Jun 13th, 2021
The Bristol Village Board is scheduled to hold a regular meeting Monday starting at 6:30 p.m. at Village Hall.
Among the agenda items are:
Discuss and consider for approval the request of SDK LLC (Stacey Feeney) of Silver Lake (Applicant) and Leon Jr. and Mary Sienkowski Revocable Trust of Bristol (Owners) for a Conditional Use Permit for an existing Dog Boarding and Training Kennel on tax parcel #37-4-121-013-0300 located in Part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 1 North, Range 21 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Village of Bristol, Kenosha County.
Discuss and consider for approval the request of HSA Commercial Real Estate (Tim Thompson) of Chicago (Applicant) and Michael Bannon (Agent) for Natalie Waldo & Karen Keisler, Trustees of the Stuart W. Waldo Family Trust of Kenosha (Owners) for the Proposed Zoning Map and Zoning Text Amendment of the Current A-1 (Agricultural Preservation District) into BP (Business Park District) on approximately 8