About what it was like in those days, the good, the bad, the ugly, indifferent, you should watch this. Y have aknow foundation, but there is one that work specifically with young kids, and i found myself speaking to a classroom of kids all across the country. When the subject of Harriet Tubman comes up, i will have a short person about the size of her, and it is amazing to watch the eyes of these kids, and you size her up. You say, this is the size of Harriet Tubman, and every kid in the classroom goes, woe. Small inrealize how stature she was. I make the point said k neil wasnt the first Shaquille Oneal wasnt the first tall negro. It is amazing. I always bring the shortest person in the classroom and the tallest arson in the classroom. In classroom. Son i say, she is leading them to freedom. Was a gun and a bible. You are not going to give up your position. If you go back they will kill you. Be able to see all that is pretty amazing. Marry, she did finally she married someone 20 years
The airasia crash. An indonesian officials the fuselage from the jet that crashed last month may now have been found. Search verse also recovered the cockpit voice recorder. David has been watching all this from indonesia. The most important thing is that relatives of all the victims may get answers as to why this plane went down. What is the latest on the fuselage and blocks . Reporter thats right. Big developments here in indonesia this afternoon. This is coming from a senior official with the search and rescue organization here. His name is mr. Cipriati. Hes been in front of the cameras regularly over the past two weeks. On the other side of the java sea, borneo they have been staging the ships, planes, and helicopters for this haasive search effort over the last 17 days. The direct quote from him about the fuselage hes using the words main body of the plane. He is saying, divers have found it in the location to the northeast of where we found the tail. He goes on to say, but i have