a conservation group says clean energy is putting them at risk. that story is coming up. i'm michelle roberts. and good evening. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. getting new drought numbers in. 33% of california now in the worst level of drought. the exceptional level. again, including the bay area. we'll talk more about this fog rolling in. what it's going to do to our temperatures and how much it will help that fire danger coming up in a few minutes. get ready from war to hum. harley-davidson plans to unveil the first electric motorcycle. it's going to happen on monday. dozens of riders will take a 30-city test drive. it's said to go from 0 to 60 in 4 seconds. gearshifting makes the high pit pitched wy but after that a silent ride. you can travel 130 miles before recharging. there's no demand for a full-size lelk trick motorcycle but harley-davidson thinks otherwise. it plans to bring the bike to market within a few years. google is putting its money where its mouth is after discovering next month not enough qualified women are in tech, it's hoping to do something about it. >> the world is made with tiny bits. invisibility stuff. >> this is google's new ad about a $50 million initiative for girls. it launched made with the website has all kinds of resources dedicated to encouraging young girls to try tech and coding. it's where they can find coding projects, stories from female technology role models and information on the nearest coding camps. google is hope that made with code, homes and classrooms for years to come. do they take middle aged women? i think i'm at a younger level. sit in with the young girls. >> you're such a great multitasker. >> you could do it really well. >> i want to be with the 5 and 6-year-olds. >> you can have five computers going on. >> uh-huh. >> we have a bunch computers in the weather. >> they're all maxed out right now because we've got a lot of conditions we're tracking anywhere from blue skies. very dry there in the hills. to fog in san francisco. we're going a talk more about what all this means for your temperatures and that weekend in just a few minutes. good evening. comcast sportsnet newsroom. the best team in baseball, has a nice ring to it. if history is any indicator the as will hold on to that through the weekend. plus, a blockbuster trade could be close to fruition for the warriors. find out all the moving parts coming up next in sports. wind turbines versus our national bird. that's the heart of an argument over where the clean energy is putting the bald eagle in danger. nbc michelle roberts joins us live and there's a lawsuit now that alleges the government isn't doing anything to protect our national bird. >> jessica, that's right. bald eagles like to hang out here near the water. and they were endanger as of 2011 but since then they've been thriving. a conservation group says that progress is being threatened by the obama administration, but not everyone agrees with that. she is the face of america. on our money and in our skies. >> they're important to protect, i think, is important to protect as symbol and part of our eco system. >> reporter: more needs to be done to make sure his friend sequoia doesn't return to the endangered species list. wind turbines are popping unall over the country. some in bald eagle territory. >> climate change is the big issue. we need to resolve that. but we also can't chop all of our wildlife up, either. >> reporter: today the american bird filed a lawsuit against the efficient wildlife service. it came in response to a new regulation that allows energy companies to kill and injure bald eagles without being fined for the next 30 years. accidental deaths when birds collide with a turbine. >> we're literally experimenting with the future of our eagle and other bird populations. >> reporter: michael hitchins went on to say it's believed that 100 bald eagles have been killed nationwide but that number could drastically increase in three decades. >> the birds belong to the american public. >> reporter: the same public who wants ac in the summer. >> there's no way to get energy without having some impact on the environment. >> reporter: nancy raider with the california energy association says only a few bald eagles have been killed in california and when it happens the industry is required by law to compensate for the loss. >> we will pay to retrofit power transmission lines with ch are a much greater source of eagle fatalities than the windmill industry. >> reporter: bird lovers hope it's enough. >> you guys seen a bald eagle before? >> reporter: future generations will be able to say yes. we reached out to the fish and wildlife service but they did not comment on this lawsuit. reporting live in redwood city, i'm michelle roberts, nbc bay area news. a baby's first photos are not always adorable but these are. it helps when the baby is a sea li l lion. her father is believed to be sergeant nevis who made national headlines when he was shot and left for dead by a fisherman in 2009. he is a favorite at six flags. a dna test is pending to confirm he is the father of pebbles. >> once they find out that, then they can have bam-bam and it will be perfect. le lettoss things over to jeff >> we have microclimate extreme happening at 6:47. fogging in at sour san bruno camera right now. 17 miles per hour. that's prevailing wind at the coastline. and that's good enough to keep that fog machine going again at the immediate coast. it's very isolated. it wasn't strong enough to move into the interior valley. peninsula right now, sunny and also 70 degrees. for the east bay we've got 78 and also plenty of blue sky. and right now in the south bay, 70. we still have our fire concern up there with that fire earlier in the afternoon in the east san jose foothills. winds right now look to remain anywhere from 10 to 15 miles per hour throughout this evening. the good news, in the fire danger aspect of everything, it's, yes, we have the fog at the coastline. it's very wide spread. that will import some humidity across the bay area tonight helping to take down a little bit of that fire threat as we head throughout the next couple of hours. just a little bit of wind with our drought situation. and it doesn't take much. so, let's get a look at the forecast as we head throughout friday. the weekend is almost here. and throughout a lot of this week we have had plenty of 90s. we had them again today. a few isolated spots. what's going to happen again is we head throughout friday's forecast is that onshore flow and the doing continues to remain. 50s and 60s near the coast. that should knock down a lot of our temperatures into the 80-degree category. let's get a look at the microclimate forecast as we head throughout thursday. san jose has got some excellent weather. humidity is lower. fire concern with us. but it is not going to be 100 degrees. 84 for that forecasted high. 86 expected in saratoga. super tin no in the 70s. for the peninsula, 72 in san mateo. palo alto, low to mid 80s in the forecast and sunny skies. san francisco, staying in the 60s. except for the mission valley. 70 degrees. we'll have cloud cover at the coastline, too. north bay, east bay, and tri valley heading up to napa. looks good. 86 and sunny skies. maybe the water cruise from san francisco to salsalito. headed back to wall nutd creek to go to work, 87 degrees. warmest weather tomorrow, livermore and 90 degrees. by this weekend, the first weekend of summer, officially arrives on saturday morning in the 3:00 a.m. hour. you can see as we look at south bay, low 80s on saturday. san francisco, 68. tri valley at 87. by sunday, it looks like most areas will be right back down to average. and in the north bay, major action. we brought you some story. save mart 350. check out what time the gates open, raj and jess, 6:00 a.m. it will be 56 degrees. race starts right around noontime. early rise. >> dale earnhardt jr., jeff ranieri. >> i'll take him on. up next, a major blockbuster trade by the warriors could be in the work. no rush, andy. come on. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. download the best mobile app today. so you can always have the advantage. chase. so you can let's begin with comcast sportsnet. boy, lots of buzz about the warriors and could be a blockbuster move. >> you know what, chemistry, jess, is a very delicate thing in the nba. they better be careful. before the new look dubs takes t. next season, might have a single splash brother instead of the splash brothers fluor ral. the warriors have told the minnesota timber wolves they are willing to part ways with david lee in order to acquire kevin love with shooting guard kevin martin. this goes against the wishes of seth curry. >> the warriors have spent the entire off season focusing on driving to get a way to get love on their team. love is going to leave minnesota at the end of next season no matter what so the wolves will try to trade him. the problem is warriors don't want to trade clay thompson but it seems the wolves are insisting upon that and now it's part of the discussion. previously clay thompson was not part of the discussion. one of the reasons why he is now is that the warriors are possibly intrigued by minnesota's dangling of their first pick this year 13th overall. if they make that move clay thompson is part of the discussion. they wanted to get kevin love, without moving clay thompson but it does not appear that's going to be possible because the timberwolves seem to be insisting on clay thompson being part of the deal. >> on to baseball, big series in oakland where the as have dominated the red sox at the coliseum to the tune of eight wins in the last nine games. scott won his last three home starts facing a boston squad on a three-game win streak. >> maybe it's the commute they have to take coming back so i know when we were on the east coast and had to come back and we played in anaheim we were a little bit sluggish and all that stuff. so, i mean, that does hurt. that's a long flight coming from the east coast to the west coast. and to play a baseball game on both ends of those days, that takes a lot out of you. but that's always part of the game. we have to fly from here over there. so it works both ways. >> 49ers finished up mini camp with neither tight end. both still holding firm on their desires of a new contract. the entire squad will now have five weeks before they come back together with the start of training camp. jim harbaugh all about the off season positives. >> i'm really pleased, players are getting better and better. this is our team. coming out feeling really good. we improved as a football team. this week over the nine weeks of the off season training. and stayed, completely healthy. come out of here with no serious injuries, no keep them out very long injuries. and forget about that. >> on to the world football, colombia and sooifry coast for control of group c. 70th minute they turn the ball over. colombia on the break. juan and left foot is through. that proves to be your game winner, 2-1, colombia. group d action between uruguay and england. unthinkable. suarez gets behind the eng glish defense and he will make them pay dearly. his second goal of the day, uruguay wins 2-1. england loses back to back matches in the world cup for the first time since 1950. finally, story of the day. 11-year-old lucy li shot 8 over par 78 in the first round of the u.s. women's open on pinehurst 2. the sixth grader from redwood shores carded two birdies on the front. sits 11 shots back from stacey lewis but she's taking it all in stride. >> it was a lot of fun. i kind of struggled today, but it was great. >> what's your plan for the rest of the day? >> eat some more ice cream. >> catherine o'donnell who played with li said, quote, she looks 11, she doesn't talk 11, and she doesn't hit the ball like she's 11. >> but she has ice cream like she's 11. so cute. >> secret. >> such a great girl. thank you. >> thanks. thanks for joining us here at 6:00. we hope you have a great evening. >> we hope to see you at 11:00. star command, i'm detecting increof happiness. ...and the speed readings are off the chart! paradise found! luscious locks! great glittering galaxies! the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier! this summer with a disneyland resort room and ticket package you get the time you need to enjoy it all. there's no end in sight! i'm going to need more time. two new super star couples confessional. kim kardashian ready for more kids. and j.lo answers the burning question -- >> are you single? >> now on "extra." kim kardashian's newlywed tell all on marriage, mommy hood. >> i love sharing. >> her nearly too hot for tv honeymoon bikini body. >> j.lo grilled about her love life. >> you've dated all kinds of guys. >> yes. >> surprising new details from her heartbreaking divorce from marc anthony. >> plus, who should


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130204

dramatic images of a $40 million gas platform, sinking into the sea. the crew was forced to hang on for dear life. we're going to have the story behind that accident. >> and on a much lighter note, we're starting our year-long countdown to the winter olympic games in sochi, russia. check out what's going out on the plaza this morning. we have explaining to do, that is freestyle skiing. some of the guys practicing wild aerials on trampolines. >> hope you brought your trampoline shoes, willie. start with the wild night at the super bowl. jenna wolffe is in new orleans for us this morning. good morning to you. >> reporter: savannah, good morning to you. what a game last night, complete tale of two halves. the guys in back of me were die-hard ravens fans. they couldn't stop screaming the whole first half. the guys in front of me, die-hard 49er fans. they couldn't stop screaming the whole second half. me, in the middle, i enjoyed a little beyonce, a little blackout and a little football. it will forever be known as the game the lights went out. literally. >> half the power in new orleans stadium, the superdome here, is out. >> reporter: the baltimore ravens had just taken a commanding 28-6 lead with a record-breaking kickoff return. >> nine yards and a touchdown. >> reporter: when suddenly out went the power. local officials said an outage happened after a fault sensing equipment detected an abnormality. fans, players and a worldwide tv audience waited and waited and when the lights came back to life, so did the 49ers. >> and a touchdown, san francisco. >> reporter: once looking like a snoozer, the longest super bowl in history became a nail biter that came down to the very last play. but in the end the ravens held off san francisco's furious comeback. >> it hasn't sunk in yet. crazy. unbelievable. >> reporter: ravens quarterback joe flacco nabbed the game's mvp award. throwing three touchdowns. and while he held court with the media, we took the field with his teams. that game was a lot closer than either team would have liked. in the end the ravens did what the ravens came to do, picking up the second ever super bowl franchise win. cue the festivities. how much did the blackout bother you mentally? >> it didn't really bother us. we've been through a lot worse than that. >> reporter: you look war torn and beat. >> i fought with every fiber, everything i had. >> that belongs to you guys now. >> that thing is so beautiful. >> what are you feeling now? >> i'm feeling great. >> reporter: how much did that blackout stop the momentum you had going in the first half? >> 30-minute break. shout out to beyonce, they say her halftime show killed it and absorbed all the energy. >> reporter: oh, yeah. about that beyonce, singing live as promised, she lit up the superdome with all her single ladies and the destiny's child reunion many were hoping for. ♪ on this night, beyonce left the national anthem to fellow diva alicia keys. ♪ o say can you see >> reporter: while jennifer hudson joined the choir from sandy hook elementary with emotional rendition of "america the beautiful." at the end of the night, though, it was the ravens who were the better team with older brother, john harbaugh, besting his younger brother, jim. >> it's never pretty. it's never perfect, but it is us. >> reporter: their parents celebrating a bittersweet victory and players soaking up a tough win in the big easy. >> amazing. phenomenal. listen to them! baltimore, we're champions! >> reporter: all right. the lights were out for about 34 minutes or so. here's the deal. no one panicked. no one got terribly upset. no one wanted to storm the field. everybody sat there relatively calm. i mean there was a really bad wave that tried to go around the studio. for the most part everybody was okay. just waiting for the game to come back on. as a thank you, what did the nfl do? they gave everybody an incredible second half of football. back to you. >> jenna wolffe live in new orleans, thanks. new york daily news writer mike lupica was in the press box during the so-called blackout on the beau you. i began asking when the lights went out what was the first thing that went through his mind? what were the possibilities? >> first of all, i don't know how it works at your house, but i can't fix a circuit breaker at my house so when it got dark there, i immediately being a trained reporter said this is not a good thing. only a sick and twisted person would think it had something to do with the halftime show. as a sports writer, you're wondering is this going to change the game. it looked like in all ways jacoby jones had turned off the lights on the super bowl and if somebody told you here's what's going to happen in the next hour and a half, the 49ers will come back and have a ball in the air at the end to win the game you would have laughed. that's what happened. >> the score is 28-6 ravens at that point. clearly something changed during the 34 minutes. what do you think the real impact was on the players as they stood there and waited for the lights to come back on? >> going into the super bowl you hear two week layoff will affect one team or the other. you knew there might be a momentum shift. you didn't know it. it looked like it was going to be one of the blowout super bowls out of the past and instead it turned into one that becomes memorable in about 9,000 ways. they kind of started the resumption of mardi gras early in new orleans last night. >> for all the planning, all the preparation that goes into the super bowls, all the rehearsal, not just in new orleans but any city, the question a lot of people were asking last night and this morning is, how could that have happened? do we have any more information about what happened last night? entergy. they're still calling it an abnormality which we were able to figure out ourselves. willie the shame of it is, this had been such a spectacular comeback week for new orleans. it's a great american city. this was a celebration of the city, and everything went so great until there were about 13:22 left in the second half of the super bowl. >> and then we got a good game after that. so i don't think anybody will blame the city for that one. mike, surviving in the dark in new orleans last night, thanks so much. coming up, much more -- >> we'll have a touch football game. >> sounds good. more on the super bowl, the commercials, half-time show coming up a little bit later. for now here is savannah. >> thank you. now to the tense hostage drama in alabama, entering its seventh day. this morning, police say they are still communicating with the suspect, holding a 5-year-old boy in an underground bunker. nbc's gabe gutierrez is covering the story for us from midland city, alabama. gabe, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, sa van na. the little boy, ethan, is supposed to turn 6 years old very soon. there's a haunting possibility he might spend his birthday as a hostage. right now police are choosing their public comments very carefully, because the suspect might have access to television. ♪ you raise me up >> reporter: south alabama is in mourning. ♪ raise me up >> reporter: as bus driver charles poland's funeral sunday, friends and family remembered a man who died, protecting children. >> his actions spoke louder than any words that could have ever been said about him. he laid down his life for the kids on that bus. >> reporter: police say his alleged killer, jimmy lee dykes, boarded a stopped school bus and demanded two kids. when poland refused, police say dykes shot him to death and took a boy named ethan with a mild form of autism hostage. >> i wish i could just hug him and hold him and tell him it's going to be all right. >> reporter: police say dykes has kept ethan in an underground bunker allowing him blankets, crackers and coloring books. the bunker is believed to have plenty of supplies and as the sandoff enters its second week no telling how long it could last. psychologists say the toll on ethan could be significant. >> this child is most likely completely terrified. the overriding thought in his head is that he wants his mother, that he just wants to be out of that situation. >> reporter: the ordeal brings back eerie memories of another kidnapping in 1976. three men with guns abducted 26 children, ages 5 to 14 from a school bus in chowchilla, california, the kidnappers forced them underground. into a buried moving van. they spent 16 terrible hours there, clutching each other in tears. the kids and their bus driver, also hailed as a hero, managed to escape. but 37 years later for many, the scars remain. >> the long-term effects are very deep. to this day, i'm 46 years old and i sleep with a nightlight. and that's not normal for an adult. >> reporter: in that case, the motive was ransom. here in alabama, the reason is still a mystery. at this point little ethan has spent more than 137 hours underground. savannah? >> gabe gutierrez in alabama for us. thank you. natalie morales is at the news desk with this morning's other top stories for us. good morning. >> good morning, willie and savannah. good morning, everyone. in southern california at least eight people have been killed overnight when officials say a bus carrying tourists from tijuana, mexico, slammed into the back of another car on a mountain road. nearly 40 other people were injured in the collision. the u.s. company operating the bus had no crashes in the past two years, according to federal records. the president heads to minneapolis today to meet with local leaders on the issue of gun control. in his annual presuper bowl interview last night, the president addressed a range of other issues, including the risk of brain injury in children playing football. >> i want to make sure that we're doing everything we can to make the sport safer. and that means that the game is probably going to evolve a little bit. >> president obama also addressed the boy scouts' longstanding policy of excluding gays and lesbians saying that they should have, quote, access and opportunity, the same way everyone else does. a new york icon is laid to rest today at the funeral for former new york city mayor ed koch. former president bill clinton speaks at the manhattan service and koch's favorite subway station will be renamed in his honor. defense secretary leon panetta defended the use of unmanned drone strikes to target potential terrorists who are a threat to the u.s. in an interview on "meet the press," he says the decision to strike doesn't come lightly. now let's head to wall street, cnbc's kayla tausche is at the new york stock exchange. good morning to you, kayla. >> good morning. the stock market near record highs closing friday at a level it hadn't seen since 2007, lifted by positive data on hiring. wall street hopes the rally will continue. it's watching cbs, the host of the super bowl, and entergy, the company responsible for the blackout. how much will it cost them both? >> interesting. we'll be watching that stock. kayla tausche at the new york stock exchange, thanks. a terrifying video that appears to show an iranian natural gas platform sank last week in the rsian gulf. in it you can see, workers are scrambling along the rig as it sinks, but iran has not commented on the number of injuries or fatalities in the sinking. iran's development of the oil field has been in jeopardy since sankships have caused western companies to withdraw. dramatic face-off outside of buckingham palace during a changing of the guard when a man burst through a security barrier, wielding two large knives, holding one to his throat. police moved in and managed to the 44-year-old with a taser. officials say he was not threatening the public but did lunge at an officer. he appears in a london court today. researchers in england say they have found the skeleton of king richard iii. dna results show that the battle scarred bones found under a parking lot are beyond doubt those of the king killed in battle some 500 years agop. richard iii was immortalized by william shakespeare as a brutal tyrant who delivered the famous lines "now is the winter of our discontent and my kingdom for a horse." the king will be reburied at a nearby cathedral early next year. it is 7:15 right now. you are up-to-date. let's turn it over to savannah, willie and roker, the soon-to-be raven. you will be donning a ravens costume. >> something like that. >> what we could conjure up. >> we'll try to get the mascot costume in. we have a few minutes. >> good luck with that. we are talking about, though, a lot of snow throughout the great lakes. a clipper system, one of two pushing through, snow from milwaukee into before low, upstate new york. this system will move pretty quickly, dump about three to six inches of snow over the next 24 to 48 hours, but it will also have a secondary system back behind that. and so we're looking at generally one to three inches, a more widespread area, three to six. in the traditional lake-effect areas, erie, pennsylvania, jamestown and upstate new york, anywhere from six to nine inches of snow, as much as a foot. we'll get to your local forecast but first this message. a talking train. this ge locomotive can tell you exactly where it is, what it's carrying, while using less fuel. delivering whatever the world needs, when it needs it. ♪ after all, what's the point of talking if you don't have something important to say? ♪ 7:16 on a post-super bowl monday. we're looking good on the san mateo bridge. look out for thick pockets of fog wherever you are headed this morning. fog is drifting around the bay area. 65 in livermore. sun out between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. in full force. we'll get a couple hours of sunshine but not a lot. enough to wamp rm us into the m 60s. highs tumble tomorrow. willie? >> al, thanks very much. to texas, search for the motive of a u.s. navy s.e.a.l. another iraq war veteran is charged in that case. lester holt has the latest on the investigation. lester, good morning. >> willie, good morning. i get to meet and spend time with chris kyle last year for the release of his autobiography. he was the most lethal sniper in u.s. history. he and a friend were gunned down at a shooting range in glenrose, texas. a sad twist of fate for a man who became a hero on the battlefield. america's deadliest military sniper who, over four it tours in iraq, made over 160 confirmed kills, a number chris kyle told me a year ago was not the one he focused on. >> every person i killed, i have a clear conscience of. they were actively trying to harm americans, military or civilians. >> reporter: he and his friend, chad littlefield, were shot to death. the alleged killer, eddie ray ralph, former marine, arrived at the range with the victims. after killing them with a semi automatic handgun at close range, he drove to his sister's house and confess ed to the murders before returning home. >> he was apprehended without any scuffle or fight. and then early this morning, he was arraigned and brought to our jail here where he is now. >> the sheriff says his understanding is that ralph may suffer from mental problems related to his military service, but offer nod specifics or possible motive. >> i don't think anybody knows why. they all went out there together. >> reporter: much of kyle's time in iraq was spent providing sniper cover for troops. insurgents nicknamed him the devil of ramadi. >> it gave me pride, knowing i was doing my job enough to get into the minds of the terrorists and make them fearful of me. >> reporter: back here in the states he started a company in his native texas and raised his public profile with projects like the nbc reality show "stars earn stripes" which paired celebrities with soldiers to carry out military-style missions. >> tap, rack, bang. >> reporter: kyle said he was raised to be patriotic, but also had a strong faith in god. that faith especially saw him through his last combat tour, when he was shot twice, one bullet stopped by his body armor. the other, deflected off his goggles. >> i had a guardian angel out there and i'm sure he hates me, because i would come home and i would break my toe going up the stairs. but every time i went overseas, he kept me chris kyle leaves behind a wife and two children, willie, according to officials, eddie ray rout has been arraigned on two counts of murder. lester holt, thanks so much. coming up new detail on the mysterious death of a new york mom killed in turkey. her mom opens up in an exclusive live interview. first, this is "today" on nbc. personally i watched the super bowl for the power outages. but a lot of people liked the commercials. >> i liked the paul harvey. >> the farmer. >> i liked the clydesdale. >> a boy and his horse. works every time. >> works every time. >> the u.s. open, with oprah. >> that pulled on my heart strings. there were funny ones too. >> taco bell. >> i had a favorite. but i forgot it. >> we'll whip through some of our favorites and your favorites and what people are saying about p beyonce's halftime performance after your local news. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil® is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and for sinus congestion, now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant. breathe easier with advil® congestion relief. made with milk, cream... a touch of sugar... and pure, natural flavors. coffee-mate natural bliss, from nestle. now try new low fat chocolate. nah, i'm good. ♪ [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicoderm cq, the patch with time release smart control technology. quit one day at a time with nicoderm cq. ♪ start right. ♪ kellogg's simple grains cereals take you from seed... ♪ spoon. with just a few ingredients. ♪ kellogg's raisin bran, corn flakes and rice krispies. simple wholesome goodness. start simple. start right. gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more... [ midwestern/chicago accent ] cheddar! yeah! 50 percent more [yodeling] yodel-ay-ee-oo. 50% more flash. [ southern accent ] 50 percent more taters. that's where tots come from. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. 50% more spy stuff. what's in your wallet? it is 7:26. good morning. i'm jon kelley. just in case you missed it, the 49ers quest for six ending just short of its ultimate goal. niners last night losing 34-31 to baltimore making the ravens this year's super bowl champions of super bowl xlvii. fans disappointed but they kept emotions in check. san francisco police telling us they did arrest 25 people for public intoxication and there were no major issues. meantime, team president jed york says the niners will be back next year. >> obviously our goal is to win the super bowl and came up a little bit short this year. i'm proud of what we've done and i'm proud of our team and we're going to keep working hard and we'll get back and accomplish that goal. >> lots to be proud of after this year. the team is going to fly into san jose later on this afternoon. then they head back to the team's facility to empty out the lockers for the off-season. something to look forward to next year. those guys are on fire. christina loren, they'll arrive and getting nice weather out there in san jose. >> they will. the big thing is they actually made it to the super bowl. congratulations to that feat alone. now getting to work will be a feat for you this morning. we have some really thick fog. i haven't seen fog this thick for a couple weeks. make sure you're ready for that. in fairfield, you can only see for a couple hundred feet. that goes for napa, santa rosa down to a quarter mile visibility and it's drifting around. you may walk out the front door in clear conditions and have to drive through thick fog. be ready to slow down. by 1:00 p.m., starting to clear out. not a lot of sunshine today but once it does come out it will be out for a few hours to warm us into mid 60s inland. cool at the coast. fair amount of cloud cover in san francisco. as with he hewe head through tomorrow, temperatures tumble. >> looking at effects of fog that christina is talking about. tesla southbound direction heading into milpitas and south bay. northbound commute kicking in. 101 not so bad. look at 280 in the middle of your screen and 85 through foggy zone with orange there. south 880 through hayward and fremont may catch patches of fog around castro valley y slow and slow off the carquinez bridge. back to you. >> we'll have another local update for you in one half hour from right now. hope to see you then. ♪ all the single ladies all the single ladies all the single ladies all the single ladies ♪ >> that is beyonce, wowing the crowd and silencing the critics with a stunning, dazzling half-time performance with a destiny's child reunion. jennifer hudson will be along live as well. what was your favorite commercial during the game, the controversial go daddy ad maybe? we'll have the ads that have you talking this morning. super bowl winning head coach john harbaugh will be with us live. >> we'll talk to him. a little later, rare reunion of the cast of roots. most watched miniseries of all time "rowill be live in our stu. new york city mom was murdered in turkey. we'll talk to her mom in a moment. first, richard engliel is live istanbul. >> reporter: police say an initial investigation say there was no evidence of rape, that her body was found wearing its jewelry, found with her bracelet, ring, earrings. many people have been detained for questioning, but so far there have been no formal arrests. a murder that has shock this had normally safe city, the body of american sarai sierra at a morgue as turkish authorities have questioned nearly two dozen people. the 33-year-old staten island woman arrived in istanbul last month on her first trip abroad. sarai sierra rented a room in s istanbul. she planned to come with a friend who canceled at the last minute. she seemed to be having a good time and was in regular contact with her family, relatives said. sierra even took a side excursion trip to the netherlands, returning to istanbul a few days later. still no signs of trouble. then on january 22nd, sierra wasn't on her flight home. the disappearance of tourists in turkey is extremely rare. turkish police set up a special unit and combed through street camera footage. sierra's husband, steven and brother, david, came to istanbul and went to where she was staying but found no area. >> she's missing in istanbul. we have to find her. >> reporter: then, after vanishing for almost two weeks, police discovered sierra's body saturday night by the ancient ra ramparts of istanbul's ancient city. investigators found a blanket. her body may have been dragged to the spot. the police chief said she was killed by a blow to the head. so far, investigators haven't bro provided details as to who may have killed her or why. today, her family members are meeting with turkish authorities doing paperwork and starting the process to repatrepater iate he remains. >> good morning. so sorry to hear this story. are you doing okay? >> i'm hanging in there. >> this must have come as such a shock. >> it sure did. we weren't expecting it. she picked the trip and she was supposed to come back and she didn't. >> i know her husband is in turkey right now, actually met with the police this morning. were you able to talk to him? do you have any more information about what may have happened here? >> it's still under investigation. he's doing paperwork over there and the turkish police, they've been like really, really good and investigating. i mean, the way that my son-in-law explains it, they went over and above searching for her. and he said that right now they think it might be a robbery, but they're not sure. it's still under investigation. >> there was reporting about a man that she may have met, perhaps to take pictures, see some scenic sights. that man was questioned. do you know anything about whether he is believed to be connected to this at all? >> no. they questioned him and released him. they are questioning, i think, four people. i'm not too sure of the details. but they are questioning some people. they haven't said if they're suspects or not. they're just questioning them. >> sarai had two little boys, ages 9 and 11. do they know what happened? >> not yet. they're going to know by -- their father is going to talk to them when he comes back and we'll all be there to support him. >> this obviously was an adventure for her. she wanted to go overseas. you said it was her first trip overseas. why do you think this was important to her? why did she want to go on this journey? >> to her, the first time she was going overseas. she got into photography, college of staten island. and she wanted to go take pictures of the history of the place, kind of like intrigued her. she wanted to go and take pictures. that's what she wanted to do. it was a trip that she was going to take. and that was her intention, of going there, just to take pictures. and she was interested in taking pictures of the bridges. she was fascinated with the bridges. >> i know she kept in close touch with her family and the kids and with her husband pretty much the whole time she was gone. >> the whole time. >> you're holding a picture of her. i want to let you have a chance to show it. she was your baby. this is her. >> yes. >> i know your faith has been really important to you. >> yeah. my faith in christ is really strong. and that's what's kept me through this. there are times that i break down and just get on my knees and i pray and i know that he is giving me the strength to pull through this. and that's what's holding me, my faith in christ. >> our prayers are with you and i just wish you all the best as i know these will be some hard weeks, months and years ahead. thank you for being here to tell us about your daughter. appreciate it. we will switch gears now and get another check of the weather from al. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. >> and as we take a look at the temperatures we're expecting today, the jet stream is way up to the north out west. 74 degrees in austin. north platte, 14 degrees above normal. clipper comes across, bringing snow. temperatures, single digits, teens and 20s throughout the northeast and great lakes. during the day today we are looking at snow coming across the great lakes, three to six inches there. rain moves into the pacific northwest. more rain also down through the gulf on into the mid mississippi river valley. plenty of sunshine through the southwest into southern california. temperatures a little cooler than usua 7:37 now on a monday morning. you can see here travel very slow in san rafael area due to thick, low clouds and fog. watch out for that this morning. we'll continue to update you on your traffic. we'll check with mike in just a minute. once we clear fog out of here, highs will be comfortable. 65 in livermore. 65 in gilroy. 63 in san jose and los gatos. into tuesday and wednesday, temperatures tumble. we'll bring the sunshine back out for wednesday. and then rain is on the way thursday into friday. time you need that weather, go to the weather channel on cable or 24/7. willie? >> al, thanks very much. still ahead, who is ready to see mr. roker all dressed up? natalie and al will settle that super bowl bet. we're trying to get that ravens mascot costume here. i don't know if it will get here in time. we'll find something for al. first, the commercials you liked the most during the big game. that's right after this. >> is that my wedding dress? just right. okay. ready... mm-hmm. ♪ happy valentine's day. [ female announcer ] time it just right for valentine's day and save 30% on these diamond fashions from kay jewelers. just one more reason kay is the number one jewelry store in america. ready... [ camera flash ] ♪ every kiss begins with kay [ camera flash ] nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. hey, san francisco fans, get happy! you still got the most beautiful bridge! ♪ we'll make you happy ♪ with hand-layered pasta, tomatoes, and real mozzarella cheese. but what makes us even prouder... is what our real dinners can do for your family. stouffer's. let's fix dinner. [ coughs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] you can't let a cold keep you up tonight. vicks nyquil -- powerful nighttime 6-symptom cold & flu relief. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker. today is going to be epic. quaker up. [ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at we're back now at 7:42 with the game within the game, the commercials. >> independent commercial producers, lara petrecca and donny deutsch needs no introduction. the chairman of deutsch incorporated. good morning. >> good morning. >> what did that 34-minute delay in the third quarter mean to advertisers? >> they were not happy. particularly because it was a blow-out. if the numbers drop -- they guarantee a certain audience for the super bowl. if the audience drops below that, they have to make that up. certainly not a win for advertisers. >> this is the five most popular ads. i'll show a little bit of your number one ad, budweiser and the clydesdale. let's check it out. ♪ took my love and i took it down climbed a mountain and i turned around ♪ ♪ well i've been afraid of changing cause i've built my life around you ♪ >> the panel says this was a winner. >> definitely a home run for budweiser. very powerful ad has great music, iconic clydesdale. there's nothing wrong with this ad. it should be held up to people for perfection. >> talk about tugging at the heartstring there is. >> the number one ad school in the country, resonated with them as well. next generation, knocked it out of the ballpark. >> it's a mean joe green spot. >> and animal stories. >> yes. >> number two, i just remembered what my favorite ad was, this tide commercial. take a look. >> yes! oh. >> dude, you've got montana on your jersey. >> it's a meerk zbll bamiracle. >> baby i got a montana stain on my shirt. >> i was holding my chip like this, and it dropped. >> it's real? >> yeah, it's real. >> craze. >> i miracle montana stain is sweeping the nation. >> there's a really great punch line. procter & gamble decided to wait and reveal this during the game. is that a good strategy? >> yes. also big picture here, detergent, not a car, not a technology. does not expect to do this kind of iconic work. so it shows that any brand can do this. >> here is the payoff right here, she washed the jersey that made him rich and famous. >> and then she says. >> go ravens. >> go ravens. >> explode when this ran, dodge ram, the farmer. >> and on the eighth day, god looked down on his planned paradise and said i need a caretaker. so god made a farmer. god said i need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the fields, milk cows again, eat supper, go to town and go to town and stay past midnight. so god created a farmer. >> the imagery really stands out versus high-production value super bowl ads. they really want to get americana now. that's what they're aiming for. it's no longer apple pie, baseball and chevrolet. they want you to think chrysler. >> you like the ad, donny? >> i thought it was quite brilliant, the same formula as the clint eastwood chrysler ad. it was detroit. put that on our car. own what's great about farmers, put it on the car. same formula. brilliant advertisement. i loved it. my jaw dropped when i saw it and said this is the best ad i've seen in a year. what's interesting there's a little bit of blowback because this is one of the moments in time where a brand took an existing piece of art and, in fact, using that type of imagery that's been out there, and farmers have been using it for years, still photos over that very same speech, they took it with some new photographers and made a little bit fresher. it's interesting for the creative input and innovation. a lot of people saying, i wish they had done something more with it. >> let's get to doritos quickly. we showed it a few times last week. this is a consumer-generated commercial. >> laugh out loud funny, great tag line punch line at the end. consumer generated ad phenomenon, they're it. consumer-created ads, doritos. >> and we got to see men in makeup and dress. >> willie, this is obviously his favorite ad. >> you can go private life on me there. usa today ad meter, jeep using oprah's voice with a tribute to the troops. >> half the battle is just knowing this is half the battle. because when you're home, we're more than a family. we are a nation. >> donny, you're shaking your head a little bit. >> i had an issue with this. first of all, obviously anything that pays an ode to servicemen is great. having said that i thought it was a bit exploitive. jeep with its heritage in the military to kind of own that, i felt exploitive, dancing on the line. people liked it. i had an issue with it. >> can i get your verdict real quick? >> whether it's a service member you're missing or someone else you're miss iing in your life - it's interesting. i thought about that last night whether they were going too hard, too strong. >> that's my point, they're selling their car. >> an up or down on that. >> i think it could have gone to bigger places, especially with oprah with that brand and with the military. there were so many pieces that were there. felt like it could have done something a little bit more core to the brand and the military. >> i'm rushing you because we have a special guest star in here. jesse, will you come on out? >> he's back. >> this man's life changed overnight. jesse heiman starred in the kiss seen around the world. >> yes. >> has everything changed overnight? >> it got a great reaction and got record sales and new customers on go daddy. and my -- i got new fans, new followers and everyone -- >> new girlfriend? >> not yet, but maybe some -- you know, i may have some choices for valentine's day. >> is your arm tired from high fiving this morning? >> high fiving and just enjoying it. i'm just -- it's been a great -- great ride. >> whose the agency who did this? it's brilliant. >> oh, donny. >> donny finds his way into it again. congratulations. the guy everybody is talking about. matt, lara, donny, thank you very much. jennifer hudson on the pregame super bowl performance with the sandy hook choir and beyonce's half-time show as well. first these messages. looks like your bags didn't make it. we'll send them to your hotel. [ sad music playing ] this is fun. [ sad music continues ] [ knock on door ] your bags, sir. thanks. both: finally! one taste, and you'll understand. enjoy delicious dunkin' donuts coffee anytime. best vacation ever! pick some up where you buy groceries. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ wow. ♪ what? ♪ mmm. it looks delicious! i didn't work out this morning. i should try it? yeah. actually pretty tasty. sausage, egg and cheese. mmm! this is from special k? no way! that changes things. [ female announcer ] new special k flatbread breakfast sandwiches. with multi-grain flatbread, eggs, sausage, and cheese. it's only 240 calories. if you guys can come back tomorrow, it'd be fantastic. [ female announcer ] a breakfast revelation. what will you gain when you lose? hi, i just switched jobs, and i want to roll over my old 401(k) into a fidelity ira. man: okay, no problem. it's easy to get started; i can help you with the paperwork. um...this green line just appeared on my floor. yeah, that's fidelity helping you reach your financial goals. could you hold on a second? it's your money. roll over your old 401(k) into a fidelity ira and take control of your personal economy. this is going to be helpful. call or come in today. fidelity investments. turn here. ♪ ♪ "love" a collection by prabal gurung, exclusively at target. for a limited time. still ahead, we're jumping for joy to begin our countdown to the winter olympic games in sochi. >> after your local news. i love cheese. did i say i love chocolate? i'm human! and the new weight watchers 360 program lets me be. the reason i'm still in this body feelin' so good isn't because i never go out and enjoy the extra large, extra cheese world we live in. it's because i do. and you can too. because when a weight loss program is built for human nature you can expect amazing. introducing the new weight watchers 360 program. join for free and expect amazing. because it works. [ all kids ] twooooo! [ moderator ] you sure? i am absolutely positive! [ little boy ] two times is awesome. the thing i can do is wave my head and wave my... that's amazing. i've never seen anything like that. look i can do -- hold on -- i'm watching this. i'm getting dizzy... [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. doing two things at once is better. and only at&t's network lets you talk and surf on your iphone 5. ♪ tell me i'm beautiful. tell me we'll grow old together. in sickness and in health. tell me that i'm still the one. that you need me. that i'm your super hero! tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. that's all i need. [ female announcer ] for everything they need to hear this valentine's day, there's a hallmark card. it is 7:56. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. virgin america announcing today it will soon be flying out of san jose. the domestic carrier will fly from sjc to los angeles starting on may 1st. it will face steep competition including southwest, american, alaska and united. silicon valley business travelers are excited. they've always wanted more carriers at the airports. virgin america will add about 15 workers in san jose. it's day one of the workweek. let's check things outside with meteorologist christina loren. good morning. >> good morning to you, jon. good morning to you at home. thick fog to contend with on the drive to work but it won't last all day. pockets where you can only see for hundreds of feet. it's really thick out there. we're still going to see a mild, sunny finish. into your tuesday, another round of low clouds and drizzle to start. maybe a stray north bay shower with a weak disturbance on our way. a better look disturbance through the end of the week. rain on the way to the bay area. 65 degrees. enjoy sunshine for today in livermore. 61 in fremont. here it is. seven-day outlook tells that story. heading through late thursday into friday, showers moving right here into the south bay. 7:57. let's check your drive with mike. >> looking to palo alto right here in this very cloudy, foggy area. southbound with taillights. someone just slammed on their breaks in front of our camera. no crash but enough to slow that traffic approaching the ripple effect. lower visibility means less reaction time. bay bridge approach. okay through berkeley westbound 80 but we're jammed up coming down to the berkeley and university avenue over crossing through some of that fog with orange there. into the north bay, slow for west 580 and look at that. a crash south 101 has cleared but it's slow for highway 37 in novato down to san rafael. back to you. >> another local update for you at 8:26. hope to see you then. talk to you later. mom, i invited justin over for lunch. good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪ 8:00 now on this monday morning, the 4th of february, 2013. if you weren't in the mood before, you will be after uh-uh see these guys. it is almost time for the winter olympics in sochi. just a mere -- al and willie will get up there and -- i don't know. >> no. you don't want to see us on trampoline. >> we did that this weekend. >> we got a lot more coming up. we'll be talking about sochi, as we said 367 days to go. as we said on wednesday we'll have a ski slope, 14-foot high slope. mt. rockefeller we're calling it, as we prepare for "today" at sochi. skis, snowboards all that wednesday. >> before that, we have to put a ribbon on the super bowl. coming up, we'll talk about beyonce's half-time show. we've got a celebrity panel to do that, l.a. reed, the music mogul and jennifer hudson, absolutely beautiful rendition of the national anthem. >> knocked it out of the park. >> and natalie and i have to settle our little super bowl bet as well. >> we'll see how little the super bowl bet is. >> in a little bit. >> you're going to wear a raven costume? >> we have some stuff. some stuff. >> ready to announce our friday's field trip this week. >> drum roll, please. >> we are going to chicago. from the beautiful city of chicago this friday. we hope you will be able to join us. if you're in the area, come on down. >> have you got plans? >> i don't know. >> it will be fun. good times. >> one of the great american city cities. >> it didn't snow there today but it will be nice and cold by the time you get there. >> perfect. that's coming up friday. meantime let's head inside to natalie at the news desk with a look at the top headlines. >> good morning, willie, savannah and al. a suspect has been arrested in the murders of navy s.e.a.l. chr chris kyle and a friend. charged with killing chris kriel a kyle and his friend littlefield. ralph may have mental health problems and is on suicide watch. the alabama hostage standoff is now in its seventh day. officials still don't have a motive for why 65-year-old jimmy lee dykes is hold iing a 5-year-old hostage in an underground bunker. the child is being identified only as ethan. fbi says authorities are talking with dykes, accused of fatally shooting ethan's school bus driver during the abduction. a funeral was held friday for that driver, who died trying to protect the children on his school bus. the death of a new york city school woman in turkey. sarai sierra died from a blow to her head. her body was found saturday near the remnants of the ancient city walls in istanbul. the 33-year-old mother of two was last heard from on january 21st just before she was supposed to fly home from her solo vacation in turkey. now for an all super bowl edition of what is trending today, our quick roundup of what has you talking online. jazzy take on the national anthem from songstress alicia keys made her a top search, as some criticized her version as being too slow. you be the judge ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ >> well, you weighed in on 56% of you agreed that she could have sped it up a little bit. recent on dline rumors that muhammad ali was near death have the greatest fighting back. his family tweeted these pictures of the legendary boxer in a ravens jersey. from lalia, my dad's health is normal. thanks for all the well wishes. and beyonce's half-time show brought the house down. ♪ i can see your halo halo ♪ >> that is shaq, shaquille o'neal, who tweeted the video saying beyonce was fabulous. he wasn't the only one who thought so. getting a hug from jay-z. anyone doubting beyonce was a showstopper posting lights out! any questions? that's for sure. out to al with a check of the weather. >> obviously a proud husband. some friends here. who's birthday? >> your birthday. >> and your birthday, too and your birthday, too! birthdays all around for everybody. pick city of the day happens to be baltimore, maryland. congratulations. partly sunny, some late snow showers. nbc 11, temperature 33 degrees today. satellite radar, you can see activity making its way down to the gulf coast. snow showers around the great lakes. few more showers in the pacific northwest. mild through the southwest. gorgeous day in miami. that sound you hear is savannah's teeth chattering. 8:06 now on a back-to-work monday morning. taking a live look at a very foggy san francisco. not just the city by the bay in fog this morning. it's just about everywhere. if you are getting ready to hit the highway, be ready to slow down. visibility reduced to places like 200 feet in fairfield, concord. a quarter mile visibility to you right now in napa. meanwhile, we're headed towards sunday. temperatures will climb into the mid-60s. 65 inland this afternoon. >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thanks. coming up, we'll talk super bowl entertainment. jennifer hudson is here along with l.a. reed. they'll talk about beyonce's half-time show and jennifer's wonderful performance. then jenny mccarthy on her new talk show. and a high-flying start to our countdown to sochi. first, these messages. ♪ [ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at but the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down, and you can't grow your enamel back. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel, because it helps to strengthen the enamel. and i believe it's doing a good job. you know what, while we're waiting why don't we play a game of hide and seek? 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[ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i didn't know this could happen so young. take control, talk to your doctor. back now at 8:11 with beyonce's show stopping half-time super bowl performance has a lot of people talking. janet shamlian had a front row seat at the superdome. >> when you have a ticket for super bowl half-time is when people normally leave their seats. not here, not last night. many considered the game to be beyonce's opening act. for someone it was the beyonce bowl. forget the bathroom break or running for a refill. millions were glued to their couches or superdome seats. and if you wanted an electrified spectacle it was signed, sealed and delivered. a rumored reunion of destiny's child came to fruition as michelle williams and kelly rowland appeared together, flying up from underneath the stage and raising the roof, collaborating on beyonce's song "single ladies" ♪ all the single ladies all the single ladies all the single ladies ♪ >> reporter: for a few minutes, shades of the '90s again as the women channeled their inner charlie's angels. >> good morning, angels. >> good morning, charlie. ♪ bursting in air >> reporter: highly anticipated performance came two weeks after beyonce lip synced the star spangled banner at president obama's inauguration. >> i will absolutely be singing live. this is what i was born to do. >> half the power in the superdome is out. >> reporter: but couldn't dim the xwloe glow of her fachess. >> beyonce was the best ever. >> reporter: did she have anything to prove tonight? >> i think she probably did, you know. not to me, but to the majority of the people. i think she probably did. and she wowed everyone. >> reporter: bringing her a-game to a worldwide audience. as some on twitter remarked it was kind of the football team to open for her. all that energy. twitter verse were wowed. she said they put on a great show. willie, back to you. >> yes, she did. janet shamlian in new orleans for us. thank you, janet. l.a. reid is from epic records and soon to be icon. more on that in a minute. jennifer hudson performed "america the beautiful" with the children's choir from sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> you said just rehearsing with that sandy hook choir was difficult enough, just to get through the song alongside them. what was it like doing live last night? >> it was emotional, seeing the kids and being very close to home for myself as well, it was overwhelming. >> did you get to spend a lot of time with the kids? >> i did. we sat in the room and i got to meet them. we went over the song and that's where i couldn't get through the song because it was just that overwhelming. and before we went out i hugged each and every one of them and we prayed a little bit. and then we got out there. >> incredible performance. >> you were amazing. >> thank you. >> by the way, you were flawless, really beautiful. >> thank you so much. >> emotionally i don't know how you held it together with those kids. and just knowing what they've gone through and they didn't wear it on their faces, which was really great, right? >> they didn't, which is the beautiful part, just to see the little children, being survivors like that. that is the part that took me back in right before i step out to sang. i was like, wow, they are conquerors, they are survivors. and they're babies. >> sure. >> so that was overwhelming. >> you know something about that. >> yeah. >> let's talk about beyonce. did she have something to prove last night? if so, did she do it? >> i don't know if she had anything to prove. anyone who is a real fan knows she's the greatest entertainer alive. in case anyone had any doubt she put the lights out last night. >> literally. >> she's amazing. >> i'm watching you, jennifer, when we were running that piece, you're singing along, moving with her. >> she makes you move. you can't help it. >> role model for you? >> oh, my gosh, yes, beyonce, destiny's child. that, for me, was another highlight for myself, being able to be there with beyonce, destiny's child, alicia keys. these ladies are people i looked up to. one day i want to be like them and now i'm singing with them. >> you are like them. >> thank you. >> you are right there. you are amazing. >> but it's an honor. >> as an artist, jennifer, what did you make of the inaugural flap? was there some controversy there, lip syncing for the president? >> not at all. beyonce is a professional and it clearly was her professional decision. people should respect that. it's nothing out of the norm of the music industry, especially for the national anthem. you cannot miss a beat on a song like that. >> you're going to be doing a little singing here on nbc, joining "smash" for a couple of episodes. tell us about it. >> yes. i'm going to say in two days or so. i play this two-time tony award-winning broadway star. it was quite intimidating for me. >> really? >> yes. lines, routines, studio. it's like an ongoing machine. i'm like, oh, my god, help me keep up. >> i have a feeling you did okay, jennifer. >> thank you. >> she's a pro. >> it was a learning experience. >> remember "dreamgirls." >> l.a., the grammys are this weekend. you will be honored as an official icon. >> yes. >> how does that feel? >> it's a little unreal. it's humbling. i don't feel like i have achieved that status. long way to go. i was like, man, this is like the end of your career. people who usually get the award are much older. it's a little scary but i'm humble. >> as i said you started young. >> still young, baby. got a lot of work to do. >> beautiful performance last night. thanks for coming to talk with us. two-hour season premiere of "smash" tomorrow 9:00, 8:00 central right here on nbc. up next, jenny mccarthy live in our kickoff to the countdown of the winter olympics, after this. in our kickoff to the countdown of the winter olympics, after this. aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. hey, san francisco fans, get happy! you still got the most beautiful bridge! ♪ we'll make you happy ♪ try our entrees, snacks and new salads. wild salmon with basil, garlic chicken spring rolls, and now salads, like asian-style chicken. enjoy 100 delicious varieties under 400 calories. lean cuisine. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] concept. calvin klein underwear. 360 seamless technology. you're always on, so we're always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. no preservatives, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we'll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we always make our kraft singles with milk, and no artificial flavors, so you can be sure there's no single thing better for your grilled cheese. ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ back now at 8:21 with the very busy jenny mccarthy. she just published her eighth book, her seventh to make it on the best seller's list. she is hosting a new talk show called, appropriately enough, the jenny mccarthy show. god to see you. >> you, too. >> i want to ask you about this new talk show but do you have a new tattoo you want to tell me about? >> i do. it's still kind of painful. during the blackout i decided to do something besides gorge pizza and i went next door and got a new tattoo. >> did you really, last night? >> is it a permanent tattoo? >> permanent tattoo. i always wanted one, a little decor. i didn't feel like having a symbol since i don't have a guy that i want to tattoo his name on me. i wanted a little decor. >> everyone does something different during a blackout. >> it could be my midlife crisis. >> what could have happened if you didn't have the blackout. >> right? >> they describe it as kind of like a party on tv. is that the describe you're going for? >> i've been in this talk show development deal for about ten years now. and finally, this is the first time -- i keep saying put me back on tv. and the template i wanted was playboy after dark. hugh hefner, to me -- i do a lot of talk shows as a guest. preinterviews can really, i think, draw the life out of an interview. so we've been doing test shows without them and let them fly. there is a real party going on with bartenders and drinks and go dancers and celebrities don't really know what i'm going to ask. i ask them -- i'm getting a tattoo when i'm bored, you can just imagine what i plan on asking them. >> you do some of these interviews on the floor. >> that's right. >> literally on the floor. >> i wanted to do something different. i have something called groundbreaking interviews. i take the celebrity. we lay on the floor and literally a cameraman hangs over us and the lights in our faces and we have -- we're also sucking our lolli dpops as theyo in the club these days and have real conversations that kind of go off the deep end. i mean, they're sometimes shocking but also a lot of times they give groundbreaking answers. >> we should have done this interview on the floor. you moved to chicago. >> i did. >> how do you like it? >> it's the best thing that ever happened to me. my son said the same thing. he said i don't know what took you ten years to bring me the best city but the next time i'm leaving chicago is with angels. >> ahh. >> he has best friends, catches frogs. i'm not searching for my life, i feel as a mother now, i'm living my life, because my son is in the best place. >> jenny mccarthy, can't wait to see the show. premieres tonight on vh1. now let's head outside to willie. >> savannah, winter olympics about a year away. we begin our countdown "today" in sochi. men on trampolines behind me. analyst for nbc sports. first a little background on fr freestyle skiing. how is it different from alpine skiing? >> alpine is racing down a mountain. freestyle is inverted aerials, like gymnastics, 50 feet above the sky, aerials. >> a lot of the training actually does take place on trampolines? >> it's a great apparatus to train some of the tricks, do some of the flips. >> the names to watch. we begin with carney, won the gold in vancouver. should we expect more in sochi? >> absolutely. she's been dominating since her gold in vancouver. she won 11 out of 13 world cups. she's just getting better and better and better. she's the one to beat in sochi, fast, very smooth. great off the air jumps and will be tough to beat willie, for sure. >> you call her the michael phelps of free style. >> getting a taste of the podium. won two world cups this season and then she's very powerful on the jumps. you can see how strong she is as a skier through the big, long middle section of mogul courses. in mogul it's required to do two aerial tricks. she's very powerful when it comes to air. >> we'll keep an eye on the wilson brothers on the men's side. looks like a lot of good monday morning to you. 8:26. i'm laura gar see quaennen. it happened just after 9:00 on audubon drive in san jose close to story road and mclaughlin. police say the teenagers were shot near an elementary school. one was pronounced dead at the scene. the other is in the hospital but is expected to be okay. officers are investigating if the shooting was gang relate. this is the city's fourth homicide of the year. it's tough out here because first of all this is the volume of traffic past the coliseum. you see these low clouds. fog is an issue. low clouds around the bay area causing some slowing because you have to here. past the coliseum north there's a disabled vehicle at fifth and south. at davis is another issue. approaching the san mateo bridge, two crashes but they're off to the shoulder. your northbound routes kick in there's slowing in typical spots, really kicking in for 280 up toward cupertino. and we'll give aw live look through palo alto past university. >> thank you very much, mike. we'll have another local news update for you in about a half hour or so. hope you get a chance to enjoy your monday morning. 8:30 now on this monday morning, the 4th of february, 2013. it is the morning after the super bowl. maybe a tad bit hungover. for al roker it means something different entirely. he and natalie morales bet each other that whoever's team lost, the other would dress up the other team's mascot. >> they took a field trip on friday. al went to san francisco. natalie was in baltimore. loser pays up. boy, is al roker paying right now. ravens casual this morning. >> yes. >> this is the best we could do. coe is a little busy right now, with parades and everything to get ready for. >> i have to say, i thought it would be more embarrassing, but you look good. >> thank you, yes. have you actually seen me? >> i guess maybe my expectations were low. >> the ray lewis dance? >> i knew the rockies dance. >> were you prepared to wear the full miner's outfit? >> i guess they were prepared in wardrobe. pretty close there. >> natalie was trash talking you on twitter last night. >> i'm feeling confident. >> then i got down there and pulled that plug, but -- >> coming up, we'll talk to the ravens coach, john harbaugh. i like that you have your glasses. >> i know. it's not helping. >> the winning coach, absolutely. we look forward to that. >> highest rated miniseries of all time here for a very special reunion. al will sit down and talk with them in a moment. >> are you going to wear this outfit? >> i don't want to scare them. before we get to all that, let's get a check of the weather. >> all righty. great idea. oh, you're over here. you look a lot better. let's show you what we've got as far as your weather for the week ahead. above-normal temperatures out west. lake-effect snow early part of the week through the great lakes. rain through the south. by the time we get to the midweek period we are looking at above-normal temperatures in the southeast. rain in the mississippi river valley. wet weather out west. latter part of the week, more lake-effect snow, including chicago for savannah and matt's friday field trip. we're looking at that. rain in the midatlantic states. below-normal temperatures out west. above-normal temperatures from the plains all the way down into texas. 8:33. i think that's a good look for him. taking a live look at the embark ka der pope we do have thick clouds. we'll notice some clearing, but a cool, cloudy day overall. between about 12:00 and 1:00 starting to see sunshine around the pay area. we'll get sun between 1:00 and 3:00, then those clouds will roll back on shore. enjoy today. 65 degrees in livermore, 63 degrees in san jose. much cooler and cloudier tomorrow >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thanks very much. quick hello to lisa rambo, the latest contestant to be voted off "the biggest loser" ranch. you just told me you lost 80 pounds? >> yes. >> who knew diet and exercise actually worked? >> you said that you had never worked out really in your life, never been on a treadmill before. when you left the ranch, you felt like an athlete. explain. >> i did. i knew that -- i got hooked up with dolvet, best trainer on the ranch. he really lit a fire in me. week two i knew i needed to start to be the way i wanted to be and then it was a matter of stepping up. >> this has helped you and your family as well. your husband is right over there. >> yes. >> he lost 170 pounds. between the two of us, we've lost a healthy adult, right? >> you have four children at home. you're busy people. for people who say i don't have time to exercise, what do you say to them? >> make it part of your life, incorporate your kids. make a decision. we were going sledding, snow sh shoe i shoeing up. up and down that hill is a workout. >> there you go. >> lost a combined 150-pound loss. congratulations, lisa and tony. thank you very much. biggest loser airs tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central right here on nbc. coming up next, super bowl champion coach, john harbaugh. what was it like to beat his brother in the biggest game on the planet? we'll talk to him live. first this is "today" on nbc. ♪ chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save. welcome back now at 8:37 with one of the most popular and influential miniseries in television history. 1977's "roots." we're in our own super bowl blackout here. based on powerful book, it traced the journey of ancestors from enslavement to eventual liberation. >> what's your name? >> kunta. kunta kinte. >> kunta kinte was played by lee var burton and kunt's daughter, kizzy played by leslie uggams and the slave that became kunta's confidante, fidler, played by louis gosset jr. it had to be, you know, pretty amazing in itself. did you have any idea how enduring and what a reaction this show would have? >> none whatsoever. >> not at all. >> we were in our bedrooms and kitchens talking about it. we didn't know if the world would accept it this way. >> we knew it was something special when we were filming it, but we had no idea what the impact was going to be. it was amazing. america stopped what they were doing to watch this television show. >> and it also had people, not just african-americans, but everybody all of a sudden looking at their roots. >> people forget that the title of alex's book is called "roots: the saga of an american family." it's not the story of black people in america. "roots" is the american story. >> when you were cast in this, did you have any idea that this -- people throw around the phrase role of a lifetime. >> right. >> but this truly was. >> it was. >> did you have any idea at the time? >> not a clue. i was 19 and didn't know a whole lot about anything. it's true. >> doing scenes with a young man like that because fiddler and kunta kinte had a kinship. so i saw levar being whipped. it really got to me. >> it was one of those roles that you became so identified with. what was that feeling like, to know that you had something that was never done before really? >> it's a miracle, you know. this is my 60th professional year. i've seen a tumultuous change. my relationship with kunta kinte and levar, apologized before he did the scene. i'm sorry, i have to go for it. i said go for it. i looked at that boy being beaten. i knew it was just felt and just makeup. your name is kunta kinte. that's what your name is. and i looked at him and said, you know, there's going to be a better day. that's what alex was talking b of course, there is a better day. look at you, look at us, look at our president. it is a better day. >> beside being an amazing role, it had to be, i assume, emotionally draining day in and day out to act these scene. >> it was very painful, especially the wagon scene. >> yes. >> i realized, my goodness, people were torn away from their families and sold and never to see their relations again. and just to have that happen. and you're totally helpless. there's nothing you can do, nothing your parents can do. and it was just gut wrenching for me. >> levar, you have gone on to obviously some other amazing roles, but when you have something like that so early, does it put maybe some undue pressure on you, that you have to try to match something of this import? >> there was a real challenge to me at the beginning of my career. and my decision was that i had no choice but to just do the best i could every time out because you just -- roles like that don't come along but once in every other lifetime. and so i'm just really grateful that 35 years later, i'm -- we're still here. >> we're still here. >> and working. >> that's the best part. >> that's the best part. and working. >> levar burton, leslie uggams, louis gosset jr., thank you very much. >> airing tomorrow night on pbs. head coach john harbaugh, next. but first this is "today" on nbc. back now at 8:45. he is on top of the football world this morning. john harbaugh, head coach of the super bowl winning baltimore ravens is with us from baltimore this morning. coach, congratulations. >> thank you very much. it's great to be with you guys. >> a lot of people would start an interview asking about the game. i'm not going to do that. i'm going to ask about the power outage. what was going through your mind at that moment? >> just stunned. i looked up and i said i think the lights went out. it was really a great observation there. it was just crazy. we haven't seen that one before. that was new. >> coach, did that change the dynamic of this game? you were up 28-6. lights go out. all of a sudden it looks like the 49ers get second life there. >> it did change the whole complexion. they did a great job. they changed momentum. it wasn't the lights, power o outage, it was the 49ers. not unexpected. going against my brother all these years, you had a sense that they would come roaring back. his team has so much of his personality. they came roaring back. i'm proud of jim and very impressed with that team. >> of course, this was all in the family. every game must have a winner and a loser. in this case, you mentioned, it is your own brother. did you have a chance to speak to him? and what did you say? >> we just spoke on the field right after the game. we haven't spoken since then. i talked to my parents and stuff. he's a great coach, great man. i'm so proud of him. and, you know, we'll move on and there will be lots of challenges in the future and they'll be back, for sure. >> is this going to be one of those things where you can joke about it, trash talk over the holidays or maybe not for a few years? >> i don't think that will ever be the case. anybody who has a brother, you have brothers, you understand how that works. there's no consolation. you just move on to the next thing, next competition or whatever. but really more the family. i love him. we have a great family. we all get along, have a lot of fun. there will be more games. i'm just so proud of him. i think he's the best coach in football. what he has accomplished there in the last two years with the san francisco 49ers, what their team has accomplished with their coaches is unparalleled. >> none of us will ever know what you're feeling today, having defeated your brother in the super bowl. we may never see it again in another super bowl. any mixed emotions? of course you're on top of the world winning the game but about beating your brother? >> completely mixed emotions. walking across the field, i was in his shoes and if it had gone the other way, i know he would have been, too. great to see for our fans, players, coaches. everybody did such a great job. it is a great thing, great accomplishment. at the same time when you're talking about your brother, your blood, your family, you're going to feel that, too. >> coach, savannah has been in the film room all morning, breaking down the game tape. she wanted me to ask you if you were surprised that your brother did not run kaepernick on any of those final four downs given what he had been able to do there in the second half. are you surprised they threw the ball and didn't use his legs? >> not at all. that's what they had to do. we set up the defense so that would be impossible. we were bringing everybody pretty much on every one of the snaps from second down on. there was really nowhere for him to run. the play calls were perfect. they did a good job of executing them. give our guys credit on defense. they did a great job playing defense, great job of execute i ing. the job he did, calling the game all throughout the game but especially there at the end. they did what they had to do. colin made the right choices to throw the ball given the defense he was presented with. >> congratulations to you not just on winning, but great story. hope you get some sleep now and enjoy the day. >> thanks a lot. we were watching your show this morning in the room. you guys do a great job. we love your show. >> thanks, coach. >> thanks, coach. congratulations. >> now that he likes us, i think our day -- our day's not getting better after that. >> you're happy with the kaepernick answer? >> yes. it was gnawing at me. i'm glad we got into that. woel map out your family's meal for the entire week. for this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now best foods mayonnaise is just $2.77. so pile it on. pizza is served. digiorno pizza is just $3.88. and here's a treat. dreyer's ice cream is only $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. back now at 8:51 with "today's" kitchen. what's for dinner? this morning we're giving you a week's worth of budget-friendly recipes. printable shopping list is available right now at donnate donnatelerestaurant here in new york. you claim to me this is easy. even i could do this. >> even you could do it. print out the recipes and cook this week. >> absolutely. stuffed shells. >> oldie but a goody. take them out half the cooking advertisement al dente. oil them and put them right here. >> how long does cooking al dente, typically? >> about 10 minutes. after five minutes, take them out. >> got it. >> then ground lean beef i browned in garlic. simple pan of marinara with garlic. simmer 20 minutes. we're going to switch. i'm going to put you to work. >> yes, ma'am. for now i'm going to put some sauce in the meat and start mixing. >> right into the meat? >> right into the meat. i love stuffed shells. it's a complete dinner. everyone in the family loves it. your kids will love t you add the pasta. >> can you mix up the meat a little bit? >> yes, you can. if you want to use lean turkey, it's great. if you want to use part skim you can. i'm cooking lower fat these days now that i'm over 40 and had a baby. >> even stuffed shells can be low fat, really? >> come on. get in there. mix it. >> you don't really want me to, it turns out. i was going slow for a reason. no control over there. okay. >> now we have a casserole with oil. i'm going to put a little sauce on the bottom and i want you to take a spoon and stuff one. >> oh, yeah. here we go. >> it really is simple, but it seems like it's difficult. >> how did i do? >> pretty good. >> is that enough in there? >> perfect. >> do another one. >> you line the bottom with oil? >> you have an oven on at 350, then top it with a little sauce. you put a little parmesan on top and, bam! >> wow! how long does this go in the oven? >> five, ten minutes to get a nice crust. it's already cooked everything. it's great for planning if you're a mother, too. you can have it in the oven right when the kids come home, turn it on, finish it off and you're done. >> total time is 20 minutes? >> 20, 30 minutes. it's truly easy. you want balance for the week. salmon, but i cooked it in parchment, heart healthy. i think it's heart month. >> it is. >> my husband is a heart surgeon. >> you should probably know that, donnatella. >> very balanced and fun. >> al and natalie. >> what happened? >> she sped me up and i started throwing it up. >> do you love stuffed shells? >> i love stuffed shells. >> who doesn't love stuffed shells? >> they remind me of my childhood. >> she heard stuffed shells. >> little salad? >> light salad, greens. you can do rice with salmon. complete dish. each of these are complete on their own and you just need a healthy green. >> and the advantage of parchment paper on the fish is -- >> it's an easy way to cook your fish in a very healthy way. you just wrap it in parchment. cook t you can't overcook it. you put vegetables that in season like carrots, turn ips, white wine and olive oil. >> fancier version of boy scout packs. >> exactly. >> sorry about the mess i made. up next, "today's" edition of take three. . you're watching "today in the bay". >> good monday morning to you. it's 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. police are investigating a suspected marijuana grow house. the fire happened just a few block from overfelt gardens park. it happened at about 11:45 last night. no one was hurt. police are still looking for the cause of that fire. let's check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> an overcast start. but a nice finish reflective of all that sunshine. 62 bayside, at the coast right around 61 degrees. we'll increase your clouds and bring in a few showers tomorrow morning. another round thursday into friday. hope you va fantastic monday. drive safely out there. [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant this monday morning, 4th day of february. i'm willie geist, along with savannah, al, natalie and our special guest, donny deutsch joining us for take three. good night for the ads? >> i think it was an okay night for the ads. when you look at the success of the clydesdale ad, we're going back to human stories. let's have people finish spots on the air and -- >> nostalgia. >> yeah. really, people want back to basics and great human story. >> we'll dig in to some of those ads in a few moments. take one, most memorable moment, jennifer hudson, we just talked to her here in the studio, and the sandy hook choir from the elementary school in newtown, connecticut, singing "america the beautiful." fair to say not a dry eye in the house or any house when that song was going on. >> you can see the football players even struggling on the field. they want to go in there, all ra ramped up for the game. but that was very emotional. >> jennifer talked about how hard the rehearsal was, to be around those kids. she said she went around, hugged them one by one. said i'm praying for you. you combine the stage she's on with the gravity of that moment, that's a huge performance. >> we were chatting before she went on with you and said i don't even know how you got through or even was able to sing. but the kids, i thought, were beautiful. >> they were wonderful. >> the whole spectacle from perspective. >> put it on a human level. >> and then we go past half time. looks like the game is going to be a blowout. 28-6 ravens. people are getting ready to tune out. >> beyonce knocked it out. >> we'll get to beyonce. >> then the lights went out, quite literally. half the lights in the superdome. at least half of them go dark. john harbaugh, he said i think the lights just went out. >> same thing. >> so while this was going on, there are 231,500 tweets, hash tags included power outage, blackouts, super bowl blackout, blackout bowl. just a wild moment for which this game will be remembered. >> this is going to sound weird. i really enjoyed the blackout. that was probably my favorite part of the game. >> you need a life. >> i was like, come on, get back to it. >> it's unexpected. you don't -- reading the funny things on twitter. i watched the super bowl for the blackout. >> that's not supposed to happen. in this world -- you assume at that level -- >> that they test every bulb. >> we live in a time for a split second a lot of people got scared. >> little nervous. >> you think there would be backups. >> wait a second, 2013. so i got scared. thank goodness that's all it was. >> i thought the worst. on twitter, people were hash taging, the reference to the dark knight, there was a scene in that movie. >> i never even thought of that. >> i said to my husband, oh, my gosh, there's a scene in that movie. it crossed my mind for a second. hearing jenna wolfe this morning saying everybody was having fun, being positive and nobody got nervous. that was good to hear. >> some companies actually jumped on the band wagon, like oreo, making that power out, no problem. you can still dunk in the dark. like 10,000 -- retweeted 10,000 times within an hour. >> any time an advertiser can kind of seize the moment and be part of the pop culture, i bet beer -- beer consumption went through the roof at that point. serious. >> i can report that guacamole consumption went through the roof in one household. >> honestly, though, the numbers are going to come out. it's going to hurt. we talked about this earlier. there was a blowout. 35, 40 minutes, they lost a lot of audience. >> do you think people tuned in when they heard there's something crazy going on? >> they were tuned in any how. it's the only time in this country we are all doing the same thing. it's america's town meeting. it's a special, special day. >> and we all watch for the commercial. >> of course we do. >> super bowl commercials. al, you and i, donny, too, agreed on this farmers ad, which was dodge ram truck. what was it about that spot? >> a brilliant advertiser kind of, what i call, co-op an emf i emfamic esos. all that's great about farmers goes into this truck. we sometimes can take farmers for granted. it was beautiful, well done, contrasting the opposite of what jeep did with veterans, which i felt was exploiting. i felt take ownership of all that's great of servicemen and said, hey, here's our jeep. >> i didn't mind that so much. i got a little emotional watching it. >> there was some emotion but then to say, okay, we're selling jeeps with this? i don't know. >> in some way the farm er ad struck me a little bit that way, too, commercializing the farmer with the jeep. i was kind of like -- although you didn't -- not the jeep, the dodge ram truck. although you didn't see it as much throughout. >> which ad did you guys think sucked? >> i think a lot of them. >> come on. we don't want to lose advertisers here, but which ones are you scratching your heads at? >> you know, i think the go daddy thing. >> go daddy. >> but that's a perfect example of, it's interesting. ad that is you like versus effective. we were very deliberate. obviously a lot of people are rewatching our ad. you have a lot of kids watching it. >> if your kids there's a message that, in a strange way, the nerd can win. >> i love that. >> nice going. jeep, you're a little uncomfortable with but, you know, bar refaeli and this kid sucking face, you're like -- well, son -- the chia commercial, i thought that was terrific. >> that was cute. >> hyundai, that was cute. >> mercedes devil ad? >> i liked it. >> worpd what they pay for sympathy for the devil. had to be 3 million to 5 million. >> is that a popular group? >> advertisers have at their fingertips, the music, celebrities. i think contrasting also celebrities, i thought the spot with seth rogan was great, making fun of celebrityies. versus amy poehler, who i love, showed up in best buy. it was just a celebrity endorsement. when you can have fun with yourselves is when it works. >> clydesdale we all loved, though. >> great ad. half time, beyonce turned the lights out. >> literally. >> reunited with destiny's child after six years, came out and absolutely killed it. >> overwhelmed by the performance. >> beyonce is amazing. i thought -- you know, that is theiterally in the world. when destiny's child came out i leaned in further and showed me maybe there wasn't the same level as the stones or some other people. she was great but somehow she didn't seem to be holding as muc much. >> i think she totally speaks to a younger generation, absolutely. in the past, super bowl has gone for the older crowd. >> this is an '80s panel. >> exactly. >> did you notice it when destiny's child came up, the whole thing went up, whole energy went up. it's suggestive of me -- >> no. that doesn't mean there's no energy to start with. >> what do i know? >> and then it was more exciting. >> look, you have handlers that will walk in and grab you. >> baby boomers back out here. >> i'm donny deutsch and i approve this message. >> "meet the press." take three has gotten very ornery. >> strange but delicious things happening over here. cookie or cream oreo created life-size statues of us. >> we've come a long way when i'm the cream and willie is the chocolate cookie. >> is that you, willie? >> you or ronald reagan. >> it's me. >> can we eat them? >> no. >> no. >> that's just not right. >> so are you cookie or cream? >> i don't know. which one is -- >> i'm cream. >> you eat it, right into the cream? >> they belong together, you know. it's like a symphony. >> wow! >> you like that one. >> getting deep. >> they've got this thing for the next three days. you can post a photo with the #cookiethis or #creamthis. oreo, in return, will re-create your photograph made of cookies or cream. >> just in time for the holidays. there you go. >> it wasn't in the budget to have your bust made. donny, thanks a lot. >> large glass of milk to go with that? >> you'll need that to get through me and al's head over there. natalie has the headlines. okay. now in its seventh day, officials say they still don't have a motive for why 65-year-old jimmy lee dykes is holding a child host nanlg an underground bunker. the child is being identified only as ethan. authorities are talking with dykes p, accused of shooting the boy's school bus driver during the abduction. a funeral was held friday for that driver who died trying to protect the kids on his bus. navy s.e.a.l. sniper chris kyle and a friend at the shooting range. eddie ray routh, 25-year iraq war veteran, is charged with killing chris kyle and chad littlefield over the weekend. authorities say routh may have mental health problems and is on suicide watch. as many as 15 people are being questioned in the disappearance and death of a new york city woman in turkey. turkish police say sarai sierra died from a blow to her head. her body was found saturday near the remnants of an ancient city wall in istanbul. the 33-year-old mother of two was last heard from on january 21st, just before she was supposed to fly home from her solo vacation in turkey. amazing recovery for teen activists malala yousafzai. a video message has been released, showing her speak out for the first time. malala was shot in the head by the taliban last october in her native pakistan. she was oshot for her outspoken advocacy. >> today i can see that i'm alive. i can see you. i can see everyone. and today i can see that i'm getting better day by day. >> just an incredible young lady. she also announces the establishment of her new charity, the malala fund for girls' education. the message was recorded before malala's most recent surgery over the weekend, which the doctors have described as a success. the president heads to minneapolis today to meet with local leaders on the issue of gun control. in his annual presuper bowl interview last night he addressed a range of other issues, including the risk of brain injury in children playing football. >> i want to make sure that we're doing everything we can to make the sport safer and that means that the game is probably going to evolve a little bit. >> president obama also addressed the boy scouts' longstanding policy of excluding gays and lesbians, saying that they should have, quote, access and opportunity the same way everyone else does. researchers in england say they have found a skeleton of king richard iii. dna results show the battle scarred bones under a parking lot are, no doubt, those of the king killed in battle some years ago. he was immortalized by william shakespeare as a brutal tyrant who said now is our winter of discontent and my kingdom for a horse. the king will be reburied at a nearby cathedral early next year. lovestruck zombies of "warm bodies" heated up the box office with a $20 million opening. last week's hansel & gretel: witch hunters" dropped to second and "silver linings playbook" came in third. >> warm body. >> when you and i dropped off richard iii when we went out drinking, he wasn't up there, was he? >> that parking lot? >> carried up a few blocks. >> nice. >> i don't remember that. >> natalie, thanks a lot. al, how about a check of the weather? >> some lake-effect snow to talk about. a clipper coming across, bringing snow from milwaukee, chicago, as far south as cincinnati and on into pittsburgh. as the systems make their way across, the first one is coming through this afternoon, late this morning into the afternoon hours and a second system comes down from canada and brings more snow to duluth, minneapolis, on into milwaukee. look generally for three to six inches of snow but lake-enhanced snow will add to that, anywhere from six to nine inches in parts of pennsylvania on into upstate new york between os 9:14 on a back-to-work monday. good morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. a live look at san jose. we have some really foggy conditions here. not just here in san jose, all across the bay area. your futurecast tells the store toef day. a lot of that fog starting to clear. then we'll see a pretty good amount of sunshine for the day. warms up to the mid6. much cooler as we head through your tuesday. >> that's your latest weather. that was stevie wonder. >> in the budweiser voodeoo, tht was stevie wonder. >> i don't think anybody knew that. >> they should have broke into song or something. >> all right, al, thanks. donny, thank you. coming up next, inside celebrity homes, right after this. ♪ [ female announcer ] progresso light soups. so many tempting varieties, 100 calories or less. get back on track with these weight watchers-endorsed products at walmart. she can't always move the way she wants. now you can. with stayfree ultra thins. flexible layers move with your body while thermocontrol wicks moisture away. keep moving. stayfree. with just a few ingredients. simple, wholesome goodness. kellogg's. start simple, start right. kellogg's. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much. i appreciate it. i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally. when it's freshly colored... but why cant it last? new dove for color treated hair has a dual stripe formulation that nourishes and protects colored hair, because nourished hair can keep color vibrant for up to 8 weeks. new dove color care. keep the color vibrant, keep the feeling. you know what, while we're waiting why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. go on buddy. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ son ] are you even looking for me? i am looking! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded big bites of premium breast meat, seasoned in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. [ son ] dad? [ male announcer ] today tastes so good. latest issue of architectural digest takes a peek inside celebrity homes. margaret, good morning. >> good morning. are these celebrities eager to have you come inside their home and take photographs? >> they are. it's a lot of fun to go and show another sign of a celebrity. it's very surprising. >> let's take a look at elton john's place, the new place in los angeles. tell us about it. >> new place in los angeles is a kid-friendly home. that's the biggest change. they now have zachar who is 2, and a newborn, elijah. this house is all about privacy and it's a real sanctuary for them. people in the public eye, it's nice to know they can have a place where they can kick back and enjoy their family and their friends. this place is so sunny and cheerful. it's really built around art. elton john has an extraordinary art collection, collecting art glass, paintings, and photography. >> and shoes, apparently. >> and shoes. those are his shoes. >> his bedroom looks something like a museum. is that fair to say? >> it's fair to say he has one of the most important collections of photographs. for the first time they're all displayed in one place. that house is all about the art. elton told us it's really all about the kids and everything is very child friendly, indoor/outdoor fabrics. >> his child friendly looks different than my child friendly. >> yes. it's about as casual as you can get if you're elton john. >> absolutely. let's take a look at will ferrell's place, new york city apartment. used to be a printing factory, i guess. >> it's a loft downtown. will ferrell is a funny guy. you would not expect him to be so chic. look at this place. it is really, really sophisticate sophisticated. he is also an architecture, and his wife really loves a lot of antiques, filled with mid-century furniture, worked with l.a. modern auctions for a long time. she knows her stuff. this is also a kid-friendly place. they have three little boys between the ages of 3 and 8. that's one of their bedrooms. the wall there is coverd with recycled newspaper, one of their favorite things, they said. >> really cool. simple modern look it looks like. >> uh-huh. >> let's go to another one. john legend. he has kind of cool tastes. what does his place look like? >> so cool and so john legend. he was so excited about decorating. he workd with don stewart, who he met through kanye west. this place is so fun to photograph. little bit of an exotic vibe. he actually has a recording studio at home. a lot of new furniture, old furniture. but it has a great sense of warmth. >> and he has a zen garden in the back as well? >> he does have a zen garden. a lot of terraces around the house. >> very cool. fun look inside celebrity homes. margaret russell, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> good to talk to you. still ahead, olympian leah neil. first these messages. regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories, it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. its creamy, thick texture helps satisfy you. so you won't feel like you're running low on satisfaction. light & fit greek. be light and fit. and satisfied. dare to whisper. whisper new color whisper lip color from maybelline new york. now, sexy sheer color with a whisper soft feel. the secret? pure sheer pigments in a smooth light gel. no heavy waxes, no heavy oils. shhhhhh just a soft kiss of color and shine. new color whisper from maybelline new york. sexy, sheer color with a whisper soft feel. maybe she's born with it. ♪maybe it's maybelline nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. go olive garden's three course italian dinner. it's back for just $12.95. featuring 5 delicious new entrees to choose from. go creamy and dig into rich new penne di mare with shrimp. or maybe go crunchy with new parmesan potato crusted chicken. served with unlimited fresh salad and warm breadsticks. finish with a decadent dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go tonight! go olive garden! and try our unlimited homemade soup, crisp salad, and warm breadsticks lunch. just $6.95! that's 3 moves, 5 jobs, 2 newborns. it's no wonder i'm getting gray. but kate -- still looks like...kate. with nice'n easy, all they see is you -- in one simple step, nice'n easy with colorblend technology, gives expert highlights and lowlights. for color that's perfectly true to you. i don't know all her secrets, but i do know kate's more beautiful now, than the day i married her. with the expert highlights and lowlights of nice 'n easy, all they see is you. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. just out, the annual list of the best children's hospitals in the country. plus easy to make personalized valentine's day gifts. >> after your local news and weather. who can't put their lives,e jobs and loved ones on hold because of a migraine. so when a migraine starts, they grab excedrin migraine. they know excedrin provides fast pain relief. plus it relieves sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea. no wonder it's #1 neurologist recommended. excedrin specializes in ending headaches and like you we won't be easily stopped. not even by migraines. migraines are where excedrin excels. when it's freshly colored... but why cant it last? new dove for color treated hair has a dual stripe formulation that nourishes and protects colored hair, because nourished hair can keep color vibrant for up to 8 weeks. new dove color care. keep the color vibrant, keep the feeling. [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, rich dark chocolate, toasted oats. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. good monday morning to you. 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. last night's super bowl heartbreaker for 49ers players past and present. but we spoke exclusively to reason ronnie lott. >> like the last two playoff games, you realize that they're going to come back, you see they're coming back. then all of a sudden right there at the end you look at the play and you go, i can't believe the referee didn't call holding on that play. >> a lot of us couldn't. lott was referring to that final pass missed by the 49 ners the end zone. a lot of controversy over whether refs should have called that holding penalty. he said kaepernick played a fe n nomennal game. sure did. [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant welcome back. time is 9:28. we still have thick fog, but believe it or not, visibility is improving. now you're up to about a quarter of a mile. temperatures are representative of that fog. as we head throughout the day today, we'll see that sun break through that cloud deck and temperatures will be comfortable. by noon climbing to the mid-, a couple 60s at noon. then the mid-60s to round tout day. the warmest of the week. get outside and enjoy it while it lasts. that goes for san jose as well. as we get through tuesday into wednesday things start to change. much cooler weather just around the corner now. you'll break out that umbrella by thursday. that fog you're talking about, folk, you'll hear the fog horns at the carquinez bridge. but the bay bridge metering lights, those are off. because a lot of traffic is held up in oakland, look at this shot past the coliseum. now, that cleared about 20 minutes ago, but the slowdown continues northbound from san lorenzo all the way up into downtown. again, all lanes are now cleared from northbound 880. southbound 880 a couple of crashes in both directions will be a distraction as you head south or north. there's the south bay. look at the fog with the orange. >> a lot of it out there. be careful if you're headed tout door. another local news update in a half hour. on things you we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now best foods mayonnaise is just $2.77. so pile it on. pizza is served. digiorno pizza is just $3.88. and here's a treat. dreyer's ice cream is only $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. back now with more of "today" on this monday, february 4th. i'm willie geist alongside natalie morales and al roker. after swimming her way to the bronze in the 2012 olympics, leah neale is on a list celebrating african-americans. we'll look at who else is on that list. plenty of time to make a special gift for your loved ones. they're more personal and may save you some money perhaps. top children's hospitals in the country. we'll reveal the just released list. >> we'll check that out shortly. how about a quick check of the weather? >> let's look ahead, see what we've got for you, starting with the afternoon temperatures way below normal up to the north and west, especially the northern plains. we're looking at warmer than usual temperatures with a jet stream up to the north out in the western part of the country. and as far as our afternoon highs and current conditions, we are looking at snow making its way to the upper great lakes, northeast. lot of rain in the gulf coast into the midatlantic states. more sunshine, cooler than usual temperatures in the southwest on into 9:31 on a back-to-work monday. thick fog forcing slowdowns down there. give yourself ample time to reach your destination safely. between the hours of noon and 2:00 p.m. 65 in livermore as a result, 65 in gilroy, 63 in los gatos and 61 down in santa cruz. your coastal cities will be much cooler with that fog hanging around. tomorrow a few stray showers possible up in north bay, then bright sunshine for your north bay. >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you. this morning, we are revealing the grio's 100 list, coinciding with black history month. celebrates african-americans who are making a difference in sports, entertainment, politics, education and more. david wilson is the executive editor of and leah neale, who made her list, by swimming to the bronze as a bronn olympian in the 2012 london olympics. >> we are a division of nbc news. we launched in june 2009. we wanted to do something where each year we celebrate african-american history month in a different way, looking forward. we always honor our past, but we also want to honor the folks who are coming forward today, who will be doing great things in the years to come. >> this suspect just a list that affects african-americans. it affects all americans. >> absolutely. president obama talks about citizenship. you can't find a list of better citizens, people who are actually, you know, really making sure that children have better education, that there's health awareness, who are actually volunteering, going into service for our country. so this list is really about 100 americans who just happen to be black. >> let's talk about the young woman sitting here, leah neale. besides the obvious, the medals around her neck, what is it about her that made you want to put her on this list? >> she's obviously very well accompli accomplished, won a bronze at the last olympics. we also see she's going to have a very bright future, hoping to see her down in brazil in 2016. so she's -- i think she's quite poised and accomplished and very much an inspiration to a lot of young african-american women. >> this is a sport where you don't see a lot of african-americans chart an inkr incredible path as you have been able to. what do you say to those who aspire to what you have done? >> i think what i would say to those people who kind of look up to me or kind of do what i did, just to keep to it. keep to your goals. it's not going to be like 100% like easy the whole way. but you just have to be persistent and you'll eventually achieve what you want to achieve. >> you're going to be a role model for all these kids who are coming up. who inspired you? who is your role model? >> while i was growing up with swimming -- when i first got involved in the sport, i very much looked up to natalie coughlin. she was just like the it girl. she was everywhere. she was beautiful and fast. she had so much accomplishments. and then as i grew older, i started looking up to more and more of the national team. and then to be on the same team as them and represent the u.s. was just amazing. i realized how great all these people actually were. >> you're a high school senior, going to stamford, soon, too. >> yeah. >> and had you vu stve you stopk about how your life has changed? when you win that medal, obviously, it takes you in a whole different direction. how has your life changed since then? >> it's changed a lot with all the media, interviews and also getting to meet very interesting and new people. it's just been -- it's changed for the better. i'm so blessed to have this. >> we look forward to seeing you, hopefully in rio, as david wilson talked about. david wilson and leah neale, thank you so much. you can find out more on we'll have more profiles of the top 100 list. up next, personalized valentine's day gifts. ure. but dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can grow and multiply. polident is specifically designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why dentists recommend polident. [ male announcer ] polident. cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. with just a few ingredients. simple, wholesome goodness. kellogg's. start simple, start right. tell me i'm beautiful. tell me we'll grow old together. in sickness and in health. tell me that i'm still the one. that you need me. that i'm your super hero! tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. that's all i need. [ female announcer ] for everything they need to hear this valentine's day, there's a hallmark card. it floats. when hair is this hydrated, it flooows... introducing nexxus hydra-light: a higher standard in hair care that's full of moisture. free of heaviness. hydra-light's salon formulas with light, deep-sea minerals give up to 80% more moisturization that won't weigh hair down. for hair that captivatingly flows. new nexxus hydra-light. [ woman ] you'll never settle again. [ male announcer ] raise your standard. you score little victories every ynow you can do it with dinner. introducing land o'lakes® sauté express®. the all-in-one sauté starter with butter, olive oil, herbs and spices... so dinner really sizzles. it's one step, no prep. and so good, they'll ask for more. and that little victory is a pretty big deal. land o'lakes® sauté express. find it in the dairy aisle. can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno. i've got to get breakfast ready for my two leading ladies. while managing their schedule with my producing partner. i set up kid's corner so they can learn and play games without deleting my stuff. "working mom" is sometimes a tough role to play, but it's definitely the one i was born for. [ clattering, children laughing ] and...action. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now buy one nokia lumia 920 for just $99.99 and get a second one free at at&t. ♪ i'm halfway to your heart ♪ you have to let me know ♪ so i don't make my worst mistake ♪ ♪ turn around and let you go [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. made with sweet, smooth peanut butter and salted, roasted peanuts. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious. >> announcer: "today" celebrates valentine's day is brought to you by silky smooth dove chocolate promises. the perfect little treat for all your valentines. this morning on "today" celebrates valentine's day, homemade gifts with a very personal touch. jodi levine joins us. good to have you here. >> good to be here. >> this idea comes from photos. >> people are taking so many pictures nowadays on their phones and so many great apps help you easily turn them black and white. we used a lot of photography in our valentine's. >> first a little sweet treat but first with that personal touch. >> we found these cute boxes online that are clear. >> where did you find these? >> we printed the pictures on vellum, which is cool because it's transluscent. you take your box lid, trace it, cut out the circle. i'll show you how to put it in the box. it's so easy. take a glue stick, couple of dabs of glue. you don't even need to use a lot. the paper is very lightweight. you pop it on the lid. i did the wrong side. you pop just a couple of dabs. >> you also made delicious-looking cookies. >> you could fill these with homemade treats or go to the store and get candy, whatever you want to do. see how cute that is? >> gorgeous. all right. i'll move on to my next project here. jewelry. >> this is a sweet way to give a photograph. it's a very sentimental gift. the craft store instead of the jewelry store. jewelry making aisle of the craft store, a modern necklace here. that would be cool for a grandma, one with each grand kid. >> tiny picture to go in there. >> they have all different sizes. we had a lot of fun finding photographs where they interact with a locket as a way to present it. you see there's a picture right here with a baby. and it looks like the baby is holding the locket. this is a cute way to present it. >> i like that idea. >> i get stationary? tell me what to do here. >> sending out valentines you can do a stationary upgrade. we love the way high-end stationary has that tipped edge, bright pop of color. this is an effect you can get at home. take a straight edge ruler. these pens are very vibrant and bright. if you just line -- put your ruler to the and edgy rub the marker back and forth. >> what color are we using here? >> bright orange. love these bright colors for valentine's day and take sticky paper. these stickers at the craft store cut a stamp edge. >> i love that. >> regular cards or envelopes. >> dresses it up a little bit. gives it a little pop. al, making pillows, his favorite. >> first these bags. personalized bags. >> these canvas pouchs are great. there's no sewing. they're prebought. you can get fabric that goes into your ink jet printer. we printed this on to the fabric and then ironed it on to the facing. >> it turns it into like a patch. i'm going to lay it on here. you don't want to put your iron on to the photograph. take a scrap fabric, give it a little iron. and use a very hot iron, no steam. >> you don't have to buy a new piece of equipment. >> no, you have it. and you probably have an ink jet printer. and you're done. you can even put a gift inside of it. >> gift within a gift. >> yes. >> and you can make pillows. >> yes. >> guys love a pillow. >> can't get enough. >> on the bed, 30, 40 pillows. >> 20 pillows. >> that would be terrific. >> go over there, al. sit on that chair. >> yeah. >> they have this nice linen that goes into your ink jet printer. >> it goes right on the pillow? >> yes. we soed it into a very simple pillow. >> who are these people? >> friends and family. >> do they even know they're on a pillow? >> probably not. >> thank you very much. >> willie is really into the project. >> you just need to do 100 more of those. >> jodi levine, thank you so much. great ideas for all of us. thanks. coming up next, the country's best children's hospitals right after this. [ female announcer ] this year, i have a lot more than one valentine. one, for making my perfect cup of coffee. one for being the perfect neighbor. and one for no reason at all. ♪ waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? that's just my speed. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. ♪ [ female announcer ] mcdonald's dollar menu just keeps getting better. introducing the all-new mouthwatering grilled onion cheddar burger, topped with melty white cheddar and caramelized onions. plus all your tasty favorites for just a dollar each. ♪ every day, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. 80 calorie chocolate cereal. vo: for cold and flu season, honey, don't use your sleeve. there's clorox bleach. i'm here with daphne oz, a model of healthy habits. so daphene, do you eat activia. i do it's always in my fridge. and you know activia isn't just for minor digestive issues. exactly, it's also important for my overall well being because it helps regulate my digestive system. and when you feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside! whether at work, with friends, on a special night, or just enjoying an activia. shine from the inside out with activia. ♪ dannon to say get well to your loved ones. ♪ this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, america's softest tissue, to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue. >> announcer: "today's" health is brought to you by kleenex brand tissues, softness worth sharing. >> with more on "today's" health, the best children's hospitals in the country. from "parents" magazine, revealing their top picks. dana, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> how did you come up with this survey and the hospital that is ended up on the list? >> this took an exhaustive amount of research. we went to more than 66 children's hospitals in the u.s. and we asked them each to fill out the survey, a thousand data points. 66,000 pieces of data later, we have the winners. >> from data points to dana points. like that. >> right. >> number one, children's hospital of philadelphia, better known as c.h.o.p.s. >> exactly. >> why listed as number one? >> you have to do everything well, which is true of all the hospit hospitals on our list. >> this is a very close list. >> yes. severe cases of leukemia and one-dose treatments for neuroblastoma and lymphoma. >> as far as research and studies go, unparalleled, boston. >> exactly. they published thousands of studies the past two years. you also had to be family friendly. boston children's hospital has a clown care unit from the big apple circus. >> that's great. >> not about caring for clowns. clowns will come and interact with the children and make them feel better. >> in cincinnati, their hospital there. >> cincinnati children's hospital medical center was number three on the list. they're really interesting. they do a lot of things well. they put an mri in their neo neonatal intensive care unit. they're leading a study of migraine prevention for children and next month will open up pet visitation so that pets and kids can visit, they can see their actual pets from home. >> neonatal care, children's hospital in milwaukee exceeds in that. >> exactly. children's hospital there, 90% of babies born under 2.2 pounds, the most severe preemies, 90% go home with their families, an exceptional rate. >> in aurora, colorado, number five overall but you say their family friendliness far exceeds everyone's. >> specialty lists for heart care, preemie care and cancer care. they were number one on the family friendliness list. >> let's say you can't get to one of these five. what should you be looking for in a children's hospital? >> if you have a child with a very severe condition, for some families that means you have to travel to get to one. you want to enlist the help of your child's personal physician or specialty team and really don't give up. you can often enroll a child who is really ill in a study and those hospitalizations are paid for, for families who really need it. >> dana, thank you very much. this is "today" on nbc. special guest with us tomorrow. in studio, joining us for take three. and a lot more, from 90210. up next, kathie lee and hoda, probably talking about the big game. >> that's right. super bowl mania after your local news and weather. have a great day, everyone. good morning to you. it's 9:56. i'm marl will tell easy. a teenager is dead and another in a hospital after they were shot on the san jose streets late last night. it happened just after 9:00 in audubon drive near story road and mclaughlin. police say the teenagers were shot near an elementary school. one was pronounced dead talt scene. the other is in the hospital but is expected to be okay. officers are investigating whether the shooting was gang related. this is the city's fourth homicide of the year. a foggy start to your monday. let's get a look at the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> hey, thanks, yeah. back to work monday. we still have some dense fog out there, but we'll see a mild and sunny finish to the day. low clouds and drizzle on the way for the morning hours and maybe a stray north bay shower into the afternoon. end of the week talking about much cooler weather. temperatures are slated to tumble. make sure you're ready for that pop today will be the warmest day of the week. 65 in gilroy. 63 in fremont and 63 here in beautiful san jose. tuesday to wednesday the 50s return, then rain thursday to friday. fan fest looking good on saturday. some of that fog still around. we'll call it low clouds because it's above the deck on the roadway. visibility as you drive is okay, but it's tough to see the roads. a pretty light flow of traffic. 880 on the map north of here it's still slow on the map. and 101 also slow. this is the same area where our road weather index is showing low clouds and fog may be affecting your view, as you just saw. the crash at stevenson has cleared through fremont. 680 coming out of sunol. we've got a live look at the crash just clearing. 680 at vargas. that's why you see the jam here. no metering lights. >> we'll be back in 30 minutes. ♪ ♪ i'm halfway to your heart ♪ you have to let me know ♪ so i don't make my worst mistake ♪ ♪ turn around and let you go [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. made with sweet, smooth peanut butter and salted, roasted peanuts. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious. . from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hey, everybody. welcome to fun day, monday, february 4th. our last fun day, monday, until it starts to be really fun. >> we are building it up into oi monster of a show. we don't know what it is going to be. >> wednesday is the day we start drippingi drinking on this show. until then, we are going to have a raspberry lemon cooler. it is supposed to be spicy. >> wow. how was your super bowl weekend. >> it was a fun weekend. >> you went down to palm beach. i did go to palm beach. i go to palm beach for a book signing. i'm signing book's outside of jennifer miller's jewelry store, a friend of ours and who walks up, screaming, where is kathie lee, over and over again, but regis. she kept saying, i sherd sheards coming. koda, what are you doing here? he was in the middle of it lathering it up. he kept going, is she here, is she here? >> we get together for dinner as often as we. usually, it is every six weeks or so. we try to. i just love it. we pick up where we were before. every time we would walk into a restaurant, regis, i just like to quietly get into a little booth. somebody goes, that's right, it is regis. look who is here. i can't get rid of her. it is kathie lee. she wants her old job back. i said, i'll try. before you know it, the whole place is in a frenzy. >> that place was so happeny and then he left and it was over and i was still there. >> that's the way he does. ambushes and leaves you there to pick up the paces. >> no super bowl party at your house. >> nfor the first time in 27 years we did not have a super bowl party. i love all our friends that come to it but it is a lot of work. it's a lot of work and we are getting too old. let the young people throw the parties and we'll come. >> there were so many surprises in the game. >> shall we walk down memory lane a little. >> it started off being a blowout. baltimore was killing it. it looked like one of those games you were going to yawn through like a lot of super bowls are, spend more time focusing on your hotdogs than the game. suddenly, the lights went out, unbelievable, to are 34 minutes. the dome lights inside. part of them stayed on. most of them were off. >> can you imagine how that takes all the momentum out of it? >> everybody's emotions. all their emotions are already on the surface. a lot of fights were breaking out. you could tell it was just going to be very tense. that's when i went to bed. >> me too. then, they turned the beat around. san francisco. >> which they have been doing. >> and had this great comeback. at the end, they couldn't win it. it was exciting, fun with a little bit of drama. >> i heard there was a little bit of drama. the two brothers, coaches, said they weren't nice enough to one another. >> they didn't hug but they seemed nice. here is the thing. those two, if you fast forward to like three thanks givings from now, when it is just two of them and they are having a conversation about that game and the coach from san francisco thinks there was an interference call missed at the end, you can already picture. i can't imagine they don't say, look, it is just me and you. you tell me that. can you picture it? >> i picture it is going to be like one of those things. >> i don't know. i doubt whether we will be privy to it if and when it happens. they will keep their business to themselves. everybody was talking about beyonce. she blue ew it away. >> killed it. ♪ ♪ baby, it is you ♪ you are the one i love ♪ you are the one i need ♪ you are the only one i see >> come on, sing it, girl. >> yep. when the lights come on. >> come on. >> oh, yeah! ♪ come on, baby >> she is one of the finest live performers you will ever see in your life. i've been around since methusala and nobody is like beyonce. >> that's the best halftime performance i have ever seen. >> ever, ever, ever. she just has such precision. all the great performance come here out on the plaza all the time. i have never seen precision like that. >> she practiced that one to the end. she was clearly going to sing like that. then, she showed up with destiny's child. >> they are still fantastic together, really, really good. >> i couldn't believe that. >> i'm happy for her. really, that whole thing with the anthem before was much ado about nothing. >> alicia keys did the intro i think she was singing it live. i said the other day they don't let you do it. in light of beyonce's situation with the inaugural, since we are in the superdome and there are no f-16s flying over. she made you knew it was live. >> a, the piano and "b" the way she paused at certain times. or else she was trying to remember the lyrics. >> who doesn't. ♪ oh, say can you see ♪ by the dawn's early light >> with that song, you never know why people are taking the pauses. is it and the mountains -- >> the pressure has got to be crazy. >> oh, my. i got up in church to read the scripture and i was trembling. i have no idea. >> no. the time that i sang the national anthem, ten years later, i was at my friend, david friedman's partner's church, i said, boy has my career done well. i am goi i have gone from the super bowl to a unity church on top of a ford dealership. >> the last time the san francisco 49ers won the super bowl was the one -- >> i did sing at that. >> the touching moment came as the 26 kids from the chorus of the sandy hook elementary school came to the stage with jennifer hudson and sang. >> beautiful. >> "god bless america". >> it was so beautiful. i often enjoy in song even more than the anthem. it is so profoundly personal. you could tell how it was touching the players. right before a game, you could feel that kind of a wash of emotion with something. >> that was beautiful. >> that was really beautiful. that's the best of america right there. there were a lot of commercials that were -- >> some hits, a lot of misses. >> overall, i wasn't -- >> i didn't see the second half, as i said. i did see that guy run for the largest touchdown, 109 yards. that was unbelievable. >> one of my favorite ads was the one with the taco bell with the old -- >> it looked like betty white was going to show up any second off the rocker. >> it reminded me of cocoon in the movie where everyone goes a little crazy. >> my favorite one was the clydesdale. >> let's watch a little bit. okay. they are breaking out of the old folks home. >> yeah! ♪ >> i guess we are going to watch the whole thing. >> just parts of it. >> it is adorable. >> it really is. >> not that you can't have fun when you are 90. you can do it if you really want to. the time commercial was cute. >> that was one with the joe montana. the catsup stain. this guy is sitting there eating fries and out of nowhere -- >> dude, you got montana on your jesse. >> i do. >> then, he becomes unbelievably famous. >> he was on the "today" show five times. >> it's real. >> the miracle montana stain is all over the nation. >> until what happens is i don't know how much you see of this. >> i saw the stain. >> stain on a stick. >> montanaland. >> here it is. >> where's my 49ers jersey? >> i washed it. >> you washed it. >> it had a stain on it. >> oh! >> go ravens! >> that was so great. >> i was thinking about that one this morning. when was it decided that it was going to be between san francisco and baltimore? only a couple of weeks ago. they shot that thing that fast. they knew who was in the finals but you are right. isn't that amazing. think about that. a lot of those other ones are made months and months in advance. they came up with that very, very quickly. >> you are right. can we say hi to julie? >> we did a ten years later contents winner. julie is a two-time breast cancer survivors, breast and ovarian. her doctors in 2006 told her she had a 17% chance of living, it is 2013, six years later and she is still defying the odds. she is living well. look at how beautiful she is. >> we are going to lunch together. >> oh, really. excellent. >> we'll see you a little bit later. in the meantime, we are a little bit late having our everyone has a story get back on track because of the new year. beyonce is not the only one that can rock a stadium. our winner today and we will have something for her on thursday is vicky durfy. well, they have two names here. >> vicky and lisa. >> lisa miller. and her daughter, from rochester, new york. vicky and lisa are on the phone now. after her son was deployed overseas, he asked her to send a gift to his girlfriend. i guess that's who lisa is. they didn't tell me the name before. vicky started a really cool nonfrost called full circle home. he said, if i can't be there, mom, will you take her a gift for christmas. she realized there must be so many moms with significant others that would love to receive something special. she started doing it with the help of all of her friends. >> that's great. >> her friend picked it up. i wrote this song a long time ago. they have been sending gifts to the troops. it sounded like a christmas thing in the past but now they do it for mother's day. so we thought we would highlight their story to give everybody time to get in their request for mother's day. coming up before we know it, it will be here. >> vicky and lisa, sorry, you guys, i butchered that. are you guys excited to come see us? >> oh, my gosh, we are so excited. >> are you guys drinking? >> all righty. so you'll be here on thursday. we'll get everything right by then. david and i have written a song i think you are going to really, really love. i'm not sure who is singing it yet but we will figure it all out. thank you, ladies, god bless time for our favorite things. you want to go first. >> this is something, i talked about it once before. rita hazon root concealer spray. i want you to look right now. not great. it is time. terrible. i need to go. so this saves your buns. rita hazon, you can get it in different colors. >> that's the first time you have ever repeated. >> because i needed it and i didn't have one. >> okay. mine is i think quite adorable. this is amanda. this is the cutest thing. you skipped mine. it is the hat. >> it is a beautiful hat. >> okay, yeah. this is peekaboo, peekaboo's ponytail hats. they are $36.95. they come in multiple colors available at here is the point. can you turn around? they have a hole there for a high ponytail and around on another spot, a lower place for a lower ponytail so you don't have to smash it. i thought that was adorable. >> i love it. we should point out there are some crazy people in their underwear outside of our window. that happens often. these people -- >> with bodies like that, let's let those guys come on in. >> it is called the couupid und run. >> look who is here? >> chad leather started this. tell us about your journey real quick. >> it is called the cupid undi rechlt rundie run. this is our new york city race director, julie. >> of course she is. who is looking at her? >> very clever idea. >> it is very sweet. you are certainly getting everybody's attention. >> you are right about that, out there in the freezing cold. >> we have to let them in. we are cruel. tell them we are sorry. god bless y'all. >> this is just a preview for saturday. >> actually, we have two spots left in case you are interested in running. >> this is for matt lauer and this is for al roker. >> thanks, guys. god bless. >> thank you. >> all righty. he is one of hollywood es ahottest actors, comedians, former playboy playmate of the year. >> she is single, just got a new talk show. jenny mccarthy is here. >> from the super bowl performances you may not have seen to another big win for ben affleck, rob shuter is here. he needs a dentist. we'll explain after this. the dentist now known as ben afflick. ♪ every little thing gonna go my way ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural shredded cheese so you can bring a creamier melt to any morning. ♪ life is amazing with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ crrkkhshziiiizzlllee. beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. pillsbury toaster strudel. ♪ break the ice with breath-freshening cooling crystals. ice breakers. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. yeah go hide. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. today tastes so good. to say get well to your loved ones. ♪ this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, america's softest tissue, to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue. jebby mccarthy is one of the most gorgeous women in hollywood who never seems to age. makes you a little bit crazy. >> yes, it does. >> she even posed for "playboy" again just before turning 40. >> this mom has also written eight books, seven of them on the "new york times" best selling list. >> she's living. >> she's about to launch her own friday night talk show. it is called the jenny mccarthy show. take a look. ♪ >> cute. >> so crazy. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> she goes i'm a single mom. i needed a job. come on. nobody believes that. >> it was a long time in the making, and i have been waiting for this job. i haven't found one that fit me best in hollywood, and talk show, i have been in that circuit of trying to get one going, and i realized where i could be my most authentic self is in late night. i am a little bit of a dirty bird sometimes. >> a little naughty. >> i haven't bleeped on your show, but still the show is pg-13. i have a son that's 10, and he will be in the greenroom, so i can't go too far. one of the things i tried to mimic was "playboy" after dark where hef did welcome to my late night party. a little sammy davis junior. >> that would be quite -- >> i do have the long island psychic coming on the show. i just wanted to make it a party fun atmosphere, and i even do interviews where i lay on the ground. >> i don't understand that. so you're on the ground. what happens? >> it can be quite tricky and stuffy and not their authentic self. i did a little trick with bradley cooper. i want to trick him real good. and i did this thing where i lay on the ground, and he held up a flip cam, and we did this interview face-to-face, and i held on to this for a few years saying i want to kind of put the celebrities on the ground and do this groundbreaking interview, and we do it now on the show, and it turned out to be a -- the best segment on the show. >> great, great. >> when you say let's do this, are they all pretty much game? >> they say, come on. we just lay down and hold up the flip cam, and i get this interview, this very conversational and really different. >> yes. >> they feel like they're with their shrink. >> yeah, right. >> let's talk about your singleness. you were doing a show called love in the wild. >> then one called singled out. >> what's going on with you in the men department? >> i don't know what's going with me. >> what's the problem really? is it you? >> i don't know. i wish someone would tell me. my sister probably here would say yes, it is. you know, i am a serial dater. i had the next one lined up. this is the first time in my life that i'm going, you know what, i'm going to take some time for me because the order was like this for single moms. work so you can pay the bill, evan, and then a boy, and that boy has to be so good he is going to take time away from number two? you better -- >> how about we go for a man instead of a boy? >> i know. >> that was a little faux pas. yes, yes. you don't want -- you need -- you know what i mean. >> no, no, no. i mean, you're right. there's a few people that i find very interesting right now. we should see. >> well, don't let us know because it will spoil everything. >> we we should you the best of luck with your show. >> it begins this friday night on vh1. 9:30, right? >> we would love to have ow the show sfwloosh he is hollywood's it guy. another big honor for ben affleck. all the celebrity scoop you may have missed. rob shooter is here, and he is going to a dentist right after the show. >> he is a little toothless at the moment. okay. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. i'd stay clear of that cleaner, too, if i were made of wood and granite. why don't you try pledge? ♪ pledge multi-surface. [ man ] its formula's safe on all kinds of stuff, like this... and this... and this. so furniture has nothing to fear. good boy. [ female announcer ] see your sunday paper for a buy one get one free coupon for pledge multi-surface. s.c. johnson, a family company. as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ the pollock we catch are filleted and frozen within about 24 to 72 hours. and it's a quality mcdonald's expects. waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. that's all i know.onal. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. prior to joining h&r block... i was a cfo for 25 years. we know and we understand... tax laws, tax theories. this is my dream job. this is my favorite thing in the world to do. i've done 25,000 tax returns. you might say i've had some experience. i will back you up. bring it on. progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on facebook. >> bringing sexy back to new orleans. a new drama. we have all your hot celebrity buzz coming up. >> plus, the commercials chshgs ones scored and which ones fumbled. >> the newest member of the joy fit club. she lost nearly 150 pounds. we'll find out how she did that. first, your local muse. ooh kfc. hey, you're supposed to wait for everybody. you know what, while we're waiting why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. go on buddy. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ son ] are you even looking for me? i am looking! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded big bites of premium breast meat, seasoned in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. [ son ] dad? [ male announcer ] today tastes so good. - at dole, we start with the best fruit, pack it in %100 juice, and let the award-winning taste speak for itself. dole fruit bowls. made simply, so they're simply delicious. wmeet dream fresh bb cream from? maybelline new york. the instant skin perfector. packed with 8 great skin benefits... maybelline's gelled water oil-free bb smoothes, improves*, hydrates, protects. dream fresh bb maybe it's maybelline. ♪stir it, stir it,ir it, stir it up, stir it up. ♪♪ stir up a smile, with hershey's syrup. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. you're watching "today in the bay." >> good morning to you. it is 10:26. i'm marla tellez. this morning a santa rosa bike rider remains in a coma after being hit bay van in the north bay. 25-year-old tristan humboldt was riding down a hill on trinity road in glen ellen when he drifted into oncoming traffic. he hit the front fender of a minivan then was thrown into a windshield. he has major head injuries and right now is in a medically induced coma at santa rosa memorial hospital. coming up after the break, we'll take a look at the forecast and check the roads. welcome back. the time is 10:28 on a foggy monday morning. this is san francisco, of course. you can see starting to see a little bit of improvement. you can make out the golden gate bridge now off in the distance. right now in the 40s and 50s headed towards the mid-60s. at noon 63 in livermore. rounding out the day at 65. 65 in gilroy. we do have showers on the way. 72 hours away now. time that system out to your doorstep at 11:00. let's check your drive. good morning, mike. >> we had kind of a condensed commute complicated by fog and a crash in sunol. traffic in the last ten minutes is starting to flow better here. the crash at vargas is on the shoulder and involves a porsche cayenne. that's too bad. i've cirqcled it there for the southbound side. the southbound side does have unusual slowing after an earlier crash happened just past the coliseum. we see both sides starting to pick up. a nice smooth pace there. there's the approach to the bay bridge. not a problem through the maze or down through berkeley. >> we like that good news. more of the top stories coming up in 30 minute. >> back now with more of "today" on this fun day upon. time for today's buzz where we catch up on all the hot hollywood gossip you may have missed over the weekend. >> we all saw beyonce bring down the house, but there was other big super bowl concerts. not to mention a big award, another one for ben affleck. with all the scoop, the always naughty but nice huffington post columnist rob shooter. sflo now, rob may be shooting a tooth out at any moment too. >> we want you to be careful because rob almost didn't make the show. we have a picture of his before picture. >> anyway, he lost a couple of his chops, but he is gluing them back in. >> debbie glassman will see me straight afterward to fix my tooth. >> maybe she can do your hair too. >> let's talk about beyonce's big night. >> she killed it. she came out and did eight songs in 12 minutes. >> that's a woman. >> eight songs in 12 minutes. she definitely sang live so people were going nuts. there was a destiny's child reunion on stage that people went crazy for. it was a fabulous time. >> i can't even take a normal -- smile. it's out. it's out. okay. >> listen, justin timberlake did a concert. >> the day before the concert, mark cukan puts on a massive show for his network. >> that's crazy, crazy. >> justin performed at that show. a little bit of drama there. before he did "cry me a river" that song he wrote for britney spears, before he did that, he used a -- >> to britney spears. >> say susan somers. >> susan somers wasn't there. so he used the b-word, and the b-word before he sang this song, so many people now are saying that he called britney the big -- he went on twitter and said that he would never disrespect anybody. it was not aimed at her. >> okay. bobby christina is speaking out after cisse houston's book and interview. >> cissy houston -- >> good one. >> what did she say? >> cissy houston told the truth like i have never read a book about a celebrity where so much was revealed. nothing was held back. people now are pretty angry about it. bobbie christina went to twitter, and said it was a little disrespectful to her mother. other family members have told me that they're a little disappointed, and they wanted to keep the legacy, maybe the fantasy rather than the harsh truth. >> maybe the mother just wants it to be a real -- a profound warning to other people that only the truth is. >> truth will set you free, and there is nothing held back. >> listen to you quoting scripture. >> he said three. i can't understand. >> bates what's going on with ben affleck? >> oh, ben afflick we have to call it him. >> won the directors guild award. he was snubbed for this award at the oscars, so everybody is talking about that. now, he won it, and he had something on his hand. everybody thought it was his acceptance speech. it wasn't. it's a little note from his daughter. i love that. >> i heart papa. >> other celebrities have done that. when sandra bullock adopted little louie, she stuffed his sock in her purse as a good luck charm. >> he is so grounded now. i finally saw "argo" this weekend. i thought it was just sensational. >> wasn't it? >> really fascinating. >> to all these awards, maybe it could knock "lincoln" off that number one spot, and he might go all the way to the oscars. >> people win for best director. speilberg won for -- i have never understood that. you can't give a great performance without a great director. you can't make a great film without a great director. >> you need to go immediately to the dentist. i can't take another minute. >> say susan somers one more time. >> susan somers. >> they made you laugh. they made you cry. which super bowl ads were your favorite? >> we'll look at all the hits and misses after this. lots of different waysle e to say get well to your loved ones. ♪ this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, america's softest tissue, to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we always make our kraft singles with milk, and no artificial flavors, so you can be sure there's no single thing better for your grilled cheese. ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ with a samsung galaxy ii from we straight talk he'll get the same great nationwide coverage for half the cost. let's see if he notices. everyone noticed. joe saved $950 a year. enough to buy some sweet mother of glory pyrotechnics. rock on, abigail. rock on. same phones, same networks. half the cost. a samsung galaxy s ll with unlimited everything just $45 a month. straight talk wireless. only at walmart. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. will restore even skin tone? think again. introducing olay professional even skin tone. developed by experts in skin genomics to target 5 major causes of uneven skin tone and help restore even color. olay professional even skin tone. challenge that with olay facial hair removal duos for fine or coarse hair. first a pre-treatment balm then the effective cream. for gentle hair removal at far less than salon prices. there's no place like home. the delightful discovery. the sweet realization that you have a moment all to yourself. well, almost. splenda® no calorie sweetener. splenda® makes the moment yours™. from my great-great-great grandfather... i kinda wanna be a part of that. we've been growing delicious apples for generations and that's the kind of quality that mcdonald's expects. ♪ whether it was the chrysler ad about farmers that tugged at your heart strings or the samsung spot -- i would love to hear him say samsung spot. paul rudd that made you laugh. this year's batch of commercials was definitely creative. >> good news for advertisers as well. it's shaping up to be the most watched -- >> really? >> -- super bowl in history, we hear. here with the roundup of what worked and what didn't is abby clauson, the editor of "advertising age magazine." hello. >> what about that blackout? we were wondering, is that going to cause problems? >> that was unprecedented, wasn't it? if i was an advertiser in the fourth quarter or the end of the third quarter during that black-out, i would have been very, very nervous, but after the game i would have felt very, very relieved because it was so close that -- >> people like me said who knows how long this is going to go on, i got to work tomorrow, and they turned -- >> there were some of those, i'm sure. i turned to the puppy bowl myself. you know, what you tune back and then it became a great game, and i think then people started tuning back in, and like you said, hoda, it's going to turn out to be one of the most watched ever. you know, very relieved. >> let's talk about some of the ads. some we've seen before, and it felt like a re, do and there was some new ones like the tide ad. >> i loved that one zoosh i loved that one. >> they go back together pretty quickly. >> tell us why it hit. >> it was perfectly contextual. it's a football game. everybody can identify with the situation here. rabid fandom, and the punch line was just great. >> genius. >> when she showed up with that ravens jersey on, and it was just -- >> i like when he is reenacting zoosh i know, right? >> i had it like this, and i had it like this. >> let's listen. >> oh, i washed it. >> you washed it? >> it had a stain on it. >> oh. >> go ravens. >> and then it's about the product. it's the super bowl. you're paying a lot of money to sell a product. >> you go into it, but -- >> exactly. >> what are they selling, right? >> let's watch samsung, and then we'll react to it. >> pitch me something. >> people love commercials with talking babies. >> talking babies sfwloosh we just used seth. >> in a diaper. >> i don't wear a diaper. >> you would wear a diaper for samsung, though, right? >> i would wear a diaper for samsung. >> whaels you got? >> crowd snores. >> put it out on the internet that you want people to second you ideas, and you don't have to think of ideas. >> that might be good for this spot. >> we go to the galaxy into the gala galaxy. we don't train them. dproo become an asian rapper. >> i don't think we can do that. we're not asian. >> what i love about this ad is, first of all, they have great chemistry, paul rudd and seth rogan. even if you haven't seen "breaking bad" he is hilarious in this ad so you have this great chemistry, but they're also sort of -- they're making light of super bowl advertising. at the same time managing to talk a lot about samsung. >> yeah. >> it's an ad that ad geeks like me get excited about, and i think the broader audience. >> do you have a personal favorite? >> you liked it better than the clydesdale horse one? >> that was close. >> ice cubes in your veins. >> cold water. >> this -- there were a lot of warm and fuzzies. this one was beautiful. >> it was beautiful. >> oh. a man who loves his horse. >> they should make that into a movie. two hour and a half movie for me. >> this is directed by ridly scott's son, which is sort of interesting. a big name director on it too. >> we have a couple of seconds, but what do you think -- name a couple that missed the mark. >> i know a lot of people loved the m & m ad, but there was something about if you are going to personify an object, let's not go that far. it's just a little weird for me. the m & m. >> the go daddy one with the making out one. that was weird. i'm sorry. >> it was strange. it was eye-catching. everybody watched it at the party i was at. >> some turned away because they didn't want to watch it. >> they watched it out of horror or maybe it wasn't -- >> oh. sfoo thanks for joining us. >> i wonder how many takes they had to do for that? >> he said 80 something. >> thanks very much. >> she dropped 143 pounds, and she looks amazinamazing. we'll show you the dramatic before and after of the latest member of the joy fit club. mom, can i have a treat? pleeeeeeeease? pleeeeeeeease... [ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. pleeeeeeeease... less than 100 calories and made with real fruit pleeeeeeeease... thanks mom! [ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. yeah go hide. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. today tastes so good. for $19.99. it's the latest haircolor trend. ombré. now l'oréal lets you create this dark to light finish yourself. with wild ombré from feria. exclusive lightening formula plus an expert brush lightens hair lengths in a stroke. so easy. feria wild ombré. from l'oréal paris. your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. we've got a lot of empty cans. ♪ break the ice with breath-freshening cooling crystals. ice breakers. ♪ >> team now for another installment of look at me now, the joy fit club. >> our newest member is 25-year-old lisa smith who lost a whopping 143 pounds and changed her whole life. let's take a look at her story. >> my name is lisa smith, and i have had weight problems since i was 10. my mom took me to nutritionists, dietitians, doctors, personal trainers, and i tried a lot of popular diet programs, but nothing worked because i would always sneak food and exercise was difficult due to chronic back pain. my weight skyrocketed after i got married and moved out of my childhood home. in three years i gained 113 pounds mostly from dining at restaurants and eating huge portions of fast food. my parents encouraged me to lose weight, but i wasn't able to make the mental commitment. i didn't want to face the fact that my eating was out of control. in april 2011 my mom finally convinced me to attend my first weight watchers meeting. she told me that if i didn't do something, i was going to die. sense my first meeting, i have lost 143 pounds by replacing high fat and high sodium restaurant meals with healthier home cooked options. i make healthy dinners on sunday to last throughout the week, and my husband prepares and packs healthy lunches for us every morning. when i first started my weight loss junior where i, i could barely walk. i now swim and walk regularly. i want to inspire others to eat healthy in their youth to set a firm foundation for their future. >> what a doll. before we ask lisa to come out, we want to say hello to the leader of our pack, joy. >> you are about to meet the stunning young woman who has literally transformed her entire life. you won't even believe it's the same person you just saw on the tape. she's very committed together with her husband to cooking these healthy lower calorie meals at home. >> however, she also still frequents occasionally on the weekends the fast food chains, and i want to show you what she does because she's so strategic. when she hits kfc she used to get the about 490 calories -- >> the ones that taste good. >> now she's going for the grilled. it still has the skin on it, but 220 calories, right? >> that saves a lot. >> when she hits domino's she ugt to get the regular slice, 640 calories for both. if you order their artisan line, it's a little smaller and thenner crust. 320 calories. >> wow. >> that is really good. >> yeah. >> and with mcdonald's, this is the angus beef bacon and cheeseburger, right? almost 800 calories. >> this looks good to me. look at the wrap next to it. >> it's the same thing, but in the snack wrap. it's still the angus beef, bacon, and cheese, but 390 calories. >> you have to -- >> come here. >> this is lisa's before picture. all right. lisa, come join the joy fit club. >> oh, my god. >> oh. >> gorgeous. >> you look awesome. >> how are you? >> wow. >> are you working. you know it. >> how long did it take you, leeza, to take off all the weight? >> it took me 88 weeks. >> you are counting the weeks, right? >> and exercise is a part of your regimen as well? >> yes. i exercise with swimming and walking, and it mepz helps a lot. >> besides the fact that you are stunning, how has it changed your life? >> just daily activities that you wouldn't think would make a big difference, but it does. like just putting on your shoes in the morning or getting out of bed. >> wow. >> your husband is right around the corner zoosh how in love is he? >> ah, sweet. >> very sweet. >> wow. >> does she seem like a different person to you? >> she does. in fact, the beauty that she had inside when i met her is now displayed outward. >> ah. >> that's great. that's -- happy valentine's day. you're an inspiration to everybody. some healthy cooking in the kitchen. >> delicious comfort food you can whip up on a busy week night. this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now best foods mayonnaise is just $2.77. so pile it on. pizza is served. digiorno pizza is just $3.88. and here's a treat. dreyer's ice cream is only $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. ♪ >> back now on "today's kitchen" what's cookin, and today we're putting betty crocker on a vegan diet. >> many of you go meatless on mondays, and dan and annie promised that with these delicious recipes, we're not going to mess the meat. >> really, dan? snoo really. you're not going to mess it. >> betty goes vegan. >> it's got a very, very hit row look to it. it's cute. >> it does. >> what are we making today? >> we're starting with vegan chicken and pesto sandwiches. you can get vegan chicken in my local grocery store. it's made out of soy. like a veggie burger, but made to taste like chicken. we mushrooms and tomato, zucchini and olive and some pine nuts. >> stick it all many there. >> we're going to use pesto to give us nice flavor. >> love pesto. >> i could eat pesto at everything. fwoo we have a nice pesto res piece in the book. we have garlic. and some pink himalaya salt, which is the best salt for seasoning vegetables. mroo it replace the oil that come from cooking regular chicken. >> this isn't about getting calories. this is about -- what's the main point of being vegan -- being meatless? what's the point? what's the greatest benefit? >> i think everybody has their own, like, reason why they go vegan. for us we love animals, and we don't want to eat them. some people want to lose weight. some people they care about their cholesterol. it's whatever your reason is. >> whatever your reason is. okay. what are you doing? >> we're going to take these and bake them in the oven in tin foil pouchs. >> oh, like this. >> staems together. >> for how long? >> for about 375 for about 15 to 20 minutes. >> okay. good. >> quick and easy to make. you could have whipped up a batch of these during the super bowl blackout. >> you're making sandwiches out of it? >> we unload our pact, and make your sandwiches up. >> we like to keep it nutritious as possible. >> that one is going to be crunchier than you might expect. >> then you can top it off with some peppercinnis. >> there's a lot of oil in there. >> leave that in the packet. >> moisture from the vegetables, kath. not oil. >> they steam up, and that's how you get your vegetables to be all nice and flavorful. >> you put some of the hot stuff on there? >> however many you want. >> looking nice. >> you are good to go. >> shall we head around back after we finish making these up? >> come on back. >> it looks delicious. >> okay. we'll go around back. >> okay. >> i want to grab this. thank you. >> what are we whipping up back here, sweetie? >> we're going to make sweet potato risotto. you are going to take a dutch oven and add white wine and set that to a simmer. you're going to add some diced red onion, and you're going to add -- well -- >> back off. >> i don't want to think about cooking. >> and then we're going to while that's sort of cooking, we're going to let the red onion cook down a little bit. >> uh-huh. >> we're going to mash some sweet potato. >> look what she's doing. neat. >> we only have a few seconds left. >> i know. i'm hurrying here. >> dump it in there. >> and we'll start eating, shall we? >> then it just keeps -- you -- what do you do? >> you add the risotto rice and it kwoox cooks for 20 minutes and add vegetable broth. add all your seasonings. sfwoo we're iffing to finish it while we go to break. [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. nbc bay area news starts now. at the 50. and the ravens have won it. 34-31. >> ouch. after a long, hard fought game, the 49ers lose the first super bowl in franchise history. good morning. i'm marla tellez. >> i'm jon kelley. we talked about it, a rough way to start a monday. still painful to say it. the quest for six still coming up short. after a monumental comeback, 249ers couldn't quite get it done. >> they lost last night. players were understandably disappointed after the game and so was team owner jeb york. >> our goal is to win the super bowl. game up a little bit short this year, but i'm proud of what we've done. and we're going to accomplish that goal. >> the 49ers will touch down in san jose in jus


Transcripts For WBAL Today 20130204

from the elementary school in newtown, connecticut, singing "america the beautiful." fair to say not a dry eye in the house or any house when that song was going on. >> you can see the football players even struggling on the field. they want to go in there, all ra ramped up for the game. but that was very emotional. >> jennifer talked about how hard the rehearsal was, to be around those kids. she said she went around, hugged them one by one. said i'm praying for you. you combine the stage she's on with the gravity of that moment, that's a huge performance. >> we were chatting before she went on with you and said i don't even know how you got through or even was able to sing. but the kids, i thought, were beautiful. >> they were wonderful. >> the whole spectacle from perspective. >> put it on a human level. >> and then we go past half time. looks like the game is going to be a blowout. 28-6 ravens. people are getting ready to tune out. >> beyonce knocked it out. >> we'll get to beyonce. >> then the lights went out, quite literally. half the lights in the superdome. at least half of them go dark. john harbaugh, he said i think the lights just went out. >> same thing. >> so while this was going on, there are 231,500 tweets, hash tags included power outage, blackouts, super bowl blackout, blackout bowl. just a wild moment for which this game will be remembered. >> this is going to sound weird. i really enjoyed the blackout. that was probably my favorite part of the game. >> you need a life. >> i was like, come on, get back to it. >> it's unexpected. you don't -- reading the funny things on twitter. i watched the super bowl for the blackout. >> that's not supposed to happen. in this world -- you assume at that level -- >> that they test every bulb. >> we live in a time for a split second a lot of people got scared. >> little nervous. >> you think there would be backups. >> wait a second, 2013. so i got scared. thank goodness that's all it was. >> i thought the worst. on twitter, people were hash taging, the reference to the dark knight, there was a scene in that movie. >> i never even thought of that. >> i said to my husband, oh, my gosh, there's a scene in that movie. it crossed my mind for a second. hearing jenna wolfe this morning saying everybody was having fun, being positive and nobody got nervous. that was good to hear. >> some companies actually jumped on the band wagon, like oreo, making that power out, no problem. you can still dunk in the dark. like 10,000 -- retweeted 10,000 times within an hour. >> any time an advertiser can kind of seize the moment and be part of the pop culture, i bet beer -- beer consumption went through the roof at that point. serious. >> i can report that guacamole consumption went through the roof in one household. >> honestly, though, the numbers are going to come out. it's going to hurt. we talked about this earlier. there was a blowout. 35, 40 minutes, they lost a lot of audience. >> do you think people tuned in when they heard there's something crazy going on? >> they were tuned in any how. it's the only time in this country we are all doing the same thing. it's america's town meeting. it's a special, special day. >> and we all watch for the commercial. >> of course we do. >> super bowl commercials. al, you and i, donny, too, agreed on this farmers ad, which was dodge ram truck. what was it about that spot? >> a brilliant advertiser kind of, what i call, co-op an emf i emfamic esos. all that's great about farmers goes into this truck. we sometimes can take farmers for granted. it was beautiful, well done, contrasting the opposite of what jeep did with veterans, which i felt was exploiting. i felt take ownership of all that's great of servicemen and said, hey, here's our jeep. >> i didn't mind that so much. i got a little emotional watching it. >> there was some emotion but then to say, okay, we're selling jeeps with this? i don't know. >> in some way the farm er ad struck me a little bit that way, too, commercializing the farmer with the jeep. i was kind of like -- although you didn't -- not the jeep, the dodge ram truck. although you didn't see it as much throughout. >> which ad did you guys think sucked? >> i think a lot of them. >> come on. we don't want to lose advertisers here, but which ones are you scratching your heads at? >> you know, i think the go daddy thing. >> go daddy. >> but that's a perfect example of, it's interesting. ad that is you like versus effective. we were very deliberate. obviously a lot of people are rewatching our ad. you have a lot of kids watching it. >> if your kids there's a message that, in a strange way, the nerd can win. >> i love that. >> nice going. jeep, you're a little uncomfortable with but, you know, bar refaeli and this kid sucking face, you're like -- well, son -- the chia commercial, i thought that was terrific. >> that was cute. >> hyundai, that was cute. >> mercedes devil ad? >> i liked it. >> worpd what they pay for sympathy for the devil. had to be 3 million to 5 million. >> is that a popular group? >> advertisers have at their fingertips, the music, celebrities. i think contrasting also celebrities, i thought the spot with seth rogan was great, making fun of celebrityies. versus amy poehler, who i love, showed up in best buy. it was just a celebrity endorsement. when you can have fun with yourselves is when it works. >> clydesdale we all loved, though. >> great ad. half time, beyonce turned the lights out. >> literally. >> reunited with destiny's child after six years, came out and absolutely killed it. >> overwhelmed by the performance. >> beyonce is amazing. i thought -- you know, that is theiterally in the world. when destiny's child came out i leaned in further and showed me maybe there wasn't the same level as the stones or some other people. she was great but somehow she didn't seem to be holding as muc much. >> i think she totally speaks to a younger generation, absolutely. in the past, super bowl has gone for the older crowd. >> this is an '80s panel. >> exactly. >> did you notice it when destiny's child came up, the whole thing went up, whole energy went up. it's suggestive of me -- >> no. that doesn't mean there's no energy to start with. >> what do i know? >> and then it was more exciting. >> look, you have handlers that will walk in and grab you. >> baby boomers back out here. >> i'm donny deutsch and i approve this message. >> "meet the press." take three has gotten very ornery. >> strange but delicious things happening over here. cookie or cream oreo created life-size statues of us. >> we've come a long way when i'm the cream and willie is the chocolate cookie. >> is that you, willie? >> you or ronald reagan. >> it's me. >> can we eat them? >> no. >> no. >> that's just not right. >> so are you cookie or cream? >> i don't know. which one is -- >> i'm cream. >> you eat it, right into the cream? >> they belong together, you know. it's like a symphony. >> wow! >> you like that one. >> getting deep. >> they've got this thing for the next three days. you can post a photo with the #cookiethis or #creamthis. oreo, in return, will re-create your photograph made of cookies or cream. >> just in time for the holidays. there you go. >> it wasn't in the budget to have your bust made. donny, thanks a lot. >> large glass of milk to go with that? >> you'll need that to get through me and al's head over there. natalie has the headlines. okay. now in its seventh day, officials say they still don't have a motive for why 65-year-old jimmy lee dykes is holding a child host nanlg an underground bunker. the child is being identified only as ethan. authorities are talking with dykes p, accused of shooting the boy's school bus driver during the abduction. a funeral was held friday for that driver who died trying to protect the kids on his bus. navy s.e.a.l. sniper chris kyle and a friend at the shooting range. eddie ray routh, 25-year iraq war veteran, is charged with killing chris kyle and chad littlefield over the weekend. authorities say routh may have mental health problems and is on suicide watch. as many as 15 people are being questioned in the disappearance and death of a new york city woman in turkey. turkish police say sarai sierra died from a blow to her head. her body was found saturday near the remnants of an ancient city wall in istanbul. the 33-year-old mother of two was last heard from on january 21st, just before she was supposed to fly home from her solo vacation in turkey. amazing recovery for teen activists malala yousafzai. a video message has been released, showing her speak out for the first time. malala was shot in the head by the taliban last october in her native pakistan. she was oshot for her outspoken advocacy. >> today i can see that i'm alive. i can see you. i can see everyone. and today i can see that i'm getting better day by day. >> just an incredible young lady. she also announces the establishment of her new charity, the malala fund for girls' education. the message was recorded before malala's most recent surgery over the weekend, which the doctors have described as a success. the president heads to minneapolis today to meet with local leaders on the issue of gun control. in his annual presuper bowl interview last night he addressed a range of other issues, including the risk of brain injury in children playing football. >> i want to make sure that we're doing everything we can to make the sport safer and that means that the game is probably going to evolve a little bit. >> president obama also addressed the boy scouts' longstanding policy of excluding gays and lesbians, saying that they should have, quote, access and opportunity the same way everyone else does. researchers in england say they have found a skeleton of king richard iii. dna results show the battle scarred bones under a parking lot are, no doubt, those of the king killed in battle some years ago. he was immortalized by william shakespeare as a brutal tyrant who said now is our winter of discontent and my kingdom for a horse. the king will be reburied at a nearby cathedral early next year. lovestruck zombies of "warm bodies" heated up the box office with a $20 million opening. last week's hansel & gretel: witch hunters" dropped to second and "silver linings playbook" came in third. >> warm body. >> when you and i dropped off richard iii when we went out drinking, he wasn't up there, was he? >> that parking lot? >> carried up a few blocks. >> nice. >> i don't remember that. >> natalie, thanks a lot. al, how about a check of the weather? >> some lake-effect snow to talk about. a clipper coming across, bringing snow from milwaukee, chicago, as far south as cincinnati and on into pittsburgh. as the systems make their way across, the first one is coming through this afternoon, late this morning into the afternoon hours and a second system comes down from canada and brings more snow to duluth, minneapolis, on into milwaukee. look generally for three to six inches of snow but lake-enhanced snow will add to that, anywhere from six to nine inches in parts of pennsylvania on into upstate new york between os >> good morning. a chilly start for us but nothing unusual for this time of year. we should make it into the low to mid 30's this afternoon with increasing clouds. dry during the day >> that's your latest weather. that was stevie wonder. >> in the budweiser voodeoo, tht was stevie wonder. >> i don't think anybody knew that. >> they should have broke into song or something. >> all right, al, thanks. donny, thank you. coming up next, inside celebrity homes, right after this. ♪ [ female announcer ] progresso light soups. so many tempting varieties, 100 calories or less. get back on track with these weight watchers-endorsed products at walmart. she can't always move the way she wants. now you can. with stayfree ultra thins. flexible layers move with your body while thermocontrol wicks moisture away. keep moving. stayfree. with just a few ingredients. simple, wholesome goodness. kellogg's. start simple, start right. kellogg's. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much. i appreciate it. i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally. when it's freshly colored... but why cant it last? new dove for color treated hair has a dual stripe formulation that nourishes and protects colored hair, because nourished hair can keep color vibrant for up to 8 weeks. new dove color care. keep the color vibrant, keep the feeling. you know what, while we're waiting why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. go on buddy. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ son ] are you even looking for me? i am looking! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded big bites of premium breast meat, seasoned in the colonel's original recipe. try 10ites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. [ son ] dad? [ male announcer ] today tastes so good. latest issue of architectural digest takes a peek inside celebrity homes. margaret, good morning. >> good morning. are these celebrities eager to have you come inside their home and take photographs? >> they are. it's a lot of fun to go and show another sign of a celebrity. it's very surprising. >> let's take a look at elton john's place, the new place in los angeles. tell us about it. >> new place in los angeles is a kid-friendly home. that's the biggest change. they now have zachary, who is 2, and a newborn, elijah. this house is all about privacy and it's a real sanctuary for them. people in the public eye, it's nice to know they can have a place where they can kick back and enjoy their family and their friends. this place is so sunny and cheerful. it's really built around art. elton john has an extraordinary art collection, collecting art glass, paintings, and photography. >> and shoes, apparently. >> and shoes. those are his shoes. >> his bedroom looks something like a museum. is that fair to say? >> it's fair to say he has one of the most important collections of photographs. for the first time they're all displayed in one place. that house is all about the art. elton told us it's really all about the kids and everything is very child friendly, indoor/outdoor fabrics. >> his child friendly looks different than my child friendly. >> yes. it's about as casual as you can get if you're elton john. >> absolutely. let's take a look at will ferrell's place, new york city apartment. used to be a printing factory, i guess. >> it's a loft downtown. will ferrell is a funny guy. you would not expect him to be so chic. look at this place. it is really, really sophisticate sophisticated. he is also an architecture, and his wife really loves a lot of antiques, filled with mid-century furniture, worked with l.a. modern auctions for a long time. she knows her stuff. this is also a kid-friendly place. they have three little boys between the ages of 3 and 8. that's one of their bedrooms. the wall there is coverd with recycled newspaper, one of their favorite things, they said. >> really cool. simple modern look it looks like. >> uh-huh. >> let's go to another one. john legend. he has kind of cool tastes. what does his place look like? >> so cool and so john legend. he was so excited about decorating. he workd with don stewart, who he met through kanye west. this place is so fun to photograph. little bit of an exotic vibe. he actually has a recording studio at home. a lot of new furniture, old furniture. but it has a great sense of warmth. >> and he has a zen garden in the back as well? >> he does have a zen garden. a lot of terraces around the house. >> very cool. fun look inside celebrity homes. margaret russell, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> good to talk to you. still ahead, olympian leah neil. first these messages. regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories, it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. its creamy, thick texture helps satisfy you. so you won't feel like you're running low on satisfaction. light & fit greek. be light and fit. and satisfied. dare to whisper. whisper new color whisper lip color from maybelline new york. now, sexy sheer color with a whisper soft feel. the secret? pure sheer pigments in a smooth light gel. no heavy waxes, no heavy oils. shhhhhh just a soft kiss of color and shine. new color whisper from maybelline new york. sexy, sheer color with a whisper soft feel. maybe she's born with it. ♪maybe it's maybelline nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. go olive garden's three course italian dinner. it's back for just $12.95. featuring 5 delicious new entrees to choose from. go creamy and dig into rich new penne di mare with shrimp. or maybe go crunchy with new parmesan potato crusted chicken. served with unlimited fresh salad and warm breadsticks. finish with a decadent dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go tonight! go olive garden! and try our unlimited homemade soup, crisp salad, and warm breadsticks lunch. just $6.95! that's 3 moves, 5 jobs, 2 newborns. it's no wonder i'm getting gray. but kate -- still looks like...kate. with nice'n easy, all they see is you -- in one simple step, nice'n easy with colorblend technology, gives expert highlights and lowlights. for color that's perfectly true to you. i don't know all her secrets, but i do know kate's more beautiful now, than the day i married her. with the expert highlights and lowlights of nice 'n easy, all they see is you. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. just out, the annual list of the best children's hospitals in the country. plus easy to make personalized valentine's day gifts. >> after your local news and weather. these heads belong to those who can't put their lives, jobs and loved ones on hold because of a migraine. so when a migraine starts, they grab excedrin migraine. they know excedrin provides fast pain relief. plus it relieves sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea. no wonder it's #1 neurologist recommended. excedrin specializes in ending headaches and like you we won't be easily stopped. not even by migraines. migraines are where excedrin excels. when it's freshly colored... but why cant it last? new dove for color treated hair has a dual stripe formulation that nourishes and protects colored hair, because nourished hair can keep color vibrant for up to 8 weeks. new dove color care. keep the color vibrant, keep the feeling. [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, rich dark chocolate, toasted oats. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. >> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> a little bit on the cold side. as we go into the afternoon, chance for light snow developing late this afternoon and into early tonight. inch or less of accumulation. dry tomorrow for the parades. back now with more of "today" on this monday, february 4th. i'm willie geist alongside natalie morales and al roker. after swimming her way to the bronze in the 2012 olympics, leah neale is on a list celebrating african-americans. we'll look at who else is on that list. plenty of time to make a special gift for your loved ones. they're more personal and may save you some money perhaps. top children's hospitals in the country. we'll reveal the just released list. >> we'll check that out shortly. how about a quick check of the weather? >> let's look ahead, see what we've got for you, starting with the afternoon temperatures way below normal up to the north and west, especially the northern plains. we're looking at warmer than usual temperatures with a jet stream up to the north out in the western part of the country. and as far as our afternoon highs and current conditions, we are looking at snow making its way to the upper great lakes, northeast. lot of rain in the gulf coast into the midatlantic states. more sunshine, cooler than usual temperatures in the southwest on into southern california. that'sfo >> chile but quiet start. we expect increasing clouds heading into this afternoon and a chance of some light snow this evening but dry during the day with a high near 34. >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you. this morning, we are revealing the grio's 100 list, coinciding with black history month. celebrates african-americans who are making a difference in sports, entertainment, politics, education and more. david wilson is the executive editor of and leah neale, who made her list, by swimming to the bronze as a bronn olympian in the 2012 london olympics. >> we are a division of nbc news. we launched in june 2009. we wanted to do something where each year we celebrate african-american history month in a different way, looking forward. we always honor our past, but we also want to honor the folks who are coming forward today, who will be doing great things in the years to come. >> this suspect just a list that affects african-americans. it affects all americans. >> absolutely. president obama talks about citizenship. you can't find a list of better citizens, people who are actually, you know, really making sure that children have better education, that there's health awareness, who are actually volunteering, going into service for our country. so this list is really about 100 americans who just happen to be black. >> let's talk about the young woman sitting here, leah neale. besides the obvious, the medals around her neck, what is it about her that made you want to put her on this list? >> she's obviously very well accompli accomplished, won a bronze at the last olympics. we also see she's going to have a very bright future, hoping to see her down in brazil in 2016. so she's -- i think she's quite poised and accomplished and very much an inspiration to a lot of young african-american women. >> this is a sport where you don't see a lot of african-americans chart an inkr incredible path as you have been able to. what do you say to those who aspire to what you have done? >> i think what i would say to those people who kind of look up to me or kind of do what i did, just to keep to it. keep to your goals. it's not going to be like 100% like easy the whole way. but you just have to be persistent and you'll eventually achieve what you want to achieve. >> you're going to be a role model for all these kids who are coming up. who inspired you? who is your role model? >> while i was growing up with swimming -- when i first got involved in the sport, i very much looked up to natalie coughlin. she was just like the it girl. she was everywhere. she was beautiful and fast. she had so much accomplishments. and then as i grew older, i started looking up to more and more of the national team. and then to be on the same team as them and represent the u.s. was just amazing. i realized how great all these people actually were. >> you're a high school senior, going to stamford, soon, too. >> yeah. >> and had you vu stve you stopk about how your life has changed? when you win that medal, obviously, it takes you in a whole different direction. how has your life changed since then? >> it's changed a lot with all the media, interviews and also getting to meet very interesting and new people. it's just been -- it's changed for the better. i'm so blessed to have this. >> we look forward to seeing you, hopefully in rio, as david wilson talked about. david wilson and leah neale, thank you so much. you can find out more on we'll have more profiles of the top 100 list. up next, personalized valentine's day gifts. ure. but dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can grow and multiply. polident is specifically designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why dentists recommend polident. [ male announcer ] polident. cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. with just a few ingredients. simple, wholesome goodness. kellogg's. start simple, start right. tell me i'm beautiful. tell me we'll grow old together. in sickness and in health. tell me that i'm still the one. that you need me. that i'm your super hero! tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. that's all i need. [ female announcer ] for everything they need to hear this valentine's day, there's a hallmark card. it floats. when hair is this hydrated, it flooows... introducing nexxus hydra-light: a higher standard in hair care that's full of moisture. free of heaviness. hydra-light's salon formulas with light, deep-sea minerals give up to 80% more moisturization that won't weigh hair down. for hair that captivatingly flows. new nexxus hydra-light. [ woman ] you'll never settle again. [ male announcer ] raise your standard. you score little victories every ynow you can do it with dinner. introducing land o'lakes® sauté express®. the all-in-one sauté starter with butter, olive oil, herbs and spices... so dinner really sizzles. it's one step, no prep. and so good, they'll ask for more. and that little victory is a pretty big deal. land o'lakes® sauté express. find it in the dairy aisle. can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno. i've got to get breakfast ready for my two leading ladies. while managing their schedule with my producing partner. i set up kid's corner so they can learn and play games without deleting my stuff. "working mom" is sometimes a tough role to play, but it's definitely the one i was born for. [ clattering, children laughing ] and...action. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now buy one nokia lumia 920 for just $99.99 and get a second one free at at&t. ♪ i'm halfway to your heart ♪ you have to let me know ♪ so i don't make my worst mistake ♪ ♪ turn around and let you go [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. made with sweet, smooth peanut butter and salted, roasted peanuts. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious. >> announcer: "today" celebrates valentine's day is brought to you by silky smooth dove chocolate promises. the perfect little treat for all your valentines. this morning on "today" celebrates valentine's day, homemade gifts with a very personal touch. jodi levine joins us. good to have you here. >> good to be here. >> this idea comes from photos. >> people are taking so many pictures nowadays on their phones and so many great apps help you easily turn them black and white. we used a lot of photography in our valentine's. >> first a little sweet treat but first with that personal touch. >> we found these cute boxes online that are clear. >> where did you find these? >> we printed the pictures on vellum, which is cool because it's transluscent. you take your box lid, trace it, cut out the circle. i'll show you how to put it in the box. it's so easy. take a glue stick, couple of dabs of glue. you don't even need to use a lot. the paper is very lightweight. you pop it on the lid. i did the wrong side. you pop just a couple of dabs. >> you also made delicious-looking cookies. >> you could fill these with homemade treats or go to the store and get candy, whatever you want to do. see how cute that is? >> gorgeous. all right. i'll move on to my next project here. jewelry. >> this is a sweet way to give a photograph. it's a very sentimental gift. the craft store instead of the jewelry store. jewelry making aisle of the craft store, a modern necklace here. that would be cool for a grandma, one with each grand kid. >> tiny picture to go in there. >> they have all different sizes. we had a lot of fun finding photographs where they interact with a locket as a way to present it. you see there's a picture right here with a baby. and it looks like the baby is holding the locket. this is a cute way to present it. >> i like that idea. >> i get stationary? tell me what to do here. >> sending out valentines you can do a stationary upgrade. we love the way high-end stationary has that tipped edge, bright pop of color. this is an effect you can get at home. take a straight edge ruler. these pens are very vibrant and bright. if you just line -- put your ruler to the and edgy rub the marker back and forth. >> what color are we using here? >> bright orange. love these bright colors for valentine's day and take sticky paper. these stickers at the craft store cut a stamp edge. >> i love that. >> regular cards or envelopes. >> dresses it up a little bit. gives it a little pop. al, making pillows, his favorite. >> first these bags. personalized bags. >> these canvas pouchs are great. there's no sewing. they're prebought. you can get fabric that goes into your ink jet printer. we printed this on to the fabric and then ironed it on to the facing. >> it turns it into like a patch. i'm going to lay it on here. you don't want to put your iron on to the photograph. take a scrap fabric, give it a little iron. and use a very hot iron, no steam. >> you don't have to buy a new piece of equipment. >> no, you have it. and you probably have an ink jet printer. and you're done. you can even put a gift inside of it. >> gift within a gift. >> yes. >> and you can make pillows. >> yes. >> guys love a pillow. >> can't get enough. >> on the bed, 30, 40 pillows. >> 20 pillows. >> that would be terrific. >> go over there, al. sit on that chair. >> yeah. >> they have this nice linen that goes into your ink jet printer. >> it goes right on the pillow? >> yes. we soed it into a very simple pillow. >> who are these people? >> friends and family. >> do they even know they're on a pillow? >> probably not. >> thank you very much. >> willie is really into the project. >> you just need to do 100 more of those. >> jodi levine, thank you so much. great ideas for all of us. thanks. coming up next, the country's best children's hospitals right after this. [ female announcer ] this year, i have a lot more than one valentine. one, for making my perfect cup of coffee. one for being the perfect neighbor. and one for no reason at all. ♪ waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? that's just my speed. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. ♪ [ female announcer ] mcdonald's dollar menu just keeps getting better. introducing the all-new mouthwatering grilled onion cheddar burger, topped with melty white cheddar and caramelized onions. plus all your tasty favorites for just a dollar each. ♪ every day, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. 80 calorie chocolate cereal. vo: for cold and flu season, honey, don't use your sleeve. there's clorox bleach. i'm here with daphne oz, a model of healthy habits. so daphene, do you eat activia. i do it's always in my fridge. and you know activia isn't just for minor digestive issues. exactly, it's also important for my overall well being because it helps regulate my digestive system. and when you feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside! whether at work, with friends, on a special night, or just enjoying an activia. shine from the inside out with activia. ♪ dannon to say get well to your loved ones. ♪ this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, america's softest tissue, to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue. >> announcer: "today's" health is brought to you by kleenex brand tissues, softness worth sharing. >> with more on "today's" health, the best children's hospitals in the country. from "parents" magazine, revealing their top picks. dana, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> how did you come up with this survey and the hospital that is ended up on the list? >> this took an exhaustive amount of research. we went to more than 66 children's hospitals in the u.s. and we asked them each to fill out the survey, a thousand data points. 66,000 pieces of data later, we have the winners. >> from data points to dana points. like that. >> right. >> number one, children's hospital of philadelphia, better known as c.h.o.p.s. >> exactly. >> why listed as number one? >> you have to do everything well, which is true of all the hospit hospitals on our list. >> this is a very close list. >> yes. severe cases of leukemia and one-dose treatments for neuroblastoma and lymphoma. >> as far as research and studies go, unparalleled, boston. >> exactly. they published thousands of studies the past two years. you also had to be family friendly. boston children's hospital has a clown care unit from the big apple circus. >> that's great. >> not about caring for clowns. clowns will come and interact with the children and make them feel better. >> in cincinnati, their hospital there. >> cincinnati children's hospital medical center was number three on the list. they're really interesting. they do a lot of things well. they put an mri in their neo neonatal intensive care unit. they're leading a study of migraine prevention for children and next month will open up pet visitation so that pets and kids can visit, they can see their actual pets from home. >> neonatal care, children's hospital in milwaukee exceeds in that. >> exactly. children's hospital there, 90% of babies born under 2.2 pounds, the most severe preemies, 90% go home with their families, an exceptional rate. >> in aurora, colorado, number five overall but you say their family friendliness far exceeds everyone's. >> specialty lists for heart care, preemie care and cancer care. they were number one on the family friendliness list. >> let's say you can't get to one of these five. what should you be looking for in a children's hospital? >> if you have a child with a very severe condition, for some families that means you have to travel to get to one. you want to enlist the help of your child's personal physician or specialty team and really don't give up. you can often enroll a child who is really ill in a study and those hospitalizations are paid for, for families who really need it. >> dana, special guest with us tomorrow. in studio, joining us for take three. and a lot more, from 90210. up next, kathie lee and hoda, probably talking about the big game. >> that's right. super bowl mania after your local news and weather. have a great day, everyone.


Transcripts For WRC Today 20130204

flips and slams into a truck. eight people are dead and dozens others injured. what the driver said moments before the crash. and search for answers. what happened to the new york city mother found murdered in turkey? we'll talk to her mother "today," monday, february 4th, 2013. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a monday morning. i'm savannah guthrie. >> and i'm willie geist in this morning for matt. we have the backup generators all gassed up just in case. super bowl xlvii will be remembered for a long time. yes, for the game's dramatic finish but perhaps more so for that power outage. if the ravens had not held on to win that game we would be talking conspiracy theories. >> apparently the game got very exciting toward the end of it. when the lights went out etook it as a personal hint and went straight to bed. >> i've been briefing uh-uh on the outcome of the game all morning long. >> we'll be live in new orleans. and the ravens head coach john harbaugh, will be here to join us to tell us what it was like to beat his brother's team in the biggest game of both of their lives. we'll be talking about those commercials, some of them popular, some of them not so much. >> we'll tell you which are some of the viewers' favorites. $40 million gas platform sinking into the sea. the crew was forced to hang on for dear life. we'll have the story behind that accident. >> and on a much lighter note, we're starting our year-long countdown to the olympic winter games in sochi, russia. take a look the what is going on out on the plaza this morning. this is freestyle skiing, practicing their moves on trampolines. jenna wolfe is in new orleans for us this morning. good morning to you. >> reporter: savannah, good morning to you. what a game last night, complete tale of two halves. the guys in back of me were die-hard ravens fans. they couldn't stop screaming the whole first half. the guys in front of me, die-hard 49er fans. they couldn't stop screaming the whole second half. in between me, beyonce, a blackout and a little game known as football. >> half the power in new orleans stadium, the superdome here, is out. >> reporter: just taken a commanding 28-6 lead with a kickoff return when suddenly out went the power. local officials said the outage happened after a piece of fault-sensing equipment detected an abnormality. fans, players and a worldwide tv audience waited for 34 minutes and waited and waited. when the lights came back, so did the 49ers. >> and a touchdown, san francisco. >> reporter: once looking like a snoozer, the longest super bowl in history became a nail biter that came down to the very last play. but in the end the ravens held off san francisco's furious comeback. >> it hasn't sunk in yet. crazy. unbelievab unbelievable. >> reporter: ravens quarterback joe flacco nabbed the game's mvp award. and while he helped court with the media, we took the field with his teammates. that game was a lot closer than either team would have liked. in the end the ravens did what the ravens came to do, picking up the first-ever ravens super bowl win. how much did the blackout bother you guys, mentally? >> it didn't really bother us. we've been through a lot worse than that. >> reporter: you look war torn and beat. >> every fiber that i had. >> reporter: that belongs to you guys now. >> that thing is so beautiful. >> what are you feeling now? >> i'm feeling great. >> reporter: how much did that blackout stop the momentum you had going? >> 30-minute break. beyonce, her half-time show, killed it, absorbed all the energy. >> reporter: oh, yeah. about that beyonce, singing live as promised, she lit up the superdome with all her single ladies and the destiny's child reunion many were hoping for. on this night, beyonce left the national anthem to fellow diva alicia keys. ♪ o say can you see >> reporter: while jennifer hudson joined the choir from sandy hook elementary with emotional rendition of "america the beautiful." at the end of the night, though, it was the ravens who were the better team with older brother, john harbaugh, besting his younger brother, jim. >> it's never pretty. it's never perfect, but it is us. >> reporter: their parents celebrating a bittersweet victory and players soaking up a tough win in the big easy. >> amazing. phenomenal. listen to them! baltimore, we're champions! >> reporter: here is the deal, guys, as far as the blackout goes. it lasted about 34 minutes. i got a chance to walk around a little bit. nobody panicked. nobody was overly concerned. nobody rushed the field. for the most part everybody was calm. there was a bad attempt at a wave that went around. it was refreshing to see everyone wait this whole thing out. as a payback for them, they had an amazing second half. there you go. willie? >> jenna wolfe in new orleans for us. thanks. for more of this so-called blackout on the bayou and what it was like to be in the superdome at the time, let's bring in mike lipka. the lights go out, you're sitting in the press box. what is the first thought in your mind? >> i don't know how it works at your house, but i can't even fix a circuit breaker in my house. when it got dark there i immediately being a trained reporter said this is not a good thing and only a sick and twisted person would hope it had something to do with the half time show, but you're wondering as a sports writer, is this going to change the game? jacoby jones had turned out the lights on the super bowl. if somebody had told you here is what is going to happen in the next hour and a half, the 49ers are come back and have the ball in the air to with a chance to win the game, you would have laughed. >> clearly something changed during those 34 minutes. what do you think the real impact was on the players as they stood there and waited for lights to come back on? >> reporter: going into the super bowl, you always hear the two-week layoff is going to affect one team or another. you knew somehow there might be a momentum shift. you just didn't know. it looked like, willie, it was going to be one of those blo blow-out super bowls out of the pass. instead it turns into one that will be memorable in 9,000 ways. it started the resumption of mardi gras a little early in new orleans last night. >> for all the planning, all the preparation that goes into these super bowls, all the rehearsal -- not just in new orleans but in any city -- the question a lot of people are asking is how could that have happened? do we have any more information about what happened last night? >> reporter: the company is called en techlt tergy. they're still calling it an abnormality. which, by the way, we were able to figure out for ourselves. this was such a comeback week for new orleans. great american city. this is a celebration of the city and everything went so great until there were about 13:22 left in the second half of the super bowl. >> and then we got a good game after that. i don't think anybody will blame the city for that one. mike lupica, surviving in the dark in new orleans last night. thank you so much. >> reporter: we'll have a touch football game. >> sounds good. we'll have a lot more on the super bowl, commercials, half-time show coming up a little bit later. for now here is savannah. to that tense hostage drama in alabama entering its seventh day. this morning, police say they are still communicating with the suspect, holding a 5-year-old boy in an underground bunker. gabe gutierrez is covering the story for us in midland city, alabama. good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. the little boy, ethan, is supposed to turn 6 years old very soon. that means there's the haunting possibility that he could spend his birthday as a hostage. police are choosing their public comments very carefully, because the suspect might have access to television. ♪ you raise me up >> reporter: south alabama is in mourning. bus driver charles poland's funeral sunday, friends and family remembered a man who died, protecting children. >> his actions spoke louder than any word that is could ever have been said about him. he laid down his life for the kids on that bus. >> reporter: police say his alleged killer, jimmy lee dykes, boarded a stopped school bus and demanded two kids. when poland refused, police say dykes shot him to death and took a boy named ethan with a mild form of autism hostage. >> i wish i could just hug him and hold him and tell him it's going to be all right. >> reporter: dykes has kept ethan in an underground bunker allowing him crackers, coloring books and medicine. as the standoff enters the second week, there's no telling how long it could last. psychologists say the toll on ethan could be significant. >> the over dd riding thought in his head is that he wants his mother, that he just wants to be out of that situation. >> reporter: the ordeal brings back eerie memories of another kidnapping in 1976. three men with guns abducted 26 children, ages 5 to 14 from a school bus in chalchilla, california, the kidnappers forced them underground. they spent 16 terrible hours there, clutching each other in tears. the kids and their bus driver, also hailed as a hero, managed to escape. but 37 years later for many, the scars remain. >> the long-term effects are very deep. to this day, i'm 46 years old and i sleep with a nightlight. and that's not normal for an adult. >> reporter: in that case, the motive was ransom. here in alabama, the reason is still a mystery. at this point little ethan has been trapped underground for more than 134 hours, savannah. >> gabe gutierrez in alabama for us. thank you. natalie morales is at the news desk with this morning's other top stories for us. good morning. >> good morning, willie and savannah. good morning, everyone n. southern california, at least eight people have been killed overnight when officials say a bus carrying tourists from tijuana, mexico, slammed into the back of another car on a mountain road. 40 other people were injuried in the collision. the u.s. company operating the bus had no crashes in the past two years, according to federal records. the president heads to minneapolis today to meet with local leaders on the issue of gun control. in his annual presuper bowl interview last night, the president addressed a range of other issues, including the risk of brain injury in children playing football. >> i want to make sure that we're doing everything we can to make the sport safer. and that means that the game is probably going to evolve a little bit. >> president obama also addressed the boy scouts' longstanding policy of excluding gays and lesbians saying that they should have, quote, access and opportunity, the same way everyone else does. a new york icon is laid to rest today at the funeral for former new york city mayor ed koch. former president bill clinton speaks at the manhattan service and koch's favorite subway station will be renamed in his honor. leon panetta defended the use of unmanned drone strikes to target potential terrorists who are a threat to the u.s. in an interview on "meet the press," he says the decision to strike doesn't come lightly. let's head to wall street with cnbc's kayla toshi. good morning. >> hiring in december, wall street hopes the rally will continue. two specific stocks today, cbs, host of the super bowl, and entergy, the company responsible for the blackout. how much will it cost them both? >> interesting. thanks. an iranian natural gas platform sank last week in the persian gulf. workers are scrambling along the rig as it simpgs but iran has not commented on the number of injuries or fatalities in the sinking. it has been in jeopardy since sanctions have caused western companies to withdraw. dramatic face-off outside of buckingham palace during a changing of the guard when a man burst through a security barrier, wielding two large knives, holding one to his throat. police moved in and managed to the 44-year-old with a taser. he appears in a london court today. researchers in england say they have found the skeleton of king richard iii. dna results show that the battle scarred bones found under a parking lot are beyond doubt those of the king killed in battle from 500 years ago. richard iii was immortalized by william shakespeare as a brutal tyrant who delivered the famous lines now is the winter of our discontent and my kingdom for a horse. the king will be reburied at a nearby cathedral early next year. it is 7:15 right now. you are up-to-date. let's turn it over to savannah, willie and roker, the soon-to-be raven. >> natalie won the sbet you will be donning a ravens costume. >> something like that. >> what we could conjure up. >> we'll try to get the mascot costume in. we have a few with that. >> thanks so much. yes. well, we are talking about a lot of snow throughout the great lakes. got a clipper system, one of two, pushing through. snow from milwaukee into buffalo and upstate new york. the system will move quickly. dump about three to six inches of snow over the next 24 to 48 hours. it will also have a secondary system back behind that. so we are looking generally at one to three inches, widespread area of three to six. in the traditional lake effect areas and erie, jamestown and upstate new york, six to nine inches of snow, as mauch as a foot. beautiful sunrise under way. good morning, i'm tom kierein. live view from the nbc 4 hd city camera. now 7:17. the sun has been up for six minutes. sunrise at 7:11. 27 at reagan national with a northwest breeze and the dew point 10. late tonight after inkreezing clouds this afternoon between 8:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. >> and that's your latest weather. willie? >> al, thanks very much. to texas, search for the motive of a u.s. navy s.e.a.l. another iraq war veteran is charged in that case. lester holt has the latest on the investigation. lester, good morning. >> willie, good morning. i get to meet and spend time with chris kyle last year for the release of his autobiography. he was the most lethal sniper in u.s. history. he and a friend were gunned down at a shooting range in glenrose, texas. a sad twist of fate for a man who became a hero on the battlefield. america's deadliest military sniper who, over four it tours in iraq, made over 160 confirmed kills, a number chris kyle told me a year ago was not the one he focused on. >> every person i killed, i have a clear conscience of. they were actively trying to harm americans, military or civilians. >> reporter: he and his friend, chad littlefield, were shot to death. the alleged killer, eddie ray ralph, former marine, arrived at the range with the victims. after killing them with a semi automatic handgun at close range, he drove to his sister's house and confess ed to the murders before returning home. >> he was apprehended without any scuffle or fight. and then early this morning, he was arraigned and brought to our jail here where he is now. >> the sheriff says his understanding is that ralph may suffer from mental problems related to his military service, but offer nod specifics or possible motive. >> i don't think anybody knows why. they all went out there together. >> reporter: much of kyle's time in iraq was spent providing sniper cover for troops. insurgents nicknamed him the devil of ramadi. >> it gave me pride, knowing i was doing my job enough to get into the minds of the terrorists and make them fearful of me. >> reporter: back here in the states he started a company in his native texas and raised his public profile with projects like the nbc reality show "stars earn stripes" which paired celebrities with soldiers to carry out military-style missions. >> tap, rack, bang. >> reporter: kyle said he was raised to be patriotic, but also had a strong faith in god. that faith especially saw him through his last combat tour, when he was shot twice, one bullet stopped by his body armor. the other, deflected off his goggles. >> i had a guardian angel out there and i'm sure he hates me, because i would come home and i would break my toe going up the stairs. but every time i went overseas, he kept me safe. >> reporter: chris kyle leaves behind a wife and two children. according to officials, eddie ray ralph has been arraigned on two counts of murder. >> and our thoughts are certainly with his wife and those two kids. lester holt, thank you so much. new details on a mysterious death of a new york mom killed in turkey. her mother opens up in an exclusive live interview. first this is "today" on nbc. i watched the super bowl for the power outages but a lot of people liked the commercials. >> like the clyesdale. >> a boy and his horse. works every time. >> works every time. >> uso commercial with oprah. >> very patriotic, and pulled at the heartstrings. there were funny ones. i have a favorite but i was up so late, i forgot it. >> we'll show you some of our favorites and your favorites coming up. and what people are saying about bean beyon beyonce's performance after your local news. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil® is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and for sinus congestion, now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant. breathe easier with advil® congestion relief. made with milk, cream... a touch of sugar... and pure, natural flavors. coffee-mate natural bliss, from nestle. now try new low fat chocolate. nah, i'm good. ♪ [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicoderm cq, the patch with time release smart control technology. quit one day at a time with nicoderm cq. ♪ start right. ♪ kellogg's simple grains cereals take you from seed... ♪ spoon. with just a few ingredients. ♪ kellogg's raisin bran, corn flakes and rice krispies. simple wholesome goodness. start simple. start right. gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more... [ midwestern/chicago accent ] cheddar! yeah! 50 percent more [yodeling] yodel-ay-ee-oo. 50% more flash. [ southern accent ] 50 percent more taters. that's where tots come from. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. 50% more spy stuff. what's in your wallet? this is a news 4 news break. >> good morning. it's 7:26 on monday, february 4. i'm aaron gilchrist. a problem on the roads in montgomery county where a school bus has been involved in an accident. danella has more with first 4 traffic. >> good morning. here is the update. earlier the crash was on east-west highway westbound at connecticut. if you were southbound on connecticut two of the right lanes were blocked. all of the westbound lanes were blocked. that accident is now clear. we'll talk about delays, not bad. approaching east-west highway along east-west highway you are sluggish in both directions. your travel lanes are open. over to the beltway under speed at new hampshire avenue. 18 minutes from 95 to 270. aaron? >> you can expect changes if you use metro's pentagon station. today the south entrance of the station closes so the agency can replace three escalators. when completed this fall, the escalators will be similar to those installed at dupont circle. the north entrance will be open during construction. a look at the forecast after this. we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here. good morning. cold now in the 20s. later today in the mid and upper 30s with increasing clouds. tonight we might get a coating to an inch of snow. all the areas in light blue. that's much of virginia and maryland, the district. farther north and west out of the mountains one to two inches between 8:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. on a tuesday. could have a slick morning commute tomorrow. it melts tomorrow afternoon and then on wednesday, thursday into the weekend each day highs in the 40s. maybe rain on friday. that's the way it looks, aaron. >> another ♪ all the single ladies all the single ladies all the single ladies all the single ladies ♪ >> that is beyonce, wowing the crowd and silencing the critics with a stunning, dazzling half-time performance with a destiny's child reunion. jennifer hudson will be along live as well. what was your favorite commercial during the game, the controversial go daddy ad maybe? we'll have the ads that have you talking this morning. super bowl winning head coach john harbaugh will be with us live. >> we'll talk to him. a little later, rare reunion of the cast of roots. most watched miniseries of all time "rowill be live in our stu. new york city mom was murdered in turkey. we'll talk to her mom in a moment. first, richard engliel is live istanbul. >> reporter: police say an initial investigation say there was no evidence of rape, that her body was found wearing its jewelry, found with her bracelet, ring, earrings. many people have been detained for questioning, but so far there have been no formal arrests. a murder that has shock this had normally safe city, the body of american sarai sierra at a morgue as turkish authorities have questioned nearly two dozen people. the 33-year-old staten island woman arrived in istanbul last month on her first trip abroad. sarai sierra rented a room in s istanbul. she planned to come with a friend who canceled at the last minute. she seemed to be having a good time and was in regular contact with her family, relatives said. sierra even took a side excursion trip to the netherlands, returning to istanbul a few days later. still no signs of trouble. then on january 22nd, sierra wasn't on her flight home. the disappearance of tourists in turkey is extremely rare. turkish police set up a special unit and combed through street camera footage. sierra's husband, steven and brother, david, came to istanbul and went to where she was staying but found no area. >> she's missing in istanbul. we have to find her. >> reporter: then, after vanishing for almost two weeks, police discovered sierra's body saturday night by the ancient ra ramparts of istanbul's ancient city. investigators found a blanket. her body may have been dragged to the spot. the police chief said she was killed by a blow to the head. so far, investigators haven't bro provided details as to who may have killed her or why. today, her family members are meeting with turkish authorities doing paperwork and starting the process to repatrepater iate he remains. >> good morning. so sorry to hear this story. are you doing okay? >> i'm hanging in there. >> this must have come as such a shock. >> it sure did. we weren't expecting it. she picked the trip and she was supposed to come back and she didn't. >> i know her husband is in turkey right now, actually met with the police this morning. were you able to talk to him? do you have any more information about what may have happened here? >> it's still under investigation. he's doing paperwork over there and the turkish police, they've been like really, really good and investigating. i mean, the way that my son-in-law explains it, they went over and above searching for her. and he said that right now they think it might be a robbery, but they're not sure. it's still under investigation. >> there was reporting about a man that she may have met, perhaps to take pictures, see some scenic sights. that man was questioned. do you know anything about whether he is believed to be connected to this at all? >> no. they questioned him and released him. they are questioning, i think, four people. i'm not too sure of the details. but they are questioning some people. they haven't said if they're suspects or not. they're just questioning them. >> sarai had two little boys, ages 9 and 11. do they know what happened? >> not yet. they're going to know by -- their father is going to talk to them when he comes back and we'll all be there to support him. >> this obviously was an adventure for her. she wanted to go overseas. you said it was her first trip overseas. why do you think this was important to her? why did she want to go on this journey? >> to her, the first time she was going overseas. she got into photography, college of staten island. and she wanted to go take pictures of the history of the place, kind of like intrigued her. she wanted to go and take pictures. that's what she wanted to do. it was a trip that she was going to take. and that was her intention, of going there, just to take pictures. and she was interested in taking pictures of the bridges. she was fascinated with the bridges. >> i know she kept in close touch with her family and the kids and with her husband pretty much the whole time she was gone. >> the whole time. >> you're holding a picture of her. i want to let you have a chance to show it. she was your baby. this is her. >> yes. >> i know your faith has been really important to you. >> yeah. my faith in christ is really strong. and that's what's kept me through this. there are times that i break down and just get on my knees and i pray and i know that he is giving me the strength to pull through this. and that's what's holding me, my faith in christ. >> our prayers are with you and i just wish you all the best as i know these will be some hard weeks, months and years ahead. thank you for being here to tell us about your daughter. appreciate it. we will switch gears now and get another check of the weather from al. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. >> and as we take a look at the temperatures we're expecting today, the jet stream is way up to the north out west. 74 degrees in austin. north platte, 14 degrees above normal. cooler in the great lakes. the clipper is bringing snow. look at the temperatures. single digits, teens and 20s throughout the northeast to the great lakes. 80s and 70s through texas into florida. partses of the southwest. during the day today we are looking at snow coming across the great lakes, three to six inches there. rain in the pacific northwest. look for more rain through the gulf into the mid mississippi river valley. plenty of sunshine through the southwest into southern california. temperatures a little bit cooler than usual. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. the eastern sky is streaked with contrails at dawn on this monday morning. sunrise was at 7:11. it's now 27 at reagan national. a northwest breeze 5 to 15. very dry. we'll have a coating up to an inch of snow beginning at 8:00 p.m. this morning. ending around 2:00 a.m. on tuesday. that's enough to cause slick spots for the morning commute. >> and any time you need that weather, go to the weather channel on cable or 24/7. willie? >> al, thanks very much. still ahead, who is ready to see mr. roker all dressed up? natalie and al will settle that super bowl bet. we're trying to get that ravens mascot costume here. i don't know if it will get here in time. we'll find something for al. first, the commercials you liked the most during the big game. that's right after this. >> is that my wedding dress? just right. okay. ready... mm-hmm. ♪ happy valentine's day. [ female announcer ] time it just right for valentine's day and save 30% on these diamond fashions from kay jewelers. just one more reason kay is the number one jewelry store in america. ready... [ camera flash ] ♪ every kiss begins with kay [ camera flash ] nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. hey, san francisco fans, get happy! you still got the most beautiful bridge! ♪ we'll make you happy ♪ with hand-layered pasta, tomatoes, and real mozzarella cheese. but what makes us even prouder... is what our real dinners can do for your family. stouffer's. let's fix dinner. [ coughs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] you can't let a cold keep you up tonight. vicks nyquil -- powerful nighttime 6-symptom cold & flu relief. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker. today is going to be epic. quaker up. [ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at we're back now at 7:42 with the game within the game, the commercials. >> independent commercial producers, lara petrecca and donny deutsch needs no introduction. the chairman of deutsch incorporated. good morning. >> good morning. >> what did that 34-minute delay in the third quarter mean to advertisers? >> they were not happy. particularly because it was a blow-out. if the numbers drop -- they guarantee a certain audience for the super bowl. if the audience drops below that, they have to make that up. certainly not a win for advertisers. >> this is the five most popular ads. i'll show a little bit of your number one ad, budweiser and the clydesdale. let's check it out. ♪ took my love and i took it down climbed a mountain and i turned around ♪ ♪ well i've been afraid of changing cause i've built my life around you ♪ >> the panel says this was a winner. >> definitely a home run for budweiser. very powerful ad has great music, iconic clydesdale. there's nothing wrong with this ad. it should be held up to people for perfection. >> talk about tugging at the heartstring there is. >> the number one ad school in the country, resonated with them as well. next generation, knocked it out of the ballpark. >> it's a mean joe green spot. >> and animal stories. >> yes. >> number two, i just remembered what my favorite ad was, this tide commercial. take a look. >> yes! oh. >> dude, you've got montana on your jersey. >> it's a meerk zbll bamiracle. >> baby i got a montana stain on my shirt. >> i was holding my chip like this, and it dropped. >> it's real? >> yeah, it's real. >> craze. >> i miracle montana stain is sweeping the nation. >> there's a really great punch line. procter & gamble decided to wait and reveal this during the game. is that a good strategy? >> yes. also big picture here, detergent, not a car, not a technology. does not expect to do this kind of iconic work. so it shows that any brand can do this. >> here is the payoff right here, she washed the jersey that made him rich and famous. >> and then she says. >> go ravens. >> go ravens. >> explode when this ran, dodge ram, the farmer. >> and on the eighth day, god looked down on his planned paradise and said i need a caretaker. so god made a farmer. god said i need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the fields, milk cows again, eat supper, go to town and go to town and stay past midnight. so god created a farmer. >> the imagery really stands out versus high-production value super bowl ads. they really want to get americana now. that's what they're aiming for. it's no longer apple pie, baseball and chevrolet. they want you to think chrysler. >> you like the ad, donny? >> i thought it was quite brilliant, the same formula as the clint eastwood chrysler ad. it was detroit. put that on our car. own what's great about farmers, put it on the car. same formula. brilliant advertisement. i loved it. my jaw i saw it and said this is the best ad i've seen in a year. what's interesting there's a little bit of blowback because this is one of the moments in time where a an existing piece of art and, in fact, using that type of imagery that's been out there, and farmers have been using it for years, still photos over that very same speech, they took it with some new photographers and made a little bit fresher. it's interesting for the creative input and innovation. a lot of people saying, i wish they had done something more with it. >> let's get to doritos quickly. we showed it a few times last week. this is a consumer-generated commercial. >> laugh out loud funny, great tag line punch line at the end. consumer generated ad phenomenon, they're it. consumer-created ads, doritos. >> and we got to see men in makeup and dress. >> willie, this is obviously his favorite ad. >> you can go private life on me there. usa today ad meter, jeep using oprah's voice with a tribute to the troops. >> half the battle is just knowing this is half the battle. because when you're home, we're more than a family. we are a nation. >> donny, you're shaking your head a little bit. >> i had an issue with this. first of all, obviously anything that pays an ode to servicemen is great. having said that i thought it was a bit exploitive. jeep with its heritage in the military to kind of own that, i felt exploitive, dancing on the line. people liked it. i had an issue with it. >> can i get your verdict real quick? >> whether it's a service member you're missing or someone else you're miss iing in your life - it's interesting. i thought about that last night whether they were going too hard, too strong. >> that's my point, they're selling their car. >> an up or down on that. >> i think it could have gone to bigger places, especially with oprah with that brand and with the military. there were so many pieces that were there. felt like it could have done something a little bit more core to the brand and the military. >> i'm rushing you because we have a special guest star in here. jesse, will you come on out? >> he's back. >> this man's life changed overnight. jesse heiman starred in the kiss seen around the world. >> yes. >> has everything changed overnight? >> it got a great reaction and got record sales and new customers on go daddy. and my -- i got new fans, new followers and everyone -- >> new girlfriend? >> not yet, but maybe some -- you know, i may have some choices for valentine's day. >> is your arm tired from high fiving this morning? >> high fiving and just enjoying it. i'm just -- it's been a great -- great ride. >> whose the agency who did this? it's brilliant. >> oh, donny. >> donny finds his way into it again. congratulations. the guy everybody is talking about. matt, lara, donny, thank you very much. jennifer hudson on the pregame super bowl performance with the sandy hook choir and beyonce's half-time show as well. first these messages. looks like your bags didn't make it. we'll send them to your hotel. [ sad music playing ] this is fun. [ sad music continues ] [ knock on door ] your bags, sir. thanks. both: finally! one taste, and you'll understand. enjoy delicious dunkin' donuts coffee anytime. best vacation ever! pick some up where you buy groceries. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ wow. ♪ what? ♪ mmm. it looks delicious! i didn't work out this morning. i should try it? yeah. actually pretty tasty. sausage, egg and cheese. mmm! this is from special k? no way! that changes things. [ female announcer ] new special k flatbread breakfast sandwiches. with multi-grain flatbread, eggs, sausage, and cheese. it's only 240 calories. if you guys can come back tomorrow, it'd be fantastic. [ female announcer ] a breakfast revelation. what will you gain when you lose? hi, i just switched jobs, and i want to roll over my old 401(k) into a fidelity ira. man: okay, no problem. it's easy to get started; i can help you with the paperwork. um...this green line just appeared on my floor. yeah, that's fidelity helping you reach your financial goals. could you hold on a second? it's your money. roll over your old 401(k) into a fidelity ira and take control of your personal economy. this is going to be helpful. call or come in today. fidelity investments. turn here. ♪ ♪ "love" a collection by prabal gurung, exclusively at target. still ahead, we're jumping for joy to begin our countdown to the winter olympic games in sochi. >> after your local news. i love cheese. did i say i love chocolate? i'm human! and the new weight watchers 360 program lets me be. the reason i'm still in this body feelin' so good isn't because i never go out and enjoy the extra large, extra cheese world we live in. it's because i do. and you can too. because when a weight loss program is built for human nature you can expect amazing. introducing the new weight watchers 360 program. join for free and expect amazing. because it works. [ all kids ] twooooo! [ moderator ] you sure? i am absolutely positive! [ little boy ] two times is awesome. the thing i can do is wave my head and wave my... that's amazing. i've never seen anything like that. look i can do -- hold on -- i'm watching this. i'm getting dizzy... [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. doing two things at once is better. and only at&t's network lets you talk and surf on your iphone 5. ♪ tell me i'm beautiful. tell me we'll grow old together. in sickness and in health. tell me that i'm still the one. that you need me. that i'm your super hero! tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. that's all i need. [ female announcer ] for everything they need to hear this valentine's day, there's a hallmark card. >> announcer: this is a news 4 news break. >> 7:56 is your time now. i'm eun yang. ravens fans are celebrating. their team won super bowl xlvii and this is what federal hill looked like overnight. baltimore is holding a championship parade tomorrow. it is a cold morning and a chance for more snow. storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein has the forecast. >> you need your warm winter coat on this monday morning. we are into the 20s. virginia, maryland, the district. we'll stay below freezing for another two, three hours. then climb to the 30s this afternoon as we get increasing clouds and a coating of snow between 8:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. on tuesday. could be slick spots tomorrow morning. 40s into the weekend. >> your traffic is next. stay good morning. traveling 395 northbound at duke. police just have activity pulled over to the right shoulder lane. as far as your traffic, not bad. 21 minutes to get from the beltway to the 14 street bridge. southbound 395, clear there. i-7270 southbound at 80, report of an accident out of the 8:00 now on this monday morning, the 4th of february, 2013. if you weren't in the mood before, you will be after uh-uh see these guys. it is almost time for the winter olympics in sochi. just a mere -- al and willie will get up there and -- i don't know. >> no. you don't want to see us on trampoline. >> we did that this weekend. >> we got a lot more coming up. we'll be talking about sochi, as we said 367 days to go. as we said on wednesday we'll have a ski slope, 14-foot high slope. mt. rockefeller we're calling it, as we prepare for "today" at sochi. skis, snowboards all that wednesday. >> before that, we have to put a ribbon on the super bowl. coming up, we'll talk about beyonce's half-time show. 've got a celebrity panel to do that, l.a. reed, the music mogul and jennifer hudson, absolutely beautiful rendition of the national anthem. >> knocked it out of the park. >> and natalie and i have to settle our little super bowl bet as well. >> we'll see how little the super bowl bet is. >> in a little bit. >> you're going to wear a raven costume? >> we have some stuff. some stuff. >> ready to announce our friday's field trip this week. >> drum roll, please. >> we are going to chicago. from the beautiful city of chicago this friday. we hope you will be able to join us. if you're in the area, come on down. >> have you got plans? >> i don't know. >> it will be fun. good times. >> one of the great american city cities. >> it didn't snow there today but it will be nice and cold by the time you get there. >> perfect. that's coming up friday. meantime let's head inside to natalie at the news desk with a look at the top headlines. >> good morning, willie, savannah and al. a suspect has been arrested in the murders of navy s.e.a.l. chr chris kyle and a friend. charged with killing chris kriel a kyle and his friend littlefield. lph may have mental health problems and is on suicide watch. the alabama hostage standoff is now in its seventh day. officials still don't have a motive for why 65-year-old jimmy lee dykes is hold iing a 5-year-old hostage in an underground bunker. the child is being identified only as ethan. fbi says authorities are talking with dykes, accused of fatally shooting ethan's school bus driver during the abduction. a funeral was held friday for that driver, who died trying to protect the children on his school bus. the death of a new york city school woman in turkey. sarai sierra died from a blow to her head. her body was found saturday near the remnants of the ancient city walls in istanbul. the 33-year-old mother of two was last heard from on january 21st just before she was supposed to fly home from her solo vacation in turkey. now for an all super bowl edition of what is trending today, our quick roundup of what has you talking online. jazzy take on the national anthem from songstress alicia keys made her a top search, as some criticized her version as being too slow. you be the judge ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ >> well, you weighed in on 56% of you agreed that she could have sped it up a little bit. recent on dline rumors that muhammad ali was near death have the greatest fighting back. his family tweeted these pictures of the legendary boxer in a ravens jersey. from lalia, my dad's health is normal. thanks for all the well wishes. and beyonce's half-time show brought the house down. ♪ i can see your halo halo ♪ >> that is shaq, shaquille o'neal, who tweeted the video saying beyonce was fabulous. he wasn't the only one who thought so. getting a hug from jay-z. anyone doubting beyonce was a showstopper posting lights out! any questions? that's for sure. out to al with a check of the weather. >> obviously a proud husband. some friends here. who's birthday? >> your birthday. >> and your birthday, too and your birthday, too! birthdays all around for everybody. pick city of the day happens to be baltimore, maryland. congratulations. partly sunny, some late snow showers. nb as we look on the satellite you can see activity making it dallas to houston. icy mix through st. louis. snow in chicago. beautiful day in the northeast. lake effect snow around the great lakes. showers in the pacific northwest. sunny and mild through the southwest. gorgeous day in miami. that sound you hear is savannah's teeth chattering. >> i'm sorry. not subtle. >> no, no. >> good morning. just past 8:00 on monday morning. temperatures are cold or below freezing. we are down in the low to mid 20s. mid and upper 20s closer to washington. right now in the bay. later today into the 30s. tonight, a coating of fresh snow. maybe up to an inch in the light blue area. a little more farther north and west. looks like the time frame is 8:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. on tuesday. then we ought to have the melting tomorrow. maybe more >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thanks. coming up, we'll talk super bowl entertainment. jennifer hudson is here along with l.a. reed. they'll talk about beyonce's half-time show and jennifer's wonderful performance. then jenny mccarthy on her new talk show. and a high-flying start to our countdown to sochi. first, these messages. ♪ [ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at but the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down, and you can't grow your enamel back. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel, because it helps to strengthen the enamel. and i believe it's doing a good job. you know what, while we're waiting why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. go on buddy. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ son ] are you even looking for me? i am looking! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded big bites of premium breast meat, seasoned in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. [ son ] dad? [ male announcer ] today tastes so good. made with milk, cream... a touch of sugar... and pure, natural flavors. coffee-mate natural bliss, from nestle. now try new low fat chocolate. of "got my medicare drug card" and "gotta get savings," bring in your prescriptions to walgreens. as a preferred pharmacy provider, we may help you save with lower co-pays. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. she's not famous. ♪ she's never been on a red carpet. ♪ but she's the star of my life. [ female announcer ] kay jewelers presents a new collection from hollywood's premier jewelry designer neil lane designs. my designs are inspired by hollywood's glamorous past. hand-crafted diamond rings, earrings, and necklaces with a vintage look. at kay, the number-one jewelry store in america. for the star in your life. ♪ every kiss begins with kay not just the ones you can find on a map. but the ones you can find in your heart. because inspiration doesn't favor those who sit still. it dances with the daring and rewards the courageous with ideas. ideas that inspire. ideas that take you places you never imagined. ideas big enough to make the heart skip a beat and, in some cases, maybe two. toyota. let's go places. and i was told to call my next of kin. at 33 years old, i was having a heart attack. now i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i didn't know this could happen so young. take control, talk to your doctor. back now at 8:11 with beyonce's show stopping half-time super bowl performance has a lot of people talking. janet shamlian had a front row seat at the superdome. >> when you have a ticket for super bowl half-time is when people normally leave their seats. not here, not last night. as the ravens and 49ers did battle in the first half, for some the main event was still to come, the beyonce bowl. >> superdome, one, two, three, four. >> reporter: forget the bathroom break or running for a refill. p millions were glued to their couches or superdome seats. and if you wanted an electrified spectacle it was signed, sealed and delivered. a rumored reunion of destiny's child came to fruition as michelle williams and kelly rowland appear ed together, flying up from underneath the stage and raising the roof, collaborating on beyonce's song "single ladies" ♪ all the single ladies all the single ladies all the single ladies ♪ >> reporter: for a few minutes, shades of the '90s again as the women channeled their inner charlie's angels. >> good morning, angels. >> good morning, charlie. ♪ bursting in air >> reporter: highly anticipated performance came two weeks after beyonce lip synced the star spangled banner at president obama's inauguration. >> i will absolutely be singing live. this is what i was born to do. >> half the power in the superdome is out. >> i have to say that the beyonce half-time was the best ever. >> reporter: did you see it? >> absolutely the best ever. >> reporter: did she have anything to prove tonight? >> i think she probably did, you know. not to me, but to the majority of the people. i think she probably did. and she wowed everyone. >> reporter: bringing her a game to a worldwide audience. as some on twitter remarked it was kind of the football team to open for her. all that energy. some speculate that it was simply beyonce all the time and, again, that she was the star of the evening. they really liked the show and that the football game was just a passing -- you know, a setup for her. she certainly wowed the crowd here. >> yes, she did. janet shamlian in new orleans for us. thank you, janet. l.a. reed is from epic records and soon to be icon. more on that in a minute. jennifer hudson performed "america the beautiful" with the children's choir from sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> you said just rehearsing with that sandy hook choir was difficult enough, just to get through the song alongside them. what was it like doing live last night? >> it was emotional, seeing the kids and being very close to home for myself as well, it was overwhelming. >> did you get to spend a lot of time with the kids? >> i did. we sat in the room and i got to meet them. we went over the song and that's where i couldn't get through the song because it was just that overwhelming. and before we went out i hugged each and every one of them and we prayed a little bit. and then we got out there. >> incredible performance. >> you were amazing. >> thank you. >> by the way, you were flawless, really beautiful. >> thank you so much. >> emotional. i don't know how you held it together with those kids. and just knowing what they've gone through and they didn't wear it on their faces, which was really great, right? >> they didn't, which is the beautiful part, just to see the little children, being survivors like that. that is the part that took me back in right before i step out to sang. i was like, wow, they are conquerors, they are survivors. and they're babies. >> sure. >> so that was overwhelming. >> you know something about that. >> yeah. >> let's talk about beyonce. did she have something to prove last night? if so, did she do it? >> i don't know if she anything to prove. anyone who is a real fan knows she's the greatest entertainer alive. in case anyone had any doubt she put the lights out last night. >> literally. >> she's amazing. >> i'm watching you, jennifer, when we were running that piece, you're singing along, moving with her. >> she makes you move. you can't help it. >> role model for you? >> oh, my gosh, yes, beyonce, destiny's child. that, for me, was another highlight for myself, being able to be there with beyonce, destiny's child, alicia keys. these ladies are people i looked up to. one day i want to be like them and now i'm singing with them. >> you are like them. >> thank you. >> you are right there. you are amazing. >> but it's an honor. >> as an artist, jennifer, what did you make of the inaugural flack? was there some controversy there, lip syncing for the president? >> not at all. beyonce is a professional and it clearly was her professional decision. people should respect that. it's nothing out of the norm of the music industry, especially for the national anthem. you cannot miss a beat on a song like that. >> you're going to be doing a little singing here on nbc, joining "smash" for a couple of episodes. tell us about it. >> yes. i'm going to say in two days or so. i play this two-time tony award-winning broadway star. it was quite intimidating for me. >> really? >> yes. lines, routines, studio. it's like an ongoing machine. i'm like, oh, my god, help me keep up. >> i have a feeling you did o y okay, jennifer. >> thank you. >> she's a pro. >> it was a learning experience. >> remember "dreamgirls." >> l.a., the grammys are this weekend. you will be honored as an official icon. >> yes. >> how does that feel? >> it's a little unreal. it's humbling. i don't feel like i have achieved that status. long way to go. i was like, man, this is like the end of your career. people who usually get the award are much older. it's a little scary but i'm humble. >> as i said you started young. >> still young, baby. got a lot of work to do. >> beautiful performance last night. thanks for coming to talk with us. two-hour season premiere of "smash" tomorrow 9:00, 8:00 central right here on nbc. up next, jenny mccarthy live in our kickoff to the countdown of the winter olympics, after this. aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. hey, san francisco fans, get happy! you still got the most beautiful bridge! ♪ we'll make you happy ♪ try our entrees, snacks and new salads. wild salmon with basil, garlic chicken spring rolls, and now salads, like asian-style chicken. enjoy 100 delicious varieties under 400 calories. lean cuisine. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] concept. calvin klein underwear. 360 seamless technology. you're always on, so we're always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. no preservatives, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we'll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we always make our kraft singles with milk, and no artificial flavors, so you can be sure there's no single thing better for your grilled cheese. ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ back now at 8:21 with the very busy jenny mccarthy. she just published her eighth book, her seventh to make it on the best seller's list. she is hosting a new talk show called, appropriately enough, the jenny mccarthy show. god to see you. >> you, too. >> i want to ask you about this new talk show but do you have a new tattoo you want to tell me about? >> i do. it's still kind of painful. during the blackout i decided to do something besides gorge pizza and i went next door and got a new tattoo. >> did you really, last night? >> is it a permanent tattoo? >> permanent tattoo. i always wanted one, a little decor. i didn't feel like having a symbol since i don't have a guy that i want to tattoo his name on me. i wanted a little decor. >> everyone does something different during a blackout. >> it could be my midlife crisis. >> what could have happened if you didn't have the blackout. >> right? >> they describe it as kind of like a party on tv. is that the describe you're going for? >> i've been in this talk show development deal for about ten years now. and finally, this is the first time -- i keep saying put me back on tv. and the template i wanted was playboy after dark. hugh hefner, to me -- i do a lot of talk shows as a guest. preinterviews can really, i think, draw the life out of an interview. so we've been doing test shows without them and let them fly. there is a real party going on with bartenders and drinks and go dancers and celebrities don't really know what i'm going to ask. i ask them -- i'm getting a tattoo when i'm bored, you can just imagine what i plan on asking them. >> you do some of these interviews on the floor. >> that's right. >> literally on the floor. >> i wanted to do something different. i have something called groundbreaking interviews. i take the celebrity. we lay on the floor and literally a cameraman hangs over us and the lights in our faces and we have -- we're also sucking our lolli dpops as theyo in the club these days and have real conversations that kind of go off the deep end. i mean, they're sometimes shocking but also a lot of times they give groundbreaking answers. >> we should have done this interview on the floor. you moved to chicago. >> i did. >> how do you like it? >> it's the best thing that ever happened to me. my son said the same thing. he said i don't know what took you ten years to bring me the best city but the next time i'm leaving chicago is with angels. >> ahh. >> he has best friends, catches frogs. i'm not searching for my life, i feel as a mother now, i'm living my life, because my son is in the best place. >> jenny mccarthy, can't wait to see the show. premieres tonight on vh1. now let's head outside to willie. >> savannah, winter olympics about a year away. we begin our countdown "today" in sochi. men on trampolines behind me. analyst for nbc sports. first a little background on fr freestyle skiing. how is it different from alpine skiing? >> alpine is racing down a mountain. freestyle is inverted aerials, like gymnastics, 50 feet above the sky, aerials. >> a lot of the training actually does take place on trampolines? >> it's a great apparatus to train some of the tricks, do some of the flips. >> the names to watch. we begin with carney, won the gold in vancouver. should we expect more in sochi? >> absolutely. she's been dominating since her gold in vancouver. she won 11 out of 13 world cups. she's just getting better and better and better. she's the one to beat in sochi, fast, very smooth. great off the air jumps and will be tough to beat willie, for sure. >> you call her the michael phelps of free style. >> getting a taste of the podium. won two world cups this season and then she's very powerful on the jumps. you can see how strong she is as a skier through the big, long middle section of mogul courses. in mogul it's required to do two aerial tricks. she's very powerful when it comes to air. >> we'll keep an eye on the wilson brothers on the men's side. looks like a lot of fun. fun. i don't know if i could pull it off. we'll be right back after your local news. >> this is a news 4 newsbreak. >> it is 8:26 on monday, february 4. good morning. i'm aaron gilchrist. heads up on the pentagon metro station. they are replacing three escalators and the south entrance will be closed until fall. they will look similar to the ones at the dupont circle station. the north entrance will be open. now here's tom. >> good morning. 20s now. increasing clouds into the 30s. we could get a coating of light snow up to an inch. much of the region, 8:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. on tuesday. could be slick spots tomorrow morning. above freezing tomorrow afternoon. 40s each day all the way into the weekend. might get rain on friday. aaron? >> thank you, tom. a check on the roads when we come back. come back. w nope, no. sorry, love to but can't. i'm sorry, she's very busy. enjoy the rich taste of dunkin' mocha lattes and coffees. now in dark chocolate. indulge in one today. america runs on dunkin'. good morning. a late start around our area, i guess because of the super bowl. not bad on i-95 in virginia. as you make your way to the beltway that drive is taking ten minutes now. that's a live look, not bad. 395 crossing the 14th street bridge, sluggish. you're under speed but not by much. 15 minutes from the beltway to the 14th 8:30 now on this monday morning, the 4th of february, 2013. it is the morning after the super bowl. maybe a tad bit hungover. for al roker it means something different entirely. he and natalie morales bet each other that whoever's team lost, the other would dress up the other team's mascot. >> they took a field trip on friday. al went to san francisco. natalie was in baltimore. loser pays up. boy, is al roker paying right now. ravens casual this morning. >> yes. >> this is the best we could do. coe is a little busy right now, with parades and everything to get ready for. >> i have to say, i thought it would be more embarrassing, but you look good. >> thank you, yes. have you actually seen me? >> i guess maybe my expectations were low. >> the ray lewis dance? >> i knew the rockies dance. >> were you prepared to wear the full miner's outfit? >> i guess they were prepared in wardrobe. pretty close there. >> natalie was trash talking you on twitter last night. >> i'm feeling confident. >> then i got down there and pulled that plug, but -- >> coming up, we'll talk to the ravens coach, john harbaugh. i like that you have your glasses. >> i know. it's not helping. >> the winning coach, absolutely. we look forward to that. >> highest rated miniseries of all time here for a very special reunion. al will sit down and talk with them in a moment. >> are you going to wear this outfit? >> i don't want to scare them. before we get to all that, let's get a check of the weather. >> all righty. great idea. oh, you're over here. you look a lot better. let's show you anyway, let's show you what we've got as far as your weather for the week ahead. above normal temperatures out west. rain in the south. by the time we get to the mid-week period we'll be looking at above normal temperatures in the southeast. rain in the mississippi river valley. wet weather out west. the latter part of the week more lake effect snow including chicago for savannah and matt's friday field trip. we're looking at that. lots of rain in the midatlantic into the southeast. below normal temperatures out west. above normal from the plains down into texas. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> it is a cold morning in the 20s. we have increasing clouds from the west. temperatures will be climbing into the mid and upper 30s by this afternoon. tonight, a coating of fresh snow likely throughout much of the region. the light blue area, up to an inch. the morning commute tomorrow could have slick spots. then it should melt tomorrow afternoon with temperatures well above freezing. could get more light snow tuesday night. highs in the 40s wednesday with. >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thanks very much. quick hello to lisa rambo, the latest contestant to be voted off "the biggest loser" ranch. you just told me you lost 80 pounds? >> yes. >> who knew diet and exercise actually worked? >> you said that you had never worked out really in your life, never been on a treadmill before. when you left the ranch, you felt like an athlete. explain. >> i did. i knew that -- i got hooked up with dolvet, best trainer on the ranch. he really lit a fire in me. week two i knew i needed to start to be the way i wanted to be and then it was a matter of stepping up. >> this has helped you and your family as well. your husband is right over there. >> yes. >> he lost 170 pounds. between the two of us, we've lost a healthy adult, right? >> you have four children at home. you're busy people. for people who say i don't have time to exercise, what do you say to them? >> make it part of your life, incorporate your kids. make a decision. we were going sledding, snow sh shoe i shoeing up. up and down that hill is a workout. >> there you go. >> lost a combined 150-pound loss. congratulations, lisa and tony. thank you very much. biggest loser airs tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central right here on nbc. coming up next, super bowl champion coach, john harbaugh. what was it like to beat his brother in the biggest game on the planet? we'll talk to him live. first this is "today" on nbc. welcome back now at 8:37 with one of the most popular and influential miniseries in television history. 1977's "roots." we're in our own super bowl blackout here. based on powerful book, it traced the journey of ancestors from enslavement to eventual liberation. >> what's your name? >> kunta. kunta kinte. >> kunta kinte was played by lee var burton and kunt's daughter, kizzy played by leslie uggams and the slave that became kunta's confidante, fidler, played by louis gosset jr. it had to be, you know, pretty amazing in itself. did you have any idea how enduring and what a reaction this show would have? >> none whatsoever. >> not at all. >> we were in our bedrooms and kitchens talking about it. we didn't know if the world would accept it this way. >> we knew it was something special when we were filming it, but we had no idea what the impact was going to be. it was amazing. america stopped what they were doing to watch this television show. >> and it also had people, not just african-americans, but everybody all of a sudden looking at their roots. >> people forget that the title of alex's book is called "roots: the saga of an american family." it's not the story of black people in america. "roots" is the american story. >> when you were cast in this, did you have any idea that this -- people throw around the phrase role of a lifetime. >> right. >> but this truly was. >> it was. >> did you have any idea at the time? >> not a clue. i was 19 and didn't know a whole lot about anything. it's true. >> doing scenes with a young man like that because fiddler and kunta kinte had a kinship. so i saw levar being whipped. it really got to me. >> it was one of those roles that you became so identified with. what was that feeling like, to know that you had something that was never done before really? >> it's a miracle, you know. this is my 60th professional year. i've seen a tumultuous change. my relationship with kunta kinte and levar, apologized before he did the scene. i'm sorry, i have to go for it. i said go for it. i looked at that boy being beaten. i knew it was just felt and just makeup. your name is kunta kinte. that's what your name is. and i looked at him and said, you know, there's going to be a better day. that's what alex was talking b of course, there is a better day. look at you, look at us, look at our president. it is a better day. >> beside being an amazing role, it had to be, i assume, emotionally draining day in and day out to act these scene. >> it was very painful, especially the wagon scene. >> yes. >> i realized, my goodness, people were torn away from their families and sold and never to see their relations again. and just to have that happen. and you're totally helpless. there's nothing you can do, nothing your parents can do. and it was just gut wrenching for me. >> levar, you have gone on to obviously some other amazing roles, but when you have something like that so early, does it put maybe some undue pressure on you, that you have to try to match something of this import? >> there was a real challenge to me at the beginning of my career. and my decision was that i had no choice but to just do the best i could every time out because you just -- roles like that don't come along but once in every other lifetime. and so i'm just really grateful that 35 years later, i'm -- we're still here. >> we're still here. >> and working. >> that's the best part. >> that's the best part. and working. >> levar burton, leslie uggams, louis gosset jr., thank you very much. >> airing tomorrow night on pbs. head coach john harbaugh, next. but first this is "today" on nbc. back now at 8:45. he is on top of the football world this morning. john harbaugh, head coach of the super bowl winning baltimore ravens is with us from baltimore this morning. coach, congratulations. >> thank you very much. it's great to be with you guys. >> a lot of people would start an interview asking about the game. i'm not going to do that. i'm going to ask about the power outage. what was going through your mind at that moment? >> just stunned. i looked up and i said i think the lights went out. it was really a great observation there. it was just crazy. we haven't seen that one before. that was new. >> coach, did that change the dynamic of this game? you were up 28-6. lights go out. all of a sudden it looks like the 49ers get second life there. >> it did change the whole complexion. they did a great job. they changed momentum. it wasn't the lights, power o outage, it was the 49ers. not unexpected. going against my brother all these years, you had a sense that they would come roaring back. his team has so much of his personality. they came roaring back. i'm proud of jim and very impressed with that team. >> of course, this was all in the family. every game must have a winner and a loser. in this case, you mentioned, it is your own brother. did you have a chance to speak to him? and what did you say? >> we just spoke on the field right after the game. we haven't spoken since then. i talked to my parents and stuff. he's a great coach, great man. i'm so proud of him. and, you know, we'll move on and there will be lots of challenges in the future and they'll be back, for sure. >> is this going to be one of those things where you can joke about it, trash talk over the holidays or maybe not for a few years? >> i don't think that will ever be the case. anybody who has a brother, you have brothers, you understand how that works. there's no consolation. you just move on to the next thing, next competition or whatever. but really more the family. i love him. we have a great family. we all get along, have a lot of fun. there will be more games. i'm just so proud of him. i think he's the best coach in football. what he has accomplished there in the last two years with the san francisco 49ers, what their team has accomplished with their coaches is unparalleled. >> none of us will ever know what you're feeling today, having defeated your brother in the super bowl. we may never see it again in another super bowl. any mixed emotions? of course you're on top of the world winning the game but about beating your brother? >> completely mixed emotions. walking across the field, i was in his shoes and if it had gone the other way, i know he would have been, too. great to see for our fans, players, coaches. everybody did such a great job. it is a great thing, great accomplishment. at the same time when you're talking about your brother, your blood, your family, you're going to feel that, too. >> coach, savannah has been in the film room all morning, breaking down the game tape. she wanted me to ask you if you were surprised that your brother did not run kaepernick on any of those final four downs given what he had been able to do there in the second half. are you surprised they threw the ball and didn't use his legs? >> not at all. that's what they had to do. we set up the defense so that would be impossible. we were bringing everybody pretty much on every one of the snaps from second down on. there was really nowhere for him to run. the play calls were perfect. they did a good job of executing them. give our guys credit on defense. they did a great job playing defense, great job of execute i ing. the job he did, calling the game all throughout the game but especially there at the end. they did what they had to do. colin made the right choices to throw the ball given the defense he was presented with. >> congratulations to you not just on winning, but great story. hope you get some sleep now and enjoy the day. >> thanks a lot. we were watching your show this morning in the room. you guys do a great job. we love your show. >> thanks, coach. >> thanks, coach. congratulations. >> now that he likes us, i think our day -- our day's not getting better after that. >> you're happy with the kaepernick answer? >> yes. it was gnawing at me. i'm glad we got into that. woel map out your family's meal for the entire week. for this is "today" on nbc. back now at 8:51 with "today's" kitchen. what's for dinner? this morning we're giving you a week's worth of budget-friendly recipes. printable shopping list is available right now at donnate donnatelerestaurant here in new york. you claim to me this is easy. even i could do this. >> even you could do it. print out the recipes and cook this week. >> absolutely. stuffed shells. >> oldie but a goody. take them out half the cooking advertisement al dente. oil them and put them right here. >> how long does cooking al dente, typically? >> about 10 minutes. after five minutes, take them out. >> got it. >> then ground lean beef i browned in garlic. simple pan of marinara with garlic. simmer 20 minutes. we're going to switch. i'm going to put you to work. >> yes, ma'am. for now i'm going to put some sauce in the meat and start mixing. >> right into the meat? >> right into the meat. i love stuffed shells. it's a complete dinner. everyone in the family loves it. your kids will love t you add the pasta. >> can you mix up the meat a little bit? >> yes, you can. if you want to use lean turkey, it's great. if you want to use part skim you can. i'm cooking lower fat these days now that i'm over 40 and had a baby. >> even stuffed shells can be low fat, really? >> come on. get in there. mix it. >> you don't really want me to, it turns out. i was going slow for a reason. no control over there. okay. >> now we have a casserole with oil. i'm going to put a little sauce on the bottom and i want you to take a spoon and stuff one. >> oh, yeah. here we go. >> it really is simple, but it seems like it's difficult. >> how did i do? >> pretty good. >> is that enough in there? >> perfect. >> do another one. >> you line the bottom with oil? >> you have an oven on at 350, then top it with a little sauce. you put a little parmesan on top and, bam! >> wow! how long does this go in the oven? >> five, ten minutes to get a nice crust. it's already cooked everything. it's great for planning if you're a mother, too. you can have it in the oven right when the kids come home, turn it on, finish it off and you're done. >> total time is 20 minutes? >> 20, 30 minutes. it's truly easy. you want balance for the week. salmon, but i cooked it in parchment, heart healthy. i think it's heart month. >> it is. >> my husband is a heart surgeon. >> you should probably know that, donnatella. >> very balanced and fun. >> al and natalie. >> what happened? >> she sped me up and i started throwing it up. >> do you love stuffed shells? >> i love stuffed shells. >> who doesn't love stuffed shells? >> they remind me of my childhood. >> she heard stuffed shells. >> little salad? >> light salad, greens. you can do rice with salmon. complete dish. each of these are complete on their own and you just need a healthy green. >> and the advantage of parchment paper on the fish is -- >> it's an easy way to cook your fish in a very healthy way. you just wrap it in parchment. cook t you can't overcook it. you put vegetables that in season like carrots, turn ips, white wine and olive oil. >> fancier version of boy scout packs. >> exactly. >> sorry about the mess i made. up next, "today's" edition of take three. >> announcer: this is a news 4 newsbreak. >> 8:56 is your time on this monday, february 4, 2013. good morning. taking a look at today's headlines a virginia senate committee will discuss whether to enforce background checks at gun shows in the commonwealth. joe flacco will be honored at disneyworld after being named mvp yesterday. and restaurant week begins at 240 restaurants in the area. now tom kierein is here with the forecast. >> good morning. seven-day forecast showing a couple of times we'll get light snow. that's one tonight, another one maybe tomorrow night. the one this evening may begin as early as 6:00 p.m. or so to the far west in the mountains. into the metro area around 2:00 a.m. on tuesday. maybe a dusting to an inch. then another one tuesday night. highs, 40s into the weekend. >> thank you. we'll get inbound 50 in maryland had a disabled truck that looks like it just left. passing landover you may see this monday morning, 4th day of february. i'm willie geist, along with savannah, al, natalie and our special guest, donny deutsch joining us for take three. good night for the ads? >> i think it was an okay night for the ads. when you look at the success of the clydesdale ad, we're going back to human stories. let's have people finish spots on the air and -- >> nostalgia. >> yeah. really, people want back to basics and great human story. >> we'll dig in to some of those ads in a few moments. take one, most memorable moment, jennifer hudson, we just talked to her here in the studio, and the sandy hook choir from the elementary school in newtown, connecticut, singing "america the beautiful." fair to say not a dry eye in the house or any house when that song was going on. >> you can see the football players even struggling on the field. they want to go in there, all ra ramped up for the game. but that was very emotional. >> jennifer talked about how hard the rehearsal was, to be around those kids. she said she went around, hugged them one by one. said i'm praying for you. you combine the stage she's on with the gravity of that moment, that's a huge performance. >> we were chatting before she went on with you and said i don't even know how you got through or even was able to sing. but the kids, i thought, were beautiful. >> they were wonderful. >> the whole spectacle from perspective. >> put it on a human level. >> and then we go past half time. looks like the game is going to be a blowout. 28-6 ravens. people are getting ready to tune out. >> beyonce knocked it out. >> we'll get to beyonce. >> then the lights went out, quite literally. half the lights in the superdome. at least half of them go dark. john harbaugh, he said i think the lights just went out. >> same thing. >> so while this was going on, there are 231,500 tweets, hash tags included power outage, blackouts, super bowl blackout, blackout bowl. just a wild moment for which this game will be remembered. >> this is going to sound weird. i really enjoyed the blackout. that was probably my favorite part of the game. >> you need a life. >> i was like, come on, get back to it. >> it's unexpected. you don't -- reading the funny things on twitter. i watched the super bowl for the blackout. >> that's not supposed to happen. in this world -- you assume at that level -- >> that they test every bulb. >> we live in a time for a split second a lot of people got scared. >> little nervous. >> you think there would be backups. >> wait a second, 2013. so i got scared. thank goodness that's all it was. >> i thought the worst. on twitter, people were hash taging, the reference to the dark knight, there was a scene in that movie. >> i never even thought of that. >> i said to my husband, oh, my gosh, there's a scene in that movie. it crossed my mind for a second. hearing jenna wolfe this morning saying everybody was having fun, being positive and nobody got nervous. that was good to hear. >> some companies actually jumped on the band wagon, like oreo, making that power out, no problem. you can still dunk in the dark. like 10,000 -- retweeted 10,000 times within an hour. >> any time an advertiser can kind of seize the moment and be part of the pop culture, i bet beer -- beer consumption went through the roof at that point. serious. >> i can report that guacamole consumption went through the roof in one household. >> honestly, though, the numbers are going to come out. it's going to hurt. we talked about this earlier. there was a blowout. 35, 40 minutes, they lost a lot of audience. >> do you think people tuned in when they heard there's something crazy going on? >> they were tuned in any how. it's the only time in this country we are all doing the same thing. it's america's town meeting. it's a special, special day. >> and we all watch for the commercial. >> of course we do. >> super bowl commercials. al, you and i, donny, too, agreed on this farmers ad, which was dodge ram truck. what was it about that spot? >> a brilliant advertiser kind of, what i call, co-op an emf i emfamic esos. all that's great about farmers goes into this truck. we sometimes can take farmers for granted. it was beautiful, well done, contrasting the opposite of what jeep did with veterans, which i felt was exploiting. i felt take ownership of all that's great of servicemen and said, hey, here's our jeep. >> i didn't mind that so much. i got a little emotional watching it. >> there was some emotion but then to say, okay, we're selling jeeps with this? i don't know. >> in some way the farm er ad struck me a little bit that way, too, commercializing the farmer with the jeep. i was kind of like -- although you didn't -- not the jeep, the dodge ram truck. although you didn't see it as much throughout. >> which ad did you guys think sucked? >> i think a lot of them. >> come on. we don't want to lose advertisers here, but which ones are you scratching your heads at? >> you know, i think the go daddy thing. >> go daddy. >> but that's a perfect example of, it's interesting. ad that is you like versus effective. we were very deliberate. obviously a lot of people are rewatching our ad. you have a lot of kids watching it. >> if your kids there's a message that, in a strange way, the nerd can win. >> i love that. >> nice going. jeep, you're a little uncomfortable with but, you know, bar refaeli and this kid sucking face, you're like -- well, son -- the chia commercial, i thought that was terrific. >> that was cute. >> hyundai, that was cute. >> mercedes devil ad? >> i liked it. >> worpd what they pay for sympathy for the devil. had to be 3 million to 5 million. >> is that a popular group? >> advertisers have at their fingertips, the music, celebrities. i think contrasting also celebrities, i thought the spot with seth rogan was great, making fun of celebrityies. versus amy poehler, who i love, showed up in best buy. it was just a celebrity endorsement. when you can have fun with yourselves is when it works. >> clydesdale we all loved, though. >> great ad. half time, beyonce turned the lights out. >> literally. >> reunited with destiny's child after six years, came out and absolutely killed it. >> overwhelmed by the performance. >> beyonce is amazing. i thought -- you know, that is theiterally in the world. when destiny's child came out i leaned in further and showed me maybe there wasn't the same level as the stones or some other people. she was great but somehow she didn't seem to be holding as muc much. >> i think she totally speaks to a younger generation, absolutely. in the past, super bowl has gone for the older crowd. >> this is an '80s panel. >> exactly. >> did you notice it when destiny's child came up, the whole thing went up, whole energy went up. it's suggestive of me -- >> no. that doesn't mean there's no energy to start with. >> what do i know? >> and then it was more exciting. >> look, you have handlers that will walk in and grab you. >> baby boomers back out here. >> i'm donny deutsch and i approve this message. >> "meet the press." take three has gotten very ornery. >> strange but delicious things happening over here. cookie or cream oreo created life-size statues of us. >> we've come a long way when i'm the cream and willie is the chocolate cookie. >> is that you, willie? >> you or ronald reagan. >> it's me. >> can we eat them? >> no. >> no. >> that's just not right. >> so are you cookie or cream? >> i don't know. which one is -- >> i'm cream. >> you eat it, right into the cream? >> they belong together, you know. it's like a symphony. >> wow! >> you like that one. >> getting deep. >> they've got this thing for the next three days. you can post a photo with the #cookiethis or #creamthis. oreo, in return, will re-create your photograph made of cookies or cream. >> just in time for the holidays. there you go. >> it wasn't in the budget to have your bust made. donny, thanks a lot. >> large glass of milk to go with that? >> you'll need that to get through me and al's head over there. natalie has the headlines. okay. now in its seventh day, officials say they still don't have a motive for why 65-year-old jimmy lee dykes is holding a child host nanlg an underground bunker. the child is being identified only as ethan. authorities are talking with dykes p, accused of shooting the boy's school bus driver during the abduction. a funeral was held friday for that driver who died trying to protect the kids on his bus. navy s.e.a.l. sniper chris kyle and a friend at the shooting range. eddie ray routh, 25-year iraq war veteran, is charged with killing chris kyle and chad littlefield over the weekend. authorities say routh may have mental health problems and is on suicide watch. as many as 15 people are being questioned in the disappearance and death of a new york city woman in turkey. turkish police say sarai sierra died from a blow to her head. her body was found saturday near the remnants of an ancient city wall in istanbul. the 33-year-old mother of two was last heard from on january 21st, just before she was supposed to fly home from her solo vacation in turkey. amazing recovery for teen activists malala yousafzai. a video message has been released, showing her speak out for the first time. malala was shot in the head by the taliban last october in her native pakistan. she was oshot for her outspoken advocacy. >> today i can see that i'm alive. i can see you. i can see everyone. and today i can see that i'm getting better day by day. >> just an incredible young lady. she also announces the establishment of her new charity, the malala fund for girls' education. the message was recorded before malala's most recent surgery over the weekend, which the doctors have described as a success. the president heads to minneapolis today to meet with local leaders on the issue of gun control. in his annual presuper bowl interview last night he addressed a range of other issues, including the risk of brain injury in children playing football. >> i want to make sure that we're doing everything we can to make the sport safer and that means that the game is probably going to evolve a little bit. >> president obama also addressed the boy scouts' longstanding policy of excluding gays and lesbians, saying that they should have, quote, access and opportunity the same way everyone else does. researchers in england say they have found a skeleton of king richard iii. dna results show the battle scarred bones under a parking lot are, no doubt, those of the king killed in battle some years ago. he was immortalized by william shakespeare as a brutal tyrant who said now is our winter of discontent and my kingdom for a horse. the king will be reburied at a nearby cathedral early next year. lovestruck zombies of "warm bodies" heated up the box office with a $20 million opening. last week's hansel & gretel: witch hunters" dropped to second and "silver linings playbook" came in third. >> warm body. >> when you and i dropped off richard iii when we went out drinking, he wasn't up there, was he? >> that parking lot? >> carried up a few blocks. >> nice. >> i don't remember that. >> natalie, thanks a lot. al, how about a >> i don't remember that. >> how about a check of the weather? >> lake effect snow to talk about. we have a clipper bringing snow from milwaukee, chicago, as far south as cincinnati into pittsburgh. as the systems make their way across we have the first one coming through this afternoon. late this morning into the afternoon hours and a second system comes down from canada and brings more snow to duluth, minneapolis, milwaukee. look for generally three to six inches of snow. lake enhanced snow adds to that anywhere from six to nine inches in parts of pennsylvania into upstate new york between oswego and syracuse. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. past 9:00. still below freezing. upper 20s to around 30. tonight the system coming through after we reach mid 30s this afternoon. we could get a coating to an inch. perhaps beginning as early as 6:00 p.m. metro area, 8:00 p.m. to midnight ending east of washington by 2:00 a.m. enough to cause slick spots for the morning commute on tuesday. could get another quick event tuesday >> that's your latest weather. that was stevie wonder. >> in the budweiser voodeoo, tht was stevie wonder. >> i don't think anybody knew that. >> they should have broke into song or something. >> all right, al, thanks. donny, thank you. coming up next, inside celebrity homes, right after this. ♪ [ female announcer ] progresso light soups. so many tempting varieties, 100 calories or less. get back on track with these weight watchers-endorsed products at walmart. she can't always move the way she wants. now you can. with stayfree ultra thins. flexible layers move with your body while thermocontrol wicks moisture away. keep moving. stayfree. with just a few ingredients. simple, wholesome goodness. kellogg's. start simple, start right. kellogg's. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much. i appreciate it. i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally. when it's freshly colored... but why cant it last? new dove for color treated hair has a dual stripe formulation that nourishes and protects colored hair, because nourished hair can keep color vibrant for up to 8 weeks. new dove color care. keep the color vibrant, keep the feeling. you know what, while we're waiting why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. go on buddy. one, two... 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[ male announcer ] today tastes so good. latest issue of architectural digest takes a peek inside celebrity homes. margaret, good morning. >> good morning. are these celebrities eager to have you come inside their home and take photographs? >> they are. it's a lot of fun to go and show another sign of a celebrity. it's very surprising. >> let's take a look at elton john's place, the new place in los angeles. tell us about it. >> new place in los angeles is a kid-friendly home. that's the biggest change. they now have zachary, who is 2, and a newborn, elijah. this house is all about privacy and it's a real sanctuary for them. people in the public eye, it's nice to know they can have a place where they can kick back and enjoy their family and their friends. this place is so sunny and cheerful. it's really built around art. elton john has an extraordinary art collection, collecting art glass, paintings, and photography. >> and shoes, apparently. >> and shoes. those are his shoes. >> his bedroom looks something like a museum. is that fair to say? >> it's fair to say he has one of the most important collections of photographs. for the first time they're all displayed in oplace. that house is all about the art. elton told us it's really all about the kids and everything is very child friendly, indoor/outdoor fabrics. >> his child friendly looks different than my child friendly. >> yes. it's about as casual as you can get if you're elton john. >> absolutely. let's take a look at will ferrell's place, new york city apartment. used to be a printing factory, i guess. >> it's a loft downtown. will ferrell is a funny guy. you would not expect him to be so chic. look at this place. it is really, really sophisticate sophisticated. he is also an architecture, and his wife really loves a lot of antiques, filled with mid-century furniture, worked with l.a. modern auctions for a long time. she knows her stuff. this is also a kid-friendly place. they have three little boys between the ages of 3 and 8. that's one of their bedrooms. the wall there is coverd with recycled newspaper, one of their favorite things, they said. >> really cool. simple modern look it looks like. >> uh-huh. >> let's go to another one. john legend. he has kind of cool tastes. what does his place look like? >> so cool and so john legend. he was so excited about decorating. he workd with don stewart, who he met through kanye west. this place is so fun to photograph. little bit of an exotic vibe. he actually has a recording studio at home. a lot of new furniture, old furniture. but it has a great sense of warmth. >> and he has a zen garden in the back as well? >> he does have a zen garden. a lot of terraces around the house. >> very cool. fun look inside celebrity homes. margaret russell, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> good to talk to you. still ahead, olympian leah neil. first these messages. regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories, it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. its creamy, thick texture helps satisfy you. so you won't feel like you're running low on satisfaction. light & fit greek. be light and fit. and satisfied. dare to whisper. whisper new color whisper lip color from maybelline new york. now, sexy sheer color with a whisper soft feel. the secret? pure sheer pigments in a smooth light gel. no heavy waxes, no heavy oils. shhhhhh just a soft kiss of color and shine. new color whisper from maybelline new york. sexy, sheer color with a whisper soft feel. maybe she's born with it. ♪maybe it's maybelline nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. go olive garden's three course italian dinner. it's back for just $12.95. featuring 5 delicious new entrees to choose from. go creamy and dig into rich new penne di mare with shrimp. or maybe go crunchy with new parmesan potato crusted chicken. served with unlimited fresh salad and warm breadsticks. finish with a decadent dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go tonight! go olive garden! and try our unlimited homemade soup, crisp salad, and warm breadsticks lunch. just $6.95! that's 3 moves, 5 jobs, 2 newborns. it's no wonder i'm getting gray. but kate -- still looks like...kate. with nice'n easy, all they see is you -- in one simple step, nice'n easy with colorblend technology, gives expert highlights and lowlights. for color that's perfectly true to you. i don't know all her secrets, but i do know kate's more beautiful now, than the day i married her. with the expert highlights and lowlights of nice 'n easy, all they see is you. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. just out, the annual list of the best children's hospitals in the country. plus easy to make personalized valentine's day gifts. >> after your local news and weather. these heads belong to those who can't put their lives, jobs and loved ones on hold because of a migraine. so when a migraine starts, they grab excedrin migraine. they know excedrin provides fast pain relief. plus it relieves sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea. no wonder it's #1 neurologist recommended. excedrin specializes in ending headaches and like you we won't be easily stopped. not even by migraines. migraines are where excedrin excels. when it's freshly colored... but why cant it last? 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[ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, rich dark chocolate, toasted oats. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. this is a news 4 news break. >> it's 9:26 on this monday, february 4th. good morning. i'm aaron gilchrist. sunny outside now but we could be in for more snow this evening. your storm team four meteorologist tom kierein. >> we have a couple of opportunities for that. once tonight and again tomorrow. the seven-day forecast showing temperatures above freezing each afternoon. any snow we get tonight will be melting tomorrow. we could get a dusting to an inch around the metro area around a 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. ending after midnight tonight. then again on tuesday night. high 40s after that each day into the weekend. maybe rain friday. >> danella is keeping a tab on (woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. whoo! you walk with friends, you meet new friends, and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. 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(woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful good morning. traveling in virginia on arlington boulevard. there is a crash at # 50 and patrick henry drive. the left lane is blocked in both directions. you can expect delays. the crash there does involve multiple vehicles. let's go to 66. not bad at all as you make your way past 28 eastbound. you are just a bit slow here. then again as you get towards chain bridge you will see a little bit more volume. it's not bad. 17 minutes to get from fairfax county to the capital beltway. montgomery county, nice and clear in both directions. aaron? >> don't forg back now with more of "today" on this monday, february 4th. i'm willie geist alongside natalie morales and al roker. after swimming her way to the bronze in the 2012 olympics, leah neale is on a list celebrating african-americans. we'll look at who else is on that list. plenty of time to make a special gift for your loved ones. they're more personal and may save you some money perhaps. top children's hospitals in the country. we'll reveal the just released list. >> we'll check that out shortly. of the weather. >> let's see what we have for you starting with the afternoon temperatures. way below normal up to the north and west. especially in the northern plains. we are looking at warmer than usual temperatures jet stream to the north in the western part of the country. as far as our afternoon highs and current conditions, we are looking at snow making its way on the upper great lakes into the north east. a lot of rain through the gulf coast to the midatlantic states. more sunshine, cooler than usual temperatures in the southwest into southern california. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. i'm tom kierein on monday morning. we are still below freezing. around 30 in much of the region. temperatures will be climbing in the mid and upper 30s this afternoon. tonight, could get a quick coating to maybe an inch to the area in light blue. maybe more of the dark blue area generally between 7 or 8 p.m. to 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. on tuesday. maybe just a few flurries or a light dusting farther south and east. maybe we get it >> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you. this morning, we are revealing the grio's 100 list, coinciding with black history month. celebrates african-americans who are making a difference in sports, entertainment, politics, education and more. david wilson is the executive editor of and leah neale, who made her list, by swimming to the bronze as a bronn olympian in the 2012 london olympics. >> we are a division of nbc news. we launched in june 2009. we wanted to do something where each year we celebrate african-american history month in a different way, looking forward. we always honor our past, but we also want to honor the folks who are coming forward today, who will be doing great things in the years to come. >> this suspect just a list that affects african-americans. it affects all americans. >> absolutely. president obama talks about citizenship. you can't find a list of better citizens, people who are actually, you know, really making sure that children have better education, that there's health awareness, who are actually volunteering, going into service for our country. so this list is really about 100 americans who just happen to be black. >> let's talk about the young woman sitting here, leah neale. besides the obvious, the medals around her neck, what is it about her that made you want to put her on this list? >> she's obviously very well accompli accomplished, won a bronze at the last olympics. we also see she's going to have a very bright future, hoping to see her down in brazil in 2016. so she's -- i think she's quite poised and accomplished and very much an inspiration to a lot of young african-american women. >> this is a sport where you don't see a l of african-americans chart an inkr incredible path as you have been able to. what do you say to those who aspire to what you have done? >> i think what i would say to those people who kind of look up to me or kind of do what i did, just to keep to it. keep to your goals. it's not going to be like 100% like easy the whole way. but you just have to be persistent and you'll eventually achieve what you want to achieve. >> you're going to be a role model for all these kids who are coming up. who inspired you? who is your role model? >> while i was growing up with swimming -- when i first got involved in the sport, i very much looked up to natalie coughlin. she was just like the it girl. she was everywhere. she was beautiful and fast. she had so much accomplishments. and then as i grew older, i started looking up to more and more of the national team. and then to be on the same team as them and represent the u.s. was just amazing. i realized how great all these people actually were. >> you're a high school senior, going to stamford, soon, too. >> yeah. >> and had you vu stve you stopk about how your life has changed? when you win that medal, obviously, it takes you in a whole different direction. how has your life changed since then? >> it's changed a lot with all the media, interviews and also getting to meet very interesting and new people. it's just been -- it's changed for the better. i'm so blessed to have this. >> we look forward to seeing you, hopefully in rio, as david wilson talked about. david wilson and leah neale, thank you so much. you can find out more on we'll have more profiles of the top 100 list. up next, personalized valentine's day gifts. ure. but dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can grow and multiply. polident is specifically designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why dentists recommend polident. 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[ male announcer ] raise your standard. you score little victories every ynow you can do it with dinner. introducing land o'lakes® sauté express®. the all-in-one sauté starter with butter, olive oil, herbs and spices... so dinner really sizzles. it's one step, no prep. and so good, they'll ask for more. and that little victory is a pretty big deal. land o'lakes® sauté express. find it in the dairy aisle. can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno. i've got to get breakfast ready for my two leading ladies. while managing their schedule with my producing partner. i set up kid's corner so they can learn and play games without deleting my stuff. "working mom" is sometimes a tough role to play, but it's definitely the one i was born for. [ clattering, children laughing ] and...action. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now buy one nokia lumia 920 for just $99.99 and get a second one free at at&t. ♪ i'm halfway to your heart ♪ you have to let me know ♪ so i don't make my worst mistake ♪ ♪ turn around and let you go [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. made with sweet, smooth peanut butter and salted, roasted peanuts. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious. >> announcer: "today" celebrates valentine's day is brought to you by silky smooth dove chocolate promises. the perfect little treat for all your valentines. this morning on "today" celebrates valentine's day, homemade gifts with a very personal touch. jodi levine joins us. good to have you here. >> good to be here. >> this idea comes from photos. >> people are taking so many pictures nowadays on their phones and so many great apps help you easily turn them black and white. we used a lot of photography in our valentine's. >> first a little sweet treat but first with that personal touch. >> we found these cute boxes online that are clear. >> where did you find these? >> we printed the pictures on vellum, which is cool because it's transluscent. you take your box lid, trace it, cut out the circle. i'll show you how to put it in the box. it's so easy. take a glue stick, couple of dabs of glue. you don't even need to use a lot. the paper is very lightweight. you pop it on the lid. i did the wrong side. you pop just a couple of dabs. >> you also made delicious-looking cookies. >> you could fill these with homemade treats or go to the store and get candy, whatever you want to do. see how cute that is? >> gorgeous. all right. i'll move on to my next project here. jewelry. >> this is a sweet way to give a photograph. it's a very sentimental gift. the craft store instead of the jewelry store. jewelry making aisle of the craft store, a modern necklace here. that would be cool for a grandma, one with each grand kid. >> tiny picture to go in there. >> they have all different sizes. we had a lot of fun finding photographs where they interact with a locket as a way to present it. you see there's a picture right here with a baby. and it looks like the baby is holding the locket. this is a cute way to present it. >> i like that idea. >> i get stationary? tell me what to do here. >> sending out valentines you can do a stationary upgrade. we love the way high-end stationary has that tipped edge, bright pop of color. this is an effect you can get at home. take a straight edge ruler. these pens are very vibrant and bright. if you just line -- put your ruler to the and edgy rub the marker back and forth. >> what color are we using here? >> bright orange. love these bright colors for valentine's day and take sticky paper. these stickers at the craft store cut a stamp edge. >> i love that. >> regular cards or envelopes. >> dresses it up a little bit. gives it a little pop. al, making pillows, his favorite. >> first these bags. personalized bags. >> these canvas pouchs are great. there's no sewing. they're prebought. you can get fabric that goes into your ink jet printer. we printed this on to the fabric and then ironed it on to the facing. >> it turns it into like a patch. i'm going to lay it on here. you don't want to put your iron on to the photograph. take a scrap fabric, give it a little iron. and use a very hot iron, no steam. >> you don't have to buy a new piece of equipment. >> no, you have it. and you probably have an ink jet printer. and you're done. you can even put a gift inside of it. >> gift within a gift. >> yes. >> and you can make pillows. >> yes. >> guys love a pillow. >> can't get enough. >> on the bed, 30, 40 pillows. >> 20 pillows. >> that would be terrific. >> go over there, al. sit on that chair. >> yeah. >> they have this nice linen that goes into your ink jet printer. >> it goes right on the pillow? >> yes. we soed it into a very simple pillow. >> who are these people? >> friends and family. >> do they even know they're on a pillow? >> probably not. >> thank you very much. >> willie is really into the project. >> you just need to do 100 more of those. >> jodi levine, thank you so much. great ideas for all of us. thanks. coming up next, the country's best children's hospitals right after this. [ female announcer ] this year, i have a lot more than one valentine. one, for making my perfect cup of coffee. one for being the perfect neighbor. and one for no reason at all. ♪ waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? that's just my speed. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. ♪ [ female announcer ] mcdonald's dollar menu just keeps getting better. introducing the all-new mouthwatering grilled onion cheddar burger, topped with melty white cheddar and caramelized onions. plus all your tasty favorites for just a dollar each. ♪ every day, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. 80 calorie chocolate cereal. vo: for cold and flu season, honey, don't use your sleeve. there's clorox bleach. i'm here with daphne oz, a model of healthy habits. so daphene, do you eat activia. i do it's always in my fridge. and you know activia isn't just for minor digestive issues. exactly, it's also important for my overall well being because it helps regulate my digestive system. and when you feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside! whether at work, with friends, on a special night, or just enjoying an activia. shine from the inside out with activia. ♪ dannon to say get well to your loved ones. ♪ this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, america's softest tissue, to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue. >> announcer: "today's" health is brought to you by kleenex brand tissues, softness worth sharing. >> with more on "today's" health, the best children's hospitals in the country. from "parents" magazine, revealing their top picks. dana, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> how did you come up with this survey and the hospital that is ended up on the list? >> this took an exhaustive amount of research. we went to more than 66 children's hospitals in the u.s. and we asked them each to fill out the survey, a thousand data points. 66,000 pieces of data later, we have the winners. >> from data points to dana points. like that. >> right. >> number one, children's hospital of philadelphia, better known as c.h.o.p.s. >> exactly. >> why listed as number one? >> you have to do everything well, which is true of all the hospit hospitals on our list. >> this is a very close list. >> yes. severe cases of leukemia and one-dose treatments for neuroblastoma and lymphoma. >> as far as research and studies go, unparalleled, boston. >> exactly. they published thousands of studies the past two years. you also had to be family friendly. boston children's hospital has a clown care unit from the big apple circus. >> that's great. >> not about caring for clowns. clowns will come and interact with the children and make them feel better. >> in cincinnati, their hospital there. >> cincinnati children's hospital medical center was number three on the list. they're really interesting. they do a lot of things well. they put an mri in their neo neonatal intensive care unit. they're leading a study of migraine prevention for children and next month will open up pet visitation so that pets and kids can visit, they can see their actual pets from home. >> neonatal care, children's hospital in milwaukee exceeds in that. >> exactly. children's hospital there, 90% of babies born under 2.2 pounds, the most severe preemies, 90% go home with their families, an exceptional rate. >> in aurora, colorado, number five overall but you say their family friendliness far exceeds everyone's. >> specialty lists for heart care, preemie care and cancer care. they were number one on the family friendliness list. >> let's say you can't get to one of these five. what should you be looking for in a children's hospital? >> if you have a child with a very severe condition, for some families that means you have to travel to get to one. you want to enlist the help of your child's personal physician or specialty team and really don't give up. you can often enroll a child who is really ill in a study and those hospitalizations are paid for, for families who really need it. >> dana, thank you very much. this is "today" on nbc. special guest with us tomorrow. in studio, joining us for take three. and a lot more, from 90210. up next, kathie lee and hoda, probably talking about the big game. >> that's right. super bowl mania after your local news and weather. have a great day, everyone. >> announcer: this is a news 4 news break. >> 9:57 is the time on this monday, february 4, 2013. good morning. ravens fans get to celebrate their team's super bowl title tomorrow. baltimore will host a parade to honor the team at 10:45 in the morning at city hall. the parade route ends at m & t bank stadium. the celebration continues at 12:30. the whole event is free and open to the public. the ravens beat the san francisco 49ers 34-31 in super bowl xlvii last night. it could be chilly for ravens fans though. let's check in with tom for the forecast. >> right now temperatures are just beginning to approach the freezing mark. we have been in the 20s all morning long. reagan national at 31. still in the 20s in rural areas. could get an inch. danella, how's traffic? >> taking the wilson bridge outer loop. a report of an accident. you're slow because of bridge inspections on the american legion bridge. back to you. >> on mid . from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. welcome to fun day monday. it's our last fun day monday before it's really fun on wednesday. sfwoo we're building it up into a monster of a show. >> we have no idea what it's actually going to be. >> wednesday is the day we start drinking again on the show. >> we're going to enjoy it. >> until then we're going to have a rasberry lemon cooler. it's supposedly spicy. let's see. wow. >> yeah. how was your football weekend? >> it was a fun weekend. >> yes. she went down to palm beach. >> i did go to palm beach. oh, what a surprise. i go to palm beach for a book signing. i'm signing books outside of jennifer miller's jewelry store, a friend of ours. >> right there. love it. >> who walks up screaming where is kathie lee over and over and over again but regis. he showed up, and he said i heard she was coming. hoda, what are you doing here? so, anyway, he lathered this crowd -- he was in the middle of it. >> oh, so sweet of them to come by. >> oh, my god. he kept going i know she's here. everybody said is she here? >> such a troublemaker. >> that's the crowd. >> we get together for dinner as often as we can. usually it's every six weeks or so. we pick up where we were before. every time we would walk into a restaurant regis, i like to quietly get into a booth. he goes that's right, it's regis. look who is here. i can't get rid of her. it's kathie lee. she wants her old job back. i said i'll try. sfwroo before you know it everybody is into a lather. >> that place was so happy. he left, and it was over, and i was still there. >> that's the way he does. he ambushes and leaves you there to pick up the pieces. >> you didn't have a super bowl party in your house. >> for the first time in 27 years we did not have a super bowl party. i liked it. i love all our friends who come to it, but it's aloof work. it's a lot of work. we're getting too old. let young people throw the parties, and then we'll come. >> i can't believe the game. there were so many surprises in the game. >> shall we walk down memory lane a little? >> it started out being a blow-out. baltimore was killing it, and it looked like one of those games that you were going to yawn through like a lot of the super bowl games. then suddenly the lights went out, which was unbelievable. for 34 minutes. the dome lights inside -- part of them stayed on, but most of them were off. >> can you imagine how that takes all the -- all the momentum out of it, all the -- everybody was -- all their emotions are already on the surface. a lot of fights were breaking out. you could tell it was just -- >> very tense. >> i went to bed. >> me too. stoo then they turned the beat around, san francisco, and they've been doing apparently. they had a great comeback, and at the end they couldn't win it, but it was an exciting game, and there was a little bit of drama. >> i heard there was drama at the end. the two brothers, that were coaches, apparently said they weren't nice enough to one another. >> they didn't hug. they seemed nice. here's the thing, though. those two -- if you fast forward to, like, three thanksgivings from now when it's just the two of them and they're having a conversation about that game and the coach from san francisco thinks there was an interference called that was missed at the end and you can already picture -- like, i can't imagine if they don't say, look, it's just me and you. you tell me that that guy -- can you picture it? i picture it's going to be one of those things. >> i don't know, hoda. i doubt we will be privy to it if and when it happens. everybody was talking about beyonce. >> oh, my god. >> she absolutely blew it away. >> killed it. killed it. ♪ baby it's you ♪ you're the one i love ♪ you're the one i need ♪ you're the only one i see >> come on. sing it, girl. >> yep. >> and then when the lights come on. >> come on. >> oh, yeah. >> come on. ♪ come on, baby >> she's one of the finest live performers you'll ever ever see in your life. i've been around since -- and nobody is like beyonce. >> i don't know what -- >> she's fantastic. >> ever, ever, ever. she just has such precision. all the great performers come here out on the plaza all the time, but i have never seen precision like her. >> not like that. she practiced that one to the p end. she was clearly going to singe live. she showed up with destiny's child. >> they're still fantastic together. really, really good. i'm happy for her because that whole thing with the anthem before was -- was much ado about nothing. >> much ado about nothing. >> also, alicia keys, i think she was singing it live. i think in light of beyonce's situation with the inaugural, i think they said, all right, since we're in a super dome and -- >> let's do it live. >> there's no f-16 flying over or anything. >> she made sure you knew it was live. playing the piano and being the way she paused. >> or she was trying to remember the lyrics. who doesn't? ♪ o, say can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ >> see, with that song, you never know why people are taking the pauses. is it the -- and the mountains and the -- >> the pressure. the pressure has to be crazy. >> oh, my -- i got up in church yesterday to read the scripture, and he was trembling. he was. i have no idea. yes. it was fun. the time that i sang the national anthem, ten years later i was at my friend david friedman's partner's son's church. i said, boy, has my career done well. i went from the super bowl ten years ago to a unity church that's on top of a ford dealership. >> but we should point out that the last time the san francisco 49ers won the super bowl -- >> what's the one that i did sing? >> you sang the anthem. >> that is right. >> that's a little bit of history. trivia. >> you know, you know. the touching moment came as the 26 kids from the chorus of the sandy hook elementary school came to the stage with jennifer hudson and sang. >> beautiful. >> "god bless america". ♪ >> "america the beautiful." it was so beautiful. >> i often enjoyed this song even more than the anthem. it's just so profoundly personal. >> you're right. you can tell how it was touching the players. i mean, right before a game to feel that kind of a wash of emotion was something. that was beautiful. that was really beautiful. that's the best of america right there. >> there were a lot of commercials that are -- that were -- >> some hits. lots of misses, i thought. >> overall, i wasn't -- >> i didn't see the second half. i did see that guy are an back the longest ever touchdown. 109 yards. that was unbelievable. >> that was good. one of my favorite ads was the one with the taco bell with the older crowd. >> betty white was going to show up any second with off their rockers. >> it reminded me from "cocoon." >> my favorite one was the clydesdales. >> they're breaking out of the old folks home. >> oh. ♪ >> yeah. i guess we're going to watch the whole thing. okay. >> parts of it. >> no, it's adorable. it really is. they don't stop having fun just because you're 90 or so. >> they were making out. >> you can do it. you really want to. >> oh, that was the moment that joe man man. you got to see the ketchup stain. this guy sitting there and was eating fries, and out of nowhere, look what happens. oh. >> dude, you got montana on your jersey. >> he becomes unbelievably famous. >> they're talking about he was on the "today" show five times. sfloom went like this, and -- >> it's real. >> anyway -- >> the montana stain is taking the nation. >> i don't know how much we're going to see of this. >> let's take it to the end. we're here. >> i saw the stain. >> put it on. >> stain on a stick. >> montana land. >> look. here. >> where is my 49ers jerdzy? >> i washed it. >> you washed it? >> there was a stain on it. >> oh! oh. >> go ravens. >> come on. >> that was so great. >> i was thinking about that one this morning. when was it decided that it was going between san francisco and baltimore? only a couple of weeks ago. snoo they must have had that. >> they shot that thing that fast. >> you're right. >> they probably -- they knew who was in the finals. >> you're right. >> but isn't that amazing? a lot of those other ones are made months and months in advance. >> you're right. they came up with that very, very quickly. >> you're right. can we say hi to julie? >> hi, julie. >> julie is over here. we did a ten years later contest winner. >> she has an amazing story. >> she has an amazing story. she's a two-time cancer survivor. breath cancer and ovarian cancer. her doctors said she had a 17% chance of living, but guess what, it's 2013, it's six years later, and she is still defying the odds. >> she's living well. look how beautiful she is. >> we're going to lunch together. >> okay. excellent. >> we'll see you later. >> in the meantime, we are a little late having our everyone has a story getting back on track because of the new year. do you think beyonce is the only one that can pack a stadium? our winners today, and we will have a song for her on thursday, is vicky. lisa miller. oh, and her daughter. all right. let's figure it out. rochester, new york, and vicky and lisa are on the phone now. after her son was deployed overseas, he asked her to send a gift to his girlfriend, and i guess that's who lisa is. they didn't tell me the name before. vicky started a really cool nonprofit called full circle homes. he said if i can't be there, mom, will you take her a gift for christmas? she realized there must be so many moms or significant other that is would love to receive something special, so she started doing it with the help of her friend, lisa, picked it up, and, sorry, wrote this song a long time ago. and so they've been sending gifts to the troops. >> love it. >> it sounded like a christmas thing in the past, but now they do it for mother's day, so we thought we would highlight their story now to give everybody time to get in their requests for mother's day. >> i love it. >> coming up before -- it will be here. sorry, guys. i butchered that. sorry. >> hey. >> are you excited to come see us? they're excited. >> are you guys drinking? >> you'll be here on thursday. okay? we'll get everything right by then. david and i have written a song i thinkure going to really, really love. we'll figure it all out. thank you, ladies. god bless. >> time for favorite things. you want to go first? this is something -- i talked about it once before, but i think it's so important. the rita hazan root spray. look at my roots. want great. not great. no, no. it's time. it's time. >> i need to go. this is what -- this saves your buns. rita hazan. >> that's the first time you've ever repeated. a favorite thing. >> because i needed it, and i didn't have one. >> okay. mine is i think quite adorable. this is amanda. this is the cutest thing. it's -- can you go back? you skipped mine. please. there we go. tell us about the hat. >> i got you. >> give us the hat. >> it's a beautiful hat. >> oh, yeah. >> here she is. peek-a-boo ponytail hats. they're $36.95. they come in multiple colors. available at >> here's the point. >> here's the point. see, can you turn around? it has a hole there for high ponytail and around you'll find another spot, a lower place for a lower ponytail. >> cute. >> so you don't have to smash it, and i thought that was adorable. thank you, sweetie. >> we should point out there are crazy people in their underwear outside of our window, and that happens often. these people are -- >> not with bodies like that. yeah. let's let those guys come in. >> it's called the cupid undie run. >> you're chad? >> chad. >> it's so -- tell us about your -- >> it's called the cupid undie run and it's to benefit the children's tumor foundation, and it was started by myself and a few friends of mine in d.c. brendan, bobby, and taylor, and this is our new york city race director julie. >> of course, she is. >> who is looking at her? >> very clever idea. >> very sweet. you are getting everybody's attention. >> you are right about that out there in the freezing cold. sfroo we got to let them in. we are cruel. tell them we're sorry. it wasn't my idea. >> this is a preview for saturday. >> we have two spots left in case you're interested. >> this is for matt lauer and this is for al roker. >> oh, thanks, guys. thanks. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> all righty. she is one of hollywood's hottest moms, former playmate of the year, and she's single. a new talk show, jenny mccarthy is here, and from the super bowl performances you may not have seen to another big win for ben affleck. rob shooter is here, and he needs a dentist. we will explain after this. >> he will now be known as ben afflick. >> right after this. ♪ i woke up to a new day ♪ every little thing gonna go my way ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural shredded cheese so you can bring a creamier melt to any morning. ♪ life is amazing with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ crrkkhshziiiizzlllee. beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. pillsbury toaster strudel. ♪ break the ice with breath-freshening cooling crystals. ice breakers. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. yeah go hide. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. today tastes so good. to say get well to your loved ones. ♪ this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, america's softest tissue, to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue. jebby mccarthy is one of the most gorgeous women in hollywood who never seems to age. makes you a little bit crazy. >> yes, it does. >> she even posed for "playboy" again just before turning 40. >> this mom has also written eight books, seven of them on the "new york times" best selling list. >> she's living. >> she's about to launch her own friday night talk show. it is called the jenny mccarthy show. take a look. ♪ >> cute. >> so crazy. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> she goes i'm a single mom. i needed a job. come on. nobody believes that. >> it was a long time in the making, and i have been waiting for this job. i haven't found one that fit me best in hollywood, and talk show, i have been in that circuit of trying to get one going, and i realized where i could be my most authentic self is in late night. i am a little bit of a dirty bird sometimes. >> a little naughty. >> i haven't bleeped on your show, but still the show is pg-13. i have a son that's 10, and he will be in the greenroom, so i can't go too far. one of the things i tried to mimic was "playboy" after dark where hef did welcome to my late night party. a little sammy davis junior. >> that would be quite -- >> i do have the long island psychic coming on the show. i just wanted to make it a party fun atmosphere, and i even do interviews where i lay on the ground. >> i don't understand that. so you're on the ground. what happens? >> it can be quite tricky and stuffy and not their authentic self. i did a little trick with bradley cooper. i want to trick him real good. and i did this thing where i lay on the ground, and he held up a flip cam, and we did this interview face-to-face, and i held on to this for a few years saying i want to kind of put the celebrities on the ground and do this groundbreaking interview, and we do it now on the show, and it turned out to be a -- the best segment on the show. >> great, great. >> when you say let's do this, are they all pretty much game? >> they say, come on. we just lay down and hold up the flip cam, and i get this interview, this very conversational and really different. >> yes. >> they feel like they're with their shrink. >> yeah, right. >> let's talk about your singleness. you were doing a show called love in the wild. >> then one called singled out. >> what's going on with you in the men department? >> i don't know what's going with me. >> what's the problem really? is it you? >> i don't know. i wish someone would tell me. my sister probably here would say yes, it is. you know, i am a serial dater. i had the next one lined up. this is the first time in my life that i'm going, you know what, i'm going to take some time for me because the order was like this for single moms. work so you can pay the bill, evan, and then a boy, and that boy has to be so good he is going to take time away from number two? you better -- >> how about we go for a man instead of a boy? >> i know. >> that was a little faux pas. yes, yes. you don't want -- you need -- you know what i mean. >> no, no, no. i mean, you're right. there's a few people that i find very interesting right now. we should see. >> let us know because it will spoil everything. >> we we should you the best of luck with your show. >> it begins this friday night on vh1. 9:30, righ>> we would love to h show sfwloosh he is hollywood's it guy. another big honor for ben affleck. all the celebrity scoop you may have missed. rob shooter is here, and he is going to a dentist right after the show. >> he is a little toothless at the moment. okay. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. i'd stay clear of that cleaner, too, if i were made of wood and granite. why don't you try pledge? ♪ pledge multi-surface. 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[ female announcer ] see your sunday paper for a buy one get one free coupon for pledge multi-surface. s.c. johnson, a family company. as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ the pollock we catch are filleted and frozen within about 24 to 72 hours. and it's a quality mcdonald's expects. waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. that's all i know.onal. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. prior to joining h&r block... i was a cfo for 25 years. we know and we understand... tax laws, tax theories. this is my dream job. this is my favorite thing in the world to do. i've done 25,000 tax returns. you might say i've had some experience. i will back you up. bring it on. progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on facebook. >> bringing sexy back to new orleans. a new drama. we have all your hot celebrity buzz coming up. >> plus, the commercials chshgs ones scored and which ones fumbled. >> the newest member of the joy fit club. she lost nearly 150 pounds. we'll find out how she did that. first, your local muse. ooh kfc. hey, you're supposed to wait for everybody. you know what, while we're waiting why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. go on buddy. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ son ] are you even looking for me? i am looking! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded big bites of premium breast meat, seasoned in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. [ son ] dad? [ male announcer ] today tastes so good. - at dole, we start with the best fruit, pack it in %100 juice, and let the award-winning taste speak for itself. dole fruit bowls. made simply, so they're simply delicious. wmeet dream fresh bb cream from? maybelline new york. the instant skin perfector. packed with 8 great skin benefits... maybelline's gelled water oil-free bb smoothes, improves*, hydrates, protects. dream fresh bb maybe it's maybelline. ♪stir it, stir it,ir it, stir it up, stir it up. ♪♪ stir up a smile, with hershey's syrup. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant >> back now with more of "today" on this fun day upon. time for today's buzz where we catch up on all the hot hollywood gossip you may have missed over the weekend. >> we all saw beyonce bring down the house, but there was other big super bowl concerts. not to mention a big award, another one for ben affleck. with all the scoop, the always naughty but nice huffington post columnist rob shooter. sflo now, rob may be shooting a tooth out at any moment too. >> we want you to be careful because rob almost didn't make the show. we have a picture of his before picture. >> anyway, he lost a couple of his chops, but he is gluing them back in. >> debbie glassman will see me straight afterward to fix my tooth. >> maybe she can do your hair too. >> let's talk about beyonce's big night. >> she killed it. she came out and did eight songs in 12 minutes. >> that's a woman. >> eight songs in 12 minutes. she definitely sang live so people were going nuts. there was a destiny's child reunion on stage that people went crazy for. it was a fabulous time. >> i can't even take a normal -- smile. it's out. it's out. okay. >> listen, justin timberlake did a concert. >> the day before the concert, mark cukan puts on a massive show for his network. >> that's crazy, crazy. >> justin performed at that show. a little bit of drama there. before he did "cry me a river" that song he wrote for britney spears, before he did that, he used a -- >> to britney spears. >> say susan somers. >> susan somers wasn't there. so he used the b-word, and the b-word before he sang this song, so many people now are saying that he called britney the big -- he went on twitter and said that he would never disrespect anybody. it was not aimed at her. >> okay. bobby christina is speaking out after cisse houston's book and interview. >> cissy houston -- >> good one. >> what did she say? >> cissy houston told the truth like i have never read a book about a celebrity where so much was revealed. nothing was held back. people now are pretty angry about it. bobbie christina went to twitter, and said it was a little disrespectful to her mother. other family members have told me that they're a little disappointed, and they wanted to keep the legacy, maybe the fantasy rather than the harsh truth. >> maybe the mother just wants it to be a real -- a profound warning to other people that only the truth is. >> truth will set you free, and there is nothing held back. >> listen to you quoting scripture. >> he said three. i can't understand. >> bates what's going on with ben affleck? >> oh, ben afflick we have to call it him. >> won the directors guild award. he was snubbed for this award at the oscars, so everybody is talking about that. now, he won it, and he had something on his hand. everybody thought it was his acceptance speech. it wasn't. it's a little note from his daughter. i love that. >> i heart papa. >> other celebrities have done that. when sandra bullock adopted little louie, she stuffed his sock in her purse as a good luck charm. >> he is so grounded now. i finally saw "argo" this weekend. i thought it was just sensational. >> wasn't it? >> really fascinating. >> to all these awards, maybe it could knock "lincoln" off that number one spot, and he might go all the way to the oscars. >> people win for best director. speilberg won for -- i have never understood that. you can't give a great performance without a great director. you can't make a great film without a great director. >> you need to go immediately to the dentist. i can't take another minute. >> say susan somers one more time. >> susan somers. >> they made you laugh. they made you cry. which super bowl ads were your favorite? >> we'll look at all the hits and misses after this. lots of different waysle e to say get well to your loved ones. ♪ this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, america's softest tissue, to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we always make our kraft singles with milk, and no artificial flavors, so you can be sure there's no single thing better for your grilled cheese. ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ with a samsung galaxy ii from we straight talk he'll get the same great nationwide coverage for half the cost. let's see if he notices. everyone noticed. joe saved $950 a year. enough to buy some sweet mother of glory pyrotechnics. rock on, abigail. rock on. same phones, same networks. half the cost. a samsung galaxy s ll with unlimited everything just $45 a month. straight talk wireless. only at walmart. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. will restore even skin tone? think again. introducing olay professional even skin tone. developed by experts in skin genomics to target 5 major causes of uneven skin tone and help restore even color. olay professional even skin tone. challenge that with olay facial hair removal duos for fine or coarse hair. first a pre-treatment balm then the effective cream. for gentle hair removal at far less than salon prices. there's no place like home. the delightful discovery. the sweet realization that you have a moment all to yourself. well, almost. splenda® no calorie sweetener. splenda® makes the moment yours™. from my great-great-great grandfather... i kinda wanna be a part of that. we've been growing delicious apples for generations and that's the kind of quality that mcdonald's expects. ♪ whether it was the chrysler ad about farmers that tugged at your heart strings or the samsung spot -- i would love to hear him say samsung spot. paul rudd that made you laugh. this year's batch of commercials was definitely creative. >> good news for advertisers as well. it's shaping up to be the most watched -- >> really? >> -- super bowl in history, we hear. here with the roundup of what worked and what didn't is abby clauson, the editor of "advertising age magazine." hello. >> what about that blackout? we were wondering, is that going to cause problems? >> that was unprecedented, wasn't it? if i was an advertiser in the fourth quarter or the end of the third quarter during that black-out, i would have been very, very nervous, but after the game i would have felt very, very relieved because it was so close that -- >> people like me said who knows how long this is going to go on, i got to work tomorrow, and they turned -- >> there were some of those, i'm sure. i turned to the puppy bowl myself. you know, what you tune back and then it became a great game, and i think then people started tuning back in, and like you said, hoda, it's going to turn out to be one of the most watched ever. you know, very relieved. >> let's talk about some of the ads. some we've seen before, and it felt like a re, do and there was some new ones like the tide ad. >> i loved that one zoosh i loved that one. >> they go back together pretty quickly. >> tell us why it hit. >> it was perfectly contextual. it's a football game. everybody can identify with the situation here. rabid fandom, and the punch line was just great. >> genius. >> when she showed up with that ravens jersey on, and it was just -- >> i like when he is reenacting zoosh i know, right? >> i had it like this, and i had it like this. >> let's listen. >> oh, i washed it. >> you washed it? >> it had a stain on it. >> oh. >> go ravens. >> and then it's about the product. it's the super bowl. you're paying a lot of money to sell a product. >> you go into it, but -- >> exactly. >> what are they selling, right? >> let's watch samsung, and then we'll react to it. >> pitch me something. >> people love commercials with talking babies. >> talking babies sfwloosh we just used seth. >> in a diaper. >> i don't wear a diaper. >> you would wear a diaper for samsung, though, right? >> i would wear a diaper for samsung. >> whaels you got? >> crowd snores. >> put it out on the internet that you want people to second you ideas, and you don't have to think of ideas. >> that might be good for this spot. >> we go to the galaxy into the gala galaxy. we don't train them. dproo become an asian rapper. >> i don't think we can do that. we're not asian. >> what i love about this ad is, first of all, they have great chemistry, paul rudd and seth rogan. even if you haven't seen "breaking bad" he is hilarious in this ad so you have this great chemistry, but they're also sort of -- they're making light of super bowl advertising. at the same time managing to talk a lot about samsung. >> yeah. >> it's an ad that ad geeks like me get excited about, and i think the broader audience. >> do you have a personal favorite? >> you liked it better than the clydesdale horse one? >> that was close. >> ice cubes in your veins. >> cold water. >> this -- there were a lot of warm and fuzzies. this one was beautiful. >> it was beautiful. >> oh. a man who loves his horse. >> they should make that into a movie. two hour and a half movie for me. >> this is directed by ridly scott's son, which is sort of interesting. a big name director on it too. >> we have a couple of seconds, but what do you think -- name a couple that missed the mark. >> i know a lot of people loved the m & m ad, but there was something about if you are going to personify an object, let's not go that far. it's just a little weird for me. the m & m. >> the go daddy one with the making out one. that was weird. i'm sorry. >> it was strange. it was eye-catching. everybody watched it at the party i was at. >> some turned away because they didn't want to watch it. >> they watched it out of horror or maybe it wasn't -- >> oh. sfoo thanks for joining us. >> i wonder how many takes they had to do for that? >> he said 80 something. >> thanks very much. >> she dropped 143 pounds, and she looks amazinamazing. we'll show you the dramatic before and after of the latest member of the joy fit club. mom, can i have a treat? pleeeeeeeease? pleeeeeeeease... [ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. pleeeeeeeease... less than 100 calories and made with real fruit pleeeeeeeease... thanks mom! [ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. yeah go hide. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. today tastes so good. for $19.99. it's the latest haircolor trend. ombré. now l'oréal lets you create this dark to light finish yourself. with wild ombré from feria. exclusive lightening formula plus an expert brush lightens hair lengths in a stroke. so easy. feria wild ombré. from l'oréal paris. your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. we've got a lot of empty cans. ♪ break the ice with breath-freshening cooling crystals. ice breakers. ♪ >> team now for another installment of look at me now, the joy fit club. >> our newest member is 25-year-old lisa smith who lost a whopping 143 pounds and changed her whole life. let's take a look at her story. >> my name is lisa smith, and i have had weight problems since i was 10. my mom took me to nutritionists, dietitians, doctors, personal trainers, and i tried a lot of popular diet programs, but nothing worked because i would always sneak food and exercise was difficult due to chronic back pain. my weight skyrocketed after i got married and moved out of my childhood home. in three years i gained 113 pounds mostly from dining at restaurants and eating huge portions of fast food. my parents encouraged me to lose weight, but i wasn't able to make the mental commitment. i didn't want to face the fact that my eating was out of control. in april 2011 my mom finally convinced me to attend my first weight watchers meeting. she told me that if i didn't do something, i was going to die. sense my first meeting, i have lost 143 pounds by replacing high fat and high sodium restaurant meals with healthier home cooked options. i make healthy dinners on sunday to last throughout the week, and my husband prepares and packs healthy lunches for us every morning. when i first started my weight loss junior where i, i could barely walk. i now swim and walk regularly. i want to inspire others to eat healthy in their youth to set a firm foundation for their future. >> what a doll. before we ask lisa to come out, we want to say hello to the leader of our pack, joy. >> you are about to meet the stunning young woman who has literally transformed her entire life. you won't even believe it's the same person you just saw on the tape. she's very committed together with her husband to cooking these healthy lower calorie meals at home. >> however, she also still frequents occasionally on the weekends the fast food chains, and i want to show you what she does because she's so strategic. when she hits kfc she used to get the about 490 calories -- >> the ones that taste good. >> now she's going for the grilled. it still has the skin on it, but 220 calories, right? >> that saves a lot. >> when she hits domino's she ugt to get the regular slice, 640 calories for both. if you order their artisan line, it's a little smaller and thenner crust. 320 calories. >> wow. >> that is really good. >> yeah. >> and with mcdonald's, this is the angus beef bacon and cheeseburger, right? almost 800 calories. >> this looks good to me. look at the wrap next to it. >> it's the same thing, but in the snack wrap. it's still the angus beef, bacon, and cheese, but 390 calories. >> you have to -- >> come here. >> this is lisa's before picture. all right. lisa, come join the joy fit club. >> oh, my god. >> oh. >> gorgeous. >> you look awesome. >> how are you? >> wow. >> are you working. you know it. >> how long did it take you, leeza, to take off all the weight? >> it took me 88 weeks. >> you are counting the weeks, right? >> and exercise is a part of your regimen as well? >> yes. i exercise with swimming and walking, and it mepz helps a lot. >> besides the fact that you are stunning, how has it changed your life? >> just daily activities that you wouldn't think would make a big difference, but it does. like just putting on your shoes in the morning or getting out of bed. >> wow. >> your husband is right around the corner zoosh how in love is he? >> ah, sweet. >> very sweet. >> wow. >> does she seem like a different person to you? >> she does. in fact, the beauty that she had inside when i met her is now displayed outward. >> ah. >> that's great. that's -- happy valentine's day. you're an inspiration to everybody. some healthy cooking in the kitchen. >> delicious comfort food you can whip up on a busy week night. this is "today" on nbc. ♪ >> back now on "today's kitchen" what's cookin, and today we're putting betty crocker on a vegan diet. >> many of you go meatless on mondays, and dan and annie promised that with these delicious recipes, we're not going to mess the meat. >> really, dan? snoo really. you're not going to mess it. >> betty goes vegan. >> it's got a very, very hit row look to it. it's cute. >> it does. >> what are we making today? >> we're starting with vegan chicken and pesto sandwiches. you can get vegan chicken in my local grocery store. it's made out of soy. like a veggie burger, but made to taste like chicken. we mushrooms and tomato, zucchini and olive and some pine nuts. >> stick it all many there. >> we're going to use pesto to give us nice flavor. >> love pesto. >> i could eat pesto at everything. fwoo we have a nice pesto res piece in the book. we have garlic. and some pink himalaya salt, which is the best salt for seasoning vegetables. mroo it replace the oil that come from cooking regular chicken. >> this isn't about getting calories. this is about -- what's the main point of being vegan -- being meatless? what's the point? what's the greatest benefit? >> i think everybody has their own, like, reason why they go vegan. for us we love animals, and we don't want to eat them. some people want to lose weight. some people they care about their cholesterol. it's whatever your reason is. >> whatever your reason is. okay. what are you doing? >> we're going to take these and bake them in the oven in tin foil pouchs. >> oh, like this. >> staems together. >> for how long? >> for about 375 for about 15 to 20 minutes. >> okay. good. >> quick and easy to make. you could have whipped up a batch of these during the super bowl blackout. >> you're making sandwiches out of it? >> we unload our pact, and make your sandwiches up. >> we like to keep it nutritious as possible. >> that one is going to be crunchier than you might expect. >> then you can top it off with some peppercinnis. >> there's a lot of oil in there. >> leave that in the packet. >> moisture from the vegetables, kath. not oil. >> they steam up, and that's how you get your vegetables to be all nice and flavorful. >> you put some of the hot stuff on there? >> however many you want. >> looking nice. >> you are good to go. >> shall we head around back after we finish making these up? >> come on back. >> it looks delicious. >> okay. we'll go around back. >> okay. >> i want to grab this. thank you. >> what are we whipping up back here, sweetie? >> we're going to make sweet potato risotto. you are going to take a dutch oven and add white wine and set that to a simmer. you're going to add some diced red onion, and you're going to add -- well -- >> back off. >> i don't want to think about cooking. >> and then we're going to while that's sort of cooking, we're going to let the red onion cook down a little bit. >> uh-huh. >> we're going to mash some sweet potato. >> look what she's doing. neat. >> we only have a few seconds left. >> i know. i'm hurrying here. >> dump it in there. >> and we'll start eating, shall we? >> then it just keeps -- you -- what do you do? >> you add the risotto rice and it kwoox cooks for 20 minutes and add vegetable broth. add all your seasonings. sfwoo we're iffing to finish it while we go to break.


Transcripts For CNNW New Day Sunday 20160703

evidence to file charges, but the interview comes as she's wrapping up her battle against bernie sanders and focusing on donald trump. >> she raised $68 million in june. if the fbi isn't finished by then, would the democrats nominate a candidate who's under investigation. could she lose momentum going into the general election? clinton says she's in the dark about what's coming and when. >> were you given that indication today that no charges will be filed? >> chuck, i am not going to comment on the process. i have no knowledge of any timeline. this is entirely up to the department. >> joining us now, donald trump's surrogate and political editor at right good to have you back this sunday morning. >> good to be back. >> we heard from the former secretary there. but depending upon the timing, this could be crucial. we're learning that up to this point what we've heard from the justice department is they want to wrap this up before the republican convention. is that excellent timing, shutting down a line of attack potentially from the republicans? or is it terrible timing right before they try to make their case to the american people? >> it's legal timing, if you ask me. remember, under the doj regulations, the timing of this investigation cannot affect a local or federal political election. here, this investigation is going to be wrapped up primarily because of that. because if you were to bring charges or not bring charges, that could impact the outcome of a presidential election, let alone the ability of the democrats to actually nominate whether it's the presumptive nominee or not. it's got to get wrapped up before then. from a political timing standpoint, of course the democrats and hillary want this over as fast as possible. everyone's who's looked at this, other than the republicans of course, have said there may have been mistakes made, but it certainly wasn't criminal. we will get a decision by the democratic convention at least. >> i want to bring in this tweet from donald trump. you heard there from scott that mistakes were made. and we heard from hillary clinton. she apologized several times for using this, but trump tweets it is impossible for the fbi not to recommend criminal charges against hillary clinton. what she did was wrong, what bill did was stupid. there is still the space between those two, that yes, what hillary clinton did was wrong. she apologized for her decisions there, but it may not reach the level of an indictment. >> no. you're right. i'm not as optimistic as mr. donald trump in our judicial system. i don't have as much confidence in it. especially when you're talking about an attorney general that was appointed by president obama. i don't necessarily think we're going to see prosecution. once again, we've had this hamster wheel of problems with hillary clinton. it's been benghazi. it's been her past 20 years. there's always been some sort of little spark. somewhere there's got to be a fire. it's amazing how she continues to escape any sort of justification, any sort of prosecution for any of these things that have happened over the last 20 years. >> these are nonissues. those parks a-- sparks are all being created by the republicans. >> when you say they're a non issue, they are issues for the voters. when we look at the latest quinnipiac poll, donald trump is considered to be more honest and trust worthy when compared to hillary clinton. while individually they may not matter, there is a narrative that's built that she is still fighting. >> after 20 years of those narratives, i'm not surprised at those polls at all. but the reality is there are no criminal charges. these are allegations, allegations that may be mistakemistake mistakes. colin powell used his own private server. >> no, he did not. >> he had his own private e-mail account. >> own private e-mail account. but the reality is that the system at the state department, which is what the fbi is really looking at, was antiquated here. and unless this information classified when or subsequently was used with any criminal means of trying to take that information and put it somewhere like general petraeus and some of the others have been charged, you just don't have that here right now. >> you said they're looking into it. this is a criminal investigation by the fbi. hillary clinton may say this is a review, but this is a criminal investigation. i think we need to be clear about that. you say the republicans created this. the republicans didn't put the private server in her home. while there may be other elements here, let's be clear about those elements. >> exactly. there were rules and they were broken. she was told time and time again even by the white house, by those saying when they realized that she did not have a dot gov e-mail address, they said we need you to eliminate your server and bring it back in and use the government server. that is the law. there is a huge difference between server and e-mail. i have a g-mail e-mail but i'm not using a separate server. there is a big difference on this. we do have 2,000 e-mails that have come out to be classified and 22 at least that are top secret. rules and laws were prbroken. will we actually see prosecution from an administration that is over this? you're basically asking the teacher to police other corrupt teache teachers. >> will donald trump over play his hand? >> absolutely. we all can say there was some major wrongdoing done by the clintons when it comes to these e-mail servers. however, does that make hillary clinton worse of a candidate than donald trump? i don't think so. but this just feed the narrative that she is crooked hillary. >> no one in the history of the state department has ever been criminally charged for this. bangladesh has started two days of morning for the victims of a terror attack that killed 20 hostages and two police officers at that cafe in the capital. >> and three american students are among those killed. two from emory university in georgia. shae she was a sophomore. she was visiting family and friend for summer vacation. the other student was headed into the university's business school in the fall. people who knew the students say these two were in the wrong place at the wrong time and most likely were not targets of the terrorists. >> they had the bright future. they just wanted to be highlighted that they are next to their embassy. >> the university of california berkeley talks about this student, the third one killed. she was a sophomore. had just started an internship at a bank in dhaka a few weeks ago. this massacre of course happening during the holy month of ramadan. there's new video that's believed to show commandos moving in to end the terror attack. that siege did end overnight yesterday. the attackers took hostages. they got into a shoot out with police until soldiers moved in and killed them. 13 hostages were rescued. alex fieander field is with us . i understand you have some new details about this. >> i'm speaking to you from the family members of the 20 people who were killed inside the siege at that cafe. the family members have been doing the gut wrenching job of being asked to identify the remains of their loved ones. these are people who investigators say were stabbed and gassed. isis has claimed responsibility for this attack. there's a website showing pictures of the militants who isis purports carried out these attacks. it also shows pictures of what they identify as the hostages. it certainly suggest that is the people who were carrying out this horrific attack were in communication of others on the outside. we've been at the crime scene this morning. it's still heavily guarded. there's also been the arrival of a japanese government official, a number of italians. family members are arriving in dhaka now to identify these remains and collect those remains. an arizona teenagers is being held without bond for allegedly conspireing to terror attacks in phoenix. a spokesman for the arizona attorney general says there was no trehreat to the public. in baghdad the death toll from two car bombs has risen to 80. isis has taken credit for the first blast. the second bomb went off in an outdoor market. no one has claimed responsibility thus far. still ahead, today we are hearing from residents in a florida beach town who are outraged. this is all about toxic algae polluting their beaches. newt gingrich has people wondering if he's undermining donald trump as he's being vetted. >> trump's job is to quit screwing up, get the election down to three or four big issues, all of which comes down to a single concept, enough. the heirloom tomato. when you cook with incredible ingredients... you make incredible meals. fresh ingredients, step-by-step recipies, delivered to your door for less than nine dollars a meal. get your first two meals free at . the number one definition of the vice president's job is the president. >> right. >> so who knows? some presidents give a lot of power to vice presidents. at least trump has said over and over he needs a vice president who understands washington, because he knows he doesn't. well, if he really means that, again, people often maneuver a lot. i suspect if it did come to anything, we'd have to have a very long talk and sit down with donald and have another long talk. >> it's vice presidential vetting season. that was newt gingrich weighing in on wild speculation that he could be donald trump's pick for vp. >> mike pence and trump spent time at a golf course in new jersey. lots of business is done on golf courses. senators corey booker, labor secretary as well, all appearing on the networks today, all rumored to be on clinton's list. >> so let's talk about it now. thank you so much for being here. we appreciate it. i don't want to listen here to more of -- >> everything the clinton campaign is going to suppress trump will in the short run suppress trump because he's not trying. it has no meaning. >> so he's basically repeating trump's line that trump doesn't understand washington, but then went further to say trump has to, quote, quit screwing up. does a comment like that undermine a candidate? >> one week he's absolutely in love with him. on the other week he's criticizing him. i was a huge fan of newt when he ran for president before. at the same time, i give newt credit. he's not compromising his own personality just to get a job. he's not pandering to the presidential candidate. he also went onto slam joe biden saying he feels like president biden obviously could have stepped up his role as vp. governor mike pence has entered the race. a lot of conservatives are very excited about him. they want him to do kind of what sarah palin did to john mccain back in 2008. she solidified that conservative base. a lot of people are excited about people like governor mike pence. >> corey booker is another name floating around out there, scott. i want to give you a quick prespr preview of what we're going to hear from him. >> two weeks ago you said you were not being vetted to be hillary clinton's vice presidential running mate. >> at this point, i've answered this question, talked about this. i'm just referring questions to the woman who's going to have to make this decision. what i do know is that on the democratic side, there are many fabulous candidates. >> that is not a no, sir. >> that is exactly what it is. it's telling you, if you have a question like that, please direct it to the clinton campaign. >> do you believe that booker has enough appeal to bring some of those sanders supporters that may have been hesitant to come to clinton's side? >> absolutely. he's a rising star in the democratic party. he's smart, he inspires the base. latino voters are going to be very important to the democrats. he speaks spanish. and quite frankly, energizing the base and not just getting support of latino and african-american voters but energizing them to come out in major droves on election day is going to be super important. he does that actually and i think he would be an ideal vice president candidate to support clinton, especially with young people and young women as well. so he checks a lot of those boxes. him referring questions to the candidate that's not a no for sure. that's something that suggests he's being seriously vetted and reviewed by the clinton campaign. now the veep stakes are heating up. you just heard what corey booker was saying. there is more of what he said that you'll hear then. also trump's running mate, will he announce next week as we have heard it could happen? watch state of the union this morning at 9:00 eastern on cnn. we've talked at the people in florida upset about this toxic algae bloom hugging the coastline and keeping tourists away. we've now learn it may have killed one of those prized manatees. >> reporter: that's right. they did pull a dead manatee out of this area. nearly 5,000 residents came together yesterday in protest of this. spokesbox: ♪ go paperless, don't stress, girl ♪ ♪ i got the discounts that you need ♪ ♪ safe driver ♪ accident-free ♪ everybody put your flaps in the air for me ♪ the fourth of july weekend and florida beaches normally are crowded with vacationers on this weekend. instead some are crowding with local residents who are furious with state and local officials for allowing a toxic algae bloom. a young manatee was found dead near the algae bloom, though it's not known why it's died. the town of stuart -- the mosquitos near the water at this hour are a terror. >> reporter: thank got for off. the mosquitos are bad. it smells so bad. it smells about five times worse. it makes your eyes burn. it feels like someone is sitting on your chest. look at this. this is disgusting. it's crowding in the canals, in the rivers all over this part of the state. four counties under a state of emergency. residents are furious. nearly 5,000 people from this area came together on the beach yesterday and joined in arms spelling out the reference to buy the land. that's in reference to an amendment they passed to buy some land south of lake okeechobee to store this water with all the pollutants and the fertilizers from the sugar issues and the agriculture industries. the governor has not come down to tour the area. senator marco rubio did on thursday. and he said she was goihe was g his best to get some answers. i did have a representative from the sugar industry call me late last night. he was saying even if the land is not going to be able to put a reservoir on it because of a lease for ten years and so it is getting mixed up in the big political realm. and the people and the wildlife here in florida are suffering for it. >> i want to ask you what we have not discussed this morning. people can see what it looks like. what they can't appreciate is the smell of this algae bloom. give us an idea of another sense of what's happening there. >> reporter: well, it's hard to put in words what it smells like. i did see someone on social media yesterday describe it as imagine sticking your head in a trash can of rotted meat and cat litter and multiply that times ten. porta potty smells like that, smells like raw sewage, looks like raw sewage. any herbal thing you can think of, that's what -- horrible thing, that's what it smells like mixed together. florida depends on it tourism industry and fishing industry. >> beautiful part of the state. hopefully there's some resolutions soon there for the folks in the tourism industry. hillary clinton questioned for more than three hours by the fbi yesterday. and now the timing of what's coming next is going to be crucial for her campaign. plus, vice president joe biden giving newt gingrich a pretty hard time. tongue in cheek here. over speculation that he's on top of trump's vp list. >> i'd like to ask one question before i begin. newt, are you going to do it? that's okay. that's all i want 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than a minute. this is truecar. it may feel like there's a lot of uncertainty for the clinton campaign at the moment. the political world is waiting for the fbi's next move on the e-mail investigation. she was questioned by the fbi for three and a half hours yesterday. the question now is will the democrats nominate is candidate who is still under investigation? and if the investigation does close with no charges but maybe a rebuke, could she lose some momentum there? >> hillary clinton came to fbi headquarters behind me to sit for a three and a half hour interview investigating the use of her private e-mail server. out of respect for the investigative process, she will not comment further on her interview. what we do know is this is a routine part of the investigation. hillary clinton's aides have been brought in and have talked to the fbi. and this is part of what happens at the end of an investigation when the fbi brings in a subject for an interview. sources say right now there's not enough evidence to charge hillary clinton with any crimes. and barring any big game-changers in this interview today, they don't expect that there will be any charges brought against hillary clinton. and they may announce that in the next few weeks. that would be welcome news for hillary clinton and the democrats. republicans, though, continue to hit hillary clinton on this issue. in fact, donald trump tweeted this on saturday. he said, quote, it is impossible for the fbi not to recommend criminal charges against hillary clinton. what she did was wrong. what bill did was stupid. donald trump there talking about bill clinton earlier this week meeting with loretta lynch on the tarmac of phoenix international airport. came under huge criticism for that. of course, as the attorney general, loretta lynch is overseeing this investigation. but certainly republicans are going to continue to hit hillary clinton on this no matter what the outcome of this fbi investigation is. let's dig deeper now into the investigation and the questioning. tom fuentes and former assistant director of the fbi. so clinton was questioned for roughly three and a half hours yesterday. our legal analyst says that is a relatively short period of time when compared to other meetings with the fbi for questioning. is there anything that you glean or can be gleaned from three and a houf hoalf hours of questioni >> it's a complicated case. as we know, this has gone a very long time even with a great number of investigators and analysts aside. having said that, oftentimes the subject interview at the end of a case is when it comes. that's one reason why it could be short. it could be -- they already have all the evidence they need. it doesn't matter really what she says. they have physical and documentary evidence to substantiate the case. or they were asking her questions that may lead to additional interviews. we don't know that. but oftentimes a short interview with a main subject at the end of a case usually means the case has already been made and the evidence already obtained and they don't really need other than if the subject can offer reasons or mitigation for the information the fbi already has. >> let me get to something that hillary clinton said to msnbc about the interview. >> it was something i had offered to do since last august. i've been eager to do it. and i was pleased to have the opportunity to assist the department in bringing its review to a conclusion. >> something i'd offered to do since last august. >> you're an expert in this process of course. does that correspond with what you know about the process, that clinton was, as she suggests here, ready to do this in august and she was poeshtentially wait for the fbi? >> no, i don't believe that's true. she may have been offering to do the interview last august when the fbi didn't have all of the information. in the interim since last august, they even gave immunity to one of the people who set up her servers. the fact that that person needed immunity to even want to talk about it was a bad sign for hillary clinton. but they didn't have all of the facts, all of the documents reviewed yet, all the witness statements. when they were ready to talk to her in recent times, she hasn't been as quick to be interviewed. and i've heard discussions about the timing of that. but i must say in this particular case, you know, we're hearing these statements that people are saying there's no evidence, she's not going to be charged. i don't know where they're getting this. this is one of the most tightly held investigations ever. agents that work next door to the agents working on this case have no clue of what they found, what's going to happen, what the recommendations are going to be. the report goes to the department of justice and other people start reviewing it outside the fbi, i think more will be known and that should happen pretty soon. >> important point there you make. one thing i want to pull in, the reporting from justice correspondent pamela brown. the justice department's aim was to wrap up the probe before the republican and democratic conventions later this month. you've characterized the bureau as famously apolitical. that doesn't sound apolitical if they're going to wrap this up before these major political events. >> no. when i say they're apolitical, i mean it doesn't matter whether there's a democratic administration or republican administration. when they work these cases, the facts are the facts and they'll present the facts. the timing of it, the bureau is well aware of the political process and tries not to be used in that process. for example at the height of a campaign, one candidate will make an allegation through surrogates about the other candidate hoping the fbi will immediately open a case and then they can say my opponent is under investigation. the bureau is mindful of the political process in wanting to get this done to not interfere one way or the other with the election. whether they recommend charges or not has nothing to do with a democratic president being in office or the president's appointee loretta lynch. >> quickly, there's nothing that prevents them, legally or otherwise, from announcing an indictment, no indictment, a rebuke, a statement that says there's nothing to see here, during, before or after these conventions correct? >> correct. that will come from the department of justice, the actual decision. >> thank you so much. >> you're welcome. a little bit lighter moment in politics now. vice president joe biden put newt gingrich on the spot yesterday as to whether gingrich would be trump's number two. take a look. >> i'd like to ask one question before i begin. newt, are you going to do it? that's okay. that's all i wanted to know. i want to get to the important things. >> and uh -- the question was should i -- >> should he be vice president? anyway it's a hell of a job. >> we may know the answer soon. trump is expected to announce his vice presidential pick prior to the convention which is just a couple of weeks away. now we're hearing we could hear sooner. let's turn now to the terror in turkey. istanbul investigates the massacre that killed more than 40 people. and now we're learning the identifies of those suicide bombers. life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. wannwith sodastream®er? you turn plain water into sparkling water in seconds. and because it's so delicious, you'll drink 43% more water every day. sodastream®. love your water. we're learning more this morning about the investigation into the attack on istanbul's airport. it's revealing details about the terrorists. two of the three attackers have been identified. and ivan watson is with us with the latest. what are you learning this morning? >> reporter: well, we haven't really gotten any updates on the suspected suicide bombers in some 48 hours from turkish authorities. aside from knowing that they seem to be citizens of russia, kurdistan and uzbekistan. 13 of the total of 27 suspects who have been detained since the airport attacks are now being arraigned in a courtroom here in istanbul. three of those suspects are foreigners. and legal procedures to decide whether or not they will be formally arrested if there's enough evidence to formally arrest them. in the meantime, the turkish military has been carrying out artillery attacks against suspected isis positions, claiming to kill 11 isis fighters and destroying several vehicles. just to dgive you a sense of ho complicated this part of the world is. the same day the turkish military carried out bombing flights to northern iraq against another militant group that turkey is fighting. this is the kurdistan workers party or pkk. >> you mentioned a raid this morning where three more people were arrested. what more do you know about that raid? >> reporter: that's about it. turkish authorities are being very tight-lipped now. if you compare it to the awful nightclub attack, san bernardino, within five days of those attacks we have a much more complete picture of the people who have carried out those attacks. in this case, we know very little except for the apartment that the three suspected suicide bombers rented in a neighborhood just a couple miles from where i'm standing. we know they are believed to have come from syria, from isis controlled syria about a month ago and they're believed to have brought their explosives with them. authorities are giving their cards close to their chest either because they don't want to tip them off, or they're trying to control the message now in a society where the media is somewhat censored by the turkish government. still to come, a powerful voice for human rights falls silent. world leaders pay tribute to remarkable legacy of holocaust survivor i lelie wiesel. toujeo® is a long-acting insulin from the makers of lantus®. it releases slowly, providing consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours, proven full 24-hour blood sugar control, and significant a1c reduction. and along with toujeo®, i'm eating better and moving more. toujeo® is a long-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don't use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you're allergic to insulin. allergic reaction may occur and may be life threatening. don't reuse needles or share insulin pens, even if the needle has been changed. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be serious and 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monument to human dignity, compassion and justice. >> he would become the most famous survivor of the holocaust. but at the age of 15, elie wiesel had no fears when his family was rounded up in hundghy by the nazis. >> i knew something terrible. it was something terrifying was in store for us. >> arrival at auschwitz, the extermination camp. an older inmate advises him tell the germans you're 18 years old, a candidate for work. it saved his life. trapped in a nightmare he sustained himself by keeping his father alive. father and son were later taken to buchenwald camp. >> the gates swing open for german concentration camps. >> this picture was taken after liberation. he's in the second level of the bump. he would later say he didn't recognize himself. he lamented, there was no grave of his father to visit when he toured buchenwald in 2009. >> what can i tell him, that the world has learned i am not so sure. >> he started asking questions after the war, becoming a journalist. it took years before he talked about the horrors he experienced in his book called "night." in 1985 as he received the congressional gold medal he implored president reagan unsuccessfully not to visit a german cemetery filled with members of the ss. he won the nobel peace prize. he would later speak out against over atrocities. >> it's not a matter of war. it's a matter of intervention. i'll tell you this man is a disgrace. >> he was named a messenger of peace by the united nations. he would ask the u.n. security counsel -- >> why am i involved in tragic events that occur to people i have never met on the other side of oceans and continents? it is because i belong to a t m traumatized generation, haunted by the world's indifference. >> in 2008 he and his foundation learned they were among the victims of bernard madoff. he always said he was a writer and a teacher. he said he never spoke for all the holocaust victims, but serves to remind nations not to let it happen again. >> as a teacher i always believe in questions. the question is will the world ever learn? thank you. apparently, people think i'm too perky. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. michael phelps makes it 3 for 3. >> he's already the most decorated olympian of all time, 22 medals with 18 golds. phelps had to rally in dramatic fashion on the final lap to win the 100 meter butterfly last night. he's the first american male to swim in a fifth olympic games. he has a chance to be on three relay teams. natalie coughlin failed to qualify in any event. she told reporters she didn't want to continue the heart break. it was a wild nascar race under the lights in daytona. those cars were going about 200 miles per hour when jamie mcmurray gets loose and spin into the wall and triggers a huge wreck. 22 cars involved. brad kmanaged to take the win. he knocked off novak jo djokovic in four sets. the match actually started on friday but was delayed by rain. and coming up in the next hour, we welcome the newest member of the cnn sports family, former super bowl mvp hines ward. he'll join us live for tonight's and the marlins. hines has been there all weekend and will show us how the base is honoring military families. good stuff. >> it's a big deal. >> i'm glad for him. good for him. >> it makes it exciting. because you go and you think we know how this is going to end. you were just at the french open. >> i'm halfway through my grand slam. but yeah that moment when there's a surprise, the unfortunate surprise for the french open was that serena didn't win. but you were so happy for -- and here's the thing, i don't remember who she was. at this point, we will wrap this up. >> thank you for being with us. >> much more coming. next hour of new day starts right now. hillary clinton has met with the fbi. >> sources telling cnn there's not enough evidence to charge hillary clinton. >> i think she should be in jail for what she did with her e-mails. >> newt, are you going to do it? it's a hell of a job. >> none of you should bet on all this. it's wild speculation. >> two weeks ago you said you were not being vetted. >> the former u.s. ambassador to bangladesh believes that the targeting of foreigners was intentional. >> at least three of the victims were college students studying here in the u.s. renowned holocaust survivors and noble peace laureate elie wiesel has died. good morning. >> hillary clinton could be facing really the most crucial stretch of her campaign thus far. and it has nothing to do with what her opponents are going. >> the timing of that announcement could make or break the clinton campaign. she was questioned by the fbi for three and half hours yesterday. sources tell cnn there's not enough evidence to file charges but this interview comes as clinton's wrapping up her battle against bernie sanders and is turning to take on trump. >> clinton raised $68 million in june and she's prepared to accept soon the nomination at the democratic convention at the end of the month. if the investigation closes with no charges but a harsh rebuke of clinton, could she lose momen m momentum. >> were you given that indication today that no charges would be filed? >> chuck, i am not going to comment on the process. i have no knowledge of any timeline. this is entirely up to the department. >> even if the charges are not filed here and the guidance that our justice correspondents have received is up to this point there has not been enough evidence to file charges. what will be the impact of a harsh rebuke going into the conventions? >> i think the first thing is that hillary clinton spent three and a half hours basically answering every single question that the investigators asked her yesterday. let's not forget this is also at a time where earlier last year she spent 11 hours responding to a politically motivated benghazi committee. her spokesperson says they welcome this investigation. we knew for a very long time that she was going to be a part of the questioning. as far as a rebuke, it's something that republicans get very very excited about but i think it's also going to rally democrats around hillary clinton once all the evidence comes out. >> what's your response? >> i do think we have to wait and see what comes out of that. but 175 agents on this, there's something there. they wouldn't be spending the resources to do this if not. but we're just going to have to wait and see. i know that the american people are tired of the political class has a different set of rules than regular people. that's why you've seen this uprising this cycle. it's going to be interesting what happens. on friday or one day last week they sent a thing to the judge requesting for 27 extra months for e-mails for the clinton foundation. they originally said there were 6,000 e-mails. now there's 34,000. what's going to happen with that? they're asking to extend that 27 months. that's part of it. we all want to have that too. >> number one, hillary clinton did nothing illegal. >> that's still to be determined. >> what's being investigated is whether she violated the rules with the e-mails. number two, she didn't hide anything. amy points out these additional e-mails. >> we're waiting for the potential if there's an indictment. the inspector general did the investigation. that part's done. we're waiting to see if there is a criminal indictment. that's what the fbi was involved with. >> right. a lot of experts that have come on the show say it's highly unlikely she'll be charged or indicted for any sort of criminal charges. when i say it's a breath of fresh air, she welcomed this interview. >> only because she would have been subpoenaed had she not done this interview. this whole investigation is about her and her staff. it's easy for her to say i volunteer to go do that, but she really had no other option. >> let's be fair. let's look at the countless amount of people and the staff being interviewed for the last two years. the secretary has been very transparent about what she did. she's apologized for it. while the investigation is going on, she can't really comment because there's a legal investigation. but i think there's been a high level of transparency from her. >> thank you both again. as we wait to hear the outcome for hillary clinton, we're also waiting to here who she's going to choose as her running mate. >> what i do know is that on the democratic side there are many fabulous candidates, people that could really be strong vice presidential candidates. >> that's not a no. >> that's exactly what it is. if you have a question like that, please direct it to the clinton campaign. bangladesh has started two days of mourning for the victims oh of a terror attack in dhaka. three american students are among those who have died. two were from emory university in georgia. the other student was headed into the university's business school in the fall. our affiliate in atlanta spoke to friends of the students about what happened. >> the news and the images out of bangladesh have devastated friends of two students among the hostages killed friday. >> we don't know how to grasp this yet. no one ever could see it coming. >> they were both students at emee emory university. >> he reached out and offered to help. >> they were at a cafe together in the city of dhaka when terrorists stormed in. hours later they were dead. >> i don't even want to think about it. i'd rather to remember her with that smile that she had. >> she had just finished her freshman year at the campus in oxford. hussein was preparing to transition to the business school in the fall. >> the chances of this happening is just so low. unbelievable tragedy. the university of california at berkeley says a student of the school was the third student kill kil killed. it was the deadliest, it was the boldest terror attack in the country. starting today thorauthorities have increased security around the attack site. this is video believed to show commandos moving in to end the terror attack. take a look. the siege ended early yesterday morning. the attackers took hostages, got into a shootout with police. 13 hostages were rescued. cnn cannotindependently confirm the video's authenticity. >> at the crime scene we have seen part of a japanese delegation arrive. we also know that japan is sending in counter terrorism experts. that restaurant is sealed off while investigators do their work inside. japanese family members of the victims with also set to arrive in dhaka where other family members are already doing the very grim job of being asked to identify the remains of their loved ones. >> bangladesh authorities have consistently denied an isis presence at all in the country despite previous isis claims of past attacks. in the past two years a wave of murders across bangladesh have targeted. isis has taken credit for the first blast which ripped through a busy commercial district. the second blast went off in an outdoor market. no one has claimed responsibility. rumored donald trump vice president pick newt gingrich has some advice for trump. he says get your act together. >> trump's job is frankly to quit screwing up, get the election down to three or four big issues. >> he had more to say about the vice presidential role. plus, history will be made at fort brag at a baseball game. but before that, our newest sports contribute hines ward got a feel for the base from above. >> i'm definitely going to scream like a little girl. >> has anyone passed out before? >> absolutely. >> you're not a ravens fan, are you? ok team, what if 30,000 people download the new app? we're good. okay... what if a million people download the new app? we're good. five million? good. we scale on demand. hybrid infrastructure, boom. ok. what if 30 million people download the app? we're not good. we're total heroes. scale on demand with the 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may increase the risk of serious side effects. don't take your chronic migraine lying down. stand up. prevent headaches and migraines. talk to a headache specialist today. freshly made in the tokyo-japanese tradition, each batch is small. special. unique... every bowl blurring the line between food...and art. when you cook with incredible ingredients... you make incredible meals. fresh ingredients. step-by-step-recipes. delivered to your door. get your first two meals free the number one definition of the vice president's job is the president. so who knows? some presidents give a lot of power to vice presidents. at least trump has said over and over he needs a vice president who understands washington. if he really means that, again, people maneuver a lot. i suspect if it did come to anything, we'd have to have a very very long talk and depending on that talk have another long talk. >> newt gingrich weighing in on chatter that he could be donald trump's top pick for vice president. even vice president joe biden got in on the action. >> newt, are you going to do it? that's all i wanted to know. i wanted to get to the important things off the bat. >> and uh -- >> he needs the help, yes. >> the question was, should i -- >> should he be vice president. i tell him anyway it's a hell of a job, get a big pay raise. it's all work. >> cnn politics reporter eric br bradner with us now. i want to hone in on something mr. gingrich said there. he said trump needs a vice president who understands president because he knows he doesn't. was that a dig at trump? or was that promoting the fact that his spoupporters love him because he is not establishment? >> he's speaking trump's language and saying, look, the message is enough and we don't need to worry about what the establishment says. and then he's speaking establishment washington's language and saying that trump's great, but he needs to really reign it in. and trump has always said he needs someone who can help him on capitol hill. this is a skill that he has not developed. and gingrich is someone who obviously has experience at speaker of the house. he's highlighting a trump weakness that trump personally sees as something he can speak about himself, that he's acknowledged and sort of touts, like it's great that i'm an outsider but i do need someone who can help me play the inside game. >> let's talk about some of the inside names. chris christie, jeff sessions, mike pence. who do you think is resonating most and how important is that vice president pick when you're talking about presidential elections? is it more important, do you think, this time around than it has been in the past? >> i think it's possible, yes, it is more important. but it depends on which direction trump wants to go. this is something that could really help him soothe a lot of conservative donors picking someone that they find palatable. chris christie on one hand is sort of like trump. he's bombastic. he's known for sort of saying, you know, throw out the establishment. whereas mike pence on the other hand is a diehard conservative. but he's also someone that is not really a big fan of raising a ruckus. you'll never see mike pence in an angry confrontation. he's got a really wide range of options here. he has to make the decision on temperamentally who he'd like to go with, what kind of style he wants as his number two. >> eric bradner, good to see you this morning. thank you. let's turn to the democrats now. he's been a top campaign surrogate for hillary clinton for months. could corey booker get the spot on the clinton ticket? you're going to hear his answer just ahead. also in florida take a look at what's happening. thousands of residents are furious and demanding action after their toxic algae bloom is coating their coastline and scaring away tourists. >> reporter: it's disgusting. it looks gross and smells worse. residents are furious. they're hoping that we will come to a resolution on this in the near term. we'll have a full report coming up. oooh! 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[ cheering ] so live your whole day, not part... with 12 hour aleve. let's think about the florida coastal residents here for a second. they are furious about this toxic algae bloom that spoiled their beaches for the fourth of july holiday and beyond. look at all the people that came out here. 5,000 for a protest in stuart, florida, where thick, stinking scum makes it impossible for anybody to enjoy the water. >> our jennifer gray is joining us from stuart, florida, where it's just miserable. let's just call it what it is. the smell is terrible. i've been watching you in the preview monitor here. give us an idea of what's there and what the response has been from the people who live in that community. >> reporter: it's absolutely disgusting. it smells like a porta potty. it smells like sewage. it smells atrocious. and now that the sun is out, it marinates it and makes it worse. florida, flown for their pristine waters, the recreational fishing, the tourism, now dealing with this in their backyards. those 5,000 people were protesting, spelling out with their bodies by the land. and that was in reference to an amendment that they passed in 2014 to buy the land south of lake okeechobee to store all of this disgusting water that has the fert lieilizers from the su industry to store that. but nothing has been done. they're shouting at lawmakers to say what's going on, we need this fixed. it's spilling into thee estuaries. it's a crisis here in florida. and so the governor has not been down yet to visit. marco rubio did come on thursday. he did say that he was going to do his best to try to find answers and get some relief as soon as possible. i did have someone from the sugar industry call me late last night and he said they can't build a reservoir south of the lake yet because they are in an operating lease. the residents are saying we need answers right now. guys, it's really sad. this has been a back yard to me for the past decade. i'm a fisherman, a scuba diver. >> i lived in florida for seven years there in that community on the palm beaches and treasure coast section of florida. what i'm hearing from you, no answers in the short-term of how they're going to clean this up. hillary clinton questioned for more than three hours by the fbi. what can we learn from the timing of those questions and how crucial will the fbi's next steps be for her campaign? plus, is the hillary clinton/corey booker ticket in the works? two weeks ago you said you were not being vetted to be hillary clinton's vice presidential running mate. is that still the case? >> the answer after the break. ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow... ♪ for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever. entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow.♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away ♪ it's a hell of a job. >> none of you should bet on all of this. it's wild speculation. >> two weeks ago you said you were not being vetted. is that still the case? ♪ a time of a bit of uncertainty ahead for the clinton campaign as the political world waits for the fbi's next move on her e-mail investigation. clinton was questioned by the fbi for 3.5 hours on saturday. the interview comes as clinton has wrapped up her battle against bernie sanders effectively and has turned exclusively to donald trump. her campaign said in a statement this, secretary clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her e-mail arrangements while she was secretary. she is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the department of justice in bringing this to a conclusion. she will not comment further on her interview. >> for a closer look, attorney general paige pate is with us. >> i think that was funny. it's always voluntary. no one is compelled to talk to the fbi, even if you're a defendant, you have a right not to talk to them. what i find very interesting here is the timing of all of this. this is an unusual investigation. think about it for a second. we have the presumptive democratic nominee sitting down with the fbi for 3.5 hours this close to the investigation. the way they normally handle this investigation, you will start out talking to witnesses to try to find out more about the facts. if they thought hillary clinton was simply a witness, they would have gone to her earlier. but the other tact they take sometimes is if they're focusing on the person as a potential subject or targeted investigation, then they'll talk to the witnesses, gather the facts and wait until the end of the investigation, sit down with that person and either confront them with the evidence or try to get them to explain what they believe are inconsistencies. >> since she is the last interview, what do you take from that? >> i take that there's something there. if they did their investigation -- they've been looking at this for months -- and they found nothing, then why do they need to talk to her for 3.5 hours? >> there have been a lot of questions as well about the bill clinton and loretta lynch meeting on monday and the timing of that. what do you make of the fact that she has said i have been available to the fbi since august to talk to them. why this week? >> i think the timing is incredibly coincidental. it's hard for me to believe that over the past several months -- i know her lawyers have been talking to the fbi. >> she's been campaigning. >> of course. but this is a priority. you're going to want to have this interview as soon as they are willing to talk to you. i know they wanted to wait until close to the end of the investigation before they talked to her. before this weekend, i think that must have been prompted by the meeting between loretta lynch and bill clinton. >> both have come out and said we would have handled this differently. no doubt about it. if loretta lynch, who has said she will take the recommendations of in this, if she's not the one who is going to make this final decision, who does that fall on? >> right. who is in charge of this investigation? if the attorney general is basically saying i'm not going to make the final decision here, then who is? if there's that much of a problem even if nothing really happened in the meeting -- but there's now this perception that something's wrong. why not have somebody else step in? why not appoint a special prosecutor to come in at this stage and review what's been done and make a final decision? >> we appreciate your insight on this. >> thank you. we're about two weeks out now from the start of the republican national convention and speculation is of course ramping up over who donald trump will choose as his running mate. topping the list, newt gingrich. here's what the former republican house speaker said about the vice presidential job on saturday at the aspen ideas festival. >> the number one definition of the vice president's job is the president. so who knows? some presidents give a lot of power to vice presidents. at least trump has said over and over he needs a vice president who understands washington, because he knows he doesn't. well, if he really means that -- because people often maneuver a lot. i suspect if it did come to anything, we'd have to have a very, very long talk. and depending on that talk, we'd have to have another long talk. >> let's turn to the democrats now and the talk heating up over the possibility of a hillary clinton/corey booker ticket. watch this. >> two weeks ago you said you were not being vetted to be hillary clinton's vice presidential running mate. is that still the case? have you, has your staff provided any personal documents to the clinton campaign? >> at this point i've answered this question, talked at this. i'm referring questions about the vice president to the woman who's going to have to make that decision. >> that is not a no, sir. >> that's exactly what it is. >> last hour we talked with a panel about what booker would bring to a clinton campaign. >> absolutely. he is an inspiring rising star on the democratic party.telegte. he speaks spanish. energizing the base and not just getting support of latino voters and african-american voters but energizing them to come out in major droves on election day is going to be super important. he does that, actually. he would be an ideal vice president candidate to support clinton. he checks a lot of those boxes. and him referring questions to the candidate, that's not a no for sure. and that's something that suggests that he's being seriously vetted and reviewed by the clinton campaign. >> not a no for sure. be sure to watch the full interview on state of the union coming up at 9:00 eastern right here on cnn. history's going to be made today at fort brag. major league baseball honoring the troops this weekend hosting its very first major league baseball game. hines ward has a preview. >> the model and actor hopes to make his greatest story off the dance floor. >> sanjay gupta has his story. >> i had doubts in myself to join "dancing with the stars." i felt like if i failed in the first week, that means people would view deaf people as people that can't dance. >> but he didn't fail. he won. >> i'm a model, an actor and an activist. i was raised in a family that was completely deaf, two brothers, parents, grandparents, great grandparents. it is genetic. so i consider myself very fortunate. my whole family knows sign language. i went to the only university in the world for the deaf. >> then holiday came calling. >> switched at birth and america's next top model both found me on social media. i had to live with the models. i couldn't really communicate with anybody. and i remained optimistic. >> demarco's next goal, to help other people gain access to american sign language. >> there's 70 million deaf people in this world and only 2% of them have access to sign language. to deaf kids, they should always find the ability in a disability. if you do, then you'll do great things in life. a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and complicated. that's why at cancer treatment centers of america every patient gets their own care manager to coordinate every aspect of their care. the care manager is making sure everything is flowing well so the patient can continue to get their treatment. we are the link between the patient and the doctor. the care manager coordinates all of the patient's appointments, scans, chemotherapy... we can do paperwork or contact their employers or set them up with home health. that's what brings most people into nursing; you get to connect with people. that's what i love about being a care manager. meet the care managers at ctca. my name is collette... lindsey jodi stacy our nurse care managers are with you every step of the way so you can focus on your fight. cancer is a long journey and i want to do everything in my power to take the stress off of your shoulders so you can enjoy your life at home. learn more at appointments available now. ♪ share the joy of real cream... ...with reddi-wip. history will be made tonight when the first professional contest of any sport will be played on an active military base. the braves and the marlins square off at ft. bragg. >> they're playing in a brand new ballpark built just for this game. construction was completed in less than four months on the site of an over grown golf course. just over 12,000 servicemen and wmen have what's the hottest ticket in baseball. hines ward is also hulucky enou to be there. hines getting up early with that phone call on a sunday morning or alarm. thank you so much for doing so. victor and i were talking about how did they build the stadium for this game? >> it's amazing. what better way to kick off the fourth of july weekend by honoring the real heros of the military. i got a sneak preview of the stadium. i got a chance to hang out with colonel brett function who gave me a tour. the grass in the stadium feels like a putting green. it's amazing it took four months to build this stadium. >> we were wondering, we heard you had quite an initiation to cnn. >> you know it's good when both of the guys are laughing. which means it could be anything. >> yeah. >> talk to us about that. >> well, i got an opportunity to hang out with the u.s. army parachute team, better known as the golden knights. at least i got the right colors on. i'm good to go. >> everybody calls me ace. >> i like ace. that sounds like a guy that would keep me alive. i'm definitely going to scream like a little girl. has anyone like passed out? >> absolutely. >> you're not a raven's fan, are you? >> my heard is pounding. you got me? don't drop me, ace. ♪ ♪ >> yes. safe! that was worse than playing the baltimore ravens. i'm officially part of the team now, cnn. i took one for the team. >> it appears as if you enjoyed it. did you? >> yes. when i jumped out of that airplane, i thought i saw jesus. so i definitely took one for the team. but as far for the game and the stadium, kudos to major league baseball and the players association for making this happen. the atmosphere will be electric tonight. kind of like a super bowl feel to it. i think from that major league baseball, this needs to be an annual event. >> i can't wait to see what they make you do next, hines. >> yeah. we said this was the initiation. i don't know if you know this or not, but no one else had to do this to get this job. i'm glad you did. >> it's all downhill from there. >> hines ward, thank you so much. welcome to the team. >> thank you, guys. still to come -- ♪ over the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪ >> she should be singing tonight at the game. >> hit that whitney houston note. >> that was upon traspontaneous. we're going to tell you more about her. what are you doing? getting faster. huh? detecting threats faster, responding faster, recovering faster. when your security's built in not just bolted on, and you protect the data and not just the perimeter, you get faster. wow, speed kills.he data and not just the perimeter, systems open to all, but closed to intruders. trusted by 8 of 10 of the world's largest banks. i don't want to lie down. i refuse to lie down. why suffer? 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that the world has learned? i am not so sure. >> wiesel started asking questions after the war. becoming a journalist. it took years before he talked about the hoarors in his book called night. as he received the congressional gold medal he implored president reagan unsuccessfully not to visit a german cemetery filled with members of the s.s. he won the nobel peace prize in 1986. the humanitarian would later speak out against other atrocities. on sa daum hussain. on darfur. >> it's a scandal that we didn't stop the blood shed. >> and an iranian president. >> this gran is a disgrace. >> he was named a messenger of peace by the united nations. an organization founded as a result of world war ii. he would ask the u.n. security council. >> why am i involved in tragic events that have occurred to people i have never met on the other side of oceans and continents? it is because i belong to a traumatized generation, hounded by the world's indifference. >> the elie wiesel foundation was set up to fight indifference and intolerance. in 2008 he and his foundation learned they were among the victims of financial schemer bernard madoff. he always said he was a writer and a teacher. he said he never spoke for all the holocaust victims but serves to remind nations not to let it happen again. >> as a teacher, i always believe in questions. the question is, will the world ever learn? thank you. the bleacher report. michael phelps makes it three for three at the u.s. olympic swimming trials. already the most decorated olympian of all time. 22 medals, 18 gold. but now michael phelps has a chance to add even more hardware to his trophy case. phelps had to rally in pretty aqueduct fashion on the final lap to win the 100-meter butterfly last night. he is the first american male to swim in a fifth olympic games. now, he qualified in three individual events and has the chance to be on three relay teams. if you have ever been to d.c., you might be one of those people who has a burst of patriotism when you're there. >> it will do that to you. >> it will, when you're visiting some of the monuments. there was this tourist who gave an impromptu rendition of the star spangled banner at the linco lincoln memorial. >> jeanne moos spoke with her about what prompted her to belt out the national anthem in front of strangers. >> no one expected to hear this at the lincoln memorial, not even the woman singing. ♪ oh, say does that star spangled banner yet wave ♪ >> 34-year-old star swain was just a regular tourist. coaxed by her friends to do an impromptu performance. >> we could hear the acoustics and we were just like, man, it sounds amazing in here. >> at first no one noticed. ♪ oh, say >> then people started to gawk. by the time she got to the r ramparts, star was turning heads. ♪ for the ramparts we watched >> she has been singing since she was a kid, performs mostly in church, so she was shaking with nervousness. >> lord, please let this note come out! ♪ for the land of the free >> the video went viral, commenters gushed about getting chills and goose bumps. >> you mean they haven't called you for the super bowl yet? >> no! i am waiting! >> star, an assistant principal at a florida school, was so thrilled with the response, she sang her gratitude. >> ♪ over ten million views. i thank god for you ♪ >> that's one of her two kids popping up behind her. there was one guy in the audience who didn't react to star's performance who remained stone-faced. was it weird to sing with lincoln sitting over there in the chair? >>. [ laughing ] if he would have gotten up and applauded, that would have been weird. >> how can he just sit there like a statue, listening to this? ♪ and the home of the brave [ applause ] >> jeanne moos, cnn, north koew >> i want to cheer too. >> rich! >> somebody call that woman, please. have her sing. >> the jump to the next octave, that's not easy. >> no, it is not. her little boy. it was priceless. awesome. popping up behind there. here i am! all righty. listen, happy fourth of july to everybody. we appreciate all of the people who protect us in this country and who keep the wheels turning. we are so grateful. and always grateful to spend our mornings with you as well. make some great memories this weekend. "inside politics" with john king starts right now. donald trump targets the blue collar rust belt. >> this is one thing that bernie sanders and i are in complete accord with, and that's trade. he said we're being ripped off. i say we're being ripped off. hillary clinton acknowledges the economic anxiety driving voters to trump but then draw as line. >> make america great again is code for go back to the time when a lot of people were not included, including women. >> clinton's long-awaited interview with the fbi, just days after house republicans release a highly critical report on benghazi. >> i think it's pretty clear


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